Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 565 Bare fangs, the Magic City factory goes into production

Chapter 565 Bare fangs, the Magic City factory goes into production

It has been more than a year since Xingchen Motors acquired Jaguar Land Rover.

After the powerful Cao Yang completed the acquisition of Jaguar Land Rover, he made a big plan to transfer Jaguar Land Rover's R&D center and production center to China.

To this end, Jaguar Land Rover has built a brand new factory in Shanghai.

After more than a year of construction, the factory is finally going into operation.

Jaguar Land Rover's sales in China have now stabilized at more than [-] units per month.

As a luxury car brand that relies entirely on imports, this achievement is already very dazzling.

Therefore, the construction progress of the Jaguar Land Rover Magic City Factory has attracted more attention.

"Mr. Cao, Jaguar Land Rover's Magic City factory plans to hold a commissioning ceremony on December 12. Related preparations are already in progress. By then, many leaders from ministries and commissions and from Magic City will be present. Some of our Suppliers will also be invited to attend.”

"At the same time, senior executives from Jaguar Land Rover headquarters will also attend, and the 2009 board of directors will even be held in Shanghai."

"Should we go there two days in advance and rehearse the process of the commissioning ceremony?"

Mi Ying skillfully arranged Cao Yang's various tasks.

Being a qualified secretary is not as simple as coordinating meetings and organizing information.

Rather than being a secretary, Mi Ying's role is more like an assistant to the general manager.

Of course, she herself serves as the director of the general manager office of Nanshan Group, and is considered a senior executive within Nanshan Group.

Even ordinary executives are polite in front of Mi Ying.

But few people dare to rely on their old age and act like they are old.

"There's no need for rehearsals. Since it's a Jaguar Land Rover factory, we can just let Jaguar Land Rover people take the stage when the time comes."

"I'm more interested in how to differentiate the sales plans for domestically produced Jaguar Land Rover and imported Jaguar Land Rover, and how to make Jaguar Land Rover's sales in China exceed 20 units as soon as possible."

Cao Yang is not someone who cares so much about frivolous rituals.

What he wants is to fully control Jaguar Land Rover. When the time comes, Jaguar Land Rover can develop in the direction he wants without having to step in. That will be meaningful.

As for the order of speeches in a offline ceremony, it is completely irrelevant.

"Then I will communicate with Minister Zeng, and also talk to Mr. Pan of Jaguar Land Rover China, and then arrange a special meeting to explain."

Whatever the boss wants to hear, the people below will naturally report it as soon as possible.

The things that the boss values ​​​​are the most important things.

Mi Ying is very clear about this truth.

While Cao Yang was seriously discussing Jaguar Land Rover's next move within the company, various media outlets also received invitations to the Jaguar Land Rover Magic City factory commissioning ceremony and new car roll-off ceremony.

As one of the most unique luxury brands in China, Jaguar Land Rover's new factory has naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Especially with the construction of the new factory, the large-scale Asian R&D center next to it has also been officially completed.

In the future, Jaguar Land Rover's new models will continue to be transferred to Asian R&D centers for development.

Even if China's automobile industry has made a lot of moves this year, the completion of Jaguar Land Rover's Magic City factory and R&D center is considered a major event.

So the media from all walks of life are naturally very actively involved.

On the flight from Baiyun Airport to Pudong Airport, Lin Jiayan and Fang Dawen were also discussing the next arrangements in the premium economy class of China Southern Airlines.

"Editor Fang, I think we have to find a way to get Mr. Cao to accept our exclusive interview this time. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to write an article with new ideas."

"Especially this time, Jaguar Land Rover should have invited all the mainstream automotive media in China, as well as some official media from Shanghai."

"In this case, if we want to stand out, we must put out something a little different."

"According to my understanding of Mr. Cao, he should attach great importance to the development of Jaguar Land Rover in China."

"As long as we grasp this key point and show that we are willing to actively cooperate with relevant publicity, it should still be possible to obtain interview opportunities."

Nanshan Group itself has a publicity platform like Autohome, such as Cao Yang's exclusive interview, and it must give opportunities to Autohome.

Therefore, NetEase Auto Channel almost never finds an opportunity to interview Cao Yang once a year.

However, Cao Yang is another existence that cannot be ignored in the Chinese automobile industry.

Lin Jiayan really wanted to give him an exclusive interview.

Let’s see what ground-breaking content Cao Yang can say and attract a wave of traffic to NetEase Auto.

"You can give it a try. According to the information I've heard, there should be no speech from Mr. Cao in this production ceremony."

"Then conveying Mr. Cao's voice through an exclusive interview should be in line with the other party's ideas."

Fang Dawen thought for a while and felt that Lin Jiayan's plan might still be possible.

After receiving the approval from her editor-in-chief, Lin Jiayan also began to think about what questions she should ask at that time.

"This month, Didu Auto acquired Saab and launched its own high-end brand 'Saab'. Xingchen Motors and Jaguar Land Rover are now luxury brands belonging to China. In a sense, Saab is also their competitor. "

"I think we can take advantage of the hot topics and use this topic as an entry point."

Fang Dawen had no doubts about Lin Jiayan's plan.

However, he also warned and said: "Everyone should be very interested in the models that Jaguar Land Rover will prepare for localization in the future. You can ask more questions in this regard."

"In addition, many people should be interested in the relationship and positioning of Jaguar Land Rover and Xingchen Motors in the future. Let's see if Mr. Cao is willing to talk to us."

Fang Dawen talked to Lin Jiayan about several issues that concerned him.

And while a lot of people are paying close attention to tomorrow's commissioning ceremony of the Jaguar Land Rover Magic City Factory, Liu Tianwu in Yangcheng has a more complicated mood.

“Can Jaguar Land Rover’s sales in China exceed 10 units this year?”

"Yes, there is no problem if it is expected to exceed 10 vehicles."

Luo Yi answered cautiously. Naturally, he could guess the reason why his leader was in a bad mood.

According to the sales prices of Jaguar Land Rover's various models, even after localization, the average selling price of each vehicle will definitely be more than 50 yuan.

If there are 500 vehicles a year, that would be a turnover of [-] billion yuan.

In the future, Jaguar Land Rover's sales will definitely increase further, which means that sales will rise further.

Considering the influence of OEMs on the entire industry chain, their contribution to GDP may be directly doubled.

Even if Yangcheng's current GDP growth is very good, it will definitely not be too much.

A GDP of hundreds of billions!
There are countless cities whose overall GDP for the entire year has not yet reached this figure.

Even Yangcheng has not entered the era of trillions as a unit.

"You should keep up with the construction work of Xingchen Motors' new factory."

"The car market is very hot now. If there is demand in the market by then, Xingchen Automobile will not be able to supply so many products. It would be a pity."

"In addition, you should also report to me on the progress of Future Auto's new factory project every month."

"The economic growth rate of Yangcheng next year will depend on the development of these enterprises of Nanshan Group."

Sighing deeply in his heart, Liu Tianwu could only face reality.

After all, Yangcheng City has already enjoyed the biggest dividend from the development of Nanshan Group.

It is obviously unrealistic for Nanshan Group to put all its industries in Yangcheng.

"Leader, I heard that Nanshan Battery has received a lot of OEMs in the past few days. It seems that there are many big orders that can be won in lithium iron phosphate batteries."

"They are already building a special lithium iron phosphate battery production plant."

"At that time, this factory will supply parts to domestic and foreign customers at the same time, which may bring unexpected surprises to everyone."

Luo Yi quickly reported the good news he had learned to Liu Tianwu.

The lithium battery industry closely follows the development of new energy vehicles and is considered a sunrise industry.

And this is also a business that Nanshan Group attaches great importance to, and the prospects are worth looking forward to.

"Please make arrangements. After New Year's Day, I will go to Nanshan Battery to inspect and have a good communication with them."

Regarding the future development of the new energy industry, many people currently have no idea.

Nanshan Group has many plans in this area, and Liu Tianwu naturally wants to hear Cao Yang's opinion.


"Ai Moha, Jaguar Land Rover's new factory in Shanghai will officially start mass production today. I heard that many media have been invited."

"According to what we know now, Jaguar Land Rover's sales in China this year are on par with our BMW."

"But our Tiexi plant has just begun to be built, and next year's sales in China are likely to be ahead of Jaguar Land Rover."

"This is a difficult thing to accept. We need to consider some response plans in advance."

Phillips called Aimoha to him early in the morning.

In the entire Asia-Pacific region, China's sales are increasing the fastest, so the main focus of Phillips, the president of the Asia-Pacific region, is also on China.

Previously, Audi had the best sales of domestic luxury cars, with BMW closely chasing behind.

But Xingchen Automobile appeared from behind and quickly achieved a counterattack.

Now Jaguar Land Rover, its former little brother, is about to counterattack, which is something BMW cannot accept.

Especially Land Rover, which was originally a subsidiary of the BMW Group.

Land Rover did not fare well in the hands of BMW, so it was sold to Ford.

In the hands of Ford, Land Rover's life did not get better, which made the people at BMW feel a lot more balanced.

But now that Land Rover is in the hands of Nanshan Group, the situation has changed dramatically.

This is something that makes people at BMW feel uncomfortable.

Even if Xingchen Motors surpasses BMW in China, they can still find some reasons to explain when reporting to the headquarters.

But if Land Rover's performance in China exceeds that of BMW, it will be more difficult to find a suitable excuse.

"Judging from the current sales of Jaguar Land Rover, [-]% of them are Land Rover SUVs. Among China's luxury cars, the proportion of SUVs is also constantly rising."

"X5 also contributed a lot to our sales increase this year."

"The next step should be to increase the sales of X7 and X3 as soon as possible, especially to promote the early start of production of the Tiexi factory as soon as possible, so that both X3 and X1 can be domestically produced in the Tiexi factory."

"By then, these two SUV models alone may be able to contribute 10 or even 20 sales a year to us." "It will be very difficult for Land Rover to surpass us."

Phillips agrees with Aimoha's statement.

But far cannot quench near thirst.

According to BMW's pace of work, the Tiexi plant will not be put into production until 2011 at the earliest.

So what to do in 2010?

Even if it was surpassed by Jaguar Land Rover in 2010 and overtaken by BMW in 2011, it was a result that Phillips could not accept.

“Even if the share of the luxury car market is growing, it is still relatively fixed overall.”

"If Jaguar Land Rover can grow further, we have to find a way to achieve a growth rate that is not lower than theirs."

"This requires us to consider grabbing part of the market from Audi."

"Didn't the Audi Q5 encounter a lot of criticism some time ago? Let's see if we can find a way to make this matter more popular and try to make Audi's sales decline further next year."

Although they are all German car companies, Phillips does not want to compete with Audi unless necessary.

But if a dead Taoist friend or a poor Taoist had to choose, he would definitely choose to let Audi die.

"Well, I'll discuss it with the advertising company. They should be able to find a way."

"At the same time, the bidding for the Tiexi factory must be concluded as soon as possible."

"Our robot orders are all given to Nanshan Robotics, but I hope they can let Autohome support us more next year."

Aimoha's proposal was immediately recognized by Phillips, "Yes, Autohome will not be allowed to publish negative news about us next year, and we also hope to reach further cooperation with them in terms of soft article promotion."

"Nanshan Robot still has quite a status within the Nanshan Group. I believe that Cao Yang will agree to this request, which is not too excessive."

When Phillips said this, he felt a little relieved.

However, next year is destined to be a very special year.

He had already had a hunch about this.


The general manager of Jaguar Land Rover China is also the general manager of Jaguar Land Rover’s Magic City factory.

Pan Jianghui, who holds this position, is the main person in charge of today's commissioning ceremony.

Of course, the leaders of Magic City were also present at today's event. During the entire commissioning ceremony, everyone was speaking for half of the time.

Fortunately, everyone is familiar with the process of this kind of activity, so it is not unacceptable.

After the various speeches were completed, everyone was invited to visit the site.

Stamping shop, welding shop, painting shop, assembly shop, all the production processes required by a complete main engine factory, the Magic City factory is naturally well-equipped.

There is even a piece of land reserved for building an engine factory next to it.

As long as the sales volume reaches a certain level, an engine factory can be built here. The saved engine assembly will need to be transported from Yangcheng, which will cost hundreds of yuan more in transportation costs.

"The equipment used in each of our Jaguar Land Rover workshops is basically the same as Xingchen Motors, or has been upgraded on the basis of Xingchen Motors."

"In the whole of China, there is no automobile factory with a higher degree of automation than our factory in Shanghai."

Pan Jianghui personally took everyone to visit the main workshops in the green channel.

Although Jaguar Land Rover's status within Nanshan Group is not as good as that of Xingchen Motors, Nanshan Group still attaches great importance to factory construction.

Not only are all the new technologies used in Xingchen Automobile used, but some new generation equipment are also used innovatively.

Nowadays, only the BMW Brilliance Tiexi plant under planning and construction can compare with it in terms of automation level.

This can be considered a kind of propaganda.

"Mr. Cao, many of the equipment in this factory are provided by Nanshan Equipment, and they look no worse than imported equipment."

"This is really remarkable."

Wang Huiliang, as one of the coordinators of the Jaguar Land Rover Automobile Magic City Factory project, was also invited to attend the ceremony today.

Comparing it with the GM factory in Magic City where he worked before, he could directly feel some differences.

Especially in the welding workshop, except for the rework production line, fully automated production has been implemented. This is very different from the situation ten years ago.

Modu General Motors is also preparing to build a new factory, so Wang Huiliang looked at the production line very seriously today.

"Mr. Wang, I don't boast about this. Compared with imported equipment, Nanshan Equipment's products are of high quality and low price."

"Some customers have enjoyed the dividends brought by Nanshan equipment even if they did not use the products of Nanshan equipment in the end."

"For many products, if Nanshan Equipment could not provide the same type of options, the quotations of those international equipment manufacturers would not be at the level they are now."

"Just like welding robots, ABB previously sold one for RMB 40 million, and even some special models sold for RMB 80 million."

"Today, the entry-level welding robot only costs 10,000+ RMB, and the slightly higher-end one costs 50 million RMB."

"This change is very meaningful for the improvement of China's industrial automation level."

Don't be so humble when you shouldn't be humble.

Cao Yang is relatively clear about this.

Nanshan Equipment is still counting on domestic automobile manufacturers to get a lot of orders during the years of crazy development.

There is definitely no harm in letting everyone see how powerful it is at this time.

"Indeed, more than [-]% of domestic production equipment, whether it is an automobile OEM or a parts company, is imported. This is not a good thing for the stability of our automobile supply chain and the reduction of parts costs. ."

"Even to a certain extent, the localization of the equipment industry is of greater significance than the localization of parts and components."

Wang Huiliang is also an old man in the automobile industry, so he is naturally familiar with relevant situations.

To make products like equipment, the threshold is relatively high without increasing the volume. It has not always been the field that everyone is most willing to tackle in China.

When Modu General built its factory, more than [-]% of the equipment was imported from overseas, and the cost was not low at all.

Now if the new factory can use domestic equipment and reduce costs while improving performance, he will naturally be willing to push it behind the scenes.

In addition to Cao Yang introducing the equipment of the Jaguar Land Rover Magic City Factory to people around him, Pan Jianghui, the general manager, also focused on introducing the advancement of various equipment and processes when taking everyone to visit, so that everyone could have a better understanding of the relevant content. Deep understanding.

Starting that afternoon, reports from various media outlets began to increase.

Even excluding the soft articles provided by Jaguar Land Rover, articles written by various media themselves have attracted a lot of attention.

After all, Jaguar Land Rover can sell more than 10 vehicles in China this year, and it still has a certain influence on consumers.

Not to mention that Jaguar Land Rover, Autohome, and Weibo are all subsidiaries of Nanshan Group, so the degree of cooperation in related publicity is naturally higher.

After the news spread that Jaguar Land Rover's Magic City plant was put into production, other car companies were naturally very concerned about it.

Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Audi are now all made in China.

At this time, it's Porsche's turn to struggle!

"Mebona, do you think it is necessary to build a factory in China to localize the Cayenne?"

Macht became Porsche president only after Volkswagen acquired Porsche.

Naturally, the people below can't help but compare him with the previous Weidekin.

So Macht also hopes to make some achievements.

BMW is going to build a new factory in China, and Jaguar Land Rover's factory in China is now put into production.

What should Porsche do?
This is something Macht needs to think about.

"I think we may need to wait and see for a while."

"For Porsche, localized production in China is not necessarily a good thing."

As soon as Maybona's words came out, Macht was stunned for a moment.

What does it mean?
Isn’t localization necessarily a good thing?

As if sensing Macht's question, Meibona continued: "For Chinese consumers, buying luxury models has a strong face attribute."

"According to the current views of Chinese consumers, the luxury attributes of imported cars are higher than those of domestic cars."

"If we make the Cayenne domestically, we won't necessarily earn as much money as we do now."

"And it may not necessarily make a particularly big contribution to sales."

"After all, Xingchen Motors, Jaguar Land Rover, Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi have all completed preliminary layouts in China. If we want to break through, the difficulty is still relatively high."

Meibona expressed his opinions there unhurriedly, and his thoughts were very clear.

For Chinese consumers, sometimes choosing a Porsche is based on its style and price.

If the price is really low, maybe the sales volume will not be as good.

Of course, if you can get a [-]% discount, it goes without saying that it will definitely explode!
"After domestic production, sales will definitely increase, right?"

Macht didn't quite understand what Meboner was saying. There seemed to be something difficult to understand in his words.

"Yes, [-]% of sales will increase after localization, but the selling price will definitely decrease."

"In the eyes of Chinese consumers, domestically produced cars are not as good as imported cars, and their expectations for price reductions after domestically produced cars are also relatively large."

"In this case, it is unknown how much sales will eventually increase and how much more money will be earned."

"The most important thing is that our current sales volume in China cannot support the construction of a new factory."

Obviously, Meibona is opposed to building factories in China at this stage.

In his view, it is enough to export models and sell them in the Chinese market.

There's no need to go through so much trouble.

"If we continue like this, not only will our sales gap with Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi in China become wider, but the sales gap with Jaguar Land Rover will also become very huge in the future."

"The board may not be satisfied with our performance by then."

When Macht said this, Maybona didn't know how to refute.

However, for Porsche, determining whether to build a factory in China is obviously not something that can be finalized in a day or two.

But at least this topic has been officially raised internally.

(End of this chapter)

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