Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 486 New challenge!Not afraid of competition

Chapter 486 New challenge!Not afraid of competition

At the beginning of 2009, Zhujiang New Town was far from as prosperous as it would be in later generations.

However, some places near the old city in the west have already begun to take shape.

In a building along the river, there is a high-end Japanese restaurant.

That evening, Zhang Jiaqi, Zeng Guangda and others from Yangcheng Automobile Group entertained visiting Aisin executives here.

The communication between the two parties went smoothly this afternoon.

The man is affectionate, and the concubine is interested.

Although no projects have been directly achieved yet, this is undoubtedly a good start.

"President Yoshikawa, the tuna here is said to be flown in from Japan. Can you try it to see if it's fresh?"

When a Northeastern friend comes to Yangcheng and you take him to eat Northeastern food, in your opinion it shows respect for him, but he may not be very willing.

Similarly, guests from Japan actually have a similar mentality.

But tonight everyone’s focus is not on eating.

At their level, what delicacies have they not tasted?
If you want to eat good food, there are plenty of opportunities.

As long as the atmosphere is good.

So Yoshikawa pretended to take a piece of tuna fillet, dipped it in wasabi soy sauce, and tasted it in his mouth.

Obviously there was nothing special after the entrance, but Yoshikawa was very cooperative and put on a surprised expression and said: "It's very good, very delicious!"

The beautiful translator next to her expressed Yoshikawa's words very expressively.

This made Zhang Jiaqi feel a little better.

He is not really that interested in the Japanese. If Nanshan Transmission or ZF are willing to establish a joint venture with them to produce gearboxes, he can also have a very good attitude.

But so far, only Aisin has started to relent today.

At this time, Zhang Jiaqi naturally hoped to seize the opportunity.

"Yangcheng has Yangcheng Honda, Yangcheng Toyota, Xifeng Nissan, and a series of Japanese suppliers surrounding these companies. Whether it is Japanese cuisine or other things, it is relatively rich in the country."

"If Aisin establishes a joint venture here, it will definitely be the best choice."

Although the dinner table may not be suitable for discussing too much work, Zhang Jiaqi couldn't help but bring the topic to something that has not yet been discussed this afternoon.

He wanted to finalize the joint venture plan as soon as possible.

Can Yangcheng Automobile Group master the transmission technology itself?
He had asked the head of the Yangcheng Automobile Research Institute this question before, and the result was not optimistic.

Therefore, the gearbox must be purchased directly from outside, or produced in a joint venture with others.

Yangcheng Automobile Group basically has no better choice.

Now that Aisin has proactively handed over the opportunity for a joint venture, Zhang Jiaqi definitely hopes to seize it.

"Yangcheng is indeed very suitable for the development of Japanese companies. Because of this, when I came to China for inspection this time, I chose Yangcheng as my first stop."

"I'm going to go to Magic City, Spring City, Imperial City and many other cities in the future."

Through a simple conversation, Yoshikawa was putting pressure on Zhang Guangda.

Do you see?

My visit to China this time is not specifically to visit you.

I still have a lot of clients to visit later.

Think about what I talked about with you today. Is this what I want to talk to my customers next?
Zhang Guangda received the information Yoshikawa wanted to convey in an instant.

Although today is our first contact, it stands to reason that we won’t discuss the details right away.

The big boss talks about the direction, and the details are discussed below.

Because there will definitely be disputes when discussing details. If you let the boss fight, there will often be no room for compromise.

If you are not careful, it will be a lose-lose situation for both parties.

This should be a situation that no one wants to see.

However, although we did not talk about details today, we actually had some tentative discussions on some general issues.

For example, the stock ratio issue that everyone is most concerned about.

According to the idea of ​​Yangcheng Automobile Group, it is definitely hoped that both parties will each hold 50% of the shares, forming an equity structure similar to that of Yangcheng Toyota.

But Ae Shin definitely doesn’t think so.

Yangcheng Toyota has such a result because relevant policies stipulate that the shareholding ratio of foreign-funded automobile companies cannot exceed 50%.

But this regulation does not apply to the auto parts industry.

Even if you set up a gearbox factory as a sole proprietor, there will be no problem.

In this case, Aisin definitely hopes to further increase its shareholding ratio.

Like 80% or 70% or something like that.

This is the biggest disagreement between the two sides.

"Huaxia is a big place, and the business environment in each place is actually not exactly the same. Relatively speaking, the conditions here in Yangcheng are quite good."

"On this point, Yangcheng Toyota and other Japanese companies should have a lot of experience and can share relevant experience with you, President Yoshikawa."

"Although we at Yangcheng Trumpchi have not been established for a long time, our current sales growth is very impressive."

"Currently, we have advanced the construction of the second factory, and future annual sales will challenge 60 vehicles per year."

"This can basically meet the production capacity needs of a gearbox factory."

Although Zhang Jiaqi could hear what Yoshikawa meant, he didn't want to compromise so easily.

Aisin's card is their transmission technology, while Yangcheng Motor's card is Yangcheng Trumpchi's sales.

Everyone has their own purpose and their own cards to play.

Sure enough, after hearing the number 60, Yoshikawa's eyes changed slightly.

He continued to smile and said to Zhang Jiaqi: "The Chinese automobile market is developing rapidly, which is indeed worthy of everyone's expectations."

"However, competition is becoming more and more intense now. Not only do models need to look good, but they also need rich configurations and lower prices."

“Only by continuously promoting cost reduction can we make our new cars more competitive.”

"How to achieve this will test the level of each OEM."

Everyone is a thousand-year-old fox, and no one will compromise easily.

However, since it is dinner time after all, we will not discuss work issues in too much depth.

Although Chinese people like to discuss issues at the dinner table, this so-called discussion sometimes does not mean talking about things in detail at the dinner table.

As long as you are happy eating, some problems will be solved.

Of course, the dinner between Zhang Jiaqi and Yoshikawa obviously could not achieve this effect.

In the end, the dinner came to an end with the guests and hosts seemingly enjoying themselves.

However, the respective teams did not end their work immediately.

On the way back, Zeng Guangda took the initiative to get into Zhang Jiaqi's special car, obviously wanting to continue discussing today's affairs.

"Mr. Zhang, I feel that it would be difficult for Aisin to accept the establishment of a 50:50 joint venture."

"Although they want our gearbox orders, they don't want to lose control of the joint venture."

After Zeng Guangda got in the car, he took the initiative to bring the topic to the topic of today's discussion.

It was already past ten o'clock in the evening, and the two grown men had nothing to chat about.

"Do you think the establishment of this gearbox joint venture means anything to us?"

Although Zhang Jiaqi had his own judgment in mind, he also wanted to hear Zeng Guangda's opinion.

Aisin's visit was relatively sudden, and the internal discussions at Yangcheng Motors were also relatively hasty.

Even before the official meeting, the other party did not clearly say that the main purpose of this visit was to establish a joint venture.

"The gearbox is the most important component of the entire vehicle besides the engine. At present, except for Nanshan Gearbox, there are basically no other domestic companies that can do it."

"Even Spring City Automobile Group and Xifeng Automobile Group have insufficient technology accumulation in this area."

"Especially for AT automatic transmissions, the technical threshold is higher than everyone thinks."

"If you haven't actually designed and produced a gearbox, it's very difficult to make this part good."

"I would like to take advantage of this joint venture opportunity to see if there is any way to obtain Aisin's transmission technology. I think it still has some value."

"Of course, if we purchase a gearbox from a joint venture, the cost will definitely not be more expensive than similar products from Nanshan Gearbox, at least not too much."

"Otherwise it wouldn't mean much."

Aisin's current gearbox cost level is higher than that of Nanshan gearbox, which Zeng Guangda is also very clear about.

If it weren't for this reason, it is estimated that so many domestic independent brands would not easily switch to Nanshan gearboxes.

"As long as they are willing to thoroughly promote the localization of the gearbox and purchase most of the components from domestic manufacturers, the final price should not be much higher than the Nanshan gearbox."

"Of course, this needs to be confirmed during negotiations. Otherwise, the joint venture factory will only import components from Japan for assembly, and then Yangcheng Automobile Group will have to give all gearbox orders to the joint venture company."

"In that case, it won't mean much to our group."

"In addition, we definitely need to carefully discuss the gearbox products."

"In addition to 6AT, which must be produced, 4AT and 6MT must also be considered for domestic production in joint ventures."

"We can even test whether Aisin is willing to produce 8AT in China. If they are willing, then we can make certain concessions on the shares."

Zhang Jiaqi's interest in this cooperation is quite high.

Of course, he also has many ideas that he hopes to implement.

For example, Yangcheng Trumpchi's GS8, he hopes to use 8AT, but so far, Nanshan Transmission is unwilling to sell 8AT to Yangcheng Trumpchi.

Although the reason is insufficient production capacity, when has production capacity really troubled Chinese manufacturers?
Everyone knows this is an excuse.

So Zhang Jiaqi was actually a little unhappy.

Even he can understand the reason why Nanshan Transmission does not sell 8AT to them.

But everyone's position is different. Understanding is understanding, and you will still be unhappy if you are unhappy.

"Now we need to get the 8AT to the joint venture factory to make it domestically, which is probably quite difficult."

"But if we want to convince them to sell 8AT to us, I think there should be no problem."

"Nanshan Transmission has put a lot of pressure on Aisin in recent years." "Now China's auto market is growing, but affected by the financial crisis, many overseas auto markets are declining."

"Under this background, Aisin definitely hopes to re-expand the Chinese automobile market."

"8AT is a relatively easy market to expand into, provided Aisin is willing to sell it."

Zeng Guangda quickly gave his analysis and opinions.

Although the negotiation requires the lion to open its mouth, you must also know what the bottom line is.

Otherwise, nothing will be discussed in the end.

"You are right. It is estimated that the other party will not be willing to get the joint venture factory to produce 8AT in the short term. It would be good if they are willing to sell it to us."

"If we keep buying gearboxes from Nanshan Transmission, we will be relatively passive."

"As for the engine, we are already doing our own research. It is also necessary to have another option for the gearbox."

"Aisin will definitely not be the only potential partner we visit this time, and they will not establish too many joint ventures at once."

"It seems that we still need to reach an agreement with them as soon as possible."

Zhang Jiaqi looked at the night view of the Pearl River outside the window and made a decision in his heart.

After Zeng Guangda got into Zhang Jiaqi's car and Aisin's group returned to the hotel, they did not immediately go back to their rooms to rest. Instead, they found a conference room to summarize today's negotiations.

"President, judging from the current situation, Yangcheng Automobile Group should very much want to cooperate with us."

"After all, up to now, Aisin is probably the only manufacturer willing to establish a joint venture gearbox factory with Yangcheng Motor."

“Enterprises like them definitely don’t want to have only one supplier to choose from for a certain type of parts.”

"So I think we can stick to Aisin holding 7% or [-]% of the shares."

"If it's any higher, the other party probably won't be able to accept it."

"If it's too low, it will be a bit disadvantageous for us."

"After all, it will definitely not be suitable for us to set the sales price of each gearbox so that there is no profit and make the joint venture factory lose money."

Okumura is in a pretty good mood now.

The first person I contacted gave very good feedback.

This shows that their previous speculations are completely tenable.

As long as the previous ideas are implemented as soon as possible in the next step, Aisin's situation in China will definitely change very differently.

"Then let's discuss it based on 70% of the shares tomorrow and see how they react."

"If the conditions in other aspects are relatively good, then it is okay to compromise to 60%."

"Yangcheng Automobile Group has cooperation with Toyota Motor and Honda Motor. Relatively speaking, after we cooperate with them, we are more likely to get along smoothly."

"We can finalize this negotiation as soon as possible, which can also facilitate negotiations with several subsequent customers."

Now that he has realized that the joint venture factory plan is effective, Yoshikawa definitely hopes to expand this plan as soon as possible.

For example, the gearboxes produced by the Yangcheng Aisin joint venture will most likely not be purchased by other OEMs.

Therefore, in order to break into the supply chains of other OEMs, it is necessary to establish two or three joint ventures.

Of course, Yoshikawa will definitely not set up a joint venture with every customer. That kind of investment risk is too high.

Aisin has three or four joint venture factories in China, plus one or two wholly-owned factories, which can basically cope with the situation in the next few years.

"No problem. President, please take a little rest tomorrow morning. I'll go find the person on the other side to have a chat first."

"After all the main terms have been negotiated, we will sign a framework cooperation agreement."

"We can communicate on the detailed terms later and put the construction of the joint venture's factory on the schedule as soon as possible."

When Okumura said this, Yoshikawa naturally had no objection.

They soon moved in this direction.

With the preparations made on the first day, the progress on the second day was much smoother.

After all, for Yangcheng Motors and Aisin, cooperation is a win-win situation, while non-cooperation is a win-win situation.

In this case, as long as the contradiction is not too big, it can be discussed carefully.

Basically, in one day we can consider the cooperation signing ceremony.

"Mr. Zhang, about our cooperation with Aisin, do we need to call Mr. Cao to discuss it beforehand?"

After basically settling the negotiation with Aisin, Zeng Guangda also began to seriously consider the negative impact of this matter.

Nanshan Transmission is now the exclusive transmission supplier of Yangcheng Trumpchi.

If the two sides break up, Yangcheng Trumpchi will have to stop production in minutes.

This is obviously not a situation Zeng Guangda wants to see.

"It is indeed necessary to communicate in advance. Otherwise, the cooperative relationship with Nanshan Group will definitely be affected."

"But how do you think we should explain it to Mr. Cao better?"

Zhang Jiaqi was naturally able to understand the impact of this matter.

"It's certainly not appropriate to simply say we want to make supply chains more competitive."

"Why don't we just talk about 8AT?"

"Let's just say Aisin agrees to sell us 8AT, but the prerequisite is that we also buy their 6AT."

“Considering the pressure that Yangcheng City has put on us to attract investment, we agreed to the joint venture proposal put forward by Aisin.”

"Anyway, as long as we don't tear our faces apart, Mr. Cao should also know what we think."

"There are too many explanations, but it doesn't necessarily mean much."

"We are willing to communicate with him before signing, which is already a sign of respect for him."

No business or cooperation is static.

Zhang Jiaqi and Zeng Guangda fully understood this from Honda.

When Yangcheng Honda's business in China was booming, the other party suddenly abandoned the Yangcheng Automobile Group and created a Xifeng Honda automobile with the Xifeng Automobile Group.

This has had a huge impact on Yangcheng Automobile Group.

On the one hand, they immediately started looking for cooperation with Toyota Motor.

On the other hand, they also know that in business cooperation, everyone cannot always be friends.

There is competition, there is cooperation, there is noisy, but it is more real and reliable.

Soon, after Zhang Jiaqi finished chatting with Zeng Guangda, he called Cao Yang.

"Mr. Cao, I have something to communicate with you in advance."

Zhang Jiaqi went straight to the point. As soon as he got through the phone, he told Cao Yang that he wanted to communicate with him.

Cao Yang was not surprised at all by Zhang Jiaqi's call.

As long as Yangcheng Automobile Group is not stupid enough to be an ostrich, then this call will definitely come.

After waiting for two days for Zhang Jiaqi's call, Cao Yang thought he had to wait until the other party formally signed the agreement with Aixin before explaining to him.

Now it seems that Nanshan Group still has some deterrence.

If he objected strongly later, he might be able to force Zhang Jiaqi to change his mind.

However, everyone's cooperative relationship will definitely change completely in the future.

"Mr. Zhang, if you have any instructions, just tell me!"

Cao Yang said half-jokingly, which actually made Zhang Jiaqi feel a little pressure.

Although Yangcheng Automobile Group is the largest state-owned enterprise under Yangcheng City, compared with Nanshan Group, it is still completely inferior.

If Nanshan Group holds a grudge by then, there will definitely be many ways to put some shoes on the back of Yangcheng Trumpchi.

"Mr. Cao, look at what you said, how dare I give you instructions?"

After Zhang Jiaqi said something awkward, he quickly added: "That's it, we want to use the 8AT gearbox on the GS8 and some high-end models later. We also want to distinguish ourselves from other independent brands. So I also want to use 8AT.”

"Aisin said they can sell 8AT to us, but the premise is that we have to buy their 6AT. For this..."

According to the words he discussed with Zeng Guangda, Zhang Jiaqi quickly explained to Cao Yang.

Cao Yang already knew this information beforehand, so there was no surprise.

Of course, he didn't want to give the impression that he was so talkative.

So after Zhang Jiaqi finished speaking, he asked: "Mr. Zhang, in the future, all Yangcheng Trumpchi models, regardless of the price of the gearbox produced by Yangcheng Aisin, must be purchased from Yangcheng Aisin?"

Many parts of Yangcheng Trumpchi's models are purchased from Nanshan Group. If the gearbox business is really missing, Cao Yang will definitely have to pay you back some money for other parts.

For example, ESP, I will increase the price to a few points cheaper than Bosch and Denso. Do you accept it or not?
For parts that are in mass production, in order not to make my appearance look so ugly, I can find a bunch of reasons to refuse price cuts and make the transition first.

When it comes to new models, you can just find a few reasons for design changes, upgrades, software updates, etc., and there is no negotiation for increasing your price.

Of course, Cao Yang would not say these words directly to Zhang Jiaqi.

"Of course not. When we at Yangcheng Trumpchi buy parts, we must have an overall QCD level."

"As long as the overall QCD level is advantageous, we will purchase."

"If Nanshan Transmission's products are always lower than those of Yangcheng Aisin in the future, then at least half of Yangcheng Trumpchi's transmissions can continue to be reserved for Nanshan Transmission."

Zhang Jiaqi said something half-truthful.

Anyway, the right to interpret this concept of overall QCD level lies in the hands of Yangcheng Automobile Group.

Yangcheng Automobile Group has the final say as to what constitutes an advantageous overall QCD level.

Anyway, this time, just don’t make the relationship with Nanshan Group too rigid because of this cooperation.

"Since the establishment of Nanshan Gearbox, we have achieved today's results in a bloody competition."

"We have never been afraid of competition and are very confident in our technology and costs."

"Yangcheng Automobile Group wants to establish a joint venture with Aisin. This is a matter between the two of you."

“I only hope that Yangcheng Aisin can compete fairly and equitably with Nanshan Transmission in the future.”

Cao Yang didn't say the last half of the sentence.

If you are not fair and just, then we will not be fair and just when we treat Yangcheng Automobile Group.

(End of this chapter)

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