Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 454: The micro-movie is working hard. I would rather cry in a Jaguar than laugh in the perma

Chapter 454: The micro-movie is working hard. I would rather cry in a Jaguar than laugh in the permanent back seat.
Jaguar Land Rover-related marketing activities are so lively on the Internet, and Zhang Songwen also sees them.

Zeng Tingting and Pan Jianghui had mentioned to him the Jaguar Land Rover advertising placement and other marketing measures before.

Zhang Songwen also paid great attention to it during this period.

An influential TV series or movie often takes a long time from preparation to official release.

If Nanshan Film and Television wants to make a contribution to the marketing of Jaguar Land Rover vehicles as soon as possible, it must not adopt the conventional plan in the past.

Otherwise it would definitely be too late.

Fortunately, Nanshan Film and Television is also full of talents. After several meetings, they quickly locked in a new publicity direction.

"Zhang Xin, I heard that the micro-movie "Goodbye, Lover" starring you will be officially released tonight?"

In Nanshan Film and Television, Mi Lai came to Zhang Xin's office as soon as he returned to the company today.

Ordinary employees definitely do not have independent offices in the company.

But Zhang Xin is obviously no ordinary employee.

I just joined Nanshan Film and Television at the end of last year and immediately got the opportunity to star in several film and television dramas, and even temporarily replaced the role of another actor.

There are no secrets in the entertainment industry. Soon, everyone who should know that Zhang Xin was Cao Yang's cousin knew.

Whether it's Xia Lin, Mi Lai, or other stars from Nanshan Film and Television, they all have a very good attitude towards Zhang Xin.

"Yes, but this is a short film, only 25 minutes in total."

"I don't know what the response will be after it goes online. I feel like I'm going to be scolded."

This is the first time Zhang Xin has participated in a film and television drama as a protagonist.

Although it is only a micro-movie, Nanshan Film and Television has invested a lot of resources.

Not only did veteran drama star Song Siming be hired to co-star Zhang Xin, but the other male and female supporting actors in the movie are all well-known actors.

Even the investment in this micro-movie does not look like an ordinary micro-movie, but rather like a normal low-cost film.

As for the related publicity work, it will be completely promoted on the scale of a normal film and television drama.

In this micro-movie, Zhang Songwen did not simply use it to praise Zhang Xin. The heroine was not even originally prepared for Zhang Xin.

After all, this heroine is not actually a good character, she can even be said to be a "bad girl" character.

"As an actor, there is no one who has not been scolded. We are not afraid of being scolded. We are so afraid that no one will even scold you."

"Besides, being scolded simply because of the character's problems is actually not a bad thing. It shows that the audience has a deep impression of this character."

"It's like Yin Zhiping in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". Normally, this character is not a protagonist, and most likely the average audience won't pay attention."

"But because of the special nature of the character, it is easy to be scolded, so many people have a deep impression of this character."

"The Chu Chu you played is actually pretty much the same."

"In the short film, she would rather sit in a Jaguar and cry than sit on a permanent bicycle and laugh. This is not your problem, it is purely a problem of the plot."

"If we really want to talk about responsibility, it is also the responsibility of the screenwriter."

Although "Goodbye, Lover" is just a short film, because Zhang Xin is the heroine, Milai is still very concerned about this short film.

She even asked Zhang Songwen for the script and read it carefully.

"It's true that my cousin, in order to make everyone have a deep impression of Jaguar, deliberately asked the screenwriter to set up such a character."

"Otherwise, I think if I changed it a little bit, this short film would be quite a classic."

When Zhang Xin said this, Mi Lai didn't dare to agree casually.

It's not like she didn't know that Zhang Xin's cousin was her boss's boss.

In this year's Chinese film market, micro-films suddenly emerged and attracted a lot of attention.

"A successful movie, TV series, or micro-movie must have something impressive."

"I think the setting in the plot that I would rather cry in a Jaguar than laugh on a permanent bicycle will definitely be a very classic setting."

"When many people are chatting or joking, they will talk about this joke, and then they will talk about this micro-movie, and then they will know you as the heroine."

"It definitely does more good than harm."

No matter what the actual situation was, Milai definitely had to choose nice words to say.

Of course, what she said was not entirely unreasonable.

"I hope it's what you said, otherwise I'll probably be scolded badly."

"The more popular the micro-movie becomes, the worse I will be scolded."

"Maybe my dad won't let me become an actor by then."

Milai obviously had no way of understanding Zhang Xin's troubles.

The differences between people are sometimes greater than the differences between people and dogs.

At [-] o'clock that evening, after a week of continuous warm-up, the micro-movie "Goodbye, Lover" starring Zhang Xin and Song Siming was officially launched.

Since it is a free-to-watch movie, it has also gone through a series of promotions from Nanshan Film and Television.

On the same day, celebrities such as Mi Lai and Charlene also helped to post viewing links on their respective Weibos. With such vigorous publicity, this micro-movie naturally attracted a lot of attention.

On the night it was released, the highest number of viewers exceeded 300 million.

This amount is definitely not small.

Under the joint operation of Jaguar Land Rover and Xingchen Motors, the meme "I would rather cry in a Jaguar than laugh on a permanent bicycle" immediately became a hot search on Weibo.

Although it is a short film, the shots are relatively beautiful and not rough at all.

In addition, although the plot is bloody, it is eye-catching and meets the movie-watching needs of the general public.

So although it can't be said to be artistic, the degree of dissemination is quite high.

In this way, the Jaguar brand will naturally be known to more people.

Although 99% of the people who watch this short film are not potential Jaguar users.

However, for marketing measures for luxury models, sometimes it is not simply to attract potential buyers to buy directly, but to expand the influence of the brand.

Only when more people recognize that you are a luxury brand, and make people who buy this brand feel that they have face and money spent, will they pay for it.

So to a certain extent, the viewers of the micro-movie are actually assisting potential consumers of Jaguar.

Let those who consider buying a luxury car give Jaguar priority.

"McTy, isn't there a saying in China that you would rather cry in a BMW than laugh on a bicycle?"

"Why didn't you market this thing properly, but Jaguar beat you to it?"

Aimoha usually doesn't watch videos on Nanshan Film and Television Network, but he follows the hot searches on Weibo every day.

So the day after the micro-movie was released, he learned about Jaguar's relevant marketing plan.

With this understanding, he had a problem with McTee.

BMW is clearly at the forefront, but now Jaguar has stolen the limelight.

No wonder Aimoha was a little unhappy.

"Our sales department made an internal evaluation and felt that this slogan might be somewhat harmful to our brand."

"Especially the headquarters did not approve of our marketing plan, so there was no deliberate guidance."

"I didn't expect that Jaguar would use any means for marketing."

Mikedy felt a little depressed.

This time, he really felt like he was being shot while lying down.

The BMW X5 was just stepped on by the Range Rover, and now everyone is still licking its wounds.

As a result, Jaguar came to assist again.

Is it over yet?
"I don't care what the method is, as long as the publicity effect is good, it is worth imitating."

"There is not only one entertainment company in China, Nanshan Film and Television. Wouldn't you look for other companies to cooperate?"

"Before, Xingchen Automobile became popular throughout China with the movie "Snail House", and now Jaguar has become famous with a micro-movie."

"If this continues, BMW's position in China's luxury car market will become worse year by year."

"This is absolutely unacceptable."

Aimoha was very angry and slapped Mikedy.

This general manager seems a bit frustrated.

Before coming to China, he had heard his predecessor introduce many times of happy life.

You can choose any girlfriend you want, and you don’t have to spend any money.

You can have priority wherever you go, no need to queue.

All kinds of things beyond Aimoha's imagination made him full of expectations.

But why did he find that when he really came to China, he was overwhelmed by work every day and had no mood to find a girlfriend?

My hair will fall out from worry.

"I will make arrangements right away. [-]% of next year's sales funds will be dedicated to the filming of film and television dramas. I will definitely be able to find some more classic dramas by then."

The boss was furious, and McTee didn't bother to explain, so it was best to express his position quickly.

Otherwise, he will probably be kicked out again.


"Yang Ze, this short film was shot very well. It reminds me of Zhu Xinxin."

In an industrial incubator in Yangcheng, Zhang Kuan and Yang Ze watched "Goodbye, Lover" together.

Their game company is doing well. Although it can't be said to have launched a hit product, it is still much more profitable than before.

Otherwise, how can we have time to watch dramas together?
Two grown men binge watching TV shows together, this is something that only happens in college dormitories.

"Put her down and don't mention that woman to me again."

"The car I drove was a BYD F6. It was better than that permanent bicycle, okay?"

Yang Ze has had several girlfriends in the past year.

Ever since he changed to Ziweixing and started looking up again, the female friends around him seemed to have suddenly become much more proactive.

Sometimes he feels a little embarrassed to say no.

Just give it a half push.

The more this happened, the less likely he was to think of getting married.

As for his first girlfriend Zhu Xinxin, he has completely let go of her.However, he said he has given up on it, but now he likes to join the car clubs that he looks up to.

The girls present there are all of high quality.

"After watching this short film, I think the Jaguar XJ seems pretty good."

"Lao Yang, do you plan to buy a new car?"

Zhang Kuan also has some spare money on hand now.

He has completely seen Yang Ze's changes in the past two years.

He also wanted to enjoy the days when a group of girls took the initiative to ride in the car.

"I'll forget it. Isn't it better to look up to a Jaguar?"

"If I want to change, I'll switch to the Starry Sky W16, but that car is too expensive. Whether I can afford it depends on whether our games can become more popular."

Yang Ze is quite satisfied with his current situation.

The recognition rate of that car on the street is quite high. Even people who don't know cars know that this car is not cheap when they see such a large SUV appearing in front of them.

When it comes to picking up girls, sometimes that's enough.

"Are there any activities held by the Car Club on the weekend?"

"When the time comes, will you take me with you to have a long experience?"

"If it's good, I'll actually buy a Jaguar XJ."

"When the time comes, we can take each other to each other's car clubs and share resources."

When Zhang Kuan said this, he couldn't help but show an expression on his face that every man would understand.

Naturally, Yang Ze would not refuse such a small request.

Across China, there are many people who have various thoughts after watching this micro-movie.

Of course, for most people, it would be nice if they could afford a Jaguar.

As for the people who actually buy it, they are definitely still in the minority.

However, considering that Jaguar only sold a few hundred vehicles in a month in China, the impact of this micro-movie will immediately make Jaguar Land Rover people deeply feel the changes in the market.

"Mr. Pan, a total of 4 Jaguars and 34 Land Rovers were sold in 92S stores across the country yesterday."

"This is a new record."

"Before, even during the National Day holiday, the sales volume in a single day was not that exaggerated."

Sales Director Li Wenxiong was quite excited.

He did not expect that Jaguar Land Rover's performance in the Chinese market would reach a turning point so quickly.

If this pace continues, Jaguar Land Rover's sales in China this year can exceed 4 vehicles, and next year there is a chance to hit 5 or even [-] vehicles.

After the Huaxia factory is put into production the next year, it is estimated that sales can directly reach 8, or even 10.

For those who work in sales, there is nothing more exciting than an increase in sales.

It's not just about their reputation, it's about their income.

Even when I change jobs in the future, these will be my achievements.

"Ford Motors sold Jaguar and Land Rover to Xingchen Motors. It really found a good owner for Jaguar Land Rover."

"I heard before that Tata Motors from Tianzhu also wanted to buy Jaguar and Land Rover. If they were bought by Tianzhu people, the situation would be completely different now."

"In the future construction of company culture, we must try our best to guide grassroots employees to increase their recognition of Xingchen Motors and Nanshan Group."

"Mr. Cao has been watching our performance."

Pan Jianghui knew very well who he belonged to.

Even though he is only the deputy general manager now, he always thinks from the position of the general manager in everything he does.

"I guess Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Audi will be anxious now."

"Originally, they probably never considered us a competitor and felt that our sales were too far behind theirs."

"Looking at it now, the sales difference of tens of thousands of vehicles is actually not a big difference at all."

"As long as we do it well, we can surpass it in one year."

Li Wenxiong is also full of confidence now.

Jaguar Land Rover's global sales last year were only around [-] units. By then, with just a little effort, the Chinese region will become the world's most important market.

Correspondingly, the status of the senior executives of Huaxia District in the headquarters has also increased.

The series of benefits brought about by this are difficult to describe in simple words.

"In the future, your sales department will have to communicate more with Xingchen Automobile. Autohome, Nanshan Film and Television, and Weibo will also have regular communication."

"We are all related companies, and by discussing some things, we can get twice the result with half the effort."

"In the past, I didn't quite understand why Xingchen Automobile's marketing plan was so effective every time. Now I slowly find out some of the reasons."

"Lao Li, the next few years will be the time for us to show our talents."

"If the company's sales are really good, I will become the general manager of China District and you will be the vice president."

"In the future, even the location of Jaguar Land Rover's headquarters is not something we can't think about."

"You don't even need to wait until you continue to rise, other luxury car brands will want to poach you to become their boss."

Taking this opportunity, Pan Jianghui is also painting a bigger picture for Li Wenxiong.

Of course, his picture of the pie was very convincing, and Li Wenxiong was willing to eat it.

After all, the pie is clearly visible and no one will give up easily.

Then, while Li Wenxiong and Pan Jianghui were chatting enthusiastically about the increase in sales of Jaguar Land Rover, the situation at BMW was a bit bad.

"Land Rover was originally a brand sold by BMW, and its influence should not be greater than that of BMW."

"But why do Chinese people now think Land Rover is more high-end than BMW?"

"Ai Moha, what do you do as the general manager of China Region?"

As president of BMW Asia Pacific, Phillips is particularly dissatisfied with the performance of the China region this year.

BMW's current position in the Asia-Pacific region is the result of many years of operations.

But Phillips has a feeling that his past efforts seem to be in vain.

"It's not that we don't work hard, it's that our opponents are too strong."

"Phillips, you have to understand that China is the home of Xingchen Motors, and now it is also the home of Jaguar and Land Rover."

"Their relationship with China's largest automotive media, Autohome, is like a family."

"Weibo, China's largest social media, is also their brother company."

"As for Nanshan Film and Television, it goes without saying that it was established entirely for Xingchen Motors. Now it can also be said that it is established for Jaguar and Land Rover."

"Under such circumstances, it is normal that we cannot compare with Land Rover in terms of publicity."

"It's not that the quality and brand of BMW cars are inferior to Land Rover, it's that BMW's influence in China is not as good as Xingchen Motors."

Aimoha felt that he was also wronged.

He has worked very hard over the years.

But it was a bit of bad luck.

I just scolded Mikedy a few days ago, but I didn't expect retribution to come so quickly.

"Everyone will find reasons, what I want is the results!"

"If the sales of BMW cars in China have been growing at a high speed, then no matter what happens, I can help you get over it at the headquarters."

"But BMW's sales this year have barely increased compared to last year."

“But you look at Star Cars and Jaguar Land Rover?”

"Our sales have almost doubled."

"In this case, do you think it's because the market is not good, or because you guys are not good at it?"

"Or do you think the people in the design department at the headquarters are not strong enough and the models they designed are not competitive?"

Phillips's crackling output left Aimoha not knowing how to refute.

At this time, he somewhat understood McTee's mood.

However, he also thought about calling McTee later.

Pass on the bad mood.

"If we just want to increase sales, I actually have a way to double or even triple our sales."

As soon as Amoha said these words, Phillips' interest was immediately attracted.

There is a good way like this, didn't you tell me earlier?
Fortunately, before he could continue to say anything, Aimoha himself took the initiative and said: "For Chinese consumers, current BMW cars are still too expensive. If we can launch a series of cheaper models, then there will definitely be Many people are willing to buy BMW cars."

"For example, we will launch the X3 as soon as possible, or even ask the headquarters to launch the X1 model for the Chinese market. By then, we will have small SUVs, medium SUVs, medium and large SUVs, and large SUVs."

"With prices ranging from RMB 30 million to RMB 200 million, our products can fully meet the needs of different consumers."

"At that time, the sales volume was not tens of thousands of vehicles a year, but tens of thousands of vehicles a month."

"For the company's senior management, as long as the sales volume increases, they can give a good explanation to shareholders."

“Even some gambling benefits can be obtained smoothly.”

"And we can get more opportunities because of our outstanding work performance."

Aimoha expressed his thoughts in one breath.

In the past, Phillips would have retorted immediately.

For an entry-level small SUV like the X1, isn’t this destroying BMW’s brand name?

Who else will think that BMW is a very luxurious car in the future?

However, some of what Amoha said is not unreasonable.

People are selfish and need to think about their own interests.

Obviously, Aimoha's plan is in line with his own interests and the interests of the company's CEO.

In this way, this matter can be done!
"Amoha, you come up with a specific plan, and I will personally go back to Germany and report your plan to the headquarters!"

(End of this chapter)

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