Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 567: The most exciting year, the complete rise of independent brands

Chapter 567: The most lively year, the complete rise of independent brands
January 1st is the New Year's Day holiday.

For most people, today is a day off and they don’t have to go to work.

However, for the sales of automobile OEMs, some people definitely cannot take a holiday.

Even for some media, there is definitely a need for someone to be on duty.

Because the automobile market was very hot last year, even though there was an overall year-on-year decline in January and February, it was quickly reversed.

Although the specific production and sales data for the whole year have not yet been released, it is a certainty that it has exceeded 1300 million vehicles and has become the world's largest automobile market.

Therefore, various OEMs are very active and want to release the sales volume for December and the whole year of last year on January 1st.

Xingchen Automobile is naturally no exception.

"Mr. Cao, throughout 2009, Jaguar Land Rover's sales in China reached 120305 units, of which Jaguar sold 10081 units, achieving the high goal of annual sales of over [-] units."

"The Land Rover brand has reached 110224 units, breaking the 10-unit mark in one fell swoop."

“And our Star Car is even more extraordinary.”

"Global sales exceeded 31, of which 156300 were sold by Xingtu, 133400 by Looking Up, 12000 by Dreamer, 8220 by Ziweixing, 3800 by Galaxy, and 434 by Starry Sky."

"Almost half of these sales were sold in China."

"Based on this data, we predict that Xingchen Motors will still be the largest luxury car brand in China, and Jaguar Land Rover is expected to become the second-largest luxury car brand in China."

Zeng Tingting also worked overtime at the company today and reported the statistical data to Cao Yang early in the morning.

All OEMs with good sales figures want to announce their sales figures early today, and Xingchen Motors and Jaguar Land Rover are no exception.

Although in terms of absolute sales figures, neither Xingchen Motors nor Jaguar Land Rover ranks among the top ten in China.

But in terms of sales volume, Xingchen Automobile definitely ranks first in the country, without any suspense.

Considering the overall influence of Nanshan Group, the situation is even more unusual.

However, although the data reported by Zeng Tingting was ideal, Cao Yang felt the need to calm her down and said: "Xingchen Automobile's sales growth is a bit average."

"Although the overall sales data of China's automobile market this year has not yet been released, there is a high probability that it will reach around 1400 million."

"Compared with last year, this growth rate reached 150%, while our Xingchen Motors' growth rate was only 142%. On the contrary, Jaguar Land Rover's growth rate in the Chinese market has caught up with the overall pace."

What Cao Yang said is actually a fact.

In response to this, Zeng Tingting immediately gave an answer, "Xingchen Automobile's sales are global sales. Although the market in China is very hot, the market in the United States is relatively cold, and the overall decline may reach More than 30%.”

"Under such circumstances, it is naturally impossible for our Xingchen Motors to continue to grow significantly in the United States. If we can maintain the current small growth rate, it is already very good."

"In fact, Xingchen Motors' sales growth in China is basically similar to that of Jaguar Land Rover. It is changes in overseas markets that affect the overall data."

The statistics of Jaguar Land Rover and Xingchen Motors just reported by Zeng Tingting have different statistical logic.

Jaguar Land Rover only talks about its sales in China, while Xingchen Motors is all produced in China, but its sales are global, so the situation is different.

If we compare the global sales of Jaguar Land Rover, the growth rate will definitely not be comparable to that of Xingchen Motors.

In particular, Jaguar Land Rover's performance in the United States is far inferior to that of China. Not only did its sales not increase, it also dropped by several points.

"Having said that, although Xingchen Motors is China's largest luxury brand, the global sales compared with Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi are still far behind."

"It's sometimes unfair to compare our sales in China with their sales in China."

"When we can catch up with their sales in Germany, or catch up with their overall sales in the world, the meaning will be different."

"Of course, this result is obviously not easy."

"Especially for Xingchen Auto, as a young brand, it is still very difficult to gain recognition from consumers."

"This time the publicity work can still be carried out well."

It was enough to pour cold water on Zeng Tingting a little to prevent her from becoming arrogant.

Cao Yang's purpose was definitely not to show his dissatisfaction.

If you are not satisfied with this result, the people below will definitely have little enthusiasm to work in the future.

Especially for people of Zeng Tingting's level, simple salary and benefits are no longer completely the goal they pursue.

Realizing self-worth is also an important factor.

Being recognized by others is naturally a very important part of realizing self-worth.

Soon, the official Weibo of Nanshan Group, the official Weibo of Xingchen Motors, and the official Weibo of Jaguar Land Rover all announced relevant sales data.

Autohome also published a commentary article simultaneously, commenting on the sales of Xingchen Motors and Jaguar Land Rover, and even pinned the article to the top.

At the same time, on Weibo, celebrities from all walks of life immediately helped to forward related Weibo posts.

Especially celebrities who have purchased Xingchen Cars or Jaguar Land Rover products are very active in promoting them.

This also allows everyone to see the influence of Nanshan Film and Television or Weibo from the side.

The entertainment industry is the most realistic.

When you are nothing, you feel like you are surrounded by bad people.

When you become successful, you feel like you are surrounded by good people.

Nanshan Film and Television is now the largest film and television company in China. It is backed by Nanshan Group, and Xingchen Motors and Jaguar Land Rover are its brother companies.

What makes celebrities even more concerned is that Weibo is also a brother company of Nanshan Film and Television.

After several years of operation, Weibo is now the most influential social media in China. Both celebrities and government departments have their own officially certified accounts on Weibo.

With such intense publicity, the news that Xingchen Automobile sold 31 yuan was naturally a hot search topic.

People who are closely related to Nanshan Group are naturally very happy.

However, it is different as a competitor of Xingchen Automobile.

Mercedes-Benz and BMW are okay, after all, their sales growth is not low.

But the people at Audi were very disappointed.

"Strauss, are you sure that sales this year will be less than 11 vehicles?"

“Wouldn’t that be equivalent to no growth?”

Fondel's face looked very ugly.

Today is New Year's Day, and normally he is not willing to work overtime.

But today is another special day for Volkswagen China.

Many car companies have released last year's sales data on the Internet, and Volkswagen is naturally also counting related data.

The first thing to count is the sales volume of the Audi brand.

The entire Chinese automobile market is in a stage of rapid development, but the sales of the Audi brand have remained stagnant.

Now not only is Xingchen Car far ahead, Jaguar Land Rover has also surpassed Audi, and even BMW's sales are about to catch up.

By then, Audi will no longer be able to sit in the top three luxury brands.

This is absolutely unacceptable.

You know, in the past ten years or so, Audi has always been China's largest luxury car brand.

There is no one of that kind.

Now he can't even sit in the No. 3 position. How can he explain this to the headquarters?

"Vondel, the situation last year was quite special, mainly because of the odor door incident, which caused our sales to decline significantly in the last few months."

"Even if we launch some new facelifted models, there is no way to save this sales volume."

"But as the influence of this matter slowly decreases, I think sales will return to normal."

"In 2010, we are expected to achieve substantial sales growth."

Although Strauss was not particularly confident in what he said, at this time he could only say it like this.

Otherwise, even the current level would not be able to be passed.

Throughout 2009, sales in the United States, once the world's largest auto market, dropped significantly, and Audi's sales there were naturally the same.

Therefore, China's performance is actually not bad compared to overseas.

This is also where Strauss’ confidence lies.

After all, sometimes as long as the comparison angle is different, completely different data will be obtained.

Just like if your monthly salary is only 3000 yuan, you may have a very difficult life in a first-tier city in China and feel that there is no hope in life.

But if you compare it with some people living in dire straits, you will feel very happy.

Obviously nothing has changed, but the object of comparison has changed, and the result is completely different.

Strauss felt it necessary to consider Vondel in this direction.

After all, not only the sales of the Audi brand are not very satisfactory, but the performance of the Volkswagen brand is not that good either.

Although the sales of Bora and other models are very good thanks to China's preferential purchase tax policy for small-displacement cars, there is a high probability that Spring City Volkswagen will not be able to become the sales champion in China's auto market.

Even the No. 2 position may not be it.

This is also a relatively uncomfortable thing for Volkswagen.

In the past, two joint ventures, Spring City Volkswagen and Modu Volkswagen, were competing for the top spot in China's automobile sales. But now things are starting to change.

If there are no surprises, this year’s sales champion is Modu General Motors.

As for the sales volume of Spring City Volkswagen and Modu Volkswagen, even if they barely ranked second and No. 3, compared with the following car companies, the sales advantage is not obvious.

After all, the sales of China's own brands have completely risen. Last month, BYD achieved a new record of monthly sales of 5 units. There is a high probability that it can hit the high target of 50 units for the whole year.

Similarly, the situation at Chery Automobile is even better, with overall sales expected to be close to 60 units.

The sales volume of Geely, Great Wall, and Changan Automobile are slightly less, but they are not far from 50.Even Yangcheng Trumpchi achieved sales of almost 30 vehicles.

In such a comparison, the performance of North and South Volkswagen is really poor.

"The people at the headquarters may not be able to accept your statement."

"If the Chinese market is like the United States, then it will be good if we can keep sales from declining."

"But the situation is not like that at all. China is now the world's largest auto market and the auto market with the fastest sales growth. The headquarters also knows this situation."

"But whether it is the Audi brand or the Volkswagen brand, its market share in China is declining."

"This is definitely not what the people at the headquarters want to see. Even the market share data is more convincing."

Strauss naturally understood what Vondel said.

But at this time, understanding is understanding. He must also find a way to find some excuse for himself, otherwise he will not be able to live his life.

"Vondel, now the domestically produced models of various car companies in China are also increasing. I think we should ask the headquarters to localize the Q3 and Q7 as soon as possible in the future. In this way, we have three SUV models, plus A4L, With A6L, things will be much better.”

"If the A3 can be made domestically as soon as possible, or even a Q2 or Q1 can be produced, the situation will be completely different."

"The Chinese market is very promising, and the headquarters needs to be bolder."

"Otherwise we will appear very passive when facing competition from Xingchen Motors, Mercedes-Benz and BMW."

As he spoke, Strauss slowly changed the topic.

If I can get everyone to focus on new models, then my year will be over.

As for the final outcome of this discussion, Strauss is not too concerned about it.

Of course, this content between him and Fondel would definitely not come to fruition so quickly.

After all, although they hold high positions in the Huaxia branch, it is not the same thing in the Volkswagen headquarters.

While Volkswagen is discussing this year's sales internally, all major car companies have also released their own sales data on their official Weibo accounts.

Although not all car brands have completed the release, the ranking of the top 10 sales rankings this year can basically be released.

Because there are no released manufacturers, combined with the previous data, we know that they have no hope of making the top 10 list.

No. 1, Modu General Motors, with sales of 72.8 units.

No. 2, Volkswagen in Shanghai, with sales of 62.2 units.

No. 3, Spring City Volkswagen, sold 58.9 vehicles.

No. 4, Chery Automobile, sales volume 58.2 units.

No. 5, Imperial Hyundai, with sales of 55.5 vehicles.

No. 6, Zephyr Nissan, sales volume 50.8 units.

No. 7, BYD Automobile, sales volume 50.1 units.

No. 8, Geely Automobile, sales volume 49.5 units.

No. 9, Changan Automobile, sales volume 47.6 units.

No. 10, Great Wall Motors, sales volume 46.8 units.

In the auto sales ranking list of independent brands, for the first time, five manufacturers have entered the TOP5 list.

Even if we simply look at the sales volume in December, we can add another Yangcheng Trumpchi.

This achievement is absolutely extraordinary.

The automobile market in 2009 can be said to be the busiest year, and it also marks the beginning of the complete rise of China's independent brands.

"Editor Fang, I have drawn up ten main topics based on last year's sales list. Please see if there are any that need to be modified."

Naturally, all automotive media will not miss such good news.

Lin Jiayan had worked overtime and stayed up until past one o'clock since last night. After sleeping directly on the camp bed next to the company's seat, she continued working early in the morning.

For media people, there is often no concept of holidays.

As long as the news comes, we have to work.

This is especially true for people like Lin Jiayan who are relatively ambitious.

In such a lively year, the NetEase Auto Channel naturally has to seize the opportunity and publish a few more popular articles.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to achieve a substantial increase in advertising revenue in 2010.

"Looking at it like this, Spring City Volkswagen and Magic City Volkswagen are likely to be squeezed out of the top three positions next year. I think I can write a special article around this, which is expected to attract a lot of people's interest."

"Then surrounding the rise of independent brands, I think we can do a separate topic to analyze the situation of each manufacturer."

"The performance of Chery, Geely, BYD, Great Wall, Changan, as well as Yangcheng Trumpchi, Nanshan Hongqi, Zotye Auto, Didu Auto, Modu Auto, Xifeng Passenger Car and other car companies can all be discussed."

"Half of last year's TOP10 list were self-owned brands. This was completely unimaginable before. Even compared with the situation in 2008, it is very different."

"I think we can focus on this focus tightly and form a series of reports so that the entire news coverage in 2010 is related to this."

"In addition, in the field of luxury cars, we can make a special topic."

"Although neither Xingchen Motors nor Jaguar Land Rover, nor Mercedes-Benz and BMW are in the TOP10 list."

"But we can make a sales list specifically for luxury cars. I believe that many people will be interested."

Fang Dawen still had a good eye. After simply looking at the information compiled by Lin Jiayan, he found a lot of talking points.

If you start content creation based on these topics, there is a high probability that many popular articles will be produced.

The most important thing is that the topics he chose are likely to lead a new trend, thus changing some of the atmosphere in China's automobile industry.

"Editor Fang, the ranking of luxury cars is probably already clear."

"The No. 1 car is definitely Xingchen Motors, the No. 2 car is Jaguar Land Rover, the No. 3 car is Audi, the No. 4 car is BMW Brilliance, and the No. 5 car is Teitu Mercedes-Benz."

"The sales volume of second-tier luxury brands such as Lexus, Cadillac, and Porsche are far behind the previous ones."

"However, all OEMs are increasing their investment in the Chinese market. Even Nissan's Infiniti, Honda's Acura, and Ford's Lincoln all want to make efforts in the Chinese market."

Lin Jiayan's night was not in vain!

The collection and organization of various data, many contents have been engraved in her mind, and she can easily pick them up when chatting.

This is also an important reason why she has always been trusted by Fang Dawen.

"Two companies under Nanshan Group have become the champion and runner-up in the luxury car rankings. This is also a good entry point to form a special report."

"I estimate that January this year will be very lively, with many celebrations and promotional activities."

"Even car sales in January this year may set a new record."

Fang Dawen chatted with Lin Jiayan happily.

After the TOP10 list was released, the Internet was abuzz!
"It's amazing. Five independent brands have entered the top ten in the sales rankings. There are no joint ventures between Toyota and Honda."

"The position of Volkswagen in the North and South is in jeopardy. It will be outdone by Chery next year!"

"Chery, BYD, Geely, Changan, Great Wall, China's independent brands have completely risen!"

"I have a hunch that starting from this year, these independent brands that have entered the list will probably dominate the list forever!"

"One thing to say, the quality of self-owned brand cars is not bad now, the price is still cheap, and it is normal for them to sell well."

“Looking forward to the performance of independent brands in 2010!”

"Have you noticed that Xingchen Motors and Jaguar Land Rover are the top two in the luxury car sales list?"

"Be proud and proud! Our Chinese car brand can finally be proud and proud!"


Various comments are everywhere, and even half of the hot searches on Weibo are related to cars.

This is also very rare.

Cao Yang was also quite emotional about this situation.

A similar scene was originally not possible until 2023.

Now, in 2009, independent brands occupied half of the top 10 positions.

If it can be stabilized, then China's automobile industry will be considered a complete rise.

After all, many of the parts used by these brands are purchased from domestic parts companies such as Nanshan Group.

This situation is much better than the same period in history.

Not to mention other things, in terms of gearboxes alone, almost all Huaxia's own brands purchased products from Nanshan Gearbox, which also gave Nanshan Gearbox a historic breakthrough in sales.

Of course, this is another topic.

"Mr. Cao, our company's summary meeting is scheduled for Friday next week. The data in all aspects should be very worth looking forward to."

Cao Yang works overtime, so Mi Ying naturally has to work overtime too.

No matter whether it is January 1st or January 1nd, they have no holiday.

As an important annual meeting, many people are paying attention to this summary meeting of Nanshan Group.

"No problem, just look at the arrangements."

Cao Yang has been extremely busy these past two days, and even when he answers the phone, his phone battery is almost dead.

The CEOs of Chery, BYD, Geely, Great Wall, and Changan all called Cao Yang to congratulate each other on last year's sales. People from many other car companies also called Cao Yang.

Under this situation, Cao Yang's voice was almost on fire.

However, everyone's sales data are very good, which means that companies such as Nanshan Engine, Nanshan Transmission and Nanshan Auto Parts have very good operating performance. Cao Yang can be considered a happy trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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