Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 698 No one gives in

Chapter 698 No one gives in

Americans do not apologize to others easily.

The word "sorry" is actually rarely said in daily life.

Now they are competing with Nanshan Group, which has led to continuous escalation of conflicts, and they don't think it is their own problem.

Under such circumstances, it is obviously very difficult for them to admit defeat.

If you don't admit defeat, the struggle between the two sides will naturally become more intense.

[All American companies are not allowed to directly import Nanshan Semiconductor and Nanshan Equipment products before obtaining approval. 】

[If the product contains chips from Nanshan Semiconductor, it must be declared in advance and can be cleared through customs only after obtaining approval. 】

[American companies are not allowed to have any cooperation with Nanshan Semiconductor and Nanshan Equipment. 】

The new plan can be summed up in these three perspectives.

Although the words were not strictly stated, and the products of Nanshan Semiconductor and Nanshan Equipment were directly prohibited from entering, it was actually equivalent to closing the door.

The reason for leaving a small hole is to consider that under certain special circumstances, this policy will affect the interests of American companies.

Even in this situation, some Americans jumped out to complain before waiting for any reaction from China.

For example, Musk of Tesla complained directly on Twitter, saying that this regulation is completely arbitrary.

This is contrary to the spirit of free trade, and Tesla opposes the implementation of such a policy.

Tesla is now making final preparations for mass production of integrated die-casting technology.

As for the 12000-ton die-casting machine, only Nanshan Equipment can produce it in the world.

In the past, when Tesla wanted to import such equipment, the procedures were not very complicated.

But judging from the current situation, it will become much more complicated in the future.

This is certainly not what Musk wants to see.

Then Ford held a special internal meeting to discuss this matter.

"Judging from the current situation, some products provided by Nanshan Transmission and Nanshan Auto Parts use Nanshan Semiconductor chips. According to the latest requirements, they need to be declared before they can be cleared."

"This will make our supply uncertain."

Ford Motor CEO Mulally first raised his concerns.

Whether we should abide by the regulations honestly or find ways to apply for exemptions obviously needs to be discussed.

"From a design perspective, if we don't use parts from Nanshan gearboxes and Nanshan auto parts, we will need to re-develop other manufacturers, and some basic tests will need to be completed before replacement."

"This could take more than a year to complete."

"And it will definitely lead to an increase in costs, which is detrimental to the company's operations."

From Mace's perspective, it's obviously not a good thing for Ford.

He is not that great and has to look at this issue from a very high level.

Ford does not have a semiconductor business, and he does not care about competition in this industry at all.

Even the fiercer the competition, the lower the cost they can buy chips.

This is a good thing.

Don't think that the United States is monolithic. Different groups represent sometimes completely different interests.

Different groups also have obviously different views and attitudes on how to get along with China.

"We are now also the agent for the sales of Xingchen Automobile. If we follow this policy, it is estimated that it will be difficult for Xingchen Automobile to continue to obtain approval in the future."

"It seems like it has restricted the development of Xingchen Automobile in the American market, but in fact it is our company that suffers the most."

Melgen is in charge of the sales business and is naturally very concerned about the situation of Xingchen Motors.

In the American market, the cooperation between Xingchen Motors and Ford Motors can be said to be completely dominated by Ford Motors, and most of the profits were taken away by Ford Motors.

Ford has just come out of trouble, and everyone is afraid of falling into trouble again in the future.

Therefore, any behavior that will affect the company's earnings is not supported.

"We have Intel, AMD, Texas Instruments, ON Semiconductor, and countless semiconductor companies in Silicon Valley. Now we are being forced by Nanshan Semiconductor as if we have no choice."

"I think those people are a little bit arrogant and too nervous?"

"Besides, the production threshold for automotive-grade chips is not that high, so there is absolutely no need for restrictions in this regard."

Mace obviously has strong opinions on this policy.

Regardless of whether Ford will be affected in the end, the workload of their design department has definitely increased.

These jobs cannot create any value and are meaningless.

"General Motors also uses a lot of parts from Nanshan Group. I'll have a chat with their president first, and then we'll see how to deal with this matter."

"Anyway, the general principle is that it must not affect our development."

After listening to everyone's opinions, Mulally also had a preliminary plan in mind.

Or give a special exemption and don't make it about Ford.

With the influence of Ford Motor and General Motors in the United States, it is not particularly difficult to achieve this goal.


"Ayang, Weibo, Autohome and other places have already made arrangements."

"Many of our personnel have also begun to guide public opinion according to the rhythm arranged by the company."

"This time, we must ruin America's reputation."

Fang Sisi has now fully returned to the workplace.

Weibo is still the focus of her work, and she will also be in charge of other publicity matters of Nanshan Group.

For example, in Nanshan Film and Television and Autohome, Fang Sisi was able to chime in.

This time the United States has stepped up its actions again, and Fang Sisi must make some arrangements.

"General Motors and Ford in the United States are our big customers."

"As for not allowing their companies to cooperate with us, I'm not worried."

"If you don't have a unique advantage, even if you want to find others to cooperate, no one will pay attention to you."

"But if you have unique technical advantages, such as our 12000-ton die-casting machine, American companies will still find ways to buy from us."

"In the future, the group will further focus on R&D work, so that the proportion of R&D personnel in the entire company will exceed 50%."

Cao Yang has always hoped that Nanshan Group's products have technical content and do not compete solely on price.

In this case, huge R&D investment becomes necessary.

Otherwise, this approach is definitely unsustainable.

"They were probably stimulated by the new technology launch conference held by Nanshan Equipment, so they took such drastic measures."

"To put it bluntly, these measures are incompatible with the current international environment."

Fang Sisi knew that the influence of some large companies in the United States was very great.

Once you threaten other people's interests, they will definitely try their best to suppress you.

Not to mention dealing with Chinese companies, even when dealing with Western companies, they are just as unscrupulous.

If you look at how Alstom was forced to sell to General Electric in the United States in later generations, you will know how ugly the American people are.

“The more they respond, the more it means we are on the right track.”

"In the past few years, the group has invested heavily in semiconductor-related industries, but it still suffers losses every year."

"Now it seems that we are finally starting to gain some results."

Cao Yang has long known that the United States is very strict about chips.

Individual Western companies can develop and expand in the chip field, and the United States can still tolerate it.

But as Nanshan Group grows and develops in this field, they can't stand it at all.

In particular, China now has complete control of chip production equipment, which is very fatal.

Otherwise, if this situation is allowed to develop, China will become the leader in the chip industry in the future.

This is absolutely unacceptable.

"Indeed, this time we have stepped on America's pain points."

"They don't have a complete chip production equipment system in China, and a lot of equipment has to be purchased from Europe, Japan and other places."

"Now we are the first to get equipment for the entire industry chain, which they cannot accept."

"If we continue to develop at this pace, China's domestic semiconductor companies will definitely develop rapidly, and there will also be a lot of investment into the semiconductor industry."

"In the future, very high-end chips may become common industrial products."

"The United States is used to making a lot of money, and the United States obviously does not want this good life to be changed."

Fang Sisi also has a clear understanding of Americans.

When she was a station reporter in Japan, she had already seen clearly the faces of companies outside.

When you are not threatening, they tend to behave politely and seem to be well-educated.

But once you can threaten their core interests, things are completely different.

All the tricks you can think of and unexpected tricks are possible for them to use.

Just when Cao Yang and Fang Sisi were discussing things, Austin at Modutong was also a little anxious.

"Su, pay close attention to the changes in customer flow and transaction volume in each 4S store these days, and then compare them with the same period last week."

Austin is now worried that the sales of Magic City GM will be affected after China's public opinion trend is unfavorable to the United States.

Now that GM is China's number one car company in terms of sales, he doesn't want this title to fall into his hands.

"Our sales department has paid attention to the trends on the Internet. At present, it still has some impact on our sales."

"But we are also trying to work with the advertising company to channel this resentment to other places so as not to have a big impact on our sales." Su Huasheng felt that this time he had really suffered an unreasonable disaster.

Semiconductor-related companies in the United States united to deal with Nanshan Group, but in the end, Magic City General Motors also suffered bad luck.

The only reason is that General Motors is an American company.

Public opinion on the Internet is completely different now than it was a few years ago.

In the past, when people talked about the United States, most people were full of yearning for it.

But starting this year, the situation has changed.

More and more facts about the actual situation in the United States are being revealed, letting everyone know that the moon in foreign countries is not rounder.

"It's definitely not possible to completely leave everyone with no place to vent their grievances."

"This matter was caused by Apple and Qualcomm. See if you can try to guide it in this direction."

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist.

Austin has no friendship with Apple and Qualcomm, and there is no way to defend the interests of Apple and Qualcomm from such a high level.

For him, Modu General's sales are the most important.

As long as anything would adversely affect the sales of Magic City General, he would be opposed to it.

"Well, the public opinion on the Internet used to be like this, but it has slowly begun to expand in the past two days."

"Objectively speaking, it is indeed a bit excessive."

Su Huasheng couldn't help but complain, after all, Austin is an American.

However, Austin will definitely not accept this complaint.

"The competition in the auto market this year is more intense than last year, and the market growth is not as fast as last year. It is even difficult for many auto companies to achieve positive growth."

"In this context, your sales department is under great pressure."

"You don't have to be polite about the funds that must be spent, and boldly apply to the company."

"I only want sales volume, other conditions are negotiable."

In 2011, after several consecutive years of rapid growth, China's auto market experienced sluggish growth for the first time.

Of course, this may also be related to measures such as the cancellation of some purchase tax discounts.

At the same time, it is also related to the fact that last year's growth rate was too fast, which consumed this year's potential to a certain extent.

But no matter what the reason is, for Austin, the headquarters provides a large number of new model support to the Huaxia branch. If sales cannot achieve growth, it is unacceptable.

The income from China is still very important to GM Global.

After all, in other markets around the world, GM has not yet returned to its heyday, and the bad days have not completely passed.


The situation faced by Modu GM also exists at Changan Ford.

Therefore, they are all working hard to guide online public opinion so as not to have a huge impact on their sales.

However, not every car company shares the same views as GM and Ford regarding this change in public opinion.

Within Volkswagen, Vondel, Strauss and others were also discussing this matter.

"I think this is a good opportunity to see if we can suppress Cadillac's growth momentum. Otherwise, it will put too much pressure on us at Audi."

In the past two years, Cadillac has continuously made efforts in the Chinese market, and many new models have been introduced in the future.

As a luxury brand, Cadillac is not as luxurious as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Xingchen Motors and other brands in the eyes of many Chinese consumers.

But it is closer to Audi.

Some people even think that luxury brands such as Audi, Cadillac and Lexus are on the same level.

As a result, Strauss naturally does not want Cadillac's sales to continue to grow.

That would directly seize part of Audi's market.

This is a situation he doesn't want to see.

"The sales department has been working hard these days to guide Chinese consumers not to buy products from General Motors and Ford."

"In particular, General Motors, as the largest car company in the United States, has attracted everyone's attention."

Vondel naturally has no good impression of General Motors.

After all, the top sales positions of Spring City Volkswagen and Modu Volkswagen China were taken away by Modu GM.

In this case, it’s strange that everyone has such a good relationship.

"What the United States did this time has indeed aroused resentment among many Chinese people."

"They are doing everything they can to control the chip market."

"Nanshan Equipment and Nanshan Semiconductor have only just caught up with the international mainstream level and have not yet surpassed it."

"Their response is already so great. If the technical level of Nanshan Equipment and Nanshan Semiconductor reaches the most advanced level in the world in the future, I don't know what measures will be taken."

Although Strauss is German, he has stayed in China for so many years and his views are relatively objective.

And even people like him have such views, let alone the netizens on the Chinese Internet.

"We can't control this kind of thing. We just need to find the best solution for us based on the general environment."

"To a certain extent, the more violent they are, the better it is for us."

When Fondel said this, Strauss couldn't help but nodded.

This is indeed the truth.

Among the world's major automobile powers, the United States and Japan put the greatest pressure on Germany.

If American car companies can fail in China, the world's largest market, it will definitely be a good thing for Volkswagen.

The original growth pressure may be relieved immediately.

"That's right. I will emphasize to the marketing and sales staff again to make good use of this opportunity and see if we can seize the market of General Motors and Ford in China."

"Now China's independent brands are putting more and more pressure on everyone."

"If we can't grab some share from other places, it will be very difficult for us to maintain growth."

Following the discussion between Strauss and Vondel, the Spring City public and the Shanghai public also began to take action.

Some other car companies, including China's own brands, naturally do not want to miss this good opportunity to squeeze the market share of American car companies.

So now not only mobile phone manufacturers such as Warwick and OPPO, but also automobile manufacturers such as Chery, Geely, and Great Wall have also joined in this major event.

It can be said that the conflicts between the two places regarding semiconductors and mobile phones have spread to the automotive industry.

Soon, it will also spread to other industries.


"Mr. Cao, I feel that recently many car companies on the Internet are trying to find ways to encircle and suppress GM and Changan Ford."

"Should we join in on this?"

Zeng Tingting's business sense is still very keen.

She engages in marketing every day, so she can naturally see the marketing traces of other manufacturers on the market.

Besides, Nanshan Group has two powerful tools, Autohome and Weibo, and it is very clear about the marketing methods of each company.

"We still have a lot of parts business that is exported to General Motors and Ford. Until they make no further moves, we should not join in this siege."

"Anyway, I think other car companies will not miss this opportunity. Without our participation, there will not be much impact."

Ford Motor and General Motors still contributed to the rapid development of Nanshan Group.

Now everyone's cooperation is quite in-depth.

Therefore, if word spreads that Nanshan Group has joined in the encirclement and suppression of Ford and GM, it will not only anger GM and Ford, but also make other partners have more bad ideas in their minds.

After all, they are cooperating with you now, and you have resorted to such methods secretly.

So when it's my turn in the future, will Nanshan Group treat me like this?

So Cao Yang thought about it and felt that Nanshan Group would not participate in dealing with General Motors and Ford this time.

In some things, the final result is often not life and death, but mutual compromise.

The current situation is that both sides are taking action and waiting for a compromise point to appear.

Once a new compromise point is reached, the relationship between the two parties will slowly return to a state of coexistence of cooperation and struggle.

For example, if Nanshan Equipment is the first to develop a lithography machine for the 14nm process, or even 7nm, in this case, have chip companies such as Samsung and TSMC really not considered purchasing equipment from Nanshan Equipment?

Is it really true that we are watching a bunch of companies in China launch 14nm and 7nm projects, but we are stuck at 28nm?

This is obviously impossible. .

Of course, if you really want to reach that point, you must have an absolute advantage in technology.

Otherwise, if people think they can catch up again if they work hard, they will most likely choose to invest more to catch up.

"Okay, I'll let people pay attention to the changes in things first."

"But this time the actions of the United States were a bit excessive, and they must have aroused resentment among many people."

"I think there should be some further actions from China."

"There will probably be some changes by then."

Zeng Tingting's statement is obviously not unreasonable.

A new counterattack is certainly not too far away.

After all, we have already made moves before. If they fight back, we will have no action. This is definitely inappropriate.

Just as Cao Yang and Zeng Tingting finished chatting, Liu Tianwu called.

(End of this chapter)

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