Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 489: The 8-way heroes gathered together, and Nanshan Gearbox began to play its cards.

Chapter 489 The heroes of the [-]th Route Army gathered together, and Nanshan Gearbox began to play its cards.

Vacation time is always short.

Whether it is a 3-day short vacation, a 7-day long vacation, or a 10-day vacation for you.

It felt like it all passed in a blink of an eye.

Various automobile OEMs and automobile media people had just returned to work during the Spring Festival, and some were even on vacation at home, but they suddenly received a surprising invitation letter.

Nanshan Transmission will hold a new product launch conference!
This is definitely something surprising.

In the past two years, Nanshan Group has not easily held such large-scale new product launches.


Now that there is such a large-scale new product launch conference, it is obviously not preparing to release a new product such as a facelifted 6AT.

So what will it be?

This is definitely something that everyone is looking forward to.

"Mr. Zhang, this invitation is a bit weird. It makes people feel that there is an unusual story behind it."

Zeng Guangda came to Zhang Jiaqi's office with a heavy heart.

Years ago, Yangcheng Automobile Group and Aisin established a joint venture to produce gearboxes, and have now begun the design of the factory layout.

At first, Zeng Guangda was also worried about Nanshan Group's reaction, but in fact he did not expect any reaction.

I originally thought that this matter would just go away, but I didn't expect that something like this would happen immediately after the Spring Festival.

Zeng Guangda could swear that this new product launch conference organized by Nanshan Transmission is definitely related to Aisin's actions during this period.

Otherwise, why would the timing be so coincidental?
Why else would Nanshan Gearbox be so active in engaging in such activities this time?
The scale is said to be quite large, and invitations have been sent to almost all domestic OEMs and automotive media.

At that time, leaders from ministries, commissions, provinces and cities will also be invited to attend the meeting.

This is obviously a big move to be announced.

"The company has been established and the land has been purchased. There is no point in regretting it now."

"At this time, what we need to consider is how to deal with the new situation."

Successful people often learn from past events, but they don't always feel sorry for themselves.

Zhang Jiaqi is undoubtedly a successful person.

"So far, Nanshan Group has not taken any special measures against us."

"Before officially signing the agreement, you also called Mr. Cao. Logically speaking, they should not use any small tricks."

"In this case, I think the key lies in what is the new product of Nanshan Transmission."

"As long as we figure it out, maybe there will be answers to some questions."

Zeng Guangda quickly gave his judgment.

Zhang Jiaqi still agrees with this opinion.

Of course, Yangcheng Automobile Group was definitely not the only one who was a little nervous after receiving the invitation letter for Nanshan Transmission's new product launch conference.

Geely Automobile, which just cooperated with Aisin before the Spring Festival, is even more nervous at this time.

After all, Yangcheng Automobile Group is protected by Yangcheng City, and Nanshan Group will definitely have some scruples even if it wants to deal with them.

But it's hard to say about Geely Automobile.

Although it stands to reason that everyone's cooperative relationship is there and things will not develop to that point, everyone is still a little worried.

"Mr. Li, will you attend this new product launch conference of Nanshan Transmission?"

Under normal circumstances, Hou Liang would definitely not come to Li Su's office to ask such questions.

But this time, the situation is obviously a bit special.

"Do you think there are many people participating this time, and do you think the level is high?"

"It's hard to say, but with the influence of Nanshan Group, there is a high probability that many leaders will also participate."

Hou Liang really doesn't dare to guess casually now.

Who knows what the final guess will look like?
Nanshan Group just won 1 first prizes and 9 second prizes of the National Science and Technology Progress Award on January 5th.

Who are the awards presenters?

Who attended the award ceremony?

Which person who attended the award ceremony could not remember the name of Nanshan Group?

Jian's every move in the Nanshan Group in Emperor Xin now has great influence.

Hou Liang now vaguely regrets his cooperation with Aixin.

He feels that this new product launch conference organized by Nanshan Transmission is likely to bring surprises and surprises to everyone.

"Then let's go!"

"I just want to take this opportunity to have a chat with Mr. Cao to ease the impact of Geely Aisin."

Li Su thought about it and felt that avoiding some problems seemed to be unable to solve the problem.

It's better to go directly to the scene and see what's going on.

If there are really many leaders attending, that would be a good thing.

Maybe I still know him.

"Okay, then I will immediately feedback the list of attendees to Nanshan Gearbox, and they are also keeping statistics on this aspect."

"The level of personnel present may be relatively high at that time, and some security work also needs to be prepared in advance."

Hou Liang got the answer he wanted and immediately ran away.


If Yangcheng Automobile and Geely Automobile are just a little nervous, then Aisin is definitely very nervous.

Since Yoshikawa started his journey to China and established a joint venture with Yangcheng Automobile and Geely Automobile, Aisin China and Aisin headquarters have been paying close attention to the developments in China during this period.

Especially the various movements of Nanshan Gearbox and Nanshan Group.

I just waited for a long time but didn't get any useful information.

This made Yoshikawa and Okumura also feel a little doubt.

Now that the Nanshan gearbox is starting to move, they have more doubts.

"Okumura, what new products do you think Nanshan Transmission will release this time?"

"Is it possible that they really developed 9AT?"

Yoshikawa felt a little heavy.

He is very clear about Aisin's own research and development progress.

9AT is impossible to develop, let alone this year, next year, or even the year after that.

If Nanshan Gearbox can produce 9AT so quickly, it will definitely be a huge blow to Aisin's global reputation.

Everyone will subconsciously start to think that Nanshan gearbox technology is the most advanced.

When Nanshan Transmission first launched the 8AT automatic transmission, there were already some signs of this.

If this were the same in 9AT, then the situation would be even more different.

"President, actually I don't think there's anything special to worry about. Even if Nanshan Gearbox really comes up with 9AT, so what?"

"We are a professional gearbox manufacturer, and we are very clear about the difference between 8AT and 9AT."

"Except for some publicity gimmicks, the advantages of 9AT compared to 8AT are actually very small."

"Even the so-called advantages cannot be felt by ordinary consumers when driving daily, and it is difficult to achieve those special working conditions."

"On the contrary, after adding one more gear, the quality of the gearbox may deteriorate. Whether it is the cold cutting system or the mechanical system, it may be more prone to failure."

"The most important thing is this gearbox, the cost will definitely be very high."

"How many car companies will use such a flashy thing by then?"

Although Okumura was panicking now, he didn't dare to show his panic.

On the contrary, in front of Yoshikawa, he had to show that this matter was irrelevant.

What else?

Are we all hugging each other in pain, worry, and sadness?
Not so!
"That's what I say, but what Nanshan Group is best at is all kinds of publicity."

"If they really have an advantage in this area by then, they will never let go of such a good publicity opportunity."

"The offensive advantage we finally established may not be obvious anymore."

“It’s not surprising that the brand reputation of Nanshan Transmission will slowly surpass us in the future.”

Yoshikawa said something that he was worried about.

However, Okumura didn't have any good way to solve it.

It's not like he doesn't know the influence of Nanshan Group in China.

It was precisely because he knew that he felt that Aisin should come up with more solutions that were different from before.

"President, Nanshan Group has been recruiting people. I think the matter of arranging commercial espionage may need to be started as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, we know too little about the situation of Nanshan's gearbox, and we don't know how to deal with problems when they arise."

"It will be difficult to explain to shareholders at that time."

Okumura feels that Nanshan Gearbox poses too great a threat to Aisin and needs to think of unconventional solutions.

Otherwise, something else might happen in the future.

"Well, I'll ask the human resources department to think of a way to see if they have communicated with some experienced agency companies."

Yoshikawa feels that Okumura's proposal still has some feasibility.

It's worth giving it a try.

Commercial wars are inherently all-consuming.

Nanshan Transmission has now risen to become Aisin's main competitor in the world.

To deal with major competitors, it is natural to have different plans and attitudes.


BMW has always been interested in new technologies.

Both Phillips and Aimoha received invitations from Nanshan Transmission.

Naturally, we need to discuss whether we should take it seriously enough to participate.

"Ah Moha, our new BMW 5 Series is ready to use part of the 8AT from Nanshan transmission."

"Now that Nanshan Transmission has launched new products, does it mean there are products more advanced than 8AT?"

"If this is the case, then we can consider using it on the future 7 Series."

The relationship between BMW and Nanshan Group is much better now.

In particular, the cooperation between Nanshan Batteries and BMW electric vehicles has been officially launched.

During this period, BMW also learned more about the situation of Nanshan batteries.What's more important is that BMW is now a shareholder of Nanshan Battery.

Our relationship is naturally even more extraordinary.

"I think there must be better technology than 8AT."

"Why else would the Nanshan Group have such a big battle?"

"When there are no viable products, it will not only be embarrassing for Nanshan Gearbox, but also have an impact on Nanshan Group."

"Cao Yang must understand this truth."

Aimoha gave his judgment with certainty.

In his eyes, anything related to Nanshan Group should not be looked at with the same perspective as ordinary Chinese companies.

You have to deal with Nanshan Group with the mentality of communicating with normal international first-class companies.

Otherwise, it may be BMW that suffers the consequences.

"That's right. If this is the case, then we really need to take a closer look at this meeting."

"The best thing is to invite the technical person in charge of gearbox design and matching from the headquarters to come and take a look and experience their new technology on the spot."

Phillips no longer objects to BMW using more Nanshan Group technology.

The products sold by Xingchen Auto are more expensive than many products of BMW. People have used them with good results, so why don’t they use them?
"Okay, I'll contact you about this matter."

"I hope there will be no accidents with Nanshan Gearbox this time."


Nanshan Group is now very skilled in various reception activities.

Although this new product launch conference or technology exhibition of Nanshan Transmission was relatively large-scale, in detail, there were only a few hundred guests.

It’s no hassle to entertain.

Of course, I don’t know since when, Nanshan Group will no longer book air tickets or hotels for free when entertaining guests.

You do it yourself and show up on time.

Of course, there are exceptions to the situation where you go to a hotel outside for a test drive.

"Mr. Fang, there is a large exhibition hall behind this auditorium. According to this process, after the press conference, everyone can go to the back to see the exhibition."

"I originally wanted to sneak over first to see what new products were released, but the other party refused us entry."

"It seems that Nanshan Gearbox wants to fully maintain a sense of mystery and let this conference get more attention."

Lin Jiayan naturally followed Fang Dawen to Nanshan Group today.

By now, many people know that Nanshan Transmission is holding a new product launch conference today.

But no one knows what their new product is yet.




Or other products?

No one on the Internet has exposed it!

This made Lin Jiayan's heart itch, and she also wanted to get the news as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, Nanshan Gearbox did a good job of keeping it secret, so she didn't find out.

"Forget it, no one can compare to Nanshan Group when it comes to marketing."

"Since they don't want us to know in advance, then let's wait for a while."

"It's about half an hour or so."

When Fang Dawen saw more and more guests in the auditorium, he raised his left hand and looked at his Rolex Black Water Ghost watch, trying to calm himself down as much as possible.

"It seems that a lot of people came today, including people from Lingnan Province, Yangcheng City, China Automobile Association, ministries, universities, OEMs, media and other fields."

"I looked at the nameplates placed in the front row. Many people are of quite high rank."

Since there was no way to get the news in advance, Lin Jiayan could only sit next to Fang Dawen and gossip.

She had just made a circle, and it was obvious that she had gained nothing.

"It's normal. Nanshan Transmission can achieve the current results. It is indeed a very remarkable thing for China's transmission industry."

"If there were no Nanshan gearbox, most of the current self-owned brand models would definitely not be able to use 6AT, or even 4AT."

"The contribution made by Nanshan Gearbox is still seen by relevant personnel."

"This time they are going to release a new product, so everyone is naturally curious."

Fang Dawen himself was a little curious about what Nanshan Transmission's new product was, and naturally others were no exception.

"The key is that there are many people coming from various OEMs."

"Mr. Wang from BYD, Mr. Li from Geely, Mr. Yin from Chery, Mr. Zhu from Spring City Automobile Group and others are all here."

"This is relatively rare."

“Even Modu General’s president Austin and vice president Wang Huiliang came together.”

"This is still very rare."

"It seems that everyone gives Nanshan Group a lot of respect and is also looking forward to Nanshan Group's new products."

As a senior media person in the automobile industry, she must be relatively familiar with the situation of the heads of major automobile companies.

Many people have even been interviewed by her or had dinner with her.

"Nanshan Group's product QCD is often very competitive. Even if Nanshan Transmission's new product is not that good this time, people will come and support it out of other considerations."

"Nanshan Gearbox has sent invitations to so many people, and obviously hopes to make this event more lively."

"Especially the news that Aisin made some time ago, many people are watching how Nanshan Group will react."

"Now that Nanshan Group has responded, everyone naturally wants to know what the specific response is."

What Fang Dawen said was a bit convoluted, but Lin Jiayan understood it.

Today's meeting is indeed interesting.

Slowly, as the time came to 9 o'clock, Ji Hua came to the podium wearing a formal suit.

First of all, I would like to thank you.

However, Nanshan Gearbox is a company after all, and Ji Hua also knows that everyone hates him for talking nonsense.

So after reviewing the development history and historical achievements of Nanshan Gearbox, he quickly got to the point.

"Today we have two series of five gearboxes to bring to you. Each product has its own characteristics and can give customers more complete choices."

"The first thing we want to bring to you is the CVT gearbox."

As soon as Ji Hua's words came out, Yin Chuan's face changed drastically as he sat in the audience.

Our own Chery Seiko has been producing CVT gearboxes for several years.

Because compared to the AT automatic transmission, the CVT transmission is smoother.

The AT automatic transmission will have an obvious feeling of frustration during the gear shifting process, while the CVT transmission has no fixed gears, so it can achieve continuous gear changes, and the power output is more linear, making the driving process smoother.

Moreover, the CVT transmission has more free gear settings.

The gears of the AT automatic transmission are fixed, while the CVT transmission can theoretically set unlimited gears, which allows the driver to more freely adjust the vehicle speed and engine speed according to driving needs, providing a more flexible driving experience.

Furthermore, the CVT transmission has good fuel economy.

The AT automatic transmission needs to use multiple fixed gears to complete the speed change, while the CVT transmission uses structures such as steel belts and sliders to achieve multiple transmission ratios, which can select the best transmission ratio under different working conditions, thereby improving fuel economy. .

In addition, the CVT gearbox is relatively light and small, which helps reduce the weight of the vehicle and further reduces fuel consumption.

Yin Chuan has always felt that by choosing CVT in a unique way, he can stand out from the crowd of independent brand competitors.

Who knew Nanshan Transmission also had a CVT.

Isn't this equivalent to the fact that other manufacturers such as Great Wall, Changan, and Geely also have CVTs?

And when the time comes, Nanshan's gearbox will have the advantage of quantity, and the cost may be lower than that of Chery Automobile.

The advantage Yin Chuan wanted was completely gone.

Even the advantage has turned into a disadvantage, which is definitely a situation that Yin Chuan does not want to see.

However, no matter how bad his mood was, Yin Chuan knew that it was not the right time to say anything.

First, listen carefully to how Ji Hua introduces the CVT of Nanshan Transmission.

"CVT transmission, also known as continuously variable transmission, is an automatic transmission that achieves continuously variable speed through a belt or chain and two sets of tapered pulleys with variable diameters."

"It is very different from traditional gear transmissions because it can continuously change the transmission ratio within a wide range, so that the engine always runs in the best working condition."

"This time, our Nanshan Transmission has launched a small CVT, a medium CVT and a large CVT to respond to different power and torque output needs."

"This can ensure the smooth output of torque while giving full play to the advantages of the CVT."

"Then you must be curious to know what special advantages our products have compared to other products?"

Ji Hua was not afraid at all when it came to introducing his major.

On the stage, he seemed to be giving a speech, holding the microphone in his right hand and standing in the middle without writing.

"There is a very critical parameter here, which is transmission efficiency."

"First, we need to understand what transmission efficiency is."

Considering that some of the people attending the meeting today are not from the automotive industry, they do not have a basic understanding of the technical situation of CVT.

Therefore, Ji Hua's introduction is relatively introductory.

In other words, it will take into account both introductory content and advanced parameters.

"Transmission efficiency refers to the ratio of the output power of the transmission system to the input power, expressed as a percentage."

"The higher the transmission efficiency, the smaller the power loss of the transmission system and the higher the energy utilization rate."

"Transmission efficiency is affected by many factors, such as the structure, materials, friction, temperature, lubrication, etc. of the transmission system."

"Generally speaking, the transmission efficiency of AT transmission is about 90%, while the transmission efficiency of CVT transmission is about 80%."

"So, why is the transmission efficiency of CVT transmission lower than that of gear transmission?"

"This is mainly because the CVT transmission needs to consume part of the oil pressure to push the contact force between the tapered pulley and the belt or chain during operation to ensure the stability and reliability of the transmission."

"In addition, the chain will also generate a certain amount of friction and heat when sliding on the tapered pulley, resulting in energy loss."

"The gear transmission achieves transmission through the meshing between gears, without hydraulic loss and sliding friction loss."

"The CVT produced by our Nanshan Transmission can achieve a transmission efficiency of 87%."

As soon as Ji Hua said these words, Yin Chuan's expression changed again in the audience!


If he remembers correctly, the transmission efficiency of the CVT Chery is researching is only 78%?

(End of this chapter)

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