Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 682 Sales plummet, the eve of the collapse of the first generation giant

Chapter 682 Sales plummet, the eve of the collapse of a generation of giants

When the times abandon you, you won’t even say hello.

In the past June, Nokia's monthly sales in China fell below 6 million units for the first time, to only 500 million units.

Although this data is still a very large number, if you know that 1000% of the sales are contributed by models priced below yuan, you will not think that it is a very good data.

Honor mobile phones must take such a big change very seriously.

"Mr. Cao, our global mobile phone sales in June reached 6 million units, of which 472 million were sold domestically."

"Although the overall sales volume is still far behind Nokia, the turnover has far surpassed Nokia."

"According to the current development trend, next month our total global sales will surpass Nokia's sales in China."

"Our domestic sales can even exceed Nokia China's sales."

With such outstanding results, Xia Qingqing naturally wanted to report properly to Cao Yang.

To put it bluntly, the battle between smartphones and traditional mobile phones has reached a decisive battle.

Everyone’s recognition of smartphones is already very high.

Except for some middle-aged and elderly consumers, few new phone buyers will buy traditional feature phones.

Surrounding smartphones, many Internet users have begun to focus on mobile phones.

Even laptop sales have declined due to the advent of smartphones.

And all of this is closely related to Honor mobile phones.

"Is there any action from Nokia?"

"Didn't they cooperate with Microsoft and Intel to develop some new products?"

Cao Yang was not surprised by what Xia Qingqing reported.

Nokia, a giant, is destined to be saved by no one.

"Yes, their three-way cooperation quickly launched several new mobile phones."

"The performance of these models after they were launched is not particularly bad, but overall it is just like that. There is no way to compete with our HONOR 2."

"It is estimated that the current market structure is changing so fast, Nokia and other giants will also move faster."

"For example, Windows Phone 7.0, which was just launched last year, would normally not be upgraded that quickly."

"But just three months after it came out, it underwent a major upgrade to Windows Phone 7.5."

"Many of the changes in the content are quite significant, and may even make old consumers feel a little unfamiliar."

Xia Qingqing is naturally very concerned about the developments at Nokia.

And there are people dedicated to collecting, analyzing and sorting out Nokia's intelligence every week and reporting regularly.

So she naturally answered Cao Yang's question easily.

"The cooperation just started last year, and several mobile phones and new systems were released so quickly."

"It seems that all three of them are a little anxious."

Due to the emergence of Honor mobile phones, the current mobile phone market is obviously much larger than the same period in history.

Because Honor mobile phones not only seize a lot of Nokia's sales, but also lead a lot of copycat manufacturers in Huaqiangbei to seize the market.

This impact is actually very huge.

It can be said that the fierce competition in the current mobile phone market is at least comparable to that in 2012.

Even more than that.

"The three giants joined together and made many moves so quickly. They seemed to give people a very powerful impression."

"But a product launched in such a hurry will definitely have many problems."

"Now Nokia still has a group of loyal fans who are buying these new smartphones directly."

"Once these fans are disappointed with Nokia, then Nokia will be on the verge of collapse."

Although Xia Qingqing hopes that Nokia's share will be taken away by her as much as possible, she also knows that Nokia, a giant, still has a very deep foundation.

Over the years, they have accumulated a lot of very loyal fans.

These people play a key role in Nokia's sales.

"In the first half of this year, Nokia's sales not only failed to meet their originally announced growth targets, but plummeted by 34% year-on-year."

"In this case, Nokia will definitely take further actions."

"You should also pay more attention to each other's situation, lest they direct their anger on us and cause some trouble."

The skinny Luo was bigger than the horse, and Cao Yang was a little worried about Nokia's counterattack.

Obviously he can achieve success comfortably, so naturally he doesn't want any surprises to happen.

After all, if you push someone into a hurry, anything is possible.

While Honor Mobile was discussing the mobile phone market in the first half of the year, a meeting was also going on within Nokia.

Nokia Global President Stephen Elop personally discussed with the general managers of several regions to deal with the situation.

"Everyone has seen the sales data for the first half of the year."

"Sales in China fell by 34% year-on-year, sales in the United States also fell by 26%, and sales in Europe also fell by 22%."

"The overall sales volume fell by more than 25%, which is completely unacceptable."

"Our sales in the first half of the year were no longer the first in the industry in both China and the United States."

"If this situation is allowed to continue, we will all lose our jobs."

Elop looked at the executives present with a cold face.

Each of these people has a very high income, but the business they are responsible for is a mess.

Elop is very dissatisfied now.

Of course, he definitely doesn't think these issues have anything to do with him.

Any mistakes must be the fault of the subordinates.

"Previously, many consumers still reported that our operating system was not very easy to use, and it was incomparable with Apple and Honor phones."

"Even the Android used by Samsung is better than it, which has a very negative impact on the sales of our smartphones."

Zhao Colin, head of the Huaxia branch, first stood up to express his dissatisfaction with the operating system.

The Chinese market is Nokia's largest single market, and sales here have fallen so sharply.

So Colin Zhao must be looking for some convincing reasons.

Otherwise, this meeting will turn into a meeting to criticize him.

"I have arranged for someone to communicate with Microsoft regarding the operating system issue."

"They will launch the new Windows Phone 8.0 soon. By then, this system will be fully aligned with the Android system. All aspects of performance will be greatly improved, and the operation method will be similar to Android."

"After the upgraded system comes out, I believe the operating system will no longer be a factor limiting the development of Nokia smartphones."

Elop is a former Microsoft executive, and he is the most active in cooperating with Microsoft.

Even if the Big Three can sit down and cooperate again this time, it has a lot to do with him.

The current operating system is not very easy to use, and he naturally knows this problem.

So he was very anxious to respond to Microsoft.

Windows Phone 8.0, which was originally not going to be launched until next year, will be officially launched at the end of this month.

In his opinion, this is definitely a very good news.

This also reflects the great importance Microsoft attaches to this tripartite cooperation.

Microsoft is already the undisputed king of computer operating systems, with almost no rivals.

Now that the smartphone era is coming, Microsoft has naturally realized this.

So Microsoft naturally wants to extend its monopoly on computer operating systems to mobile operating systems.

By then, there will be nearly 10 billion mobile phones in the world every year. If 10% of them use Microsoft's operating system by then, then as long as each mobile phone charges US$100, that will be a huge revenue of US$ billion.

This is a market that Microsoft is absolutely reluctant to give up.

"The appearance of our smartphones is still a little unrecognizable, and we lack a new model that everyone will remember at a glance."

"Although the sales of smartphones have increased in the past two months, the overall share is still incomparable with Apple."

"I think it is necessary for the design team to reflect on it and see why it cannot design a classic shape like iPhone 4 and HONOR 2?"

The person in charge in the United States also stood up and took the blame.

No one wants to bear the responsibility for the decline in sales. At this time, it is natural to find a more convincing reason for everyone.

Otherwise, it is easy to fall into a passive and unfavorable situation.

"Samsung is a traditional mobile phone giant like us, but their transformation this year has been more successful."

"Now their smartphone sales are second only to Apple phones and Honor phones."

"When I look at the appearance of their phones, they are not as good-looking as other phones from Apple and Honor."

"Why can they sell their products but you have difficulties?"

Elop immediately stated his objections.

The purpose of today's meeting is to find a solution to the problem with everyone, not to ask everyone to find ways to make excuses.

But there seems to be something wrong with the current atmosphere.

So he immediately brought up the example of Samsung.

Everyone else can do it, but you can’t?

Whose problem is that?

"Samsung uses the Android system, which is relatively recognized by everyone."

Colin Zhao muttered beside him.

However, Elop chose not to hear it.

Nokia's latest system strategy was formulated by him personally, so it can't be his problem, right?

Even if it is really his problem, that is absolutely unacceptable.

Improvements can be made, but admitting mistakes is an absolute no-no.

In the consciousness of many Europeans and Americans, there is no habit of saying "I'm sorry".

The act of being stubborn even if they make a mistake is a sign of confidence in their culture.

Of course, it is very common for people to be stubborn on the surface but quickly revise things privately.

"As I said, Microsoft's latest operating system will be available soon."

"At that time, we will simultaneously launch three new models at different price points around the world."

"I hope that starting from next month, our sales will increase significantly and our market share will not decline further."

When Elop said this, everyone felt the pressure.

We are all smart people. After the downward trend of a product is formed, it is definitely not easy to reverse it.

Let alone stop the decline next month, if it can stop the decline within this year, it is actually a very good result.

But there is definitely no way to argue with Elop in this situation. In the end, this meeting must have ended in a rather depressing atmosphere.


"Mr. Wang, fortunately we have already renovated part of Nokia's production lines before, otherwise they would be idle there now."

Zhong Qiang has naturally been paying attention to changes in the mobile phone industry.

The first half of this year can be said to be the hottest half of the year for China's mobile phone industry.

All brands have tried their best to carry out various marketing activities.

In particular, traditional mobile phone giants such as Nokia have rapidly launched a number of new products.

However, the final sales performance was not good at all.

"It seems that Nokia is really going to die. They will soon be surpassed by Honor phones."

"Even if you add up the sales of Honor phones and Warwick, they have already surpassed Nokia."

"And most of the products we OEM for Nokia are relatively low-value products."

“Sometimes, even if you produce five Nokia units, you still don’t make as much money as one HONOR 2.”

Wang Fu is now secretly glad that he made the right decision.

Otherwise, there would definitely be no way to live such a comfortable life now.

"The sales of Honor mobile phones and Warwick mobile phones are constantly increasing. I think the mobile phone OEM business is likely to become the company's largest sales business in the future."

"Using these advantages, we also have great technical advantages in the production of navigation and other parts."

"At that time, we can fully integrate it with the automotive business."

The production difficulty of mobile phones is obviously higher than that of navigation and touch screen parts.

If BYD can produce smartphones, many other electronic components will not be difficult parts for BYD.

At least that's what it looks like from a production perspective.

"Nokia has several new products that will be mass-produced starting this month."

"You have to pay special attention to the market performance of these new products. The expected number of units given by the other party this time is very large. If the sales volume is not satisfactory by then, then the load of our production line will be reduced immediately."

Wang Fu is not at all worried about BYD's mobile phone OEM business.

The customer gave too little information about the number of units, so he had to worry.

The customer gave too much information about the number of units, and he had to worry about it.

Anyway, he definitely couldn't be idle all day long.

"These new products are the result of a tripartite cooperation between Nokia, Intel, and Microsoft, and Nokia has relatively high expectations for them."

"Although the market performance may not be that ideal, I think it shouldn't be bad."

Zhong Qiang boldly gave his guess.

However, the market will soon tell him the answer.


"Mr. Wang, I feel that Nokia's current situation is in danger. Can we consider giving them a further push to make them fall completely?"

As the sales director of Apple China, Lin Rong is definitely no less concerned about Nokia than Xia Qingqing.

To a certain extent, Nokia is their common enemy.

They are not particularly willing to engage in fierce competition between killing this enemy.

After all, the market capacity of smartphones is still not as good as that of traditional feature phones.

After all, Nokia and Motorola can produce feature phones for 300 yuan each.

But whether it is an Honor phone, an Apple phone, or a copycat phone from Huaqiangbei, if it is a real feature phone, it cannot be purchased for 300 yuan per unit.

However, some people only have the most basic needs for making phone calls on their mobile phones.

Therefore, the sales of models priced around 300 yuan have always been very good.

Nokia also relied on the performance of these models in the first half of this year to avoid a complete collapse.

However, sales did not completely collapse, but profits plummeted.

Although it has not yet reached the point of losing money, Nokia China's profits have disappeared by 90%.

The key is that under this circumstance, Nokia's sales are still falling.

That's why Lin Rong felt that Nokia was really at the stage of life and death.

"Take advantage of his illness and kill him!"

"Nokia has now joined forces with Microsoft and Intel, and is likely to bring many new products to everyone."

"In order to avoid being overturned by Nokia, we must try our best to make their current situation out of control."

"Once the whole company becomes chaotic, it won't be long before Nokia leaves the mobile phone market."

Wang Ziming gave his opinion very definitely.

His first priority now is to expand market share, and the easiest market to grab is the market of traditional mobile phone giants such as Nokia and Motorola.

"Well, then I will try to arrange some more activities and try to completely ruin Nokia's reputation as soon as possible."

After determining the general direction, Lin Rong immediately started busy.

The situation in China's mobile phone industry has also begun to become complicated.

"Editor-in-Chief Wu, these mobile phone manufacturers are really interesting. They have formed alliances."

Xie Min was drinking coffee while chatting with Wu Xuebin.

As the senior editor of Zhongguancun Online, Xie Min has naturally paid attention to the fierce competition in the mobile phone industry during this period.

Although their respective executives have not yet competed, the competition among dealers in various places is definitely fierce.

The car market in 2011 is definitely much more volatile than in 2010.

"This year, our website's advertising revenue has increased by 43% compared to the same period last year. This increase is considered excellent in all years since the company was founded."

"The more these mobile phone manufacturers get involved, the better off our lives will be."

Wu Xuebin is obviously not afraid of changes in the mobile phone industry.

Anyway, they are the most influential professional website in the IT industry.

As long as various mobile phone manufacturers still want to advertise on the Internet, it will be difficult to avoid Zhongguancun Online.

This is also where Wu Xuebin’s confidence lies.

"That's true, but I'm worried that things will turn in reverse, and the situation will become more complicated by then."

Although under normal circumstances, if this situation continues to develop, it will definitely be a good thing for Zhongguancun Online.

But Xie Min obviously lacked confidence.

She was worried that the situation would be completely different from what she expected.


"Mr. Cao, it is said that this year's Apple Developer Conference will be postponed to November."

"Our HONOR 3 could have been released in June and then officially launched in July."

"But now that Apple's developer conference has been postponed, I wonder if the HONOR launch conference can also be postponed appropriately."

"The competitiveness of our HONOR 3G and HONOR 2 is still very strong, and we don't need new products to help us in the short term."

Xia Qingqing came to Cao Yang's office again.

Developing one mobile phone a year is basically the rule Cao Yang set for Honor mobile phones.

According to this rule, June of this year is the day when HONOR 6 will be released.

However, a week has passed since July, and the press conference has not been held yet.

There is naturally a reason behind this matter.

"Postpone it."

"Anyway, our products must compete with Apple's new products and we cannot fall behind."

"Otherwise, it will be more difficult to suppress them in the future."

Cao Yang has a very clear understanding of the influence of trends.

To reverse something that has formed a trend requires patience, skills, and ability.

"I heard that Nokia will have a new model officially released soon."

"It is estimated that it will also have a certain impact on our sales."

Xia Qingqing reported another bad news.

But Cao Yang didn't care very much.

Because he knew that no matter how hard Nokia worked, the mobile phone business would definitely fail in the end.

If it continues reluctantly, various problems will arise.

"Nokia has launched more new models in the past year than in the past two or three years, right?"

"They are obviously aware of the current problem."

"If they make new moves at that time, we will decide whether to treat them individually based on the actual situation."

Cao Yang told Xia Qingqing what he thought.

Terminal discounts have different results in different places.

Even for a model with the same configuration, the price you propose in Lingnan Province may be 10 yuan, but in Northeast China it may be 11 yuan.

Many things here have been explained through previous topics.

"Among our employees and Nokia's, there are former employees of each other."

"We can quickly find out some information inside Nokia, but I guess Nokia also knows a little bit about our family's situation."

Xia Qingqing knew very well that there were informants from other companies among the company's employees.

But to find such an eyeliner, sometimes you need some chance.

Otherwise it would be a bit difficult.

"Don't worry about these things, you still need to be strong to make iron."

"We are now trying to get all mobile phone manufacturers to follow our lead, so that we can maximize our influence."

When Cao Yang said this, Xia Qingqing knew what was going on.

In the next few years, I can roll up my sleeves and work hard.

"Well, then I'll arrange for someone to keep an eye on the other party's movements."

Xia Qingqing didn't dwell on anything anymore and immediately went to coordinate to follow up on the news at Nokia.

But at this time, Nokia did something desperate.

(End of this chapter)

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