Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 549 An unexpected surprise, a turning point in life

Chapter 549 An unexpected surprise, a turning point in life

From 1999 to 2009, Nanshan Group went through the most special 10 years.

These ten years have been a decade of rapid economic development in China.

These ten years have been a decade of rapid development for Nanshan Group.

These ten years are also the ten years since Cao Yang came back to this world.

As if there was some kind of providence in the dark, in this special year, Cao Yang ushered in a turning point in his life.

When the Chinese automobile industry was rejoicing that annual sales exceeded 1000 million, Fang Sisi told Cao Yang something shyly.

"What, are you pregnant?"

Cao Yang was startled at first, and then his face was full of surprise.

Over the years, except for the beginning, Cao Yang actually took no measures.

However, Fang Sisi remained silent.

He thought it was because of his time travel that he couldn't have any descendants.

Unexpectedly, in this special year, Fang Sisi brought herself a surprise.

"Well, I also bought a test strip this morning and tested it, and found two bars!"

"Ayang, let's give birth to him!"

Fang Sisi had already met Cao Yang's family and took Cao Yang to meet her parents.

It's just that both of them have special identities, so although their parents were anxious, they didn't particularly try to persuade them.

But Cao Yang is actually 30 years old this year, and so is Fang Sisi.

In this case, it is also time to get married and have children.

A company as big as Nanshan Group needs heirs to inherit it.

"Life, must be born!"

Cao Yang agreed without any hesitation!

Then he continued, "Sisi, let's go get the certificate tomorrow, and then discuss it with our family to set a time for the wedding banquet."

It’s all for this reason, any hesitation will be a demerit.

Although Cao Yang is a straight man, he doesn't go that far.

Besides, the marriage between the two people has been on the path of normal development for a long time, but now it just suddenly accelerated the pace.

Fang Sisi naturally had no objection to this.

"I can do it, but our wedding may need to be held in a low-key manner. You also know the situation of our family. When the time comes, we may only have a few tables for our own family."

"However, we can celebrate appropriately within the company."

Fang Sisi naturally hopes to have a grand wedding to welcome herself.

But there are some things that need to be considered beyond just your own preferences.

Their family's situation is destined to be unsuitable for a grand wedding.

Besides, the wedding must be postponed for a month or two. At that time, she may have severe pregnancy reactions, and it is not suitable for a big fight.

As for regrets...

People of their level don't feel regretful because the wedding is not big enough.

"No problem, I will listen to you!"

"During this period, the company's work will be handed over to others. You can just come and live here in Yangcheng."

The two then discussed it and communicated with their families.

Soon, the wedding date of the two was decided.

As for the marriage certificate, I received it directly the next day.

Of course, although their marriage was planned to be carried out in a low-key manner, their identities were not simple, so it was impossible that there would be no news at all.

"Mr. Cao, everyone will be curious about the reason for suddenly receiving an extra month's bonus this month. Why don't you just tell everyone that it's to celebrate you getting the certificate?"

As the Minister of Finance, Dong Shengnan naturally has a good relationship with Cao Yang.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to secure the position of Minister of Finance.

After going to get the certificate yesterday, Cao Yang simply told senior officials at today's ministerial meeting.

As a result, the ministerial meeting almost turned into a Taoxi meeting.

Regarding this important day, Cao Yang was also very happy and directly chose to send money!
There is no action that can make everyone share the joy with you more than sending money.

Nanshan Group's performance this year is enough to support several more months of bonuses.

"There's nothing special to say, and nothing special to hide."

Cao Yang felt that this special bonus would definitely spread, so there was no need to write too much on the internal communication.

But there is nothing to hide.

It's not like you're doing something shameful by getting married.

I'm not a celebrity, so it's normal for me to keep a low profile.

However, Cao Yang wanted to keep a low profile on this matter, but in fact it was impossible to really keep a low profile.

For example, my mother Zhang Xiuli felt the need to do something big.

At least it can't be so deserted on the man's side.

Fortunately, his uncle Zhang Fugui has been in charge of Nanshan Investment in recent years and has seen big events, and his views are closer to Cao Yang's.

"Sister, when you reach the stage of Ayang, you often need to do things in a high profile and be a low-key person."

"Especially your own personal matters, try not to make the whole city a storm."

"Besides, now that the United States has begun to sanction Nanshan Carbon Fiber, it may also sanction other companies in the group in the future, or even seek other places."

"So it's right to keep a low profile, and you also know the situation at Sisi."

"They are even less suitable for high-profile wedding planning."

"The Internet is so developed now. If this is high-profile, countless netizens will definitely look at it with a magnifying glass."

"At that time, all kinds of things and rumors will spread on the Internet, which will not be a good thing for Ayang personally and Nanshan Group."

"I don't even think it's necessary to let everyone know that Ayang is married to Sisi."

“It’s better to maintain a proper sense of mystery.”

After Zhang Fugui has been tempered in the past few years, he can be regarded as a completely reborn person.

Especially when I once had tens of billions of RMB in investment income, my mentality and vision were completely different from those ten years ago.

People are at different levels, see different things, have different insights, and their opinions are naturally changing.

Now Zhang Fugui can barely be regarded as a "chess player", rather than a simple chess piece.

In this way, some things can be seen more clearly.

"Uncle is right. Some things are spread too widely. In fact, there is no benefit, and it will even give birth to a lot of moths."

"It is actually more appropriate to maintain an appropriate sense of mystery, or to fully keep family information confidential."

"There's no need to put everything in the spotlight."

Cao Yang and Zhang Fugui exchanged words with each other, but Zhang Xiuli soon changed her mind.

She just felt a little regretful, so she mentioned it.

I have worked hard all my life, and the greatest achievement is to have such an outstanding son.

If I don't show off properly, I always feel a little uncomfortable.

But if showing off will bring many bad consequences, then she can naturally accept not showing off.

Of course, Cao Yang got married, and even Cao Yang was going to be a father. This news was kept secret from ordinary people, but people who reached a certain level could still know it.

For example, Liu Tianwu called Cao Yang to express his blessing.

"Mr. Cao, if you don't get married, I feel like countless people will ask me to help recommend their daughters to go on a blind date with you this New Year."

Liu Tianwu and Cao Yang are very familiar with each other, so they feel like friends when chatting informally.

You can even make a joke.

But what he said was true.

There are many people who know that Liu Tianwu has a good relationship with Cao Yang, and there are also many people who want to ask Liu Tianwu to help him be a matchmaker.

Even Liu Tianwu himself wanted to introduce his niece to Cao Yang.

However, he knew the situation of Liu Tianwu and Fang Sisi, so he had always held back.

The Fang family is stronger than theirs.

"Leader, you are becoming more and more humorous."

"I really want to go on a blind date, but I'm afraid that after the blind date, I'll go home and kneel on durians."

The two chatted casually for a while, and then slowly got down to business again.

"Mr. Cao, there should be no problem for Xingchen Auto's sales to exceed 30 units this year."

"According to the current development pace, it is possible to exceed 40 next year, and production capacity will be very tight by then."

"The location selection for the second factory has been going on for some time. What do you think of Zengcheng?"

The position was different, so Liu Tianwu naturally did not ask Cao Yang to always build the factory in Panyu.

A Xingchen Automobile factory has a huge boosting effect on the local economy and GDP.

Xingchen Automobile is a luxury car, and the production value of one car is as much as five or six, or even ten, of ordinary brands.

This means that Xingchen Motors' factory, even with an annual output of 20 cars, is larger than Yangcheng Toyota and Yangcheng Honda's annual output of 60 cars.

Otherwise, Yangcheng would not have repeatedly expressed sincerity in the hope that Cao Yang would build a new factory in Yangcheng.

"Okay, we are discussing this topic within our company these days."

"When the time comes, we will use the updated technologies in equipment and robots that Nanshan Group has developed in recent years in the construction of the new factory, making it the most advanced factory in China and even the world."

"The current production capacity of the first factory, even after various expansions, can only reach 36 vehicles at most."

"We plan to build the production capacity of the second project directly at 60 units, and meet the demand for the next few years at once." If Xingchen Automobile is to become a brand on par with Mercedes-Benz and BMW, its sales volume must be It cannot be less.

One million vehicles is also a very important threshold.

Cao Yang hopes that Xingchen Motors can achieve this goal before 2015.

Now that we have made up our minds to let Xingchen Motors take root in Yangcheng, we need to consider future needs in advance.

Otherwise, we need to consider the construction of a new factory every one or two years, which is quite time-consuming and energy-consuming.

And planning it all once and tinkering constantly, productivity is undesirable.

Of course, if the planning is too advanced and there is a lot of remaining capacity, it will be a waste.

Cao Yang is not that worried about this.

When planning, plan together, and when building, build in two phases.

This way, there won't be too much spare capacity at once.


Liu Tianwu breathed a sigh of relief. A new factory with a production capacity of 60 yuan was built according to Xingchen Automobile's automation standards. The investment alone would be tens of billions, right?

This is definitely the largest project in Yangcheng in recent times.

"Mr. Cao, we in Yangcheng City will provide all the preferential policies."

"And in order to cooperate with the construction of this new factory, we will set up a dedicated multi-department joint working group."

"No matter what problems are encountered during the construction process, this joint working group can be directly responsible for coordination to minimize the workload of Xingchen Automobile."

For Yangcheng City, if this 60-capacity factory can be fully put into use, it will contribute hundreds of billions to GDP.

This is definitely a very exaggerated figure.

Even the output value of Yangcheng's automobile industry can be directly doubled.

This is the difference between luxury brands and ordinary brands.

One of my cars is worth ten of yours.

The automobile industry is an industry that has a strong economic stimulus effect. At this time, the impact of luxury cars is even greater.

"Thank you, leader."

"We will also determine the time for the groundbreaking ceremony as soon as possible, and I will ask the leader to give you a few words at that time."

It has been decided to build a factory in Yangcheng, so there is no need to hold others back.

Therefore, Cao Yang changed his attitude very quickly.

In this way, the conversation between the two naturally went smoothly.

However, in the next few days, Cao Yang's phone kept ringing.

Anyone who gets the news will basically call Cao Yang to congratulate him.

Zhu Zhengfeng of Spring City Automobile Group, Yi Jia of Changan Automobile, Wang Fu of BYD, Zhang Jiaqi of Yangcheng Automobile...

Even the leaders of Modu, Chang'an, and various ministries and commissions who had a close relationship with the Nanshan Group also called.

Cao Yang himself followed Fang Sisi and invited two very close people to have dinner in Yangcheng and the Imperial Capital in a very low-key manner. The wedding banquet was considered complete.

However, simplicity must be kept simple. The people attending this wedding banquet are not simple.

This can be regarded as allowing Cao Yang to further understand the background of his father-in-law's family.

"On Weibo, just leave it to professional managers to manage it. From now on, you can stay in Yangcheng with peace of mind."

Although Fang Sisi's belly didn't show that she was pregnant at all, Cao Yang was definitely worried about her continuing to fly around.

Especially the first three months are even more dangerous.

Fortunately, Fang Sisi had no intention of continuing to be a strong woman at this time.

Having a child means a lot to both of them.

She is also very clear about this.

"It's possible, but sometimes I feel that professional managers are not that reliable."

"Especially professional managers hired with high salaries from outside often have their own little ideas."

"On the contrary, it is not as useful as some of the people promoted within the company."

Fang Sisi will definitely not completely delegate power, but she will not make herself too busy to leave.

So how to weigh the pros and cons needs to be carefully considered.

"We can consider learning some of Warwick's plans and creating a rotating CEO. This will prevent one person's power from being too concentrated and allow other directors to supervise him."

"It's worth giving it a try, but will it cause problems in some decisions due to the company's leadership changing every few days?"

"We are all senior executives of the company, not outsiders. We are quite familiar with the company's situation; the problems in this area should not be particularly serious. Besides, you are not completely indifferent."

Cao Yang and Fang Sisi discussed it and finally came up with a solution that could solve their own work intensity problem and solve the company's management problem.


When normal people get married, they usually have a wedding leave and a honeymoon trip.

But Fang Sisi's current situation is obviously not suitable for running around.

Nanshan Group also had a lot of things that required Cao Yang to make decisions, so Cao Yang quickly returned to normal working mode.

Entering November, 11 has entered the end-of-year sprint stage.

Each business department also has to report to Cao Yang on the progress of the key projects set at the beginning of the year.

For some projects that have not been completed, or are not expected to be completed, we now need to discuss recovery plans.

At the same time, the construction of Jaguar Land Rover's Magic City factory and Nanshan Semiconductor's wafer factory have also entered the final stage, and a lot of content needs to be reported to Cao Yang.

So Cao Yang felt that his time no longer belonged to him.

Fortunately, as a secretary, Mi Ying, after learning about Cao Yang's marriage, except for being relatively silent in the first few days, gradually adjusted her mentality and worked as usual.

After all, this day will come sooner or later, and Mi Ying has known this for a long time.

"Mr. Cao, the media reported the day before yesterday that Spring City Volkswagen was going to build a factory in South China. Yesterday, a reporter called Spring City Volkswagen and the other party seemed to acquiesce to this statement."

"The construction of a factory in South China is likely to be in Lingnan Province. I'm not sure what impact it will have on us."

Only one-third of November has passed, and several major events have happened in the Chinese automotive industry.

This can be regarded as one of the objective impacts of the turning point in China's automobile industry.

Each OEM has adjusted or updated some of its strategic layouts.

"Then, Changan Automobile announced in a high-profile manner in the city hall yesterday that it would restructure AVIC to achieve an annual output of 200 million vehicles and become one of the top three of the 'Big Four'."

“For Changan Automobile, the production and sales performance of mini-cars is the most important basis for establishing its position in the domestic industry. As one of the earliest car companies to launch mini-car business, Changan Automobile’s mini-car production and sales have been in a leading position in the country in the initial stage. , due to various reasons, Changan Automobile's micro-car segment failed to continue to grow, and was overtaken by GM-Wuling time and time again, relegating to second place with a wide gap from Wuling."

"After this integration of AVIC, this business amplification effect will be very obvious."

"Among the three major mini-car bases, Changhe is in the middle, Hafei is in the north, and Chang'an is in the southwest corner. When these geographical nodes are connected in a line, they will form the most important mini-car zone throughout the Chinese auto market. Therefore, this reorganization , which undoubtedly has strategic value for the improvement of Changan Automobile’s mini-vehicle segment.”

“In addition, the BMW Group plans to join hands with BMW Brilliance to release the most important corporate strategy since the joint venture at the Great Hall of the People today. It is expected to announce an investment of 50 billion to launch a second factory, and heavyweight new models will be officially launched next year. "

Early in the morning, Mi Ying reported several major events to Cao Yang.

Usually, it takes several days for a big event to happen.

Today, there are three major events in one day, which is very special.

“The Japanese Three Musketeers’ Accord, Camry and Altima have always occupied the top three in mid- to high-end sedans. Volkswagen’s Passat and Magotan cannot compete with them.”

"And the market in South China is a traditional Japanese market. Toyota, Honda and Nissan all have factories in Yangcheng."

"Volkswagen is planning to set up a factory in South China this time, directly entering the Japanese base, aiming to win the title of the leader in mid- to high-end cars."

Cao Yang had already expected that Volkswagen would come to Lingnan Province to build a factory.

After all, this is something that actually happened in a previous life.

For Xingchen Motors, this is nothing to worry about.

The biggest impact is on Yangcheng Honda, Yangcheng Toyota and Xifeng Nissan.

"Chang'an's reorganization of AVIC aims to rewrite the history of mini-cars and win the title of the king of mini-cars."

"As for BMW to increase investment in Brilliance to build a factory to produce new models, it is obviously trying to surpass Audi in the luxury car market."

Cao Yang quickly commented on these major events, and began to think about how he should face these major events.

"In addition to products and marketing, Volkswagen's weakness in the South China market is probably attributed to the lack of production layout in South China according to Volkswagen's own analysis."

"According to statistics from the China Automobile Association, new car sales in the South China market account for more than 35% of the country's total sales, and about one-third of the sales of major domestic car companies are completed in the South China market."

"However, the average market share of the three brands produced by Volkswagen in China is only about 10% in the southern China market, which is far lower than the top-ranked Japanese brands."

"From a sales perspective, the entire South China market contributes less than 9% to Volkswagen China's overall sales."

"For Volkswagen, the South China market is not just as simple as sales figures and market share, but an out-and-out strategic location."

"If the Japanese cannot be held back in South China and allowed to attack Volkswagen's dominant market, it will be difficult for Volkswagen to maintain its strong position in the Chinese market."

"Faced with the South China market that cannot be conquered for a long time, Volkswagen has resorted to the ultimate trump card: its joint venture Spring City Volkswagen directly invests and sets up factories in South China, bringing the flames of war to the Japanese stronghold. This possibility is very high."

In Mi Ying's view, it is obviously the construction of the Volkswagen Nanshan plant that requires the most attention.

As for Changan's actions, they have little to do with Nanshan Group.

As for BMW building a new factory, this is basically what every domestic OEM is doing, and there is nothing special about it.

On the contrary, Spring City Volkswagen is building a factory in South China, which means that some Audi models will also be produced in South China.

This is worthy of attention.

However, Cao Yang didn't particularly care about this matter.

After passing the odor door, it may not be easy for Audi to turn over so quickly.

The pressure BMW puts on Audi alone can make it scrambling.

"You make arrangements and I'll visit the people at BMW in a few days."

It was clear that Mi Ying was talking about public affairs, but Cao Yang suddenly gave such an instruction, which stunned her.

However, her good professionalism allowed Mi Ying to quickly regain her composure.

(End of this chapter)

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