Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 524 Flagship sedan, officially released

Chapter 524 Flagship sedan, officially released
When a new model is relatively early, it is easier to keep it confidential.

After all, not that many people know about it, and they are basically all employees within the company.

But once this model starts to officially start quoting from suppliers, the relevant information will not be so easy to keep confidential in the eyes of interested parties.

And when the development of a new model enters the formal mold production stage, and it is time to start delivering prototypes to assemble the vehicle, it will be difficult to keep it completely confidential.

With so many suppliers, it is impossible for all of them to only supply you Xingchen Automobile.

Therefore, during conscious or unconscious conversations between some suppliers and other OEMs, some information about new models will be spread.

Naturally, Xingchen Auto also encountered this situation.

"Phillips, we heard from Xingchen Motors that there is a new model codenamed Xingchen 6 that will be launched within this year."

"It is said that this is a high-end sedan, and it is likely to form a direct competition with our 5 series or 7 series."

BMW currently has a relatively close cooperation with Nanshan Group. Nanshan Battery supplies battery packs to the other party and has begun to prepare samples.

Naturally, the people at BMW China are also very concerned about the Nanshan Group's affairs.

While we cooperate, we are also competitors.

The BMW X5 is completely uncompetitive against the Xingtu.

This matter is not without any disturbance within BMW.

"Is this news reliable?"

Phillips frowned, "Didn't Xingchen Motors just launch an MPV model like the Dreamer?"

"Why is there a new model coming out so soon?"

BMW has never been interested in MPV models.

So no matter what the dreamers do, BMW doesn't care.

But the car is different. This is the guy who eats BMW.

The 3 Series, 5 Series, and 7 Series are basically BMW's three most powerful series.

Relying on these models, BMW has achieved today's results.

Previously, Xingchen Auto only had one model, the Ziweixing, which was a sedan, and it was also a crossover coupe.

Therefore, although it has had a certain impact on the 5 Series and 7 Series, their positioning is ultimately different, so the impact is relatively limited.

But if Xingchen Motors further launches more high-end models, the situation will be different.

BMW will definitely be under greater pressure by then.

"This news should be relatively accurate. According to the development pace of Xingchen Motors, it is time for them to launch a real high-end sedan."

"The market in this area is still relatively large."

Aimoha gave his reply with certainty.

Before reporting to Phillips, he naturally confirmed the news seriously.

Otherwise, the nature of lying about military information will be completely different when the time comes.

As a subordinate, when reporting something to your leader, you should not tell everything you know at once, and don't mention things you are unsure of easily unless the leader asks about it.

These are some skills that are required in the workplace.

Otherwise, you will be at a huge disadvantage when the time comes.

Many young people only realize these truths after being beaten to death and being trained by reality.

"Have we heard about the specifics of this model?"

Phillips' face also became a little more solemn.

Globally speaking, Xingchen Motors may still have a relatively large gap with BMW.

But in the Chinese market, it is definitely a very important competitor of BMW.

And it is still the kind of opponent that can suppress BMW in turn.

"You will definitely not be able to find out very accurate information. After all, these information are still highly confidential for Xingchen Motors."

"But it is certain that this is a sedan, a sedan that Xingchen Auto has placed high expectations on."

“The planned number of units in the quotation conditions they gave to suppliers was 5 units in the first year, 10 units in the second year, and 15 units in the third year.”

"With these units, the Chinese region must have contributed the most to the market. The situation may not be exactly the same as that of Xingtu Motors and Wangwang."

Aimoha is still very confident about markets outside China.

BMW has been working hard for so many years, but it is not something that Xingchen Motors can easily surpass.

But the Chinese market is hard to say.

Nanshan Group's publicity ability is really too strong.

And their products, if you don't consider the brand influence, are indeed not bad at all.

In this situation, whether it is a BMW or a Mercedes-Benz, there will be pressure when facing each other.

"They sell theirs, we sell ours."

"BMW still has a unique status in the hearts of many people. This cannot be caught up by Xingchen Motors so quickly."

"Of course, we also need to know as much as possible about their situation so that we can take timely countermeasures to avoid being beaten in a hurry."

Although Phillips was a little worried, he rarely showed calmness in front of Aimoha.

I have no choice but to stay calm.

There is no benefit in breaking up with the Nanshan Group in China.

As long as Nanshan Group doesn't try to plunder BMW, Phillips feels he can still endure it.

However, Spring City Automobile Group, which also received this information, was more confused.

"Mr. Zhu, Xingchen Motors has quietly launched such a car, and it is likely to form a direct competitive relationship with Dahongqi. Should we communicate with Mr. Cao about this situation?"

As Zhu Zhengfeng's right-hand man, Tao Wen is in charge of the Nanshan Hongqi joint venture within Spring City Group.

If BMW can find out the news, Spring City Automobile Group can also find out the news.

After all, Xingchen Motors' flagship sedan is about to roll off the production line in small batches.

"It is still very challenging to increase sales of the Dahongqi car. It has more symbolic meaning."

"Relatively speaking, Xingchen Motors' sedans should put more pressure on luxury car brands such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi."

"There is no need for us to rush ahead and make Xingchen Automobile uncomfortable. Otherwise, Cao Yang will definitely have objections to us by then."

Zhu Zhengfeng did not want to provoke the Nanshan Group.

The higher you stand, the more you realize the status of Nanshan Group in China and the importance it receives at the national level.

Especially the aircraft manufacturers in Spring City are purchasing Nanshan carbon fiber products, which makes Zhu Zhengfeng know more and more that he cannot go against the Nanshan Group.

Anyway, Spring City Automobile Group is not his personal enterprise. As long as it is decent, everything will be easy.

It would be better to cooperate well with Nanshan Group and achieve some results. Maybe I can make further progress in the future.

If there is any quarrel with the Nanshan Group, he will be slapped and beaten.

This is definitely not the situation Zhu Zhengfeng wants to see.

Tao Wen's position was not as high as Zhu Zhengfeng's, so there were some things she couldn't see, or she didn't take them too seriously when she saw them.

"That's true. Our Hongqi HS5 will be offline soon, so we can consider starting promotion."

"If the relationship with Nanshan Group is severed at this time, it will indeed be a bit more gain than loss."

Tao Wen is not a stubborn person.

It is impossible for a stubborn person to be trusted by Zhu Zhengfeng all the time.

So in the end, they just pretended to know nothing about this news.

Let’s see what tricks Xingchen Automobile can do by then.


"Mr. Cao, these are the specific arrangements for the Galaxy new car launch next week. If there is no problem, we will formally send out invitations later."

Zeng Tingting came to Cao Yang's office with dark circles under her eyes.

She was very busy during this period.

Not long after the various launch activities of Dreamer have ended, a new flagship sedan is about to be released.

Although it will take some time after the release to be officially launched and delivered, this time Xingchen Automobile is preparing to announce the price directly at the press conference, and then start accepting reservations in 4S stores.

Wait until two months before the official delivery.

In this way, this new car launch conference is equivalent to being combined with the launch event.


"Is this the name you are planning to give?"

There are more and more various products of Nanshan Group, and Cao Yang began to leave the names of many products to the people below.

This time, he also gave the naming rights of the flagship sedan to Zeng Tingting.

"Yes, we discussed it internally in the sales department and also communicated with people from Autohome. We feel that the name Galaxy is more consistent with this flagship sedan."

Zeng Tingting explained briefly, and then said: "Of course, if Mr. Cao has other names to recommend, it is still too late to modify it now."

"No need to change, just let the Galaxy be the Galaxy, it's still okay."

“In the end, it’s not about relying on a name to attract consumers’ desire to buy.”

Names are important, but sometimes names are not so important.

Like the Mercedes-Benz S600, this S600 is obviously not beautiful.

The BMW 730 is similar. Is it possible that you still think this number is special?
In the final analysis, top luxury cars still depend on the competitiveness of their own products and the charm of their brands.

As long as the car name is not too pretentious, the impact will not be that big.

For example, later generations of Great Wall Motors came up with color names such as "Forgive Green". Although they are not car names, they are typical of making themselves uncomfortable.

Galaxy obviously doesn't fall into the category of making yourself uncomfortable.

So Cao Yang agreed to Zeng Tingting's proposal without any hesitation.

"In addition to the car name, we have also considered the price in this way. The ordinary version of W12 is set at 199.99 million yuan."

"But the high-end bulletproof version, because it is an extended version, will not sell very much, so we plan to set the price at 599.99 million yuan."

"Even if consumers want to make some customized configurations, it is not surprising that the final price will reach 800 to [-] million yuan."

"We have compared this model with the Mercedes-Benz S600, and it can completely crush them in terms of equipment and performance." Although Zeng Tingting knew that selling high-end cars was not that easy, she felt quite pressured.

But the products developed by Xingchen Automobile Research Institute are definitely competitive.

In this regard, she was very confident.

If China's products do not have any special competitiveness, it will be very difficult to completely seize the market from Western giants.

In the past, most products relied more on low selling prices to gain market share.

But when it comes to Nanshan Group, the situation begins to change.

At the beginning, Nanshan Group's nut plates and wheel bearings were indeed cost-effective.

But now, Nanshan Group no longer simply pursues high cost performance.

In other words, not every product pays attention to cost performance.

Especially for Xingchen Automobile, people will buy your Dreamer or your Galaxy, definitely not because of your high cost performance.

"Galaxy's promotion can focus on the bulletproof version."

"This is a market that is relatively unfamiliar to domestic consumers."

"Although in most cases, bulletproof models have no practical significance in China."

“But whether there is actual demand is one thing, and the card behind it is another.”

"For example, the bosses and important shareholders of the top 100 domestic private enterprises are all potential customers of our Galaxy Bulletproof Edition."

“Even in Southeast Asia, the Middle East and South America, the bulletproof version of the Galaxy can also grab the market.”

Although the sales volume of flagship sedans cannot be compared to that of Yangwang and Xingtu, it is still very meaningful to enhance the brand power of Xingchen Automobile and improve the product layout of Xingchen Automobile.

Therefore, when Rao Yongxiang and Zeng Tingting proposed to do it before, he did not object again.

However, since it is going to be done, it must be done.

For many bosses, when they hear Galaxy, their first reaction is that this is a car priced at 700 million yuan. This style is definitely better than 300 million yuan.

Many bosses are very particular about presentation in business situations and will make certain comparisons.

Even for private companies, sometimes the class of car your boss drives will affect your partners' confidence in you.

Therefore, some owners of small and medium-sized enterprises have to bite the bullet and buy a luxury car, even if they don't have that much money on their bank cards.

This can be regarded as a necessity in business.

"No problem, the bulletproof version of Galaxy has many bright spots."

"Compared to the bulletproof version that we look up to, we have not only evolved to 10AT in the gearbox, but also made great breakthroughs in many intelligent equipment."

"It can even be said that Galaxy's bulletproof version is the culmination of the advantages of looking up to the bulletproof version and the advantages of the dreamer."

"As long as the publicity is in place, I think there should still be many people interested."

Zeng Tingting naturally had no objection to Cao Yang's instructions.

Between the two versions, no matter which version is focused on, for the sales department, the work content that needs to be adjusted is relatively small.

Even in terms of talking about topics, the bulletproof version has more maneuverability.

Following Xingchen Auto's actions, various automotive media began to become happy.

"Editor Fang, I don't know which model Xingchen Motors is looking for this time. I always feel that the show is about to begin."

Lin Jiayan just watched the excitement and didn't mind the big deal.

Xingchen Automobile’s press conferences are always trouble-making.

Lin Jiayan didn't think there would be an exception this time.

"It is said to be a flagship sedan, but it is nothing more than a high-end sedan from several car companies."

"Xingchen Automobile is going to fight a tough battle this time."

"Whether it's a Mercedes-Benz S600, a BMW 730, or an Audi A8, it's not that easy to mess with."

"They have even formed a relatively fixed consumer group."

"Even if Xingchen Motors has made a breakthrough in other models, it may not be that easy to achieve the same success in high-end flagship models."

Fang Dawen naturally felt that the development path of Xingchen Motors' flagship sedan might not be so smooth.

Other brands have developed over decades, or even nearly a century, to reach their current situation.

You want to surpass them all at once, how can it be so easy?

And the views of wealthy circles on car brands are often not so easy to change.

Unless Xingchen Automobile can find a better breakthrough.

Just like when we were working on the Dreamer, we mobilized various celebrities and entertainment companies to make an MPV model like the Dreamer popular.

"The development of Xingchen Automobile has been so smooth in recent years. If it can hit a wall this time, it may be more story-telling."

“Then we won’t have to worry about not having any good news material during this period.”

Lin Jiayan had thought about changing her job to Auto Home before, but found that it would be difficult to get a job at a high level. If she went to Auto Home, it might not be such a good choice.

So in the end I stayed at NetEase Auto.

She would still be very interested if she could watch the excitement of Xingchen Automobile.

"Mercedes-Benz has always had a good relationship with us, and it has placed a lot of advertisements on our channel this year."

"When the time comes, you can share the model information of Xingchen Motors with the people at Mercedes-Benz in a timely manner. They should be very interested."

"Maybe it will give us an unexpected surprise then."

The relationship between the automotive media and automotive OEMs is complementary to each other.

We are all members of the same industry chain.

It can be said that you can't live without me and I can't live without you.

Of course, Xingchen Automobile is relatively unique.

They hardly advertise outside of Autohome and Weibo.

Of course, this does not mean that their advertising expenses are really not spent, but that they will be spent in more secretive and indirect ways.

For example, Autohome has a bunch of trolls who sometimes have to spend money on other platforms.

These expenses are actually considered as Xingchen Auto’s marketing expenses.

Against this background, Xingchen Motors' flagship sedan launch conference was officially held in Shanghai.

Taking into account the attendance of many celebrities, the venue for the launch event of the MPV model was the Imperial City.

Flagship sedans have a larger market in economically developed areas such as the Yangtze River Delta, so Xingchen Automobile held the launch event in a hotel near the Bund.

The scale of this press conference is not particularly large.

After all, it is a flagship sedan. In order to reflect its own style, some small automotive media were not invited directly.

Even the Galaxy model has no intention of being publicized and exposed in small media.

Readers in these places are not potential customers of Galaxy at all.

"Stretch sedan?"

When Lin Jiayan and Fang Dawen arrived at the scene, they immediately saw a display car in the most conspicuous position.

Although the car door has not yet been opened, the appearance of the new car has been revealed before the press conference has officially begun. This approach of Xingchen Motors is quite unique.

"This car must be over 6 meters long, and it looks very domineering."

"As long as you run on the street, everyone knows that this car is not cheap without any special introduction."

"It seems that Xingchen Motors is very determined to develop flagship cars."

Fang Dawen circled around these two extended versions of the Milky Way.

Purely from the appearance point of view, it is still very attractive.

Although it is not as stunning as Ziweixing, it is definitely not ugly.

Even with such a long body, it still reveals a touch of elegance.

Cao Yang directly used the shape of the later Mercedes-Benz S 600 Pullman Guard bulletproof vehicle as a reference, and it is obviously still very capable.

"This car is obviously not for ordinary consumers. The people who use this car are heavyweights in politics and business. Ordinary small bosses cannot afford it."

"I have always felt that Xingchen Motors is an OEM that fully considers market demand. Now it seems that this is not entirely the case."

"The sales volume of this car should not be high."

Lin Jiayan's view should represent the views of many people.

However, it didn’t take long for Zeng Tingting to take the stage and personally announce various information about the flagship sedan, Galaxy.

The bulletproof version of Galaxy has the highest security level cabin, which can reach all VR6 and VR7 safety limits set by NATO.

Specifically, five grenades, three of which were M51 grenades under the car and two on the roof, exploded at the same time. Even such a sandwich attack could not do anything.

If you are still worried about this, customers can also choose to install 300 kilograms of armor for the floor, which can effectively resist the attack of US-made M61 grenades.

It can be said that this bulletproof vehicle has reached the ceiling of the industry.

Even the bulletproof version that I look up to is slightly behind in some configurations.

"This extended model is bulletproof and has a starting price of 599.99 million yuan. It is definitely not for ordinary wealthy people."

Fang Dawen is obviously not very optimistic about Xingchen Automobile's hasty entry into the high-end sedan field.

At this level of the market, what car a consumer buys no longer depends purely on its performance and configuration.

Of course, if it comes to bulletproof vehicles specifically, the situation may be a little different.

Fang Dawen himself is not a customer of these cars, so it is normal for him to have insufficient grasp of some situations.

After all, the domestic market for bulletproof vehicles has been very niche over the past many years.

Except for Hongqi, basically no company produces it.

Even for imported bulletproof cars, the market is very limited.

Now Xingchen Motors seems to be breaking this situation and allowing wealthy people to start buying bulletproof cars!
“The configuration is quite impressive and worthy of the price.”

“I just don’t know how the market will react.”

Lin Jiayan listened carefully to Zeng Tingting's speech today and kept many configuration parameters in mind.

The next development of the situation is worth looking forward to.

(End of this chapter)

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