Chapter 468 Fraud

Nanshan Group is now one of the best companies in Yangcheng.

Not to mention other things, the provident fund payment is based on the average monthly income of the previous year as the base, which instantly beats 99% of other private enterprises.

Even many state-owned enterprises are still unable to do this.

Not to mention the invincible year-end bonus every year.

Even if it is a worker at the production site, if he has more than five years of service in Nanshan Group, his annual pre-tax salary will be [-] to [-] yuan, or even close to [-] yuan.

In 2008, this was definitely a very competitive salary.

Even in 2023, it will be difficult to find a job with an annual salary of 10 yuan for ordinary workers.

Under such circumstances, naturally countless people tried their best to enter the Nanshan Group.

For this reason, naturally some people began to target these workers.

"Mr. Cao, judging from the current situation, many workers said that they paid 1 yuan to the labor service company, and the other party guaranteed that they could join the factory under the Nanshan Group."

"But we have no cooperation with this labor service company."

"Our workers are all regular workers, and none of them are labor workers."

"These people were clearly deceived."

Liu Youmei reported today's unexpected events to Cao Yang angrily.

Nanshan Group has a heavy recruitment task this year, especially Nanshan Semiconductor, which needs various high-end talents.

In order to recruit and place these talents, people in the human resources department have been extremely busy this year.

Now something like this is happening.

If this matter really had something to do with the Human Resources Department, then she would admit it.

The key is that Liu Youmei has never even heard of the name of this intermediary company.

The workers who paid the money but did not join the Nanshan Group targeted the Nanshan Group, which was obviously unreasonable.

However, not everything in this world is reasonable.

It's like you were driving carefully, but suddenly a person rushed out through a red light.

Logically speaking, you do not have any responsibility, but in the end you may be judged to bear half of the responsibility.

Even if it is an exaggeration, people will ask you to bear all the responsibility on the grounds that your car is insured and the insurance company will pay for it.

"It's hard to find jobs this year, and our group is quite eye-catching in Yangcheng."

"It is estimated that there may be similar cases in the future."

"There are always some people who think that finding a job can be done by giving them money and finding connections."

"Someone is bound to suffer in the end."

"What we can do is let as many people as possible know that Nanshan Group will not recruit workers through labor service companies or intermediary companies."

"As for the money paid by these deceived workers, we may not be able to pay it."

"We cannot arrange for these people to go directly to work at Nanshan Group just because they make a fuss."

Cao Yang felt that some principles still needed to be discussed.

If making trouble can solve the problem, then people will come to Nanshan Group to pull banners every day.

In the process of development and growth of an enterprise, it will definitely encounter all kinds of strange things.

If you just give in blindly, it will be impossible to develop and grow in the end.

"Our legal department also holds the same view. This kind of matter cannot be compromised casually."

"Our company has done nothing wrong, and we must not take responsibility for others just by pulling a banner."

As the Minister of Legal Affairs, Xiang Wei naturally came with Liu Youmei, the Minister of Personnel Department, to report this sudden incident to Cao Yang today.

"This is the truth, but now there are many people who are staring at Nanshan Group and want to find something to disgust us."

"So how to deal with this matter specifically requires careful thinking."

Cao Yang was naturally unhappy with the group of people blocking the company door.

Is Nanshan Group easy to bully?
However, once these things are spread on the Internet, they can easily be copied.

At that time, what is reasonable will be said to be unreasonable.

Cao Yang has seen many similar cases like this.

"We definitely can't hire people, and we shouldn't come to us to refund the money."

"Otherwise there will be countless similar fraud cases in the future. Instead of finding the person who deceived them, the victims will find our Nanshan Group to cause trouble."

Liu Youmei expressed her attitude very directly.

She also understands the thoughts of those people very well.

Good people can't do it!
"Why don't we call the police directly and let the district handle it? We are also victims of this matter anyway."

Xiang Wei gave a new plan.

This plan is actually a relatively appropriate one.

Although Nanshan Group has its own security guards, most of its people are in good physical condition.

"Let's do this, we don't want the people, and we won't pay the money, but we can help them litigate for free and take the runaway agency to court."

"As for whether you can recover the money, it depends on luck."

Cao Yang combined the opinions of Xiang Wei and Liu Youmei and found a relatively compromise plan.

In this way, even if things get serious, they won't be afraid of being said to be cold-blooded by Nanshan Group.

At the same time, it also lets others know where the bottom line of Nanshan Group lies.


There will soon be relevant news on the Internet.

Even Liu Tianwu noticed the news.

"Leader, Nanshan Group is actually quite unjust in this matter. It can be said that it has nothing to do with them at all."

"It's just that someone took advantage of some people's eagerness to work in Nanshan Group and created a fraud case."

"Now the intermediary company that collected the money has run away, and those who paid the money but have no way to go to work at Nanshan Group have started to cause trouble."

Luo Yi has always been very concerned about the news of Nanshan Group. With such a big thing happening there today, naturally there were people who shared information with him.

"Let people go and persuade those people to leave. The Nanshan Group has done nothing wrong, so why are they going there to cause trouble?"

"What does it look like?"

Liu Tianwu was a little worried at first whether Nanshan Group had done something wrong, but now after hearing Luo Yi's explanation, he immediately understood what was going on.

Feelings: Some people bully others, and the bullying has turned to the Nanshan Group.

His success is closely related to the development of Nanshan Group.

To a certain extent, bullying Nanshan Group was bullying Liu Tianwu.

This is definitely intolerable.

"I have made arrangements, and someone should be on site to deal with it now."

"It's obviously not the Nanshan Group's fault. They are making trouble like this, and they are enough to take him back and detain him for 24 hours."

Luo Yi naturally knew Liu Tianwu's attitude towards Nanshan Group.

Even if I really did something wrong, I still want to help solve it, let alone if I didn't do anything wrong.

So even without asking Liu Tianwu for instructions, he was already arranging something.

"Then you tell the relevant bureau offices to hold a joint activity to combat labor fraud crimes tomorrow."

"During this period, we will focus on those labor service companies and intermediary companies to prevent similar things from happening again."

Liu Tianwu made further arrangements, hoping to completely prevent similar things from happening from the source.

At least don't let anything like this happen again in the next year.

Now the impact of the financial crisis is getting bigger and bigger, and the world economy shows no sign of getting out of the quagmire.

At this time, an economic pillar company like Nanshan Group will receive more attention and support.

Whether Yangcheng can counterattack in this round of crisis mainly depends on the performance of Nanshan Group.

Soon, the actions in Yangcheng City began to be implemented.

As a result, many intermediary companies and labor service companies are out of luck.

Those companies more or less have some aspects that are not so compliant.

Usually no one checks you, so naturally it’s hello, hello, hello, everyone.

But if we work together with various departments such as industry, commerce, and taxation, many problems will be exposed.

"Mr. Cao, various bureaus in Yangcheng City have taken some joint law enforcement actions."

"There is no need for our legal department to take action regarding the fraud case. The city's legal aid center will take action."

Xiang Wei certainly didn't want to do such a thankless thing.

Now that Yangcheng City has taken the initiative to take over this matter, it must be a good thing for her.

For Nanshan Group, the ball has been kicked out.

That is to say, Nanshan Group's influence is large enough, otherwise there would be no hope of receiving such good treatment.

"This is the best thing."

"However, this fraud case reminds us that in the future, there will probably be banners hanging in front of companies for various reasons."

"We also need to make some relevant plans to avoid being caught off guard."

"For example, when people in nearby villages hold banners about environmental protection issues, or when other similar problems arise, how do we deal with them? These all need to be considered."

The year 2008 was a turning point for labor-management relations in various enterprises in China.

After this year, many companies began to experience strikes.

As a result of these strikes, employees often benefit.

This further encouraged the strike.

Cao Yang definitely didn't want to see something like this happen in Nanshan Group.

People's hearts are not as good as snakes swallowing elephants. Many times, people won't cause trouble unless you pay them enough wages.

Even if your Nanshan Group employees don’t cause trouble, what about the employees of your suppliers?
At that time, another blame came to Nanshan Group inexplicably.

"We have joined forces with various departments such as the Security Department and the General Manager's Office to discuss how to deal with similar incidents in the future."

"At the same time, we will also let everyone know that Nanshan Group is not someone to be trifled with. We will select some more representative cases and promote them well to let everyone know that our group is not afraid of lawsuits." When there are lawsuits, legal affairs The value of the department can best be reflected.

Otherwise, with so many people in the office, the value created throughout the year would be difficult to quantify.

Cao Yang naturally had no objection to this.

Even if this fraud case is over like this.

However, as a very influential company, anything that happens to Nanshan Group is easily scrutinized by others with a magnifying glass and becomes a topic of conversation for others.

This fraud case is no exception.

"Lu Xi, several people in our sales department have recently switched jobs to Jaguar Land Rover. Has anyone in your purchasing department switched jobs?"

Lin Tiansheng is responsible for work related to vehicle configuration planning in the Yangcheng Honda Sales Department. He needs to communicate with the purchasing department on a daily basis about the cost and necessity of various configurations.

Therefore, he is relatively familiar with Lu Xiangyang and others.

Before this meeting, he couldn't help but chat with Lu Xiangyang.

"Some people from our purchasing department also went to Nanshan Group for interviews, and I guess some people will also change jobs."

"Yangcheng Honda's salary package is pretty good in the automobile industry, and it was no worse than Nanshan Group before."

"But in recent years, Nanshan Group's salary and benefits have increased significantly faster than the industry, and it has gradually begun to surpass us."

"The most important thing is that the future prospects of Nanshan Group are worth looking forward to, so many people's minds have begun to change."

When Lu Xiangyang said this, his mood was quite complicated.

When he was looking for a job, Yangcheng Honda was one of the best jobs.

At that time, Nanshan Group was still a small auto parts factory. Not to mention comparable to Yangcheng Honda, it was incomparable to most of Yangcheng Honda's suppliers.

But what about now?
30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi.

It hasn’t even been 30 years, and the world has completely changed.

"That's true. People in our sales department usually changed jobs to Mercedes-Benz and BMW before. Very few people changed jobs to other companies."

"Now they go to Xingchen Automobile, Jaguar Land Rover, and some even go to Nanshan Hongqi."

“If this continues, I don’t know what it will look like.”

Lin Tiansheng's classmate Liang Hualong works in Nanshan Group, so he pays more attention to the changes in Nanshan Group than others.

"I think the prospects of Jaguar Land Rover and Xingchen Motors are worth looking forward to, but it's hard to say for Nanshan Hongqi."

"If there is a suitable opportunity, you can consider going to the sales departments of these two car companies."

Lu Xiangyang was relatively familiar with Lin Tiansheng, so he expressed his views directly.

"However, I heard that it is difficult to get into these two companies, and the work pressure after entering should not be less."

"Their incentives for sales department employees should be relatively large, but because of this, everyone's competition has become more intense."

"It's not like our company, where most of the time we just eat from the big pot."

"There's not much difference between what you do well and what you do badly."

Lu Xiangyang couldn't help but complain.

In Japanese companies, this is a common problem.

Whether it is the sales department, purchasing department, or other departments, there are basically no performance incentives.

Everyone basically earns a dead salary.

Even the so-called year-end bonus often has very little to do with your performance.

At most, during the performance appraisal, those who have done well will be appropriately rated better.

However, the impact of this assessment on bonuses and the like is very limited.

Even performance appraisals sometimes have to take into account the unspoken rule of "everything changes."

It can be said that such a salary system is very unfair to motivated people.

Those who change jobs are often employees with strong abilities and ideas.

"Our company is very stable. As long as we don't violate laws and disciplines, we don't have to worry about being fired."

"Even if there is a major mistake at work, at most the performance will be lowered and the employee will not be fired."

"But if you go outside, the situation may be a little different."

"If you don't perform well, you'll probably be fired without even passing the internship."

Lin Tiansheng obviously wanted to change jobs, but he also had some worries in his heart.

This is also something that many people who change jobs worry about.

I was doing a good job at my current job, but I was fired even after I changed jobs, even before my internship period.

How miserable is that?
Will your former colleagues laugh you to death?

In fact, this is often not the case.

"Forest workers, I actually think it's rare to fail an internship."

"There is a cost to recruiting new employees. As long as they pass the assessment, they will not be fired easily."

"Otherwise, the Human Resources Department will probably be complained about how you recruit people."

"Of course, after changing to a new environment, the pressure must have become greater at the beginning."

"But there are so many people in Nanshan Group who can adapt. I don't think you can't adapt."

"Those people's abilities are no better than yours."

When Lu Xiangyang said this, Lin Tiansheng couldn't help but nodded.

The truth is this truth.

He also believes that his abilities are no worse than others.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to get into Yangcheng Honda in the first place.

But after a few years of stable and comfortable life, if I choose to change jobs now, there is still pressure.

"I'll send in my resume later. If I really want to change jobs, I'll treat you to dinner later."

Lin Tiansheng did not say anything about asking Lu Xiangyang to change jobs together.

The other party has been the department head for many years. Although this position is only the most basic management position within Yangcheng Honda.

But as the head of the purchasing department, Lu Xiangyang also manages hundreds of suppliers.

This position is not one that can be given up easily.

Lin Tiansheng is relatively clear about this.

Even if he was responsible for the management of the 4S store in the Yangcheng Honda Sales Department, he would not change jobs easily.

Now it is just a model configuration plan that does not deal with 4S stores, and there is no profit or water.

The appeal of staying was less strong.


Yangcheng Automobile Group.

As a state-owned enterprise affiliated to Yangcheng City, its treatment is not bad.

Zhang Jiaqi and Zeng Guangda also think very clearly that if the treatment of Yangcheng Motor is worse than that of Yangcheng Honda, Yangcheng Toyota and other affiliated joint ventures, then it will be impossible to attract talents to work in the group.

Therefore, from the beginning, the treatment of Yangcheng Group and Yangcheng Automobile Research Institute will not be worse than that of Yangcheng Honda and Yangcheng Toyota.

In the past two years, the rapid development of its own brand Yangcheng Trumpchi has lived up to this treatment.

With good remuneration, there will naturally be more people who want to join companies such as Yangcheng Trumpchi.

For example, the Yangcheng Automobile Research Institute basically recruits talents with a bachelor's degree or above. In addition to direct recruitment, at most they cooperate with headhunting companies.

Therefore, the fraud cases committed by the intermediary companies that appeared on the Nanshan Group will basically not happen at the Yangcheng Automobile Research Institute.

But Yangcheng Trumpchi is different.

They have many workers.

Even in order to reduce labor costs, some workers are still laborers, and the contract is not signed directly with Yangcheng Trumpchi.

Under such circumstances, Zhang Jiaqi and Zeng Guangda naturally have to worry about whether the banner-pulling incident that occurred at the gate of Nanshan Group will also occur at the gate of Yangcheng Trumpchi.

"Old Zeng, you must pay attention during this period and don't let anyone block the door."

"The city has just launched a joint anti-fraud and crackdown on illegal intermediary activities. It would be a shame if something happens to us at Yangcheng Trumpchi again."

For Zhang Jiaqi, many factors need to be considered when doing many things.

After all, he is the head of the largest state-owned enterprise in Yangcheng, and what he represents is different from the Nanshan Group.

"It has been arranged and we have communicated with the jurisdiction. A police room will be set up at the entrance of Yangcheng Trumpchi."

"If there is any abnormal movement at that time, it will be dealt with as soon as possible."

"We have also strengthened the recruitment of security guards at the factory and conducted some targeted drills to ensure that we will not be at a loss when a situation arises."

Zeng Guangda naturally attaches great importance to this matter.

He also knew very well how bad the impact of this kind of thing would be.

Especially for a state-owned enterprise like Yangcheng Trumpchi, it is easy to attract the attention of ordinary people to the recruitment work of Yangcheng Group.

There are some things here that cannot withstand scrutiny.

He doesn't want to be in the spotlight.

"Nanshan Group has a very good relationship with various media. Weibo and Autohome are both their industries."

"So this time the fraud case disappeared quickly after being posted online for a day."

"Except for our local enterprises in Yangcheng, many enterprises from other places may not have noticed this matter."

"If it were placed in other companies, I'm afraid the situation would be different."

"We have to take this as a warning."

Zhang Jiaqi imagined a similar situation happening to Yangcheng Trumpchi and felt that it was definitely not that optimistic.

Fortunately, Nanshan Group acted as a guinea pig in front of him, which made him wary.

It also made the entire Yangcheng labor market more formal.

Unintentionally, Nanshan Group did a good deed.

Of course, Cao Yang will definitely not put too much energy into it, because he has more important things to deal with.

(End of this chapter)

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