Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 587 International Sensation, Chapter 1 The Shock Caused by an Inconspicuous Paper

Chapter 587: International Sensation, Shock Caused by an Inconspicuous Paper
Nanshan Equipment wants to build a photolithography machine. This matter was finalized by Cao Yang himself.

Even the overall design plan of the lithography machine was decided by him personally.

Of course, some specific implementation details must be handled by the engineers below.

Just like well-known professors in various universities, many of their research and development projects are not based on their own experiments.

For them, the most important thing is to formulate an overall plan, determine the technical direction of research, and find ways to raise sufficient funds.

As for how to do various tests again and again, this is not the point.

For example, when developing a new drug, you can't expect the person in charge to conduct various comparative tests in the laboratory again and again, right?

Not to mention that these great masters would not do this, even professors in ordinary universities would not do this.

Otherwise, why would we need so many doctoral students and graduate students?
Cao Yang's work on the photolithography machine is similar. He uses the technology and drawings obtained from the system to guide the technical team through various methods and determines the overall layout and research direction. His main work is completed.

The next step is that when the team encounters a development bottleneck, he can just push it from behind.

After several years of development, the lithography machine has almost been developed.

Originally, he was still thinking about how to convey this news. After all, there are also some other domestic companies preparing to invest in chip processing plants. If Nanshan Equipment's lithography machines and other products can be sold by then, it will naturally be the best choice. It couldn't be better.

As for foreign markets, he has not considered them in the short term.

It is enough to meet domestic demand first.

After all, China's economy will still develop at a very high speed in the next ten years.

The country is paying more and more attention to the chip industry, and various chip processing factories are springing up like mushrooms after a rain.

For Nanshan Equipment, there are huge business opportunities behind this!
Anyway, once these products of Nanshan Equipment are officially put into mass production in the factory, they have no intention of keeping them secret.

Chip processing is not considered a military industry and does not require special confidentiality.

Of course, Nanshan Equipment's photolithography machine technology and other related things cannot be told to others casually.

After all, others think that the lithography machine of Nanshan Equipment is not as good as ASML, but Cao Yang knows very well that he designed and manufactured the lithography machine based on the technology of ASML's EUV lithography machine ten years later.

The purpose is to avoid a few difficult parts such as lenses.

Of course, in a few years, after these difficult parts have been cracked, Nanshan Equipment's photolithography machines will be able to compete with ASML.

The international market environment at that time should have been completely different.

He couldn't tell He Guangming that much about this information.

However, through He Guangming's mouth and through the channels of Magic City Microelectronics Equipment, Cao Yang felt that it was possible to release the information that Nanshan Equipment had officially conquered photolithography machines and other chip processing equipment.

"Mr. He, although I know it may be difficult for you to accept this fact, our first mass-produced lithography machine has basically been completed in the Semiconductor Division of Nanshan Equipment."

"When Nanshan Semiconductor's Yangcheng wafer fab project and chip processing project begin to install equipment in the second half of this year, they will be formally assembled and put into production."

Cao Yang answered He Guangming's question in a very positive tone.

This plunged the conference room into silence.

Cao Yang doesn't want to continue to explain too much. Anyway, if you believe it, this is enough.

If you don't believe it, then there is no point in wasting more saliva. It is better to wait until later and a fact will speak louder than words.

As for He Guangming, he didn't know what to say!

If you continue to question, that sentence seems very impolite.

Congratulations to Nanshan Equipment for successfully developing a photolithography machine that is comparable to the international advanced level?
He doesn't believe this!

Besides, even if he believed it, he couldn't say this "congratulations".

You must know that he came to Nanshan Group to visit Cao Yang today to promote the photolithography machine products of Modu Microelectronics Equipment.

The results of it?
If Nanshan Equipment really masters the lithography machine, will there be a way for Modu Microelectronics Equipment to survive in the future?

Although the photolithography machine is not their only product, it is the product in which the most manpower and material resources have been invested.

If this product has no hope, then Modu Microelectronics Equipment can consider bankruptcy!
"Mr. Cao, would it be convenient for us to go to Nanshan Equipment to visit and study?"

The atmosphere was a bit awkward, and Du Xinqiang, chief engineer of Modu Microelectronics Equipment, broke the silence.

As a small group of people who are the most proficient in lithography machines in the country, Du Xinqiang does not want to learn from others. A simple visit is simply impossible to achieve this goal.

But Cao Yang said that Nanshan Equipment has mastered the lithography machine, even if it is only a DUV lithography machine, that is incredible.

He wanted to go to the scene to see if this was true!
After all, it’s hard to steal someone else’s, but it’s relatively simple to simply confirm whether you are researching this kind of product.

Just like a factory saying that it is researching aircraft carriers, an insider can tell if there is any truth in what it says by just going to the production site and taking a look.

After all, if you want to make some products, some basic things are similar.

For example, the docks where large ships are produced and the related large hanging towers cannot be covered no matter how much they are covered.

You can't be a shipyard that produces small speedboats but have the world's largest crane with a rated lifting capacity of 1600 tons, right?
Similarly, if you say you are building an aircraft carrier, you can't even have the largest hanging tower weighing less than 100 tons, right?

"Yes, but not now!"

"Wait until today next year, if Mr. He and Mr. Du are interested, I will personally take you to visit the Semiconductor Division of Nanshan Equipment and let you see how our lithography machines are produced."

"To put it bluntly, after the lithography machine of Nanshan Equipment comes off the production line, it will be impossible for ASML to try to get in the way of Huaxia Chip Enterprise."

Cao Yang's words made people feel relieved.

But Du Xinqiang's mood was more complicated.

Although he was not sure how much of what Cao Yang said was true or false.

But considering Cao Yang's identity, even if what the other party said was watery, it must be based on facts.

In other words, Nanshan Equipment may have really mastered the photolithography machine!

This is really a bolt from the blue for Modu Microelectronics Equipment!

How will I live in the future?

Since its establishment in 2002, several shareholders have attached great importance to the development of Modu Microelectronics Equipment and provided all-round technical and financial support.

Even the first photolithography machine was officially delivered to customers this year.

They are preparing to flex their muscles and develop well.

As a result, Cao Yang poured cold water on him today.

This meeting will definitely end in a relatively embarrassing situation.

With this meeting, the news that Nanshan Equipment has successfully developed an internationally advanced lithography machine has officially spread in the industry.

"Lao Liang, I heard that the photolithography machines used in the chip processing factory built by Nanshan Semiconductor for our joint venture wafer factory are produced by their group themselves?"

"How credible do you think this news is?"

Wang Fu, who has a technical background, immediately called Liang Chuanqing to him.

Although he could also call Cao Yang directly, he felt that he still needed to find out the situation before calling.

Don't make an own mistake then, it will be a bit embarrassing.

So even though Wang Fu had heard that Nanshan Equipment was engaged in equipment for the chip industry, he did not expect that the other party was engaged in photolithography machines.

Even if it was a photolithography machine, he never expected that Nanshan equipment could be produced so quickly.

Even after it was done, he couldn't believe that their products could actually compare with the international advanced level!
This was completely beyond expectations.

"This is a bit hard to believe, but it should be easy to determine whether the news is true or false."

"Nanshan Equipment is not like some scientific research institutes. It only needs to pass the review of experts. Once the research and development tasks are completed, the project can be closed and continue to apply for funding."

"People's photolithography machines need to be sold to relevant manufacturers to produce chips. Whether they are good or bad, there is no room for any fraud."

"So I believe that Nanshan Equipment has really successfully developed a lithography machine, and even the level of this lithography machine should be quite good."

"As for whether it is really on par with the international advanced level, it's hard to say."

"Maybe it's true, maybe there are some gaps. It's hard to be sure."

"But I think Mr. Cao dares to use Nanshan Equipment's photolithography machines and other equipment in their wholly-owned factory. At least this level is not bad."

Liang Chuanqing's tone was full of admiration.

As a person engaged in research and development, he knows better than anyone how high the threshold for equipment such as photolithography machines is.

Nanshan equipment can handle it, no matter what the level is, it is very powerful.

"Nanshan Equipment has broken through quite a few equipment bottlenecks in recent years. Whether it is machine tool CNC systems, high-precision five-axis CNC machine tools, or high-end carbon fiber production equipment, these are things that have troubled many domestic manufacturers for many years."

"But in the hands of Nanshan Equipment, they were gradually conquered."

"Hopefully it will be the same this time."

BYD now has a relatively close relationship with Nanshan Group. Nanshan Group can become stronger and stronger, which is not a bad thing for them.

This even means that the wafer fab project built by the two companies is expected to be successful.


Just when the Chinese semiconductor industry was discussing the lithography machine of Nanshan Equipment, a paper was published in the school magazine of Lingnan University of Technology.

"Design and application of an optical system used in lithography machines!" 》

This title looks very ordinary, not like the name given by some media at all. It is full of shocking and eye-catching words.Even the school magazine of Lingnan University of Technology is not well-known nationwide, let alone worldwide.

But when someone noticed that the first author of this paper was Cao Yang, the situation changed.

As the boss of China's largest private enterprise, although Cao Yang's latest net worth has not been announced, his popularity in China is definitely not small.

Especially the recent hot sales of Honor mobile phones have made many people know that there is such a number one person in China as Cao Yang.

So soon, screenshots of this paper were posted to Tieba and Tianya Forum, and some even turned it into a long picture and posted it on Weibo.

So very quickly, such a boring paper became a hot search topic!
It simply refreshed everyone’s understanding.

"Ayang, this time our Lingnan University of Technology's school magazine has become famous in China."

"Many people called me and asked me how we tricked you into publishing such an important paper in the school magazine."

“Not to mention top international journals such as Nature Photonics and Science, even optical precision engineering and Acta Optica Sinica are much more famous than the current school journals.”

"But this paper happened to be published in our school magazine. Many people are probably jealous."

Xiang Changle is in a very good mood now.

He is now the vice principal. If this trend continues, the position of principal is not hopeless.

In the past two years, the average admission score of Lingnan University of Technology has become the highest school in South China, successfully achieving a counterattack.

In a few years, maybe it will become one of the top 10 in the country.

By then, it will be time for him to become the president of Lingnan University of Technology.

"The content of this paper is very different from the research direction of many people, and is even completely opposite. I guess many people are now trying to find ways to find problems in the article, right?"

For Cao Yang, it no longer means much in which journal to publish a paper.

Even if you publish a paper in a top journal like Science and Nature, what's the point?
So he simply went back to his original roots and published an article directly on the optical system involved in the lithography machine of Nanshan Equipment in the journal of Lingnan University of Technology.

According to his prediction, the emergence of this paper will be more effective than any advertising.

By then, the popularity of Nanshan Equipment's lithography machines will surely be world-famous.

It is not in vain that he arranged for staff to write such a special paper.

But he didn't expect that the shock caused by this paper would be much greater than he imagined.

Especially when the information gathered through various news channels proves that Nanshan Equipment has really developed an advanced lithography machine, the situation is completely different.

"Peter, I suggest you take a good look at this paper."

Early in the morning, ASML's CEO Christopher threw a document to Peter, Vice President of Research and Development.

The latter looked confused.

""Design and application of an optical system used in lithography machines"?"

Peter quickly flipped through the document and knew that it was a paper introducing optical systems.

However, ASML does not engage in basic research. They are a company and do not attach much importance to things like papers.

You can’t make money with this thing!

As long as the reputation...

ASML has achieved the highest reputation in the field of lithography machines and does not need the support of papers!

Peter is a professional, and he studied optics during his PhD, so he just browsed through it briefly and found that the optical system introduced in this paper was very different from what he had seen before.

Without talking about other specific details, just looking at some schematic diagrams, you can see that there is a huge gap in volume.

What is this optical system used for?
Could it be a large-scale equipment built for studying particles in a large laboratory in a certain country?

If that were the case, Christopher would have no reason to let himself go.

With a trace of curiosity, Peter started reading again.

Just look at it, it lasts for more than an hour!

After watching it the first time, I watched it a second time, and then a third time!
Although he felt that what was written in the paper was outrageous, after searching for it, Peter could not find any obvious loopholes.

This means that this optical system is theoretically feasible?

Can a photolithography machine be built like this?
By then it won't be a photolithography machine, but a small photolithography factory, right?

ASML's customers are basically distributed all over the world. A photolithography factory like this is obviously not suitable for them.

But as for some other manufacturers...

Thinking of this, Peter felt a sense of crisis.

"Is this YANG CAO a Chinese?"

"Why does it sound familiar to me? Could it be a famous professor from Huaqing University or Kyoto University?"

Peter put down the papers in his hands and started talking to Christopher.

"He is the boss of China's largest private enterprise and a former customer of ours."

"They used our lithography machines in their factory in Shanghai. At that time, they purchased equipment that Intel had canceled at the end of 2008."

"There is also a company called Nanshan Equipment in his group. It is said that it has now developed a photolithography machine."

"The optical system inside is what you just saw in the paper."

When Christopher explained this next to him, Peter immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

Your customers become your competitors.

This should be the last situation any equipment manufacturer wants to see.

However, similar situations occur from time to time in the equipment industry.

After all, as users, they sometimes have a very clear understanding of the needs and structure of the equipment.

They also know very well what functions are needed in the actual production process, and in which direction it is most meaningful to improve.

The most powerful competitive products that eventually come back are often equipment produced by major customers in the industry.

"The cost of such a large optical system will not be cheap."

"They produce it themselves, why not buy it from us."

Peter's words seemed a bit feeble.

After all, the whole world has seen the cost competitiveness of Chinese manufacturers.

The most typical one is a lighter. The cost of a lighter with a not simple structure is only a few cents.

This is simply not something that any other country can do.

There is naturally no comparison between a lithography machine and a lighter, but some things have similar meanings.

"Their costs will not be cheap, but the photolithography machines that cannot support us will be expensive!"

"Besides, even if it is expensive, due to various reasons, we are not allowed to sell the most advanced products to Chinese manufacturers."

"This means that people pay more, but the delivery time is very late."

"So for Chinese customers, if there are other options, they will not come to us."

Christopher is quite self-aware.

However, he had no idea how to face this situation.

After all, he is still not sure how big the impact of this matter will be.

At this time, the Chinese market was not as huge as it would be in later generations.

So he can still afford to wait!

"We have to discuss it carefully and see how to deal with this problem."

"I even feel that this matter is no longer solely a matter of Asmer's family, but involves all related parties."

"It is necessary to convene a board meeting specifically on this matter."

"Otherwise, if this Chinese manufacturer really develops a lithography machine and its performance is comparable to ours, then the problem will be serious."

Peter couldn't find any problems in the paper he just wrote.

This means that the theoretical basis of that paper seems to be correct.

If this is the case, it is really possible for the other party to produce products with the same performance as ASML, and it is even possible that the performance of the lithography machine that has not yet been mass-produced by ASML is almost the same.

Things like this would naturally have a huge impact on Asmai.

No business is more profitable than a monopoly.

This is true both at home and abroad.

ASML naturally hopes to monopolize the lithography machine business, especially high-end lithography machines.

In this way, no matter how much they want to sell the lithography machine for, customers will have to pay obediently!

An article in the journal of Lingnan Polytechnic University began to cause an international sensation, bringing more and more powerful shocks.

(End of this chapter)

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