Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 630: The first case of the century develops in an unexpected direction

Chapter 630: The first case of the century develops in an unexpected direction

The U.S. sanctions on Nanshan Semiconductor and Nanshan Equipment seem to be intensifying in China.

In particular, the official Weibo accounts of Nanshan Semiconductor and Nanshan Equipment announced the formation of a dedicated team of lawyers to respond to lawsuits and litigate with the U.S. Department of Commerce/Department of Commerce, and the heat became even higher.

Since this matter is so popular in China, the media in the United States naturally don't want to miss it.

After both sides reported together, each quoted some of the other's statements, which in turn made the matter even more popular.

Many people who have never heard of these two companies have gradually learned that such a powerful company exists in China.

As for the head office of Nanshan Group, it is naturally inevitable that it will appear in the eyes of more people.

Honor Mobile, a consumer-oriented brother company, has also been criticized by many people.

In this way, the sales of Honor mobile phones in China will definitely become better.

This makes people at Apple very depressed.

"Lin Rong, the shipment volume of Honor mobile phones in the past month has been more than three times that of ours."

"Headquarters is very dissatisfied with this. What do you think?"

Wang Ziming felt that he was a bit unlucky.

Obviously iPhone 4 is selling very well in China, with the growth rate being much higher than the industry level.

But there is an Honor phone in front of the Apple phone, which instantly covers up the halo of the Apple phone.

When everyone gets 60 points on the test, your 70 points are very good.

But if there is someone with 100 points in front of you, then you won’t be able to win at all with 70 points.

This is the situation that Wang Ziming is facing now.

Every time you report to the headquarters, you need to report on the development of China's smartphone industry as a whole, as well as the development of the overall mobile phone industry.

As a result, Honor mobile phones inevitably appear frequently in reporting materials.

Even if they don't say anything, people from the headquarters will keep asking questions.

"I feel that the Ministry of Commerce made a mistake this time. The sanctions look very strong, but in fact they have no special significance. On the contrary, they have played a role in making Nanshan Group famous."

"In China, the sanctions imposed on affiliated companies of Nanshan Group have actually inspired people to buy Nanshan Group's products to express their support."

"The sales of Honor mobile phones will continue to rise, and the growth rate will be much higher than ours. The main reason is this."

"It will be more difficult for us to counterattack before this wave of trends passes."

Lin Rong felt that she should explain the actual situation clearly to Wang Ziming at this time, otherwise she would be under great pressure in the future.

The configuration of HONOR 2 is higher than that of iPhone4, and the price of HONOR 3G is cheaper than iPhone4. Under the attack of the two brothers of Honor mobile phone, Apple mobile phone is far from the glory of later generations.

Fortunately, even Apple headquarters does not have such high expectations for their performance in China.

"This time the sanctions are aimed at Nanshan Semiconductor and Nanshan Equipment, not directly against Honor mobile phones, otherwise the situation should be different."

Although Wang Ziming is from China, he got his green card early.

Now as the general manager of Apple China, he must be thinking about the pros and cons from Apple's perspective.

There are not many people like this in the Huaxia business district.

At least in 2010 there were quite a few.

"Honor mobile phones should mainly use Qualcomm chips now. If we can persuade the United States to increase sanctions or get Qualcomm to come forward, it should be effective."

When Lin Rong said this, Wang Ziming's eyes lit up, but soon became dim again.

"Qualcomm naturally does not want to see the rise of Nanshan Semiconductor, which will threaten their position."

"But the Honor mobile phone now contributes a lot of profits to Qualcomm every month. I guess they are reluctant to sanction the Honor mobile phone."

After staying in the United States for so many years, Wang Ziming has a relatively good understanding of the business style of businessmen there.

Everyone is a person who can't afford to be early without any benefit.

The so-called stance is often closely related to one's own interests.

They support things that are beneficial to them.

They object to anything that harms their own interests.

As for the reasons for and against, that doesn't matter at all.

Because whether they support or oppose, they can find reasons that seem reasonable.

"Sooner or later, Honor mobile phones will use chips from Nanshan Semiconductor, and Qualcomm's view will probably change by then."

"In addition, the smartphone market in China has another characteristic, that is, the copycat mobile phones in Huaqiangbei have also contributed a lot to sales."

"These copycat mobile phones have a very close relationship with the Nanshan Group. Even if you sell a copycat smartphone, the Nanshan Group makes the most money."

"If calculated according to this method, Nanshan Group's performance in China's smartphone market is even more exaggerated."

"Nokia is already a bit shaky, and it is barely maintaining its position by relying on its rich models and heritage."

Lin Rong saw the problem very clearly.

However, it was useless no matter how thoroughly she saw.

Under various sanctions, Nanshan Group's life not only did not get worse, but actually got better.

Just thinking about it makes them angry to death.

And if they saw this scene happening in the United States, they would probably be so angry that they would vomit blood.

"Villefort, your new phone looks very cool. Is this a new product from Apple?"

In the Electronics and Electrical Appliances Department of the General Motors R&D Center, Lex saw his colleague Villefort operating a mobile phone that he had never seen before, and his eyes were quite curious.

As computer majors, the two of them have always been interested in electronic products.

In particular, they are responsible for the development of parts related to navigation and displays within General Motors.

These parts are inherently related to mobile phones.

Especially after the emergence of smartphones, these things are more closely related to navigation and other parts.

In the past, mobile phones were mobile phones and cars were cars, and they had nothing to do with each other.

But there is a trend that smartphones will be integrated with cars.

"Lex, I told you, Apple's mobile phone products are not necessarily the best."

“This time I discovered HONOR 4, which has better performance and appearance than iPhone 2.”

"After you have used HONOR 2, you will no longer think how good iPhone 4 is."

Villefort and Lex have known each other for many years and often play together at parties.

Lex is a mobile phone enthusiast and likes to buy all kinds of new mobile phones.

In the past, he was a supporter of Nokia. He had more Nokia mobile phones in his home than he could count on both hands and feet.

But after the appearance of Apple mobile phone, he became a supporter of Apple mobile phone.

After every Apple mobile phone product is launched, he will buy it immediately.

As a senior R&D engineer at General Motors, he also has the financial strength to buy mobile phones.

After all, no matter how expensive a mobile phone is, it is just like that, and it is not like a car or an airplane.

"HONOR 2?"

Lex frowned and thought for a while. He seemed to have never heard of it, "Which company's new product is this?"

Lex is very familiar with Apple and Nokia products.

He also knows something about Motorola.

He was sure that none of the products from these companies was called HONOR 2.

"This is produced by a Chinese company called Honor Mobile."

"Chinese mobile phones? What good mobile phones can Chinese people produce?"

"Lex, I had the same idea as you before, but this time the situation is different."

Villefort was not angry because of Lex's words. He was not Chinese, so there was nothing to be angry about.

"Why is it different?"

Lex said as he slid his chair to Villefort's side and looked at his phone curiously.

"I didn't know about this Honor phone before."

"Didn't the Ministry of Commerce announce that it would sanction two Chinese companies some time ago?"

"One is Nanshan Semiconductor and the other is Nanshan Equipment. These two companies, like Nanshan Auto Parts, which provides us with auto parts, are subsidiaries of Nanshan Group."

"Then I logged into Nanshan Group's official website and saw that they actually produce mobile phones."

"What's even more surprising is that their mobile phones actually look very beautiful, and their hardware specifications are also very high."

"I was very surprised by this discovery, so I searched for related information on Google and found that there is actually a store selling Honor mobile phones in Detroit."

"You will know what happened next. This HONOR 2 was bought in that mobile phone store."

As Villefort spoke, he operated the mobile phone in his hand and demonstrated it to Lex.

This time, Lex's interest became more intense.

Mobile phones produced by Nanshan Group!

Is the performance better than Apple's?

If it is Nanshan Group, which supplies gearboxes and various parts to its own company, it would make sense.

This company is very different from ordinary Chinese companies.

Lex also knew something about this.

Soon, after get off work, Lex drove to the Honor mobile phone store that Wilfor said and directly picked up a high-end HONOR 2.

It can be said that with the sanctions on Nanshan Semiconductor and Nanshan Equipment, the popularity of Honor mobile phones has also increased.

This has played a very good role in promoting the sales of Honor mobile phones.

At this time, Nanshan Semiconductor and Nanshan Equipment jointly sued the U.S. Department of Commerce.

The other party also directly invited a team of well-known American lawyers to help with the lawsuit.

After this news came out, related companies of Nanshan Group became popular in the United States.

The average American rarely pays attention to things outside the United States, but you can't stand up to all kinds of media reports.

Besides, a Chinese company has been sanctioned and then comes to file a lawsuit. This sounds like it will easily attract everyone's curiosity.

"Xiang Wei, you don't need to be under any special pressure. Winning or losing in this lawsuit is not important. The important thing is to raise the profile and let everyone know that our Nanshan Group is not something that can be easily manipulated."

A group of people from Nanshan Group's legal department have flown to the United States to make preliminary preparations.

As the Minister of Legal Affairs, Xiang Wei naturally had to lead a large force there.

This is a lawsuit that is destined to be protracted and cannot be ended in a day or two. Although Xiang Wei doesn’t have to stay in the United States every day, she must be there at the beginning.

She also needs to communicate with the legal team hired by the United States.

"Mr. Cao, don't worry!"

"Those American legal teams are all paid to do their work."

"The legal fees we pay are not small, and fighting this kind of lawsuit can bring a reputation to their law firm, so they should do their best to help us win the lawsuit."

"Although I am not sure of winning this time, I am not without any hope."

Although Xiang Wei knew that Cao Yang didn't want to put too much pressure on herself, she definitely wanted to express her determination.

You can't just accept that you're going to fail before you even start, right?

A minister like this is definitely not what Nanshan Group needs.

The slogan "Nanshan Pizza Hut" is Xiang Wei's favorite slogan, and it is also a face of the Legal Department.

If she can win the lawsuit, she definitely hopes to win.

In recent years, Nanshan Group has been litigated in lawsuits in the United States.

Therefore, like some Chinese companies, when they heard that they were going to file a lawsuit in the United States, their legs became weak.

The more afraid you are of something, the less likely it will be a good outcome, and the more likely the other party will take advantage of it.

"Well, it's best if you can win!"

"The United States is not monolithic. If we can find the right opportunity to encourage the capital behind companies with deep interests in China to come forward and help, then there may be a different outcome in the end."

"Anyway, the worst-case scenario is that if you try to drag this lawsuit out, those legal fees will be regarded as advertising fees."

"If this lawsuit can last three to five years, or even ten and a half years, then no matter what the final result is, our Nanshan Group will not lose."

Xiang Wei can naturally understand what Cao Yang said.

As one of the largest companies in China, Nanshan Group sometimes leaves a very important impression on people.

A company that dares to litigate with the US Department of Commerce for several years is obviously not that easy to handle.

The settlement of this lawsuit may not only save Nanshan Group a lot of trouble overseas.

Even in China, it can make some people who want to reach out think carefully about whether they can withstand the counterattack of the Nanshan Group.

Will my stretched out hand be cut off?

And just when the lawsuit between Nanshan Semiconductor and Nanshan Equipment was about to officially begin, some Americans who worked closely with Nanshan Group also began to actively communicate with Cao Yang.

"Cao, I suggest you consider registering a company overseas, and then investing in and building factories in Mexico in the name of these new companies."

"In the future, parts exported to Ford of America will be shipped from factories in Mexico as much as possible."

"Even if it's just one hand, it's safer."

"Of course, it would be best to do it in a factory in Mexico, where at least there are some assembly processes."

Chris used to be the purchasing director of Ford Motor Company, and he was an old acquaintance with Cao Yang.

Both parties also have some interests in places where the sun doesn't shine.

Therefore, Chris does not want to see a sharp decline in Nanshan Group's business within Ford Motor Company.

You can buy parts from anyone, so why not buy from Nanshan Group, which has advantages in both QCD and QCD?

Not to mention that Nanshan Group is very good at being a good person and knows how to export benefits within the scope allowed by the rules.

"Chris, the sensitivity of the automobile industry is far less than that of the semiconductor industry, and it has nothing to do with the military industry."

"Are you worrying too much?"

Cao Yang obviously doesn't want to build factories on a large scale in Mexico.

It can be considered to set up some assembly factories appropriately and enjoy zero-tariff entry into the United States.

But Chris obviously didn't mean that.

"The TCU and other parts you supply also use chips produced by Nanshan Semiconductor."

"A lot of the equipment you use to process auto parts comes from Nanshan Equipment."

"If the situation worsens further, it is likely that the Ministry of Commerce will take further actions."

"Your parts business will likely be affected by then."

"So it is necessary to establish some new companies and disperse some overseas business into the new companies."

"If even Nanshan Auto Parts is really sanctioned in the future, we will not fall into passivity."

I have to say that Chris is really thinking about the problem from the perspective of Nanshan Group this time.

Sanctions don't do Chris any good and they don't do Ford any good either.

So he definitely doesn't support it.

Within the scope allowed by the rules, you can make some preparations in advance.

"Thank you for the reminder, Chris. Don't worry, our branch in Mexico will be established soon."

"At that time, some managers will also need your help to make recommendations."

“In addition to the remuneration that does not belong to our peers, our executives can also enjoy certain dividends.”

There is obviously something in Cao Yang's words.

Chris was so kind and considered the issue from his own point of view, so naturally Cao Yang wanted to express his gratitude.

In the Mexican branch, you can definitely hire Chris's brothers, sisters or other relatives and friends to be senior executives.

Even just being a senior executive in name and receiving some dividends or salary regularly is enough.

Wool comes from sheep.

These benefits will definitely be earned through the deal with Ford Motor Company in the end.

Similar things happen all over the world.

"Cao, your decision is definitely a very wise one!"

"Changan Ford will launch several SUV models soon. When the time comes, please arrange for someone to come over and have a good communication with our purchasing department!"

Chris is also a smart man, so he naturally understood the meaning of Cao Yang's words.

Of course, he wouldn't say anything about this!


"Mr. Cao, the performance of each of our business units in the third quarter far exceeded expectations. Some business units have almost achieved the goals set at the beginning of the year so far."

"Nanshan Semiconductor and Nanshan Equipment's business has not been greatly affected, but is getting better and better."

As the finance minister of Nanshan Group, Dong Shengnan was originally very worried when two more companies in the group were sanctioned.

After an ordinary company encounters something like this, its businesses will plummet.

That will immediately cause cash flow problems for the company and lead to an existential crisis.

But none of these situations occurred in Nanshan Group.

Not only did it not appear, but as news of Nanshan Group's lawsuit in the United States continued to spread, the performance of the group's various business divisions became better and better.

This kind of development direction was completely beyond her expectation.

"While it is easier to make money in the past few years, the group should also prepare more cash on its books to prepare for unexpected needs."

"Cash flow on the books is sometimes a way to maintain everyone's confidence."

Cao Yang's view was not very popular in 2010.

But it will be different in a few years.

In later generations, various new energy vehicle manufacturing companies like to use how much cash they have on their books to prove that their company's future does not need to be worried.

Even for companies like Apple, the cash flow on their books likes to be constantly reported by the media.

Cao Yang feels that this idea can be used for reference to a certain extent.

In the future, Nanshan Group will have hundreds of billions of yuan in cash lying there on its books. Although it is a bit wasteful, it can also bring enough confidence to the group's employees and customers.

Confidence is a very subtle thing.

When everything is going well, it doesn't matter whether you have confidence or not.

But if the situation changes, or even falls into an unfavorable situation, confidence, an invisible and intangible thing, is very important.

"No problem. Xingchen Motors has performed very well this year and can contribute a lot of cash flow to the group."

"Honor mobile phones have also completely exploded. The company's performance this year will exceed many people's expectations."

"However, with the rapid development of various business divisions of the group, every move of our group will be paid attention to and reported by various media."

"Including some financial report information, which many people want to know."

"Mr. Cao, if we want to keep a low profile and bide our time in the future, I'm afraid it won't work!"

Dong Shengnan has been following the development and growth of Nanshan Group over the years, so he naturally has a deep understanding of Cao Yang's ideas.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to continue working in such a sensitive and important position as the Minister of Finance.

Being a low-key person and doing things in a low-key manner has been the work style of many business departments of Nanshan Group for a long time.

Of course, I will definitely do things with a high profile when necessary.

But overall, Nanshan Group is still very low-key.

There are still many people throughout China who don’t know about Nanshan Group.

But this situation is bound to change in the future.

In other words, the situation has changed now.

"Being poor cares themselves, being wealthy cares the world."

"This sentence also applies to our group."

"We have grown to our current scale and there is no way to hide our capabilities and bide our time. So let's do something that will help the world, let everyone know how powerful we are, and let more people enjoy the dividends of our group's development!"

Cao Yang naturally knew that the situation would change greatly in the future.

Just look at the number of fans you have on Weibo and you will know.

Although there are definitely some comments from fans on Weibo, overall it is much better than in the previous life.

A big V with more than 1000 million fans must be particularly influential in some aspects.

And Cao Yang now has more than 2000 million fans!

The number of fans of Nanshan Group’s official Weibo account also exceeds 1000 million!

This already says a lot!

(End of this chapter)

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