Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 359 The special cooperation between Xingchen Motors and Ford Motors

Chapter 359 The special cooperation between Xingchen Motors and Ford Motors
Cao Yang kept saying all kinds of good things about looking up on the stage.

The more he said, the more sour other car companies became.

"Mr. Zhu, it's a good thing we chose eleven o'clock for the press conference of the big red flag. Otherwise, there are not many reporters present at that time, and it would be embarrassing."

"Yangcheng Toyota's remodeled Camry is scheduled for a development conference at 09:30, and I guess I'm regretting it now."

The movement made by Xingchen Motors was so big, naturally not only the media from all walks of life came to watch.

Many people from other car companies also came to participate.

Since the first appearance of Xingchen Motors last year, it has brought many surprises to everyone.

Their press conference method can be regarded as an object for various car companies to learn.

Now that I can observe it on the spot, the employees of the car companies present naturally don't want to miss it.

Except for those who couldn't leave, most of the staff from the auto show came over.

Zhu Zhengfeng and Tao Wen from Spring City Motor Group are no exception.

"Xingchen Motors can always break the rules and do things that other car companies have not done."

"Whether it is the independent research and development of the W12 engine, or the innovative use of electric four-wheel drive and integrated hot stamping door ring technology, this is really something that ordinary car companies can handle or think about."

"I feel that the most concerned car models in the entire auto show, besides our big red flag, should be counted on the star car."

Zhu Zhengfeng was also quite emotional.

He can be regarded as witnessing the development of Xingchen Automobile, or the development of Nanshan Group step by step.

At the very beginning, he was displeased with Nanshan Group.

But now for the sake of the future, it has become a close partner with Nanshan Group.

This relationship is likely to be further strengthened in the future.

Especially just now he also heard about the performance of the W12 engine on the Xingchen car. With a displacement of 6.3L, there is no higher domestic passenger car than it.

At that time, the flagship version of Dahongqi will use this engine...

Thinking about that scene, he was a little excited.

"Mr. Zhu, Mr. Cao's influence is also very large now. On the Internet, especially on Weibo, he has a lot of fans."

"After today, it is estimated that the number of fans will increase again."

"I think the publicity of the big red flag can release the information that Cao is always the designer."

"We're also here to catch hot spots."

When Tao Wen said this, Zhu Zhengfeng couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

That's a good idea.

For Cao Yang, this is also propaganda in a disguised form.

For Hongqi, it also took advantage of Cao Yang's enthusiasm.

A perfect win-win.

"I said so much just now, everyone must be very concerned about how much such a good large SUV costs."

"We're looking to launch with just one powertrain configuration now, and in the future there will be an entry-level version and a flagship version with a V8 and a W16."

When everyone in the audience was whispering, Cao Yang mobilized everyone's enthusiasm again.

After all, when a new car is on the market, everyone is most concerned about the price.

Now when Cao Yang talked about the price, he also revealed the next step, and everyone can write more articles.

In particular, Cao Yang also said that the W16 engine will be launched in the future. What kind of concept is this?
Few car companies in the world have W16 engines, right?

Is Nanshan engine going to heaven?
"The current price of W12 Deluxe Edition is..."

Following Cao Yang's words, the screen changed again.

"149.99 million!"

As soon as Cao Yang said this, with the help of the big screen, everyone knew the price of looking up to.

not cheap!
But definitely not expensive!

After all, it is a large SUV.

"McTie, our X5 is probably in trouble."

Ai Moha frowned when he heard Yang Wang's price.

Although he has always felt that the brand power of Xingchen Automobile cannot be compared with that of BMW.

But the various abilities that he looks up to are there, even if he is unwilling, there is no way to deny it.

If BMW has such an SUV, let alone 149.99 million, even if you add another 50, you don't have to worry about not being able to sell it.

So the price is definitely competitive.

"I think it's the people at Land Rover who need to worry the most right now."

"After all, our X5 is a 5-seater medium-sized SUV, which is different from the positioning we looked up to."

McTee is unwilling to admit that Xingchen Motor's admiration can pose a threat to his own X5.

But Amoha doesn't think so.

"Although the positioning of the models is different, the potential consumers of the models are the same group of people."

"In this case, Yangwang is better than our X5 in every aspect, and there will definitely be a group of potential consumers who will turn around and buy Yangwang."

When Amoha said this, McTee opened his mouth, not knowing how to refute.

And Cao Yang on the stage, regardless of the reaction of other colleagues, continued to talk on stage at his own pace, with no intention of ending.

As a result, the staff of many car companies are really a little anxious.

The press conferences of various car companies are scheduled in advance.

The Xingchen car was towed, and they had no way to criticize it.

But it certainly affects their activities.

In previous years, if any company had been talking about it for so long, the reporter probably would have left by himself.

After all, everyone has a shooting task.

But this rule doesn't work if you put it on the Xingchen car.

"Our hope will be officially delivered next month."

"Due to the limited capacity in the initial stage, we will arrange the delivery time according to the scheduled time."

"Customers who place an order during the auto show will have the opportunity to come to Star Motors to visit the automotive research institute and factory."

"For a long time, Huaxia's independent brands have been criticized by everyone in many places."

"But we need to see that self-owned brands have been making real progress over the past few years."


Cao Yang took this auto show as a good opportunity to promote Xingchen Auto, and began to talk to everyone about the situation of Huaxia's auto industry.

Although these topics have been discussed by many Autobots, some words have different meanings from the mouth of Cao Yang, the general manager of Nanshan Group, the founder of Xingchen Automobile, and the chief designer of Xingchen Automobile.

So there are really few media outlets who are willing to leave now.

"Mr. Wang, I think the company needs to further increase investment in research and development."

"Although the sales of all self-owned brands are still growing, sooner or later the competition will become more intense."

"At that time, it must be a manufacturer with its own core technology that can win the competition."

Liang Chuanqing and Wang Fu also came to the booth of Xingchen Motors today and watched the whole process of Yang Wang's press conference.

This kind of situation where there is no test drive before, and there are no other activities related to the real car, and it is relatively rare to directly announce the listing at the auto show.

To some extent, Xingchen Motors has created a new model.

"The technical strength of Nanshan Group is indeed very strong."

"We can't even make an ordinary 1.5T engine, but they have already started to study the W16 engine."

"In the future, if we want to become one of the best among independent brands, we must indeed have our own competitiveness."

"After the auto show, the various ministers of the company held a meeting to discuss the direction of research and development for this year."

Naturally, Wang Fu could understand the meaning behind Liang Chuanqing's words.

Although Liang Chuanqing, as the person in charge of R&D, will naturally find reasons to fight for R&D investment.

But this time, there was absolutely no way to refute the reason.

There are obviously more than one family who have similar sentiments to Wang Fu and the others.

"Before Mr. Cao suggested that Great Wall Motors should focus on SUV models. Many people in the company were somewhat worried."

"Judging from the current situation, Star Motors obviously regards SUVs as a very important field."

"It can even be said that Xingchen Motors wants to lead the trend in the SUV market."

"So I think the company needs to implement the SUV strategy more firmly in the future and launch more SUV models."

Wang Ying from Great Wall Motors was talking to Boss Wei next to him.

In the past few years, Great Wall Motors has developed rapidly, and she, the general manager, is naturally very prosperous.

However, she is only a professional manager after all, and many things still need to be approved by the boss.

"Compared with sedans, SUVs have an obvious premium, which is very important for independent brands."

"After all, we have no way to sell at the same price as joint venture car companies."

"Otherwise the cost pressure will be even greater."

"Since Mr. Cao and his own company are betting heavily on the SUV market, we have no reason not to believe what he said."

Boss Wei once again strengthened his confidence in the development of SUVs today, and gave Wang Ying a reassurance.

"We don't think there will be a way to learn the powertrain of Xingchen Motor in a short time."

"However, the integrated hot stamping forming door knocker technology, I think we can consider using it on our flagship model."

"At that time, we can do a good job in marketing."

Wang Ying attaches great importance to the safety performance of Great Wall Motors.

In the previous collision with CRV, their H6 also tried the sweetness.

Now it is natural to hope to continue to maintain this advantage.

"no problem."

"For the specific content of this aspect, you can communicate with the research institute, and then see if Huaqiang Factory is willing to cooperate."

Wang Ying's proposal is obviously beneficial to Great Wall Motors, and Boss Wei will naturally not disagree.

"It shouldn't be a big problem. Huaqiang Factory has invested in a hot stamping production line next to our company. Naturally, it wants to cooperate with us."

"At that time, we will use the integrated hot stamping forming door knocker technology, and we can find a best-selling car in the joint venture auto giant to collide with it. The effect should not be bad."

One trick is fresh, eat all over the sky.

Obviously, Wang Ying has fully enjoyed the dividends brought by the crash test.

Unless other car companies also improve their crash performance as soon as possible, otherwise she is going to continue to touch porcelain.

Of course, Cao Yang on the stage didn't know what Wang Ying was thinking.

At this moment, he is continuing to talk about car design with everyone.

"Our Star Automotive Research Institute will cooperate with Lingnan University of Technology in the next step to offer a special course on car design."

"Currently, the design of domestic automobiles still lags behind that of international auto giants."

"I personally participated in the process of styling design for Ziweixing, Yangwang and other models, and my experience is very profound."

"In the next ten years, China's auto industry will continue to develop rapidly and become the world's largest auto production and sales market."

"Faced with this..."

Cao Yang was talking endlessly on the stage, and the group of BMW, Porsche and Mercedes-Benz people next to him were depressed.

Although they didn't have any blockbuster models to launch, but with the aura of luxury brands, the press conference was also very lively, and the schedule was relatively early.

Now everything has to be modified.

The most troublesome thing is that with a reference object like looking up at the side, no matter how exciting their press conference is, it is probably just a green leaf for the red flower.

They have always been used to being the protagonist, when did they want to be supporting roles?

However, no one cares about this feeling.

"Metz, what do you think of this model of Xingchen Motor?"

Almost all the reporters in the exhibition hall were at the booth of Xingchen Motors.

Ford Motor, which originally wanted to hold a hatchback Focus conference, simply adjusted the conference to the afternoon.

Ford Motor CEO Jacques Nasser and Design Director Mays, who came to China in person, also came to the booth of Xingchen Motors, accompanied by several employees.

"Judging from the current situation, this Cao Yang of Huaxia, every car he designed is very classic."

"Not to mention our F150, GM Chevrolet's Silverado is still the main model, and there is no plan to replace it easily."

"And the Ziwei Star he designed for Xingchen Automobile has caused quite a stir even in Europe, and its shape is extremely stunning."

"Looking up at this model now, there is a trace of Range Rover in it, but overall it looks more fashionable, modern and luxurious than Range Rover."

"That's very rare."

"The most important thing is that in addition to having a design master like Cao Yang, Xingchen Motors also has its own unique technical advantages in terms of power systems and other parts."

"Although the price of looking up to 149.99 million yuan is almost twice as expensive as Ziweixing."

"But I think its sales volume is likely to be much higher than that of Ziwei Star."

Metz is the design director of Ford Motor, and he and Cao Yang can be regarded as peers.

Sometimes, peers can best appreciate the power of opponents.

"It's a pity that Cao Yang is no longer willing to cooperate with us in model design after he provided us with the appearance of the F150."

"Otherwise, our current situation might not be so difficult."

"This kind of large SUV, I think there is still a market in the United States."

Jacques Nasser looked at the four vehicles on the stage with complicated mood.

Which appearance is definitely in line with his aesthetics and the needs of the American market.

"Nasser, Ziwei Star of Xingchen Motors, relies on Lincoln's dealership channels in the United States to achieve sales of nearly [-] vehicles per month."

"Star Motors has not yet formed its own dealer network in the United States. I think there is actually no room for cooperation between us."

When Metz said this, Nasser was full of interest.

"How to cooperate?"

"Continue to help them sell the car?"

"Ford didn't get any real benefits like that, and the profits were all earned by the dealers."

Ford is under pressure like never before.

In the world's major auto markets, except for Huaxia's relatively optimistic profitability, almost all other places are losing money, or are close to losing money.

Especially in the United States, it is a mess.

This is something Nasser desperately needs to change.

"Yangwang is a very good large SUV, and it should have a lot of audience in the American market."

"However, the brand Star Motors is too unfamiliar to most American consumers."

"If it is replaced by the Lincoln logo, then I think it is entirely possible to sell 3000 units a month in the United States."

"Looking forward to selling 149.99 million yuan in China, the cost of various taxes and fees should be very high."

"If it is exported to the United States, many taxes can be refunded or do not need to be paid."

"At that time, even if we sell a car for 18 to 19 US dollars, we can leave enough profit margins for both parties."

"A car earns 1 US dollars, and can contribute 3000 million US dollars a month. It can help the company a lot in a year."

The U.S. dollar against the renminbi these years is basically close to the level of 1 U.S. dollar = 8 yuan.

18 to 19 US dollars and 149.99 RMB are relatively close.

Nasser was naturally moved by Metz's analysis.

So when Yang Wang's press conference ended, he took the initiative to walk towards Cao Yang.

It seems that there are still crowds in the exhibition hall, and they haven't completely dispersed.

But he doesn't care about that much anymore.

"Cao, congratulations, you have designed such an excellent car!"

It was not the first time that the two parties met. Although Cao Yang was not familiar with Nasser, he and Metz were old acquaintances.

"I heard that you came to China yesterday. I was wondering if I could find a chance to chat with you. I didn't expect to meet you today."

Ford Motor is a major customer of Nanshan Group.

Party A's father is here, and Party B must accompany him with all his strength.

Even though Cao Yang had "arrogantly" dissed a bunch of opponents just now, now seeing Nasser, his attitude is very enthusiastic.

He had a feeling that it would be a good thing for Nasser to find him.

"That's just right. Now that your press conference is over, Ford's press conference is scheduled for the afternoon. We can have a cup of coffee and chat now."

Nasser sent out the invitation to communicate very directly.

Naturally, Cao Yang would not refuse.

A group of people went directly to the backstage, and encountered many models coming in and out during the period.

Although Xingchen Motors does not need to rely on coolly dressed models to get out of the circle, there are things that should be there.

"Cao, your look up is very good, and you must plan to sell it overseas in the future, right?"

Nasser did not go around in circles with Cao Yang, and got to the point as soon as he sat down.

"That's natural!"

"Every product of our Star Motors is developed for global consumers."

"Not only will it be sold in China, but it will also be sold in North America, Europe, and the Middle East."

Cao Yang was a little unsure of Nasser's purpose, so he didn't speak too positively.

"The cost of establishing a sales system in an unfamiliar place is very high."

"The most important thing is that it is very difficult for a new brand to establish its own sense of luxury."

"Looking up at this excellent model, it is likely that due to the brand power of Xingchen Motors, the market performance cannot give full play to its own strength."

Since Nasser wants to let Yang Wang with the Lincoln logo be listed in the United States, it is natural to lay the groundwork first.

And after hearing this, Cao Yang had a taste of what the other party meant.

"What you said has some truth, but in the final analysis, it still depends on whether the product is good enough."

"Even if it is a brand new brand, if its performance is the best in the world, many consumers will accept it."

Now that he has realized some of the other party's thoughts, Cao Yang naturally wants to lift the Xingchen car well.

Otherwise, the following terms of cooperation will definitely not be so ideal.

"What you said is not unreasonable, but after all, it is not as attractive as a mature luxury brand."

"It's like your Ziwei Star. If it is a Ford Mustang, Porsche, BMW, etc., there is no problem in doubling the sales."

"Of course, I'm not saying that Ziwei Star's current market performance is not good."

"I just think it could be done better."

"There has been a lesson in the past, and I don't think Yangwang can suffer again."

When Nasser said this, he looked at Cao Yang with burning eyes.

We are all smart people, and naturally already know some of the other's ideas.

"Just like I said at the press conference just now, there is no rival in the global large SUV market."

"Whether it is power performance, appearance, or various configurations, it is far ahead of its opponents."

"This is destined to be a new model that will leave a strong mark in the history of the automotive industry."

If the other party doesn't directly state their purpose, Cao Yang will naturally not let go.

In negotiations, whoever compromises first will suffer the most.

"I don't deny what you said, and it is precisely because Yang Wang is good enough that I am interested in sitting down with you and discussing the cooperation between the two parties."

"Cao, leave the North American market to Ford."

"You change all the badges to Lincoln, and then give the car to Ford to sell."

"In this way, not only do you not need to worry about selling cars, but the after-sales service in the future will also be handled by Ford Motors."

"This kind of cooperation will definitely make Yangwang one of the best-selling large SUVs in the North American market."

Nasser is not the type to play around in circles.

Of course, the most important thing is that he really feels that this special cooperation is a win-win thing.

"Cao, what Ford Motors wants is the American market. The cooperation between the two parties will not damage the profit of Xingchen Motors, but it will also allow you to earn more money."

Mays also added a sentence next to it.

He is also very optimistic about the prospect of sales in the United States.

"Ford Motor is the most important customer of Nanshan Group, and I am naturally very willing to cooperate with Ford Motor."

"Whether in terms of complete vehicles or parts, the two parties can further strengthen cooperation in the future."

"Looking forward to direct Ford Motor sales in North America, I agree in principle."

"But the logo still has to be a star car, not Lincoln."

"This is a matter of principle, and there is no way to compromise."

"But in terms of selling price, we can leave enough profit margin for Ford."

"If Ford thinks it's okay, the teams of both parties can discuss the details in detail."

Cao Yang is naturally willing to cooperate with Ford Motor, but the car logo cannot be lost.

Otherwise, Ford Motor can kick Xingchen Motor away at any time in the future.

"Cao, I know Star Motors is a great company, but you can get better market performance by looking up to the Lincoln logo."

Mays still wants to fight for it.

But Cao Yang's attitude is very firm.

In the end, Nasser also joined in for a round of discussion, and finally agreed to Cao Yang's plan.

(End of this chapter)

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