Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 628: 0 yuan purchase, special support

Chapter 628 Zero-yuan purchase, special support

Nanshan Semiconductor and Nanshan Equipment were acquired by the United States.

This matter does not need any guidance from Zeng Tingting and others, it is already the hottest news on Weibo.

Just go online and it's hard not to see relevant news.

Naturally, people from all walks of life called Cao Yang one after another.

Some express concern, some ask what help is needed, and some directly extend an olive branch to cooperate.

Of course, there are naturally many people who are watching the joke behind the scenes.

Cao Yang's mentality is very stable now, and he will not have any emotional changes due to these changes in public opinion.

For him, the most critical thing is to truly improve the strength of Nanshan Equipment and Nanshan Semiconductor.

To put it bluntly, the Chinese market alone is enough for Nanshan Semiconductor to become the world's largest chip company.

The premise is that Nanshan Semiconductor must develop rapidly.

Otherwise, if you don’t even have high-end chip products, how can others choose you?

"Mr. Cao, at today's office meeting we proposed a plan to implement additional tax incentives for semiconductor-related companies in Yangcheng."

"High-tech talents working in Yangcheng semiconductor companies will also enjoy additional preferential treatment on personal income tax, with the maximum tax rate reduced by 15%."

With such a big thing happening, Liu Tianwu would naturally contact Cao Yang.

However, this time he brought not only verbal comfort, but real benefits.

One is for the enterprise and the other is for the employees of the enterprise.

Needless to say, for enterprises, the tax reduction policy is not new, but it is really good.

As for employees, it is actually quite important.

Nanshan Semiconductor's technical personnel generally have relatively high wages, especially those recruited from overseas.

If you pay taxes normally according to domestic personal income tax requirements, then basically everyone's tax amount will be quite high.

Anyone with a certain level or senior technical skills can touch the extremely exaggerated tax threshold of 45%.

Although this ratio is not the highest in the world, its original intention is to reduce the gap between rich and poor.


It’s hard to describe in one word!

Anyway, Cao Yang himself feels that it is not easy to say that he loves you.

Now Nanshan Semiconductor experts can reduce their personal tax payment ratio to up to 15%, which is very competitive.

This basically means that a few places such as Hong Kong City can have such a preferential personal tax plan, while other places do not have such preferential treatment.

Invisibly, this can be regarded as increasing the income of Nanshan Semiconductor employees and improving personnel stability.

Cao Yang is naturally very clear about the benefits.

"But the more they suppress it, the more we have to develop."

"We need to let them understand that it will only inspire our determination to further improve our technology and will not scare us away."

Cao Yang naturally wanted to show his determination at this time.

Of course, what he said was also his true thoughts.

The chip industry must be developed with priority.

Whether it is Honor mobile phones or other business units, chips are more or less used.

In particular, mobile phones and PADs are large consumers of chips.

The technology that I have not thought about in my own hands will be destined to be slaughtered by others.

"If Nanshan Group needs assistance from Yangcheng City, please bring it up."

"Lingnan Province will also fully support the development of Nanshan Group."

“Hasn’t Nanshan Semiconductor already mastered 28-nanometer chip technology?”

"There is a very large domestic demand for chips produced by this type of technology."

"Building a new factory in Magic City alone will definitely not be enough."

"We have acquired another 3000 acres of land next to Nanshan Semiconductor's wafer factory in Yangcheng to prepare for future development."

Liu Tianwu was really not forcing Cao Yang to invest in Yangcheng this time.

Even if this kind of thing is to be done, it certainly cannot be done now.

He really hopes that Nanshan Semiconductor can develop as soon as possible, which can be regarded as a slap in the face to the United States.

Take a look!

The more you are like me, the better I will develop!

"Thank you to the leaders. The main problem now is that talent training cannot keep up with the needs of corporate development."

"We are also cooperating with various universities in the country to jointly cultivate semiconductor talents."

"When the manpower shortage eases, our new chip factory in Yangcheng will start construction immediately."

"By then, all Honor mobile phone products will use our own chips."

"We will also promote related chips to other domestic mobile phone companies."

Cao Yang's words made Liu Tianwu feel a lot more at ease.

If Nanshan Semiconductor has plans in this regard, everything will be easy to handle.

He is very confident in Nanshan Semiconductor. The current production capacity of the new factory in Shanghai can be almost consumed by one Honor mobile phone.

After all, the monthly sales of Honor 2, HONOR 3G and HONOR PAD products have exceeded 400 million.

According to this pace, it will not be a problem to exceed 600 million next year.

Such a large sales volume requires a lot of chips.

"If Nanshan Semiconductor's chip production capacity is sufficient, if the city or province needs help in promoting it, feel free to bring it up."

"The Lingnan Provincial Reform Commission is also preparing to propose to the ministries and commissions that in the future, the localization rate of domestic chips must exceed 50%."

"Of course, this specific plan is still being formulated and it will take some time to be released."

"But it is definitely moving in the direction of encouraging domestic companies to purchase domestic chips."

Inadvertently, Liu Tianwu also revealed a bombshell news.

This kind of news is definitely good news for Nanshan Semiconductor.

"In terms of production capacity, there is currently no need to worry about vacancies. The market demand in Huaqiangbei is very strong. I estimate that there will be no risk of vacant production capacity at least within next year."

"The only thing we need to worry about now is that after seeing the unsatisfactory results, the United States will directly increase its efforts to suppress the development of automobile industries such as Xingchen Automobile and Nanshan Auto Parts abroad. The impact of that will be relatively large."

Nanshan Group is taking an international route, especially in the automobile industry, with foreign sales accounting for more than 40%.

Under such circumstances, if the United States wants to engage in the Nanshan Group, it really is not without any tricks.

Look at how they dealt with Toyota Motor back then, maybe they will use the same method to deal with Xingchen Motors.

Fortunately, Xingchen Motors' business in the United States has been handed over to Ford Motor Company.

Invisibly, it can be regarded as reducing a certain risk to oneself.

As for the supply with Ford Motor and General Motors, it may be affected in the long term, but the impact in the short term should be limited.

After all, General Motors and Ford also want to take advantage of the current market conditions to sell more cars and make more money.

If Nanshan Group's parts are not allowed to be used, some models may have to be discontinued.

And production costs will rise.

General Motors and Ford are not vegetarians in the United States, and they obviously will not be easily manipulated.

"I don't think you need to worry about this. The automobile industry has nothing to do with safety in any way. If the United States wants to make a fuss about this matter, then they must also worry about the development of General Motors and Ford Motors in China. It won’t be affected.”

"Relatively speaking, the interests of the American auto industry in China are greater than our interests in the United States."

"So what happened with Nanshan Group's auto parts business should not happen."

"Now that the American economy is beginning to recover after the subprime mortgage crisis, many places are also asking for help from us."

"So even if they want to cause trouble, they don't dare to go too far."

Liu Tianwu's position was destined to get a lot of information that Cao Yang didn't know.

Based on the information he received, Liu Tianwu also gave some judgments of his own.

This made Cao Yang feel a little relieved.

It will even further enhance the cohesion of employees of Nanshan Group.

Nanshan Group now has more than 100,000 employees. Under normal circumstances, how to improve employees' cohesion and identification with the company is a relatively difficult task.

Now that the United States is suppressing it, it has invisibly helped Nanshan Group a lot.

Even the employees who were just added to the group this year have a greater sense of belonging to the company amid this wave of events.

After Cao Yang sent Liu Tianwu away, he specially received the personnel from China Mobile.

For this scene, the above naturally wanted to express their support for Nanshan Group.

For Nanshan Semiconductor and Nanshan Equipment, Yangcheng City has already taken action in advance and begun to issue additional preferential tax policies.

The construction of each factory also received the most convenient services, and any needs were directly contacted locally.

So I don’t need any special help in a short period of time.

However, Nanshan Semiconductor no longer needs it, which does not mean that other companies in Nanshan Group do not need it.

As a Honor mobile phone that may use a large number of Nanshan semiconductor products in the future, it has naturally entered the vision of the big guys.

"Mr. Cao, our mobile phone can cooperate with Honor Mobile to launch a zero-yuan purchase event."

“As long as consumers’ mobile plans stay within a certain range for two consecutive years, they can get a certain product of Honor mobile phone for zero yuan.”

“According to different package levels, you can purchase HONOR 3G or HONOR 2 for zero yuan.”

"The Lingnan Provincial Company will vigorously support this business, and Honor Mobile only needs to give a reasonable discount based on the market guide price." As a staff member of China Mobile Lingnan Branch, Lin Guojiang is responsible for China Mobile and Honor Mobile The vanguard of cooperation.

After the results of Lingnan Province’s cooperation are revealed, other provinces will immediately follow suit.

This can be regarded as a special support from China to Nanshan Group.

Of course, the zero-yuan purchase activity itself is not a special activity.

Whether it's China Mobile or China Unicom, they all have related activities with many mobile phone brands.

However, the intensity of the activities is definitely different, and the discounts for purchasing goods are also different.

According to Lin Guojiang, this time China Mobile proposed the cooperation for the purpose of helping Honor mobile phones. Although it will not do a loss-making business, it will not try to significantly lower the purchase price of Honor mobile phones.

Such a plan is naturally very good.

Cao Yang knew very well that his first step in purchasing an iPhone in his previous life was China Mobile’s zero-yuan purchase of an iPhone with a guaranteed package.

This kind of activity has a huge boost in sales.

Especially for people whose phone bills can be reimbursed by many companies, the appeal of this activity is huge.

Those who were originally reluctant to buy Honor phones are now very enthusiastic.

Even if the company's phone bill reimbursement limit is not that high, it is still very cost-effective to pay part of it yourself.

After all, there are no discounts on Honor mobile phone products in various flagship stores.

"Thank you Mr. Lin for your support. All products supplied by Honor Mobile to China Mobile will be discounted at 20% off the market guide price."

“Hopefully this event can be a win-win situation.”

The profit margin of Honor mobile phones is not low.

Besides, the cost of the mobile phone itself includes promotional expenses and sales costs.

Now that we are directly engaging in zero-yuan phone purchase activities with China Mobile, all Honor Mobile has to do is produce the product.

Leave the rest to China Mobile.

Invisibly, costs are actually falling.

So even if it is a 20% discount, the profit is still very generous.

As for mobile phone calls, the thing itself is quite mysterious. According to past experience, it is not that easy to lose money in this kind of activity.

The difference is nothing more than how much money you earn.

Not to mention that Lingnan Province has ideas in this regard, and the ministries and commissions are urging China Mobile to support Honor mobile phones. From a business perspective alone, Lin Guojiang feels that this cooperation can be carried out.

So soon, China Mobile began to promote relevant activities.

Due to the strong publicity, more than 10 users chose to purchase the machine for zero yuan on the first day it was launched.

According to this rhythm, the monthly sales of Honor mobile phones will reach a new level.

This additional change made Xia Qingqing feel a little worried about happiness.

"Mr. Wang, BYD's OEM production line needs to further speed up its expansion, otherwise the supply of several Honor mobile phone products will exceed demand."

"Now we are just cooperating with Lingnan Mobile and launching zero-yuan phone purchase activities in cities in Lingnan Province."

"If the next step is to launch it nationwide, the monthly sales of Honor mobile phones are expected to double directly."

It's not like Xia Qingqing has never thought about cooperating with companies such as China Mobile before, but because Honor phones are easy to sell and China Mobile has many cooperative customers, she has never taken action.

But this time, the ministries and commissions directly gave special support, allowing China Mobile to be a pioneer in cooperating with Honor mobile phones.

The next step will be to further expand the scale according to the situation.

This support is actually quite strong.

The key is this support, no one can say otherwise.

After all, in China Mobile's zero-yuan purchase activities, there are also other mobile phone brands such as Apple's iPhone 4 and Lenovo.

It's just that the intensity of activities of different brands is different.

Obviously, Honor mobile phones are the most powerful and the most attractive to consumers.

"Mr. Xia, I have moved the camp bed to the OEM workshop today, and personally urged the construction team to assemble new production equipment day and night."

"By next month, our monthly production capacity of mobile phone products will reach 400 million units ahead of schedule. In 12 months, it will directly exceed 500 million units and reach 600 million units in the first quarter of next year."

"Our mass production lines are now non-stop 24 hours a day, with people stopping equipment and producing every day."

Wang Fu can also feel the trouble of happiness now.

BYD chose to engage in the OEM business of Honor mobile phones, which effectively alleviated their losses on Nokia.

Otherwise, if Nokia's foundry business declines and no other business takes up the slack, BYD's foundry business will definitely be severely damaged, which will directly affect the group's sales, financial reports, and ultimately stock price.

The loss will be very huge.

"Of course I understand what you said, but I think the previous plan was too conservative."

"I hope that starting from the first quarter of next year, BYD's OEM production capacity for Honor mobile phones can directly reach the scale of 800 million mobile phones per month."

"At that time, the Honor Mobile Phone Overseas Business Department will start to exert its efforts. No one else wants to buy it, but we have no way to supply it. That would be a pity."

Xia Qingqing felt that she needed to be more radical, otherwise she would always be led by the market, which would be a bit uncomfortable.

Mainly the passive situation makes people exhausted every day.


Wang Fu gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, 800 million is 800 million. I will make relevant plans later!"

Without much hesitation, Wang Fu agreed.

He already knows about the cooperation between Honor Mobile and Lingnan Mobile.

If the next step can be expanded to the three major operators and promoted nationwide, then a monthly sales volume of 800 million is really not impossible.

After all, the current sales volume of Honor mobile phones has reached 300 million.

Later, foreign sales will more or less contribute.

So 800 million a month seems like a lot, but in fact it is not a particularly exaggerated amount.

"If you need any help from Nanshan Group, just ask."

"The next few years will be a period of rapid development for Honor mobile phones, and we must quickly seize the market."

"The current mobile phone giant is Nokia. If Apple in the United States becomes big in the future, if they cannot compete with us, they may resort to some off-market tactics."

"Our overseas markets will definitely be greatly affected by that time."

"We are also preparing to quickly expand overseas markets before there is too much impact."

"At this time, production capacity must not be compromised."

"It cannot be that just because we want to expand overseas markets, we cannot meet the demand of domestic consumers."

Xia Qingqing was relieved to see Wang Fu agree to the request for production expansion relatively quickly.

It can’t afford the hassle at this time, and Honor Mobile doesn’t want to look for other OEMs now.

However, the tree wants to be still but the wind does not stop.

In particular, the investigation against Nvidia was officially launched soon.

As the founder and CEO of Nvidia, Huang Jiansheng can naturally feel tremendous pressure from it.

On the one hand, he personally approved the sale of the company to Nanshan Semiconductor.

On the other hand, Huang Jiansheng knew that no one could stop the actions of the United States.

So thinking about how to end it at this time is a problem that we have to face.

"And this time, Intel, Qualcomm, TI, Micron and other companies are behind it, and even Motorola, Apple, and IBM are also adding fuel to the fire."

"So in the end, Nanshan Semiconductor's acquisition of Nvidia is likely to not turn out very optimistic."

Huang Jiansheng flew to Yangcheng in person to discuss Nvidia's future with Cao Yang.

As the founder, he definitely doesn’t want Nvidia to collapse like this.

Especially since he already knew that Nanshan Semiconductor was constantly poaching people.

In the past year, Nanshan Semiconductor itself has arranged for a group of managers to join Nvidia.

NVIDIA has even established a branch in Shanghai, arranged for many people to work in Shanghai, and recruited a group of local employees to train them wholeheartedly.

These talents will most likely go to Nanshan Semiconductor.

If this situation is allowed to develop, it will definitely have a certain impact on Nvidia's development.

“Don’t the United States claim to be governed by the rule of law?”

"Then let's use legal means first and then talk about it."

"Mr. Huang, you don't have to worry so much. America's eating habits are not that ugly yet."

"We hired a local team of lawyers to litigate the matter, which will drag on for at least a year and a half."

Cao Yang's attitude made Huang Jiansheng a little anxious.

Nanshan Group is not afraid of lawsuits, but Nvidia is.

If the fight continues, the company's development will definitely be affected.

By then it will be normal for GPU technology to be surpassed by others.

After all, Nvidia's dominant position has not yet been completely consolidated.

"Mr. Cao, how about I go ask some people to see if there are any other better ways?"

"No, let's fight the lawsuit for a while first!"

Huang Jiansheng:......

(End of this chapter)

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