Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 460: The radical Nanshan Group started crazy mode

Chapter 460: The radical Nanshan Group started crazy mode
In September 2008, Lehman went bankrupt and the international financial crisis broke out.

China's economic growth has dropped rapidly, and exports have experienced negative growth.

Especially after entering October, this trend is very obvious.

In China's economy in this era, exports still account for a very large proportion.

After foreign trade is affected, a series of collateral impacts will immediately appear.

In this way, China will naturally take relevant measures.

Therefore, while people in the automobile industry were still discussing the domestic production of Jaguar Land Rover, something with a more far-reaching impact happened.

That evening, China News Channel broadcast an important meeting content.

As the world economic and financial crisis becomes increasingly severe, in order to resist the adverse impact of the international economic environment on our country, China must adopt flexible and prudent macroeconomic policies to cope with the complex and ever-changing situation.

The meeting stated that at present, we must implement proactive fiscal policies and moderately loose monetary policies, introduce more powerful measures to expand domestic demand, accelerate people's livelihood projects, infrastructure, ecological environment construction and post-disaster reconstruction, and increase the income of urban and rural residents, especially low-income groups. level and promote stable and rapid economic growth.

The meeting identified ten current measures to further expand domestic demand and promote economic growth.

From the fourth quarter of 2008 to the end of 2010, it is expected that various investment projects worth 4 trillion yuan will be promoted.

As soon as this news came out, it had a huge impact on all walks of life in China.

Within Nanshan Group, a meeting was held immediately the next day.

"Mr. Cao, this time's stimulus package is a plan that focuses on expanding domestic demand and combines consumption and investment."

"The automobile industry, which is already on the verge of decline, is expected to return to the path of rapid growth."

“I think the group’s next plans can be bolder and faster.”

Zeng Tingting first expressed her views.

Finance Minister Dong Shengnan also expressed his approval.

"After the introduction of this series of investment plans, the promotion effect on Nanshan Equipment, Nanshan Robot, Nanshan Special Steel, Nanshan Carbon Fiber and other companies should also be very obvious."

"Especially for Nanshan equipment and Nanshan special steel, I think there will be a big wave of market demand soon."

"In addition, the stimulating effect on commercial vehicles is also obvious."

"Our diesel engine and commercial vehicle company's business should be expected to usher in a wave of explosive growth."

This financial crisis has had a far-reaching impact on Europe and the United States.

But for China, as long as stimulating policies are introduced, everyone's confidence will be restored much faster.

For example, joint ventures and foreign companies in China have been greatly affected by the impact on their parent companies. Even though China has already introduced stimulus policies, some investments are still suspended and some projects that have not yet started are cancelled.

But for local Chinese companies, the situation is obviously a little different.

"I think the Xingchen Automobile production capacity expansion project can be officially launched now."

"By the second half of next year, the annual production capacity of 30 vehicles will be officially established."

"We need to consider building new factories in the future."

"Considering that other domestic domestic brands' models are stimulated by this wave, it is likely that sales will increase significantly."

"I think the expansion of production capacity of Nanshan engines and Nanshan gearboxes can be started as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, the orders may come in too quickly, and we really won't be able to deliver them in time."

Rao Yongxiang is also optimistic about the future.

"Mr. Cao, responding to the policy at this time and expanding the production capacity of each factory on a large scale should play an extraordinary leading role."

"At that time, not only Yangcheng City and Lingnan Provincial Capital will be on our side, but there will also be many official media in China to help us promote it."

"Perhaps this is an important opportunity to leave competitors behind."

Zeng Tingting has always had a very good vision, and she was the first to propose this meeting.

Originally, Cao Yang thought that if he proposed a lot of radical plans, there would be a lot of internal opposition.

Unexpectedly, everyone was worried that he would object.

In this way, things will be easy to handle.

"This economic promotion policy will be the hottest news in China for some time to come, and all walks of life will take action."

"And I think these policies and investments are just a way to attract more investment."

"As an important private industrial enterprise in China, our group cannot fall behind."

"On this point, I completely agree with everyone's point of view just now."

As soon as Cao Yang said these words, Zeng Tingting and others immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

If there is no problem in the general direction, other things will be easy to handle.

"As everyone just analyzed, the impact this time will be all-round. By then, companies such as Nanshan Equipment and Nanshan Special Steel will usher in a very good development opportunity."

"In the past few years, Nanshan Equipment's factories have expanded here and there to continuously meet various needs."

"However, these are definitely not enough."

"Taking advantage of this opportunity, we will directly double the production capacity of various machine tools and equipment. We will find a large piece of land in Yangcheng City and directly build the largest equipment factory in the country."

Although the equipment industry is not conspicuous, the output value and profits it contributes to Nanshan Group are relatively limited.

But Cao Yang has never ignored the existence of Nanshan equipment, and even half of Cao Yang's investment in research and development is on equipment.

Otherwise, how could all kinds of advanced machine tools and battery production equipment appear so quickly?

"Then there is Nanshan Special Steel. Although the production capacity of crude steel has always been in excess, the situation of high-end special steel is different."

"Nanshan Special Steel can start the construction of a new factory in the direction of forming a production capacity of 100 million tons of high-end special steel, and strive to put it into production within next year."

“If you don’t have enough funds, you can ask Shaozhou local people to help you get a loan.”

Cao Yang looked at Xie Lingyun and gave a very clear instruction.

Nanshan Group has always disliked lending, which has made many banks feel helpless.

But Cao Yang's expansion this time was too big and too fierce.

It’s really difficult to borrow part of the amount.

Unless the overseas funds can be transferred back.

But that would be troublesome. It would be better to stay overseas and contribute to the development of the semiconductor industry.

"Mr. Cao, the Shaozhou local government and Shaogang Steel have always hoped that we can expand the production capacity of the special steel plant, so there will be no problems in the supply of raw materials, coordination of funds, or land preparation."

"Before December next year, the new factory of Nanshan Special Steel will definitely be put into production on time."

As a special steel plant, there is no need to build a blast furnace to smelt crude steel, so the production expansion can be much faster.

The initial production capacity was 30 tons, which was later increased to 50 tons.

Now that it has doubled, Xie Lingyun's enthusiasm must be very high.

This means that Nanshan Special Steel can be on the domestic stage in terms of output value and scale.

"In addition to Nanshan equipment and Nanshan special steel, the scale of Nanshan robots can also be improved."

“China’s artificial success has been relatively low over the past few years.”

"One of the measures in this policy is to increase people's income levels and wages."

"It can be speculated that China's labor costs will definitely experience a relatively rapid increase in the next few years."

"In the past, some factories didn't want to use robots because the cost of using labor would be cheaper."

"But with the rise in labor costs and the rise in employees' awareness of rights protection, many bosses will be greatly interested in robots."

"At the same time, local governments are also actively promoting enterprises to improve production efficiency and increase the use of automation equipment."

"So this time Nanshan Robot will also seize the opportunity and directly build a new factory with an annual output of 10 robots, becoming the largest robot manufacturer in the country and even the world in one fell swoop."

When Cao Yang said this, everyone was a little surprised.

This action is a bit big.

The most critical thing is that equipment, robots and other industries have significantly expanded production, which means that corresponding bearing factories and other parts companies also need to expand production simultaneously.

By then, Nanshan Group's investment amount in the next year will not be able to meet even 100 billion yuan, let alone 200 billion yuan.

It may even directly impact the huge figure of 500 billion yuan.

"Mr. Cao, last year the national sales of robots were less than 10 units. We added 10 units of production capacity in one go. Can we divide the factory into several phases to build it?"

Dong Shengnan originally thought that he was already quite radical.

Unexpectedly, his boss was bolder and directly arranged to build a large-scale robot factory with a production capacity equal to that of all other manufacturers in the country combined.

If this is the case, if the market demand is not that big by then, Nanshan Robot will be under great pressure.

The most critical thing is that the financial department is also under great pressure.

After all, there are so many investment projects, all of which are in units of [-] million or even [-] billion.

Even looking for a bank loan can be stressful.

"Everyone must have confidence in China's economic development and the speed at which employees' wages will rise in the future."

"For example, various stamping equipment, most of them will undergo automated transformation in the future."

“Now it costs 3 to 10 yuan to solve a worker’s problem, but in a few years it will cost [-] yuan, or even more.”

"At that time, the investment in a robot would be recouped within one or two years."

"The enthusiasm of each boss will exceed everyone's imagination."

The number of 10 robots seems exaggerated, but the Chinese market is fully capable of consuming it in the future.

Besides, if it cannot be consumed domestically, it can still be exported.By then, if all the manufacturers in Japan and the United States are wiped out, it may be necessary to further expand production capacity.

Cao Yang had already said so, but Dong Shengnan couldn't say anything else.

After all, just now they all supported the expansion of production capacity in various factories of Nanshan Group.

"Mr. Cao, if we follow this expansion pace, then our personnel recruitment work may have to be considered in advance."

"Especially for the training of skilled workers, it will take at least three months for training and internship after recruitment. Even some more important positions require half a year of internship before they can be fully trusted to do it."

Minister of Personnel Liu Youmei also raised a question.

This year Nanshan Group has recruited 2 people, but these people are basically technical, R&D and management personnel.

And 7 of them are fresh graduates who will not officially join the workforce until July next year.

There has not been much movement in the recruitment of workers in various factories.

Don’t underestimate the personnel needs of these factories.

For example, if Nanshan Equipment and Nanshan Robot expand production according to the plan just mentioned by Cao Yang, at least 3000 workers will be needed.

Coupled with the expansion of other business units, the recruitment of workers alone will exceed 1 next year.

This job is also a challenge for the human resources department.

"Each business department will summarize the relevant needs and then prioritize them. The human resources department can start recruiting relevant workers and technical personnel."

"These past few months have not been so prosperous for all walks of life. It should be a better time to recruit people."

"If we wait until this time next year, it may become more difficult to recruit workers."

Cao Yang knew very well how difficult it would be for ordinary small factories in places like Yangcheng to recruit workers in a few years.

The wages are low and people are unwilling to go.

The working environment is so bad that people don’t want to go there.

There are few female workers in the factory, and people are reluctant to go there.

Of course, for Nanshan Group, since the overall treatment is competitive, there is no need to worry about this situation.

Not to mention 1 workers, tens of thousands more can be recruited.

Of course, with Nanshan Group recruiting like this, other factories in Yangcheng will probably be under pressure.

The relatively high-level workers in their factory may be thinking of various ways to enter the Nanshan Group.

"Mr. Cao, I think we can take this opportunity to promote the sales increase of independent brand car companies and see if policies can stimulate the car market so that car sales can increase as soon as possible."

"For example, in vast rural areas, the current car ownership is still relatively low."

"Can we join forces with BYD, Chery, Geely and other independent brand car companies to launch a car-to-the-country campaign specifically targeting the vast rural areas?"

“Promote purchase tax exemptions and government-related subsidies for the models in the event.”

"Of course, if this policy is to make independent brands the biggest beneficiaries as much as possible, there must be some restrictions."

“I think we can consider setting some thresholds based on price.”

"For example, models with a guide price of less than 10 can enjoy the benefits of this policy."

"As a result, most joint venture car companies and imported cars will not be able to enjoy the benefits."

"The original price of the car is already less than 10, so the effect of the purchase tax reduction and subsidy is still considerable for those who are interested in buying a new car."

"These independent brand car companies generally use our engines, transmissions, and various other parts."

"At that time, our Nanshan Group will be the biggest beneficiary of this policy."

Rao Yongxiang put forward a very constructive proposal from a high position.

Nanshan Group is now so aggressive in expanding production. If there are some relevant actions to coordinate with these expansion plans, then everyone will have more confidence in their hearts.

Otherwise, everyone has to worry about whether these investments will be wasted at any time.

"Mr. Rao's proposal is very good. I think in the current environment, we should be able to get the support of ministries and commissions to promote home appliances and cars to the countryside."

"If various provinces and cities provide some subsidies at that time, then this event may really become a very meaningful event."

Cheng Tao of Nanshan Engine is naturally very supportive of Rao Yongxiang's plan.

Whether the sales of Nanshan Engine is good or not mainly depends on the sales of independent brand car companies.

"I have a classmate who is working on the reform committee. They should be very interested in Mr. Rao's proposal."

"I think this matter can indeed be dealt with. It will be very beneficial to our group and other independent brands."

Ji Hua, as the general manager of Nanshan Transmission, naturally hopes that this measure can be introduced as soon as possible.

Anyway, no matter how much money it is for a self-owned brand car company, the gearbox is basically produced by Nanshan Transmission.

By then, Nanshan Transmission's sales are expected to experience a wave of explosive growth, and it will become one of the world's largest transmission companies.

Although the current Nanshan gearbox is not small in scale, its market share in China is already relatively high.

But from a global perspective, there is still a gap compared with the scale of Aisin and ZF, and even compared with Nissan's JATCO, its sales volume is still lower.

If we can seize this wave of sales growth from independent brand car companies and directly increase sales by 200 million units by then, Nanshan Transmission can become second only to Aisin and ZF.

"These suggestions are very good. The higher-ups should be very interested in the activity of driving cars to the countryside."

"These are among the most effective measures to expand domestic demand."

"At that time, I will also communicate with relevant personnel in Yangcheng City and Lingnan Province, and it will be more appropriate for them to come forward to unite various car companies."

Enterprises should not be too involved in the introduction of policies, and just promote them appropriately.

In this regard, Cao Yang's sense of boundaries has always been relatively clear.

Otherwise, it will be easy to form dependence. Any problems in the future will be solved through policies, and we will not engage in technology research and development properly.

In the end, the current technological advantages will be wasted and the company will become a company resting on its laurels.

"The promotion of new models at Nanshan Hongqi is now in full swing."

"Now that we predict that the automobile market will grow rapidly in the next few years, can we also increase the mass production time of Nanshan Hongqi's new models?"

Rao Yongxiang slowly shifted the topic to the vehicle business.

This business accounts for the largest turnover of Nanshan Group.

That is impossible to ignore in any case.

"The design plan was only given out last month, and it is already a very ideal and very fast time to put it into production by the end of next year."

"If it goes any faster, there will basically be no time for technical verification."

Rao Yongxiang understood what Cao Yang said.

After all, he is a professional too.

However, this time he put forward some different views.

"Mr. Cao, the three most critical parts of a car are the engine, gearbox and chassis."

"The three major parts of Nanshan Hongqi's two new models are all mass-produced parts of Nanshan Group."

"This ensures that the quality bottom line of the new car will not be very low after it is launched. Even if there is a problem with the remaining interior and exterior decoration-related parts, it is mainly due to parts accuracy issues and will have little impact."

"So I think we can consider further compressing the time. As long as the relevant certification work is completed, we can immediately prepare for launch and large-scale mass production."

"Some small problems can be improved while producing, so that Nanshan Hongqi can enjoy the policy benefits this time to the maximum extent."

"Of course, according to the discussion just now, cars going to the countryside are mainly targeted at models under RMB 10, and Nanshan Hongqi's new cars are not eligible."

"However, we can let Spring City Automobile Group promote the use of official vehicles and make Nanshan Hongqi the biggest beneficiary as much as possible."

What Rao Yongxiang said makes sense, and Cao Yang naturally won't be too entangled.

The development cycle of many later generations of electric vehicles is only more than a year, and that is when all parts are newly developed.

Now the three major parts of Nanshan Hongqi are reserved for mass production, so there is really no need to worry about quality issues.

After Rao Yongxiang made this move, the construction of Jaguar Land Rover's new factory was also discussed.

Everyone is very active in thinking of various ways to speed up the progress of the project.

The development rhythm of Nanshan Group has suddenly entered a new mode.

This model has surprised many people.

"Ronaldino, are you sure that these production expansion plans need to be done in the last year, and not plans for the next three or five years?"

Liu Tianwu was very excited, and looked at the list Luo Yi compiled for himself with a little surprise and confusion.

"Leader, I have confirmed with the General Manager Office of Nanshan Group that there are no problems with these plans."

"Aren't the authorities now trying to encourage economic development and boost domestic demand? They have also introduced various investment policies."

"Nanshan Group feels that as the largest private enterprise in Lingnan Province, they have an obligation to cooperate with some relevant measures to increase production."

"And they are very confident in the domestic economic development prospects. They feel that although these plans are a bit bold, they are in line with future market needs."

Luo Yi replied firmly.

At the beginning, he also had many questions.

He even confirmed it separately with Nanshan Special Steel and Nanshan Robot.

But the news confirmed by various channels was the same, so he had to believe it even if he didn't believe it.

It can't be that everyone is mistaken, right?

 I wish everyone a happy National Day, and I’d like to ask for a monthly pass~
(End of this chapter)

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