Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 652: Tiankeng or not, the fangs of Nanshan Group

Chapter 652: Tiankeng or not, the fangs of Nanshan Group

Cao Yang agreed with Lai Yuanhong’s recruitment drive to quickly improve Nanshan Chemical’s R&D capabilities.

With this imperial edict, Lai Yuanhong would naturally not be polite.

So soon, Nanshan Chemical added a number of recruitment indicators.

Dai Fuquan and Lai Jinming are graduate students at Yangcheng University.

They were classmates in the same high school, and their original grades were similar.

However, Dai Fuquan did not perform well in the college entrance examination, and was eventually transferred to the polymer materials major that he did not want to go to.

Lai Jinming, on the other hand, went to his favorite software engineering major. He had already received several offers during the fall recruitment last year, and now he is preparing to work at the Intelligent Network Center of Nanshan Group.

Dai Fuquan, on the other hand, has submitted a lot of resumes since the fall recruitment last year, but has never found a suitable job.

There are not even a few companies that are willing to hire him.

Those who reluctantly asked for him were not in the specialty of making polymer materials.

This made Dai Fuquan very sad.

Although Lai Jinming kept comforting this old classmate, he advised him to find a company first and then look for opportunities to switch to a better company in the future.

In fact, Lai Jinming did have a strong sense of superiority in his heart. He felt that it was great that he could major in software engineering.

That's like polymer materials. Many people can't find a suitable job after graduating from college.

I barely passed the postgraduate entrance examination and delayed my job search for three years, but I still couldn't find a suitable job.

This situation is even more obvious in materials science-related majors, especially materials science-related majors in schools like Yangcheng University, which are not very good.

Others can pick jobs, they just have to wait to be picked.

That feeling is definitely uncomfortable.

"A Ming, I found a job, I can sign the contract tomorrow!"

Dai Fuquan happily called his old classmate.

"Have you found a job?"

"Have you finally figured it out and are you willing to go to those previous companies?"

"Actually, it's quite good. Solve the existing problems first, and then consider other things."

Lai Jinming was not surprised that Dai Fuquan was able to think clearly about this issue.

However, Dai Fuquan's answer surprised him.

"No, I'm going to Nanshan Chemical, which is under the Nanshan Group. From now on, we will be colleagues in the same group."

Although Nanshan Chemical is not as well-known as Xingchen Automobile and other companies, as long as it is a subsidiary of Nanshan Group, it is now very popular.

Especially as local university graduates from Yangcheng, they have a deeper understanding of the influence of Nanshan Group.

Basically, the affiliated companies of Nanshan Group are the first-tier companies that graduates from various schools most want to go to.

"Nanshan Chemical?"

"Don't they only want doctoral students, and they also want graduates from good schools majoring in materials science?"

Lai Jinming's mood suddenly became complicated.

Although the job opportunities in the Intelligent Network Center of Nanshan Group are very good, Nanshan Chemical is definitely not bad either.

If you look at people recruiting people who require a doctorate, you will know that the barrier to entry there is actually higher.

"I don't know either. I heard that Nanshan Group is going to significantly expand its scale, so it has added a new batch of recruitment quotas."

"Not only graduate students have the opportunity to enter, but also some undergraduate students have successfully entered Nanshan Chemistry."

"If you are willing to sign a non-competition agreement when you join the company, there will be an additional subsidy of 1,000 yuan per month."

"Many graduates of our school are looking for jobs with a monthly salary of 3,000 to 4,000 yuan. This non-competition agreement can increase their salary by 1,000 yuan, which I think is pretty good."

"Anyway, as long as I can stay in Nanshan Group, I have no plans to change jobs."

Dai Fuquan was in a good mood and shared his situation with Lai Jinming.

For a graduate of Yangcheng University, which is not a key university, being able to enter Nanshan Chemistry is definitely an amazing job.

Even though Nanshan Chemical is not well-known in the industry, in the university circle of Yangcheng, especially in the circle of materials science-related majors, Nanshan Chemical is actually quite well-known.

In particular, everyone has learned about some salary information of Nanshan Chemical through different channels, and everyone is more enthusiastic about entering Nanshan Chemical.

It’s just that the threshold was very high in the past. Unless you had a PhD from a university like Lingnan Institute of Technology, it was basically difficult to get in.

Now that the requirements have begun to be relaxed, Dai Fuquan has become the first batch of beneficiaries.

"I heard that Nanshan Chemical is a company with a strong research atmosphere in Nanshan Group, and is most like a scientific research institute."

"You usually don't like to deal with people, so it would be great to go to Nanshan Chemical to do research."

"Xiao Dai, congratulations!"

Lai Jinming's mood is a bit complicated.

There is really no way to communicate with others that I am afraid that my brother will have a bad life and that he will drive a Land Rover.

However, he is not a bad person after all, and his relationship with Dai Fuquan is indeed good.

So those who deserve blessings must still be blessed.

The case of Dai Fuquan is definitely not an isolated case.

After all, Nanshan Chemical is now ready to flex its muscles. In addition to recruiting some employees from the social sector, it will definitely make great efforts in campus recruitment.

As Nanshan Group has developed to this day, it has gradually adopted campus recruitment as its main recruitment method.

Such talents are like a blank piece of paper. They enter the company as soon as they graduate and it is easier for them to develop a sense of recognition for all aspects of the company's rules, regulations and cultural atmosphere.

And the sense of belonging to the company will be stronger.

In the long run, it will also be beneficial to the development of the entire company.

Of course, some special positions must be recruited by the company.

"In the past, everyone said that materials science majors are tiankeng majors, but this time several people in our class have entered Nanshan Chemistry, and the rest are continuing to study for Ph.D.s. It seems that tiankeng majors are no longer a trap at all."

Dai Fuquan continued to chat with Lai Jinming enthusiastically.

However, his mood was very good, but some people were in a bad mood.

"Leader, I just heard a piece of news that has something to do with the Nanshan Chemical acquisition case."

Luo Yi has been following Liu Tianwu. As the chief secretary of Yangcheng City, his work is even busier.

However, he is as concerned about various matters related to Nanshan Group as ever.

Because he knows very well how much Liu Tianwu attaches importance to Nanshan Group, and he also knows that his future development is likely to be closely related to Nanshan Group.

"Is BASF still unwilling to give up?"

Liu Tianwu frowned, his face full of displeasure.

BASF has no investment relationship with Yangcheng, and the current negotiations are with other cities in Lingnan Province.

Because this matter harms the interests of Yangcheng City's subordinate enterprises, Liu Tianwu will definitely not support it.

"It's not that we don't give up, but several of those who helped BASF greet Nanshan Group were taken away for investigation."

When Luo Yi said this, Liu Tianwu was stunned.

Taken away for investigation?

What do you mean?

Feeling the surprise of his leader, Luo Yi immediately added: "I heard that the Discipline Inspection Commission and the Security Department took action at the same time and took the person for questioning."

"One of them is said to have never come back since he was taken away. I don't know what happened. It's probably because he was found to have something wrong."

Luo Yi was also secretly glad that his leader did not say hello to Nanshan Group because BASF wanted to acquire Nanshan Chemical.

Otherwise, something might happen.

For Yangcheng City, the large chemical industry is a project that does not comply with planning arrangements.

Otherwise, Yangcheng City would be hard-pressed to give up tens of billions of investments.

"These people who say hello have a certain level, right?"

Although Nanshan Group is only a private enterprise, its scale and influence are there.

Ordinary people don't even have the phone numbers of Cao Yang and Lai Yuanhong. Even if they do, they wouldn't dare to call them casually.

So anyone who dares to call directly to be a lobbyist definitely has some status.

Now he was actually taken away by people from two departments at the same time.

This is interesting.

"Yes, one of them is the deputy director. It is estimated that more information will spread over time."

"Leader, Mr. Cao's counterattack this time seems to be a bit strong."

As Liu Tianwu's confidant, Luo Yi knew that his leader did not participate in this matter.

In other words, the people who said hello were taken away not because of Liu Tianwu's efforts, but because the Nanshan Group used other channels.

"The Nanshan Group has a big business, and there must be many people who want to make mistakes."

"Mr. Cao took this opportunity to scare the tigers and scare the monkeys, which is actually a good choice."

"I wanted to talk to him about this topic in the early years, but I was a little sensitive and didn't know how to start the conversation, so I kept putting it off."

"Now that he can flexibly use his influence, he doesn't need me to worry about it."

Liu Tianwu has been dealing with Nanshan Group for so many years, so he naturally knows the family situation of Cao Yang's wife.

In addition, Nanshan Group has so many projects that have won national honors and also elected four academicians at the same time. The series of influences behind this are also very complicated.


Although Fang Sisi was still at home taking care of her baby, she naturally soon heard some rumors about the dirty work of Nanshan Chemical and BASF.

"Ayang, would you like to ask your uncle to say hello to you?"

"Some people don't care about anything for the sake of their own projects."

Obviously, Fang Sisi was very dissatisfied with the fact that someone approached Cao Yang and Lai Yuanhong and asked them to consider selling Nanshan Chemical to BASF.

Nanshan Group is not short of money, so why should it sell the company?

If this starts, will there be a large group of people coming over to buy shares in Xingchen Auto, Honor Mobile, Nanshan Special Steel, Nanshan Carbon Fiber and other companies at low prices?

A thousand-mile embankment was destroyed by an ant nest!

Fang Sisi felt that this matter must not be taken lightly, and she had to beat these people up all at once.

"I don't need my uncle's help for the time being, but I really can't just let this matter go." "Nanshan Chemical's products include very sensitive military products, so I have already passed Pan Jun through those who say hello. The channel will handle it.”

"I guess these people's intestines are full of regrets now."

"However, Pan Jun probably doesn't have much to do with BASF. We can use some other plans to beat this global chemical giant."

After Cao Yang said this, Fang Sisi no longer bothered about how to deal with the group of people who greeted him.

After all, Pan Jun took action and pushed the organization behind to investigate the situation of those people, which was much more effective than asking the uncle to say hello.

So the next step is how to deal with BASF.

As a global chemical giant, even if Nanshan Group is now a big business, it is definitely impossible to kill the other party directly.

However, it is entirely possible to find some suitable solutions to stumble others, or even cause huge losses to their interests.

"BASF exports many raw materials to China and other markets. I think we can find some solutions from the antitrust aspect."

"At that time, we will ask Nanshan Chemical to analyze and study BASF's situation, and then report BASF's antitrust behavior to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry."

“It would be even more interesting if we could find cases of patent infringement by BASF.”

"In addition, doesn't BASF want to invest in Lingnan? There is definitely no problem, but there are some preferential conditions beyond the normal range, so don't even think about it."

Fang Sisi is not stupid, she is smart.

Soon, she came up with several plans to deal with BASF.

Even taking this opportunity, Nanshan Chemical's reputation can rise, killing two birds with one stone.

"Well, we really need to find something for BASF to do."

"Sooner or later, the products of Nanshan Chemical and BASF will have more and more intersections, and then our competitive relationship will become even more obvious."

"In the Chinese market, we have to find ways to reduce BASF's influence as much as possible."

Having said this, Cao Yang felt that the development speed of Nanshan Chemical needs to be further strengthened.

The current output of various products is very limited, and they are mainly supplied to Nanshan Group for internal use.

In the future, we can build some chemical plants in other places based on demand, and we can even consider developing in the direction of a chemical giant.

After all, the demand for chemical materials in the automotive industry alone is a very huge market.

And China is the world's largest automobile market, so there is a lot of room for growth.

With the Nanshan Group's counterattack, many people began to see the fangs of this beast.

Nanshan Group is not that easy to bully.


"Mr. Liang, Nanshan Chemical reported us, saying that several of our products violated antitrust laws, and they also applied for an anti-dumping investigation on several of our products."

"At the same time, they said our PVC foam material infringed their patent and sued us."

Li Daxiong came to Liang Fuxing's office very depressed.

This year is his zodiac year, and he feels that he has been very unlucky at the beginning of the new year.

"I also just received news that the headquarters originally planned to acquire an Italian chemical manufacturer that produces PET foam."

"But now Nanshan Investment has also contacted this company and quoted a higher purchase price, causing our negotiations to reach a deadlock."

When Liang Fuxing said this, Li Daxiong became even more convinced that the Nanshan Group's counterattack was coming.

He regretted not persuading Liang Fuxing back then.

Why would you want to provoke the Nanshan Group if you are so good?

It is impossible for people to sell Nanshan Chemical, and the company should not take any chances.

"Mr. Liang, Nanshan Group has the title of 'Nanshan Pizza Hut'. It is said that it has never lost a lawsuit. At most, it is a tie."

"In the United States, we are still in litigation with the Ministry of Commerce."

"Here in China, they have now sued us and reported us in real name for violating the anti-monopoly law. This will make many of our future projects more troublesome."

Li Daxiong understands China’s national conditions very well.

If BASF completely confronts Nanshan Group, it will definitely do more harm than good in the future.

However, he couldn't say too much, after all, he was just a sales director.

He is also the sales director of the Huaxia branch.

"I didn't expect that Nanshan Group's response would be so big and strong."

"They didn't want to, and we didn't force them. Let's just have a good chat."

Liang Fuxing also felt a little regretful.

He took it for granted that he used his previous attitude towards other Chinese companies to deal with Nanshan Group, and ended up suffering a loss.

Now we are in a bit of a dilemma.

"Mr. Liang, I feel that this time we may be the chicken that kills the chicken to scare the monkey."

"We have more cooperation than conflicts with Nanshan Group. I think there is no need to expand this conflict."

"While the matter is still within control, why not find a way to communicate directly with the other party and talk things out?"

Li Daxiong obviously wants to turn big things into trivial matters.

Otherwise, there will be a lot of trouble in the future.

"If we bow to a Chinese company, it will be difficult for us to explain to the headquarters."

Liang Fuxing's face was full of confusion.

Over the years, his life has been very prosperous.

BASF China's business is booming, and his status in the headquarters has also risen a lot.

If the headquarters knew that they had failed in the acquisition of Nanshan Chemical, there would definitely be some bad effects.

"Nanshan Group is not an ordinary Chinese enterprise, and I believe the headquarters can understand it."

Li Daxiong tried his best to persuade Liang Fuxing to bow his head to Nanshan Group.

This is the best way to solve the current problem.

As for affecting some prestige, what does that count?

It’s better than affecting future performance, right?

In the end, Liang Fuxing agreed with Li Daxiong's point of view, took the initiative to contact Cao Yang, and expressed his intention to visit.

At the same time, he also communicated with the purchasing department of Nanshan Group through Li Daxiong and expressed BASF's intention.

"Mr. Cao, BASF has given in."

Liang Fuxing would not give in to Cao Yang directly on the phone, but when communicating with people at all levels below, the situation was different.

"These giants have been able to stand for hundreds of years, and there are still some people who are outstanding."

"I thought they were going to file a lawsuit with us in a big way to show their power."

For BASF to relent, Cao Yang felt that this was both unexpected and expected.

Up to now, the conflict between them is not very deep, far from the point of life and death.

After seeing the influence of Nanshan Group in China and its ability to disgust BASF in the international market, it is normal for the other party to make some correct choices.

Business has never been a life-and-death competition. In many cases, it is more about various compromises.

The proud BASF lowered its head this time.

However, it’s hard to say whether he is dissatisfied or convinced.

Cao Yang didn't particularly care.

Anyway, through this incident, people who are interested have learned that Nanshan Group is not something to be trifled with.

This goal has been achieved.

As for BASF, there will definitely be more competition in the future.

Even if they are reconciled now, the relationship will remain like that.

I will fight slowly in the future.

"Although they relented, news of antitrust investigations and patent infringement cases still spread."

"I guess there will be enough to keep them busy for a while."

"Nanshan Chemical has become quite famous in the industry."

As the general manager of Nanshan Chemical, Lai Yuanhong definitely hopes that the company's popularity can be raised to a higher level.

In this way, his influence will also increase.

"Having a high profile doesn't necessarily mean it's a good thing."

“Some projects that we were originally developing in a low-key manner may slowly attract the attention of more competitors.”

"The domestic chemical industry as a whole is not bad. We can also find some manufacturers to work together to develop new products."

"Otherwise, if we rely on ourselves alone, there are too many material brands that need to be domestically produced, and it will take a lot of time."

Cao Yang feels that there is less and less time left for Nanshan Group to create a relaxed international environment.

In order to avoid being stuck at critical moments, it is necessary to prepare early.

Lai Yuanhong naturally had no objection to this.

In order to allow the materials developed by Nanshan Chemical to have more application opportunities, he directly communicated with manufacturers such as Nanshan Auto Parts and Xingyu Automobile Lights that need to use large quantities of high-performance resin materials, and they formed a joint R&D team in a targeted manner. .

Face the product directly to provide specific material research directions.

In this way, Nanshan Chemical's research and development results can be transformed into products as quickly as possible.

In fact, various scientific research results emerge every year in China, but many of them have no use value, or there is no chance to find suitable application scenarios.

It can be said that many scientific research projects are out of touch with industrialization.

Nanshan Chemical can avoid this disconnect very well, which is definitely very beneficial to the development of R&D projects.

After all, only by realizing industrialization can real profits be brought and products can be transferred from laboratories to factories.

In modern industry, it is not enough for you to come up with new materials in the laboratory.

You need to be able to mass produce on a large scale.

(End of this chapter)

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