Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 416: Level 2 for Ferrari?With technology, anything is possible

Chapter 416: Make a second level for Ferrari?With technology, anything is possible

A manufacturer, as long as its technology is powerful enough, some orders will really come to your door.

Nanshan Auto Parts is now in such a situation.

Especially when it comes to carbon fiber auto parts, it is simply invincible.

Manufacturers whose technology is comparable to it have much higher costs.

Manufacturers whose costs can be close to the same level have a big gap in technology and quality.

Under such circumstances, many manufacturers have naturally turned their attention to Nanshan auto parts.

After all, the Starry Sky Sports Car uses a large number of carbon fiber parts, all of which are produced by Nanshan Auto Parts.

"Mr. Cao, this week we received an inquiry for parts for a new model, which is a bit strange."

Dai Hanbiao felt that it was necessary to report this matter to Cao Yang, so he came to his office specially.

"What kind of weird method?"

Nanshan Auto Parts now has a large number of customers, and there are inquiries for various new models every month.

Dai Hanbiao felt strange, and Cao Yang was also a little curious.

"This inquiry was sent to us by a supplier of Ferrari. The parts produced are spoilers used on sports cars, made of carbon fiber."

"Our current Starry Sky Sports Car is in direct competition with the Ferrari Enzo, and also competes with other Ferrari models to a certain extent."

"According to my understanding, Ferrari's opinion of our company should be very strong."

"Under such circumstances, it is really surprising that you dare to leave the spoiler to us for production."

When Dai Hanbiao said this, Cao Yang understood why he felt strange.

However, business matters are often not so absolute.

Just like Denso, a subsidiary of Toyota Motor, in addition to supplying Toyota Motor, it is also a supplier to other car companies such as Honda Motor and Volkswagen.

As for Aisin's gearboxes, it has even more former customers.

Similarly, Huaxia Spring Factory, a subsidiary of Modu Automobile Group, also supplies springs and stabilizer bars to many domestic car companies.

Even if other manufacturers compete with the affiliated companies of Modu Automobile Group.

"Have you ever asked the other party directly if you have this question?"

"When I asked, the other party didn't hide anything. They just said that Ferrari requires that the cost of all carbon fiber parts be reduced by 30% compared to the previous generation."

"They evaluated it themselves and felt that there was no way to meet this cost anyway."

"But they didn't want to lose this order, so they thought of finding us for OEM production."

"At that time, we will produce the parts to a state that is close to delivery, and then send them to the other party's factory."

"They then color-paint the parts according to Ferrari's needs."

"Then, this part is still produced by them."

After Dai Hanbiao explained it, Cao Yang generally understood what was going on.

The front and rear parts of the Starry Sky Sports Car use a large number of carbon fiber parts. Now the Starry Sky W16 is the fastest mass-produced model in the world.

As a result, Ferrari and other car companies will definitely feel some pressure.

Although supercar customers have a high tolerance for price, no matter how expensive they are, there is no problem.

The higher the price, the lower the number of potential customers.

"No one is afraid of Ferrari's objections, so we have nothing to worry about."

Dai Hanbiao was a little surprised by Cao Yang's answer, so he immediately asked: "Mr. Cao, if a large number of carbon fiber parts are handed over to us for OEM, then the cost of Ferrari's new generation sports car may be significantly higher. decline, and the amount of carbon fiber parts will also increase significantly, then the threat to the Star Sports Car will be greater, right?"

Dai Hanbiao knew very well that Cao Yang attached great importance to the development of Xingchen Automobile.

Cao Yang is very concerned about anything that will affect the development of Xingchen Automobile.

Has the situation changed now?
"Even if we refuse to OEM for the other party, Ferrari will still increase the amount of carbon fiber parts, and the other party may find other manufacturers to produce them."

"The end result won't be that big of a difference."

"In that case, let's make this money."

"As for whether Ferrari's new sports car will have any impact on the Star Sports Car, I don't think there is any need to worry."

"Relatively speaking, Ferrari's positioning is still higher than ours. They are not pursuing pure sales volume."

"On the contrary, Porsche is our biggest competitor."

"My goal is to first make Xingchen Motors a company like Porsche, and then further develop and expand on that basis."

Cao Yang explained the situation to Dai Hanbiao quite seriously.

Basically, this also means that Cao Yang agrees to Nanshan Auto Parts to take this order, and even see if it can get more orders.

As a carbon fiber part, this thing is relatively high-end.

Most car companies have not yet used this kind of parts. Even if they do, they have their own relatively fixed manufacturers.

If Nanshan Auto Parts wants to grab orders from others, it needs a suitable opportunity.

In the future, when I explain my carbon fiber production performance to others, I can say that I am a carbon fiber parts supplier for Xingchen Motors and Ferrari.

This kind of delivery performance is sometimes more meaningful than the many words you waste your time talking about.

Why do Japanese car companies such as Yangcheng Toyota and Xifeng Honda like to see whether you have the supply performance of Japanese car companies when introducing new suppliers?
It's just to see if you have passed the review with other customers with similar systems.

However, delivery performance is sometimes nonsense.

If you don't even give me a chance, where will my performance come from?

But there is no actual performance, and you don’t give me a chance.

This is completely trapped in an infinite loop.

"Mr. Cao, I understand!"

"I will communicate with the customer later. Then I will go directly to the other company with samples of other parts and have a good discussion with them."

"The best thing is to grab all the orders they receive for Ferraris, even orders for other models such as Porsches, and make them as OEMs."

With Cao Yang's instructions, Dai Hanbiao naturally had no doubts.

Just roll up your sleeves and get to work.

This episode of Ferrari seems to be just an episode in the rise of Nanshan Group in the field of carbon fiber.

A few days later, Zeng Jianying, the general manager of Nanshan Carbon Fiber, also called Cao Yang to report a special situation.

"Mr. Cao, the purchasing director of Airbus will come to us next week to discuss the centralized procurement of T700 carbon fiber."

"So far, our products have basically been sold to domestic users. We have not contacted any of the major international customers such as Airbus."

"T700 carbon fiber is considered a high-end carbon fiber, and they are still asking us when we can produce T800 carbon fiber."

"I'm not sure how to respond to them, so I'll report back to you."

Carbon fiber is a material that is widely used in aerospace.

Especially for some high-end carbon fibers, the main application scenario is the aerospace field.

Especially on the rocket, it is the top priority.

Generally, rockets are multi-stage rockets. The higher the parts, the lighter they should be.

Because the higher the rocket, the higher the launch cost due to its own weight.For the top rocket, how much weight it reduces can directly increase its load.

The launch cost of a satellite is tens of thousands of yuan per kilogram. Reducing the weight of the top rocket by one kilogram is equivalent to saving tens of thousands of yuan in launch costs, which is still very cost-effective.

Not to mention tens of thousands of yuan, even if it saves thousands of yuan per kilogram in launch costs, it is still a good deal.

Even the application of carbon fiber composite materials on satellites has some advantages that are difficult to replace.

For example, a space camera requires a very stable structure that cannot be deformed at will, otherwise the imaging will be greatly compromised.

In the face of very harsh and complex space environments, where there are frequent sudden cooling and sudden heating, most materials will experience significant thermal expansion and contraction. If these materials are used as camera support structures, the camera imaging will be unstable. Questions like that.

The expansion coefficient of carbon fiber composite materials is very small, and can even achieve zero expansion. Such materials are very good as supporting materials between the optical components inside the camera, and can minimize the impact of ambient temperature changes on the imaging effect. These supports are also Called precision structural supports.

China's aerospace industry has been developing rapidly in recent years, and the demand for carbon fiber composite materials is also increasing.

The production launch ceremony of Nanshan Carbon Fiber was attended by so many leaders, which is also because Nanshan Carbon Fiber has brought the domestic carbon fiber industry level to the internationally advanced level.

The meaning is really different.

You know, before the emergence of Nanshan carbon fiber, there was no way to mass-produce entry-level high-end carbon fiber such as T300 in China.

Not to mention the T400, T600 and T700.

But what about Nanshan carbon fiber?

Directly mass-produce T700 on a large scale and T800 on a small scale.

This is definitely catching up with Toray’s technical level.

"Airbus has spent a lot of money developing the A380 over the years."

"But it was not until the end of last year that the official delivery of the first aircraft began."

"In this case, their cost pressure must be very high."

"Especially in the face of competition from Boeing, Airbus is under greater pressure."

"They want to purchase lower-cost carbon fiber from Nanshan Carbon Fiber. I think it should be logical."

"So far, Japanese companies account for [-]% of the civilian carbon fiber market, and European companies' performance in this regard is very unsatisfactory."

"This means that Airbus will be more expensive than Boeing in terms of aircraft production costs."

"After all, Japanese companies don't dare to hack American companies, but they don't have much pressure to sell Airbus at high prices."

"When there was no choice in the past, Airbus probably just pinched its nose and recognized it."

"But now that Nanshan Carbon Fiber has appeared, it is normal for their purchasing director to have new ideas."

"As for the T800 they mentioned, we can tell them that we can start providing T800 materials to Airbus in the next year."

Cao Yang quickly made his own judgment.

Airbus is a big customer of carbon fiber.

The annual consumption of high-end carbon fiber in civil passenger aircraft is very huge.

Especially in Europe, almost [-] to [-]% of high-end carbon fiber is used in aircraft manufacturing.

Under such circumstances, if this order came to him on his own initiative, Cao Yang would refuse it only when his brain was in trouble.As for the other party's roundabout attempts to inquire about the T800, there is nothing to keep secret.

Nanshan Carbon Fiber currently has the ability to produce several hundred tons of T800 per year. After the second phase of the factory is built, the relevant production capacity can be increased to several thousand tons.

In this case, it is necessary to find more customers to consume this high-end carbon fiber.

Otherwise, it will be Nanshan Carbon Fiber itself that should be worried at that time.

"Our carbon fiber is also supplied to some special domestic companies. Does it matter if we sell the same products to companies like Airbus?"

As a former university professor, Zeng Jianying still has a lot to think about in some places.

Especially during this period, he has interacted with many people from special companies, and he has more ideas in this regard.

"I am a private enterprise and I produce products for civilian use."

"As long as they pay, all customers can buy carbon fiber from us."

Cao Yang's words left no room for fault.

Of course, Cao Yang himself knew that these words were meant to deceive people.

If the T1100 is really produced, it will definitely not be sold casually.

Even materials like T800 cannot be purchased by people from any country.

"Okay, I'll arrange for someone to dock with Airbus later."

"We will see what their demands are then."

With the boss's instructions, Zeng Jianying also felt confident.

Soon, the news about Nanshan Carbon Fiber’s cooperation with Airbus slowly spread.

"President, Airbus has decided to purchase some T700 and T600 carbon fiber products from Nanshan Carbon Fiber."

''Transactions between the two parties will officially begin next month. "

Kondo Taro's life was very miserable during this period.

It can even be said that since he entered Toray, he has not lived such a miserable life.

Relying on industry-leading carbon fiber technology, Toray has had a good 20 years.

Now the emergence of Nanshan carbon fiber has broken this balance.

His life suddenly became difficult.

"I asked you to find a way to get a batch of Nanshan carbon fiber samples and come back to confirm. Are they all ready?"

Saganu stared at Taro Kondo with an ugly expression, feeling equally aggrieved.

I have only been in office for less than two years as president, so why have I encountered so many things?
"We have purchased a certain amount of T700, and after testing and comparing their parameters, they are better than we imagined."

"The diameter of the monofilament is about 3u, and the Poisson's ratio is about 0.3."

"The elastic modulus is greater than 210000MPA."

"The tensile strength is greater than 3500MPA."

"The fiber density is 1.75G/cm."

With Taro Kondo's explanation, Saga slave's mood worsened.

This parameter is obviously a level better than the T700 in mass production by Toray.

Although it is not as good as the T800, it can be inferred to some extent that Nanshan Carbon Fiber is not far away from developing the T800.

“How do you think Nanshan Carbon Fiber breaks through these obstacles?”

"According to the previous analysis by the sales department, other manufacturers in China are still working hard for the mass production of T300."

"Why did Nanshan Carbon Fiber suddenly appear and produce the T700 immediately?"

For Toray, they have already made plans for Chinese companies to produce T300 or even T400.

For these materials, Toray's technology is very mature, and they are confident to face the competition from Chinese companies.

But now I find that the situation is completely different.

"Recently, I also arranged for people to conduct a comprehensive investigation on Nanshan Carbon Fiber and the Nanshan Group behind it."

"This is indeed a company that is a little different from ordinary Chinese companies."

"In the whole of China, apart from Warwick Company, I can't find a company that can compare with Nanshan Group."

"They attach great importance to R&D investment. It is said that 10% of sales are spent on R&D every year. If this proportion is placed on some entrepreneurial small companies, it may not be a big deal."

""But as a large company with a turnover of more than 1000 billion, and even reached 2000 billion last year, it is very scary to still invest such a high proportion of R&D investment every year.

"Over the years, Nanshan Group has made great breakthroughs in many fields and broken the monopoly of many international giants."

"The reason for this time's carbon fiber is actually simple."

"That is Xingchen Motors, a subsidiary of Nanshan Group. To produce a supercar, it needs to use a lot of carbon fiber."

"However, President, you also know that our carbon fiber is relatively expensive in China, and you can only buy some entry-level high-end products."

"In this case, there is definitely no way to meet the needs of Xingchen Automobile."

"Ordinary companies may just give up."

"But Nanshan Group is different. They directly produce carbon fiber themselves."

"The most important thing is that they succeeded in the end."

"We also analyzed why Nanshan Group was able to succeed. There are actually many reasons."

"One of the most important points is that Nanshan Group has very strong strength in the equipment industry and can produce a large amount of high-precision equipment on its own."

"It is said that all the carbon fiber production equipment this time is produced by Nanshan Equipment."

"In this case, they will develop carbon fiber much faster than other companies."

Although Kondo Taro's explanation made sense, Saganu didn't sound very happy.

"Is it possible that they stole our trade secrets somehow?"

"In recent years, many Chinese students have entered the company, even some in the research and development field."

"Could it be that these people leaked the secrets, or did these people recruit some people to leak the company's secrets?"

In business competition, it is not uncommon to use various methods to obtain the other party's secrets.

Saganu himself has encountered some cases.

He even knows some organizations related to industrial espionage.

"President, this possibility cannot be completely ruled out yet."

"But the production process of carbon fiber is not a secret in a big way."

"There are many universities and scientific research institutions in China that study carbon fiber. It is not impossible for Nanshan Carbon Fiber to develop its own carbon fiber technology."

Naturally, Kondo Taro once doubted whether anyone had leaked the secret.

But judging from what we know so far, there is no evidence to support this view.

Even similar products from Nanshan Carbon Fiber are better than those from Toray.

This kind of thing where one is better than the other when it comes to plagiarism sometimes makes people feel that it is not so reasonable.

"Then what should we do now?"

"The Airbus order is of great significance to us. Now only part of the T700 and T600 orders have been lost. Will the T800 order also be lost in the future?"

"In the future, when Boeing sees what Airbus has done, will it follow suit?"

Saganu asked this question, and Kondo Taro didn't know how to answer at all.

Besides cutting prices, what else can he do?
But the cost is there, and there is no room for price reduction.

However, Cao Yang definitely doesn't care about the troubles of Dongli and the others.

At this moment, he was at Lingnan University of Technology, chatting with Xiang Changle about the visiting professorship.

Now that he has obtained a doctorate, coupled with his unique social status and achievements, there is no problem in becoming a visiting professor at Lingnan University of Technology.

"Ayang, I will have to call you Professor Cao from now on."

"How about it, do you want to give everyone a lecture sometime soon?"

Xiang Changle was in a good mood.

Cao Yang, a visiting professor, was placed in his college and was considered his subordinate.

Of course, he also knew very well what the actual situation was, and it would not be so overwhelming.


"It's not impossible."

"Let's find a suitable time to have one later."

Cao Yang also knew that it was definitely inappropriate for him to accept the title of visiting professor and do nothing.

Giving lectures is more in line with the status of a visiting professor.

Various lectures are also a good resource for college students.

After leaving school, there are often not many opportunities to listen to lectures given by experts and scholars.

The better the university, the more high-end lectures there are.

Although Lingnan University of Technology's ranking in the country is not very high, it is still very good in Lingnan Province.

As a major economic province, Lingnan Province also has a very strong demand for various talents.

Invisibly, this has also raised the status of Lingnan University of Technology to a higher level.

It also allows them to obtain some resources more easily.

"Then I'll take it seriously."

Xiang Changle was in a very good mood when he saw that Cao Yang agreed without any hesitation.

To some extent, Cao Yang was a major help in further improving his status in the school.

He is just 50 years old and has many ideas in his mind.

"When the specific time comes, teacher, please arrange for someone to meet with my secretary, and I will also think about what lecture to give first."

(End of this chapter)

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