Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 589: Encirclement and Suppression of Nanshan Equipment, Whose Face Changed?

Chapter 589: Encirclement and Suppression of Nanshan Equipment, Whose Face Changed?

Cao Yang is very busy recently!
Domestic chip companies have successively arranged people to inspect Nanshan equipment, hoping to confirm whether the optical system Cao Yang published in the Lingnan University of Technology journal has been successfully used in the lithography machine of Nanshan equipment.

Everyone wants to know whether the news reported by China Channel is accurate?
Even people from TSMC and Samsung contacted Nanshan Equipment and wanted to come over for inspection.

This made Pan Jinxing a little undecided.

"Mr. Cao, TSMC and Samsung are both important shareholders of ASML and have always had the first right to purchase equipment."

"To some extent, ASML's interests are their interests."

"Even ASML is an important means for them to maintain their existing high-end chip landscape."

"Now they actually contacted us to arrange for technicians to come over to inspect and discuss the purchase of a photolithography machine."

"I feel like this is a bit unreliable!"

Pan Jinxing is old, so naturally he is not a ignorant boy who just wants to fool others.

After receiving the contact from TSMC and Samsung, he immediately came to Cao Yang's office to discuss the next step.

"You don't have to think it, it's just unreliable!"

"It is impossible for them to abandon ASML and choose us before we fully demonstrate our technological advantages."

"Even if our lithography machines are really more advanced than ASML, they will not be able to choose to cooperate with us."

"This is related to the pattern of the global chip industry."

Cao Yang really has no intention of doing business with TSMC and Samsung.

It will be enough to capture the mainland market in the next ten years.

As for those overseas chip giants, even if Nanshan Equipment tried its best, it would be impossible to break into them.

He still has this self-knowledge.

Of course, if one day in the future, the lithography machine of Nanshan Equipment is advanced enough that others cannot catch up, then the situation will naturally be completely different.

The transaction on the pole is not a transaction, let’s wait and see.

"Since it's unreliable, do we still need to receive them?"

With his guess confirmed, Pan Jinxing naturally wanted to further confirm the follow-up arrangements.

After all, no matter where they are placed, these two companies are very famous.

If word comes out from their mouths in the future that Nanshan Equipment is neglecting customers, it will obviously be of no benefit.


"Why not receive it?"

"Don't they just want to know if our lithography machine is genuine?"

"Maybe then they can help us further promote it and save us from wasting our saliva."

The more high-end the equipment, the harder it is to learn it at a glance.

Besides, these products of Nanshan Equipment will be sold to customers by then. Is it possible that you will produce them all and leave them in the warehouse to collect dust?
So if someone takes a look at it, nothing will happen!
Once someone takes a look at it, the skills will not be copied away!
We just took this opportunity to let them know that the technology of Nanshan Equipment is really possible.

With this instruction from Cao Yang, Pan Jinxing naturally knew what was going on.

After the people from TSMC and Samsung finished the tour, they could only force a smile.

Because they found that what was said in the paper seemed to be confirmed at the production site.

There are even some devices that are almost assembled.If this happens, things will get serious!
At least that's how it works for them.

After people from Samsung and TSMC returned, they immediately reported the inspection internally and shared it with ASML.

Several parties even held an emergency video conference together to discuss how to push EUV lithography machines into mass production as soon as possible.

Of course, this can also be understood as a meeting to encircle and suppress Nanshan equipment.

"Everyone, even if the DUV equipment currently produced by Nanshan Equipment can really maintain the same level as our existing mass-produced products, there is still a big gap with the EUV equipment developed this year."

"The more the lithography machine evolves to a higher level, the easier it will be to eliminate a group of competitors."

"Nanshan Equipment can dominate China's internal market without any rivals."

“But in the international market, they don’t see enough!”

ASML CEO Christopher personally encouraged shareholders.

Of course, he is really confident in his company's EUV equipment.

In his opinion, this is the most advanced lithography machine in human history, and no manufacturer can surpass it.

This photolithography machine almost integrates the cutting-edge capabilities of major Western countries, which is why the prototype rolled off the production line this year.

However, the stability of this equipment still needs to be improved, so it will take some time to officially enter mass production.

How to shorten this time as soon as possible is what Christopher wants to discuss with you today.

In fact, it is very simple. It is nothing more than spending more money and recruiting more people.

The research and development work that previously took five or six years to complete can be compressed into two to three years, or even shorter.

In this way, the problem is naturally solved.

Of course, where does the money come from? In addition to the support of shareholders, it is naturally the funds obtained from selling the current equipment.

In other words, if the research and development of EUV lithography machines is to be accelerated, the prices of the lithography machines currently sold must be considered.

Or all shareholders need to inject capital to support it.

"Christopher, we at Intel support ASML to launch EUV lithography machines that meet mass production requirements as soon as possible."

"Only by forming technical barriers as soon as possible can we leave our competitors behind. Otherwise, it will be difficult to form an absolute competitive advantage."

Intel CEO Otellini first stood up to support Christopher's point of view.

They are the most active manufacturers in improving chip-related equipment.

After all, Intel's chip technology basically represents the most high-end technology of this era.

Look at each computer and mark the Intel chip model on it to let everyone know that they are using Intel.

To put it bluntly, this is proof that Intel is awesome.

Just like when many car companies in later generations launch new cars, they will emphasize that they use CATL batteries. This shows from the side that their batteries are very good.

"I studied the paper published by Cao Yang in the journal of Lingnan University of Technology. In theory, the optical system of DUV or EUV lithography machines can be produced using the solution in the paper."

"When our EUV equipment is put into mass production, will the other party also launch an EUV lithography machine?"

As the person who knows Nanshan's equipment best within Samsung, Li Zailin was invited to the meeting today as an exception.

As soon as he raised this question, everyone's expressions changed.

(End of this chapter)

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