Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 615 Mobile phone chip, a new beginning

Chapter 615 Mobile phone chip, a new beginning

June in Yangcheng is already very hot.

The heat here is different from the heat in the north.

The temperature is also 30 degrees. If you place it in the north, as long as you don't bask in the sun, you won't feel that hot at all.

But in Yangcheng, due to the high air humidity, you will feel stuffy no matter where you stay.

Therefore, the importance of air conditioning is beyond doubt.

However, early this morning, Cao Yang did not stay in the air-conditioned room. Instead, he, Xia Qingqing and Zhang Jing were waiting for Liu Tianwu's arrival at the gate of Nanshan Group.

Liu Tianwu is now at the helm of Yangcheng, and he naturally sees the outstanding performance of Honor mobile phones.

So today I personally brought personnel from relevant departments to visit Honor Mobile.

Doing business is not just about selling products, you also need to consider all aspects.

So when Liu Tianwu, an old acquaintance, came over, Cao Yang naturally wanted to receive him personally.

"Mr. Cao, congratulations, this HONOR 2 is so successful."

"I heard that there are traffic jams near the sports center every day these days. The reason is that too many people queue up to buy mobile phones at your Teem City flagship store."

Liu Tianwu and Cao Yang have known each other for many years, so they communicate with each other very casually.

As soon as we met, everyone started chatting without any courtesy.

But this time, there were many more people filming with cameras.

There are people from the Yangcheng Propaganda Department and people from the Nanshan Group.

"Fortunately, it did not disappoint everyone's expectations. The sales of Honor mobile phones are pretty good."

In front of Liu Tianwu, there was naturally nothing to show off, so he had to be humble when he should.

After all, this is the Chinese way of doing things.

Otherwise, you will be too high-profile and everyone will not be used to it.

"According to this pace, the sales volume of HONOR 2 should not be worse than the previous sales volume of HONOR 3G, right?"

"Now that the price of HONOR 3G has been directly reduced by 1000 yuan, sales should be better than before."

"Based on this, doesn't it mean that starting from next month, the monthly sales volume of Honor mobile phones will reach more than 300 million units?"

Liu Tianwu must attach great importance to the sales of Honor mobile phones. After all, these sales are production value.

Although most of Honor mobile phones are manufactured by BYD and the factory is not in Yangcheng, the headquarters of Honor mobile phones is in Yangcheng.

Many suppliers of Honor mobile phones are also in Yangcheng.

The most important thing is that Honor Mobile is constantly recruiting people. These talents are also a valuable asset for Yangcheng.

Not just any company can afford to support tens of thousands of college students, and also provide higher benefits than ordinary companies.

For a city, these tens of thousands of college students are actually tens of thousands of families with sufficient spending power.

They buy houses, they buy cars, and their basic necessities, food, housing, and transportation can all drive the economic development of Yangcheng.

The most important thing is that with the rapid development of Honor mobile phones, the size of the employees will continue to grow.

This is something Liu Tianwu is very much looking forward to.

Besides, Liu Tianwu is now the helmsman of Yangcheng. If he goes one step further, he will go to Lingnan Province for development.

At that time, what does it matter whether the Honor mobile phone factory is in Yangcheng or Shenzhen?

"Based on the current pace, sales of 300 million mobile phones are still worth looking forward to."

"In addition, HONOR PAD is also expected to sell more than one million units per month. By then, the monthly sales of Honor mobile phones can reach 400 million units of various products."

When Cao Yang said this, Liu Tianwu was completely relieved.

400 million mobile phones and PADs worth 2999 yuan to 4999 yuan. This production value is well worth looking forward to.

The sales of Xingchen Automobile have increased rapidly this year, Nanshan Semiconductor has also begun to exert its efforts, and Honor mobile phones have suddenly emerged. The economic growth of the entire Yangcheng is well worth looking forward to.

These are all his political achievements!
  At least in the next few years, there should be no problem for Yangcheng to continue to hold the number one position in the domestic economy.

And this is a very important matter for Liu Tianwu.

"In the past, our mobile phone market in China was mainly occupied by international mobile phone giants such as Nokia and Motorola. Domestic brands could only compete in the low-end field. Even after manufacturers such as Nokia launched low-priced mobile phones, domestic brands continued to compete in the low-end field. Life has become very difficult.”

"Now with your Honor phone, this situation has completely changed."

"Mr. Cao, your Honor mobile phone has played a very important role in the development of the domestic mobile phone industry."

What Liu Tianwu said is very factual.

Although even if there is no Honor mobile phone, other domestic brands will slowly rise later.

But no one knows this now.

Everyone has only seen that Honor mobile phones have rewritten the domestic landscape.

Judging from sales alone, once monthly sales reach 400 million units, it will not be a problem for Honor mobile phones to surpass Nokia in business scale in China.

This is definitely a very symbolic thing.

You know, in the past ten years, no one has ever dared to believe that Chinese mobile phone manufacturers can surpass Nokia in terms of sales volume or business scale.

But now Honor mobile phones are about to turn this into a reality.

This is really hard to come by.

"Ashamedly, we still have a lot to work on."

"Until now, all the chips for our Honor phones have been imported from abroad."

"In terms of memory, although a small part is domestically produced, the main part continues to be imported."

"Many of the other semiconductor components in mobile phones still need to be imported."

"Even some resistors and capacitors on the circuit board have not yet been fully localized."

"There is still a long way to go before we can launch 100% domestically produced products."

Cao Yang is not entirely modest.

The actual localization rate of Honor mobile phones is indeed far behind his requirements.

It will take at least two or three years for this to happen.

But for Liu Tianwu, this is already very remarkable.

After all, he is not like Cao Yang, who has such a persistent pursuit of 100% localization.

"You also have your own mobile phone factory in Nanshan Industrial Park, right?"

"Today I'm going to see how the hot-selling HONOR 2 is produced."

"Let's see if there is anything that Yangcheng City needs help coordinating, just bring it up."

Liu Tianwu came to Nanshan Group for inspection today. In addition to communicating with Cao Yang, a visit to the Honor mobile phone factory was also part of the process.

Although more than [-]% of the production of Honor mobile phones is handed over to BYD, its own factories have still been maintained.

On the one hand, this is for the convenience of early development, and at the same time, it is also to restrain the foundry manufacturers to a certain extent, so that when everyone falls out one day, there will be no resistance at all.

Soon, Cao Yang followed Liu Tianwu and his party to visit the factory.

As a self-owned factory of Honor mobile phones, the various equipment inside must be highly automated.

Even continuously improving the level of equipment automation is something that Nanshan Group has been promoting in the past two years.

Reducing the number of ordinary workers, increasing the number of R&D and technical personnel, and turning the entire Nanshan Group into a technology-based enterprise is what Cao Yang has always wanted to do.

Otherwise, even if there are 100 million employees by then, and more than [-] of them are workers, it will not mean much.

It would be better to have only 30 employees, but 20 are R&D and technical personnel.

The combat effectiveness of such an enterprise is absolutely amazing.

They can double the size of 20 people at any time to 40 R&D personnel.

They are still the kind of high-tech R&D personnel who work hard.

Not to mention in China, even in the whole world, it is very capable of fighting.

After Liu Tianwu inspected Honor phones and proactively offered some preferential support policies, Honor Phones also made more radical adjustments to its next sales volume.

The sales target for mobile phones in July this year is set at 7 million units, and for PADs at 300 million units.

Then by the fourth quarter of this year, the sales target of mobile phones was directly increased to 400 million units, and PAD sales were 150 million units per month.

As for next year, as overseas branches begin to exert their efforts, this goal will only become higher.

Of course, this is a story for later.

Faced with this year's goal, BYD, as a foundry, is already a little busy and overwhelmed.


"In addition to setting aside one day for equipment testing and maintenance in January, we will work overtime to produce mobile phones and PADs during the rest of the time."

"At the same time, our new production lines are constantly being invested, and new factories are also under construction."

"Through various methods, although there is still some gap between the production target set by your company, it can basically be achieved."

"And to prepare for a rainy day, we have now begun to prepare for the monthly production of 800 million mobile phones and PADs next year to ensure that we can keep up with the development pace of Honor mobile phones."

Wang Fu personally came to receive the visit of Xia Qingqing and his party.

Honor phones are selling like hotcakes right now, so Xia Qingqing is naturally worried that production capacity can't keep up.

After all, the current plans are higher than the most radical ones at the beginning of the year.

The market response of HONOR 2 and HONOR PADE has been really good.

After the price reduction of 1000 yuan, HONOR 3G has also become more fragrant.

Today's Honor mobile phones have reached a point where Nokia cannot ignore them even if they want to.

"Mr. Wang, I have full confidence in BYD's capabilities."

"But if so many production lines are suddenly added and the shift is switched to three shifts, will there be no problems with personnel?"

Although the automation level of production lines is continuously improved, assembling mobile phones still requires a lot of manpower.

According to Xia Qingqing's understanding, BYD's factory alone that manufactures Honor mobile phones has more than 1 workers.

Now that we need to expand production and have to work three shifts, the number of workers required will basically double.

Although there is no shortage of people in China, familiar industrial workers are still more popular.

"Mr. Xia, you don't have to worry."

"Our BYD OEM business is relatively extensive, and we can transfer some skilled manpower from other places."

When Wang Fu said this, he looked around and lowered his voice and said: "Nokia was also a big customer of ours before, but their production this year is constantly being reduced. It is expected that it will decline further starting from next month. We will A group of people were dispatched from Nokia's foundry to provide support." Hearing what Wang Fu said, Xia Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s not just a matter of randomly recruiting a group of workers who don’t know anything from outside to assemble Honor phones.

Otherwise, if there is something wrong with the quality of the mobile phone, it would be very fatal.

You must know that the price of Honor mobile phones is not cheap.

If consumers spend so much money, but end up buying a defective mobile phone, then it will be a big deal.

Maybe the momentum that Honor mobile phones have just developed will be extinguished immediately.

This is something Xia Qingqing absolutely cannot accept.

Fortunately, Wang Fu also knows this truth and will not let go at critical moments.

"Mr. Wang, now is a critical period for the development of Honor mobile phones. Whether it can successfully advance this year will determine the future status of Honor mobile phones in China and even the global mobile phone industry."

"We don't want any accidents to happen."

Although she breathed a sigh of relief, Xia Qingqing felt that she still had to emphasize it.

In case BYD doesn't pay enough attention to it and something unexpected happens.

Wang Fu also expressed his understanding of this.

He even promised that he would personally keep an eye on the business of the Honor mobile phone foundry and arrange for people to report on the relevant situations to Honor Mobile every day.

Honor mobile phones are now the savior of BYD’s OEM business.

Fortunately, there is an OEM business for Honor mobile phones this year. Otherwise, if Nokia's OEM business drops like this, BYD's revenue will plummet.

The stock price will definitely fall by then, which is a situation Wang Fu does not want to see.


When Honor mobile phones became very popular, Huaqiangbei, which has always been known for its keen sense of smell, naturally had various reactions.

During this period, the newly launched copycat phones from Huaqiang Edition basically had very few traditional feature phones.

The worst ones are the first-generation smartphones of the same type as the so-called high-end smartphones of giants like Nokia and Motorola.

Those with a better vision are to follow the footsteps of Honor Mobile and Apple and develop large-screen smartphones.

The screen size of HONOR 2 has just reached 4 inches, but there are already copycat phones in Huaqiangbei with a screen size of 4.7 inches.

Even because the screen is too big and the battery is not enough, Huaqiangbei has begun to launch some long-life copycat phones.

Although the thickness of the mobile phone has increased a lot in order to improve battery life, some consumers still like it.

All I can say is that everyone has their own preferences for radish and green vegetables.

However, Hu Yingang, who was pretty good at Huaqiangbei, did not focus on his business during this period. Instead, he frequently met acquaintances to drink, chat, and communicate with each other.

And he also set up a trading company specifically to trade electronic and electrical components.

Obviously, his trading company was prepared to obtain the chips and motherboards used in smartphones from Nanshan Semiconductor, and then sell them to various copycat phone manufacturers in Huaqiangbei.

"Cousin, I have transferred all those counters now."

"This time I am ready to give it a try, and success or failure depends on it."

Hu Yingang is also considered to have a small fortune.

Definitely not hundreds of millions.

But if you spend tens of millions, you can still get it together.

He wants to become a bridge between Nanshan Semiconductor and Huaqiangbei, but too little funds will definitely not work.

You can’t get credit from Nanshan Semiconductor, right?

So this time he also took the initiative to put down his once proud head and borrowed some more money from his cousin.

"Gangzi, if you try to do something else, I won't be able to support you easily."

"But you chose to cooperate with Nanshan Semiconductor this time. I think it is very right."

"I can help you no matter how much money you have left."

"Even if you don't mind, you can just count it as my investment capital to invest in your company."

Guo Shuyin really made his fortune by following the Nanshan Group.

Now he is full of confidence in Nanshan Group.

After so many years, as long as the Nanshan Group wants to do something, no matter how difficult it is, it will eventually succeed.

Even equipment such as large five-axis CNC machine tools have been completed.

Not to mention the existence of high-end carbon fiber and other powerful products.

Today's Nanshan Semiconductor is the focus of Nanshan Group's future development, and it is the focus of Cao Yang's great efforts.

Guo Shuyin feels that he is still willing to believe that Nanshan Semiconductor can develop the chip industry.

And this means that the trading company established by Hu Yingang is still very promising.

After all, he still knew what was going on in Huaqiangbei.

In the early years, Hu Yingang often boasted about Huaqiangbei in front of him.

It is said that when the prices of Huaqiangbei counters were at their most exaggerated, the monthly rent for a good counter was 30 yuan, which was simply unbelievable.


"Cousin, are you really willing to invest in my trading company?"

"You have so much confidence in me?"

Hu Yingang didn't expect that there would be an unexpected surprise today.

He didn't feel at all that Guo Shuyin was taking advantage of him.

He made a desperate investment in this trading company and bet his money on Nanshan Semiconductor. It would be false to say that he has no pressure.

If he asks Guo Shuyin to borrow money this time, once the business fails, he will have to sell his former mansion and luxury car to have a chance to pay off the debt.

"I don't have confidence in you, I have confidence in Mr. Cao, I have confidence in Nanshan Group, I have confidence in Nanshan Semiconductor!"

Guo Shuyin said very rudely.

In front of your own people, you must talk things out before cooperating, so as to avoid conflicts later.

It is obviously very important for Hu Yingang to clearly understand the current situation.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you have confidence."

"The first batch of chips and motherboards from Nanshan Semiconductor will be delivered soon."

"Cousin, do you have any good suggestions?"

Hu Yingang now admires Guo Shuyin.

Yangcheng Huaqiang Group is now considered a large enterprise.

Its parts business and automobile dealer business are doing very well.

Especially in the past year, 4S stores have had a good time, and Guo Shuyin's net worth is also increasing rapidly.

"I think when you are in the motherboard and chip business, you can give appropriate guidance and let those copycat factories follow the new smartphone development route."

"In terms of mobile phone functions, we can make some interesting innovations based on Apple phones and Honor phones, and combine them with some things from the past."

"For example, integrating some high-pixel cameras to create the concept of a camera phone."

"Another example is a large screen, a large screen mobile phone that is larger than the screen of any mobile phone."

"Another example is a mobile phone with a long battery life. While meeting the functions of a smartphone, it can also be used for a long time."

"We can also build some so-called music phones, focusing on audio amplifiers."

“In short, you have to let your customers’ products have some characteristics of their own so that their sales can increase quickly.”

"This way your trading company's business will get better and better."

Although Guo Shuyin is not a mobile phone manufacturer, he is currently using the latest HONOR 2 and is quite familiar with the situation of smartphones.

The future will definitely be dominated by smartphones.

Guo Shuyin is very convinced of this.

Otherwise, he would not have boldly invested in Hu Yingang's trading company.

MediaTek has become the world's third largest chip design manufacturer by relying on its "turnkey" chip design solutions.

He feels that Nanshan Semiconductor, based on MediaTek, provides a "turnkey" design solution around smartphones, and the final market is definitely worth looking forward to.

Huaqiang now has more than [-] mobile phone brands, [-]% of which are in Huaqiang North.

The individual sales of these mobile phone brands are definitely not impressive at all, but the cumulative sales add up to no less than Nokia.

Therefore, the component trading business in the middle is quite promising.

As long as half of the smartphones produced in Huaqiangbei purchase chips and motherboards from their company, the profit of the trading company will not be less than [-] million yuan in a year.

This business is worth looking forward to.

"You are right, only by making my clients' business better will our trading company's life get better."

"Looking back, I specially assigned a few people within the company to design various special mobile phone solutions. When selling chips and motherboards to them, I also gave these solutions to them for reference."

Hu Yingang now feels that his whole body is full of energy.

Nanshan Semiconductor’s chips will be officially supplied to Huaqiangbei.

If Nanshan Semiconductor can achieve the scale of MediaTek, then Hu Yingang feels that he is very close to becoming a billionaire.

"The most important thing is that you need to communicate more with Nanshan Semiconductor. It would be better if you can connect with Honor Mobile."

"Listen to their suggestions, and you can even follow the plans they give for some guidance."

"Maybe there will be an unexpected surprise in the end."

Guo Shuyin definitely hopes that the relationship between Hu Yingang and Nanshan Group will be as close as possible.

After so many years, Nanshan Group has never cheated its teammates and is a trustworthy customer and supplier.

Guo Shuyin didn't think there was anything about Hu Yingang worth pitting the Nanshan Semiconductor District.

"Don't worry, I know my position very well!

“I will do whatever Nanshan Group wants me to do!”

"The Nanshan Group eats meat, and I am very satisfied after taking a sip of the soup!"

(End of this chapter)

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