Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 660: Machine within a machine, innovative equipment, bringing DJI to fame

Chapter 660: Machine within a machine, innovative equipment, bringing DJI to fame

"No problem. Our drone happens to use a lot of carbon fiber. When the time comes, we will build a new factory near Nanshan Carbon Fiber."

Cao Yang naturally understood Pan Jun's thoughts.

He also knew that this idea should not only be Pan Jun's idea.

After all, as a representative, he is just a mouthpiece.

There is no need for Nanshan Group to put all its industries in Yangcheng. There is no harm in spreading them to different cities.

Now that Pan Jun has made a request, there is definitely no way for Yangcheng and Lingnan Province to have any objections.

Even if he has an opinion, it is not against Nanshan Group.

“In the future, Nanshan Robotics’ executives and technical experts, especially those responsible for the Scorpion UAV project, need to pay further attention to their safety issues.”

"I will also coordinate some related resources here."

"The best thing is to relocate the entire Nanshan Robotics UAV Division to Chang'an City, where it will be more conducive to security work."

Cao Yang naturally agreed to Pan Jun's proposal.

After talking about topics other than technology, everyone’s focus will be on the technology itself.

While Cao Yang and the others were busy with the Scorpion drone, the Internet was becoming more and more popular about the US sanctions against Nanshan robots.

Many people are curious about what Nanshan Robot’s drone products are like and why they were sanctioned.

Of course, smart people have also linked up with the hot searches on Weibo a few days ago. Those weird drone pictures have now disappeared from the Internet.

If you connect these few things together, everything seems to make sense.


"Old Chen, do you know much about Nanshan Robot's drone business?"

In Shenzhen, within the DJI Drone Company, Wang Tao naturally saw relevant news on the Internet.

There is also someone within DJI who is responsible for collecting all news related to drones and reporting to him regularly every week.

Although large-scale drones are not the direction of DJI's research and development, everyone is a drone, and some information is still connected.

"I really don't know much. I just heard that Nanshan Robot has a drone division within it, and it even poached a few people from our company."

"I remember that at that time, Mr. Wang, you came to Mr. Cao specifically for this matter."

The Twin-tailed Scorpion drone was developed for unmanned bombers, so during the development process, Cao Yang naturally kept it as secret as possible.

It was normal for Chen Dajian not to get any relevant news.

"The strength of Nanshan Group is really unmatched by anyone. We obviously developed drones earlier than them, but until now, our first commercialized integrated aerial photography drone has been officially launched. Mass production.”

"I'm going to take this drone to talk to Mr. Cao tomorrow."

After DJI accepted the investment from Nanshan Group, its research and development progress in all aspects has obviously accelerated.

Historically, their first commercial drone won’t be launched until next year.

Now it is more than a year ahead of schedule.

The camera components on this drone are also supplied by Nanshan Auto Parts, which is higher than the level in the same period in history.

Therefore, Wang Tao still attaches great importance to it and plans to make it the first flagship product of DJI.

"Well, it is indeed necessary for Mr. Cao to see the strength of our DJI."

"Although PHANTOM 1 is not the same type as Nanshan Group's large stealth drone, each has its own characteristics."

"I think they may be able to complement each other and bring a huge surprise to the world."

Chen Dajian is obviously very confident in the products he personally participated in the research and development.

The positioning of DJI drones is different from that of Nanshan Robotics Drone Division, and also different from many other drone manufacturers.

Because of this, they will eventually become the kings of the drone world.


Wang Tao of DJI is definitely not the only one who is also paying attention to the news of Nanshan Robot.

As Nanshan Robot's main rival, Fanuc has never given up its dream of defeating Nanshan Robot.

As the biggest "victim", Nagamasa Yoshida stares at the movements of Nanshan robots every day.

This time, the United States will impose sanctions on Nanshan Robots, and the sanctions will be very strong.

After he saw the relevant news, he almost jumped with excitement.

After briefly understanding the situation, he immediately went to the sales manager Yutaka Kawashima to report the situation.

"Minister, I think this is our best chance to knock Nanshan Robot off the altar."

"They are completely out of business in the American market. We can vigorously develop it."

"In addition, we can also push behind the scenes in all markets in Western countries so that Nanshan robots cannot be exported to these markets."

"Within China, we can also find ways to grab related orders from foreign-funded enterprises from Nanshan Robot."

"I think the headquarters can re-increase investment in the Chinese market, and there may be unexpected surprises."

After Yoshida Nagamasa reported the relevant news to Kawashima Yutaka, he immediately put forward a new suggestion.

For him, he has always wanted to return to China to serve as the sales department director.

This is not only for Fanuc, but also for ourselves.

Of course, living as a minister in China is much more comfortable than being an ordinary person in charge at the Japanese headquarters. This is also a very important reason.

"The United States has not sanctioned Nanshan Group's affiliated companies before, but the effect was not very good."

"Do you think the impact of this sanction on Nanshan Robots will be that big?"

Kawashima Yutaka has lost a little confidence.

Of course, this situation must not be revealed too obviously.

"Seriously, I think the impact this time will be very large."

"We can definitely unite with ABB and other robot manufacturers, and we can all stand up together to deal with Nanshan Robot."

"When we return to the situation ten years ago, other robot manufacturers will be happy."

Seeing that his leader seemed a little moved, Yoshida Nagamasa became more active.

The Huaxia branch also needs people to be responsible.

Yoshida Nagamasa had been there for many years before and had relevant experience.

So Yutaka Kawashima quickly agreed to his proposal.


"Mr. Wang, is this DJI's latest drone product?"

In a conference room of Nanshan Group, Cao Yang personally received the visiting Wang Tao and Chen Dajian.

Others are not very optimistic about DJI, but Cao Yang is.

"Yes, our product is equipped with an advanced GPS navigation system, which can achieve precise positioning and automatic flight. This allows users to easily set routes, automatically return home and avoid obstacles."

"It has a very stable gimbal. As a gimbal installed on the drone's camera, the improved stability can achieve smooth aerial photography and video recording."

“Our drones excel at this, allowing users to capture professional-grade photos and videos.”

“It also comes with multiple intelligent flight modes such as follow mode, surround mode and tap mode.”

"These modes enable users to create stunning aerial photography."

"As for the obstacle sensing that everyone is more concerned about, our drones are equipped with front and rear sensors that can detect obstacles on the flight path and automatically avoid them, which improves flight safety."

“Another great thing is that our drones are very simple to operate. They don’t need to be assembled. You only need to use a remote control and App to install and control them.”

"And our remote control and mobile app are designed to be very intuitive, allowing users to easily control the drone, view real-time video and set flight parameters."

Wang Tao came to visit Cao Yang today, and the focus was naturally to introduce the company's new products.

So he summarized a few points and gave a good report to Cao Yang.

"Come on, let's go outside and try it out."

No matter how much I say, it’s better to get started and play.

Cao Yang had never played with DJI drones in his previous life, but he had seen other people playing with them countless times.

Now, it is naturally necessary to experience the first-generation product in person and see how good it is.

"Mr. Cao, we can complete the test flight directly by the window of the conference room."

Wang Tao picked up a drone and walked directly to the window. After opening the window, he operated the remote control in his hand and the drone slowly took off.

Cao Yang naturally followed him to the window and watched Wang Tao demonstrate there.

There are only a few buttons on the remote control, and it is obviously simple.

So after Wang Tao gave a brief introduction, Cao Yang followed the operation and it was considered that he had mastered it.

This threshold is really low.

No wonder there are so many ordinary consumer users behind DJI’s drones.

In fact, it lowers the threshold for drones to a level that ordinary people can easily control.

"What is the maximum flight altitude of this drone?"

A very novel idea suddenly popped into Cao Yang's mind.

But before officially implementing this idea, he naturally had to figure out the performance of DJI drones.

"Our system has set a limit height of 500 meters for it. Exceeding this height may affect the safety of military and civilian aircraft, so it is not allowed to fly."

"But if you really want to fly, you can keep raising the altitude to 3000 meters, or even 5000 meters, and keep flying until the signal is lost or there is no power."

Unlike the Scorpion drone, DJI’s drones all use lithium batteries.

Therefore, the battery life is definitely not as good as that of the Scorpion UAV.

However, their functions are different, so there is no need to directly compare them.

There is no comparison between these two products at all.

"Mr. Wang, if this is the case, Nanshan Robot will first purchase 100 of our drones. Then we may be able to bring you unexpected surprises."

Because the Scorpion drone is now considered a military aircraft, Cao Yang didn't say much to Wang Tao.

As for buying drones from DJI, there is no problem.

In Wang Tao's view, this was Cao Yang supporting him.

So he immediately arranged for people to start delivering goods, and delivered the drone to Nanshan Robot on the same day.

Cao Yang also made an appointment with Pan Wei and the experts who had settled in the Nanshan Robotics UAV Division during this period and wanted to work with them to develop three or four engines.

"Mr. Cao, the test flight of the Double-tailed Scorpion drone is basically over. Why are we arranging another test flight today?" Pan Wei was a little confused about what medicine Cao Yang was selling in his gourd.

He has also been very busy these days.

Since the news of the Twin-tailed Scorpion drone was leaked, China has not yet truly developed this drone bomber into combat effectiveness.

Now everyone is preparing for this matter at full speed.

Unexpectedly, Cao Yang actually invited Pan Wei and others to come over to visit the test flight of the Scorpion drone at this time.

"This time's test flight, the test items tested are completely different from the last time."

"We didn't even apply for a route, we could complete the relevant tests directly above the factory."

Now that they have been sanctioned by the United States, the news that Nanshan Robot is producing the Twin-tailed Scorpion drone is also known to everyone.

Then there is no need to worry too much about being seen by others during the experiment.

Even if someone finds out, there may be an unexpected surprise.

After hearing what Cao Yang said, Pan Wei became a little more interested.

The more people study this drone, the more they find it to be amazing.

Obviously this is a product "casually" developed by a private company, but I didn't expect it to become the world's leading drone.

To put it bluntly, if the ideal design of this drone is achieved, enemies around China will be more wary.

Soon, Cao Yang arranged for personnel to start testing.

Of course, there are naturally people responsible for operating drones for recording.

However, this time the drone records include not only the Double-tailed Scorpion, but also new products from DJI.

In this way, whether it is low altitude or high altitude, relevant photography can be carried out completely.

"Mr. Cao, what exactly is the test project this time?"

"Why do you feel like those two-tailed scorpions are carrying something on them?"

Pan Wei held a telescope and looked at the drones rising into the sky, his face full of doubts.

And just as he finished asking, something under the hanger of the Scorpion drone suddenly fell off.

Live fire test?

Pan Wei's first reaction was this!

No, those things are not ammunition!


Can those things fly by themselves?

Just when Pan Wei wanted to continue asking, Cao Yang didn't hold back anymore and said directly: "It is equipped with the latest generation of aerial photography drones produced by DJI Drone. Its main purpose is aerial photography and geographical mapping."

"But if you want it to carry some small missiles, it's not impossible for it to do the job."

“This drone is compact, exquisite and has outstanding performance.”

"A Twin-tailed Scorpion can carry up to 12 drones like this. When they are continuously released during flight, they may have an unexpected impact."

When Cao Yang said this, Pan Wei immediately had a picture in his mind.

This is simply a drone that can lay eggs.

It is originally positioned as an unmanned bomber, but if it drops not only bombs and missiles, but also drones.

The dropped drone is further equipped with small missiles, which can really have unexpected effects on special battlefields.

This innovative mounting solution for a machine-in-a-machine is really worth studying.

"This drone looks small. Is its performance reliable?"

For big things, sometimes the threshold is very high and difficult to produce, such as large equipment and aircraft.

However, sometimes small things have high thresholds and are more difficult to produce.

The DJI drone Pan Wei saw was obviously one of the smaller drones.

If it is to be used on the battlefield, its performance is very critical.

"Representative Pan, there is absolutely no problem with the reliability of this product."

"At that time, I can send you a few prototypes to take back for testing."

"The most important thing is that a drone like this costs less than 10,000 yuan per unit."

"As long as you carry a micro-missile and fly over the tanks, you can directly destroy tens of millions of tanks."

"On future battlefields, it may play an unexpected role."

"Whatever torrent of steel will be greatly eclipsed in front of the drone."

Pan Wei may not feel much after hearing what Cao Yang said now.

After all, no one would think that a small drone can pose too great a threat to the King of Land War tanks without actual combat or exercises.

Do you think other people's air defense systems are just a living thing?

However, after the actual exercise, Cao Yang believed that Pan Wei and the others' ideas would definitely change greatly.

The drones currently produced by DJI still do not use stealth paint.

When the time comes, the Nanshan Group will process it and give it another layer of stealth paint, and it is estimated that the lethality will be even higher.

Of course, the ordinary version sold externally in the future will definitely not require further processing by Nanshan Group.

But those sold to special departments are different.

"Mr. Cao, this new mounting method is very innovative, but we still have to test it when we get back to see how effective it is."

"But I will also report on the ideas you mentioned for dealing with tanks."

After Pan Wei finished speaking, he couldn't wait to ask Cao Yang to arrange for someone to deliver the DJI drone to the designated location.

It just so happens that the relevant departments are intensively preparing for the actual combat use of the Twin-tailed Scorpion UAV.

Now there seems to be no problem in sending DJI drones over to try out new combat methods.

Of course, two technicians from DJI were also sent there.

They help operate these drones and teach others how to use and modify them.

After the failure of the Scorpion drone, the relevant departments also listened to the advice.

After receiving the DJI drone, I immediately contacted the nearby tank battalion to conduct a drill.

Although the scale of this exercise was small, there was no special report.

But the results of the exercise alarmed many people.

"Four Scorpion drones were dispatched, but the air defense battalion did not detect them."

"Then these Scorpion drones released 48 small drones, and these drones easily destroyed the entire tank battalion?"

After the results of the exercise were reported, the relevant departments held a summary meeting overnight.

If it weren't for the fact that a dedicated Scorpion drone was responsible for filming and recording this exercise, it would be hard for everyone to believe it was true.

It's just like playing a game, a tank regiment was wiped out?

Isn't this too exaggerated?

Will there be major changes in the form of ground warfare in the future?

Thinking of this, the participants' attention to this exercise increased several levels.

"It's hard to believe, but it's true."

"In fact, even without the cooperation of the Scorpion drones, these DJI drones are likely to be able to achieve some surprising results."

"However, due to issues such as the idle time, the person operating the drone needs to be relatively close to the target."

"There is no problem in certain situations, but if you want to go deep into enemy territory, it is best to have a Scorpion drone to cooperate."

"To exaggerate a bit, we can directly dispatch the Scorpion drone from thousands of kilometers away, and let it carry the DJI drone to the designated location to quickly eliminate the target."

“With strategic planning and decisive victory thousands of miles away, this will become a reality.”

As soon as this scene was mentioned, everyone present thought of that scene.


Very cool!

Very exciting!

Looking forward to it!

"Then do we have to treat DJI drones the same way we treat Scorpion drones?"

"Directly restrict the external sales of their products to avoid leaking secrets?"

It is naturally normal for some people to have such thoughts.

After all, this drone from DJI can now also be used in the military.

However, this view was not recognized by the leadership.

"The two drones are different. The Scorpion is a large drone and has few civilian uses."

"But DJI's drones are prepared for aerial photography, geographical mapping, search and rescue, agriculture, etc. The biggest use is actually for civilian use. If we directly requisition them, future technological progress may be slowed down."

"It's better to let them develop freely without interference, but we can also specially customize a batch of drones through a third party."

"In this way, we can give full play to the power of this drone when necessary in the future."

After this new point of view came out, it was immediately recognized by most people.

DJI drones have also avoided the same fate as the Scorpion drone.

After this exercise, DJI has become famous in relevant departments.

Of course, people outside don't know this.

For DJI, they only have 1000 more orders.

This is the largest order since the establishment of DJI, which has brought great incentives to the entire team.

Taking this opportunity, DJI’s sales team also started working hard.

Since there are no restrictions on the sales of this drone, sales staff first start from abroad.

After all, the price of related drone exhibits is higher abroad.

DJI’s Phantom 1 is an instant hit compared to those civilian drones on the market.

Almost from the beginning of external sales, various orders can be obtained every day.

The Phantom 1 drone has become popular in a small area in the industry.

As one of the driving forces behind it, Cao Yang was focusing on another matter at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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