Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 466: The 0 Parts Exhibition was promised, but why are we going to develop smartphones?

Chapter 466: The parts exhibition was promised, but why did we go to the smartphone show?
It was such a rewarding first day at the Auto Parts Show in Las Vegas.

This is obviously a good thing for Nanshan Auto Parts’ overseas expansion.

Although these businesses are mainly in the auto parts market and not mass production supporting, the things that influence each other are mutual.

Just like tires, even if the number of Michelin's supporting products on mass-produced models is decreasing, as long as it has enough influence in the auto parts market, it is still very meaningful.

"Mr. Cao, some modified car companies have also contacted us in the past two days. I think we can consider in-depth cooperation with these manufacturers. In the future, we can also learn from their operating models and build a modified car belonging to Nanshan Group in China."

"Like Mercedes-Benz's AMG, if the modified car is done well, it will also be very beneficial to the improvement of the brand."

"Even during this process, you can find some marketing ideas."

After securing this big order from AutoZone, Zeng Tingting began to focus on modified cars.

"In terms of consumption habits, Americans love cars very much, especially those who have a car-loving culture and a culture of modification."

"In addition, Americans are also very capable."

"With such a DIY culture, most car owners will buy these parts and do repairs and modifications themselves."

"This group of consumers will pay more attention to cost-effectiveness and generally buy items individually. For example, if a car light breaks, they will buy another car light, sometimes spark plugs, brake pads, etc."

“Due to factors such as the age of the car, the repurchase rate is also very strong.”

"So the business of modified cars is indeed worthy of careful consideration to see if we can cut another piece of the cake from markets other than AutoZone."

Dai Hanbiao was in a good mood now. After hearing what Zeng Tingting said, he also gave her an assist.

"In the United States, cars are no longer just a means of transportation, they have become a vehicle to express individuality and pursue passion. Their modified car culture is a jaw-dropping car world."

"Every year, various car exhibitions and modified car competitions bring together countless car fans and modified enthusiasts."

“The buzz of the cars and the dusty scene on the track in the scorching sun is exciting.”

"According to data, millions of people in the United States participate in the modified car culture every year, and the scale of the modified car market has reached tens of billions of dollars."

"From sports car brands such as Ferrari and Lamborghini to off-road vehicle brands such as Jeep and Hummer, modified car enthusiasts do their best to pursue the ultimate speed."

"They believe that freedom and passion can only be truly felt in the most exciting moments."

"Modified car culture is not just a decoration, but also the innovation and pursuit of technology."

“Many modified car enthusiasts have a deep understanding of automotive technology and they create unique modified cars through constant experimentation and innovation.”

"For example, technical means such as modifying the engine, adding turbocharging, and installing advanced suspension systems have fully improved vehicle performance."

"This is a very good opportunity for Nanshan Group."

"We can provide special engines and various other parts needed for modified cars, and we can even introduce more carbon fiber parts into the modified car market, completely subverting this market."

The more Zeng Tingting talked, the more excited she became, as if she saw a blue ocean appearing in front of Nanshan Group.

"With the development of automobiles to this day, they have developed from the initial means of transportation to a cultural category."

"For many consumers who long for true perfection, not to mention BMW and Mercedes-Benz, even Ferrari has shortcomings of one kind or another, so every car buyer hopes to get a completely customized car that best reflects his or her own personality."

"Nowadays, there are car factories everywhere, but there seems to be a little gap in getting a car that best suits your wishes from an individual perspective."

"Obviously, it is impossible for ordinary people to get what they think is a perfect car from a car factory, so the only way to achieve perfection is through modification!"

"In the United States and Europe, modified cars have a long history. The first modified cars appeared to better participate in competitions, so many people who like drag racing have modified their cars with engines, exhaust pipes and other equipment. In order to Being able to reach higher speeds in races and achieve good results, this method of changing the original car is the origin of modern modified cars."

"With the development of the automobile industry and the popularity of motorsports, car modification has become an integral part of the car life of ordinary car fans and has gradually become a fashion."

"Nowadays, modified cars have been widely recognized around the world, especially among young people. There is quite a market for them. Driving a modified car looks outstanding and always gets the highest rate of return in the traffic."

"In China, due to the relatively short history of automobiles, people are not familiar with modified cars. They generally think that it is just to change the internal configuration of the car, or to make some adjustments to the appearance of the car, such as adding a cover to a pickup truck or removing it from a van. The last row of seats becomes a minivan with cargo capacity, etc.”

"In fact, the real modification of a car is not to adjust the configuration of the car or change the appearance of the car, but to make major changes to the core parts of the car."

Dai Hanbiao was adding his own opinions while Zeng Tingting nodded frequently.

He obviously recognized his assists.

"For example, many people want to make their cars comparable to Ferrari, which requires detailed improvements to the car's engine series."

"Generally speaking, the main purpose of most car modification enthusiasts is to improve the car's surging power. Power system modification is the top priority of car modification."

"To improve the power of a car, you must replace spark plugs, ignition coils and cylinder liners, high-pressure oil pumps, pistons, horsepower boosters, electronic rectifiers, exhaust pipes, etc."

"In addition, there are many people who want to improve the comfort and safety of the car, which requires improvements to the chassis of the car. The main modification items include shock absorbers, brake calipers, rims, front roof, rear roof, and front passenger cars. frame, rear subframe, etc.”

"As for other improvement methods, it varies from person to person. Some people want to improve the sound effect of the car, some people want to install a DVD in the car, and some even want to install a GPS positioning system in the car. All of these are just reflections of people's personalization. ."

"These require the use of a large number of specially customized parts, or the use of parts used on some high-end cars on modified cars."

"I saw a consumer some time ago who modified the W16 engine we were looking for into a Honda Civic, making this little steel cannon really run as fast as a cannonball."

Dai Hanbiao introduced his knowledge of modified cars very seriously.

His explanation to Zeng Tingting gave Cao Yang a deeper understanding of modified cars.

But it also made Cao Yang feel a little speechless.

Have you shown that you don't like modified cars?

Why are Zeng Tingting and Dai Hanbiao worried about their disagreement?

Limited by regulations, China's domestic modified car market is indeed not large.

It was normal for me to look down on myself before.

But I still attach great importance to overseas markets.

With the development of the domestic economy and the increase in car ownership, the future market prospects of modified cars in the country are also worth looking forward to.

I have no reason to object.

After all, when this market eventually develops and grows, Nanshan Group will definitely be one of the biggest beneficiaries.

"I support the development of the modified car market and even the establishment of a modified car company in the group."

"But you should consider the relevant laws and regulations at the same time."

"The best thing is to promote relevant domestic legislation, so as to avoid the embarrassment that the modified models cannot even pass the annual inspection."

Cao Yang felt that if he didn't express his position, Zeng Tingting and Dai Hanbiao would still be fighting for a while.

So before the two of them could say anything else, Cao Yang said what he meant neatly.

“After buying a car, many car owners like to add or modify some parts to their car, but now the attitude towards car modification in China is almost zero tolerance. In addition to the paint and color changes that can be registered, even changing the wheels may not necessarily pass the vehicle inspection. .”

"If there is no way to promote the revision of relevant regulations, the domestic modified car market will indeed be relatively small."

Mi Ying, who hadn't spoken much, interjected beside her.

She feels that the modified car market is huge, but domestically, the space is limited in the short term.

After all, the situation is too complicated. If we let it go, some people might mess up.

For example, just to make your car lights brighter, you may change your halogen headlights to xenon headlights or LED headlights. You may be happy, but other vehicles on the road will be in danger.

For example, if the exhaust system is modified, and an ordinary car has a roar like a sports car, many people will definitely be disgusted.

Of course, if you simply make some modified parts and export them to overseas markets such as the United States, then there is indeed much potential.

After all, the modification market in these places is already very mature, and the relevant laws and regulations are relatively clear.

"The non-mass production vehicle parts supply market in the entire United States and Europe is worth hundreds of billions of dollars, or even larger."

"As long as we capture 5% of the market, we can make Nanshan Auto Parts' mouth watering."

"In addition to cooperating with traditional parts sales giants such as AutoZone, we can also consider developing emerging Internet sales platforms."

"For example, websites like Amazon here in the United States started by selling books, but now they sell more and more things."

"In the future, auto parts may also be sold on it, and our Nanshan Auto Parts can also set up an official flagship store on it."

"Although it is unlikely to make any money in the short term, in the long run, it may be a good opportunity to open up the after-sales market."

"There is no mandatory scrapping requirement for cars here in the United States."

"This means that after a car has been driven for ten years, it may continue to be driven for 15 or even 20 years."

"The further we go, the greater the demand for related spare parts."

"We start thinking about this industry now. When the industry's dividends arrive in a few years, we will be able to take the lead."

Cao Yang knows how crazy various online stores will be in later generations.

Online shopping has completely affected everyone.

As long as you can think of it, you can basically buy it online.

And the further you get to the back, the more convenient it becomes.

Amazon even started selling auto parts in 2017.

After all, this is a blue ocean and a rising industry.

“Online shopping is still very inconvenient now, isn’t it?”

Zeng Tingting felt a little surprised by the plan proposed by Cao Yang.

This direction is really new.It’s so new that it’s hard for everyone to accept it.

"Yes, it is indeed just starting now, but with the development of smartphones and the increase in network speeds from 2G to 3G, the situation will change dramatically in the future."

"At that time, with a mobile phone, you can buy car parts, daily necessities, vegetables and fruits online, and even call a car, video chat, navigation and so on."

"We are just making some early preparations now. When this industry becomes popular, our auto parts stores will be the oldest stores, which is also a good thing for publicity."

"The most important thing is that we grasp the situation of this industry in advance. When the industry trend comes, we can enjoy the relevant dividends as quickly as possible."

Cao Yang has a deep understanding of the impact of smartphones.

It is no exaggeration to say that this thing has changed everyone's life.

However, when Cao Yang said this, Mi Ying couldn't help but said: "Mr. Cao, if it goes as you said, wouldn't this kind of mobile phone be the same as a small computer?"

"Everyone will need a mobile phone like this by then. Is it possible for the mobile phone to have some contact with the car's display screen, such as making calls or something?"

As soon as Mi Ying finished speaking, not only Cao Yang was surprised, but also Zeng Tingting, Dai Hanbiao and others were a little stunned.

Can there still be such a connection between mobile phones and cars?
It sounds very fantasy.

But it doesn’t seem impossible?

"Indeed, there is a strong correlation between smartphones and cars, and some things can be completely used by each other."

"Last year, Apple here in the United States released a smartphone."

"The design of this phone is very simple, there is no physical keyboard, just a big screen."

"It uses multi-touch screen technology that allows you to operate the phone with finger swipes, zooms and taps."

"This kind of design is very avant-garde and is something other mobile phone manufacturers don't have."

"The phone is also very versatile. It can make calls, send text messages, browse the Internet, play music and videos, and more."

"In addition, Apple's machine is also equipped with a 200-megapixel camera that can take photos and record videos."

"Even in July this year, Apple launched its second-generation smartphone, which can already support 7G networks."

"At this pace, their new generation mobile phones should also be released next year."

"By then, all the traditional feature phones that everyone is using will be eliminated."

Surrounded by the core figures of the Nanshan Group, Cao Yang didn't mind expressing forward-looking views.

However, his emphasis on the power of smartphones gave Zeng Tingting a very different idea.

"Mr. Cao, since the prospect of smartphones is so broad, only Apple is doing better now, and almost all other mobile phones are still traditional feature phones."

"Then if our Nanshan Group also establishes a smartphone company to research and produce smartphones, can it become one of the disruptors in the mobile phone industry, and even become the largest smartphone manufacturer in China?"

When Zeng Tingting said this, Cao Yang was stunned.

He used to only think about developing around the automobile industry, and he really never thought about producing smartphones.

After all, there are actually quite a lot of smartphone manufacturers in China in later generations.

There are many good things done.

Under this situation, Cao Yang didn't have much interest in getting his own mobile phone before.

But Zeng Tingting’s point of view is not unreasonable.

Combined with what Mi Ying just said, if the smartphone is done well, it can be linked with the car.

At that time, we can even take this opportunity to make the vehicle computer systems of Xingchen Motors, Jaguar, Land Rover, Nanshan Hongqi and other car companies highly compatible with Nanshan Group's smartphones.

So if future generations of intelligent network-related technologies are used in Xingchen Automobile in advance, the sense of technology will definitely be full, right?

Then step by step, the technology will be used by other car companies. Xingchen Automobile has always used the most advanced generation, and its style is definitely full of style.

It seems like this can be done?

"Mr. Cao, compared to a car, the parts used in a mobile phone are not of the same order of magnitude."

"We can produce luxury models like Xingchen Motors, we can produce complex parts such as engines and gearboxes, and we can also produce high-precision electronic components such as ECUs and ESPs ourselves."

"Then producing mobile phones is not a difficult task for us."

"Even Nanshan Auto Parts can handle the production of mobile phones."

"And the development of mobile phones does not require a lot of testing like cars."

"As long as the research and development speed is fast enough, a brand new mobile phone can be launched in more than half a year."

"If we start the project now, we will definitely be able to launch our own smartphone next year."

Dai Hanbiao's words made Cao Yang even more excited.

自己要是没有记错的话,明年6月份苹果公司就会推出iPhone 3GS,然后到了2010年6月就会推出智能手机时代最具代表性的产品——iPhone 4。

According to the normal rhythm, Apple will not start designing iPhone 6 until June next year.

Even if the schedule is advanced, it is only a few months in advance at most.

If Nanshan Group takes action now, it will be able to release its own smartphone in June next year.

When Apple releases the 3GS, Nanshan Group will soon release a smartphone with the same look as the iPhone 4. Not only can it beat the Apple 3GS in appearance, but it can also attract a lot of attention and increase its presence.

Of course, if you want to build your own mobile phone in less than a year, most of the parts must be purchased from outside.

Nanshan Group only exists as an assembly plant.

Wait until the second generation of mobile phones to consider producing more parts in-house.

For example, at that time, Nanshan Semiconductor could consider producing some memory and other parts, and even relatively core parts such as motherboards.

Of course, Nanshan Battery can handle things like mobile phone batteries.

At that time, 100% of the parts will not be purchased from outside.

Thinking of this, Cao Yang was a little moved.

The launch of smartphones will allow Nanshan Semiconductor to have a broader product usage platform, effectively promote the development of Nanshan batteries, and contribute to the development of Xingchen Automotive systems.

This thing doesn’t seem to be considered a cross-border trade?

"Mr. Cao, if smartphones really bring such big changes to people as you said, I think we can really consider setting up a mobile phone company now."

"Nanshan Semiconductor has hired a large number of talents in the past few months, some of whom were previously engaged in the development of mobile phone memory, mobile phone chips and other related parts."

"At that time, as long as we recruit a group of professional mobile phone talents, we will be able to assemble our smartphones very quickly."

"Even the assembly production line can be produced by Nanshan equipment to ensure that the relevant information is highly confidential."

Zeng Tingting encouraged further from the side.

The more they discussed it, the more she felt that the smartphone thing was totally feasible.

And it seems to be very interesting!

If it is done well, it may become like Xingchen Automobile in the future, contributing hundreds of billions of sales to Nanshan Group.

Then Nanshan Group is one step closer to its ambitious goal of achieving sales of over one trillion yuan.

"Since everyone thinks that the smartphone project is successful and it is a good thing for our group and Xingchen Motors, let's get started!"

"However, when Nanshan Group does things, it has always been either don't do it, and if you do, you must do your best!"

"Nanshan Mobile is no exception!"

“Whether compared with the traditional mobile phone giants Nokia and Motorola, or compared with the pioneer of smartphones Apple, our accumulation in the mobile phone industry is very weak.”

"As Nanshan Mobile's first product, I will personally be responsible for determining its appearance design and related functional requirements."

"After returning to China this time, the group immediately mobilized relevant technical talents to form a research and development team for Nanshan mobile phones."

"We will determine the appearance and main functional requirements of Nanshan mobile phones within this year, and start the construction of mobile phone production lines."

"The next work is to implement the functions of the mobile phone in detail, find qualified suppliers, and produce the parts."

"Strive to hold our first mobile phone launch conference within a week after next year's Apple Developer Conference."

Cao Yang gritted his teeth and decided to start a smartphone!
With such a good bonus, it seems a bit unjustifiable if you don’t grasp it yourself.

Mainly, many things on smartphones are highly related to Nanshan Group’s intelligent network center.

In the future, many technologies will be common to mobile phones and cars.

Especially after entering the era of electric vehicles, car companies make mobile phones, and mobile phone companies make cars.

There are more and more such cases.

This also fully illustrates the close relationship between the mobile phone industry and the automotive industry.

Nanshan Group laid out its plans in advance and entered the market in advance, becoming the twin leaders in the mobile phone and automobile industries.

The effect achieved by then will definitely be one plus one greater than two, right?

(End of this chapter)

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