Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 443: Simply and crudely throw money at it, but great efforts can produce miracles

Chapter 443: Simply and crudely throw money at it, but great efforts can produce miracles
In many people's impressions, semiconductor companies are high-tech companies with a small number of employees filled with high-tech talents.

The second half of this sentence is fine, but the small number of employees is completely wrong.

For example, Infineon has about 56000 employees in later generations.

STMicroelectronics has approximately 50000 employees.

NXP has approximately 30000 employees.

Texas Instruments has approximately 30000 employees.

Intel, which everyone is familiar with, has about 13 employees.

Even Micron, which everyone is not very familiar with, has almost 10 employees worldwide.

Among the employees of these companies, the number of R&D personnel generally accounts for more than 20%.

It can be said that semiconductor companies are capital, technology, and manpower-intensive companies, and the threshold is not generally high.

Without any one of them, nothing is possible.

Obviously, Zhang Jing was exaggerating when he said that at least 1000 technical personnel were needed.

If Nanshan Group wants to make its semiconductor business bigger and stronger, it will need far more than 1000 employees.

Even early-stage R&D personnel need to prepare 3000 to [-] people to make some achievements.

If we add factory employees later, we can easily break through the 1 mark.

It is not surprising that it will even become the company with the largest number of employees in Nanshan Group in the future.

Cao Yang can understand this, and naturally he will not have any objections because of the cost of 1000 high-income technical personnel proposed by Zhang Jing.

"Lao Zhang, Nanshan Semiconductor is very expensive. I'm mentally prepared for this."

"Don't worry, I have prepared 500 billion yuan to develop Nanshan Semiconductor. Even if we burn 100 billion yuan a year, we can still persist for five years."

"Just spend it according to the annual budget of 100 billion, and take advantage of the financial crisis to attract relevant talents as soon as possible."

"Don't delay it too long. Faced with such a severe situation, various countries will definitely come up with some stimulus policies and measures to rescue the market."

"Perhaps all walks of life will soon begin to emerge from the crisis, giving everyone an unexpected surprise."

"At that time, it was not that easy to recruit a large number of talents quickly."

Cao Yang knew that a [-] trillion bailout plan would be released in two months.

China took the lead in getting rid of the impact of the financial crisis, and its economy has resumed rapid development.

As China recovers, many industries in other countries are also recovering rapidly.

There are even new situations where supply exceeds demand in some industries.

No one would dare to believe this situation now.

Therefore, Cao Yang wants to implement the relevant talent recruitment within this year and get the people back as soon as possible.

As for spending money?

He has made almost 100 billion U.S. dollars in the American financial market. In addition to the 23 billion used to buy Jaguar Land Rover, there is still almost 80 billion U.S. dollars.

This fund is definitely enough to support the development of Nanshan Semiconductor.

At least five years is enough.

"Mr. Cao, do we really have a budget of 100 billion yuan a year?"

Zhang Jing couldn't help but swallowed his saliva and looked at Cao Yang a little dumbfounded.

This news is really shocking.

This was RMB 2008 billion in 100.

At this time, housing prices in Yangcheng were generally less than 1 yuan, and there were still a lot of houses worth more than [-] yuan per square meter in the imperial city.

Pork only costs eight or nine yuan a pound, and the salary of college students is generally about 3000 yuan a month.

Cao Yang promised Zhang Jing an investment of 500 billion in one breath, and he could spend it all within five years.

Looking at the whole of China, there is absolutely no boss more wealthy than this one.

"Mr. Zhang, in addition to Xingchen Motors, Nanshan Engine and Nanshan Transmission are two very core companies in the current Nanshan Group, contributing a large amount of revenue and profits to the group."

"But ten years later, Nanshan Semiconductor's status within the group will definitely surpass that of Nanshan Engine and Nanshan Transmission, and even higher than that of Xingchen Motors."

"I have high expectations for Nanshan Semiconductor, otherwise I wouldn't be thinking about spending 500 billion yuan to develop semiconductors."

"Of course, as long as you and I know this number, there is no need to publicize it to the outside world for the time being."

"Anyway, when you're recruiting people, just be bold and do it."

"As long as employees of Japanese companies such as Renesas Electronics, NEC Electronics, ROHM, and Elpida are willing to come to work in Yangcheng or Shanghai, we can provide them with all the benefits they currently enjoy."

"On this basis, we can even double their wages and arrange free housing for them."

"Don't look at the annual income of any one of them now is 60 to [-] yuan. After doubling that, it will be extremely exaggerated."

"At that time, we can simultaneously recruit local employees from China, so that they can play the role of leading the new with the old, and cultivate local talents as quickly as possible."

"We will complete the recruitment of talents within this year and start building our own semiconductor packaging factory and even a wafer factory in the first quarter of next year based on the needs of Xingchen Automobile and Nanshan Automobile Parts."

"The global economy is currently in a recession, and everyone generally believes that the environment will be even worse in the future."

"Many semiconductor companies have canceled or begun to delay the construction of related factories, but some equipment has been ordered before."

"Some companies would rather pay liquidated damages than continue to require those equipment. For manufacturers of very expensive equipment such as photolithography machines, this situation must be a headache."

"At this time, we take the initiative to buy equipment from others. Not only will we not be subject to any restrictions, but we can also get a relatively large discount on the price."

"If you miss this opportunity, you won't have such a good opportunity in the future."

Arrange your plans in advance now so that you won’t be fooled by others then.

"President Cao, don't worry!"

"The company trusts me so much and values ​​Nanshan Semiconductor so much that I will risk my life to do it well."

"I will start contacting my former classmates and friends later to see if I can attract as many people as possible to come to Nanshan Semiconductor for development."

"We now have a team of 700 people. Based on this, there should be no problem in expanding the company's number of employees to 2000 within this year."

"We will strive to increase the number of employees in the company to 3000 in the first quarter of next year, and then we can start to implement the layout of some factories."

Zhang Jing looked very excited.

He never thought that he would have the opportunity to display his abilities on such a big stage.

"Let go and do it boldly!"

"In the next period of time, I will also focus on Nanshan Semiconductor as much as possible and work hard with everyone."

I am a brick, I can move it wherever it is needed.

Cao Yang's awareness is still very good.

On the same day that Cao Yang and Zhang Jing were discussing the semiconductor business, in the office of Tian Rong Talent Technology Co., Ltd., partner Yue Rui complained to his boss Tian Rong about the current predicament with a frown on his face.

"Mr. Tian, ​​this business can't be continued."

"We discussed the talent needs a few months ago, and we spent a lot of effort to select suitable talents and recommend them to our customers. However, they suddenly came out and said that recruitment was canceled this year."

"It's okay if one customer encounters a situation like this. Several customers are like this in succession. As a result, we haven't placed a single order in the past week."

For headhunting companies, the main income is to recruit suitable talents for clients.

As long as you recruit a talent, you can often get a service fee of 20% to 30% of the person's annual salary.

This is definitely not a small amount of money.

When business is good, the net profit of such a headhunting company with only a few dozen people can exceed 100 million yuan in a month.

This is the net profit after deducting personnel costs, rent and other expenses.

But when business is bad, it will be miserable.

It is normal to lose hundreds of thousands every month.

In the first half of this year, the market conditions were relatively normal.

But after entering the second half of the year, the situation began to change.

Especially after the bankruptcy of Lehman suddenly appeared, several companies immediately and decisively stopped recruiting talents.

Yue Rui still doesn’t know how many companies will follow suit and cancel this year’s recruitment plans.

The market is gone, and life for headhunting companies will naturally be difficult.

"This year's situation is indeed a bit troublesome. We may have to consider reducing some employees to reduce the company's operating costs."

"Otherwise, within half a year, the company will have to consider closing."

Tian Rong has feelings for the company, but feelings cannot be used as money.

If there is a conflict between love and money, he will definitely choose money.

"Every old employee has a series of human resources behind him. If we lay off employees and recruit new people in the future, it will not be so easy to get started."

Yue Rui is not worried that the layoffs will fall on him, but he still doesn't expect the company to take measures to lay off employees.

Although this can reduce costs, it also ruins the company's future.

"You make sense, but the first thing we need to consider is survival."

"There was no profit last month, and we will definitely lose money this month. If we continue to lose money next month, how long do you think we can continue to lose money?"

Tian Rong's words were also very rude.

Yue Rui is also a partner of the company, and he is also part of the money loss.

However, just when Yue Rui was struggling with how to express his views to Tian Rong, his cell phone rang.

When talking to his boss, Yue Rui would definitely not answer a normal phone call.

But he glanced at the caller ID, immediately signaled to Tian Rong, and pressed the answer button.

As the voice on the phone rang, Yue Rui's expression quickly changed.

"No limit to the number of people?"

"There is no limit to the treatment?"

"The sooner the better?"

Yue Rui's expression soon became rich.

One minute ago I had a splitting headache, and I didn’t know how to face the dilemma of the company’s declining business.

Now it's time to worry about how to contact more potential recruits.

"what happened?"

"Which client wants to recruit people?" A few minutes later, Yue Rui put down his cell phone, and Tian Rong immediately started asking questions impatiently.

"Mr. Tian, ​​we are saved!"

"Our company is going to launch!"

"Nanshan Semiconductor is hiring!"

“Now we don’t need to think about layoffs, but we need to think about adding manpower.”

Yue Rui's mood became very good.

This is a big order that the company has never encountered since its establishment.

The key is that the other party recruits high-tech talents. Even if the commission ratio is a little lower, the headhunting fee is very considerable for one head.

"Nanshan Semiconductor?"

"Didn't they cooperate with us to recruit some people before?"

"Why are you suddenly recruiting people on a large scale now?"

As the general manager of Nanshan Group's main cooperative headhunting company, Tian Rong is naturally familiar with the situation of Nanshan Group.

This is the company's largest customer.

"Nanshan Semiconductor asked us to recruit R&D personnel from Japanese semiconductor companies such as Renesas Electronics, NEC Electronics, and Elpida, as well as R&D personnel from Samsung, Hynix, TSMC and other companies."

"As long as they have real skills, whether they are R&D personnel studying memory, microprocessors or logic chips, they want them all."

"If we can poach R&D personnel who master core technologies from chip giants such as Infineon, Micron, NXP, and STMicroelectronics, they will all want them."

"This time, they did not set salary limits for talents. They directly looked at the other party's previous annual salary and negotiated on this basis."

"According to what they said, 100 people are not too few for us to help recruit, and 1000 people are not too many."

"Mr. Tian, ​​we are about to send it!"

When Yue Rui said this, his whole body started to tremble.

They have cooperated with Nanshan Semiconductor before and have many talent resources in the semiconductor industry.

There are even many semiconductor talents in their talent pool.

Now that Nanshan Semiconductor is open to recruiting people, his good days are coming soon.

"Notify me immediately. Everyone is working overtime today and no one is allowed to leave."

"We have to contact all the semiconductor talents we can contact."

"For example, there is a time difference between the United States and Europe, so everyone waits until midnight to contact us."

"Anyway, if anyone dares to lose his belt this time, I will be rude to him!"

"I believe that no one has trouble with money. Whether you can earn a year's worth of money in one month depends on whether you work hard enough."

After listening to Yue Rui's words, Tian Rong naturally realized how important this opportunity was to him.

As long as we help Nanshan Semiconductor do things beautifully this time, our cooperation with Nanshan Group will be even closer in the future.

From now on, the company will be able to live very well as long as it depends on Nanshan Group for its livelihood.

With the movements of headhunting companies, some companies in the industry will naturally feel the impact of Nanshan Semiconductor.

The first one to bear the brunt is BYD Microelectronics.

They and Nanshan Group established BYD Nanshan Semiconductor Co., Ltd. to jointly develop some chips that are not so difficult.

The company now has [-] or [-] employees, and it is slowly getting on the right track.

But now looking at the actions of Nanshan Semiconductor, it is obvious that it will vigorously develop the semiconductor business on the basis of the joint venture.

"Mr. Cao, the current economic situation is so bad, the development of all walks of life has been affected."

"Especially in the semiconductor industry, the prices of accessories represented by memory have dropped significantly. All manufacturers are losing money, and they are still losing huge amounts."

"Under such circumstances, would it be too risky for Nanshan Semiconductor to poach a large number of people from various international giants?"

After Wang Fu heard the relevant news, he couldn't help but call Cao Yang.

BYD also attaches great importance to the development of the semiconductor industry. As early as 2004, it specially established BYD Microelectronics.

But so far, BYD Microelectronics' popularity in the industry is still very low.

That's like Nanshan Semiconductor, which will shock its peers as soon as it makes a move.

"Mr. Wang, Xingchen Motors has announced its future FHEV strategy. By then, many parts will need to use chips. We can't always buy them from outside."

"With the development of automotive technology in the future, the number of chips needed to be used in automotive parts will also continue to increase."

"In order for Nanshan Group to continue to develop stably, it is very necessary to achieve complete localization of parts and components."

"So far, most of the parts on Xingchen Automobile, except for semiconductor components, have been domestically produced."

"It's impossible for us not to gnaw on this last hard nut."

"The semiconductor market is indeed very sluggish now. I heard that some companies are expected to lose tens of billions of yuan this year, or even tens of billions of yuan."

"Under such circumstances, employees of relevant companies will naturally be worried about their future."

“This is the perfect time for our recruiting.”

There was nothing to hide in this matter, so Cao Yang directly expressed his thoughts to Wang Fu.

Sometimes, conspiracy is the hardest to crack.

Even if I tell you what I think, it will be difficult for you to follow suit.

Especially in the field of semiconductors, it is really a capital-, technology- and talent-intensive field.

The annual salary of millions to recruit people from overseas is really unbearable for the current Chinese enterprises.

In other words, Nanshan Investment has just made a fortune from the financial market, otherwise it would not be able to afford to burn money like this.

Will be distressed!

After all, all the money earned before was hard-earned money.

"Your approach is somewhat similar to Samsung Electronics."

"They are also expanding against the trend, using profits from other industries to make up for the losses in the semiconductor business. They want to completely surpass a large number of opponents during this crisis."

Wang Fu said with emotion.

However, he did not dare to easily express whether he wanted to follow this pace of expansion.

"Mr. Wang, in the future, whether it is for cars or other products, the demand for chips will definitely become stronger and stronger."

"Sooner or later, chip issues will become a key issue plaguing the development of car companies."

"BYD and Nanshan Group both have their own ideas to expand the production of new technology parts. I think chip-related investment also needs to be strengthened."

"Even when the time comes, some of the chips we produce respectively, if they are complementary, can completely share products with each other."

"For example, Nanshan Semiconductor produces memory, BYD Microelectronics produces power components, and BYD Nanshan Semiconductor produces diodes. Semiconductor components produced by these different companies can all be installed on the same car."

"Now the domestic emphasis on the semiconductor industry is slowly increasing. Sooner or later, there will be a wave of dividends waiting for us to reap."

"Now that Buffett has invested in BYD, it has set a good example for your estimation and financing."

"I think you can also further increase investment in the semiconductor industry."

The chip industry chain is very long and there are many types of chips.

It is impossible for Nanshan Group to produce all its own chips.

Therefore, allowing manufacturers from more countries to enter this track will do more good than harm.

"Mr. Cao, BYD has always been engaged in research and development of semiconductor components."

"Some of the semiconductor components used in F3DM are produced by BYD Microelectronics itself."

"However, the gap between our domestic industry and international giants is very huge."

"For many car companies, it is better to invest a lot of manpower and material resources in developing chips than to buy them directly from the market."

"There are also different voices within our company on whether to increase investment in the semiconductor industry."

Wang Fu saw that Cao Yang was persuading him to invest in semiconductors, so he communicated with him more frankly.

The semiconductor industry is very important, everyone knows this.

But there are not so many companies that dare to invest real money in this industry.

Ordinary small businesses simply cannot afford this kind of trouble.

"You are right, but most of the chips used in cars are not high-end chips with advanced processes."

"It doesn't even matter if it's two or three generations behind the chips used in computers."

"Car-grade chips are more concerned about stability. We will first develop car-grade chips that are not particularly advanced in technology, and then slowly improve the technical level."

“Only when the era of autonomous driving arrives in the future will high computing power chips have higher requirements for chip manufacturing technology.”

“But that’s at least five or six years away.”

Cao Yang continued to persuade Wang Fu.

For such a big, money-burning industry, we need to recruit a few colleagues to work together so that we won't feel so lonely.

Otherwise, there are so many types of automotive grade chips, and Nanshan Semiconductor would not be able to handle them all.

By then, 100% localization will be a false proposition.

"Mr. Cao, aren't you afraid that after engaging in semiconductors, you will burn up all the company's annual profits?"

Wang Fu is obviously still a little confused.

BYD is developing well, but its profitability is not that strong.

If we really want to vigorously engage in semiconductors, our annual financial reports will not look good.

"I am already prepared for Nanshan Semiconductor to suffer huge losses within five years."

"But I believe that sooner or later there will be a day of profit. The money earned in one year may be able to make back all the losses in the previous years."

Cao Yang responded confidently.

This gave Wang Fu a little more confidence.

However, in the end, BYD Microelectronics did not dare to burn money at a rate of 100 billion per year like Nanshan Semiconductor.

Instead, we chose a relatively mild approach and appropriately expanded the scale.

Cao Yang could understand this situation.

After all, not every company can obtain windfalls from the financial market.

(End of this chapter)

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