Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 689: Breakthrough of high-end chips, Nanshan Semiconductor is targeted

Chapter 689: Breakthrough of high-end chips, Nanshan Semiconductor is targeted

There is a twelve-hour time difference between the United States and China.

When the Honor mobile phone launch conference was being held in China, it was still early in the morning.

The Honor mobile phone launch conference started at 8 pm and ended at 9 pm, which did not last very long.

In this kind of activity, there is no need to have too many long talks. The key is to look at the product.

However, activities at one end of the Pacific will have an impact on many companies on the other side.

"Kuka, the company's stock plummeted 3.22% at the opening. Among the green, the red is very dazzling!"

"Has the company made any major adjustments to its business strategy or leaked confidential information, but our finance department doesn't know about it?"

Finance Director Toombs pays close attention to changes in Apple's stock price every day.

As a company with a high market capitalization, a 3.22% decline is already considered a large decline.

The fiery red numbers made Toomes feel very dazzling.

If China A-share investors saw this color, they would probably be extremely happy.

After all, in A-shares, red means rising and green means falling.

But in the U.S. stock market, the situation is the other way around.

"The company has just released the new iPhone 4S. It has been falling for two days. Now the stock price should be slowly recovering."

"After all, we brought Nokia to its knees, and Motorola and Sony Ericsson were also unable to survive."

"Most investors are still optimistic about our future."

"There is nothing in the company that even you, the financial director, would like to hide."

Kuka obviously didn't understand why the stock fell sharply at the opening today.

This situation is still relatively rare.

If the entire market is plummeting, so be it.

The key is that the index is rising, and most stocks are also rising. Only Apple has plummeted.

This situation is obviously abnormal.

"I think the same thing as you, but in this situation, investors obviously don't think so."

After Toombs finished speaking, he couldn't help but continue: "I'll call my classmates on Wall Street to see if they might know some reasons."

At this moment, Toomes realized that he seemed to have been too impulsive.

You should make more phone calls to understand the situation, so that it won't turn into just questioning Kuka.

Apple's flagship figure passed away some time ago, and Kuka is now the new leader's most important person when he takes office. This is the time when he wants to establish prestige within the company.

Toomes also didn't want Kuka to get any misunderstandings and take action to deal with him when the time comes.

That would be embarrassing!

As soon as he took out the phone, Kuka's cell phone also rang.

Wang Ziming, the general manager of the Huaxia branch, called him directly.

This made him feel a little strange.

Normally, Wang Ziming usually communicates with the vice president in charge of the Asia-Pacific region first, and rarely calls himself directly.

Now it was after get off work in Huaxia that I called myself.

With a hint of confusion, Kuka answered the phone.

"Kuka, China's Honor Mobile just held a new product launch conference and released their HONOR 3, HONOR PAD3 and HONOR PAD MINI. They also upgraded the hardware of HONOR2 and HONOR 3G."

Wang Ziming did not exchange greetings with Kuka, but went directly to the topic.

Originally, he wanted to wait until tonight to sort out the relevant information, and then wait until tomorrow evening to make a special report to the headquarters.

But not long after the press conference ended, he discovered that Apple’s stock had plummeted.

This made him, who held a lot of company stocks, immediately realize the seriousness of the problem.

So he quickly collected and sorted out the relevant information and called KUKA directly.

“Are Honor Mobile’s new products competitive?”

Kuka is not stupid, on the contrary, he is very smart.

From Wang Ziming's phone call and the information during this period, he was able to make a judgment that was more consistent with the facts.

"Although it cannot be said to be amazing, it does not disappoint consumers."

"Their HONOR 3 still has some remarkable performance, which is in line with everyone's expectations."

“The launch of HONOR PAD MINI has made many people optimistic, thinking that the sales volume of HONOR PAD should surpass iPAD next year.”

"I think the company can also consider launching iPAD MINI next year to further lower the purchase threshold and meet the needs of some consumers."

While Wang Ziming was introducing the situation of Honor mobile phones, he was thinking about how to tell Kuka about the relationship between this matter and the changes in stock prices.

However, before Wang Ziming mentioned this topic, Kuka had already thought of it himself.

"Wang, the company's stock price dropped sharply at the opening of the market today. Do you think investors saw the Honor mobile phone launch information and felt that it would bring greater competitive pressure to our products?"

Hearing what Kuka said, Wang Ziming breathed a sigh of relief.

It's really great that you don't need to take the initiative to talk about such an embarrassing thing.

Otherwise, he would be worried that what he said would not be liked by people.

"Although this information needs further confirmation, I think this is the most likely possibility."

Although Wang Ziming 100% believed that the stock price fell because of the Honor mobile phone launch event.

But as a person, you can't be too strict with your words.

He still understands this truth.

"You sorted out the situation of Honor mobile phones as soon as possible, and then flew back to the headquarters in person with their latest products to give a special report and discussion."

"Now that Nokia has fallen, I originally thought Samsung was the most worthy opponent of our attention."

"Now it seems that China's Honor mobile phone is also an existence that cannot be ignored."

As an American, many people looked at China through colored glasses in 2011.

The previous CEO was like this, and Kuka is similar.

In their view, even if Honor Mobile has produced several relatively successful products before, it is ultimately unsustainable.

Only Samsung phones deserve Apple's attention.

However, a press conference of the Honor mobile phone caused Apple's stock to plummet, which is why KUKA does not pay attention to the Honor mobile phone.

Maybe Apple’s stock will fluctuate again due to the Honor mobile phone issue in the future.

If the people on Wall Street feel that the people at Apple have no vision, they don't even understand the situation of their competitors.

That wouldn’t be beautiful!


While Kuka, Wang Ziming and others were working hard for Apple's stock price to fall, Zhang Fugui was happily staring at the K-line chart on the screen.

"Lin Ling, I think it's almost the same. We'll just close the Internet cafe."

As the person in charge of Nanshan Investment, Zhang Fugui is now becoming more and more discerning.

Of course, this is all based on the increasing amount of information he has.

Honor Mobile is going to release new products. As the most similar competitor of Honor Mobile, Apple’s stock price will definitely be affected to a certain extent.

If the products of Honor mobile phones are very attractive, then Apple's stock price will most likely rise.

On the contrary, it is down.

For this reason, Zhang Fugui called Cao Yang specifically to confirm the status of the new Honor mobile phone products.

They even specifically asked whether the new products would put greater pressure on Apple's mobile phones and whether they would have a certain impact on Apple's stock price.

After getting a positive answer, he naturally would not miss this opportunity.

In the past two days, Nanshan Investment began to short Apple's stock price, and it was also a leveraged one.

Although there are certain risks, compared with the expected benefits, the risk is still worth it.

"Mr. Zhang, why don't you wait a moment?"

"The news of the launch of new Honor mobile phone products has not yet been fully confirmed. Maybe Apple's stock price will fall further tomorrow."

As a financial expert under Nanshan Investment, Lin Ling personally took charge of the command this time.

However, the final opinion must still be heard from Zhang Fugui.

"No need, Apple has a lot of influence on Wall Street. Although the stock price has fallen today, they will definitely have some reaction."

"At that time, all the profits that have been obtained may be lost."

Zhang Fugui is not a very greedy person.

Nanshan Investment has made a lot of money over the years, but most of it was due to Cao Yang providing some general guidance.

There are very few times when you really make a lot of money through very risky methods.

In Zhang Fugui's view, his current task is more to prevent Nanshan's investment funds from depreciating and to keep up with the development of the times.

As for making substantial money, it is no longer the main task of Nanshan Investment.

After all, Nanshan Group's profitability has completely improved in the past two years, and profits of hundreds of billions of yuan are still very scary.

"Understood, I'll deal with it right away!"

Lin Ling also has a relatively good understanding of her boss's character.

There is no need to stick to your own opinions at this time.

After all, she just thought she could take a gamble, but she wasn't completely sure.

In this case, it is definitely not appropriate to go against the boss.

not worth it!


"Ayang, haven't you slept yet?"

By the time Lin Ling's side had finished trading and the profits had been secured, Zhang Fugui directly made an overseas phone call to Cao Yang.

"Getting ready for bed."

"Is there any good news from Nanshan Investment?"

Zhang Fugui was planning to take a small sniper at Apple in the stock market. Cao Yang had known about this for a long time.

Now that you are calling me so actively, you obviously have good news.

Otherwise, I would probably wait until later to report it. People are like this.

There is no benefit in reporting good news but not bad news, especially unnecessary worries. Don't report them to the leader easily.


"Earned more than 100 million U.S. dollars in profit."

Zhang Fugui couldn't help but smile.

Earning more than 100 million US dollars in one day is definitely an impressive achievement.

"As Apple is the world's most valuable technology company, I feel that we can still make a good play on their stock price in the future."

“You make money by going short today, and you may make money by buying long next time.”

"We know Apple and the global smartphone industry better than many investors."

Zhang Fugui couldn't help but come up with his new ideas.

I have to say that the object he anchored is still very good.

Cao Yang naturally had no objection to this.

It's just that they are happy this time, but others must be different.


"The latest HONOR 3 prototype has just been sent to the R&D center for analysis. Although the results have not come out, the competitiveness of this product cannot be underestimated, and everyone should still pay attention to it."

“Apple’s stock price plummeted last night because of the launch of the Honor mobile phone.”

This is not the first time that Li Zairong has held a special meeting specifically about Honor mobile phones.

The Huaxia branch also reported on the Honor mobile phone. Coupled with some reports on the Internet, he paid more attention to the Honor mobile phone.

"This news is now spreading very quickly, causing people who had not paid attention to Honor's new product launch conference to start researching what kind of products they have released, causing Apple's stock price to fall."

"But objectively speaking, Honor Mobile's new products this time are indeed more competitive than Apple's new products."

"At least in the Chinese market, Honor phones will definitely continue to beat Apple in the next year."

"If we want to surpass Honor mobile phones, it will be a bit difficult."

Li Zailin also flew back to Korea today to attend this meeting together.

As the general manager of the Huaxia branch, whether his position can be secure depends to a certain extent on the results of competition between Samsung and Honor mobile phones, or in other words, the results of competition with Nanshan Semiconductor.

Anyway, whether it is good or bad, it is inseparable from Nanshan Group.

"Yesterday, the marketing department compiled a piece of relevant information about Nanshan Semiconductor. It is basically certain that their latest factory in Yangcheng has put into production 28-nanometer chips."

"This also means that Nanshan Equipment can really produce its own lithography machines, and it can also meet the needs of 28 nanometers."

"I have arranged for people to feedback relevant information to ASML and other companies, and they should have some reactions by then."

"As Samsung, we also need to think ahead about what to do next."

Although Li Zairong is the crown prince of Samsung, if the company is run into a mess, then the crown prince's position may not be rock solid.

Now that Honor Mobile and Nanshan Semiconductor appeared, which made him feel threatened, he naturally had to pay attention to them.

At this time, the head of the R&D center received an email on his computer. After seeing the title, he opened it directly, browsed it quickly, and then said: "President, it has been confirmed that the chip of HONOR 3 is Products produced by Nanshan Semiconductor are most likely processed using 28nm process technology."

"Although some test parameters have not yet been officially released, the current phased confirmation results prove that the parameters announced by Honor mobile phones seem to be OK."

"This also means that Nanshan Semiconductor has mastered the technology of high-end chips and is on the same starting line as us."

Although everyone had certain predictions, when the results were actually revealed in front of everyone, many people still felt that they were unacceptable.

How much effort has Samsung put into developing its semiconductor business?

On January 1969, 1, Samsung Electronics Company was established.

On December 1974, 12, the Lees and their sons ignored the management's advice and invested their own money in Hankook Semiconductor Company.

By the end of 1977, the business was fully merged and became Samsung Semiconductor.

After years of hard work, by 1993, Samsung had become the world's largest memory chip manufacturer.

After that, there were countless bloody competitions, and Samsung Electronics became what it is today.

According to Li Zairong’s idea, the next ten years will be a decade of continuous gains for Samsung Electronics.

I didn’t expect to face a new challenge so soon.

"The chip technology of the 28-nanometer process is a technology that no country in the world wants China to master."

"Now they have not only mastered it, but they can also localize the equipment and technology. This is absolutely unacceptable."

"I believe we are not the only ones who have this understanding."

Li Zailin's face looked a little ugly.

This time when he returned to the headquarters for a meeting, he had some bad premonitions.

But I didn't expect it to be so bad.

Nanshan Semiconductor has reached the point where it has mastered even high-end smartphone chip technology!

This means that Nanshan Semiconductor has the ability to produce advanced computer CPUs at any time.

In the future, so many customers in the Chinese market are likely to choose to purchase related chips from Nanshan Semiconductor.

After mastering the capabilities of chip production equipment, Nanshan Semiconductor is uncontrollable in terms of capacity expansion.

According to Li Zailin's understanding of the Chinese people, in the future, the most advanced chip technology in the world, 28 nanometers, will soon be widely used in all walks of life in China.

Nanshan Semiconductor will definitely expand production capacity rapidly.

This is beyond doubt!

"I will communicate with Qualcomm, TSMC, ASML, Intel and other companies. We cannot just sit idly by and ignore this change!"

Li Zairong is naturally aware of the impact of this matter on Samsung and even the global semiconductor industry.

No one wants the right to speak in this industry to be in the hands of the Chinese.

I don’t even want to see a Chinese company come to the table to play games with them.


"Pete, the information from Samsung says that Nanshan Semiconductor has begun mass production of 28nm chips."

“This means that Nanshan Equipment’s photolithography machines can already meet the needs of this process.”

"What do you think of this information?"

As the president of ASML, Christopher received very bad news early in the morning, so he immediately called the head of R&D, Peter.

Although Cao Yang published some papers related to lithography machines in the school magazine of Lingnan University of Technology, Asmer felt the crisis.

But at that time, Nanshan Equipment's advanced photolithography machines were not in real mass production, and ASML's technical advantages still existed.

But the current situation is slowly changing.

Once Nanshan Equipment really becomes ASML's biggest competitor, the impact will definitely be huge.

In the future, orders for lithography machines from China may gradually lose their relationship with ASML.

Although ASML is not particularly worried that orders from the United States, Europe, Korea, Japan and other places will be taken away by Nanshan Equipment, its customers will definitely use Nanshan Semiconductor to lower prices.

It is even possible for individual customers to purchase lithography machines directly from Nanshan Equipment.

The most important thing is that the things that the Chinese can produce often end up costing astonishingly low.

As a result, the cost competitiveness of customers using ASML equipment will decrease.

This is definitely bad news for Christopher.

After all, when ASML is in a monopoly position, no matter how it sells things, it's easy to say.

Anyway, the equipment everyone bought was cheap and had little impact.

But some people buy expensive equipment, and some people can use cheap equipment. The situation is different.

"Christopher, is this news accurate?"

Pete always felt that it was impossible for the Chinese to master the most advanced photolithography machine technology.

If the Chinese can produce lithography machines for 200 nanometer or even 100 nanometer chips, he would believe it.

After all, there are so many ready-made products in China for reference, and some progress can be made.

But 28nm is now the most advanced generation of products in the international mainstream. If Chinese companies also have this technology, it will be troublesome.

"I don't think Samsung needs to lie on this matter."

"Nanshan Semiconductor is Samsung's main competitor in China, and Honor Mobile, a subsidiary of Nanshan Group, is also Samsung's biggest mobile phone competitor in China."

"So Samsung is definitely paying more attention to the news of Nanshan Group and has arranged more people to inquire about this information."

Christopher naturally hopes that the news he heard is false.

But there are some things that cannot be solved by avoiding them.

"Nanshan equipment can produce high-end lithography machines, which not only has a huge impact on us at ASML."

"All chip companies in the world are inseparable from this matter."

"Especially Nanshan Semiconductor has now aggressively entered the field of mobile phone chips and built many chip factories."

"This will definitely seriously threaten the interests of companies such as Qualcomm and Samsung, and even the interests of companies such as Intel, TI, and ON Semiconductor will also be greatly impacted."

"It's time to teach the Chinese people a big lesson."

Although Peter is engaged in research and development, he is not someone who buries his head and ignores things outside the window.

To deal with China's high-tech companies, or companies with huge local influence, ASML alone will definitely not be enough.

At this time, we need to find large American companies to take action.

They can directly affect many American policies.

"You are right, you will fly to the United States with me tomorrow, and we will have a good chat with them."

"This matter cannot be delayed for another day, and we cannot allow Nanshan Group to develop freely, otherwise the right to speak in the semiconductor industry will be taken away by Chinese companies in the future."

Not to mention having his right to speak taken away, but even having some of his rights taken away, Christopher couldn't accept it.

In particular, it is Chinese companies that are dividing the rights.

Naturally, Asmai was not the only one who had the same understanding.

Even to a certain extent, it was not ASML who suffered greater losses.

But some companies in the United States.

At this time, people will naturally not talk to you about free competition.

(End of this chapter)

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