Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 633: Let the industry tremble, it turns out that everything in front is just an appetizer

Chapter 633: Let the industry tremble, it turns out that everything in front is just an appetizer

Although the Chinese automobile market is already the largest market in the world, the models sold here are not necessarily the most advanced models in the world.

In the eyes of many people, China's local independent brands and their various models have nothing to do with innovation and advancement.

Especially in the eyes of various joint venture car companies, whether it is Chery Automobile or Geely Automobile, whose sales volume is no less than that of joint venture car companies, or BYD, Great Wall and Changan, their products are not mainstream.

Even for future cars, joint venture car companies don't pay special attention to them.

In the eyes of many people, the success of Xingchen Motors, a subsidiary of Nanshan Group, is due to the technical support of Nanshan engines and Nanshan gearboxes, coupled with the efforts of Cao Yang, a master of exterior design, and finally achieved this unexpected result.

But future cars are different. This is a brand new company positioned as an electric vehicle.

You want a brand without a brand, you want visibility without a reputation.

Where can everyone feel the threat?

However, during this period, the introduction of "integrated die-casting technology" first attracted the attention of the entire automotive industry, and many people discussed the advantages and disadvantages of this technology.

However, this discussion is mainly focused within the automotive industry.

Ordinary consumers still pay relatively high attention to integrated die-casting technology.

After all, those things are basically invisible and intangible, and few consumers usually get down under the car to see what those parts look like.

But this time the super large central control screen is different!

Just one picture can make everyone feel the impact!

While the screens of other OEMs are still promoting how great their 7-inch screens are, their future cars have just launched 17-inch screens.

This is not a level comparison at all.

For many consumers, they will have a simple and direct answer, that is, future cars using 17 inches will definitely be more powerful than other car companies using 7 inches.

This is a situation that many OEMs do not want to see.

"McTy, have you specifically learned about the situation of the super large central control screen of the future car W9?"

Aimoha, the general manager of BMW China, has always been paying close attention to the developments of Nanshan Group.

Previously, his focus was mainly on Xingchen Motors and Jaguar Land Rover, fearing that these luxury brands would bring huge pressure to BMW.

But unexpectedly, a future car suddenly appeared, which also made Aimoha feel special pressure.

Integrated die-casting technology!

Super large central control screen!

These are things that are very different from other car companies.

Future Auto has developed so many special things, which shows that Cao Yang has high expectations for it!

BMW now also attaches great importance to the development of electrification. Even the reason announced when it sold the BMW F1 team was to concentrate on the development of electrification.

Therefore, people at BMW are actually more concerned about the electric vehicles produced by various car companies.

At present, the emergence of the super large central control screen of the future car W9 makes Aimoha feel threatened.

"Ah Moha, although I don't want to admit it, I think this super large central control screen should be fatally attractive to consumers."

"Our future models will definitely develop in the direction of larger central control screens."

McTee's answer made Aimoha feel cold.

Could it be that I thought wrong?

"This large central control screen should be easy to break, right?"

“Wouldn’t it mean that the maintenance cost will be very high for consumers?”

Aimoha’s opinion should also represent the thoughts of many people.

A screen that is damaged by humans is definitely not covered by the warranty.

Then the repair cost will be very high.

Replacing it with a larger screen may cost tens of thousands of yuan in repairs.

However, Mike Ti’s view is a little different from Aimoha’s.

"What you said makes sense, the repair cost will definitely be higher."

"But on the one hand, these large screens are not so easy to damage. They are not like the large screens of smartphones, which will break as soon as they are dropped to the ground."

"On the other hand, the tempered glass on the surface of this large screen has also been strengthened. As long as there is not a relatively large impact, it will not be broken."

"Besides, when consumers purchase a car model, they will only consider whether the car is attractive to them, and they will certainly not consider maintenance costs."

"Especially Chinese consumers, they don't care much about maintenance costs and second-hand car value retention, which are more concerned in mature markets."

"Even consumers in China are more capable of accepting new things and equipment than consumers in mature markets."

"So I think this super large central control screen in future cars will definitely become one of the reasons for many people to buy W9."

"Even in the future, the iconic configuration of this car will be this 17-inch large screen."

It has to be said that as the sales director of BMW China, McTee has a very sophisticated vision.

But no matter how sharp his vision is, it means nothing if the R&D engineers at the German headquarters don't accept it.

McTee himself knows this very well.

"According to your statement, wouldn't the first model of the future car be successful?"

Although BMW has relatively close cooperation with Nanshan Group, Aimoha absolutely does not want to see future cars succeed.

Nanshan Group already owns Xingchen Motors and Jaguar Land Rover. If Future Cars is also very successful, then China's luxury car market is likely to be dominated by Nanshan Group.

In the future, BMW will face pressure from all aspects.

"Although I don't want to admit it, this is basically certain."

“The difference is just how successful future cars can be!”

McTee answered firmly.

At this time, there is obviously no point in continuing to deceive yourself.

And those who also reacted fiercely to the "second bomb" of future cars are the various independent brand car companies.

Especially for companies that produce electric vehicles, after seeing the interior of the future car W9, they immediately felt that the interior of their own models was so old-fashioned and had no sense of technology at all.

All these professionals will think so, let alone consumers.

For China's automotive media, this period of time is very happy.

Because there are many topics that can be combined to write popular articles.

"Editor Fang, I think Future Cars is likely to be the core public opinion outlet for automotive news in the future. It is necessary to specially arrange people to keep an eye on every move of Future Cars."

Lin Jiayan has a good eye, and she immediately sensed the news-generating ability of Future Auto.

Just like Tesla's status in later generations, various Tesla-related news can attract more attention than reports on other brands.

For the same report, if the protagonist is changed from Tesla to another brand, the popularity will drop significantly.

As a result, various media are very willing to write articles around Tesla-related topics.

Even any information change about a new car model can attract discussions from various media.

Invisibly, this can be regarded as a very good advertising effect.

And it’s the kind that doesn’t require advertising fees.

"Future cars are indeed not released, and they attract the attention of countless people as soon as they are released."

"The marketing team of Nanshan Group is already very powerful and has strong technical strength. The influence of this powerful combination is completely beyond everyone's imagination."

"And I feel that this time the promotion strategy for future cars is very planned."

“The first wave of ‘integrated die-casting technology’ brought the entire automotive industry into discussion and caused great controversy.”

"Regardless of whether that technology will become mainstream technology, the meaning for car companies is very different."

"The first wave of publicity now is about the super-large central control screen. This also refreshes everyone's understanding. I didn't expect that car interiors can be designed like this."

"The entire center console basically has no buttons, giving it a very strong sense of technology."

"Although many people have criticized this approach of future cars in the past two days, believing that such a design may have safety hazards."

"But I think consumers should be very interested."

"I feel that their actions are not over yet, and there should be a third wave of publicity waiting for everyone."

Fang Dawen thinks that he has a relatively good understanding of Nanshan Group's work style.

The more this happened, the more he admired him.

Therefore, he supported Lin Jiayan's proposal from the bottom of his heart.

"I think so too. The integrated die-casting technology and super-large central control screen of future cars are not the most attractive features of W9."

"Maybe they will bring us another surprise in a few days."

Lin Jiayan is now looking forward to the next promotional content of Future Cars.

Although the W9 is a large SUV, it does not look bulky, but rather elegant and agile.

This level of design is definitely far superior to other models on the market.

Even against Xingchen Motors and Jaguar Land Rover, it will not be worse at all.

"Well, since we all feel that car-related news will become the most popular news in the auto industry in the future, then I will leave this matter to you personally."

"Our own internal evaluation department can also allow them to focus on comparative evaluation of new models of future cars and create some topics themselves."

Compared with first-hand news, Fang Dawen knew that NetEase Auto Channel could not compete with Autohome.

They are a family, and if there is information, they will definitely give priority to Autohome.

But sometimes news can also be created artificially.

Fang Dawen also has a deep understanding of this.

Especially in the automotive industry, each OEM has its own models. The automotive media can naturally generate some topics by comparing similar products from different OEMs or conducting further tests.

No matter how bad it is, if you buy your car and dismantle it, you will definitely be able to form several informative articles.

Lin Jiayan naturally had no doubts about Fang Dawen's arrangement.

And it seemed to be to verify the guesses of Lin Jiayan and Fang Dawen.

While everyone is still talking about the 17-inch ultra-large screen of Future Auto, the official WeChat accounts of Future Auto and Nanshan Group have simultaneously updated the "third bulletin" promotion.

L2 level autonomous driving technology!

This time the promotion does not have so many words, but a five-minute short video.

In this short video, it is directly demonstrated that the future W9 enters the destination at a highway intersection, and then the driver holds on to the steering wheel throughout the entire process, without any contact between the palms of the hands and the steering wheel.

But the car was driving fast.

Although the traffic on the highway is not too much, it is not too little either. W9 does not sit still in one lane slowly, but moves forward quickly according to the set top speed of 120 kilometers per hour.



Automatic braking!

Lane Keeping!

All these functions are covered in the video.

As soon as this video came out, the Chinese automobile industry exploded!

"Really? This isn't a game video, is it?"

So awesome! You no longer have to worry about being tired when driving in the future.

"No wonder people dare to develop integrated die-casting technology for future cars. They are assisted by autonomous driving technology."

"I thought that the integrated die-casting technology and the super-large central control screen were already a very big innovation. I didn't expect that it was just an appetizer. Autonomous driving is the focus!"

"I think this car is cooler than any other car. I love it!"

"The products produced by Nanshan must be high-quality! Mr. Cao has never cheated us."

"When will the W9 be launched? I can't wait to pick one up!"

"Is the current self-driving technology so advanced? Why can't I feel it in the BMW X7 I just mentioned?"

"Same question, my Mercedes-Benz S350 does not have these functions! Why?"

“When will self-driving technology be used in Xingchen Motors and Jaguar Land Rover models?”

"It's so surprising. I didn't expect our country's automotive technology to be so powerful!"


Various comments instantly put the future car W9 and autonomous driving on Weibo hot searches.

This made Wang Feng, who was just preparing to release a new album, very depressed.

"Brother Feng, Future Auto is a subsidiary of Nanshan Group. It has the same owner as Nanshan Film and Television. There is no need for us to compete with them for hot searches."

"After the news subsides in a few days, we will try to figure out how to market it."

Wang Feng's manager felt very bitter, but he could only comfort Wang Feng with kind words.

What else to do?

Buy Hot Search?

Weibo is also a brother company of Future Auto. How could they stab their brother in the back at this time?

So doing nothing at this time is the best thing.

“The last time we held an event, Nanshan Group won multiple awards at the same time and grabbed the hot searches for several days.”

"This time I encountered the Nanshan Group's Future Car promotion again. Am I at odds with the Nanshan Group?"

Wang Feng complained a little depressedly.

He naturally knew that there was no point in doing anything at this time.

But I just feel unhappy in my heart.

"No way, no one thought that a car company's promotion could actually make it out of the circle."

"A few months ago, few people knew about a company like Future Auto."

"But now it is completely different. It is not a household name, but its popularity is definitely not lower than that of many car companies."

"Actually, I think we can take this opportunity to buy a W9 and see if we can take advantage of other people's hot spots."

The agent's idea made Wang Feng's eyes light up.

You can't always suffer losses, you have to find ways to take advantage.

"Plan it carefully and see how you can take advantage of other people's hot spots!"


"Mr. Cao, the promotional effect of this video is so good that it has completely gone out of the industry now. Many people who are not in the automotive industry are forwarding this video."

"Many people even came forward to analyze the various test items of this video, and a series of articles were published."

“The number of views on these articles is still very high.”

Zeng Tingting is in a very good mood now.

The popularity of future cars is rising steadily!

Even many laypeople who didn’t know much about cars before now actually know about future cars.

This kind of situation is very rare in the publicity cases of the entire automobile industry.

"The group's Intelligent Network Center has been established for several years. The achievements of several thousand people are worthy of those wages."

Although this video of W9 was shot on a highway, the effect may not be as good when placed on ordinary roads, and some functions may not even be implemented, but it is already very impactful.

After all, the topic of autonomous driving is still very cutting-edge in the automotive industry, and is even a project that everyone dreams of.

I didn’t expect that future cars would realize this silently.

"Mr. Cao, the number of employees in the Intelligent Network Center will soon exceed 1 this year."

"However, although this investment is large, it is indeed worth it."

"The experience our future cars will bring to consumers this time will be unparalleled."

"By then our interior will be relatively simple and the configurations will not be too rich, so it won't be a problem."

Zeng Tingting was originally worried about whether the future W9, a model priced around 50 yuan, would have too crude configurations.

Apart from the necessary safety equipment, the interior is very simple.

For example, car door panels have almost no fancy cup holders and that kind of space makes them look very crude.

Then the functions of the seats are not particularly rich, they can only be said to be quite satisfactory.

As a whole, after entering the car, this car gives people a simple feeling.

If the parts can be designed in strange shapes, we will not engage in special designs, try to facilitate production and reduce production costs.

"Minimalist style interiors may become a trend in the future, and some consumers still prefer them."

"Besides, although we look simple, we basically have everything that consumers care about. We just removed some bells and whistles and useless things."

"Besides, our car is like a treasure car. There are many innovative technologies in it, waiting for everyone to discover."

"For example, the thermal management system is very unique and more efficient than other models."

"Furthermore, our electronic architecture system is completely different from traditional cars. It can be said to be disruptive."

"But it doesn't make sense if you talk too much about these things to consumers now. They won't understand and don't want to hear them."

"It's better to let our peers slowly discover it in the future, and subtly make our future cars become industry benchmarks!"

When Cao Yang said this, Zeng Tingting couldn't help but nodded.

Future Auto’s W9 is indeed a treasure car!

There are too many things in it that can be taken out and talked about carefully.

It depends on whether you know the goods or not!

The previous integrated die-casting and super-large central control screen were really just an appetizer.

Wang Zha is still behind!


"Call the design team of the new model over for a meeting immediately! Immediately!"

At Tesla headquarters, Musk roared at his secretary to notify the heads of various design areas to come over for a meeting.

Since the technology of integrated die-casting emerged from the future cars, Musko has arranged personnel to keep an eye on the movements of the future cars.

No matter what new news the future car has recently, it must be reported to him.

This arrangement had just been implemented, but Musko saw the 5-minute video released by Future Auto’s official Weibo account.

According to the plan, Tesla will launch a new heavyweight model next year. This model has high expectations for Musk.

Whether Tesla's stock price can reach the next level depends on the performance of this car.

Masco, who was originally full of confidence, immediately felt that his own models were not competitive enough after seeing this video of Future Car.

Autonomous driving is also a technology he wants to develop.

It is even used as Tesla's core technology for research and development.

But so far, the progress has not been particularly smooth.

Masco did not expect that this technology would be implemented first in a Chinese company.

Although this level of autonomous driving technology is still far from the ideal scenario that Musk wants.

But I have to say that this is already a big breakthrough.

The most important thing is that in terms of publicity effect, it is simply invincible.

Therefore, Musko naturally wants to ask its own R&D team to redesign the new model, not to mention exceeding the performance of future cars, but at least to the same level.

Otherwise, when the time comes to face competition from future cars, Musko will find that he has no confidence.

The only good thing is that this new model of Future Auto is a large SUV, not a sedan, let alone the coupe that Tesla is planning to launch.

In the past few days, Masco has also been learning about the situation of Future Auto and Nanshan Group. He knows that the Ziweixing coupe owned by Xingchen Motors is also a product of Nanshan Group.

If Nanshan Group makes Ziweixing's autonomous driving function so good this time and it is also an electric vehicle, then Masco feels that the situation will be even more troublesome.

A video of a future car has virtually delayed Tesla's new car release plan for a while.

There are absolutely few models that can match this power.

(End of this chapter)

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