Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 711 Changan MINI, we will produce whatever cars the people need

Chapter 711 Changan MINI, we will produce whatever cars the people need

The impact and shock that Venus 9 has brought to the country and abroad will certainly not disappear so quickly.

However, after all, these are just a few pictures and animations, and no real product has been released yet.

So after everyone had a heated discussion for a few days, the heat slowly subsided.

Within Venus Aerospace, Zhao Siyu began to intensively finalize the relevant drawing data, and then began to arrange for various factories to start producing parts.

At the same time, Zhao Siyu also began to plan for the next various tests such as engine ignition.

However, a problem began to emerge.

"Mr. Cao, where will our Venus 9 be launched? Do you have any arrangements?"

Since the first test product will be launched this year, the arrangement of the launch platform must be put on the agenda.

Launching a rocket is naturally different from setting off fireworks. It cannot be done anywhere.

It is not that there are no rocket launch bases in China, but the more mature ones are far away from Yangcheng.

Especially when it comes to rocket fuel, even if Nanshan Chemical has the ability to produce it, there is not much need to do it on its own.

"In the long term, I hope that the group can design and build a sea launch base or sea launch ship by itself."

"No problem. Anyway, we are going to aerospace technology to buy rocket fuel."

"Normally, a final assembly plant will be built near the launch site."

He couldn't even remember how many rocket launches he had participated in.

But we certainly won’t produce everything ourselves.

"Mr. Cao, our press conference will be held soon, but I have always been dissatisfied with the several promotional slogans given by the sales department."

Although Daystar Aerospace has its own production workshop in the southernmost part of Yangcheng, the scale will be relatively large when it is completed in the future.

Therefore, where Venus 9 is scheduled to be launched is something that needs to be considered in advance.

However, Cao Yang recruited him mainly to be responsible for specific technical issues, and external liaison. With the current influence of Nanshan System, it can obviously be solved.

The requirements for launch sites for recyclable rockets are relatively not that high.

Zhao Siyu felt that this was the time for him to stand up and play his role.

Just find professional people to do professional things.

"If you have any problems during the trial production, you can report to me directly."

Just after the Spring Festival in 2012, Yi Jia from Changan Automobile called Cao Yang.

"Well, with relevant policy support, the aerospace science and technology side should not disagree."

"If we only launch there temporarily, we may need to coordinate the rental of aerospace technology-related factories."

Anyway, if Nanshan Chemical produces this kind of fuel itself, there is no way to do it better.

Cao Yang didn't particularly struggle with this issue.

"However, this requires relatively high control technology. I plan to wait for the second-generation product of Venus 9 before officially using it."

That's why I made this call.

"At that time, the rocket components of each stage we have produced will be transported separately, and they will be launched after they are finally assembled."

Under this circumstance, the sales performance of Changan MINI is naturally closely related to Nanshan Automobile Group.

Zhao Siyu is naturally familiar with the process of rocket launch.

If the Nanshan Clique cannot be solved, it will definitely not be enough for Zhao Siyu to activate his personal relationships.

"Current rockets still need to be launched from land launch sites."

"Let relevant colleagues communicate first, and then ask you to take action when necessary."

As the first blockbuster model in the auto market this year, Changan Automobile's Changan MINI is about to be officially launched.

Especially after entering the 21st century, the number of launches of various types of rockets by China has increased significantly.

The only relatively nearby Wenshi launch base is still under construction and has not been officially put into use.

"Do you have any good suggestions?"

Yi Jia naturally knew that Cao Yang was very good at publicity work.

"Considering the actual domestic situation, I think the rockets before the end of next year can just be transported to the Jinyang Launch Center?"

"If it doesn't work, I'll talk to Mr. Qian and he should still give us some face."


Although Changan Automobile does not have any shares in Nanshan Automobile Group, 60% of the cost of Changan MINI is Nanshan Automobile Group's parts.

Even the place of recycling can be chosen more flexibly.

Of course, this is also because Changan MINI uses a large number of parts from Nanshan Automobile Group. Rather than saying it is Changan MINI, it is more appropriate to call it Nanshan MINI.

This car is the closest cooperation between Changan Automobile and Nanshan Automobile Group, and it is also a car that Cao Yang attaches great importance to.

"Of course it is possible, but our rocket is too long and there is definitely no way to transport it directly."

"We will also discuss the matter of borrowing the assembly plant at that time."

That's why Yi Jia had the nerve to make this call.

After all, with Cao Yang's current status, even if Nanshan Automobile Group's own new models are launched, they will not necessarily think about promotional slogans, let alone other companies' models.

However, this time Yi Jia really asked the right person.

When Cao Yang thought of Changan MINI, he inexplicably thought of the Hongguang MINI of that year.

When I think of Wuling, I think of "whatever the people need, we will produce."

Changan MINI can definitely learn from this idea.

"Changan MINI, we will produce whatever cars the people need!"

"Mr. Yi, what do you think of this slogan?"

There is obviously no need to show off between Cao Yang and Yi Jia.

So Cao Yang directly said the slogan he thought of.

This made Yi Jia on the other end of the phone ecstatic.

[Changan MINI, we will produce whatever cars the people need! 】

This slogan can be completely remembered after hearing it once!

This alone is already a great success.

After all, many car companies have slogans that even their own company employees can’t remember.

This kind of slogan, even if it has a rich meaning, actually does not have much meaning.

If your own employees can’t remember it, how can consumers remember it?

You think too highly of yourself!

But the slogan Cao Yang just said can be easily remembered by even primary school students.

What’s more, this slogan has a very high style.

Changan Automobile is a state-owned enterprise, and it certainly needs to consider social responsibilities in the process of business operations.

This slogan puts the people at the forefront of Changan Automobile's development of new models, and it is absolutely very comfortable to hear.

Even if it appears in serious newspapers such as People's Daily, there is no problem at all.

Yi Jia thought of many things in an instant.

"Mr. Cao, this is the best model promotion slogan Changan Automobile has ever produced."

"Just this slogan is worth at least 1000 million!"

"I had great confidence in Changan MINI originally, and it goes without saying even more now."

Yi Jia couldn't help but be excited when she spoke.

No way, this unexpected surprise is really surprising.

He never thought that Cao Yang would bring him such a classic advertising slogan.

Thinking that it would be officially launched in a few days, some advertising stickers and other things needed to be replaced and printed urgently, so Yi Jia exchanged a few words with Cao Yang, hung up the phone impatiently, and went directly to make arrangements. All matters within the company.

A few days later, Changan MINI was officially launched. The price of this car is 2.99 to 4.99, with a cruising range of 150km and 200km. The key is that a convertible version is also launched.

It can be said that it attracted countless attention as soon as it was launched.

[Changan MINI, we will produce whatever cars the people need! 】

This advertising slogan quickly became a hot search on Weibo that day, and Changan Automobile's 4S stores were even more crowded.

"Mr. Cao, our Changan MINI was launched the night before yesterday. Yesterday, each 4S store received more than 5000 orders. Our Changan MINI is going to be popular!"

Yi Jia received the good news reported by the people below and immediately called Cao Yang to share it.

Changan MINI is a model developed by Yi Jia after listening to Cao Yang's suggestions. It has close ties with Nanshan Automobile Group throughout the process.

According to the previous plan, the annual sales volume was 6 vehicles.

As a pure electric vehicle, this sales target is actually not low at all.

After all, China sold only about 20 pure electric vehicles last year.

Now the annual sales volume of Changan MINI has reached 6 units, which is definitely very bold.

However, at this moment, while Yi Jia was excited, she also felt a little regretful.

At the beginning, Cao Yang proposed that Changan MINI be planned with an annual output of 10 units.

According to the current popularity, there is absolutely no problem selling 10 yuan a year.

However, due to early planning problems, production capacity will definitely become tight.

Whether it will be able to produce 10 vehicles by then is a question.

"As long as the price/performance ratio is high enough, there is a market for electric vehicles."

"Our Changan MINI has met the needs of many consumers and is expected to become the world's best-selling electric vehicle for a long time to come."

Cao Yang immediately raised the performance of Changan MINI by several levels.

This made Yi Jia even more excited.

The world’s best-selling electric car!

This honor is absolutely very high.

Until now, no model of China's own brand can have similar honors.

"Mr. Cao, are there no problems with the supply of our batteries, motors and other parts?"

There are 5000 orders in one day, so the orders in the first month will definitely exceed 2.

Although this does not mean that it will be able to sell more than 20,000 vehicles every month in the future.

But this result can definitely scare a large number of people to death.

At this time, what Yi Jia needs to worry about is how to deliver Changan MINI to consumers as soon as possible.

The mass production of automobiles is a climbing process.

Although Changan MINI's plan is to sell 5000 vehicles per month, it is actually impossible to arrange that many cars for production in the first month of mass production. After all calculations, Changan Automobile can only deliver 2 to Changan MINIs in February.

It can be improved next month, but it will be very challenging to exceed 10,000 vehicles.

It’s not that there are no orders, it’s that they can’t be produced.

The automobile industry chain is very long. If there is a 20-30% difference between your production and planning, most suppliers can overcome it.

But once the difference reaches more than 50%, although many suppliers can still cope, there will definitely be some bottleneck suppliers.

The greater the difference between production and planning, the greater the number of bottleneck suppliers.

According to the current situation, Changan MINI will definitely work towards a monthly production of 1 vehicles.

This is equivalent to doubling the direct output, and the buffer time required is relatively long.

In this process, the most prone to problems are definitely large parts.

As the two core parts, batteries and motors are naturally Yijia's first concern.

"Nanshan Automobile Group, as long as Changan Automobile places an order for us, we can handle any number of orders without any delays."

"Even if it's three shifts and overtime, we can provide it."

Cao Yang confidently gave an answer.

Changan MINI was recommended by Cao Yang to Yi Jia personally, and it is also a target model for Nanshan Auto Parts and Nanshan Battery to gain momentum in the new energy field.

Therefore, when planning internal production capacity, Cao Yang directly reserved more than double the space.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the cells of Changan MINI’s battery pack use Nanshan Battery’s standard cells.

Otherwise, it would be really difficult to increase battery cell production immediately.

As for the motor, it's not that difficult.


"Starting tomorrow, I plan to arrive at the company an hour early every day, go around the production site in person, and urge everyone to increase production capacity."

"Together we will build Changan MINI into a classic electric vehicle."

"The advertising slogan that we will produce whatever cars the people need can live up to its name."

Yi Jia spoke her point of view while spitting.

Since he became the general manager of Changan Automobile, he has never been as excited as today.

I am really happy.

However, when he is happy, some people are not.

"Ai Moha, don't you think Changan MINI is somewhat similar to our MINI COOPPER?"

Naturally, Phillips saw the relevant reports about Changan MINI on Autohome.

Although its design is not like the Lifan 320, which directly copies BMW's MINI COOPPER.

But the design style is very similar.

In this case, BMW would not be able to litigate even if it wanted to.

After all, there is really no way to say much about design style.

"Indeed, the key is that it is too cheap. I heard that Changan Automobile's 4S stores are very popular now."

"I feel this will have a certain impact on MINI COOPPER's sales."

"It will even have a certain impact on our electric vehicle strategy."

Aimoha is also a little dizzy now.

BMW is the company that attaches the most importance to the development of electric vehicles among all luxury car companies.

In February 2011, BMW launched its new sub-brand BMW i at its German headquarters. This is the latest fourth brand of the BMW Group after BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce.

Shortly after the launch of the i brand, BMW quickly released the i brand's first car, the i3.

Although this car is positioned completely differently from Changan MINI, it is still considered a small car.

Mainly used for transportation.

Changan MINI is also positioned as a mobility scooter.

To some extent, their positions are somewhat similar.

In the past, there were many low-end models in China that cost tens of thousands of dollars.

But there is no car that can take BMW seriously.

Phillips also doesn't think any low-end car poses a real threat to BMW.

But this time is different.

The design of Changan MINI is very fashionable. Although the price is very cheap, it does not feel cheap.

Especially the launch of the convertible version makes people feel that driving a Changan MINI will not feel like the price has dropped.

This feeling is ethereal, but it is very important.

Once a large number of consumers accept Changan MINI and even think it is fashionable, it will have a great impact on BMW's MINI models.

Even the BMW 1 Series and future BMW i3 will be affected.

Phillips has no way of imagining what a big impact it would have on the market if Changan MINI appeared in the European market one day and was sold for less than 1 euros.

"I heard that Changan MINI is a product of comprehensive cooperation with Nanshan Automobile Group. All the three electric parts in it are supplied by Nanshan Automobile Group."

"I think the headquarters can produce the i3 model at the Tiexi plant as soon as possible, and the relevant parts should basically be purchased from China."

"Only in this way can i3 be competitive in China in the future."

Phillips further expressed his views.

The new energy vehicle market in China has slowly begun to take off.

BMW, which has always attached great importance to the Chinese market and electric transformation, naturally should not give up on the Chinese electric vehicle market.

If the BMW i3 is directly imported in the future, the price will definitely not be competitive.

So you need to think about the future now.

"I will arrange for someone to prepare a special document and then report it to the headquarters."

"I think as long as the sales of Changan MINI really pick up, the attitude at the headquarters will also change."

Aimoha can certainly understand Phillips’ concerns.

He will definitely support the further expansion of the strength of the Huaxia Branch.


As the first blockbuster model in the Chinese auto market in 2012, the popularity of Changan MINI has been high these days.

Especially after some consumers who have already picked up their cars posted relevant photos and comments on forums such as Autohome, the popularity has become even higher.

The low-end version originally started at RMB 2.99, but even with an increase of RMB 3000, there was no way to pick up the car right away.

According to current feedback from Changan 4S stores to consumers, the waiting time for various models is generally more than one month.

Do not even rule out the possibility of waiting 2 months.

As a result, many consumers are naturally thinking of ways to pick up their cars as soon as possible.

"Mr. Dai, I'm sorry, I didn't disturb your work, right?"

Dai Hanbiao has been personally monitoring the production of Changan MINI related parts for the past two days.

You definitely can’t let go of the chain at this time.

Nanshan Auto Parts' electric vehicle business has been developing for several years. In addition to orders from customers such as Yangcheng Aian, Yangcheng Nanshan Commercial Vehicles and Future Auto, Changan MINI's order is now the largest.

So Dai Hanbiao naturally took it very seriously.

In fact, the sales of all auto parts companies are very realistic.

The higher the share you occupy, the more resources will be allocated to you.

On the contrary, it is very likely to just ignore it.

"I'm always busy with work every day, but my phone calls from you are very rare."

Dai Hanbiao naturally knew Yu Yu since they were in the same group before.

There were even many interactions between the two parties, otherwise Yu Yu would not have called him directly.

"Are the parts orders from Changan MINI much more than expected?"

Yu Yu had many purposes for making this call to Dai Hanbiao.

On the one hand, as a popular car model now, Autohome must also write some related articles.

And some relatively insider information will definitely be very helpful in increasing the reading volume of the article.

After listening to Nanshan Auto Parts, I can learn about the past and future production schedule of Changan MINI, which let Yu Yu know how to grasp the scale of the article.

This news is actually very important to the automotive media.

On the other hand, she also wanted to inquire through side news to see if Changan MINI was really that popular.

Then I helped a little girl within the company to see if I could directly find someone to pick up the car first.

Of course, after Yu Yu finished talking to Dai Hanbiao about this action, he would go to Changan Automobile Sales Department for help.

As the general manager of Autohome, the other party will definitely meet this small request.

And Yu Yu also has to judge whether the favor he owes is worth it and how big it is based on the popularity of Changan MINI.

"They originally planned to produce 5000 vehicles per month, but the forecast orders they have now issued, the production schedule in March has exceeded 3 vehicles, and in April it will directly hit the production target of 1 vehicles."

"This is very different from the original plan, probably because the terminal sales are very good."

Although some information is confidential and cannot be leaked to the outside world.

But many things are not absolute.

As long as you don't directly post other people's confidential information on the Internet, or leave some clues, then basically nothing will happen.

When doing competitive product analysis, the salespersons of various OEMs basically know what models their competitors will launch in the next three years.

How many of these messages were obtained through normal channels?

Normally, there is no normal way for them to collect this information.

Unless a new model is about to be launched, competitors take the initiative to announce their own model information.

"It seems that Changan MINI is really popular. An electric car can actually have such high sales."

"It is estimated that the entire electric vehicle market structure in China will undergo very big changes."

Dai Hanbiao's information still had a big impact on Yu Yu.

The pace of electrification in China's automobile market seems to be faster than I imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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