Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 428 It doesn’t mean you can win with more money. Nanshan Group has taught Tianzhu people a l

Chapter 428 It doesn’t mean you can win with more money. Nanshan Group has taught Tianzhu people a lesson

Following the conversation between Chris and Cao Yang, Nanshan Group immediately took action.

Nanshan Group has been planning to acquire Jaguar and Land Rover for a long time.

Although with the rise of Xingchen Automobile, the importance and urgency of this matter have decreased.

But in Cao Yang's view, this is still a project worth doing.

Pick up the leak!
He knows that Jaguar Land Rover will turn from losses to profits starting next year. Whether he holds it or continues to sell it in the future, he will definitely not lose money.

The important thing is to take this opportunity to let more people know about Nanshan Group and Xingchen Motors.

Because when the time comes, Jaguar and Land Rover will be acquired under the name of Xingchen Motors. This will definitely be a huge advertisement for Xingchen Motors.

Just like Tata Motors in Tianzhu, before acquiring Jaguar Land Rover, few people in China knew that there was such a company in the world.

But after acquiring Jaguar and Land Rover, Tata Motors became famous.

Although it can't be said to be a household name, compared with before, it is not at the same level.

To put it bluntly, this publicity effect alone cannot be achieved with one or two billion US dollars in advertising expenses.

In this case, Cao Yang was naturally determined to acquire it.

"Mr. Cao, judging from the current situation, Ford is very determined to sell Jaguar and Land Rover, and it should be very eager to reach an agreement quickly."

"As for the price, since Tianzhu Tata Motors has also expressed interest in acquiring Ford Motor Company, we probably have to talk about it."

As Dong Shengnan is the Minister of Finance, Cao Yang will definitely want her to participate in such a major acquisition.

Some related funds also need to be arranged in advance by the Finance Department.

“Are Tata Motors definitely going to get involved in this fight?”

Although Cao Yang already knew that Tata Motors was definitely interested in Jaguar and Land Rover, he was still a little unhappy to hear that they were competing with him.

In this kind of thing, the fewer targets involved in the acquisition, the more beneficial it will be for Nanshan Group.

Otherwise, it will be disgusting if someone always raises the price with you.

"Yes, from what we've learned, that's true."

"In order to further determine this aspect, we have also cooperated with consulting companies and asked them to go to Tianzhu and the United States to further understand the situation."

"However, Tianzhu Enterprises have always been very interested in British automobile companies."

"So I think the reliability of this news is relatively high."

"However, Tianzhu people often go to great lengths to lower prices, and the possibility of ultimately bidding higher than ours is very low."

Dong Shengnan responded with certainty.

For her, the most important thing during this period was to assist the company in completing the acquisition of Jaguar and Land Rover vehicles.

Minister of Justice Xiang Wei has already led a team to the United States in advance to contact Ford Motor Company.

Cao Yang will definitely make a trip later.

However, he doesn’t like to go abroad now, or even travel on business.

"Let's discuss it as soon as possible to see how we can make a final offer that will win Ford's approval and kick Tata Motors out of the game."

Cao Yang will definitely not let Tata Motors take Jaguar Land Rover away from him.

Even spending a little more money is worth it.

Of course, it would be best to think of other ways to suppress Tata Motors.

"Mr. Cao, we had a dispute with a customer in Tianzhu before about the final payment for machine tools, and later there was a big commotion because of the order of 100 units."

"I think we can collect relevant materials and promote them internationally, especially in the United States."

"I heard that Twitter in the United States also has shares in Weibo. If we can take this opportunity to promote it well, it should be good for our negotiations."

Mi Ying on the side rarely took the initiative to express her opinion.

How to gain an advantage in the battlefield of public opinion is something that Nanshan Group has been exploring in recent years.

Obviously, Mi Ying feels that when it comes to acquiring Jaguar and Land Rover, she can also think of a solution based on public opinion.

"As a luxury brand, if Jaguar Land Rover is acquired by Tata, their brand reputation will definitely be affected."

"As a newly emerging high-end luxury brand, Xingchen Automobile has now been recognized by consumers."

"I think we can also start from this aspect and let the management of Jaguar and Land Rover also promote related matters."

"If Jaguar and Land Rover are unwilling to be acquired by Tata, then our chances will be even greater."

Zeng Tingting also put forward her own ideas.

At this time, it is definitely time to brainstorm and come up with a solution together.

"Mr. Cao, I heard that at Nanshan Investment, Mr. Zhang has also been very active in recent months. It is said that he has also made great achievements in the international financial market."

"Is it possible to take advantage of Nanshan Investment to make some moves on Tata Motors in Tianzhu's stock market so that they can take care of themselves?"

Dong Shengnan proposed a new plan from a completely new perspective.

"We have cooperation with Ford in various fields. I think we can also start in this area and see if we can find something that interests Ford."

"For example, further cooperation on 8AT, or cooperation on 3.0T engine."

"If these cooperations can be beneficial to our negotiations, and we can discuss them together, I think Ford Motor Company will also be very interested."

"We can even come up with a model to cooperate with Lincoln, a subsidiary of Ford Motor Company, and let them carry the Lincoln logo in the United States."

"Although it remains to be seen how the final discussion will be carried out, if these plans are discussed with Ford Motor as an alternative, Tata Motors will have no advantage at all."

As soon as Rao Yongxiang said these words, everyone couldn't help but nodded.

Nanshan Group indeed has quite a lot of cards in its hands.

For Ford, which is in trouble, it is still very attractive.

"Let Liu Youmei make contact first. I will personally fly to the United States in two days to have a good chat with their CEO and try to cut through the mess quickly and sign the acquisition agreement first. The subsequent handover and implementation can be done slowly. .”

Cao Yang was determined that this acquisition could be carried out without losing money, so his attitude was very firm.

Soon, the entire Nanshan Group made more moves.

Along with these actions, Tata Motors immediately felt that something was wrong.

"Sharma, why are so many negative news related to Tata Motors suddenly popping up on the American Internet?"

"Even the fact that we didn't pay the balance in time for the stamping equipment we purchased before has been brought up again to make an issue?"

Ratan Tata, as chairman of the board of directors of Tata Motors, is now personally responsible for directing the acquisition of Jaguar and Land Rover from Ford Motor Company.

Seeing that we have started to contact Ford Motor Company, the other party has also expressed interest in selling.

But things began to change so quickly.

This made Ratan very unhappy.

In his opinion, this is a very good opportunity for snakes to swallow elephants.

As a country with rapid economic development and a relatively underdeveloped financial industry, Tianzhu has not been greatly affected by the financial crisis.

Because of this, Ratan feels that now is a good opportunity to acquire Jaguar Land Rover.

"Mr. Tata, we are also investigating this matter. Judging from the current situation, it is likely that our competitors are trying to destroy our image."

"Ford Motors has arranged for special personnel to contact us. At this time, when news that is unfavorable to us comes out, it is difficult not to associate the two things together."

Sharma was able to be appointed as the CEO of Tata Motors by Ratan, so he naturally had a few tricks up his sleeve.

He once studied abroad in the United States and is relatively familiar with the situation there.

Sometimes, when a lot of unexpected news suddenly appears in the media, there must be someone behind it.

"Jaguar and Land Rover have been ruined by Ford Motor Company. The American car companies are having a hard time now. No one should compete with us for Jaguar Land Rover."

"In Europe, the impact of the subprime mortgage crisis is also growing. General investment funds should not be willing to spend large sums to acquire a company with an uncertain future at this time."

"Who else do you think wants to compete with us for this acquisition?"

Ratan frowned, a little confused as to why he was in this situation.

In his opinion, Tata Motors' acquisition of Jaguar and Land Rover should be smooth sailing.

Ford had only tentatively proposed a US$15 billion acquisition plan before, and Ford was willing to sit down and talk.

This shows that the base price of Ford vehicles will not be particularly high.

Ratan thought that with a little more money, Ford would agree to sell.

However, if there are other competitors, the situation will definitely be different.

"I have arranged for people to go to the United States to investigate, and we are also prepared to spend a lot of money to ask some people from Ford Motor Company to help us provide some information."

'I believe that more definite news will come out in a few days. '

"However, before that, we also need to consider how much more we can increase our price if others bid higher than ours."

Sharma knows that US$15 billion cannot win Jaguar Land Rover.

When Ford bought these two brands back from other buyers, it spent several US$15 billion.

Even if it is devalued now, it will definitely be difficult for the other party to accept such an exaggerated decrease in value.

"If it can be done within $20 billion, you can decide directly."

"If it requires more than 20 billion US dollars, then you need to explain it to me separately, and the board of directors will make a decision after discussion."

Ratan’s idea of ​​​​taking Jaguar Land Rover took more than a day or two.

As the largest automobile company in India, Tata Motors gives the impression that it produces low-end cars.

In fact, they do produce low-end cars.

In this case, they naturally hope to acquire a luxury brand to enhance their technical capabilities and brand capabilities.As for whether doing this will harm the acquired brand, that is not something he will worry about.

And when Nanshan Group and Tata Motors were discussing the acquisition of Jaguar Land Rover, there was naturally no movement inside Ford Motor.

"Mulali, I personally prefer to further strengthen cooperation with Nanshan Group."

"China's automobile market is likely to exceed 1000 million this year, and sooner or later it will become the world's largest automobile market."

"But Changan Ford's market share in China is still quite low."

"For the same car, the profit in China is more than double that in the United States."

"Even if the Chinese branch is only a 50% joint venture, the profit contributed by each vehicle is more than what is sold here in the United States."

"If we can sell 100 million or even 200 million cars in China in the future, it will definitely be of extraordinary significance to the company."

"On the contrary, our presence in the Tianzhu market has always been very low. On the contrary, Japanese car companies are doing better there than us."

"In this case, not to mention that Tata Motors' bid is not high, I am not sure whether there will be any trouble later."

"Even if the price is the same or even higher, I think it is more appropriate to choose Nanshan Group."

Chris stood firmly on the side of Nanshan Group.

Anyway, this company meeting discussed whether it would be better to sell Jaguar and Land Rover to Tata Motors or to Xingchen Motors, a subsidiary of Nanshan Group.

There is nothing inappropriate in being firmer.

"I also agree with Chris. Cooperating with Nanshan Group is good for our China strategy and will also be good for us to reduce costs in the future."

"As long as the cash price offered by the other party is similar to Tata's, I think it can be sold to Nanshan."

Melgen's attitude is also relatively clear.

Nanshan Group had long mentioned to him the intention of acquiring Land Rover, and he had a good relationship with Nanshan Group over the years.

Naturally, he hopes to give out a convenient favor.

"The relationship between Tianzhu people and English is quite special. I think if Tianzhu Enterprise acquires Land Rover and Jaguar, can it ensure that the subsequent handover will be smoother?"

Naturally, other people present also had some different opinions.

"Yes, Nanshan Group's Xingchen Motors is likely to be a big threat to the Lincoln brand in the future."

"If we sell Jaguar and Land Rover to Nanshan Group, then this threat is likely to be greater."

Nanshan Group knows how to engage in public relations, and Tata Motors will naturally not do nothing.

Obviously, there are people inside Ford who support Tata Motors.

"I think whether the handover will go smoothly in the future is not something we need to consider. As long as the funds are received, whether there will be problems with the handover is what Nanshan Group needs to worry about."

"As for the threats you mentioned, I don't think there's anything to worry about."

"Xingchen Motors now leaves us completely in charge of the American market. As long as we operate well, we don't have to worry about threats at all."

"Even if Xingchen Motors sells really well in the United States, we, Ford Motor Company, will benefit the most."

Chris once again stood up and clearly supported the sale of Jaguar Land Rover to Nanshan Group.

Anyway, the company has been confirmed to be sold, so everyone can speak freely.

"Melgen, how long do you think it will take for China's automobile market to surpass ours?"

Mulally, who had been silent until now, suddenly asked.

In the past, the Chinese market was actually not taken seriously.

Even though it has developed rapidly in recent years, the ideas in the minds of many people outside have not changed.

Including Mulally himself, this is almost the same situation.

"Based on what we know now, within three years at most, China's auto market will become the world's number one, and no other market will be able to surpass them for many years to come."

"Even if we speculate to the extreme, maybe next year they will surpass us and become the world's largest automobile market."

"After all, the current subprime mortgage crisis is getting more and more serious, which will definitely have a certain impact on the future automobile market."

"China is relatively less affected by the subprime mortgage crisis. As one goes, it will be faster for them to surpass us."

Melgen gave his judgment with certainty.

What he said was really not nonsense.

"Nanshan Group is not a simple enterprise in China. They have a strong influence in the entire automobile industry."

"The most important thing is Autohome, China's largest automotive media and an industry under the Nanshan Group."

"At the same time, Weibo, a company with huge influence on the Chinese Internet, is also an affiliate of Nanshan Group."

"To put it bluntly, if the relationship with Nanshan Group is not good, it will be much more difficult to develop in the Chinese automobile market."

"Volkswagen is the best example. They have completely broken up with Nanshan Group."

"In the past few years, Volkswagen's development in China has turned out to be a failure."

"The entire market is growing significantly, but Volkswagen is basically not growing, or growing very slowly."

"The most critical thing is Volkswagen's reputation, which has dropped a lot in China."

"If we don't want to follow the path of Volkswagen, it's best to have a good relationship with them as much as possible without having a big impact."

"Everyone makes money together, just like Nanshan Group entrusted Xingchen Motors to us to operate the North American market, achieving a win-win situation."

"If you think about it from these perspectives, Tata Motors' offer is completely uncompetitive."

After Chris's additional comments came out, the rebuttal voices immediately became much quieter.

After all, everyone has some expectations about the prospects of the Chinese market.

No one dares to say that they want to give up the Chinese market easily.

Especially when Ford Motor Co. is losing money in the United States, the main profit this year is contributed by the Chinese market.

Under this circumstance, Ford is destined to pay more attention to the Chinese market in the future.

"Then sell it to Nanshan Group!"

"As long as their prices are exactly the same as Tata Motors!"

As CEO, Mulally made the final decision on the sale of Jaguar and Land Rover.

The next step for everyone to do is to confirm some more detailed things.


"Chris, come on, have a drink to our friendship over the past many years."

When Cao Yang came to the United States, the direction of acquiring Jaguar Land Rover had been basically determined.

All that remains is the integration of some specific prices and acquisition plans.

In this case, Cao Yang naturally wanted to invite Chris out for a get-together.

Of course, during this sensitive period, Chris also kept a low profile.

So he directly invited Cao Yang to his home and held a simple dinner.

In a private villa, news is not easily leaked.

Chris obviously has a lot on his mind.

"Cao, if you successfully acquire Jaguar and Land Rover this time, your Xingchen Motors will have a firm foothold on the world automotive stage."

“If we can fully integrate several brands, we may be able to bring unexpected surprises to everyone.”

Chris must be saying that it is a good thing for Nanshan Group to acquire Jaguar Land Rover, otherwise it would be funny if the acquisition becomes dirty.

"For Ford, there are already so many brands. Too many brands will make the distinction between brands very confusing, cause some duplication of layout, and even lead to internal competition and waste of resources within the company."

"I think Mr. Mulally is very courageous to sell at this time."

"Of course, for Nanshan Group, acquiring a luxury brand with a rich history is definitely a risk worth taking."

"Even if we have to continue losing money for a few years in the future, I think the risk is worth it."

"Of course, I hope that this decision of mine will be proven by history to be the right decision."

"Otherwise, Nanshan Group's life will be difficult in the future."

Cao Yang will definitely not boast at this time that the acquisition of Jaguar Land Rover is very beneficial to Nanshan Group.

Otherwise, it would be disgusting if Ford raises its prices.

Even now the contract is being discussed and the price is almost finalized. As long as it is not officially signed, it may change.

"That's right. When English people run businesses, sometimes people are speechless."

"Jaguar and Land Rover were once brilliant, but now they are also falling into losses."

"I hope that in the hands of Nanshan Group, this situation can be reversed."

The two were drinking and chatting there.

We have known each other for so many years. In addition to business, we also have some personal relationships and other interests, so we get along quite happily.

Many people always feel that there is no such thing as sophistication in the United States, and everyone does things fairly and justly, as if that's really the case.

It's actually nothing like that.

No matter where you are in the world, it is impossible not to pay attention to human relations and sophistication.

You haven't felt the power of human connections in the United States. Could it be because you don't have any interpersonal relationships that can help you?

Take a look at the people admitted to Ivy League schools every year and see which ones get in with letters of recommendation. Maybe your ideas will change.

Not to mention other secret operations after being packaged by fairness and justice.

(End of this chapter)

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