Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 408: Related households?Take as much as you want!Cao Yang was also stuffed with a relationsh

Chapter 408: Related households?Take as much as you want!Cao Yang was also stuffed with a relationship account

Every company has related accounts.

In small private enterprises, those responsible for purchasing and finance are in all likelihood relatives, classmates, and friends of the boss.

The same is true in state-owned enterprises.

Anyone who has been in there can tell a few tidbits about who is who.

Even for Nanshan Group, wasn't Zhang Fugui, a relative, responsible for the previous purchasing and sales?
Until now, Cao Yang's mother still serves as the union chairman.

"Tell me more specifically, who are the people contacting you?"

Cao Yang didn't have any big mood swings because of what Liu Youmei said.

He had seen many similar things in his previous life.

The older you get, the more you feel that relationship relationships are actually a normal phenomenon.

It is not that easy to think that ten years of hard study can surpass the efforts of three generations.

Even in many companies, ability is not the most critical factor in promotion, relationships and background are.

Even in so-called foreign companies, similar situations occur.

There are hills everywhere.

Don't think that foreign companies are really fair and honest.

It can only be that the overall process they have done is better.

There are relatively few worries about human relations and sophistication.

But it's only relative.

“Whether it’s the district, Yangcheng City, or even some people from Lingnan Province, some people have mentioned this matter to me.

Although it seemed that rejecting anyone would have no direct impact for a short period of time, she didn't know when she would be affected.

"Do these people have any special requirements for their positions?"

After hearing this, Cao Yang started to discuss it with Liu Youmei without much entanglement.

"Most of them don't. As long as they are not placed in positions that require shift work, it's not a big problem."

"Of course, some people have clearly stated that they want to go to Xingchen Automobile, and some people want to go to the group headquarters."

"Overall, their demands are relatively restrained and their attitude is acceptable."

Given the size of Nanshan Group, someone who can directly ask Liu Youmei, the head of the personnel department, to arrange people will not be a small person.

It's like you, an ordinary clerk, have no access to ministerial or above figures in a large private enterprise like Warwick.

Even if there is contact, the relationship is often very shallow.

Only when you reach a certain level can you have a deeper intersection.

After all, no matter where you are, you must pay attention to "well-matched" and "peer-level communication."

Even ordinary clerks would not dare to call Cao Yang even if they had Cao Yang's phone number.

Unless you really have a counterpart at work.

Everyone is not stupid, and they know that Cao Yang is a person who can directly communicate with the leaders of Lingnan Province and Yangcheng City.

Who would be so ignorant as to cause trouble for themselves?
"Our company now has a lot of external contact. Besides the sales department, what other departments are there?"

When Cao Yang asked this, it wasn't because he really didn't know the situation of various departments in the group.

Instead, we take advantage of the communication time to sort out and take stock of which places are more suitable for housing related households.

Some people will feel a headache when meeting a related party and don’t know what to do.

But at a certain level, guanxi households are actually a good thing.

Are you related?

I want as much as I want!
Even top investment banks like JPMorgan Chase or Goldman Sachs are in the same situation.

"In addition to the sales department, the two departments, the brand public relations department and the planning and development department, have more contact with the outside world, and they have more contact with relevant departments."

Liu Youmei slowly figured out what Cao Yang meant.

This means letting the related households make the best use of their property.

It seems like this is not bad?

I don’t need to worry so much about offending or rejecting people.

"Get to know them in detail and see what these people are like and what their relationships are."

"If it has a relatively large influence in the publicity department, then put it in the brand public relations department."

"If you have relatives in the planning department or related departments, they will be placed in the planning and development department."

"Even if you have connections in places like the Lingnan Provincial Trade Union, you can arrange them in the corresponding department of our group."

"Anyway, these people don't need to be particularly expected to do a lot of things, but when something happens, as long as they can help us solve it once, it will be worth the money."

Cao Yang was stubborn and insisted on pushing out all relationships.

This is obviously not a mature mentality for running a business.

Of course, legal compliance and other aspects must also be taken seriously.

Nanshan Group must not fall into a trap here.

As long as they don't step into the trap, with the scale and influence of Nanshan Group, whoever wants to touch Cao Yang must think carefully before doing so.

"No problem, I will follow up on this matter in person later."

"I will report to you the final arrangements for the appointment at that time."

Liu Youmei was completely relieved when she heard what Cao Yang said.

The matter that had been bothering me for several days was finally resolved.

And the solution is relatively perfect.

Quickly, Liu Youmei arranged things and stuffed more than a dozen people into various departments at once.

Such a special action naturally attracted the attention of interested people.

"Leader, Nanshan Group has specially recruited a group of employees during this period. Although there are only a dozen people, many of these people have some connections in various places and are the result of someone saying hello."

"Looking at this matter, do you need to communicate with Mr. Cao?"

As Liu Tianwu's secretary, Luo Yi knew that his leader was very concerned about Nanshan Group's affairs.

He even has several "good friends" who also work in Nanshan Group.

So he also has some sources of information of his own.

The larger the company, the more gossip will spread.

This news often spreads very quickly.

Especially news related to personnel will attract attention no matter what time it is.

"Do you think Cao Yang knows about the arrangements for these people to enter the Nanshan Group?"

Liu Tianwu put down the document in his hand and asked after thinking for a moment.

"Although these relationships are not necessarily directly with Mr. Cao, I think the people below should have reported to him, otherwise they would not dare to randomly arrange personnel who look professional and obviously not suitable to the group headquarters and Xingchen Motors. "

"For example, I heard that a business major returned from studying abroad and went to the Planning and Development Department."

"There are people who studied bioengineering but went to Xingchen Auto Sales Department."

"The possibility that Mr. Cao doesn't know about this situation is relatively low."

Luo Yi gave a reply based on his judgment of Nanshan Group.

"You should pay more attention to this matter and see if those people are disobedient or anything like that."

"If Nanshan Group doesn't think there is any problem and those people don't do too much, we won't have to worry about it for now."

Liu Tianwu saw the problem more clearly.

In his opinion, these people are a double-edged sword for Nanshan Group.

If used well, it's actually not a bad thing.

So as long as Cao Yang didn't take the initiative to look for him, or those people didn't cause trouble for Nanshan Group, he didn't plan to interfere.

After all, he has seen many similar things.

He even wanted to arrange for a few relatives to go to Nanshan Group, feeling that there was a lot of potential there.


"Ayang, you are becoming more and more mature in your actions."

"Those people actually said hello. If it wasn't particularly difficult and we didn't make arrangements, it would be like offending them."

"Of course, there must be the principles that should be in place, and the company's atmosphere cannot be ruined because of these people."

As the Chinese New Year approaches, Cao Yang also tries to spend as much time as possible with his mother.

Today, Zhang Fugui took the initiative to bring his daughter Zhang Xin, who had returned from studying abroad, to have dinner with his sisters Zhang Xiuli and Cao Yang.

"Brother, when you graduate, you must be sure to arrange your placement in the Nanshan Group."

"I won't go to popular companies such as Xingchen Automobile. You can just put me in Nanshan Film and Television."

My cousin Zhang Xin is a senior this year.

Basically, nothing happened in the last half of the semester.

I studied in Hong Kong City in high school and college, so I didn't have much communication with my eldest cousin Cao Yang.

However, she has a cheerful personality and sweet appearance, and she often followed Cao Yang when she was a child.

Nowadays, although we only see each other a few times a year, the feeling of strangeness is not very strong.

"Xinxin, you're a business administration major, why should you go to Nanshan Film and Television?"

"Is that where serious girls go?"

Before Cao Yang could say anything, Zhang Fugui expressed his objection.

He also knew what the entertainment industry was like.

Especially since Zhang Songwen is now in charge of Nanshan Film and Television, the exchanges between the two of them have increased.

He also heard a lot about various gossips in the entertainment industry.

An actress in her twenties took the initiative to go to the director's room in the middle of the night to review the script. She was caught by her original partner and her face was swollen.

There are also many people who slept with scriptwriters, assistant directors, etc. for a supporting role.

Even if you are a famous character and you are asked to accompany you to some dinner parties, it is not so easy to refuse.

In short, in Zhang Fugui's opinion, that place was not a place where his daughter should go.

“Dad, what’s wrong with the business administration major?”

"Do you still have professional discrimination?"

"Aren't there quite a few people who didn't go to college and go to the entertainment industry?"

"Besides, this isn't my brother's company, who else dares to bully me?"

Zhang Xin beeped like a machine gun, which made Zhang Fugui speechless.

"Xinxin, if you want to go to work, you can come directly to the Nanshan Group Labor Union, Sales Department, Purchasing Department, or other departments."

"The places at Nanshan Film and Television are really not very suitable for girls to go to."

Zhang Xiuli also stood by her younger brother this time.

From the perspective of their generation, aren’t people in the entertainment industry just actors?

Especially now that her status is high, she can see these things more clearly.

"Auntie, are you so unsure of me?"

"It's me who comes out of the mud but remains unstained."

"I know you have a lot of worries about the entertainment industry, but that's for other people."

"It seems that there are some people in the industry who have no scandal at all."

Zhang Xin is determined to enter the entertainment industry.

She didn't dare to mention it since she hadn't graduated from college yet.

Because I know that if I bring it up, I will definitely be pressed down.But I will graduate in half a year, and now I have nothing to do.

Isn’t it normal to think about things in the entertainment industry?

"If you really want to see it, then go ahead."

"When the time comes, let Zhang Songwen directly arrange for a more experienced agent to take care of him."

"If you go to some risky places, just bring a bodyguard with you."

Cao Yang knew very well what young people like Zhang Xin thought.

If they don't agree, this girl will definitely not give up.

Instead of running to other entertainment companies when the time comes, Zhang Xin might as well go to Nanshan Film and Television.

I can still watch a little.

Otherwise, if such a beautiful girl with a shy and timid face enters the entertainment industry, she will be eaten until her bones are left?

It is possible to encounter all kinds of messy things that can be imagined, such as drugging.

"Ayang, this girl is tone-deaf in singing, and I haven't seen her have any special acting skills. Wouldn't going to Nanshan Film and Television cause trouble for Zhang Songwen?"

Zhang Fugui actually knows deep down what kind of character his daughter is.

He couldn't stop her from entering the entertainment industry.

However, he really doesn't want his daughter to go into this circle.

What kind of industry is not good to be in, but the entertainment industry?

"Dad, didn't you praise me for my dancing skills before and sign me up for piano classes, art classes, calligraphy classes, and guitar classes?"

"Why do you act like I'm a loser now?"

After hearing Zhang Fugui's words, Zhang Xin immediately refused.

How can there be such a father?

Talk about your daughter like this.


"forget it."

"Since Xinxin wants to give it a try, let's give it a try."

"At worst, I'll just go back to Nanshan Group later."

When Zhang Xiuli said this, Zhang Fugui had no choice but to acquiesce.

Zhang Xin, who succeeded in her goal, immediately started taking the initiative to pick up food for everyone.

That diligence and energy are really beyond the comparison of ordinary people.

"By the way, Ayang, aren't you going to the imperial capital the day after tomorrow to participate in the 'Top Ten Economic Figures of 2007'?"

"When the time comes, I will take Zhang Xin with me and let her stay at Nanshan Film and Television for a few days. Maybe she will change her mind by then."

When Zhang Xiuli said this, Zhang Fugui nodded immediately.

It would be nice if it was time to pay attention.

You don't have to worry so much.

"Brother, have you been named one of the top ten economic figures?"


Zhang Xin obviously only now knew that Cao Yang had won such a valuable award.

"Then you think everyone knows how to play if they are like you?"

Zhang Fugui couldn't help but slap his daughter.

But at this time, Zhang Xin's attention was not on Zhang Fugui at all, but began to pester Cao Yang.

After all, in the future, Zhang Xin, as a related household of Nanshan Film and Television, will have Cao Yang as his biggest backer.

Before entering the entertainment industry, she must have learned about the relevant situations.

I know that in this field, if I rely solely on my own efforts, I will not have a chance to get ahead.

Then make good use of the resources around you.

Anyway, Nanshan Film and Television has to shoot so many film and television dramas every year, and a little bit of leakage can save her a lot of detours.


"Brother, your little secretary has been with you for several years, right?"

"I heard that you are not married yet, and you don't even have a boyfriend?"

On a plane flying from Yangcheng to the Imperial Capital, Zhang Xin and Cao Yang were sitting in the first class cabin, whispering.

She is in a very good mood now.

My dream is finally coming true.

"What do you want to say?"

Cao Yang never moved his eyes from the newspaper in his hand.

Some people can sleep as soon as they get on the plane, which is very comfortable.

Some people are so nervous on the plane that they can't sleep.

Cao Yang belongs to the latter.

So grabbing a newspaper provided for free on the plane for entertainment is almost a must-do every time you fly.

To a certain extent, this is also a way to relieve tension.

"I feel like there's something wrong with the way she looks at you!"

As Zhang Xin spoke, he stared at Cao Yang with sharp eyes, trying to see any clues.

However, after Cao Yang has been a company CEO for so many years, how can Zhang Xin, a college student who has not yet graduated, be able to easily see the problem?
He said expressionlessly: "Boring!"


"Brother, I'm not cheap, you have to trust a woman's intuition!"

"This Mi Ying must have thoughts about you!"

"But it's right to have ideas. Diamond kings like you, there are many people who have ideas."

"I estimate that half of the actresses who have contact with Nanshan Film and Television are willing to go to your room to have an in-depth communication with you."

Anyway, there was only Cao Yang next to him, so Zhang Xin spoke very boldly.

"You are from a big girl's family, don't talk nonsense and gossip all day long."

Cao Yang rolled his eyes at Zhang Xin speechlessly.

"Isn't gossip a woman's nature?"

Zhang Xin showed a confused expression, leaving Cao Yang speechless.

Who said this girl doesn't have any acting skills?

It is estimated that when the characters are performed, they will be able to give people quite a surprise.

The two of them were having fun and flew to the imperial capital.

Mi Ying, who was not far away, looked at the scene in front of her and knew very well that from now on, she would have to have a good relationship with the Nanshan Princess.

Otherwise, it may be difficult for others to succeed in your affairs, but it is very easy to destroy your affairs.

When dealing with many Party B personnel and Party A personnel, they are all cautious.

That's because sometimes even though Party A's personnel can't help you with anything, they can do bad things to you.

At a critical moment, a simple sentence can cost you dearly.

Along the way, the plane flew very smoothly.

Finally landed smoothly.

Zhang Songwen personally drove a car to pick him up at the airport.

Cao Yang mentioned Zhang Xin to him yesterday, so he took it very seriously.

From a certain perspective, Zhang Xin can be regarded as his niece.

It's just that this relationship has already been separated by several levels.

"Uncle Zhang, I will hang out with you from now on."

Zhang Xin is actually not familiar with Zhang Songwen at all, they only met them occasionally when they were children.

However, after meeting Zhang Songwen today, he became very familiar and chatted there.

"Xinxin, don't worry. In the future, as long as there are dramas suitable for you in our Nanshan Film and Television, I will arrange them for you. You can choose whatever you want."

"The company also has special artist training. Whatever you want to learn, you can learn it at any time."

"Mr. Cao can safely leave you to me, and everyone will be satisfied when the time comes."

Zhang Songwen has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and he is no longer the tough guy he was when he was in school.

He attaches great importance to the boss's cousin.

After receiving contact from Cao Yang yesterday, he was thinking about how to arrange it in the future.

After seeing Zhang Xin today, I felt relieved.

Appearance, very star-like.

It can be said that I was born to eat this bowl of rice.

The most important thing is that after a few simple exchanges, he discovered that Zhang Xin was not the kind of person who had particularly low emotional intelligence and was difficult to communicate with.

That's lucky.

For guanxi households, what they fear the most is those who take themselves too seriously.

Everyone is very tired like that.

"When the time comes, you can put her in a small role on whichever crew you want to play, so that she can get a feel for the entertainment industry."

"Don't be the protagonist right away. The starting point is too high, and your mentality may be unstable in the future."

When Cao Yang said this, Zhang Xin couldn't help pouting.

What are you talking about?

Are you that kind of person?
"Mr. Cao, judging from the situation in the past two years, sometimes hiring new people can have unexpected effects."

"The most important thing is to perform well. If the script is good, it will become popular."

"Based on Xinxin's conditions, I think she can definitely try to play an important role in "Empire Love Story"."

"I'll see if there are other suitable roles later and arrange them for her."

Zhang Songwen knew very well what his boss said and what he should not listen to.

Obviously, if you don't listen to what you just said, there will be no bad consequences, and even not listening is a better behavior.

Sure enough, after hearing Zhang Songwen's words, Cao Yang didn't show any dissatisfaction.

"Just look at the arrangement."

"But the advertising placement of Xingchen Motors and the needs of the film and television series must be given priority. This girl's performance is just a incidental matter."

Cao Yang emphasized his point of view again.

Zhang Songwen smiled and nodded in agreement. As for what he was thinking in his heart, it was no longer important.

Zhang Songwen personally went to pick up Cao Yang and Zhang Xin. After returning to Nanshan Film and Television, he immediately arranged the most capable agent for Zhang Xin.

This news naturally spread within the company immediately.

Everyone knows that Zhang Xin, a newcomer, definitely has a profound background.

I can't afford to mess with myself!
So when dealing with Zhang Xin, even if he has thousands of thoughts in his heart, he always smiles and is very enthusiastic when expressed.

It makes Zhang Xin, a newcomer, feel as if she is taking a breath of spring breeze and returning to her own home.

There seemed to be no bad guys around her all of a sudden.

This world is so real.

(End of this chapter)

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