Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 554: "Summary of 2009 and Outlook for 2010" annual industry event

Chapter 554: "Summary of 2009 and Outlook for 2010" annual industry event
Affected by the economic crisis, the global automobile market continues to be sluggish, but the Chinese market has unexpectedly achieved substantial growth, with sales exceeding 1000 million vehicles, making it the global champion.

Huaxia has become a star that attracts attention in the world's automotive industry.

Against this background, China's automobile industry can be said to have various major events happening every month.

Mercedes-Benz purchased the Brawn Racing Team and entered the F1 competition. It only lasted for two days and was completely covered by the news at the Yangcheng Auto Show.

As an annual industry event that "summarizes 2009 and looks forward to 2010", manufacturers at home and abroad attach unprecedented importance to the [-]th Yangcheng Auto Show.

Both industry giants and rising stars will flex their muscles at the Yangcheng Auto Show, a "high-grade, international and comprehensive" platform.

"Mr. Cao, judging from the information currently shared by the Pazhou Guild Hall, this Yangcheng Auto Show can be said to be the busiest in history."

"International giants who have a leading position in the industry are all attending as manufacturers."

"The two major luxury brands, BMW and Mercedes-Benz, have booths of over 1500 square meters each. Large multinational groups such as Volkswagen Group, General Motors, Toyota, and Nissan have all appeared with their entire range of brands, and the exhibition areas are all around 4000 square meters."

"Manufacturers such as Renault, Aston Martin, Xifeng Passenger Cars, and Lifan are all participating for the first time, and the brand lineup at the Yangcheng Auto Show is more complete."

As a local company in Yangcheng, Xingchen Automobile must participate in the Yangcheng Auto Show every year.

Today is no exception.

Know thyself, ever-victorious!

Before participating in the exhibition, Cao Yang definitely wanted to know more about the auto show.

Zeng Tingting is also very familiar with this, so she has already made relevant preparations.

"It seems that now everyone knows about the Huaxia Market."

"The previous Yangcheng Auto Show was not so lively."

It can be said that Cao Yang has personally witnessed every Yangcheng Auto Show.

Since 2003, the influence of the Yangcheng Auto Show has been rising.

Now it's time to flourish.

“This time the Yangcheng Auto Show’s new cars and debut cars will hit a record high. According to incomplete statistics, a total of nearly 11 press conferences will be held on the media day on November 23.”

"There are more than 70 models of world premiere cars, Asia premiere cars, and China premiere cars, and 32 concept cars."

"In addition, top executives from domestic and foreign companies are paying increasing attention to the Yangcheng Auto Show. Executives from almost all brands will attend the press conference, including the global presidents of many international giants."

Zeng Tingting further introduced the situation of the auto show.

Sometimes, the number of debut cars can be used to measure the quality of an auto show.

Auto shows in some places basically don’t have any debut cars, and are more of a car selling event.

But this time the Yangcheng Auto Show is obviously different.

"Compared with the past, this year's Yangcheng Auto Show is no longer dominated by the passenger car exhibition area. A total of four and a half exhibition halls are used in the auto parts and auto supplies exhibition area, with an exhibition area of ​​nearly 4 square meters."

"The organizers held almost 20 seminars this time. These activities were held by domestic and foreign automobile companies, industry research institutions, industry associations, media organizations and other units. They mainly included the 'Annual Model Selection' and the 'Auto Parts Industry Annual Meeting' , 'Automotive Industry Data Report Conference', 'Automotive Design Forum', etc."

"Many of these meetings were attended by Mr. Cao or other senior executives of our group."

"If you need to communicate with the CEOs of other car companies, this year's Yangcheng Auto Show is also a good opportunity."

Zeng Tingting quickly gave Cao Yang a brief introduction to the overall situation.

Later, she would like to report to Cao Yang about Nanshan Group's own arrangements.

As a landlord, Nanshan Group not only owns Xingchen Motors, Jaguar Land Rover and Future Auto, but also has auto parts industries such as Nanshan Engine, Nanshan Transmission, and Nanshan Auto Parts.

This exhibition area naturally covers the largest area among all car companies.

In order to prepare for this auto show, Zeng Tingting has been very busy these days.

Even busier than her are the media.

"He Ling, has the interview team for the auto show been arranged?"

For such a large auto show, almost all relevant personnel within Autohome are dispatched in order to obtain more first-hand information.

Other media outlets did not rest either.

Even for several major portal websites, this is no longer a matter of the car channel, but a matter of the entire website.

After all, at the annual auto show, pictures of various car models and various luxury cars are very attractive to everyone.

Especially car models, there are definitely some eye-catching ones every year.

These require each website to arrange specialized personnel to take photos.

"Everything has been arranged. Each exhibition hall has a dedicated person responsible for following up. We also have a dedicated area on site for office use and by the way, we can promote our car home."

"In addition, we have also made appointments for exclusive interviews with the general managers of twelve OEMs and the global presidents of three international automobile giants."

"There will be two forum activities, which will also be hosted by us."

As the largest professional automobile media in China, Autohome naturally has to give full play to its influence at the Yangcheng Auto Show.

If it is surpassed by other media at this time, it will be shameless.

Obviously, Yu Yu would not allow such a thing to exist.

"This auto show is more lively than ever before, with more than 50 spectators estimated to have attended the show."

"The new models brought by various car companies are more than any other auto show. Even the excitement of the Shanghai Auto Show in April this year cannot be compared with it."

"The organizers also attach great importance to it and hope to make the Yangcheng Auto Show the most influential auto show in China."

"We will also take this opportunity to expand Autohome's influence in China's automobile industry as much as possible."

Autohome is already the largest professional automotive media in China.

If you want to continue to improve your influence in the future, you will naturally have to seize various opportunities.

In addition to improving professionalism and timeliness of news, Yu Yu feels that it is also very important to take advantage of the auto show to attract a group of new netizens to become Autohome users.

Otherwise, if there are no new users coming in and only relying on old users, the number of visits to the website will definitely drop.

Also with similar thoughts are people from the NetEase Auto Channel.

Fang Dawen also personally confirmed the car channel's arrangements for the Yangcheng Auto Show one by one.

He even plans to invite his boss to the auto show to give the car channel a platform.

"Mr. Fang, in addition to the number of participating companies setting a historical record for this auto show, it is expected that more media will attend than at any other auto show."

"If our news wants to stand out, we still need to find unique highlights."

With dark circles under her eyes, Lin Jiayan reported to Fang Dawen the preparations for the Yangcheng Auto Show.

Even though they are the media, they are aloof in front of the OEMs.

But they also have their own pressures.

For the media, the most important income is advertising revenue.

The amount of advertising revenue is often directly proportional to the influence of your website.

As the industry leader, Autohome’s advertising revenue accounts for nearly half of the automotive Internet advertising revenue.

If other websites want to carve up the other half, competition will definitely be fierce.

Everyone is not willing to only eat the remaining half of the cake, and wants to get more from Autohome.

As a result, competition will naturally come.

Everyone hopes to produce more popular articles to attract more netizens to their website to view the articles.

As the Yangcheng Auto Show is the biggest event in China's automobile industry in recent times, the automotive media naturally attaches great importance to it.

"The Yangcheng Auto Show is the most popular auto show in the country. This is something that the industry has never questioned."

"With Yangcheng as the core, the entire Pearl River Delta is a huge automobile consumer market."

“Tracing back to its roots, the Yangcheng Auto Show should have characteristics that cannot be replaced by others.”

As a native of Yangcheng, Fang Dawen naturally hopes that the Yangcheng Auto Show can be successfully held.

For this reason, he began to arrange for Lin Jiayan to do some preparation work related to the auto show a month ago.

These efforts are not in vain.

"At 11:23 pm on November 14, the 'Golden Ten Years, Changes Lead' summit forum co-sponsored by NetEase Auto and the Yangcheng International Auto Show Organizing Committee opened at the Shangri-La Hotel."

"Well-known experts in the industry and representatives of automobile manufacturers at the forum will provide opinions and suggestions for China Automobile's next golden decade."

"Executives from Yangcheng Automobile Group and other companies will also attend."

"In addition, the automobile consumption network survey report jointly conducted by NetEase Auto and JD Power Asia Pacific was also released at the same time."

"This well-known consulting company has used online platforms like NetEase Auto to conduct persuasive data surveys on the purchasing possibilities, purchasing intentions and preferences of Chinese automobile consumers in the next few years, and has conducted research on brands, channels, second-hand cars and automobiles. It provides useful reference for car companies in terms of credit and other aspects, and should be very popular with car companies."

"At that time, well-known domestic and foreign automotive information and research institutions such as Roland Berger will also provide data and research support for this forum."

"Prior to this, we carried out relevant work at the four levels of industry, enterprise, marketing and consumption through interviews with experts and scholars, as well as a large number of invitations to senior figures in the industry."

"Through "WTO accession", "Policy Boost", "New Wave of Joint Ventures", "Building Chinese Cars", "Independent Brands", "Private Car Manufacturing", "4S Model", "Brand Chineseization", "Family Sedan Dream" " and "Automotive Society" ten special reports sorted out the glorious trajectory of the Chinese automobile market in the past ten years."

Lin Jiayan's execution ability is beyond doubt.

She implemented all the tasks arranged by Fang Dawen very well.This series of preparations gave Fang Dawen the idea of ​​competing with Autohome during the Yangcheng Auto Show.

"Very well, thank you for your hard work during this time!"

"When the time comes, I will personally go to the auto show with you, and strive to make our NetEase Auto Channel the most popular channel on the entire network during the Yangcheng Auto Show."

For this auto show, Fang Dawen specially arranged eight photographers to take photos of various car models, in order to fully meet the reading needs of netizens from all walks of life.

For most netizens, watching car shows is more about looking at car models.

Especially on the Internet, in addition to looking at new luxury cars, car models are the most attractive to them.

And various car companies are slowly realizing the importance of car models in China's auto shows.

Therefore, at the auto shows in recent years, the performance of car models is more eye-catching than the last.

There is no ban on some special performances of car models, so at every auto show, some news related to car models can be hotly searched.

Obviously, no matter whether it is Autohome or NetEase Auto Channel, no one will let go of the hot news of car models.

Of course, as an OEM, in addition to paying attention to the choice of car models, it will also pay more attention to the movements of competitors.

Zeng Tingting was reporting to Cao Yang on the status of several major newly released luxury cars at the Yangcheng Auto Show.

The emergence of these vehicles will directly affect the sales of Xingchen Automobile.

"At this auto show, Bentley has two new cars that deserve our attention."

"One is the Bentley Mulsanne. It made its debut at the Frankfurt Motor Show in September this year, but this time it will be debuted in China at the Yangcheng Auto Show."

"We analyzed its condition and felt it was more of an elegant successor to Bentley."

"Because from the appearance design point of view, the Bentley Mulsanne's front end, headlights, etc. all have elegant shadows, and the overall appearance shows a luxurious and aristocratic temperament."

"The engine used by Bentley Mulsanne is also the same as that of Yaya, which is a V6.75 twin-turbocharged engine with a displacement of 8L."

"The maximum horsepower reaches 512ps, and the peak torque at 1800rpm can reach 1020N.m."

"It is an important rival to our Galaxy flagship sedan and is expected to be priced between 400 million and 500 million."

Zeng Tingting's preparations are obviously very thorough. Only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you be invincible in every battle.

As the Galaxy flagship sedan newly launched by Xingchen Motors this year, Zeng Tingting also hopes to make its reputation thoroughly known.

At this time, the performance of competitors is naturally worthy of attention.

"At this auto show, Bentley also brought the Continental Supersports model."

"The Continental Supersports is the most powerful car in the Bentley family."

"With 20-inch lightweight aluminum alloy wheels and low-profile tires, coupled with the imposing vertical air intake grille and extended wheel arches, the Continental Supersports is full of sporty style."

"The Continental Supersports is equipped with a W12 engine, which can achieve a maximum power output of 612ps, and the peak torque has also reached 800N.m."

"Information obtained from the Internet shows that its 0-100km/h acceleration time is about 3.7 seconds, and its top speed can reach 328km/h."

"This data is not bad at all, and is even much better than our bulletproof Galaxy equipped with a W16 engine."

When Zeng Tingting said this, her face was also more solemn.

In her opinion, Bentley is Galaxy's main competitor.

Many wealthy bosses like to buy Bentley cars.

"What about Mercedes-Benz and BMW? Do they have any new cars?"

Regarding the situation of Bentley reported by Zeng Tingting, Cao Yang did not say anything in particular, but was concerned about the situation of Mercedes-Benz and BMW.

After all, these two luxury car brands are so special. They can achieve both volume and high-end sales in China.


“宝马760Li搭载了一台6.0L V12双涡轮增压发动机和采埃孚的全新8速自动变速器,所以它的百公里加速度时间只有4.6秒,预计售价200多万人民币。”

"As for Mercedes-Benz, their S600 has already made its debut at the Shanghai Auto Show. There should be nothing special this time."

"However, in addition to Bentley, Mercedes-Benz and BMW, Rolls-Royce, Porsche and Aston Martin have also made considerable moves."

"The Rolls-Royce Ghost has been confirmed to be launched at the Yangcheng Auto Show, with the manufacturer's suggested retail price starting at 399 million yuan."

"But this is just the starting price of Rolls-Royce Ghost. Since Ghost will launch a hand-made customized version, the actual selling price of this car will definitely exceed 400 million yuan."

"Ghost is the entry-level model in the Rolls-Royce family, so its wheelbase is 3295mm and its body size is 5399×1948×1550mm."

"Due to the double-door design, the rear doors of the Rolls-Royce Ghost can be opened up to 83 degrees."

"The interior of the Rolls-Royce Ghost is very luxurious and exquisite, because a lot of it is hand-stitched leather."

"In addition, the car refrigerator, panoramic sunroof, two 9.2-inch LCD screens and 6-disc DVD also show that the ghost is very comfortable."

“In terms of powertrain, the Rolls-Royce Ghost is equipped with a 6.6L V12 turbocharged engine with a maximum power of 420kW and a peak torque of 780N.m. The transmission is a ZF 8-speed automatic transmission and has an acceleration time of 0-100km/h. It’s 4.9 seconds.”

"This can also be considered a strong rival of our Galaxy flagship sedan, and it is even something we need to look up to."

Although Zeng Tingting is very confident in her own products.

But in terms of brand appeal, there is still a big gap between Xingchen Motors and Rolls-Royce.

Both she and Cao Yang acknowledged this.

Sometimes, admitting that others are stronger than yourself is also a kind of ability.

"Does Porsche have any new cars?"

Although Porsche's design director Lai Ping has switched jobs to Xingchen Motors, Cao Yang did not ask Lai Ping for any information about new models within Porsche.

He still has this professional ethics.

So he really doesn’t know what new models Porsche will launch this year.

"Yes or no. They launched a four-door coupe called Panamera at the Shanghai Auto Show. The positioning is very similar to our Ziweixing, but the price is higher."

"This time at the Yangcheng Auto Show, the Panamera is expected to be officially launched."

"The upcoming Porsche Panamera is expected to be launched in three models, using the same 4.8L V8 engine and Porsche PDK dual-clutch transmission."

"Due to the use of twin-turbocharging technology and four-wheel drive, the fastest acceleration time of the Porsche Panamera Turbo from 0-100km/h is only 4.2 seconds, and the average fuel consumption per 12.2 kilometers is only [-]L."

"Based on information from various sources, we estimate that the three Porsche Panamera models will be priced at RMB 184.3 million for the Panamera S, RMB 4 million for the Panamera 192S, and RMB 249 million for the Panamera Turbo."

As a competitor of Ziweixing and Galaxy, Zeng Tingting also attaches great importance to the news of Porsche Panamera.

She even saw the shadow of her own Ziweixing on this car, which made her pay more attention to it.

Although Porsche's sales in China are not particularly high, with less than 5000 units last year, the brand's influence is still very high.

So Zeng Tingting regarded it as a strong rival of Xingchen Automobile.

"Mr. Lai has posed a difficult problem for us. I think the global sales of Panamera will not be any worse than that of Ziweixing."

Cao Yang knew that this car must have been designed by Lai Ping. Now that Lai Ping has switched jobs to Xingchen Automobile, the model he once designed has become a competitor of Xingchen Automobile.

This scene is really a bit special.

"It's only my fault that Mr. Lai is too good!"

"But I think Ziweixing has now gained its own reputation. Although the Panamera is also good, I am confident that Ziweixing's sales will always surpass the Panamera."

Regardless of whether she is really confident or fake, Zeng Tingting must stand up and express her stance at this time.

She still has this level of workplace awareness.

"You just said that Aston Martin is also making big moves?"

Cao Yang has not been obsessed with the situation of Porsche. Ziweixing originally borrowed from the most classic Panamera, and it still has its own advantages against Porsche's first-generation Panamera.

"During this Yangcheng Auto Show, Aston Martin will display the Rapide, a four-door coupe."

"The appearance of Rapide continues Aston Martin's usual sports car design, and the swan-wing doors will be one of the highlights of this car."

"At the same time, in the interior, Rapide uses a lot of walnut wood and leather, which looks very classy."

“In terms of power, the Rapide will be equipped with a 6.0-liter V12 engine with a maximum output of 470 horsepower and a maximum torque of 600Nm. It is matched with a 6-speed ZF automatic transmission, allowing it to accelerate from 5.3 kilometers to 303 kilometers in only [-] seconds. The top speed can reach [-] km/h.”

"Because Rapide uses an aluminum body and aluminum suspension, Rapide's handling is greatly enhanced, which is very consistent with its positioning as a sports car."

"The Aston Martin Rapide is similar to our Purple Star in terms of model positioning, but the price will definitely be much higher."

Zeng Tingting explained Aston Martin's situation clearly in one breath.

Although the appearance of this car on the PPT is quite stunning, Cao Yang knows that Aston Martin has never really become popular in China.

Its competitiveness is completely incomparable with the Porsche Panamera.

So after listening, I didn't express any opinions directly, but became concerned about the movements of various automobile giants.

With so many giants coming to Yangcheng, Cao Yang will definitely meet with some of them to discuss some matters.

Whether it is the CEO of Ford Motor or the president of General Motors, everyone can have a good talk about cooperation.

The bosses of other independent brands came over, and many of them also made appointments with Cao Yang.

In the next period of time, Cao Yang's social activities were more than one level higher than before.

(End of this chapter)

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