Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 640 New forces are coming! The future car that popped out of the cracks in the rocks

Chapter 640 New forces are coming! The future car that popped out of the cracks in the rocks is China's professional automotive website after Autohome and NetEase Auto Channel.

Many of its things closely follow the layout of car homes.

Even in order to attract traffic, it will also have some bolder practices.

For example, when car shows are held in various places, the angles of the photos they take are often quite special.

After the original "wife as a car model" module was shut down by Autohome, it changed its face and continued to flourish on

Coupled with Autohome's strong Nanshan Group background, websites such as NetEase Auto Channel are just a section of the portal.

As a result, has been favored by a number of OEMs, and its business is actually pretty good.

In the past two years, has been planning to go public. In November this year, their dream finally came true. has become China's first listed automotive professional media.

Although the market value is only more than 5 million US dollars, it is still very impressive.

After all, there are three to four billion yuan.

This makes Autohome, the number one professional automotive media in China, very uncomfortable.

"Mr. Cao, does our Autohome have plans to go public?"

Yu Yu is not only asking this question to himself, but also to other employees in the company.

As an Internet company, many technical staff are looking forward to the company's listing, hoping to get some original shares and achieve financial freedom after the listing.

As a relatively independent sector, Autohome will naturally not be like Nanshan Engine and other car companies, which have never planned to go public.

For Internet companies, the gap between the valuations of listed and unlisted companies is very large.

Relying on the company's profits alone, it is estimated that it will not be able to earn the money it would earn from going public for a hundred years.

Therefore, Cao Yang actually does not refuse Autohome’s listing.

Now is listed in the United States, with a market value of more than 500 million US dollars. So, as a unicorn company, Autohome has a market value of more than 1 billion US dollars. Is it not an exaggeration at all?

Even when the market conditions are better, it is normal to directly value the company at several billion dollars.

Now, stimulated by, people within Autohome are a little confused, and it is time to start planning for Autohome to go public.

"Of course there is!"

Cao Yang gave his answer with certainty.

“You can then start building a team that will be responsible for things related to going public.”

"Competition in China's auto market should become more intense in the next two to three years. Various OEMs will be more enthusiastic about advertising, and Autohome's financial reports will become better."

"So I think the listing of Autohome will be scheduled around the year after next. During this time, we will first contact the investment banks and do some preliminary preparations."

Cao Yang doesn't want to go public so soon.

If a group of rich people are created in this way, it is estimated that many people will be less motivated to work.

But it’s definitely not possible to stay on the market forever.

At least I have to draw a picture of the pie for everyone, and take some real actions.

In this way, Autohome's personnel stability should be very high before it goes on the market.

However, not all of them can be cashed out immediately after listing, which may leave some of them locked in Autohome.

Many years later, Autohome's business has diversified, and the degree of involution among programmers must have been high.

Even if someone wants to change jobs, it doesn't matter.


"Mr. Cao, I am going to disclose this news to the management and let everyone know that the company is preparing for listing."

"At that time, I will also formulate an equity incentive plan to provide equity incentives to some employees who perform well."

Yu Yu didn't expect that Cao Yang would agree to his idea so readily.

Although she was just asking, Yu Yu actually wanted Autohome to be listed, and the company's employees also wanted Autohome to be listed.

There is no Internet company that is not interested in going public.

Without listing, their valuation is more difficult to reflect.

Of course, if it can be made to the scale of later generations of Byte, the situation will be another matter.

"You just have to figure it out. Just submit the plan when the time comes."

Following this conversation between Cao Yang and Yu Yu, word quickly spread within Autohome that the company was going public.

Everyone's mood suddenly became excited.

The enthusiasm for working overtime has increased a lot.

After all, there is the example of, and everyone is still very much looking forward to the performance of Autohome after its listing.

However, the people at Autohome are looking forward to it, and the people at are also very happy. As the boss of, Lu Bing immediately became a rich man worth over 100 million US dollars. After he came back from the United States, he did not The joy of a successful listing.

A person's goal is suddenly achieved, and the whole person becomes empty.

This is Lu Bing's current state.

"Lao Lu, congratulations on becoming a billionaire, a real winner in life."

"But why do I feel that you are not particularly happy?"

In a private restaurant in the imperial capital, Lu Bing's schoolmate and friend Qin Lihong took the opportunity of a business trip to come to the imperial capital to celebrate Lu Bing.

What made him feel strange was that Lu Bing did not become high-spirited because of his successful listing, but instead looked a little decadent.

This is completely unreasonable.

So he directly expressed his doubts.

"Lihong, after is launched, I don't know what to do in the future."

"Continuing to dig deeper into, I feel that what I can do is very limited."

"But if you don't do this, retiring directly doesn't seem to be the case."

Regarding his friends, Lu Bing had nothing to hide and directly expressed his true thoughts.

He does feel a little empty inside now.

The process of hard work is very comfortable, but after reaching the end, there is no such passion.

"If you feel tired, you can give yourself a holiday and have a good rest."

"Anyway, the company is on the right track now, so you don't need to keep an eye on it every day."

"The automobile industry is developing so well now, and Bitauto's operating conditions in the short term also need to be worried."

Although Qin Lihong is not in the automobile industry now, he worked as vice president of sales at Chery Automobile a few years ago, and he is quite concerned about the automobile industry.

The real estate industry he is currently in and the automobile industry he once worked in are both industries he is optimistic about.

"No matter how hard Bitauto works, there is no way it can bring me too many surprises."

"What do you say I go get the car?"

"We work together, just like Tesla and Future Cars, to set up a company to produce electric vehicles."

"I think China's policies now strongly encourage and support the development of electric vehicles. The hot sales of the future car W9 also proves that electric vehicles have great potential."

When Lu Bing said this, Qin Lihong was stunned.

Start a business?

He really hadn't thought about this topic.

After graduating from college, he worked at Procter & Gamble in Yangcheng, a consulting company, and Chery Automobile.

And now he has gone to a real estate company. Every company he has worked for has developed very well.

Although he cannot be said to be rich and powerful, he is definitely a successful person in the wealthy class.

Now Lu Bing suddenly told him that he wanted to start a business or create a car company. He really had never thought about this idea.

As a person with more than ten years of working experience, he knows that starting a business is not that easy.

Especially starting a car company.

That difficulty is even higher.

He has worked in the automotive industry and knows the complexity of the automotive industry chain and the cycle from R&D to mass production of a car.

This is simply not an area that you can touch, right?

"Lao Lu, Tesla and Future Auto are indeed developing very well, and they are likely to become the benchmark in the electric vehicle industry."

"At least at this stage, they are the leaders in the electric vehicle field in the United States and China."

"So you say this industry has a future, and I believe it, but if we create an electric vehicle company ourselves, the situation will be completely different."

"Not to mention whether the production license can be solved, even the various early investments are very scary."

"It doesn't matter that you are worth over 100 million US dollars now, but if you invest in a car company, the new models will be burned before they are mass-produced."

Qin Lihong was not there to scare Lu Bing, but to explain the objective difficulties he faced.

However, after Lu Bing expressed his thoughts, he felt more and more that his idea was very interesting.

“How many of today’s high-end startups have been burning their own money?”

“Tesla didn’t burn all of Musk’s money.”

"If we establish a new company, I will allocate a sum of funds in the early stage to set up the structure first."

"Then find venture capital as soon as possible to attract investment, and use the money from investment institutions to develop our new car."

"I even have some ideas about the development direction of new cars."

"Future Auto's W9 has let everyone know that there is a market for large electric SUVs. We can also develop a large SUV or a medium to large SUV."

"There should still be a market for this type of car. Not to mention reaching the level of future cars, as long as it can reach half the size of theirs, the future will be easy."

When Lu Bing said this, Qin Lihong didn't refute blindly.

Instead, he began to think deeply.

After struggling in the workplace for more than ten years, he has actually almost reached his career ceiling.

If you start a business with Lu Bing, as a co-founder, after the company succeeds in the future, your status will definitely be completely different from now.

"Lao Lu, the risks of starting a business are very high, especially if you want to start a business in the automobile industry."

"You have been running BitAuto for so many years. You are more familiar with the automotive industry than I am, and you also know how difficult it is."

"It is very likely that even if you spend all your money, or even part of the investors' money, it will not succeed." Qin Lihong said this, and Lu Bing's willingness to share became even stronger.

He wanted to bring the other party together to establish a new company, and naturally he also wanted to find a way to relieve Qin Lihong's concerns.

Soon, he spent more than ten minutes speaking out his thoughts.

Many things were discussed and thought about, and changed as they were thought about.

In the end, Qin Lihong was also persuaded.

There are so many chances in life, and now that a seemingly good opportunity has appeared in front of me, it seems a pity to give up.

"Lao Lu, have you decided on the name of the new company?"

Qin Lihong's question basically means that he has agreed to Lu Bing's proposal.

This made Lu Bing feel happy.

"Qiantu Motor is exactly the same as Future Auto."

"From now on, we will develop along the development path of future cars, and strive to make a car that is positioned slightly lower than future cars, but has no worse configuration than them in all aspects."

Lu Bing gave his reply very quickly.

And he couldn't wait to call and arrange for Bitauto personnel to help him go through the company registration procedures.

Even that night, he couldn't wait to tell about the establishment of Qiantu Motor on his Weibo.

As the founder of the newly listed and a new billionaire, Lu Bing also has millions of fans on Weibo.

Under such circumstances, Lu Bing was going to set up a new company to make electric vehicles. As soon as the news came out, it quickly became a hot topic.


"Mr. Yi, I think the company's electrification strategy needs to be further accelerated."

"I have communicated with Mr. Cao before about our unique electrification path. I think electric vehicles based on this idea should be launched within next year."

"Otherwise, there will be no way to take advantage of the craze for future cars to develop well."

As the vice president of Changan Automobile, Zhang Lin naturally hopes that Changan Automobile can become the number one automobile group in China.

However, the positions of Spring City Automobile Group and Xifeng Automobile Group in front are both stable. It will not be easy for Changan Automobile to surpass them.

When Future Auto was first established, Changan Automobile began to consider its own path to electrification.

Yi Jia and Zhang Lin also specifically discussed this topic with Cao Yang.

Cao Yang's suggestion at that time was that Changan Automobile could take advantage of its advantages in mini-cars and produce electric mini-cars on the one hand, and particularly cheap electric cars on the other.

As long as it's cheap enough to sell for less than 5 yuan, or even less than 3 yuan, then there is definitely a market for electric vehicles like this.

Changan Automobile has also made efforts to respond to Cao Yang's suggestion.

However, once the cost of Sanden parts was calculated, it was found that the cost may not be affordable.

The development speed of this model has naturally slowed down.

Now Zhang Lin wants to speed up this speed.

"Nanshan Battery has built a battery factory in Chang'an. The batteries required for our new models can be transported from the Chang'an factory, and we should be able to save some money on transportation costs."

"In addition, Nanshan Battery's current production capacity has increased, and the cost of batteries should also have dropped to a certain extent."

"We will take a closer look at the plans for the new models and strive to produce the first electric microcar and the first electric small car as soon as possible."

Yi Jia naturally hopes that Changan Automobile can perform well in electric vehicles.

But he doesn't really want to take risks, he just wants to do relatively reliable things.

Nowadays, the development trend of the entire electric vehicle industry has been relatively clear, so his attitude has begun to change.

"The range of our electric cars does not need to be that long. A range of 200 kilometers is enough."

"Even some entry-level versions only need 150 kilometers of battery life."

“In this way, the cost of the battery pack can be further reduced.”

"When the time comes to produce a small car worth about 3 yuan, and as Mr. Cao said, we will make a convertible version to make the shape more beautiful. The sales volume should be very worth looking forward to."

When Zhang Lin said this, Yi Jia immediately raised a question and said: "The current electric vehicle subsidy policy generally does not support models with a range of less than 200 kilometers. If we cannot get the subsidy, we want to sell 3 yuan." If one car is needed, the company will face huge pressure to make a loss of more than RMB per car.”

In the early days of electric vehicles, unless they were high-end, almost no one could make money.

Obtaining subsidies at all levels is an important reason for the survival of various electric vehicle companies.

Yi Jia was naturally very clear about this situation.

"We may not be able to change the subsidy policies of ministries and commissions, but I have been communicating with Shuangqing. A new subsidy policy will be introduced in the first half of next year. By then, all our models will definitely comply with the subsidy policy."

Zhang Lin had mentioned this topic to Yi Jia a long time ago, so naturally he contacted the relevant departments.

Now the general direction is basically determined. If Changan Automobile's electric vehicles had not yet been launched, Zhang Lin would have found a way to have this new subsidy policy introduced within this year.


In order to avoid being a wedding dress for other car companies, it will definitely be postponed to the first half of next year.

After the policy is released, it will be time for Changan Automobile to start promoting its electric vehicles. The heat went up immediately.

"Then act as soon as possible, don't wait any longer."

"Large SUVs like Future Cars, which cost RMB 500,000 to RMB 600,000, can sell several thousand units a month. We produce small electric vehicles worth tens of thousands of RMB, so there is no reason to sell worse than Future Cars."

"By then, even if it cannot become the domestic electric vehicle company with the highest sales volume, it will still be the second largest company in the industry."

Yi Jia is also a very ambitious person.

Otherwise, Changan Automobile would not have made every effort to merge with other car companies such as Hafei last year.

Electric vehicles are now encouraged and supported by policies, and they will definitely develop them with all their strength.

When the time comes to report to the leaders, we will have achievements that can be properly mentioned.

With Changan Automobile's performance, other manufacturers that are already preparing for new energy businesses are naturally starting to think about accelerating the advancement of their own electric vehicles.

I was a little hesitant before, but now I don’t worry about it anymore.

Invisibly, the development speed of China's electric vehicle industry has been accelerated by Cao Yang.

Tesla, which has been paying attention to the Chinese market, has naturally noticed the outstanding performance of W9 after its launch in the future.

"Max, did we make a wrong choice by choosing a coupe as the first momentum model?"

Masco, who has always been very confident, inevitably has a little doubt in the face of the future hot sales of W9.

There is no way, it is because Future W9 is too successful.

How can a Chinese electric vehicle brand be sold at a price that is not cheap at all?

This will definitely put a lot of pressure on Tesla.

After all, the current electric vehicle market is still relatively small.

When other car companies develop well, Tesla's development will naturally be subject to certain restrictions.

"I think there is no problem in choosing a coupe. In fact, Xingchen Motors, a subsidiary of Nanshan Group, also chose a coupe to start its business."

"This kind of car can take into account sales and performance, enhance brand influence, and at the same time pave the way for the next mass-market model."

"After our coupe is launched, there will be no problem for us to launch a medium to large SUV in the future."

It's already this time, no matter whether the choice is right or wrong, it must be said to be correct.

What else to do?

To start over again?

Then Tesla is probably going to close down.

"Then we can't wait any longer for our medium and large SUVs. We have to start making proposals now, otherwise we don't know when they will be mass-produced."

Masco is naturally very interested in SUVs.

After all, the American market originally prefers pickup trucks and SUVs.

"No problem, I'll make arrangements later."

Max's execution ability is very high. After chatting with Masco, he immediately started taking action.

"Electric vehicles in China are very popular now, and I think it is necessary for Tesla to set up a branch in China."

"At that time, our coupe will also be sold in several big cities in China, which can be regarded as cultivating the market in advance."

"If we want to grow and develop in the future, we must not give up on the Chinese market."

Masco's thinking is still very clear.

He is also relatively optimistic about the Chinese market.

"If our coupe is sold in the Chinese market, it is estimated that the price will be higher than that of Future Car's W9."

"But there is a clear gap between our configurations in all aspects and the future W9. Sales will probably not be very optimistic by then."

Tesla bought two Future W9s at a high price for engineers to experience and dismantle for everyone.

Therefore, Max has a clear understanding of the equipment differences between his new model and the future W9.

Although he believes that Tesla's brand power is higher than that of future cars, a large SUV sells for 500,000 to 600,000 yuan, while a coupe costs 70,000 to 800,000 yuan. Consumers naturally know how to choose.

People who can buy a coupe have a lot of money in their pockets.

For them, gas and electricity bills are nothing.

People care about other things.

"After all, there is still a gap in everyone's positioning. No matter whether the sales are good or not, we must at least put up a shelf first."

"When we have other new models on the market, we can launch them in China faster and simultaneously."

"Otherwise, I don't know when it will take Tesla to enter the homes of the Chinese people."

Masco had already said it for this reason, so it was naturally hard for Max to say anything.

Just do it!

Future Cars naturally attaches great importance to Tesla's entry into China.

However, Cao Yang has no time to care about this matter these days.

Another more important and special event of Nanshan Group is waiting for him to participate.

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(End of this chapter)

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