Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 366 Wodejia, the surprise that Ford brought to Nanshan

Chapter 366 Ward's Top Ten, the Surprise that Ford Motor Brings to Nanshan

Nanshan Group is now considered a star enterprise in Lingnan Province.

Every move has attracted the attention of many people.

So when the news that Nanshan Group provided interest-free loans to support employees to buy houses spread, it caused another round of heated discussions on the Internet.

In particular, Nanshan Group also promised that if the house price falls, it can be purchased at the original price.

This condition is absolutely unprecedented.

However, the instigator ran to the United States.

"Ayang, the investment bank has given us an estimated stock price of US$17, and it is recommended that we go public in the range of US$17-19."

"Based on this valuation, then our market value is about 9 million US dollars. I want to talk about whether we can reach more than 10 billion US dollars."

It will be officially listed soon, but some details are still arguing with investment banks.

This is essentially a competition for interests.

Everyone wants to get more benefits.

"Weibo's future is definitely more than a market value of 10 billion US dollars, so don't worry about every bit of it now."

"There are opportunities for better yields in the future."

Cao Yang has no way to tell Fang Sisi that the financial crisis will erupt in 2008.

Now I just want to get Weibo listed as soon as possible, and then cash out at the end of next year.

Before the outbreak of the financial crisis, find a successor in a high position.

It doesn't matter if it's on top of a mountain or not.

After all, the gap between the top of the mountain and the valley is too big, so it can provide Cao Yang with a lot of room for arbitrage no matter what.

The money of American stockholders is not earned for nothing.

"Okay, then I'll make an appointment with someone from the investment bank tomorrow to settle the matter."

Fang Sisi didn't bother anymore.

Cao Yang is the real big boss, he has no objection, Fang Sisi is naturally not too much.

However, just when Cao Yang and Fang Sisi were thinking about chatting about the development of Weibo overseas, the mobile phone rang suddenly.

"Cao, I have good news for you."

Chris, the Purchasing Director of Ford Motor, was in a very happy mood and made a phone call with Cao Yang.

Obviously, he really has something good to share with Cao Yang.

"Chris, has our Nanshan Group won a big order for any new Ford model?"

Cao Yang and Chris are also old acquaintances.

The tone of everyone's chat is relatively casual.

"Better than this."

"You should know Ward's top ten, right?"

When Chris asked such a question, Cao Yang's heart moved immediately.

Ward is an American media that has focused on the auto industry for more than 60 years.

It has a number of publications and lists, including Ward's AutoWorld, Ward's Dealer Business, etc., the most famous of which is the Ward's 1994 Best Engines, which has been published every year since 10, that is, Ward's Top Ten Engines List.

Ward's Top Ten Engines is a list with considerable gold content in the industry.

However, most of Huaxia's consumers don't know much about this list, or even heard of it.

Because the engine selected for Ward's top ten must be the engine equipped with the model that was on sale in the American market that year.

Not all engines sold worldwide will be included in the selection.

The objective conditions for examining the engine include power, torque output level, noise and NVH level, practicability of the technology used, emission and fuel consumption level, etc.

The evaluation of this comprehensive condition tests the overall technical level of the engine, and has nothing to do with a single power, fuel consumption, or displacement.

Each engine must be compared with all engines, not just compared with engines of the same level of output.

In this case, it is not so easy to get on the list.

"Chris, if I remember correctly, in order to ensure that the selected top ten engines reflect mainstream trends and are suitable for the broader automotive industry, the participating engines must be equipped with cars that sell for less than $6?"

"Ziweixing of Xingchen Motors should not meet the requirements."

Chris has already mentioned Ward's top ten.

Cao Yang can naturally guess the topic he wants to discuss.

It's just that he has a lot of questions about this topic.

It stands to reason that the price of Star cars is higher than 6 US dollars, and things like Ward's top ten have nothing to do with them.


"The price of Star Car is so high, it has nothing to do with Ward's Top Ten."

"Even if your 3.0T twin-turbocharged engine performs very well, it's useless."

"But have you forgotten?"

"The 2.0T and 1.5T turbocharged engines used on our Mondeo are actually produced by Nanshan Engine."

"Now that this engine has won an award, isn't that equivalent to your award?"

When Chris said this, Cao Yang immediately understood.

Emotion is that the engine on Mondeo won the award.

However, did the 2.0T win or the 1.5T win?
"Chris, which of our engines won the award?"

If you have any doubts in your mind, you will naturally ask.

Don't keep it to yourself.

"This is another piece of good news I want to share with you."

"The 1.5T and 2.0T of Nanshan Engine both won awards."

"We only launched the models equipped with these two engines in the second half of this year. We did not expect to win the award that year. It is really beyond our expectation."

Chris is obviously in a very good mood.

This engine technology can be regarded as under his leadership, so he negotiated a successful cooperation with Nanshan Group.

Although a small number of engines are purchased directly from Nanshan Group, most are produced at Ford's own engine plant.

So for American consumers, this is Ford's engine.

So Chris is not afraid to share this news with Cao Yang.

Of course, when it comes to Huaxia, Nanshan Group will definitely not promote it like this.

The 1.5T and 2.0T engines of Nanshan Engine both won Ward’s Top [-] Engines in the United States. This publicity can be boldly published.

Anyway, even if someone wants to study it carefully, there is nothing wrong with this statement.

"Chris, congratulations on another great service to Ford Motor."

"I think the board should promote you to vice president."

Although Cao Yang was in a good mood, he didn't float up.

Of course, he is very clear about how excellent the two engines he made are.

As long as Ward magazine does not mess around and respects the facts, then every product of Nanshan Engine has the ability to win awards.

At that time, this can be regarded as a selling point worth promoting.

"After using the new engine this time, the cost has dropped a lot, which can be regarded as a certain contribution to the company's loss reduction."

"But don't think about getting promoted. It would be nice if I can continue working as the procurement director."

Chris is quite comfortable in this position now.

If he is really asked to be promoted, he may not be willing.

The two exchanged pleasantries for a while before hanging up the phone.

"Have the two products of Nanshan Engine won Ward's Top Ten?"

Fang Sisi probably heard the conversation between Cao Yang and Chris just now.

"Yes, Ford's public relations ability is still very strong."

Although Cao Yang is very confident in his own engine technology, sometimes winning or not winning an award is not simply based on your technology.

It's like many awards in the film and television industry. Is it true that you can win awards if you perform well?

"Ford Motor and General Motors are the overlords of the American auto market. As long as the technology is passable, it is normal for them to win awards."

"Especially now that Dongying Automobile Enterprises and Korean Automobile Enterprises are attacking cities in the United States, which has brought great pressure to them."

"Ward's Top [-] should have a certain promotion effect on the sales of Ford Motors, and can ease the pressure on Ford Motors to a certain extent."

Because of Cao Yang, Fang Sisi had a special understanding of the situation of the global auto industry.

I have some understanding of many operating rules in the United States.

"I'll give Autohome a call and ask them to make good use of this news."

"Although most of the engines used in Mondeo are produced in Ford Motor's own engine plant."

"However, there are also a small part that we directly export and use for publicity. There is absolutely no problem."

"I guess the domestic self-owned brand car companies should also be happy to promote it."

"Especially the 1.5T turbocharged engine, which is now used by automakers such as Great Wall, BYD, Chery, Geely and Changan."

"If everyone promotes it together, it will be very beneficial to the development of independent brands."

When Cao Yang said this, Fang Sisi immediately expressed his opinion: "I will also arrange to let the Weibo backstage to put this news on the trending list in time."

Following the actions of Cao Yang and Fang Sisi, various reports related to Ward's top ten immediately appeared on the Huaxia Internet.

In order to let everyone understand the gold content of Ward's top ten, Autohome has also released a special topic to introduce this aspect.

Zeng Tingting, who was in China, also seized this opportunity in a timely manner and contacted various domestic independent brand car companies.

"Old Liang, the 1.5T of the Nanshan engine has won Ward's top ten, which fully shows that the previous introduction of Nanshan Group is relatively reliable."

"The market complaints about our new models in the past two years are rarely related to engines and gearboxes."

"In this case, if the R&D center develops its own engine, I think it will be fully considered which models it will be equipped with at that time."

Wu Huabing has also been busy arranging and promoting the Ward Top Ten used in BYD's F6 and S6 models these days, but he also knows that the company is developing its own engine.

So when I met Liang Chuanqing who was in charge of R&D, I couldn't help but chat about this topic.

He is really worried that the models that use BYD's own engine will have various problems, resulting in unsatisfactory sales.

Then he, the sales manager, must be under a lot of pressure.

"I have also seen this report. Nanshan Engine was able to beat so many competitors. It is really surprising that two products were included in the list at the same time, and it is a bit taken for granted."

As a high-tech expert, Liang Chuanqing naturally knew how powerful Nanshan Engine's products were.

But if you know it, you know that when he really defeated a bunch of opponents and became Ward's top ten, he was still very surprised.

As for Wu Huabing's worries, he can naturally understand.

This is also one of the reasons why he is under a lot of pressure.

If the good Nanshan engine is replaced by BYD's own engine at that time, and then there are a lot of problems, he, the person in charge, will have no light on his face.

"In the past two years, the influence of domestic self-owned brands has increased significantly, and consumers' reputation for self-owned brands has also increased."

"Among them, the contribution of Nanshan engine and Nanshan gearbox cannot be ignored."

"Even the increase in the market share of independent brands in recent years has something to do with Nanshan Group."

Wuhua Cake is for sales.

He is more aware of what consumers think.

"I understand what you're saying, but it's impossible for the company to buy engines from outside all the time."

"I believe that not only BYD is developing its own engine, but also Great Wall Motors, Chery Automobile, Geely Automobile, Changan Automobile and other car companies that use Nanshan engines are all developing their own engines."

"A car company without its own engine is a car company without a soul."

When Liang Chuanqing said this, Wu Huabing didn't know how to refute for a while.

Logically, there must be nothing wrong with this statement.

But isn’t making money the most important thing in starting a company?
What's the point of spending money on research and development yourself, but not earning any money?

It is not that Huaxia itself does not have companies that can produce such engines.

"Old Liang, isn't Mr. Wang planning to focus on the new energy market in the future?"

"Electric vehicles don't need an engine at all. Is it worth it for us to spend such a high price on the engine?"

"Even if you want to make an engine, I think it's enough to make one or two models, not necessarily all the displacements."

After thinking for a while, Wu Huabing finally found a good point of rebuttal.

"New energy vehicles do not mean that they are electric vehicles. The company is also very optimistic about the prospect of plug-in hybrid vehicles."

"This also requires an engine. We can't always buy engines from Nanshan Group, can we?"

"One day in the future, if the relationship between Nanshan Group and us becomes stagnant and they simply stop supplying us with engines, what should we do?"

"So no matter what the level of the engine we developed, we still have to do it."

"Otherwise, the lifeblood of the company's development is in the hands of Nanshan Group."

"This should be something that the company cannot accept."

As the person in charge of R&D, Liang Chuanqing started his business with Wang Fu.

Of course, he is very clear about the boss's thoughts.

Wu Huabing also knew that what he said was reasonable, so after complaining for a while, he didn't say anything else.

However, not every company agrees with them.

"Mr. Yi, we purchased and evaluated the cost of the 1.5T engine supplied to us by Nanshan Engine together with the research institute."

"Even if we copy directly, find other parts manufacturers to produce parts, and then assemble them ourselves."

"The final cost may not be much lower than that of Nanshan Engine."

"There may even be a case for higher prices."

"Because of key parts such as high-pressure oil pumps and starter motors, the manufacturers in the industry that can currently manufacture are basically foreign parts giants such as Denso, Hitachi, and Bosch."

"The Nanshan Group is all produced in its own factories, and the cost of parts is a little cheaper than these foreign giants."

"Although some of the other components may be cheaper, they are not much cheaper."

"Because Nanshan Engine has a quantitative advantage, they provide engines to so many customers at the same time."

"In addition to some special steel, Nanshan Special Steel within Nanshan Group is the leader in the industry segment."

"If you don't buy from them, you may have to import them from abroad."

"At that time, the cost will be significantly different."

"So we feel that there is no need to develop the 1.5T engine and 2.0T engine by ourselves in a short time."

"We just need to get the small naturally aspirated engines that are used in minicars right."

Liu Yanjie, as the head of Changan Automobile's Purchasing Department, is naturally responsible for the cost of the engine.

Whether it is self-produced or purchased from outside, it needs the purchasing department to be responsible.

The difference is nothing more than buying components or buying the entire engine assembly.

"I understand what you're saying."

"But if you rely entirely on Nanshan Engine, it will be difficult to compete with other manufacturers, right?"

Yi Jia thinks that Changan Automobile already has part of its own engine technology, and it is not impossible to buy part of the complete engine from outside.

In particular, their passenger cars have just started, and there is still a gap between Great Wall, Chery, Geely and other car companies.

"Mr. Yi, at this point in time, it is indeed the case."

"But now many other independent brands in the industry are researching their own engines, and Great Wall Motor even directly obtained technical authorization from Nanshan Engine."

"When the time comes when various independent brands start to use their own engines, it will be an advantage for us to continue to use Nanshan Engine products."

"Their two main engines have won Ward's top ten engines."

"Our passenger cars have always used Nanshan Group's engines, and the mini-cars use their own engines. I think it is the most economical solution."

"I believe that Nanshan Group will definitely give us a lower price than other manufacturers."

"This is a win-win situation for us and Nanshan Group."

"This engine can be produced by many domestic companies now, and it is not something irreplaceable."

"Since Nanshan Group is doing well, it's no big deal for us to buy from them."

Liu Yanjie's point of view seems a bit like a capitulationist.

But he felt that there was nothing embarrassing about surrendering to the Nanshan Group.

If you have the energy to spend a lot of time and cost on researching engines and gearboxes, it is better to study new models.

Only by launching several new models that meet the needs of consumers can Changan Automobile's passenger car business develop faster.

At that time, the dream of hundreds of billions of Chang'an, or even trillions of Chang'an, will no longer be a dream.

"Our engines and gearboxes are all purchased from Nanshan Group, and many other parts are also purchased from Nanshan Group."

"If this continues, our dependence on Nanshan Group will be very high."

"In the future, their Party B will become Party A?"

Yi Jia still has some concerns.

However, the attitude is not so firm.

For him, the most important thing is to make Chang'an Automobile bigger and stronger during his tenure.

As for whether the engine and gearbox of passenger cars are produced by itself, it is not so critical.

"Nanshan Group has been able to develop from a small workshop to today's scale, Cao always contributed a lot."

"He is less than 30 years old this year, and Nanshan Group will advance under his leadership in the next few decades."

"We have reason to believe that he will not do the kind of thing that kills a thousand enemies and hurts himself eight hundred."

"Besides, our Changan Automobile is backed by the Bingzhuang Group. If the Nanshan Group really breaks with us, it will not be of any benefit to them, right?"

"Of course, if Mr. Yi is still worried, I think the two sides can sign a strategic cooperation agreement."

"Clarify some of the things we're worried about in the contract text."

When Liu Yanjie said this, Yi Jia basically accepted his statement.

Of course, before taking specific actions, Changan Automobile must also make a formal evaluation internally, and then make a clear decision at the board of directors before taking the next step.

As for Cao Yang, who was far away on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, he was not in the mood to pay attention to domestic movements so much at this time.

Because Weibo was officially listed on NASDAQ today.

It opened at $18.5, but quickly rose 22 percent to $22.6 a share.

The company's market value also reached 11.9 billion US dollars.

And this momentum is still rising rapidly.

"Sisi, congratulations!"

"You will have a place in the entire Huaxia Internet circle in the future."

Seeing the green screen on the screen (in US stocks, green means rising, which is just the opposite of A shares), Cao Yang hugged Fang Sisi.

"Ayang, you are the real boss of Weibo."

"I, the founder, is just a formality."

Fang Sisi was in a good mood, but she didn't drift away.

Weibo can achieve today's results within a year, and her hard work can be regarded as a two-point impact at most.

The rest of the credit belongs to Cao Yang's plan.

"Mr. Fang, Mr. Cao, there are many reporters outside waiting for interviews. Can we simply hold a press conference?"

Mi Ying saw all the development of Weibo, and her mood at this time was quite complicated.

She wants to be a beautiful president herself.

"Go, go meet those reporters for a while!"

"The listing of Weibo this time can be regarded as creating many firsts."

"It can provide a lot of material for the domestic media!"

Cao Yang and Fang Sisi are both in a good mood now, so they are naturally willing to cooperate with the media interview.

However, in China, many people have mixed feelings about Weibo's successful listing.

"Editor Fang, I heard that the company is planning to give up NetEase Weibo?"

After seeing the potential of Weibo, the four major domestic portals quickly followed suit and launched their own Weibo.

However, Weibo has an advantage in domain name and a first-mover advantage, plus the existence of someone with bad rules like Cao Yang, naturally other portals cannot catch up.

NetEase is obviously the one who realized this earlier.

"The nature of websites in the social field is a bit different from portal websites."

"The portal can accommodate several giants, and netizens don't need to register any accounts to browse at will."

"However, due to the unique social attributes of websites in the social field, once everyone gets used to using one company's products, the chances of other companies are very small."

"It's like QQ of the Penguin Group. It's not that there are no other Internet companies that want to get involved in this field, but they have no way to compete with them."

"The current Weibo is similar."

"The company is also aware of this and made this decisive decision."

As the editor-in-chief of Auto Channel, Fang Dawen can be regarded as a middle-level executive.

For some decisions in the company, he naturally knows more than Lin Jiayan.

"The reason is indeed the same, but this branch has only been established for less than a year, and it is about to close down, which is really a pity."

In Lin Jiayan's heart, her longing for Nanshan Group suddenly increased a little.

Obviously, the influence of the entire Nanshan Group is already greater than that of NetEase.

In addition to Weibo, which has already been listed, the potential of Autohome is actually not small.

It is said that a venture capitalist gave a valuation of 10 billion US dollars, but the investment was rejected.

"It's not something that our car channel needs to worry about."

"The domestic auto industry is developing very fast this year, and there are more and more new models."

"And the new models launched by many joint venture car companies have begun to synchronize with the international market."

"The days of our car channel will definitely get better and better in the future."

Fang Dawen felt Lin Jiayan's special emotions, and couldn't help comforting him from the sidelines.

His words are not fooling people.

Although Autohome has seized a lot of traffic, their car channel is actually growing and growing.

The whole cake has become bigger, even if the proportion of their share is reduced, what they eat is also more.

"That's true. This year's car production and sales exceeded 700 million. It is estimated that the official sales data for 2006 will be available soon."

"Our channel can consider how to gain more benefits in the wave of development of the automobile industry."

Lin Jiayan took a deep breath and abandoned those thoughts that should not be thought.

At this time, doing a good job with the car channel is the most important thing to consider.


When Lin Jiayan and Fang Dawen were discussing things, the car home was not idle either.

The popularity of Ward's top ten topics has not completely subsided, but they are also preparing to start brewing other hot spots.

After looking up to the market for a month, it finally ushered in a large-scale delivery.

Consumers who placed orders before have started to pick up their cars at 4S stores one after another in the past few days.

In this situation, Autohome must take good care of it.

"Hello, Mr. Yang, what is the biggest feeling after looking up to you to pick up the car?"

Autohome has now devoted part of its resources to videos.

In the past two years, not only has a large number of personnel related to video shooting and production been recruited, but the layout of the webpage has also begun to show more videos.

Of course, there is definitely no way to compare it with the situation in later generations.

After all, the current Internet speed has not reached that level.

What He Ling is currently hosting is an interview with car owners.

Editing and processing at that time is also a good way for consumers to better understand a new car.

In addition, He Ling is now also serving as a new car commentator in person, giving some explanations to the main new models on the market.

Not to mention, she has a very hot body, wearing tight clothes to explain the video of the new car to consumers, the number of clicks is very high.

"I'm a travel enthusiast."

"In my spare time, I will invite my friends to travel and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the world."

"For me, traveling is fun."

"Being able to stop and go in the world, climbing a mountain, and wading a river are the most enjoyable things."

"This Yangwang was originally bought for my dad, but I basically use it."

"Compared with Ziwei Xing, when you go out for a trip while driving, you are less worried about the road conditions."

"I can also fit more travel gear in the car."

"I'm going to take a self-driving trip to the west in early summer next year."

"On the plateau, the advantages of a large-displacement engine should be very obvious. I am very much looking forward to the performance."

As an IT man, Yang Ze is not a difficult person to chat with.

For He Ling's interview, his answers were actually a bit scattered.

But this way it seems more real.

"Looking at the W12 engine equipped with it, it should have the largest displacement among domestic passenger cars. Do you have any special feelings when driving a model with such a large displacement engine on the road?"

Seeing that Yang Ze's answer didn't cut to the point, He Ling changed the question to a more specific one.

"Of course there is!"

"It's very cool when overtaking at high speed, and you can overtake whoever you want!"

"Although this car is very big, it feels very unusual for everyone to give me a three-pointer when jumping in line."

Thinking of the scene of driving by himself, Yang Ze became a little excited.

Although the brand awareness of Xingchen Motor is not very high, many ordinary people in China don't know what kind of car it is.

But you are so cool, when such a big car appears on the road, everyone can feel that this car is not cheap.

For some luxury cars, drivers can't help being more tolerant.

It's not that I have a good temper, but I'm worried that I won't be able to pay for it if I hit it.

It's like driving a Lamborghini and jumping in the queue in a traffic jam. The average driver really dare not follow too closely.

Of course, I go out more often on rainy days, and there are always times when my shoes get wet.

"Before you buy a look-up, do you try a Porsche Cayenne or a BMW X5, or a Land Rover Range Rover and other models?"

When He Ling asked this question, she obviously hoped to hear Yang Ze's words belittling these models.

After all, Autohome and Xingchen Automobile are brothers.

However, Yang Ze's answer surprised her a bit.

"I haven't tried it!"

"My first car was a BYD F6, and the engine and gearbox installed on it were all from Nanshan Group."

"My second car is Ziwei Xing from Xingchen Motors. After driving for a year, I changed it to Yangwang on the spot."

"I think the power performance, safety performance and domineering appearance I look up to can directly convince me to buy it."

When Yang Ze said this, He Ling couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

What the hell is this guy doing at home?

so rich?
Thinking of this, she couldn't help asking: "Mr. Yang, are you starting your own business now?"

"I have heard a saying that every entrepreneur's success cannot be copied, but the only thing that can tell us is that the ideal of life is for the ideal life."

"I wonder if you have any entrepreneurial experience to share with you?"

Although Yang Ze is only in his thirties this year, with his disappearing hairline and dark circles under his eyes, he looks like he is in his 40s.

No wonder He Ling thinks he is an entrepreneur.

"I didn't start a business."

"I'm just an ordinary office worker!"

He Ling: ...

Ordinary office workers?
Do you have any misunderstandings about office workers?
I am also an ordinary office worker.

I also want to buy Ziwei Star, buy Yangwang.


Thinking of this, He Ling felt a little depressed.

I was just doing an interview, why was I hit?

Of course, as a professional media person, she quickly adjusted her mood.

"Mr. Yang, so you are a corporate executive?"

"Can you tell me what kind of business your company does?"

As soon as He Ling finished asking, Yang Ze immediately said, "I'm not an executive, I'm just a programmer."


He Ling couldn't help but look back at the other colleagues in the office area.

There are quite a few programmers in Autohome.

But I haven't heard of anyone who bought Ziwei Xing or looked up to it.

"Yeah, an ordinary programmer."

"However, I was a little luckier than other programmers in that there were a few more buildings in my house, and I happened to catch up with the demolition!"

He Ling: ...


With the official delivery of Yangwang, not only Autohome is working hard to increase the popularity of Yangwang, but Nanshan Film and Television has not stopped.

"Mr. Zhang, this looking up is really easy to drive. It makes me want to buy one."

In a private restaurant in the imperial capital, "Snail House", which just launched today, held a kick-off banquet here.

As one of the protagonists, Song Siming naturally participated.

In the play, his car is looking up.

Of course, this is done in private.

When going to attend official business, he drives a BYD F6.

The image of the two-faced man is well maintained.

"Mr. Song, this is a strategic product launched by Xingchen Automobile, and it has already begun to export to markets such as the United States."

"Our Mr. Cao also attaches great importance to the sales that we look up to. If you are interested in buying, I can consider asking Xingchen Motors to find you to shoot some related advertisements, and then I can give you the car for this advertisement."

Naturally, Zhang Songwen would not miss the opportunity to sell anyone to look up to.

The bosses of other film and television companies worry about whether their actors can receive better movies or TV series, or whether there are any good investment projects.

But he, the boss, is more worried about Ziweixing and Yangwang's sales.

Even when Nanshan Film and Television chooses some scripts for shooting, it will consider whether the drama is suitable for Yangwang or Ziweixing's advertising placement.

If it is not suitable, Zhang Songwen has no great interest in investing.

Whether it was the previous "Struggle", or the current "Snail House", or the "Love Story of the Imperial Capital" that is being negotiated, the situation is similar.

As for the popular costume dramas now, although they are more profitable, Nanshan Film and Television has no intention of ending it in person.

At most, it is a very optimistic situation, to see if I can invest a little share.

It is absolutely impossible to end in person like "Struggle" and "Snail House".

"Mr. Song, Mi Lai and I both bought a Ziwei Xing, and now that we have Yang Wang out, we are thinking about switching to Yang Wang."

"I think you can buy a Yangwang."

Charlene has already begun to feel the benefits of buying Ziwei Xing.

Song Siming, who has a good impression of himself, would like to remind him.

And Song Siming is not stupid. Judging from the contact with Nanshan Film and Television and the information he has inquired about during this period of time, if he wants to continue to be reused by Nanshan Film and Television, then buying Xingchen Automobile products is almost a must.

Even buying is not enough, it is necessary to actively promote it on Weibo and other platforms, which is the performance of the work.

Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate any longer.

"In the drama "Snail House", almost every episode has an intersection with Yang Wang, which shows that I have a fate with it."

"There is no need to wait for other cooperation, tomorrow I will arrange an assistant to go to a nearby 4S store to order a Yangwang."

"After the filming is over, you can continue to experience the smooth driving experience brought by looking up."

Seeing Song Siming's active performance, Zhang Songwen was also very happy.

His table was filled with the main staff of the crew, so taking this opportunity, Zhang Songwen also spoke very straightforwardly.

"Nanshan Film and Television and Xingchen Motors are brother companies, both of which are owned by Nanshan Group."

"Our boss asked me to set up Nanshan Film and Television. To put it bluntly, it is for the service of Xingchen Automobile."

"Our Nanshan Film and Television is not short of money, and we are not short of good projects."

"As long as the stars in the industry are willing to cooperate with Nanshan Film and Television, we can provide good opportunities and good platforms."

"How about the quality of Xingchen Auto's products, you can go and find out when you have time."

"Instead of driving other models that are inferior to Ziwei Xing and Yangwang in terms of safety performance and power performance, it is better to buy Ziwei Xing or Yangwang."

"This not only supports the development of Huaxia's own brand, but also makes fans love you more."

"You can also gain the friendship of Nanshan Film and Television, the friendship of Xingchen Automobile, and even the friendship of our President Cao."

Everyone understood Zhang Songwen's straightforward words.

And Song Siming was secretly glad that he just made a wise choice.

As for Charlene and Mi Lai, the two stars who have already tasted the sweetness, it goes without saying.

Zhang Songwen's words strengthened their determination to help Xingchen Motors promote its products.

Especially when they realize that Weibo, a platform with huge influence, is actually a brother company of Xingchen Motors, their enthusiasm is even higher.

To be a star, you still have a certain vision.

They have realized the huge influence of Weibo.

If you want to make full use of this influence, you will naturally need to pay something.

"Mr. Zhang, I have a few friends. They all have the idea of ​​changing cars recently. Then I must recommend Yangwang or Ziweixing to them."

"I think if you have the money to buy an imported car worth RMB 200 million or even several million, it is better to buy Ziwei Xing or look up to it with better performance and more affordable price."

Charlene stood up without any hesitation.

Anyway, recommend it to your friends, and you won’t lose a piece of meat.

"Mr. Zhang, many projects of our Nanshan Film and Television need to be well publicized on Weibo."

"Our own personal publicity sometimes needs some help from Weibo."

"Do you think it is possible to find an opportunity to invite some people from Weibo to get to know us?"

Mi Lai's proposal immediately aroused the interest of other celebrities present.

The entertainment industry is a vanity fair.

Everyone helping Xingchen Motors to promote Ziweixing and Yangwang is essentially seeking fame and fortune.

Now that Weibo can help everyone get a better position in Vanity Fair, naturally no one is not tempted.

"This shouldn't be a big problem!"

"However, Weibo just went public a few days ago, so Zuijing should be very busy."

"After their people have been busy for a while, I will arrange it."

"Whenever there is an event in the future, Mr. Fang from Weibo will always participate."

Zhang Songwen is naturally aware of the relationship between Fang Sisi and Cao Yang.

So these words are not fooling everyone.

"Now some brokerage companies have begun to distinguish first-tier, second-tier, and third-tier stars according to the number of fans on Weibo."

"People with a large number of fans on Weibo will have higher advertising endorsement fees."

"It would be the best if people from Weibo can personally teach us some ways to increase the number of fans."

Charlene followed Mi Lai's words and made a small request.

Naturally, Zhang Songwen would not refuse such a request.

People get along with each other, and sometimes it is between such small requests and small help that they get closer step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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