Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 667 Academician Conference of the 2nd Academy of Sciences, Super Influence

Chapter 667 Academician Conference of the two academies, super influential

The acquisition and reorganization of Yangcheng Zhongwang has caused considerable repercussions within Nanshan Group.

As the largest industrial enterprise in China, most of the people there have engineering backgrounds and have more or less been exposed to various industrial software.

Especially when doing graduation projects, industrial software is basically unavoidable.

Everyone has heard about the current situation of China Industrial Software.

After all, just from the fact that none of the software I have used is domestically produced, I can feel how serious the situation in this industry is.

Now the group is going to independently develop industrial software, which is definitely a big deal.

As one of the first academicians of Nanshan Group and the general manager of Nanshan Equipment, Pan Jinxing naturally attaches great importance to this matter.

Although he has been named an academician, he has not fully exerted his influence as an academician because he spent most of his time doing research and development at Nanshan Equipment.

This time, he did have some ideas to share with several other academicians.

"Lao Zeng, Lao Xie, Lao Zhang, next week is the annual conference of academicians of the two academies. I have never prepared to speak at the conference, nor have I planned to make any proposals."

"But now I feel that some things are actually worth doing together!"

"The four of us jointly signed the proposal at the same time. If we can get some other academicians we know to jointly submit the proposal, the effect will be even better."

Pan Jinxing was obviously preparing to cause something to happen.

However, his rambling talk made Zeng Jianying a little confused.

What exactly is the proposal?

Instead, Zhang Jing from Nanshan Semiconductor reacted quickly and said: "Old Pan, are you talking about the development of industrial software?"

Development in the field of materials has its own related software, which is different from semiconductors and machinery.

Therefore, it is normal that they are not so sensitive to industrial software.

"That's right, we were blackmailed by Dassault for more than 10 million some time ago. I guess everyone has heard about it."

"Although Mr. Cao didn't say anything on his lips, he was definitely holding his breath in his heart."

"That's why the group quickly acquired Yangcheng Zhongwang and mobilized more than 1000 engineers from various business divisions to join the industrial software development team."

"Mr. Cao attaches great importance to the development of industrial software and has officially launched the development of a CAD and CAE software."

"I think the bottleneck of industrial software is not only the bottleneck of our Nanshan Group, but also the bottleneck of Huaxia Industry."

"So some supportive policies should be launched at a higher level to encourage more scientific research institutes and companies to develop industrial software."

"Otherwise, with so much industrial software, it would be very difficult to rely solely on Yangcheng Zhongwang."

"CATIA, ANSYS, HyperMesh, Fluent, MSC.Adams, Ls-Dyna, MSC.Nastran, OptiStruct..."

"The automotive industry alone needs more than 10 types of industrial software, and other industries also have some software specific to their own fields."

"These software must have professional companies participating in the development, otherwise the development efficiency will be very low."

"So I want to form a special topic to make ministries and commissions pay more attention to the development of industrial software."

"I would also like to take this opportunity to promote our Yangcheng Zhongwang and let everyone know that there is still such a company in China that is developing industrial software regardless of cost."

As soon as Pan Jinxing explained his idea, Zeng Jianying, Xie Lingyun and Zhang Jing all understood the importance of this matter.

"In the past few days, everyone has begun to pay attention to chips, but industrial software is actually as important as chips and is just as easy to get stuck."

“Even the localization ratio of industrial software is not as high as that of chips.”

"I fully support this proposal."

As a chip expert, Zhang Jing is very sensitive to the issue of stuck necks.

Although he is a beneficiary of chip localization, it does not mean that he will ignore the localization of industrial software.

In fact, in the process of chip localization, industrial design software also needs to be used.

All of these software are now developed by foreign companies, and none of them are domestically produced.

Taking this opportunity, Zhang Jing naturally hopes to promote localization of industrial software related to the chip industry.

Only in this way can we hope to completely make Nanshan Semiconductor an existence that is not afraid of international sanctions.

"Listening to what everyone said, I also think this is a big problem."

"Various software commonly used in materials research fields such as OMNIC, TA Universal Analysis, Digital Micrograph, and Nano Measure are also developed by foreign companies."

"Most of them are developed by American companies, and their strength in industrial software is definitely the world's leading."

"If a certain kind of software is no longer available to us in the future, our research efficiency will be greatly reduced."

When Zeng Jianying said this, Xie Lingyun couldn't help but nodded.

Both of them are materials experts, but their research directions are different.

However, some industrial software related to data analysis or electron microscopy data processing is universal.

These things usually don't feel so important, but if not, their importance will come out.

"This topic should resonate with everyone. After all, the localization rate of industrial software should be less than 1%."

"As long as you are engaged in scientific research, it is impossible that you have not been exposed to foreign industrial software."

"If a few of us bring together a group of people to propose a proposal together, the emphasis of each party will be completely different."

Following Pan Jinxing's suggestion, they quickly took action separately.

At the upcoming academician conference of the two academies, I am going to bring you a relatively heavy topic.

While they were busy working on the development of industrial software, the headhunting company that had been cooperating with Nanshan Group was also busy poaching people for Yangcheng Zhongwang.

"Mr. Tian, ​​this time we used the relationship with the foreign headhunting company we formed when we were exploring semiconductor talents to lock in a group of potential talents in a short period of time."

"As long as Yangcheng Zhongwang recognizes the talents we have recommended in the next step, our company's performance will reach a new high this year."

Yue Rui is in a very beautiful mood now.

Since cooperating with Nanshan Group, their company's performance has been very good every year.

The last peak period was when recruiting semiconductor talents.

"There are a lot of industrial application software companies abroad. The mobility of these personnel is relatively low. Even if some people want to change jobs, there are relatively few people to find them."

"Now that we provide them with a more suitable opportunity, we should still be able to attract a group of people."

Tian Rong feels that poaching people this time is easier than poaching semiconductor talents last time.

Because these people are not that sensitive.

China itself is a big Internet country, so it doesn’t need to recruit a lot of industrial design software talents.

As long as there are a few in each field, China's own personnel can be quickly driven to improve their technical level.

"With the Nanshan Group alone, there are many more foreign staff in Yangcheng."

"I heard that the talent community they prepared for Nanshan Semiconductor is now full."

"Nanshan Group is planning to purchase a whole community next to it."

"Such a large-scale enterprise is really rare."

Yue Rui is very satisfied with Nanshan Group, a large customer.

More money, less things to do!

As long as the results are satisfactory, everything is fine.

It's not like some companies, as a whole, they just want to make some money here and some money there.

"Have you ever seen any company that can win so many national awards? Which company is constantly sanctioned by the United States?"

"To a certain extent, the sanctions imposed by the United States are the military medal of the Nanshan Group."

"If you don't have enough strength, they won't punish you at all."

"I heard that Nanshan Group recruited more than 2011 fresh graduates who graduated in ."

"If you include the talents recruited from the society, their group recruits more than 40,000 people a year."

"This size is quite scary."

"That is to say, the profits of various businesses of Nanshan Group are relatively good, otherwise it would really be unable to sustain such development."

Tian Rong has cooperated with Nanshan Group for so many years, so he naturally knows the situation of Nanshan Group quite well.

The more she understood the other person's situation, the more she admired him.

There is no other company like this in the whole of China.

Even if they are similar, everyone's size is still hugely different.

With the actions of headhunting companies, in addition to Dassault, other companies also felt the movement.

"President Shangguan, several technicians in our company have recently changed jobs, saying they went to Yangcheng Zhongwang."

"Didn't this company mainly do 2D CAD before?"

"Why are you suddenly making such a big move now?"

The Chinese general agent of Ximen Feishi UG NX.

The development of UG began in 1969, and it was developed and implemented based on C language.

UG NX is a flexible software tool for numerically solving partial differential equations developed using adaptive multigrid methods on unstructured grids in two and three dimensions.

This sounds very abstract. Simply understand that UG NX is an industrial software at the same level as Dassault's CATIA.

"Yangcheng Zhongwang?"

Shangguan Jin confirmed, "If it's this company, then that's right."

"What? Is there any other story that can't be told?"

Ximen Fei was not stupid. From the other party's words, he naturally heard some information.

Although the two companies are considered competitors, UG and CATIA are a bit like Coca-Cola and Pepsi. They may not necessarily have a life-or-death relationship.

"The name of Nanshan Group should be well-known to everyone in China."

"Yangcheng Zhongwang is now acquired by Nanshan Group. During this period, we are frantically poaching and looking for people to develop a software similar to our CATIA."

When Shangguan Jin said this, Ximen Fei became even more interested.

It seems that I made the right call.

"Is there something interesting happening here?"

Ximen Fei had some guesses in his mind, but in the end he would definitely have to listen to Shangguan Jin's explanation.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. It's just that some of Nanshan Group's CATIA software used pirated software. We caught the problem and demanded compensation of more than 10 million yuan."

"I guess they are a little unhappy about this matter. They feel that their status in China is very high and there is no need to be restricted by Dassault, so they want to develop industrial software on their own."

"It will be very interesting when they spend a lot of money and develop a software that makes no sense and no one wants to use it." Shangguan Jin is, as always, not optimistic about Nanshan Group's industrial software business.

If software of this level like CATIA was so easy to get, then large companies such as Toyota Motor would not be willing to pay large sums of money to Dassault every year.

Wouldn’t it be enough to just recruit a group of people to develop it ourselves?


"I see, then I understand."

"They are quite stubborn. They actually want to develop their own CAD software even if they disagree."

"This is completely ignorant of the heights of the sky."

Ximen Fei knew what Shangguan Jin said when he heard it.

It seems that those who have been poached from their companies do not have to worry about any trouble they will cause in the future.

Even Nanshan Group cannot handle CAD software, which will make other Chinese companies completely give up.

"Who knows."

"I'm a stubborn person and I have to give it a try, so I'll give it a try."

Affected by his boss's attitude, Shangguan Jin is not optimistic about Nanshan Group's development of CAD software at all.

However, some things are not just how you feel.

While many people in the industry were discussing this matter, the annual academician conference of the two academies was officially held.

For a meeting of this level, the attendees are all top-notch.

All the participants were academic giants.

No matter where someone is, their influence will be huge.

Even in some specific subdivisions, they are their own talkers.

One can imagine the importance and influence of this conference.

On the morning of the first day of the conference, the speeches were naturally made by the leaders, and no specific discussions had yet been entered into.

But on the second day, things were different.

The report "Current Status of Industrial Software Development and Issues to be Solved", led by academicians from Nanshan Group such as Pan Jinxing, resonated with everyone present.

Although it is not that China does not pay attention to this field, it is often very helpless and cannot get started even if it wants to.

Plus there are many other areas that need improvement.

Therefore, matters in the field of industrial software have never received real attention.

This kind of thing requires the accumulation of technology and time, and it needs to be continuously updated after actual application before the finished product can be launched.

China's software industry is generally very eager for quick success. Few companies can spend five or even ten years developing a piece of software.

This is simply not what normal corporate behavior can do.

For scientific research institutes, it is impossible to create qualified industrial software by working behind closed doors.

And other companies are also facing similar problems. Who is willing to spend so long making a piece of software?

For this kind of subject, it is a bit difficult to apply for funding.

Even if you apply one year and get it, but you don’t have any results when you continue to apply the next year, it will be difficult to continue to get funds.

Even if it is finally obtained, it will still have very limited funds, and there is no way to support the development of a software.

Now Nanshan Group has put this issue of industrial software on the table and hopes that ministries and commissions can introduce relevant support policies.

For example, various taxes are exempted for relevant enterprises, individual taxes are given to relevant technical personnel and other subsidies.

Even provide some direct subsidy financial support at the policy level.

These are very necessary.

What's even more critical is that this report makes it very clear that the development of this kind of software must take at least three years as a unit.

Otherwise, if something is built in a hurry within a year without going through various trials, modifications, trials, and modifications, the software will definitely be immature and no company will be willing to use it.

Several academicians jointly proposed that it would be better to give a special report on such an important occasion.

There is a technology giant like Nanshan Group behind it, so the attention paid by all parties is unprecedented.

Before the academician conference of the two academies officially ended, the ministries and commissions issued some relevant preferential policies.

"Mr. Cao, the actions of Academician Pan and others this time have a great impact and the effect is very good."

"This morning alone, I received several contacts from Yangcheng City, Lingnan Province and ministries."

“According to the latest policies issued by all parties, industrial software companies will basically not need to pay any taxes and fees in the next few years.”

“You can also apply for various subsidies from all levels in the future.”

"And I estimate that this is just the beginning, and there may be other supporting policies later."

Du Yulin came to Cao Yang's office in a very excited mood to report the latest news about the industrial software developed by Yangcheng Zhongwang.

At this time, he was even more grateful that his company was acquired by Nanshan Group.

If Nanshan Group does not engage in industrial software, then I don’t know when domestic support will be as strong as it is now.

Even with such strong support, I don’t know when it will take until results are achieved.

Because when developing industrial software, policy support alone is actually not enough.

The most important thing is to have industrial enterprises with sufficient strength to promote it.

Like CATIA, it was developed by Dassault.

Many people think that Dassault is a software company, but it is not.

They are an industrial enterprise and a French industrial giant.

The Rafale fighter jet that many people have heard of is developed and produced by Dassault.

In any country, companies that can independently produce advanced fighter jets will not be ordinary companies.

Needless to say, UG NX is backed by Siemens and has accumulated experience and data in all aspects. After decades of continuous improvement, the current UG NX was born.

If an average company wants to develop similar software, there is simply not much possibility of success.

Even if you ask large companies like Microsoft and Google to develop industrial software like CATIA, they will still have to stumble and experience "Waterloo".

As the largest industrial enterprise in China, Nanshan Group has many leading technologies in the country.

In this case, only with a strong industrial background, sufficient financial support, and enough determination to challenge can there be a possibility of success in the end.

Even so, this success will not come so quickly. It will take anywhere from three to five years to more than ten years of hard work to achieve the final result.

Just imagine, without Nanshan Group, what other company in China would have the strength and patience to develop software like CATIA?

“Everyone knows the importance of industrial software, but due to various problems, everyone selectively ignores its existence.”

"Now Academician Pan and others have put this issue on the table and pointed out that Nanshan Group is willing to go all out to develop industrial software."

“What is needed is various support policies and some test data support from various companies.”

“As the probability of success increases, the enthusiasm of ministries and commissions will naturally increase.”

"Many experts were worried before, but now there is no need to worry."

"After all, it seems that the Nanshan Group can find solutions to the things that everyone is worried about."

The influence of academicians is amazing.

Cao Yang was somewhat mentally prepared.

However, even so, he still felt that he needed to update his understanding of the influence of academicians.

In the future, Nanshan Group must pay more attention to the selection of academicians and allow more capable experts to become academicians.

At the same time, cooperation with Lingnan University of Technology can also be closer.

If some technical experts have the identity of professors from Lingnan University of Technology to help, it will definitely be beneficial to the selection work.

"Yes, industrial software was originally a backwater, but now that our group has joined it, it has undergone tremendous changes."

"I am going to take this opportunity to see if I can find some large industrial companies in the industry to cooperate with us in doing some development and testing work."

"There are a large number of modules that need to be developed in a CAD software, covering all walks of life. If we want to promote the software to various industries in the future, we will need some of their experience data."

Obviously, even if Nanshan Group is powerful, it is actually difficult to make CAD software very practical.

The difficulty here is higher than everyone thinks.

"Yes, as long as it is not a military-industrial enterprise and there is pressure from ministries and commissions, it should be relatively easy to advance."

"I believe that there must be many companies that have strong opinions on the unsatisfied appetite of manufacturers such as Dassault."

When they have no choice, many people can only selectively convince themselves to accept something they are not satisfied with.

But once there are new choices on the market, everyone's attitude will change.

Just look at the situation of CATL, the leader in the battery industry in its previous life.

When supply was most tight, CATL basically did whatever it said, and car companies were really working for it.

But when the situation starts to change, the situation will be completely different.

Changes in stock prices can also directly make everyone feel this change.

When companies purchase industrial software, they basically don’t have much say.

Because in this field, many companies themselves have little choice.

For example, if you are a company that makes parts and components, all the OEMs are using CATIA, and they also require you to have CATIA capabilities.

What to do in this situation?

Even if someone charges you an annual fee of 10 yuan, you still have to pay for it.

Otherwise, I won’t be able to do my job!

Industrial software providers such as Dassault are also well aware of this situation.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be such high charges.

With Cao Yang's support, Du Yulin was naturally very active in starting it.

At this time, something quite interesting happened in the automobile industry.

This directly caused Cao Yang to post on Weibo to criticize people.

(End of this chapter)

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