Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 592: No. 1 in the country, well deserved

Chapter 592: No. [-] in the country, well deserved

It is more laborious to sail against the current.

Go with the flow and get twice the result with half the effort.

Some people are very good at seizing opportunities and taking advantage of the trend to achieve a win-win situation for all parties.

When news of the establishment of the "Chip Equipment Alliance" led by Nanshan Equipment came out, Xiang Changle, the vice president of Lingnan University of Technology, immediately realized an opportunity.

"Ayang, didn't Yangcheng City prepare a large piece of land for Nanshan Equipment to develop semiconductor equipment?"

"I have an idea. Is it possible to take this opportunity to develop this land into a semiconductor equipment industrial park."

"Manufacturers from the Chip Equipment Alliance, as well as the Semiconductor School of Lingnan University of Technology and Yangcheng City will work together to build this industrial park."

"When the time comes, Yangcheng City will directly provide three to five thousand acres of land, and our Lingnan University of Technology will also gather the strength of the entire school to develop this industrial park."

"The chip industry will definitely be a sunrise industry in China in the future. If our industrial park is well constructed, it will definitely have a bright future."

For Xiang Changle, the income from the industrial park may not be the most important, but the prestige brought by the industrial park is very worth looking forward to.

In particular, Lingnan University of Technology is now focusing on building a semiconductor college and striving to make related majors the best in China.

By then, Lingnan University of Technology's domestic ranking will further rise, and may even hit the top 10.

If these goals are achieved, Xiang Changle feels that he can be remembered forever.

"Semiconductor Equipment Industrial Park?"

Cao Yang didn't expect that Xiang Changle would come to communicate with him today about this matter.

Not to mention, it sounds very feasible.

There are various industrial parks in China now, but there seems to be no semiconductor equipment industrial park?
Now Nanshan Equipment is making every effort to develop chip production equipment. Lingnan Province, Yangcheng City, and even the Government Affairs Council are very supportive.

So the feasibility of directly establishing such an industrial park is very high.

If relevant supporting enterprises are concentrated in the industrial park, and everyone can carry out some development simultaneously, the efficiency should be higher.

The most important thing is to rely on this industrial park, whether it is Nanshan equipment or Lingnan University of Technology, both can benefit from it.

As for Yangcheng City and Lingnan Province, it goes without saying.

Once the industrial park is successful, it will be of great help to the development of the semiconductor industry in Lingnan Province.

It can even further attract Nanshan Semiconductor and other chip companies to locate more chip production plants in Lingnan Province.

This will realize the industrial upgrading of Yangcheng City in one fell swoop.

No. [-] in the country, well deserved!
"Yes, the country now attaches great importance to the semiconductor industry, and our industrial park can be regarded as an act of conforming to the general trend and responding to the call."

“If other places want to imitate, it’s not so easy to succeed.”

“At that time, we can use the platform of this industrial park to obtain more financial subsidies and tax benefits.”

"This will truly make a huge contribution to the localization of a complete set of equipment in the semiconductor industry."

Xiang Changle saw that Cao Yang seemed to be very interested, and his enthusiasm immediately became much higher.

"Our school has a relatively deep technological accumulation in equipment. In the past two years, we have also introduced a number of high-end teachers from all over the world and across the country."

“Under the leadership of these subject leaders, breakthroughs have been achieved in many fields.”

"At that time, these personnel can publish various papers and apply for relevant professional titles and honors through the cooperation projects of the industrial park."

"The related industrialization work is left to the manufacturers in the industrial park, and everyone gets what they need."

Seeing Xiang Changle's positive attitude, Cao Yang naturally had no objection.

This matter has only advantages and no disadvantages for Nanshan Equipment.

When manufacturers from other chip equipment alliances such as Modu Microelectronics Equipment come to the industrial park to build factories or R&D centers, won't they be more affected by Nanshan Equipment?
"Teacher, I think since we are going to do it, we should simply bring in Lingnan Province and let the provinces, cities, universities and enterprises jointly promote the development of the semiconductor equipment industrial park. The effect should be better."

“When we need policies, we can also ask Lingnan Province to come forward directly.”

Cao Yang further gave his own suggestions based on Xiang Changle.

Although I had a lot of communication with Yangcheng City before, for things like industrial parks, the higher the level, the better.

Of course, since Xiang Changle agreed to this proposal, there was no reason to leave everything to him.

Cao Yang himself also made a phone call to Liu Tianwu to communicate about this matter.

"Mr. Cao, if this semiconductor equipment industrial park is built, besides the semiconductor division of Nanshan Equipment, will any other companies move in?"

Liu Tianwu naturally responded very positively to Cao Yang's proposal.

This is giving yourself credit.

How could he not support it?
However, such a big matter is definitely not something he can handle with just one sentence.

Not to mention that this matter needs to be reported to Lingnan Province.

Therefore, he also wanted to confirm the situation with Chaoyang to avoid getting things wrong later.

"Modu Microelectronics Equipment should come over. It is considered the second-in-command in the chip equipment alliance."

"We plan to allocate the lithography machines for packaging and testing to them for production. Nanshan Equipment mainly produces lithography machines for the front-end process."

"In addition, China Microelectronics can also come. They are also a star company that recently joined the chip equipment alliance."

"This manufacturer has deep research on etching machines. We are going to invest 30% of the shares and work with them to build etching machine equipment."

After Cao Yang said this, Liu Tianwu immediately asked: "What is the status of photolithography machines and etching machines in semiconductor equipment?"

Although Liu Tianwu also went to learn about chip-related information, he was not a professional after all.

Even if I saw some information before, I have almost forgotten it now.

After all, he doesn't have a photographic memory.

"The manufacturing of semiconductor devices is inseparable from the two key processes of photolithography and etching."

"Photolithography technology uses the interaction between photoresist and mask to copy a preset circuit pattern on the wafer."

"Etching technology is to remove excess material through chemical or physical methods after photolithography is completed, leaving the required pattern."

"Lithography and etching machines play a vital role in the wafer production process."

"As the name suggests, the equipment responsible for these two processes is the photolithography machine and the etching machine."

"The photolithography machine is responsible for projecting the circuit pattern on the silicon wafer, and the etching machine is responsible for removing the parts covered by the photoresist."

"The accuracy and efficiency of these two steps directly affect the quality and cost of the entire process."

"Among all semiconductor equipment, the most expensive ones are photolithography machines and etching machines."

"According to statistics, in terms of equipment investment in a chip production factory, photolithography machines account for about 25% of the cost, while etching machines account for about 23%."

"In other words, photolithography machines and etching machines together account for 45% of the equipment costs of a semiconductor factory."

"Of course, the high cost of these two types of equipment has a lot to do with the fact that these two types of equipment are almost completely dependent on imports."

"If it sells you 0.5 million US dollars, you have to buy it. If it sells you 1 million US dollars, you have to buy it. Then it must be a bit more expensive."

"As long as our semiconductor industrial park can successfully handle these two types of equipment, it will become an important industrial park in China and even the world."

When Cao Yang explained this, Liu Tianwu's enthusiasm immediately increased to the highest level.

He knew about Modu Microelectronics, and it had a good background.

Although this is the first time he has heard of China Microelectronics, Nanshan Equipment is willing to invest in the company to develop etching machines together, so it must have a bright future.

Unlike other equipment manufacturers, as long as the manufacturers in the industrial park can produce equipment, Nanshan Semiconductor will definitely buy it.

It means that you don’t need to worry about product sales.

If other companies come forward to build such a large industrial park, Liu Tianwu may worry that there will be no results by then.

It's even messy and messy.

But if Nanshan Equipment takes the lead, he won't worry at all.

"Mr. Cao, leave the matter of this industrial park to me. I will give you an accurate answer in a week at most!"

If Liu Tianwu is still hesitant at this time, it will not be his style.

If he hesitates for a few more days, the industrial park might end up in the Magic City.

Liu Tianwu's intestines will probably be filled with regret by then.


A project that all levels attach great importance to, a project that is clearly in line with industry development trends, and a project that has a high probability of success will definitely be implemented faster than many people expected.

Only a few days later, Lingnan Province and Yangcheng City gave accurate replies and agreed to build a semiconductor equipment industrial park.

A temporary management committee has been set up to be responsible for promoting the specific implementation of the project.

Although the expropriation of some nearby land has just begun, the relevant procedures for the one thousand acres of land previously prepared for Nanshan Equipment in Yangcheng City have been completed.

Therefore, the groundbreaking ceremony of the Semiconductor Equipment Industrial Park was carried out quickly without being affected at all.

This time, in addition to personnel from Lingnan Province and Yangcheng City attending the groundbreaking ceremony, the Government Affairs Council also arranged for a vice president to attend.

And that night, the news appeared again on China Television.

This allows people in the semiconductor industry to fully see China's determination to develop related industries.

It also made the country's chip giants and equipment giants aware of the huge threat.

As long as the Chinese start to develop any product, the price will definitely fall significantly.

The days when they relied on technology monopoly to obtain high profits are gone forever.

The shield machine is like this, the high-speed rail is like this, and the same is true for various other equipment.

The level of efforts of all walks of life in China is definitely not comparable to those giants.

"Mr. Wang, I heard that domestic chip manufacturers are now considering purchasing lithography machines and other equipment from Nanshan Equipment."

"Should we also consider them for the new factories we invest in next year?"

As the chief operating officer of SMIC, Yang Bingning naturally needs to do everything possible to reduce costs for the company.

Otherwise, it would be very detrimental to the development of the company if it has suffered losses for many consecutive years and has been unable to turn around the losses.

Even wanting to go public is a bit embarrassing. "ASML has contacted us and does not want us to use Nanshan Equipment products."

"For all customers who have purchased lithography machines from Nanshan Equipment, their future equipment maintenance and new equipment purchases will be affected."

"Unless we can be sure that we will not need to buy new equipment from ASML in the future, and we will not worry about after-sales issues with existing equipment."

"Otherwise, I might not be able to easily purchase products from Nanshan Equipment."

As soon as Wang Anguo said these words, Yang Bingning's face turned ugly.

Of course he knew that Wang Anguo must also be disgusted by Asmai.

But there are only a few such domineering equipment manufacturers in the world, right?
As Party A, why do you feel inferior to Party B?
What age are you in, and you can still buy and sell by force?
"Mr. Wang, I think the more ASML is like this, the more it means that the photolithography machine technology of Nanshan Equipment is really good, otherwise ASML wouldn't pay so much attention to it."

"I heard that a photolithography machine from Nanshan Equipment will be at least 50% cheaper than ASML."

"This gap will directly have the most direct impact on whether our financial report is profitable or loss-making."

ASML's lithography machines are very expensive, which Yang Bingning has known for a long time.

But the price keeps increasing with every upgrade, which is hard to accept.

Now that there are new options in the country, he still wants to try them.

At least buy a photolithography machine from Nanshan Equipment and try it out. If possible, you can consider using it in new factories in the future.

However, this matter is not that simple.

"What ASML did was excessive, especially the statement made by their CEO, which aroused the dissatisfaction of many domestic industry insiders."

"But no chip manufacturer dares to stand up and accuse others easily."

"Because you are not sure whether you will buy lithography machines from ASML in the future."

"It's because of this that Asmai dares to make demands on us like this!"

"But I think it's not necessarily a bad thing to think about this issue from another angle."

When Wang Anguo said this, Yang Bingning was a little confused.

Not a bad thing?

Is it still a good thing?

Are you okay with being disgusted?
Why can't I understand it myself?

As if sensing Yang Bingning's confusion, Wang Anguo continued: "In addition to Nanshan Semiconductor, there should be other manufacturers preparing to use products produced by Nanshan equipment."

''When these manufacturers' new factories go into mass production, we will know what the level of Nanshan's equipment is. "

"If Nanshan's equipment is reliable then, we will go to the other party to order equipment."

"Or directly negotiate with ASML with the price of Nanshan equipment and ask them to reduce the price to the same level."

"No matter which option it is, it's not a bad thing for us."

When Wang Anguo said this, Yang Bingning understood.

Nanshan Equipment has no direct relationship with them. Whether the other party is dead or alive does not require them to be so anxious.

If the other party's equipment is really that good, they will be able to use it again in the future.

Naturally, these little moves by Asmai cannot be hidden from Nanshan Equipment.

"Mr. Cao, ASML has begun to take action and does not allow his customers to purchase our equipment. Once a manufacturer purchases our equipment, there may be no way to continue to purchase ASML's lithography machines in the future."

"And after-sales service for equipment already purchased will also be affected."

"The way they eat looks a bit ugly."

"Relying on past technological advantages, we force customers to make choices."

Pan Jinxing feels that his three views are constantly being refreshed.

How can you still do things like this?
Is this something that Party B can handle?
"ASML's shareholders are already national chip giants, and they will definitely not use our lithography machines."

"The remaining chip manufacturers are all manufacturers that ASML can bully."

"At this time, they are naturally unscrupulous."

"Suppressing China's semiconductor industry is in the interests of international chip giants and is also a politically correct approach."

"This is also the reason why Asmai is so unscrupulous."

"However, many countries have not completely recovered from the impact of the financial crisis, and our international environment is not that bad yet."

"So in the short term, it should only be the corporate level that suppresses us. It's not surprising that the next step is likely to escalate."

The international environment in 2010 is naturally completely different from that in 2023.

The United States also relies on China to a certain extent, so it will not easily use some big moves.

Otherwise, in the case of Nanshan Equipment, it would probably be sanctioned just like Nanshan Carbon Fiber.

"Even if it's just this kind of suppression at the corporate level, it actually has an impact on us."

"For example, some manufacturers were originally interested in purchasing our photolithography machines, but after ASML threatened them, they did not dare to act rashly."

"This is also a big loss for us."

Pan Jinxing also received many inspection teams during this period, and some manufacturers also expressed their interest.

But only a handful of people actually make a deposit.

Even SMIC had some intention of buying it before, but now their attitude suddenly changed completely.

There must be a story in it.

"Our semiconductor equipment industrial park is still under construction, and the production capacity of Nanshan Equipment Semiconductor Division is also limited."

"When the factory in the Semiconductor Equipment Industrial Park is built next year, it will be time for our photolithography machines to begin to explode in production capacity."

"At the same time, the chip factory we built this year has also begun mass production. You can see with your own eyes how the lithography machines we produce are put into production."

"That's more convincing than anything else."

"Our semiconductor industry chain has not yet been fully connected, so we can ignore ASML's reaction for now."

"When the situation becomes more serious later, we will take the initiative."

Asmai's small actions have very limited short-term impact on Nanshan's side.

In the long run, Cao Yang doesn't plan to just take a beating without fighting back.

Nanshan Group still needs to import some chips from overseas, and it is not time to break up with the international chip giants.

However, since Asmai was disgusted by such a thing, he didn't respond at all. This was obviously not Cao Yang's style of doing things.

"Sealing and testing lithography machines is also one of ASML's important businesses. Aren't we planning to cooperate with Modu Microelectronics Equipment and let them be responsible for this business?"

“This is their time to show their influence.”

"Let people from their sales department take the initiative and visit various customers of ASML to let everyone see the cost competitiveness of Modu Microelectronics' equipment."

"Even if they can't get the order, it will make ASML feel disgusted and make it impossible for them to continue to make high profits."

If you disgust me, I will naturally disgust you too.

Anyway, Nanshan Equipment cannot handle many overseas orders now, so let Modu Microelectronics Equipment come out and disgust Asmai.

For equipment such as packaging and testing lithography machines, the threshold is relatively low.

Various chip manufacturers are also rushing to trial some new products on these non-core devices.

When the number increases, it will definitely be a huge blow to Asmai.

"This shouldn't be a big problem. The sealing and testing lithography machines of Modu Microelectronics Equipment have some relatively expensive outsourced parts. We can consider supplying them to further enhance their competitiveness."

"At that time, even ASML's shareholders such as TSMC and Samsung will have some ideas when they see the huge price difference between the two packaging and testing lithography machines."

"If you hurt each other, then let's do it."

Cao Yang said as he prepared to think about the next step.

These actions are definitely just an appetizer for Nanshan Equipment.

In the future, with the rapid development of China's chip industry, there will definitely be more and more intense actions.

Within Nanshan Equipment, and even within Nanshan Group, it is necessary to make some plans for these situations.

Otherwise, it will be easy for everyone to be in a hurry when the time comes.

"I am worried that these actions will affect the development of the 'Chip Equipment Alliance'."

"After all, not every manufacturer has that kind of confidence."

"Especially if those chip giants also go out, then the situation will become very complicated."

Pan Jinxing really hopes to improve semiconductor equipment.

This is a very promising market segment.

According to the current development trend, China will need dozens of photolithography machines every year in the future.

This kind of increase has never been encountered even in the development of the semiconductor industry in the entire world.

As long as Nanshan Equipment seizes this opportunity, it will become the world's largest semiconductor equipment manufacturer.

If you can improve the equipment, then the corresponding industry will definitely not be bad.

By then, the status of Nanshan Equipment in China will become very special and important.

He has even become the invisible godfather of China’s semiconductor industry.

Pan Jinxing is looking forward to this very much.

"It's a big wave, I just want to take this opportunity to see everyone's reaction."

When Cao Yang said this, Pan Jinxing was stunned for a moment.

It seems reasonable?
It only takes a year or two, so let's see if the manufacturers in the alliance can stand the test.

(End of this chapter)

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