Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 720: The world’s richest man, Chinese people are not surprised, but

Chapter 720: The world’s richest man, Chinese people are not surprised, but...

"Then I'll start with Looking Up, Blue Moon and G9, and then expand to other models."

In front of Cao Yang, Zeng Tingting's main focus is to "listen to advice".

As long as Cao Yang asked her to do something, she would implement it without compromise.

Even if you don’t understand it at the beginning, you will implement it first and then understand it during the implementation process.

"Competition in the auto market this year should be fierce, and relying solely on this marketing measure should not be enough."

"You also need to think about it again and see how you can come up with some new moves."

Cao Yang's focus this year is not on Nanshan Automobile Group, but it does not mean that Nanshan Automobile Group is no longer important.

On the contrary, it has always been the same as the sea-fixing needle.

"I understand that this year's sales volume has increased by more than double digits compared with last year. This is a goal that we will definitely challenge and achieve."

Rich, and also because of low oil prices, countries in the Middle East have a very high number of vehicles, and some royal families, sheikhs and the like have all kinds of luxury cars.

The key is that most places there have very cheap fuel prices. For example, the G16 with a W9 engine has a fuel consumption of 16 or even 18.

Because those people driving luxury cars whizzing by on the road are probably coming to herd the camels, or delivering meals to the family members who are herding the camels.

Cao Yang obviously also supports Zeng Tingting's big move in the Middle East market.

"Even if the overall market situation is not good, we will still find ways to work hard."

Its fuel tank is 140L. Under normal circumstances, it is recommended to add 95# gasoline. One tank of fuel costs more than 1000 yuan.

"Looking back, I plan to recruit a group of Arabic-speaking boys from various universities in the country to work there to increase our influence on the local market as much as possible."

Like A/Man, next to the big dog house.

In this case, the fuel consumption of Xingchen G9 is not so sensitive.

Otherwise, it would be meaningless if we could only stay in China's nest.

Here, don’t think that those who herd camels are poor and those who drive luxury cars are rich.

But Xingchen Auto is different.

But if you go to Japan, Germany, the United States and other places to develop markets, the situation is completely different.

Zeng Tingting took a trip to Dubai and naturally gained a deeper understanding of the automobile market in the entire Middle East.

Obviously, there must be some big news this time.

Thinking of this, Cao Yang gave a special reminder and said: "Major countries in the Middle East have to open branches or find local dealers to cooperate."

But in the Middle East, some cheap countries only cost 1 RMB per liter of gasoline, and for example, it only costs more than RMB per liter in the big houses.

Cao Yang already mentioned A/Man, so she naturally thought of a lot of related information.

"But this year we want to focus on expanding our market overseas."

"A/Man is indeed a country worth exploring, especially for us, Star Big G. It may bring us unexpected surprises."

Even if you earn tens of millions of dollars there, there are ways to make you cough up hundreds of millions of dollars.

Zeng Tingting is now very optimistic about the market in the Middle East.

Ordinary people really feel pressure.

Only by selling Xingchen cars all over the world can Xingchen cars truly be regarded as world-class luxury cars.

There are many luxury cars in Oman. It is very natural to see the Mercedes-Benz G-Class, Lexus LX570 or Land Cruiser in the desert.

"However, it is estimated that there are not many people studying this major. We can also consider finding some people to directly receive language training and then work in the local branch."

In Cao Yang's view, it does not make much sense for China's other independent brands to develop in the Middle East.

There are actually quite a lot of wealthy people there, which is very suitable for Xingchen Motors and Jaguar Land Rover to develop.

If you want to touch the interests of local car companies, they will have many ways to deal with you.

Oman covers 31 square kilometers and has a population of only 500 million, but the number of cars in the country is nearly million.

That is definitely the market that Xingchen Motors should pay most attention to overseas.

As long as there is more important information, Mi Ying will interrupt Cao Yang's meeting with others according to the situation.

Then you will vomit blood!

The local government will not arbitrarily set some additional thresholds for Xingchen cars.

"I just came back from Dubai yesterday and I feel that many models have development potential in the Middle East."

There are many other oil prices that are less than half of China’s.

People are not short of money, but there are no subways or buses in the country. You can hardly even see a taxi, because every household here has a car.

After all, there is no local automobile industry, so it is relatively easy to accept new automobile brands.

"Places like A/Man, Goudahu, and the Pyramid are all worthy of hard work."

"This is also a good idea."

And just when Zeng Tingting wanted to continue discussing the issue of market development in the Middle East with Cao Yang, Mi Ying opened the door and walked over and said: "Mr. Cao, Mr. Zeng, I'm sorry to interrupt, but a person from Forbes in the United States just now The 2012 Forbes World’s Richest List was announced at the party.”

"Forbes list of the world's richest people?"

Cao Yang immediately had a premonition that this time the gang was going to put him on the fire.

"Yes, on this year's rich list, Mr. Cao, you are ranked first in the world's richest list with a net worth of more than 1000 billion US dollars!"

"Last year's richest man, Mexican telecommunications tycoon Carlos Slim Helu, ranked second with a net worth of US$690 billion, which is more than US$310 billion less than you."

Although Mi Ying knew that Cao Yang was worth a lot, she even knew that the figure of US$1000 billion was very inaccurate.

After all, Nanshan Group's profit last year alone was more than 100 billion yuan.

If we now calculate the net worth, then if we calculate the valuation of each company, it may be more than double the data published by Forbes.

Of course, since these companies are not listed, it is difficult to give an accurate valuation.

Forbes probably didn’t want to cause too much controversy, so they gave a conclusion of more than 1000 billion US dollars.

Anyway, this conclusion is enough to make Cao Yang the richest man in the world.

Well, the world's richest man on the Forbes list.

It is estimated that only a few people know who the actual richest man in the world is.

"Mr. Cao, congratulations, Forbes finally dared to estimate this time."

"It seems that after China announced that you were the richest man in China last year, it still brought some excitement to them."

Zeng Tingting also knows Cao Yang's situation relatively well.

In her opinion, it is very difficult to avoid something when the company has grown to its current scale.

Fortunately, Cao Yang's money can withstand tracing and its source is innocent, so he is not afraid of exposure.

And based on his net worth, if not compared with some large families that have accumulated hundreds of years of family assets, his personal net worth is the first in the world, which is worthy of his reputation.

After all, if you want to calculate it, the market value of Nanshan Automobile Group alone exceeds 1000 billion US dollars.

Not to mention other companies such as Honor Technology Group.

"You think this is a good thing?"

Cao Yang felt quite calm.

He doesn't feel bad just because he has become the richest man in the Forbes list of the world's richest people.

After all, you know your own situation best.

"I think it's a good thing!"

Zeng Tingting gave her reply with certainty.

"Mr. Cao, you are now a business card for various companies. As long as everyone hears Star Motors or Jaguar Land Rover, they will know that this is an industry owned by the world's richest man. Invisibly, it has played a very good role in the promotion of these companies. Effect."

"It even enhances the influence of these brands to a certain extent."

"Of course, you are famous and there are many people in the media. It is estimated that there will be more media people who want to know all kinds of news about you in the future."

"It will probably be difficult for you to easily go shopping with your family in the future."

Zeng Tingting feels that these problems are not problems at all.

Anyway, even if he is not the richest man in the world, as the richest man in China, Cao Yang must have lost some freedoms that ordinary people can enjoy.

This is inevitable.

Of course, Cao Yang himself could figure these things out.

"Since you think it's a good thing, then consider it a good thing."

"If this news is beneficial to the promotion of products such as Xingchen Auto or Honor mobile phones, then feel free to use this news without any special consideration of my opinions."

Cao Yang waved his hand and gave Zeng Tingting a very high level of authority.

Anyway, the information that I am the richest man in the world will definitely be used by countless people on various occasions.

In this case, it is better to let the personnel of your own company fully utilize its value.

It's not in vain to sacrifice some freedom.

Zeng Tingting was also very happy to see that Cao Yang could see so clearly.

Future publicity work will be even easier.

However, Cao Yang himself was so calm.

When several major portal websites reported the news that Cao Yang was the richest man in the world, the Internet became lively.

"Have you really become the richest man in the world?"

"I didn't expect that the richest man in the world is actually from China. It's so rare!"

"Mr. Cao is so powerful that he is actually the richest man in the world!"

"The richest man Cao, the growth rate of his wealth is so exaggerated!"

"More than US$1000 billion? How much above is this?"

"If this money is converted into RMB 100 a piece, will it be 1000 tons or 10000 tons?"

"Is Cao Yang the reincarnation of the God of Wealth? Even the money printing machine can't keep up with this speed of making money!"

"The gap between people is sometimes bigger than the gap between people and dogs."

"Why do I feel that if all the companies under Cao Yang's name are listed, then the value will at least double?"

"He quietly brought us another surprise. Mr. Cao is so powerful!"


Various comments flooded Cao Yang’s Weibo in an instant.

There are also countless comments below relevant articles on various portal websites.

Generally speaking, everyone is still proud of Cao Yang becoming the richest man in the world.

When you are close to someone and the other person gets better, you tend to get jealous.

But when the gap between you and someone is huge, and the other person gets better, you won't react much. Obviously, now that Cao Yang has changed from the richest man in China to the richest man in the world, 99% of netizens will not feel jealous.

After all, the gap between everyone is really too big.

Rather than jealousy, it would be more appropriate to say envy.

"Yuxuan, has your boss become the richest man in the world?"

Chen Zitong, who is studying in graduate school, now regrets that he did not follow Li Yuxuan to join Yangcheng Zhongwang and become an employee of Nanshan Group.

Otherwise, the news that his boss has become the richest man in the world would be worth publicizing among the penguins.

"Yes, I went to Yahoo America specifically to check it out. There is no problem with this news."

Li Yuxuan is in a good mood now.

Obviously this news actually has nothing to do with her, but she is very happy.

It is estimated that many employees across the entire group have similar ideas.

Working in the company of the world's richest man is a bit different.

The most important thing is that the treatment offered by Cao Yang to employees is still very competitive.

Especially here in Yangcheng Zhongwang, they are all professionals who specialize in developing industrial software, and their remuneration is not bad.

Although it may not be higher than Internet giants such as Penguin and Alibaba, it is definitely not much lower.

If you can make some achievements, the bonuses will be even more worth looking forward to.

"I didn't expect Cao Yang's net worth to be so high, and your group is so big."

Although everyone is of the same age, Chen Zitong, who is still in the ivory tower, obviously has a different understanding of this society from Li Yuxuan.

Of course, this is also a normal phenomenon.

Most Chinese college students don't know much about some things in society.

In other words, what they understand is often different from what is actually happening in society.

These things usually don't become known until they enter society and get their heads smashed.

Why do some people say that the biggest difference between children born from poor families and those born from wealthy families is not actually how much money their families provide for themselves, but whether they give you guidance and help you make the right choices at critical times in life? .

This world is a place where choice outweighs effort.

Children from poor families often don’t know how to choose at critical moments and can only choose blindly.

In the end, he suffered a bloody head injury and exchanged his own flesh and blood for experience.

But that is an experience gained only after many years. By the time you understand it, it may have lost its meaning.

"Our company is still looking for people. I think you can also consider applying for an internship by then."

"Although we are a private enterprise, we are no worse than foreign or state-owned enterprises."

Li Yuxuan still has a very good relationship with Chen Zitong. She hopes that her best friend can work in the same company as her.

"I'll give it a try during this summer vacation."

Chen Zitong, who originally had little interest in going to work, slowly began to change his attitude.


The company's employees are so concerned about Cao Yang becoming the world's richest man, and naturally other partners have called to congratulate him.

CEOs in the automobile industry, CEOs in the mobile phone industry...

Cao Yang basically spent the past few days making and making phone calls.

"Ayang, the number of your Weibo fans has increased by more than 5000 million in just a few days, and now you have more than million fans."

"This number is already at the level of a top-tier star."

As the general manager of Weibo, Fang Sisi is naturally very aware of Cao Yang's influence on public opinion after becoming the world's richest man.

The number one hot search on Weibo is [The world’s richest man, Cao Yang].

Various celebrities under Nanshan Film and Television have reposted the Forbes rankings and sent blessings to their bosses there.

As for the people who sent these blessings, only they know best how many of them hope to have the opportunity to communicate with Cao Yang in depth.

To put it bluntly, even if Cao Yang is married, his attraction to female stars is endless.

Countless female Bodhisattvas want to save him.

When people are poor, they can never imagine how proactive their goddess can be when chasing boys.

The goddess who you think is pure and pure may only look like this in front of you.

The goddess you think is difficult to chase may be chasing other men.

You can only experience the sweetness of the goddess, but others can experience the saltiness of the goddess.

"So, if I post some product promotion content on Weibo in the future, the effect will be better?"

Cao Yang's first thought was to use his fame to promote some of the group's models and products.

There is no need for deliberate publicity. Just posting some daily insights and pictures, or even comments on some things, can play a relevant publicity role.

Later generations of Masco can be regarded as a typical figure in this regard.

"The effect is definitely better."

"You have more than 50 million fans, but they all added them themselves. I didn't let anyone manipulate it and recruit some extra dead fans."

As the general manager of Weibo, Fang Sisi naturally knows what is going on with fans of some celebrities.

Although she does not allow Weibo officials to sell fans, some advertising companies or other marketing accounts still have some methods to increase your number of fans.

For many celebrities, the number of fans represents their status to a certain extent.

Therefore, some people want their agents to increase their number of fans even if they spend money.

Anyway, the money ultimately spent can be earned back through endorsement fees and other means.

In 2012, it was already the time when various incomes from domestic entertainment began to rise.

"Then it seems I will have to post more on Weibo in the future."

Cao Yang's words are really not a joke.

If a person of his status posts on Weibo, it will easily become a hot search topic.

To a certain extent, it can help Weibo attract some users back and increase the activity level of Weibo users.

The more active Weibo users are, the greater the advantage of having a large number of Weibo fans.

In the end, it kills two birds with one stone.


Most people in China are relatively happy and excited about Cao Yang becoming the world's richest man, but people outside are not necessarily so.

For example, with Ford, the situation is a bit more subtle.

"Mergen, have the sales of Xingchen Auto, which we represent, always been pretty good?"

Mulally is now firmly on his feet.

Ford has now overcome the crisis and is preparing for its second take-off.

However, Cao Yang has become the world's richest man in the past few days, which has indeed brought some excitement to Mulally.

"It's indeed pretty good. Whether it's looking up at the stars or holding the moon, the products sold here are all good."

"Even the big G series models they launched are now more popular among consumers."

"Currently, Xingchen Motors' sales in the United States last year were close to 10 vehicles."

Melgen wasn't sure why Mulally was discussing this topic with him today.

So he did not express his position directly.

"Now there is a voice slowly coming out of China that wants to suppress the development of Chinese companies in the United States."

"Whether it is semiconductors, smartphones, or the automotive business, it is the focus of everyone's attention."

"Our future relationship with Nanshan Automobile Group should also be affected by this change in public opinion."

"Of course, our cooperation with Nanshan Automobile Group has been relatively smooth over the years. It would not be good if we directly reduce cooperation in related businesses."

"Do you have any good suggestions?"

As the CEO of Ford Motor Company, Mulally naturally comes into contact with very different people.

Not to mention that his arms can't twist his thighs, in fact, deep down in his heart, he doesn't want to see Huaxia Enterprises develop and grow.

In the past, when Ford Motor was having difficulties, it could be said that cooperation with Chinese companies such as Nanshan Automobile Group was based on the direction of mutual benefit and mutual benefit, and cooperation became more frequent.

Now that the situation is beginning to change, some things will naturally change.

"If you want to reduce cooperative business, there are two most direct ways."

Melgen glanced at Mulally and quickly gave his opinion.

"First of all, in terms of vehicle dealers, we can consciously launch similar models and let dealers guide consumers to buy our models instead of Xingchen cars."

"We even asked Xingchen Motors to lower the price of the complete vehicles sold to us, forcing them to give up cooperation with us."

"Secondly, in terms of parts business, just put forward higher annual price reduction requirements."

"For example, ask for a 10% price reduction this year, or even 15%."

"If they can't meet this requirement, we can openly find other competitors to make related parts."

"Of course, this must be communicated to the R&D department.

"Then there is the cooperative business in China. I think we can put this aside for the time being."

"After all, we still have a strong dependence on Nanshan Automobile Group in China. If we break up, the losses will be huge."

Melgen quickly came up with his own plan.

"With Nanshan Automobile Group, Cao Yang is already the richest man in the world."

"It seems they have made no less money in the past few years."

"Originally, I thought that the parts they sold to us should be considered cheap, and we took the majority of the vehicle sales."

"It doesn't seem so now."

“Now that you have a plan, you can consider starting to implement it.”

“But we must also be careful not to do it too hard at once and cause supply problems.”

Mulally agreed to Melgen's plan without much hesitation.

The boss of his own supplier actually became the richest man in the world. This gives people the feeling that Ford suffered a big loss in the process of cooperating with Nanshan Automobile Group.

Mulally found it a bit unacceptable.

It just so happened that the atmosphere here in the United States was changing, and he felt that Ford could take advantage of the situation and start taking some actions.

Anyway, he felt that the initiative was in his own hands.

(End of this chapter)

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