Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 445: The most difficult employment season in history, Nanshan makes another big move

Chapter 445: The most difficult employment season in history, Nanshan makes another big move
After talking to Liu Tianwu, Cao Yang had an in-depth exchange with the people from Huawei and Haisi.

Nanshan Semiconductor is completely famous in the Chinese semiconductor circle.

However, while Nanshan Semiconductor is frantically poaching people, this year is the most unfriendly year for fresh graduates looking for jobs this fall.

Affected by the financial crisis, many companies have canceled or reduced recruitment plans.

Some foreign companies had even arranged campus presentations, written examinations, and interviews, but in the end all work suddenly stopped.

According to statistics from relevant institutions, the number of college students graduating in 2009 was 531 million.

Compared with later generations, this data may not be much.

But compared with the past few years, it is the highest value in history.

Normally, most people need to start looking for a job in the second half of 2008, which is the first semester of their senior year.

Even judging from the situation in previous years, [-]% to [-]% of college students have signed a tripartite employment agreement in the first semester of their senior year, found a job, and are waiting to graduate.

But this year is completely different.

Even in 985 universities like Lingnan University of Technology, employment of students is a problem.

Of course, it’s not that students at Lingnan University of Technology can’t find jobs, it’s that there aren’t that many choices and there aren’t that many good jobs.

Xiang Changle was very touched by this.

"Ayang, have Nanshan Group recruited many new employees this year?"

In January this year, the School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, which was formed by the merger of the original School of Mechanical Engineering, the School of Industrial Equipment and Control Engineering, and the School of Automotive Engineering, is now one of the largest colleges at Lingnan University of Technology.

As the dean of the School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering and the vice president of Lingnan University of Technology, Xiang Changle has been promoted.

However, as the college gets bigger, the employment pressure on students also increases.

At this time, Dean Xiang Changle naturally wanted to exert his influence.

After all, the college now has professional departments such as the Department of Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering, the Department of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the Department of Automotive Engineering, and the Department of Industrial Equipment and Control Engineering. The number of senior students alone is more than 600.

In the future, the number will continue to increase every year, and the employment pressure will become greater and greater.

"Teacher, do you have any suitable talents you would recommend to work at Nanshan Group?"

Cao Yang was not stupid. As soon as he heard Xiang Changle's words, he knew there was another meaning behind them.

"As long as they are talents that you, Teacher, are optimistic about, our Nanshan Group will have as many talents as we can."

Xiang Changle still needs to be given some face.

Besides, Nanshan Group now needs to recruit a large number of employees, especially Nanshan Semiconductor. In addition to poaching people, there is also an urgent need to cultivate its own talents.

Only talents trained by themselves from scratch will have the highest loyalty to the company.

"This time I am not going to recommend a few people to you alone, but to discuss with you to see if we can appropriately expand the number of fresh graduates recruited this year."

“To tell you the truth, this year is the most difficult season to find a job in history. We at Lingnan University of Technology are not bad, but graduates from other brother universities such as Lingnan University of Technology, Yangcheng University, Lingnan Normal University and other universities have an even harder time finding a job. "

"In other areas outside the province where the economy is not so developed, the employment rate of college graduates may reach a new low."

When Xiang Changle said this, Cao Yang probably understood what he meant.

In Xiang Changle's opinion, this matter may be seeking help from the Nanshan Group.

But for Cao Yang, this is actually a good opportunity to reserve talents.

From now on, Nanshan Group will be in urgent need of programmers, material talents, and foreign language talents.

When the time comes, the development of intelligent network-connected components will not be possible without a large number of programmers.

If Nanshan Semiconductor wants to develop, talents related to materials, microelectronics and other majors are also indispensable.

As for foreign language talents...

You have recruited so many overseas semiconductor technology R&D personnel, there must be some translators to play a role in communication, right?

Otherwise, there would be no way to fully utilize (squeeze) the abilities of these talents.

"Teacher, I have been busy with Nanshan Semiconductor during this time, and I really forgot to pay attention to this aspect."

"Fortunately, you reminded me in time. I will discuss it internally immediately to see how to formulate an unprecedented recruitment plan."

"Our first stop will be Lingnan University of Technology."

Without waiting to ask Chang Le to ask for help, Cao Yang took the initiative to reveal his arrangement.

The other party was naturally very satisfied with this result.

And Cao Yang kept his word. After hanging up the phone, he called Liu Youmei from the Human Resources Department to his office.

"Change this year's recruitment plan. The entire group will carry out publicity based on the scale of recruiting 1 people from school and recruiting 1 people from society to increase the popularity and attract talents."

As soon as Cao Yang saw Liu Youmei, he made a shocking request to her.

The school recruits 1 people and the society recruits 1 people!

With this scale, there are few others in the country.

Especially in this year's environment, you will never find a company with a larger recruitment scale than Nanshan Group.

This made Liu Youmei worried immediately.

"Mr. Cao, based on the recruitment needs submitted by various business departments of the group, it is enough to recruit 5000 people on campus this year."

"In terms of social recruitment, if Nanshan Semiconductor had not had additional demand recently, it would have been enough to have 3000 to [-] people."

"Now the recruitment scale has almost doubled, which will have a considerable impact on the group's labor costs."

As the director of the Human Resources Department, Liu Youmei definitely hopes to reduce labor costs for the group.

Otherwise, how could she show her ability as the head of the personnel department?

"I plan to set up an intelligent network center under Xingchen Automobile to specialize in technologies related to intelligence, network connectivity and autonomous driving."

"According to my vision, this intelligent network center will need to have at least 5000 people in the future. It can be developed on a scale of 2000 people in the initial stage."

"Some of them recruit experienced technical personnel from various Internet companies, and the other part recruits fresh graduates with corresponding majors through campus recruitment to cultivate their own talents."

"In addition, Nanshan Battery can also recruit various talents related to materials science, eventually forming a R&D team of more than 2000 people."

"At the same time, Nanshan Equipment has a strong demand for talents in related majors. In the future, whether it is battery production equipment or semiconductor production equipment, it will be necessary to carry out independent research and development."

"As for Nanshan Auto Parts, we are recruiting more R&D personnel to study new technology parts based on the needs of new generation models."

"Even Nanshan Special Steel and Nanshan Carbon Fiber, as well as several departments that research resin materials, photoresists and other materials, can be reorganized into Nanshan Chemical, specializing in various other materials besides special steel, carbon fiber and lithium batteries."

"Coupled with the needs of other business units, the recruitment scale of 2 people seems a bit exaggerated, but considering the demand in the next one or two years, it is nothing."

Cao Yang naturally knows how strong the Nanshan Group's demand for talents will be in the future.

"But now various companies are canceling their recruitment plans, and some have even begun to consider layoffs."

"Although our group's various businesses are developing fairly well, the number of Xingchen cars exported to the United States and other places has also seen a significant decline in the past few months."

"In this case, shouldn't we be so anxious to engage in large-scale recruitment?"

Liu Youmei's words are not completely unreasonable.

During this time, she also frequently communicated with some of her former colleagues to see how everyone was coping with the current special situation.

From what she's learned, all walks of life are worried about the future.

Everyone has begun to think about living a tight life.

"If a company wants to be respected by everyone and have a special status in its own country, it must make some special contributions."

"For employees, providing competitive salaries is the most important thing. In this regard, our group has done quite well."

"For society, it is very important to provide competitive products. In this regard, our group has done a good job."

"However, there is another point. In the current situation where employment is very difficult, if Nanshan Group can bravely stand up, exert the spirit of responsibility of a large enterprise, and solve certain employment problems for China, then many people will definitely think highly of us. One glance.”

"The country will not let Nanshan suffer, and sometimes suffering is a blessing."

Cao Yang knew that not only Liu Youmei would find it difficult to understand that he wanted to recruit on a large scale in such an environment, but also many other people in the company would have similar thoughts.

So I simply took this opportunity to have a good chat with Liu Youmei, and then let the people in the human resources department know my thoughts.

If the people in the HR department know about it, many people in the company will naturally know about it.

After all, there are often no absolute secrets in a company.

"If we consider it from this perspective, can we ask the relevant departments for some preferential policies?"

"For example, talent subsidies and the like can appropriately reduce the company's burden."

Liu Youmei had sensed Cao Yang's firm will, so she no longer struggled with recruiting personnel.

"You have to be quick to do good things, otherwise your hard work may be in vain!"

"These people are all necessary for the group. We are just taking this opportunity to make the noise bigger."

"Of course, proper publicity and public opinion guidance must be done well."

Nanshan Group really needs people.

Taking advantage of this time of recruitment, many people will only think that Nanshan Group is trying to impress people and is trying to flatter themselves.

Who would care if Nanshan Group takes this opportunity to vigorously develop its intelligent network business?

By then, when everyone’s cars will still look like antiques, Xingchen Automobile will be able to achieve L2 and even L3 autonomous driving.

That impact is definitely overwhelming.

Following Cao Yang's instructions, Nanshan Group immediately took action.

10000 people are recruited on campus and 10000 people are recruited from society.

After this slogan was published, it immediately became a hot search on Weibo.

"McTy, Nanshan Group, where Xingchen Motors is located, has announced a large-scale recruitment plan for 20000 people. What do you think of this?"

As the general manager of BMW China, Aimoha is paying more and more attention to Xingchen Motors.

He has even arranged for people to buy every product of Xingchen Motors to dismantle and benchmark them.

On the one hand, it is to estimate the cost of the other party, and on the other hand, it is to see if there is anything we can learn from.Basically, every car company has someone doing this job.


McTee frowned and said, "I see ambition in this matter."

"The ambition of Nanshan Group, the ambition of Xingchen Motors, and the ambition of Cao Yang."

"I have been paying attention to the situation of Nanshan Group during this period. Not only do they produce most of their own auto parts, but now they also want to produce their own semiconductors such as chips."

"It is said that Nanshan Semiconductor is planning to build its own chip factory and achieve 100% localization of vehicle parts."

"Looking at China, and even the whole world, the only car company with such a concept is Xingchen Automobile."

"In the future, they will definitely be one of BMW's most important threatening rivals in China and even the world."

McTee obviously attaches great importance to the opponent Xingchen Automobile.

Especially when he personally test-drove Xingtu and Zhanwang some time ago, he gained a deeper understanding of the threat that Xingchen cars pose to BMW.

The success of a company in a short period of time often doesn't mean much.

But after you succeed, you can continue to push yourself and keep pushing forward, which is terrible.

"Xingchen Automobile is indeed a big threat to us. Whether it is X5 or X6, sales have been affected by Xingchen Automobile."

"Even the X7 to be launched in the future will be affected by Looking Up and Staring."

Aimoha is very clear about the company's sales this year.

And from time to time, he would go to 4S stores in person to understand the most real situation on the front line.

He even went to Xingchen Automobile's 4S store, pretending to be a customer, and inspected the other party's sales.

"The development and changes of China's automobile industry are too fast. It only takes a few years, which makes people feel like decades have passed."

"Ai Moha, I think it is necessary for the company to set up a research and development center in China to launch some models specifically for the Chinese market."

"Maybe we can put part of the R&D functions of the headquarters in China. Otherwise, if we can't keep up with the pace of the Chinese market, we may be further and further behind by Xingchen Automobile."

McTee has stayed in China for a relatively long time and has a special affection for this land.

In his opinion, China's technical talents can already meet some of BMW's development requirements.

Unlike when BMW first entered China, it was very difficult to find a few experienced R&D personnel.

"I will mention this matter to the headquarters, but those people are so far away from the Chinese market, so they probably won't accept these proposals easily."

Amoha is naturally able to realize the significance of McTi's proposal.

However, this is often the case. People below already know the problem, but there is no way to let the people above know smoothly, or even if the people above know, they don't understand.

In the end, the opportunity for self-salvation was missed.

Like Kodak, it's already 2008, and Cao Yang knows that it has reached a critical moment of life and death.

Some frontline salespeople are also feeling the crisis.

But Kodak's executives are still dreaming of a better tomorrow.

Little did he know that the company would close down tomorrow.

This situation happens repeatedly every year.


"Leader, I have confirmed that Nanshan Group really plans to recruit 2 people, just a lot more. It is not a slogan."

Nanshan Group's big recruitment move has already attracted various discussions on the Internet.

Liu Tianwu naturally knew this.

Originally, he thought that Nanshan Group was just taking this opportunity for publicity. In fact, it would be good to recruit a few thousand people.

So he didn't call Cao Yang directly, but asked Luo Yi to find out more about it.

Who knows that the confirmed situation is indeed quite different from what I thought.

"Are you really recruiting 2 people?"

"Wouldn't it be that the number of employees of Nanshan Group will soon reach 8?"

"According to this pace, next year it will become a large group enterprise with a scale of 10 people."

Liu Tianwu was surprised and happy.

This is definitely a good thing.

As a local enterprise in Yangcheng, among the 2 people recruited by Nanshan Group, local university graduates in Yangcheng will definitely benefit the most.

This can significantly alleviate this year's employment difficulties.

Even this move by Nanshan Group can drive companies in the entire Lingnan Province's automobile industry chain to increase recruitment, thus making the job market lively.

"Yes, Nanshan Group's current number of employees will soon exceed the 8 and 10 mark."

"At the same time, their tax payments this year are also at a record high."

"Especially in terms of personal income tax, Nanshan Group's tax payment accounts for almost [-]% of the city's personal income tax payment."

"This data is really exaggerated."

If it weren't for the smooth sailing around Liu Tianwu, Luo Yi himself would have wanted to change jobs and go to Nanshan Group.

According to the information he learned, the annual salary of a minister in Nanshan Group is definitely over one million.

With his qualifications, after joining Nanshan Group, he would obviously have a chance to become a minister.

"Enterprises like Nanshan Group are the ones that truly contribute to society."

"I have never seen them actively seek benefits from the government. On the contrary, they are more active than anyone else in making contributions."

"If there were more companies like this in Yangcheng, many things would be easier to handle."

Liu Tianwu said with emotion.

This situation was indeed not what he expected.

The one who was equally surprised by this incident and felt a little relieved was Xiang Changle.

He had just assumed the post of dean of the college after the reorganization this year, and he was under a lot of pressure.

Especially when it is such a difficult year to find a job, work pressure becomes even greater.

Now Nanshan Group has launched a large-scale recruitment of 2 people. It has also directly contacted the employment office of Lingnan University of Technology and selected several majors.

As long as students in these majors, whether undergraduate, graduate, or PhD, are willing to go to Nanshan Group, they will all be accepted.

Xiang Changle has not experienced this kind of wrapping method for several years.

"Ayang, you have helped me a lot."

"Yesterday at the school committee meeting, I was praised by the principal."

"If Nanshan Group needs to cooperate with the school on any projects in the future, if you boldly propose it, we will definitely provide the most favorable terms."

Xiang Changle personally went to Nanshan Group and came to Cao Yang's office.

He knows Nanshan Group quite well, after all, there are quite a lot of interactions in daily work.

"Teacher, the development of the group just needs people. We just recruited some people normally. We don't deserve such praise."

"This year is just the beginning. From now on, our school enrollment will not be less than 1 people every year. In the future, we will make Nanshan Group a large group with branches all over the world and employees all over the world."

Cao Yang is engaged in parts, complete vehicles, equipment and other things, naturally not to earn a few extra cents.

He is also considered an ambitious person.

Some things are mainly developed domestically now, but the situation will be different in the future.

"The school recruits less than 1 people every year?"

Even the well-informed Xiang Changle couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

This is too exaggerated, right?
"Yes, some of the company's employees leave every year. Coupled with the needs of business development, the annual recruitment of 1 people is actually not a lot."

Xian Changle didn't know how to refute Cao Yang's statement about Versailles.

There are not many private enterprises in China with a scale of 1 people.

Nanshan Group recruits more than 1 people every year. What is the concept?
If it lasts for five or eight years, wouldn't it mean that Nanshan Group will become a super large group with more than 20 employees?

You know, more than half of these employees are highly educated talents with a bachelor's degree or above.

This data is absolutely terrifying.

"Ayang, if Nanshan Group can really do this, then I can guarantee that as long as you don't commit murder or arson in China, you don't have to worry about anything you commit."

Xiang Changle gave his judgment with certainty.

Last year, Nanshan Group's turnover exceeded 2000 billion, and this year it is estimated to reach 3000 billion.

It does not seem impossible to become a company with an annual turnover of over RMB 1 trillion in the future.

At that time, the influence of Cao Yang, the general manager of Nanshan Group, was definitely no worse than that of ordinary city leaders.

After all, there can be many leaders in prefectures and cities, but there is only one Cao Yang.

"Teacher, I have always been honest, honest and simple. I always abide by the rules and disciplines in everything I do. What can I do?"

Cao Yang spread his hands, feeling very innocent.

In terms of compliance with laws and regulations, Nanshan Group is really doing better than most companies today.

Even among private enterprises, Nanshan Group can be regarded as a benchmark in this regard.

"I'm just giving you an example, just an example!"

This topic is obviously not suitable for in-depth communication, but the meaning is sufficient.

(End of this chapter)

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