Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 635: Fire breaks out of the circle! Unexpectedly hot short video

Chapter 635: Fire breaks out of the circle! Unexpectedly hot short video

The car of the future is hot!

Naturally, various car companies have to analyze the reasons one after another to see what is worth learning.

In addition to the integrated die-casting, super-large central control screen and autonomous driving that have been discussed enthusiastically before, the marketing methods of future cars have also entered the eyes of many car companies.

"Mr. Wang, I feel that the company's previous publicity was too cautious and not bold enough!"

"When our new models are launched in the future, we can use more controversial words. Words such as the world's strongest, the world's best, and the country's leading, etc., as long as we can find a reason, we can boldly say it. "

As the head of the sales department of Great Wall Motors, Lian Furong feels that his ability to talk nonsense is already relatively high.

But when comparing current cars with future cars, we find that the gap is still huge.

Like the controversial article on Autohome, Lian Furong knew at a glance that it must have the shadow of Future Auto's sales department in it.

Otherwise, Autohome would not have easily used such a controversial title.

But judging from the current situation, a brand has caused controversy, and it seems to have a very good effect on increasing the popularity of the brand and new models.

Especially when this kind of dispute is a relatively good dispute.

This made Lian Furong a little jealous.

“Future Auto’s marketing and technical solutions this time have indeed had a huge impact on us.”

"Nanshan Group can become the largest private enterprise in China because of its success."

"When the time comes, you can communicate with the R&D department and buy two W9s, so that everyone can experience them and see how they design, produce and sell cars."

Wang Ying naturally noticed various movements in Future Cars during this period.

If she didn't feel anything about those actions, it must be fake.

The ability to start from scratch and increase the popularity of a brand to such a high level in a short period of time is definitely the envy of everyone.

But Wang Ying also knows that this kind of thing cannot be envied.

Although Great Wall Motor's sales are not bad, the technical strength is not far behind that of Nanshan Group.

"Well, looking back, I will ask people to sort out the marketing measures for every aspect of future cars, and use it as a classic case for everyone to study and analyze."

"They had so many selling points, but they selectively divided them into three batches for promotion, and finally set an impactful price."

"I think every step here is carefully planned."

"Even some changes in public opinion on the Internet have something to do with them."

"Whether it is integrated die-casting technology, super central control large screen, or autonomous driving, every publicity can arouse various opposing emotions and allow many netizens to participate in the discussion."

"The establishment of this antagonistic sentiment has allowed the popularity of future cars to rise rapidly in the shortest possible time."

"Although Future Auto is still not the most famous car brand in China, it is very likely that their name is among the top ten car companies."

Lian Furong was also very touched and felt that he had learned a lot this time.

For the development of future automobiles, Nanshan Group has used its greatest strength this time, and its lethality is astonishing.

“Future cars are worthy of everyone’s study and research, not only their promotional plans, but also their sales systems are worthy of everyone’s attention.”

"For example, in Yangcheng, they have set up experience stores in several merchant ships, and then also set up a centralized delivery store."

"The traditional 4S store model is no longer mainstream."

"Even in the future mall, you can directly place an order to buy W9 without going to an offline store."

"Although this novel model may not necessarily become the mainstream of the industry, we have to pay attention to it and see what feedback consumers will have."

Wang Ying is very good at sales, so he can naturally see the impact of this change in future automobiles.

Although she is not sure whether Great Wall Motors has the need to study, Nanshan Group attaches so much importance to future cars, which makes Wang Ying feel that Great Wall Motors needs to work harder in the layout of new energy vehicles.

Otherwise, if electrification develops faster than expected, Great Wall Motors will fall into a passive position.

“Same conversations also occur within car companies such as Changan Automobile and Yangcheng Trumpchi.

Each independent brand has a very complicated mentality towards the emergence of future cars.

Compared with Future Auto, any of their companies can be considered an old-timer.

But the current popularity is indeed not necessarily as high as that of future cars.

"Lao Zeng, we are already learning the integrated die-casting technology, and we are also learning the super central control large screen."

"But if we want to learn this intelligent driving, the investment will be very large."

Zhang Jiaqi was also a little confused at this time.

Yangcheng Aian has already decided to fully follow the Nanshan Group and follow the trend of Future Auto.

But he found that the cost of following the trend was very high.

"Since future cars have raised the topic of autonomous driving and consumers are very interested in it, other car companies must follow suit."

"Mr. Zhang, I think since we are going to be a 'little future', we should simply learn everything. In the future, we may be able to make Yangcheng Aian become the leading electric vehicle company in China."

Zeng Guangda gritted his teeth, feeling that it would be a pity to give up at this time.

He has no idea how electric vehicles will be developed.

That's why we have formulated strategies to follow the trend of future cars.

In his view, Future Auto is positioned as a mid- to high-end electric vehicle company, so Yangcheng Aian will be a mid-range electric vehicle company.

Relying on the price advantage, although it may not be able to counterattack, the sales volume should not be bad.

For Yangcheng Aian, this is a relatively successful result.

So his suggestion is autonomous driving, and Yangcheng Aian should also engage in it!

"What you said makes sense, but if we want to do it, we must recruit at least thousands of relevant R&D personnel to develop technologies related to autonomous driving. Otherwise, it will be difficult to achieve any results."

"And it also involves some core chip technologies. Future cars will be developed with the cooperation of Nanshan Semiconductor. If we want to develop similar technologies, how to choose the chip will also be a problem."

Zhang Jiaqi is already a little moved, but before officially establishing the project, he must put forward the problems that the project may face.

Otherwise, if the budget continues to be increased midway, it will be a very embarrassing situation.

"Yangcheng Honda and Yangcheng Toyota have performed well in recent years and contributed a lot of profits to the group."

"If all these profits are handed over, it won't be of great significance to us."

"It would be better to use these profits to build the intelligent network center of Yangcheng Automobile Research Institute to enhance the competitiveness of Yangcheng Trumpchi and Yangcheng Aian."

“At that time, this result may be what everyone wants to see more.”

When Zeng Guangda said this, Zhang Jiaqi couldn't help but nodded.

No matter how much money you make, it is not yours, but the credit for making your business bigger and stronger belongs to you.

Even in this process, there are still many places where you can exert your influence.

Isn't this more interesting than handing over the money directly?

"Next time, the group's board of directors will discuss this matter specifically, and everyone will plan carefully to see how autonomous driving should be done."

Zhang Jiaqi's words basically mean that Yangcheng Automobile Group has also begun to formally deploy autonomous driving.

The demand for related talents has naturally risen to another level.

The topic of autonomous driving is so high, not only relevant personnel in the automotive industry are affected, but some people outside the industry are also very interested in it.

Even when I buy a new car, I will specifically ask about autonomous driving related functions.

However, this question makes many sales managers of car companies feel depressed.

"Does this 530 of yours have a collision prevention function?"

As the head host of Lingnan TV, Wu Yan's income is naturally not bad.

During this time, I am planning to replace the Yangcheng Honda Accord that I originally bought for more than 5 yuan with a BMW Series.

She didn't know much about cars, but she had been exposed to a lot of information and knew more or less about it.

For example, she knows some about the recently popular integrated die-casting technology, super large central control screen and autonomous driving.

Integrated die-casting technology was not something she cared about, so she skipped it.

Whether there is a large central control screen or not? You can see it as soon as you sit in the car, so there is no need to talk nonsense.

When she read the article before, she already knew that except for the future W9 car, no car had a 17-inch large screen.

So there is no need to harass the sales manager more.

But autonomous driving is not something that can be seen directly.

Although he has been driving for many years, Wu Yan's driving skills have never been very good.

So after seeing the five-minute video of self-driving released by Future Car, she became very interested in the self-driving function.

Not only does she have some impressions of the concept of L2 level autonomous driving, but she also knows some specific auxiliary functions in autonomous driving, such as lane keeping, following the vehicle in front, collision prevention, automatic braking and other functions.

But when she asked, she embarrassed the sales manager next to her.

"Ms. Wu, this collision prevention function actually has no effect. Driving mainly depends on the driver's own braking and safety."

As a gold medal salesperson at BMW Yangcheng Tianhe Store, Chen Jinming was very depressed during this period.

Wu Yan is not the first consumer to ask him about technologies related to autonomous driving.

At the beginning, he just bluntly told people that the BMW 530 did not have this function.

As a result, those consumers immediately turned around and left, muttering: "What kind of BMW is this? It doesn't even have a collision prevention function!"

This made Chen Jinming immediately realize that his speaking skills needed to be changed.

However, even if his words changed, Wu Yan was obviously not very satisfied.

"Why is it useless? Sometimes I accidentally get distracted." "Or I just happened to make a phone call or something. Wouldn't it be a rear-end collision?"

“With this collision prevention function, you basically don’t have to worry about rear-ending others!”

"Then if you don't have collision prevention function, do you have adaptive cruise?"

Wu Yan's next question made Chen Jinming's face stiffen.

"Ms. Wu, our 530 has a cruise function. When driving on the highway, as long as you press the battery life button, it will keep moving at a fixed speed."

"When the car in front slows down, will it automatically slow down? Or does it need to brake on its own?"

" still need to brake yourself!"

Chen Jinming had an ominous premonition. He felt that his order today would probably fall through.

"What's the use? Isn't it still tiring to drive?"

"Isn't your BMW a luxury car? Why don't you even have this function?"

Wu Yan's words once again caused Chen Jinming to suffer 10,000 points of damage!

Are today’s consumers so unfriendly?

"Ms. Wu, the configuration of our BMW cars is already high compared to the industry. You can go and take a look at the Mercedes-Benz 4S store and Audi 4S store next door, and even the 4S store of Xingchen Motors."

"The functions you mentioned are not available in most models. Our 530 is not the only one that does not have them."

Although what Chen Jinming said is true, it is obviously not that easy to change a person's inherent impression.

Wu Yan had lost interest in the BMW 530 at this time.

It's a pity that there are no sedans in the future car, otherwise she would have to consider the future car!

Forget it, how about continuing to drive my old Accord for a few more years?

It cost me a lot of money back then!


The scene in the BMW 4S store also happens in the Mercedes-Benz 4S store.

Guo Shufu, who is in charge of the group's 4S store business, naturally learned about this situation very quickly.

He felt that this was a good opportunity to report to Cao Yang, so he personally took the general manager of a BMW 4S store to see Cao Yang.

"You mean that about 20% of consumers are now paying attention to autonomous driving-related functions?"

Cao Yang was in a good mood after listening to Guo Shufu's introduction to the 4S stores of several luxury car brands.

This situation is better than I imagined.

Consumers are interested in autonomous driving and advanced equipment, which is a good thing.

Nanshan Group is the leader in autonomous driving. This change in consumers will eventually make Nanshan Group the biggest beneficiary.

Models of Xingchen Motors and Jaguar Land Rover will gradually be equipped with relevant autonomous driving technologies during their annual model changes next year, which can greatly enhance the competitiveness of the entire Nanshan Group's automotive business.

Of course, some things are definitely not necessary to copy.

For example, Xingchen Automobile does not need to use integrated die-casting technology. It has a large-displacement engine and is not so sensitive to vehicle weight.

Even the super large screen in the central control will not be completely copied by Xingchen Automobile. Instead, the screen needs to be selected based on the design style of the car model.

Otherwise, Xingchen Auto will be made like Future Auto and the differences between brands will be lost, which will be detrimental to the sales of Xingchen Auto.

After all, the various models of Xingchen Motors are generally priced at more than 100 million.

As the flagship large SUV of Future Motors, the W9 has a maximum price of 64.99 yuan, which is not on the same level as Xingchen Automobile's Yangwang and Xingtu.

Cao Yang does not want consumers to compare Jaguar Land Rover or Xingchen Motors with future cars. This is not a good thing.

"Yes, some consumers just turn around and leave after knowing that the model they want to buy does not have self-driving capabilities."

"Although some consumers have not given up buying, their bargaining intensity has increased significantly."

"I think this situation is relatively rare in a situation where supply exceeds demand in the auto market."

Guo Shufu was secretly happy when he saw that Cao Yang was really interested in this topic.

Nanshan Group is a major backer of Yangcheng Huaqiang Group, and Guo Shufu has never thought of breaking away from the influence of Nanshan Group.

Over the years, he has become more aware of it.

In the Chinese automobile industry, all companies that are close and closely related to Nanshan Group have made a fortune.

On the contrary, Nanshan Group's competitors were basically unlucky.

Guo Shufu doesn't want to be unlucky.

"Autonomous driving is still in its infancy, but it is already so lethal."

"It seems that people will pay more and more attention to this topic in the future."

"Mr. Guo, in the future car experience store, you can focus on the topic of autonomous driving to attract consumers' desire to buy, and let consumers feel the difference between our W9 and other models."

In the future, W9 will use a lot of new technologies from Nanshan Group, and Cao Yang naturally hopes that it will sell well.

The best thing is to become a phenomenal electric vehicle like the later Model Y.

That would be of great significance to the development of future automobiles.

"We have allocated the most powerful batch of sales to sell W9. So far, the sales situation is still very good. A large number of people come to test drive it every day."

"Especially some dads are very interested in this car."

Guo Shufu and Cao Yang had a good exchange of feedback from the sales frontline on the future W9, which gave Cao Yang a more accurate understanding of the situation on the frontline.

The bosses of many companies have been aloof for a long time and no longer know what the situation is like on the front line.

In the end, many things become decisions made on the head.

When luck is good, the company's development is not greatly affected.

But once the dividends from industry development disappear, companies that make decisions based on their heads will collapse in minutes.

Just when Cao Yang was learning more about the sales of Future W9, a video of a future W9 female driver falling asleep in the driver's seat suddenly went viral on the Internet.

In the video, a female driver is suspected of falling asleep at the wheel, but the future W9 is still driving normally, and the speed of the car changes with the traffic flow.

But the witness was going crazy, shouting "This is too dangerous!"

However, netizens questioned that it is most dangerous for witnesses to take pictures with their mobile phones while driving.

The video shows a woman wearing glasses sitting in the driver's seat of a white Future W9. The car keeps moving forward, but the driver is listless and seems to have fallen asleep.

The video uploader told a reporter from the NetEase Auto Channel that at first she thought the future W9 driver was depressed and might have encountered some problem, but careful observation revealed that was not the case. The driver was sleeping! ! !

The photographer said that in the future, the W9 will speed up and down according to the speed of the traffic. When there are not so many cars in front, it will suddenly accelerate, and she must accelerate to catch up with the W9.

She said she chased the future W9 for 15 minutes and tried to use the horn to wake up the W9 driver, but to no avail.

"It amazes me that anyone would do that while sleeping and giving their life to a car and letting a car drive it."

This kind of interview, combined with the 15-minute video, made Future W9 a hot search in no time.

The content in the comment area is very interesting.

"I'm more worried about the lady driving and recording on her cellphone."

"Sister, to be honest, the future W9 is driving perfectly on its own, and what the female driver in the video is doing is super dangerous."

"Is it more dangerous for future W9 car owners, or is it more dangerous for people who record driving videos?"

"The future W9 is really awesome. It can actually drive autonomously. This is beyond my imagination. Before, I thought autonomous driving was just a propaganda slogan!"

"I think Future Auto should give these two female drivers a thank you fee. The two of them saved Future W9 at least 1 million in advertising fees!"

"I feel like this will happen more and more in the future!"

“I’m curious if the traffic police will find these two female drivers and give them a ticket!”


Various comments attracted countless passers-by.

This unexpectedly popular video made Future Cars completely popular.

"Xiao Zeng, didn't you arrange for someone to shoot this video?"

The video on the Internet was so popular that Mi Ying naturally reported it to Cao Yang immediately.

This matter is naturally a good thing for future cars, but Cao Yang is a little suspicious that Zeng Tingting arranged for someone to do it.

If that's the case, then this marketing campaign is a bit risky.

It’s easy to tip over if you’re not careful!

The cars of the future no longer need such dangerous marketing schemes.

"Mr. Cao, I really didn't arrange this!"

"It seems that someone happened to activate autonomous driving while driving, and then fell asleep and was filmed by the car next to him."

"I think similar things will probably happen in the future. Some people may even just go to the highway and go to sleep!"

Zeng Tingting spread her hands and showed a helpless expression.

But she was extremely happy in her heart!

Such an unexpected short video really saved Future Cars countless marketing expenses.

"Well, you arrange for someone to publish an announcement on the official website. The general meaning is to remind future W9 owners to pay attention to driving safety. The automatic driving function is only an auxiliary function and cannot completely replace human driving."

Zeng Tingting got the beauty of Cao Yang's arrangement right away!

It will be okay if cars don't make any noise in the future, but if they do make noise, things will definitely become more heated.

Cars in the future will definitely be the biggest beneficiaries!

(End of this chapter)

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