Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 423: Huabaoyan comes out ahead of schedule, giving Nanshan Group one more tentacle

Chapter 423: Huabaoyan comes out ahead of schedule, giving Nanshan Group an extra tentacle

How to figure out the leader's intentions is a question that all working professionals need to consider.

Some people think that only the eunuchs and officials in ancient times need to figure out the emperor's wishes, while others can just follow their own ideas.

It's actually nothing like that.

Whether you are in a small company or a large enterprise, if you do not know how to figure things out, your chances of promotion and salary increase will be reduced.

Of course, if you are a once-in-a-century talent like Einstein, then there is no need to say anything.

There is a bright future ahead.

After all, as long as you are strong enough, you will be surrounded by good people.

Yu Yu obviously grasped this situation very well.

Cao Yang asked her to communicate with various OEMs to see how to push Xingchen Motors in a direction beneficial to the C-NCAP media scandal.

She didn't waste a day's work.

And the plan she finally gave also combined some of the meanings of Cao Yang's previous words.

"We discussed it and prepared to refer to the situation in the United States and join forces with eight major insurance companies to establish the China Automobile Insurance Association Automotive Research Company, referred to as Huabaoyan."

“This company is specifically led by the China Insurance Association and Autohome, and is composed of former PICC Property & Casualty Insurance, Ping An Insurance, CPIC Property & Casualty Insurance, China Life Property & Casualty Insurance, China United Property & Casualty Insurance, Continent Property & Casualty Insurance, Sunshine Property & Casualty Insurance, Taiping Property & Casualty Insurance, etc. Eight property insurance companies and Autohome jointly funded the establishment.”

"At the same time, we are also striving to make Huabaoyan the only official member institution of the International Automotive Maintenance Research Council in China."

"In the future, the auto insurance of each of our companies will refer to the crash test results of Huabaoyan and adjust the relevant parameters in the insurance premium."

"For example, if the collision result is excellent, you can get a [-]% discount."

"The collision outcome is poor and multiplied by 1.1 on top of the normal premium."

"We can slowly adjust some specific parameters in the future, but first we need to set up the organizational structure and let Huabaoyan operate it."

"At the same time, Huabaoyan will also cooperate with the automotive wind tunnel laboratory under Lingnan University of Technology and use some of the laboratory's functions to carry out crash tests in the early stages of establishment."

"Unlike C-NCAP, Huabaoyan's crash test will be more stringent and more in line with actual conditions."

"For example, the 25% small offset crash test will be officially included in Huabaoyan's crash tests."

"Some other crash test requirements will be higher than C-NCAP."

"In the future, we will let consumers pay attention to the test data published by Huabao Research when buying new cars."

"We will also bravely expose those models that cut corners."

Yu Yu's plan is very good, but it's hard to say whether it can be implemented later.

Normally, Huabaoyan, as a research company closely related to insurance agreements, is not easily affected by OEMs.

But nothing is absolute.

Who knows what will happen in the future?

For this, Cao Yang had already made some preparations in his heart.

Of course, these words are definitely not suitable to be spoken now.

"The establishment of Huabaoyan is approved by independent brand car companies such as BYD, Great Wall, Chery, Geely and Changan, right?"

Cao Yang doesn’t care about the opinions of joint venture car companies such as Modu Volkswagen, Modu GM, Yangcheng Honda, Yangcheng Toyota, and Didu Hyundai.

These joint venture car companies definitely do not want Huabaoyan to be established.

Even the leading models of these joint venture car companies have basically been "touched down" by models of the same level from independent brands.

The thing that gets hit the most is the crash test.

Xingchen Motors made a "bad start" back then, so Great Wall and other car companies will naturally follow suit.

The key is that the effect is quite good, and everyone should carry it forward.

As a result, life for the joint venture auto giants has not been so easy.

The reputation has also deteriorated.

The gap between everyone is constantly narrowing.

This situation is definitely not what they want to see.

"We have communicated with their people."

"The pros and cons of this matter have also been analyzed with everyone."

"Although after the establishment of Huabaoyan, the performance of some of their models will definitely deteriorate."

"But overall, it's a good thing for independent brands. They use hot stamping to form parts more."

"In terms of the stacking configuration of models of the same level, it is also more radical than joint venture car companies."

"So according to the current rules, unless the new models of the joint venture car companies start to significantly increase the use of hot stamped parts, or the use of ultra-high-strength cold stamped steel plates."

"At the same time, airbags, ESP and other related configurations will be added. Otherwise, the results will definitely be better than those of independent brands."

"This is very beneficial to further enhance consumers' confidence in independent brands."

When Yu Yu said this, Cao Yang couldn't help but nodded.

Over the years, he has been doing things to enhance consumers' recognition of independent brands.

It may seem like a small thing.

But in fact, it is very difficult to promote success.

Confidence is something that doesn’t exist just because it exists, or doesn’t exist even if it doesn’t exist.

Rather, it is a result of long-term subtle indoctrination and infusion of various information.

Why will the price difference between later generations of independent brands and joint venture car companies become smaller and smaller for models of the same level?

It’s because everyone’s recognition of independent brands has increased.

Now, let’s compare BYD’s F6 and Yangcheng Honda’s Accord.

Obviously, the F6's body strength is no worse than that of the Accord, and its engine performance is even better.

But the price is only half of the Accord.

In later generations, the price of the Han, which is in the same level as the Accord, has been equal to that of the Accord, or even more expensive.

Similar cases can also be found in other independent brand car companies.

These are the results of increased consumer confidence in independent brands.

"The major shareholders of Huabaoyan are all eight major insurance companies. Can they agree to letting Autohome also take a share?"

"You know, everyone is well aware of the relationship between Autohome and Xingchen Automobile."

Cao Yang couldn't help but raise his own questions.

Don't think that other car companies are so stupid.

It is impossible for people not to consider the relationship between Autohome and Xingchen Automobile.

The purpose of establishing Huabao Research is to allow a relatively independent third party to conduct crash tests on cars.

Now that Autohome has become a shareholder of Huabaoyan, everyone will be suspicious of whether this third party is independent enough.

"Mr. Cao, it's like this." Yu Yu had obviously considered this issue a long time ago, so he immediately began to answer: "First of all, Autohome is the largest professional automotive media in China, and its authority has been consumed by consumers. author’s approval.”

"If Huabaoyan wants to overpower C-NCAP, it must take some special actions in the field of publicity."

"Autohome becoming one of the shareholders of Huabaoyan is definitely very meaningful for promoting Huabaoyan related matters."

"Especially since everyone knows some of the relationships between Autohome and Weibo, this makes it even more meaningful."

"As for Xingchen Automobile, as the most special company in China, neither Chery nor Geely, nor Great Wall and BYD regard Xingchen Automobile as its competitor."

"The positioning of each model is completely different, and the material use and safety configuration of Xingchen Automobile are not comparable to them."

"If BYD or Great Wall were to become shareholders of Huabaoyan, there would definitely be a lot of opposition from car companies."

"But if it's Star Cars involved, the situation is different."

"Basically, even if there are some ideas, no one stands up to oppose them."

After Yu Yu analyzed it like this, Cao Yang understood it.

Everyone has the idea of ​​​​seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages. Opposing Autohome to become a shareholder of Huabaoyan has no benefit. On the contrary, it offends Nanshan Group.

You definitely don't want to do this kind of thing.

"Now there is a slowly growing voice in China that vehicle emission standards should be closer to those in Europe and California, which are the most stringent regions in the world."

"In the future, in terms of automobile crash testing, we must also guide this approach to move closer to the world's most demanding standards."

"In addition to the 25% small offset collision, Huabaoyan can also find ways to improve other collision requirements."

"For example, the weight of the simulated vehicle used in the collision was 1.4 tons in the previous C-NCAP. This should be lighter than the actual collision weight in most car accidents."

"After all, there can't be no passengers on top of the car during the collision, and the actual weight of the car is often more than 1.4 tons."

"So when Huabaoyan collides, it can be increased by [-] kilograms or [-] kilograms. This will be more in line with the actual situation."

“Other details can also be appropriately strengthened.”

"In this way, the threshold will be raised even higher, and the gap between top students and poor students will be widened."

"This is good for Xingchen Motors."

"I don't hope that when Huabaoyan's crash test results are announced, a large number of models will receive the best evaluations at the same time."

"That doesn't make any sense at all."

"High-end models can get good reviews, mid-range models can get average reviews, and low-end models can get not so good reviews. This is relatively in line with the actual situation."

"We also need to let each car company understand that not all models have to aim for the highest score when developing."

"That's simply not realistic."

"Don't let everyone be like C-NCAP. It's five-star. F6 is also five-star."

"What's the point then?"

Autohome is a shareholder of Huabaoyan, and Yu Yu will definitely be involved in some matters of Huabaoyan.

Therefore, it is necessary to take the opportunity of today's report to communicate with Yu Yu in advance.

Fortunately, Yu's IQ was high enough and he quickly understood what Cao Yang was thinking.

Then in the next step of communication, these ideas were quickly implemented.

It wasn't until Huabaoyan officially announced its establishment that C-NCAP reacted.

The media from all walks of life were also in an uproar.

"Director, this Huabaoyan is going to compete with us. We have to find a way to cure them." As the executive deputy director of C-NCAP, Wu Wei has lived a very happy life in the past two years.

Even if he has been a little anxious recently, it does not affect his attention to the position under his buttocks.

Now that Huabaoyan has been established, it is clear that it will compete with C-NCAP for power and profit.

How can this matter be tolerated?
Zhao Wenming, as the director of China Automotive Research Institute, has more than a dozen institutions in addition to the C-NCAP test center.

Even if C-NCAP is affected, he can still live a comfortable life.

But Wu Wei is different.

No wonder he came to Zhao Wenming immediately as soon as he heard the news.

"The China Insurance Association is not something we can mess with. Which of the eight major insurance institutions is simple?"

"We have authority in front of automobile OEMs because they have many things that need to be reviewed or evaluated by us."

"But the insurance agreement is different. Their levels are all higher than our center."

"So we have no way to oppose the establishment of Huabaoyan, and we have no ability to oppose it."

"In this case, what we should consider is how to minimize the impact of this incident on C-NCAP."

Zhao Wenming's mind is very clear.

Although he didn't want to see an organization like Huabaoyan established, he would not do it if the mantis was acting as a coach.

"Director, I'm afraid that with the establishment of Huabaoyan, some competitors will continue to appear in some other businesses of our center."

Wu Wei was a little unwilling and wanted to continue to persuade Zhao Wenming.

This matter cannot be accomplished by relying on his own strength alone.

If Zhao Wenming compromised, he wouldn't be able to come up with any tricks.

"Lao Wu, you don't have to worry so much about this. Our C-NCAP and Huabaoyan's crash tests are actually nothing more than the difference between American NCAP and IIHS."

"Both institutions in the United States can live very comfortably, and it may not be the same in China."

"The NCAP system assessment is more about the comprehensive safety level of the product, while the IIHS is more concerned about the repair costs after a collision, so it is not a comprehensive system in the safety evaluation dimension."

"These two sets of collision standards are complementary and indispensable. The development of the American automobile industry must refer to these two systems. However, in the Chinese market, we are not yet accustomed to the newly released China Insurance Research Institute system. This is normal."

"We will promote it according to this rhetoric. By then, maybe everyone's evaluation of C-NCAP will be improved to another level."

Zhao Wenming is able to secure his current position, so he naturally has a few tricks up his sleeve.

In today's situation, Huabaoyan has been officially established.

No matter how much they object, it's useless.

And if C-NCAP emerges to attack Huabaoyan again, it will heat up the public opinion that has just cooled down.

Zhao Wenming doesn’t want to be on the hot search anymore.

So cold treatment, first see what tricks Huabaoyan can come up with, is a more suitable plan.

Even deep down, he didn't believe that Huabaoyan could really be so fair and just.

He knows better than anyone what some institutions that claim to be fair and just actually do when they operate.

There are countless cases in this area with both hands and feet combined.


"Then let's just leave it like this?"

Wu Wei looked at Zhao Wenming reluctantly.

Officials crushed people to death.

The director said that was it, so naturally he didn't dare to dance any more.

However, just because C-NCAP doesn’t want to bother, it doesn’t mean that Huabaoyan doesn’t want to bother.

The newly established Huabaoyan officially announced that it was preparing to select a batch of models for its first crash test.

All of these models were tested by C-NCAP at the beginning of this year and the test results were announced.

There are many models to choose from on the market, but Huabaoyan chooses models that have been tested by C-NCAP.

Obviously, Huabaoyan is preparing to step on the shoulders of C-NCAP and move forward.

No matter how bad it is, it can fully attract public opinion and raise Huabaoyan's reputation by several levels.

This kind of "touching porcelain" plan can be said to be what Nanshan Group is best at.

Yu Yu is naturally fond of him.

"Mr. Wang, this time Nanshan Group really struck hard and violently, and it immediately extended its tentacles to Huabaoyan."

"All insurance companies have to thank them, and domestic independent brands also acknowledge that he is the big brother in the industry."

After Great Wall Motors, Research Institute Director Zhu Jianbo and Wang Ying reported on a new model development project, they exchanged pleasantries about the latest hot news in the industry.

The C-NCAP media scandal has been going on for quite some time.

There is one person in the Chinese automobile industry, and there are very few people who have not heard of it.

"Nanshan Group always makes everyone feel a win-win situation when doing things."

"So even if everyone knows that they have some selfish motives and have some own purposes in it, they can still accept it."

“It’s quite remarkable that a business can be run to this extent.”

"We also need to learn from them about many marketing methods."

"For example, the model selected by Huabaoyan for the crash test this time is very clever."

"It is very beneficial for Autohome to become one of the shareholders of Huabaoyan."

Wang Ying is not jealous at all that Autohome has become a shareholder of Huabaoyan.

Anyway, she knew very well that Great Wall Motors could not become a shareholder of Huabaoyan.

As long as BYD, Chery, Geely and other car companies are not shareholders of Huabaoyan, she can accept it.

"It is true. Once Huabaoyan's crash test plan is announced, not only C-NCAP will be uncomfortable, but other companies that have received five-star models will probably also have trouble sleeping and eating."

"If the results of C-NCAP are very good and the results of Huabaoyan become a mess, it will definitely have a big impact."

"At that time, it is very possible to directly halve the sales of the cars in question by relying on Autohome's publicity capabilities."

Zhu Jianbo also sees this matter relatively clearly.

As the director of the research institute, he is very aware of how well the domestic automobile industry is doing in terms of body strength.

To put it bluntly, Great Wall Motors is at the forefront in this regard.

Even faster and better than the public in the north and south.

That is to say, when facing Xingchen Automobile, Zhu Jianbo did not dare to say that he could win.

"Yes, so in the next one or two years, the domestic automobile industry will be more lively."

"Car sales continue to rise, there are more and more models, and consumers have a deeper and deeper understanding of cars."

"In this case, with the further development of the Internet, more things will definitely emerge."

"We can just watch from the side."

I have to say that Wang Ying's judgment is still very accurate.

The next few years will definitely be troubled times for the Chinese automobile industry.

It is becoming increasingly difficult for everyone to live in harmony as in the past.

After all, new models are launched one after another. How can we live a more prosperous life if we don't steal the market from our competitors?
Obviously, Great Wall Motors is not the only one who can see these changes.

Other car companies can also feel it.

However, some people feel joy, and some people feel worry.

Cao Yang, the mastermind behind the scenes, doesn't care so much about these things.

At this moment, he was enjoying the thanks from Huaxia TV.

"Xia Tai, you're too polite. We didn't do anything special, we just gave him a push."

Facing Xia Hong on the other end of the phone, Cao Yang still maintained enough respect.

For a long time in the future, China Channel’s status will be unshakable by any media.

Nanshan Group will definitely have dealings with Huaxia Taiwan in many fields.

There is obviously no harm in establishing a good relationship with the only female deputy director among the top management of China Channel.

Having more friends is a way to go.

"Mr. Cao, let me tell you, China Automotive Research and Development Corporation was still trying to find some connections to make peace, but we pushed back."

"However, we have also been warned not to go too far, otherwise it will affect consumer confidence."

"At this time, you are pulling the insurance association to establish Huabaoyan to compete with C-NCAP. This is definitely a situation that our Huaxia TV station hopes to see very much."

"Those people have to be referees and athletes, and they also want to make money. It's really ugly to look at them."

Xia Hong is naturally aware of the C-NCAP media scandal created by China Television.

Regardless of whether everyone on China Channel agreed with this program before it was broadcast, at least at this time, China Channel must be unanimous in communicating it to the outside world.

Otherwise, in the future, anyone would dare to jump out and compete with Huaxia TV, which would be completely unacceptable.

"As long as everyone is happy, the establishment of Huabaoyan is also a good thing for our Nanshan Group."

"We have also communicated with other domestic independent brand car companies, and everyone is also welcoming to Huabaoyan."

Cao Yang has received Xia Hong's thanks.

But naturally the call can't be hung up so quickly.

Everyone still needs to say hello.

"Mr. Cao, when Hua Baoyan conducts its first crash test, I will arrange for reporters from the main station to interview it in person, and it will be broadcast directly on the network news."

Inadvertently, Xia Hong's words will allow Huabaoyan to become famous more quickly in the future and make consumers aware of its authority more quickly.

This kind of reward comes so quickly and so effectively.

Naturally, Cao Yang would not be polite to Xia Hong on this kind of matter, so he just accepted it.

As for what opinions the C-NCAP test center will have at that time, he can't control that much.

Come and bite me if you have the ability!

(End of this chapter)

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