Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 671: Forced to summon chapter, Volkswagen vomited 3 liters of blood, this car company is act

Chapter 671: Forced to recall, Volkswagen vomited three liters of blood, and this car company was actually depressed

Zhu Zhengfeng has been a little annoyed recently.

He naturally knew about the conflict between Nanshan Group and Volkswagen.

If it was just a small fight, he wouldn't care.

But now things are getting bigger and bigger, and it seems that he can't do anything about it.

Volkswagen's Vondel has talked to him twice, and Spring City Volkswagen's sales are also declining at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In this case, Zhu Zhengfeng definitely couldn't sit still.

"Mr. Cao, Vondel from Volkswagen asked me to apologize to you. The automatic engine start and stop was not his idea, but the result of the sales staff below making arbitrary decisions."

"They hope that everyone can resolve misunderstandings and develop together under rational competition."

Regardless of whether Fondel had said something similar, when Zhu Zhengfeng and Cao Yang called, they would definitely have to give both parties a step down.

Otherwise, his job as a lobbyist would definitely be difficult.

After all, this time it was Volkswagen that caused trouble first, and Nanshan Group took revenge later.

Moreover, Nanshan Group’s retaliatory action did not clear the person’s innocence out of thin air. It just seized on the loopholes of Volkswagen DSG and made the matter bigger.

"Mr. Zhu, I'm not quite sure what you mean?"

"It's normal for everyone to have different opinions about different equipment."

"I don't see anything wrong with Volkswagen promoting its automatic start-stop technology there."

"Of course, everyone has their own preferences. I think the configuration of automatic start and stop is useless and a rubbish configuration. This is also normal."

How could Cao Yang let Volkswagen go just because of Zhu Zhengfeng's frivolous words?

Then the prestige established before has completely disappeared?

Unless Volkswagen takes some concrete actions this time, he will definitely not let go.

Besides, with the development of things now, Cao Yang is no longer letting go just because he wants to.

Many people from various car companies in China have already died.

Some of them didn't listen to Cao Yang's greetings.

"Mr. Cao, when it comes to automatic start and stop, Volkswagen is doing something wrong anyway."

"They are aware of this internally."

"Don't worry, something like this will never happen again in the future."

Although Cao Yang didn't accept the move, Zhu Zhengfeng still had to bite the bullet and continue.

What else to do?

Do you want to continue watching the Nanshan Group drag a group of people there to beat up Volkswagen?

Within Spring City Volkswagen, Spring City Automobile Group is the major shareholder.

This is different from ordinary joint venture car companies where the shares are 50:50.

Now that Spring City Volkswagen's sales have plummeted, Spring City Automobile Group will also make a lot less money.

That's why Zhu Zhengfeng was a little anxious.

"Mr. Zhu, there is really no need. There is no right or wrong in this matter. Everyone has their own opinions."

Zhu Zhengfeng was also tired after hearing that Cao Yang was still like this.

Who have you offended?

Nanshan Hongqi, a joint venture between Spring City Automobile Group and Nanshan Group, is now in a prosperous situation.

Nanshan Group also supplies parts to some other subsidiaries of Spring City Automobile Group.

It can be said that everyone’s cooperation is relatively close.

But Spring City Volkswagen is the largest source of profit for Spring City Automobile Group.

The palms and backs of his hands were full of flesh, so he had a hard time making a choice.

"Volkswagen's DSG does have some problems, and related problems are being analyzed and resolved."

"In fact, with so many parts on a car, there will be various problems to one degree or another."

"If every car company's problems are magnified in the future, it will actually be of no benefit to the development of the automotive industry."

Seeing that Cao Yang didn't answer, Zhu Zhengfeng had no choice but to continue talking.

What else to do?

Did you hang up the phone angrily?

That's what the weak do!

"Since there is a problem with Volkswagen's DSG, we must face the problem bravely."

“Isn’t there a recall regulation in the country?”

"Volkswagen can launch product recalls in accordance with regulations."

Cao Yang's words are equivalent to making conditions.

Zhu Zhengfeng couldn't give him any face.

But Nanshan Group’s face must not be lost.

In this battle, Volkswagen must admit defeat.

Of course, it would certainly not be realistic if their people had to come forward directly to admit defeat.

But if you respond by activating the recall of DSG, it will be relatively easier to accept.

And with such an action endorsement, the previous DSG-related rights protection activities launched by Nanshan Group appear to be very just.

This result is what Cao Yang cares about more.

After receiving Cao Yang's conditions, Zhu Zhengfeng did not waste time and said directly: "Mr. Cao, I understand what you mean. I will communicate with Fondel again."

"I'm not sure how Modu Volkswagen will respond, but Spring City Volkswagen will officially issue a DSG recall soon."

Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain!

Rather than being exploited by Nanshan Group and other companies to cause trouble, it would be better to admit their mistakes directly.

Anyway, the recall does not mean that every car has problems.

Even if there is a problem, not every car needs to replace the DSG.

Although the final price will not be small, compared with the current losses, it is still acceptable.


"Vondel, do we really want a recall?"

"The headquarters didn't even provide an accurate maintenance plan after the recall."

"We launched the recall so rashly, and I'm worried that it won't be over at all."

Strauss had a dark circle under his eyes and discussed matters with Vondel.

After Zhu Zhengfeng communicated with Cao Yang, he naturally reported the relevant situation to Fondel.

Volkswagen 4S stores in various places have seen a significant decrease in customer traffic, and more or less car owners are going to cause trouble.

This has put the sales departments of North and South Volkswagen into a mess.

Obviously, sales have naturally plummeted.

So how to change this situation as quickly as possible is what Volkswagen must consider.

"Of course I understand what you said."

"But we can't do it without recalling it now. When the time comes, Nanshan Group and those independent brands will see that we have been refusing to recall, and they will probably do it even more unscrupulously."

"Even Chinese ministries and commissions will come out to coordinate because the matter is too big."

"Instead of doing this, it is better to choose a recall."

"As for the problem you mentioned, it's actually easy to solve."

"The current problems with DSG are mainly abnormal noises, frustrations, and other power interruptions. If consumers have feedback, we will arrange for people to check it."

"If there is no feedback from consumers, then each 4S store can just conduct a symbolic inspection."

"It does not mean that all transmissions will need to be replaced or repaired after our recall."

It was clear that Vondel was going to play a trick.

Don’t you want me to recall you?

OK, I recall!

But in order to minimize costs, I won't actually do anything after the recall.

Of course, Vondel will choose this solution because Volkswagen itself has not found a complete solution to the various problems of DSG.

Otherwise, there is definitely no need to bother like that.

There are problems with the DSG, and Vondel is very clear about this.

If something is not replaced after the recall, there is a high probability that something will go wrong eventually.

They are mainly trying to ease the situation so that sales can stabilize.

Otherwise, there will be no sales, and it will be meaningless to say anything.

After understanding Vondel's idea, Strauss felt bitter, but he had no better way.

Who let it be that this time it was their DSG that really had a problem?


Following this conversation between Vondel and Strauss, Volkswagen China soon joined forces with Spring City Volkswagen and Mordu Volkswagen to launch a recall campaign.

At the same time, in order to restore its reputation, reduce the impact of this incident on future sales, and dispel consumers' concerns, Volkswagen also announced a new warranty regulation.


After this recall announcement and the new warranty conditions were announced, public opinion on the Internet finally began to develop in a direction favorable to Volkswagen.

Of course, the impact of this incident will definitely not fade so quickly.

After all, many people have questioned whether some of the maintenance solutions announced in this recall announcement can really solve the current problems.

Therefore, it is a high probability that Volkswagen's sales will continue to be affected in the future.

"Mr. Cao, Volkswagen has finally admitted defeat, but it is probably difficult for DSG's reputation to completely improve."

"I am going to continue to arrange for some people to follow this matter and not let Volkswagen have a good life."

After Yin Chuan saw the Volkswagen recall announcement, he called Cao Yang as soon as possible.

Nanshan Group and Chery Automobile are the most active in this activity.

Chery Automobile is now the No. 1 sales volume among domestic independent brand car companies and hopes for further development.

"Of course this is possible, but Zhu Zhengfeng from Spring City Automobile Group called me personally, and Modu Automobile Group also contacted me."

"I'm not suitable for doing too much action right now."

Cao Yang directly told Yin Chuan the actual situation, so that others would not think that Nanshan Group was hiding behind to enjoy the benefits.


"This time we have dealt a serious blow to Spring City Volkswagen and Modu Volkswagen. It is normal for Spring City Automobile Group and Modu Automobile Group to be a little anxious."

"However, I estimate that Changan Ford, Yangcheng Honda, Yangcheng Toyota and other car companies will not let Volkswagen off easily."

"Who gives Volkswagen the first market share?"

Yin Chuan did not feel disappointed because of Nanshan Group's withdrawal. After all, this counterattack has been considered a success so far.

It is unrealistic to expect to use these means to directly bring down Volkswagen.

Even the Korean car companies have not been completely killed, let alone Volkswagen, which has a profound foundation. However, what happened this time finally allowed many people to truly see the influence of Nanshan Group.

We need to let more people know that Nanshan Group is not that easy to mess with.

Cao Yang's goal was finally achieved.


"McCarty, did you see that?"

"Volkswagen was taken over by the Nanshan Group this time."

"If you want to do well in the Chinese automobile market, you just can't have a tense relationship with Nanshan Group, otherwise they will always find ways to deal with you."

"The previous Hyundai and Yueda Kia, as well as the current Volkswagen, are the best examples."

Aimoha has taken the two most important battles in the auto market into consideration in the first half of this year.

BMW's marketing staff are naturally not idle either, and have collected a lot of information for analysis and research.

Aimoha is also very fortunate that the relationship between BMW and Nanshan Group is not bad.

Otherwise, BMW will probably be very uncomfortable if it gets messed with.

In any major automobile market, the influence of local car companies is very huge.

For example, in the United States, General Motors and Ford cannot be messed with casually.

When it comes to Japan, Toyota is like a king.

As for being in Korea, there is no need to say more.

The situation is the same in France and Germany.

The automobile industry is different from ordinary enterprises in that its industrial chain is very long.

This means that it can have a very strong pulling effect on the economy.

For example, if they are both an automobile factory and a steel factory with annual sales of 1000 billion yuan, the local government will definitely prefer the automobile factory.

Because their sales of 1000 billion are likely to bring in various output values ​​that can be doubled or tripled.

However, steel plants do not have much of an industrial chain. Iron ore is directly imported, and coal is generally not purchased locally.

In the end, apart from sewage and waste gas, the remaining things made little contribution to the local area.

"The influence of Nanshan Group is indeed much greater than we imagined."

"The most important thing is that their marketing plan is also very powerful."

"Whether it's promoting their own models or attacking their opponents, they can often find ingenious ways."

“This is something our marketing team should learn from.”

As the sales director of BMW China, Mike considers his abilities to be very outstanding.

But when facing the marketing team of Nanshan Group, he had no confidence.

After all, everyone’s level is clearly visible to bystanders.

Blindly putting gold on one's face will not achieve any good results in the end.

It is not just BMW and other car companies that are also very touched by this matter.

There is also Nokia, which is desperate for glory phones.

"Chai Hang, have you noticed the news that Nanshan Group has united with China's independent brands to deal with Volkswagen?"

As the general manager of Nokia China, Colin Zhao has been having a hard time this year.

However, the more this happened, the more he wanted to find some way to break the situation.

So in recent months, his work has become even busier.

Not only did there be many things to do and various reforms to be promoted within the company, but outside the company, he also invited some experts to provide training for senior executives.

"I saw that Nanshan Group seized on the fact that Volkswagen DSG had quality problems, concentrated its efforts on marketing, and forced Volkswagen to recall it. It is estimated that the people at Volkswagen will vomit three liters of blood."

As the sales director, Chaihang naturally pays attention to various marketing cases at all times.

At the same time, he has been trying to find suitable job-hopping opportunities.

Volkswagen's DSG problem has been a hot news issue on the Internet during this period.

Even if he wanted to pretend not to see it, it would be impossible.

In China, behind any popular event, there is often something worthy of scrutiny and analysis by marketers.

This time DSG is naturally the same.

And if you do a little research, you will know that the reason why the DSG incident is so big this time is because Nanshan Group wants to retaliate against Volkswagen.

This already belongs to the category of business war.

After knowing this news, the marketing staff of Chaihang and others were naturally more interested in learning more about the reasons behind it.

"I think this marketing technique of Nanshan Group can be used as a plan for us to fight back against smartphones."

"As a new thing, smartphone software often has various bugs, and their screens are particularly fragile."

"Because the screen is relatively large, battery life is also an issue."

“On various IT forums, there are also many people complaining about the products of Honor mobile phones and Apple mobile phones.”

When Zhao Colin said this, Chai Hang immediately knew what the other party was planning.

But this time, Chai Hang's heart was not positive at all.

After these few months of riding a donkey to find a cow, he has fully realized that smartphones are the future and traditional mobile phones will definitely decline.

People at the headquarters are still clinging to Microsoft's thighs and want to change the passive situation in smartphones through cooperation with Microsoft and Intel.

By the time Nokia makes a big move, it is estimated that smartphones will have completely defeated traditional mobile phones.

At that time, Nokia, even if it is a big company and a big business, will not be able to sustain it.

"Mr. Zhao, the company has incurred a lot of marketing expenses in the past six months, and it has even exceeded the budget many times."

"The terminal discounts for various mobile phones are also relatively large, and the profit margins are already relatively low."

"I think the most important thing to consider at this time is to stabilize the situation, let everyone calm down a little, and think about what should be done to really change the situation."

When Chai Hang said this, Zhao Colin couldn't help but frown.

From Chai Hang's words, he felt a hint of decadence.

As a company executive, how can this be done?

But Nokia's current situation is really not good.

Sales have declined year-on-year for nine consecutive months, hitting new lows repeatedly.

According to this pace, by December this year, the monthly sales volume of Honor mobile phones may exceed that of Nokia.

This is definitely a very scary thing and something that has never happened in the past many years.

However, Colin Zhao found that he seemed to be unable to do anything?


I can't sit still and wait for death!

Before Nokia collapsed, he had to find a way to transfer back to the headquarters or change his job.


DSG's reputation has been a bit bad lately.

Volkswagen is definitely the most hurt, but there is another company that is also a little depressed.

That's BYD!

"Mr. Wang, our dual-clutch gearbox has basically completed development. It was originally planned to be officially released recently and installed for the first time on the new S6 at the end of the year."

"But at this time, it seems a bit inappropriate to promote it."

As BYD's vice president in charge of research and development, Liang Chuanqing has spent a lot of time in the past two years leading people to conquer gearbox technology.

The traditional AT gearbox has a relatively high threshold. After some internal analysis, BYD felt that it could not handle it.

Just a few years ago, Volkswagen began to vigorously promote the TSI+DSG strategy, so BYD also turned its attention to dual-clutch gearboxes.

After several years of hard work, BYD has now mastered the independent production of the most important dual-clutch module in the dual-clutch transmission and the completely independent design capabilities of dual-clutch electronic control software, becoming the first and only independent brand that can independently produce dual-clutch transmissions. Car companies.

With this technology, BYD transmissions will no longer need to be purchased from Nanshan Transmission in the future.

This was originally Liang Chuanqing's biggest achievement.

But now it's a bit embarrassing.

"We have invested so much manpower and material resources in dual-clutch gearboxes, so even now because Volkswagen's DSG has a bad reputation, we cannot give up completely."

"But we can also be more flexible and not switch the transmissions of all models to our own dual-clutch transmissions at once."

"We will make some adjustments based on market response at that time."

"Of course, when promoting our dual-clutch gearbox, we also need to highlight the differences between our products and Volkswagen."

“What’s more, we need to realize that it is not easy for us to become the first domestic company to produce dual-clutch gearboxes.”

Wang Fu was also a little aggrieved.

Although BYD did not contribute the most to the retaliation against Volkswagen led by Nanshan Group some time ago, it was still involved.

But relatively speaking, the benefits gained by BYD are relatively limited.

Even now I am a victim to a certain extent.

Where is the logic in this?

"Well, that's all."

"But what I'm worried about is how Nanshan Transmission will react after this dual-clutch gearbox is launched."

"It would be embarrassing if they become angry and take action specifically against us."

Liang Chuanqing said a little worried.

After all, the emergence of BYD's self-developed dual-clutch gearbox is definitely not a good thing for Nanshan Gearbox.

The other person has no reason to be happy.

"Nanshan Group is not so domineering in its work, and they will not have to deal with us just because we developed our own gearbox."

"As long as our gearboxes are not sold to others, they should still be within their tolerance range."

Wang Fu thought for a moment and gave his own judgment.

In terms of the supply of gearboxes, Nanshan Gearbox is only BYD's supplier after all.

No OEM can accept suppliers being placed above itself.

BYD is no exception.

Besides, we already had self-developed engines before, and now that we have a gearbox, it doesn’t seem to be a particularly big impact.

However, although Wang Fu and Liang Chuanqing guessed this, in the end, the response plan from Nanshan Gearbox was different from what they thought.

(End of this chapter)

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