Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 723: Another No. 1 in the world, T1 high-profile official announcement

Chapter 723 Another world first, T1200 high-profile official announcement

Nanshan Carbon Fiber has no sense of existence in the eyes of ordinary people in China.

Most ordinary people don't know that there is such a company in China.

Even many literate people are unaware of its existence.

But in aerospace, high-end sporting goods and other related fields, its influence is extremely huge.

You know, before the emergence of Nanshan carbon fiber, rich people in China would not sell T700 and T800 carbon fiber to you.

Because the main use of this level of carbon fiber is the aerospace industry.

The T300 and T400, which are relatively less sophisticated carbon fibers, are also very expensive.

But since the emergence of Nanshan carbon fiber, China has quickly caught up in the field of carbon fiber and reached the world's advanced level.

It is even more leading in terms of production capacity, surpassing Japan's Toray to become the world's number one.

Even Nanshan Carbon Fiber's T1100 was the first in the world to achieve a technological breakthrough. Later, American Hexcel achieved a breakthrough in similar products.

"In addition, for carbon fiber, the tensile modulus of the fiber surface is higher than the tensile modulus of the inner region of the fiber..."

"Compared with the T1200, where has our T1100 made major breakthroughs?"

Although the density of T1200 is slightly heavier than that of T1100, considering the increase in tensile strength, the weight of the final product made with T1200 will definitely decrease.

"This defect can be divided into surface defects and internal defects, of which surface defects account for more than 90%."

"Then our T1200 production equipment is a newly built carbonization line after many innovations on the T1100 carbonization line. The acquisition of T1200 can be regarded as a natural continuation of T1100..."

Not only did he explain his opinions to Cao Yang, he also took Cao Yang to watch a series of test reports and other contents.

"The tensile strength of carbon fiber mainly depends on the defect structure. Carbon fiber is prone to tensile failure at defects. Therefore, the larger the fiber defect structure, the easier it is to produce tensile failure. Therefore, reducing the size and number of defects is the key to improving tensile strength. key."

"Mr. Cao, according to the parameter information we have compared and confirmed so far, the T1100 has been successfully developed and is ready for large-scale mass production."

Fortunately, the research and development and processing of carbon fiber composite materials are also areas in which Nanshan Carbon Fiber excels.

After so many years of accumulation, Nanshan Carbon Fiber has formed its own R&D system.

"T1200 carbon fiber has been developed now, but the research and development of corresponding resin composite materials must also keep up, otherwise the application of T1200 will be very restricted."

If you have the money, the people, and the foundation, it would not be unbelievable to develop the T1100 based on the T1200.

Carbon fiber is very brittle and cannot be used directly in the production of many parts without further processing into composite materials.

Finally, Cao Yang understood some key points in the development and production of T1200.

Nanshan Carbon Fiber's T1100 and previous products achieved breakthroughs with Cao Yang's personal participation.

Now we can indeed surpass others and achieve new breakthroughs. This achievement is worthy of bragging no matter which country it is in.

Zeng Jianying was very excited and explained the situation of T1200 to Cao Yang.

This time, Cao Yang really didn't have much involvement in the development of T1200.

Through cooperation with Nanshan Chemical, both parties have made T1100 and previous carbon fiber composite materials very good, and the technology is not inferior to any manufacturer in the world.

Cao Yang naturally knew all these situations.

If you make a fuss every time, you probably won't be able to calm down for a few days throughout the year.

"First of all, the tensile strength of T1200 is 1100Gpa higher than that of T1, reaching 8Gpa."

“In the early stages of carbon fiber development, there was some pore structure in the carbon fiber.”

"Our T1200 is a 12K small tow product, and refinement is a shortcut to improve the mechanical tensile and modulus properties of the fiber."

Therefore, Cao Yang is naturally very clear about the situation related to carbon fiber.

In the future, more and more advanced technology products will definitely appear in the Nanshan system.

So when Zeng Jianying personally called Cao Yang and invited him to Chang'an City to hear about the T1200 and visit the production line in laboratory conditions, Cao Yang was still in a relatively calm mood.

He has studied carbon fiber all his life and has made a lot of efforts before, but has always been left behind by international giants.

"After refinement, every defect in the tow during the production process will have an impact on the final product. How do you control this?"

As an academician of the Academy of Sciences and the general manager of Nanshan Carbon Fiber, Zeng Jianying is now very high-spirited.

“After research, we found that pores can be effectively reduced by improving polymer purity and effectively preventing contamination from foreign elements such as metals.”

"Due to the long carbon fiber preparation process, defective structures will inevitably be produced during the preparation process."

"Mr. Cao, you are right. Carbon fiber is a brittle material, so the mechanical properties of the fiber are easily affected by structural defects."

"This is more conducive to our production management and quality control."

As the former leader, Toray has stayed at the T800 level for nearly 20 years. It was only last year that it began to break through T1100 technology. Now T1100 has not yet entered the stage of mass production.

He knows the importance of high-end carbon fiber better than anyone else.

"Compared with T1100, the tensile modulus did not increase but decreased, which resulted in a higher elongation at break of 2.5%."

Obviously, the emergence of T1200 has provided new options for the production of many parts in the aerospace field.

"In the past two years, I have published articles such as "Quantitative Relationship between Carbon Fiber Defect Size and Mechanical Properties", "Pan-Based Carbon Fiber Structural Transformation and Defect Structure Control", "Nanshan Carbon Fiber Carbon Fiber Defect Control Technology" and so on in relevant publications, which contain detailed information. to analyze and explain the defective structure.”

Speaking of the professional field, Zeng Jianying's interest immediately rose. .

Even for some special parts, sometimes the weight is not simply a consideration, but whether materials that meet the requirements can be found.

Now more advanced carbon fiber has been developed, which is definitely the first in the world.

But if there is no way to make use of this world's first material, then the practical significance is not very high.

Even if you can mass-produce it on a large scale, will it be left in a warehouse to gather dust?

"We have already tried research in this area. Basically, following the T1100 composite material processing plan, we can solve this problem."

"Of course, we are also trying to make some innovative attempts with Nanshan Chemical to see if we can produce composite materials with better performance."

Zeng Jianying naturally understood what Cao Yang said.

After all, for a material to be developed, it must have the support of the industrial chain.

Otherwise, it will be water without a source, and there will be no way to continue to develop.

So he has always made relevant arrangements in this regard.

"We should have very little carbon fiber exported directly last year, right?"

Nanshan Carbon Fiber has been expanding its production in recent years, but the market is mainly domestic.

If the foreign market does not develop, there will be sales pressure if we continue to expand production in the future.

Cao Yang was naturally aware of this situation.

"All T1100 is supplied to China. Less than 700% of T's carbon fiber is exported to countries such as Polar Bear and Persia. The rest is sold domestically."

"The United States has imposed sanctions on us, and Hexcel USA also has similar products. For them, if they don't import from us, the price is just a little more expensive. There is no question of whether it is available or not."

Speaking of this, Zeng Jianying became a little depressed.

If a company wants to grow and develop, the best way is to sell its products all over the world.

However, Nanshan Carbon Fiber basically can only rely on the domestic market.

At present, the carbon fiber technology of other manufacturers has not yet been fully developed, but Nanshan Carbon Fiber is doing relatively well.

But once most manufacturers break through T800 technology, the price will definitely drop significantly.

When the time comes to start a price war, it will definitely not be what Zeng Jianying wants to see.

If we can open the overseas market in advance, we can live a good life for a few years, then continue to introduce higher-grade materials, and finally firmly occupy the leading position in the industry.

“Now that T1200 has been developed, let’s promote it to the outside world and let everyone know that Nanshan’s carbon fiber technology is the most advanced in the world.

"And we can convince the relevant authorities to allow us to export all grades of carbon fiber materials."

"This can further stimulate the American side."

"Especially for T1100 composite materials, we should be ahead of Hexcel and Toray, not to mention T1200. They probably haven't even touched the threshold."

"Our materials are better than theirs, and our prices are cheaper than theirs. I would like to see if the United States wants to continue imposing sanctions."

Cao Yang feels that to break the US sanctions, we still have to rely on the continuous introduction of advanced technology materials.

In this way, American companies want to buy materials from Nanshan Carbon Fiber.

By then, there is no need for China to do anything, and it is estimated that the sanctions on Nanshan Carbon Fiber will be lifted.

Or turn a blind eye, which is equivalent to being relieved.

"Should we promote the T1200 to the outside world?"

Cao Yang's decision surprised Zeng Jianying.

According to past practice, when the latest technology materials are developed, they are not publicized to the outside world.

As for external sales, it is even more impossible.

Now that Cao Yang suddenly did the opposite, Zeng Jianying would definitely be surprised.

Even the relevant departments may not be able to understand it at first.

"Yes, if we want to break the current predicament of Nanshan Carbon Fiber, we need to promote T1200 on a large scale, and we can even hold a special technical conference to show off our muscles."

"Blindly tolerating and retreating will not lead to better development space and more markets."

"In that case, let's keep a low profile. Anyway, no matter how bad the situation is, it can't get much worse."

Zeng Jianying could basically understand Cao Yang's explanation.

This is indeed the truth.

Originally, Zeng Jianying was itching not to show off the good things.

Just because he was used to the relevant regulations, he had no idea before.

Now that Cao Yang had changed his mind, he naturally figured it out quickly.

"I will do the communication with the relevant departments."

"As for the technical press conference, I actually think it's okay to not hold one. Just ask China TV to come over and arrange an interview. This is more effective than any technical press conference." After all, Zeng Jianying is also an academician of the Academy of Sciences, and his influence cannot be underestimated. Disdainful.

Besides, he is still a relatively young academician and definitely has a bright future.

In the future, he will definitely be a Taishan and Beidou-level figure in China's carbon fiber industry.

He definitely has a great say in relevant industry policies and technical standards.

Even blocking the domestic development of a certain carbon fiber industry is a piece of cake.

"That's okay. If you want to be high-profile, just be high-profile."

"We are already number one in the world, so let everyone know how good we are."

Following the conversation between Cao Yang and Zeng Jianying, Nanshan Carbon Fiber immediately took action.

It’s just an interview, so no special preparations are needed, and Huaxia TV doesn’t need to spend too much time editing it.

Just a few days later, China Channel's News Broadcast officially broadcast that Nanshan Carbon Fiber had overcome difficulties and successfully developed T1200 carbon fiber, becoming the first company in the world to master this technology.

Although the news did not specifically mention how Nanshan Carbon Fiber realized T1200, it briefly introduced the parameters of T1200, as if it was an advertisement for Nanshan Carbon Fiber.

In a total of three minutes, in addition to the introduction of T1200, T800 and T1100 composite materials in mass production were also introduced.

These products are almost all world-leading.

In the field of materials, there are not many places where China can lead the world.

Now that there has been such a big breakthrough in the field of carbon fiber, the relevant departments thought about it and felt that this was a good opportunity to promote China's development.

If you don't show off your muscles, others will always think you are easy to bully.

This is actually not a good thing for China's development.

But as soon as this muscle was revealed, many businessmen became obsessed with it.


"Kondo, Nanshan Carbon Fiber has developed T1200. Is this news accurate?"

It is difficult for Saganu to accept that Huaxia Enterprises actually walked in front of him again.

Looking back at the history of Toray, it developed the T1984 in 800 and became the world's leading presence.

But breakthroughs since then have been slow.

It can be said that they rested on their laurels, and it can also be understood that the T800 was able to meet all high-end needs at the time.

If Nanshan Carbon Fiber hadn't successively made breakthroughs in T700, T800, and T1100 technologies, it would have taken several years for their T1100 to be developed.

"China Channel has a very special status in China. The news broadcast on them is basically true and reliable."

"Carbon fiber is not like other things. There is no need for China to broadcast false news to mislead anyone. It will not do them any good."

Taro Kondo naturally hopes that this news is false.

But he knew that this kind of luck was meaningless.

“The higher the strength of the carbon fiber, the higher the requirements for filament refinement and the higher the requirements for defect control.”

“We spent a lot of time to break through the T1100 carbon fiber technology last year, and we have not officially started large-scale production yet, but Nanshan Carbon Fiber has already developed T1200 and said that it is building a production line for large-scale mass production. .”

"It's hard to understand this. When did the Chinese people's technical level become so high?"

As an old-school Japanese, Saganu looked down on the Chinese people deep down.

Now that Toray's flagship product has been surpassed by a Chinese company, he is definitely feeling very uncomfortable.

The most troublesome thing is that after surpassing this technology, Toray has no way to catch up in a short time.

At least Sagano feels that Toray is unlikely to produce the T1200 within three years.

That situation would be very passive.

"The emergence of Nanshan Carbon Fiber is indeed full of weirdness. I doubt where they got some top-secret technical information, otherwise they would not have made a breakthrough so quickly."

"Until the T1100 appeared, I think the Chinese people used our experience or the experience of companies such as Hexcel to develop."

"Later, after they thoroughly mastered the production of related equipment, they independently developed the T1100 and T1200."

"I heard that China's technical staff are sometimes very desperate."

"I stay in the laboratory all day long and don't go home at all."

Taro Kondo felt that it was still necessary to clearly explain the actual situation to Saganu, lest the company make wrong judgments and the losses would be even greater.

Toray can no longer withstand this kind of torment.

"Aren't our R&D personnel working hard?"

"How many people got home before ten o'clock at night?"

Saganu was in a bad mood and couldn't help but criticize Taro Kondo.

Anyway, in Japan, which has a strict hierarchy, it is normal for superiors to beat and scold their subordinates.

"Yes, our employees work hard too."

Kondo Taro did not dare to refute, but only nodded to express his approval.

In fact, that was not what he thought at all.

Don't look at the employees in Japan who usually come home very late and have to work overtime in the company for a long time after get off work every day.

But the story here is actually not simple.

Things that can be done in two hours actually take seven or eight hours to do.

Or things that can obviously be done during working hours, are only done when you get off work.

Is this kind of effort really considered hard work?

As for coming home late, that's even more telling.

Japanese women feel that their husbands come home too early, which is a sign that they are not reused in the company and are incompetent.

Therefore, even if Japanese men get off work, they still like to find a place to eat and drink in groups, and don’t go home until midnight.

Many people have seen through TV series or movies that Japanese people order a glass of beer in a tavern, then a small plate of edamame or other snacks, and then drink all night. Are they not hungry?

In fact, regardless of whether they are hungry or not, the key point is that these people may not have much money.

That’s right, there’s just no money!

Doesn’t it feel weird?

The wages of Japanese people are not low, but many people's salary cards are in the hands of their wives, and they can only get a small amount of pocket money every month.

These pocket money simply cannot support them to spend money lavishly.

Many people think that Japanese women seem to be very gentle and are the most suitable as wives.

But after actually getting married, I will probably complain about it.

Unless you are willing to do the depressing job of being a strict wife and working like an animal every day.

Then you have to worry about your wife divorcing you directly after retirement.

Because half of your retirement salary belongs to your wife.

They have been serving you all their lives, but they dumped you when they got rich.

There are countless similar situations.


When Toray is worried about Nanshan Carbon Fiber's T1200, American Hexcel is similar.

"Saga-san, do you understand the situation at Nanshan Carbon Fiber?"

Hearst's general manager Thomas called Saganu directly.

He knew that the Japanese company was definitely better than the American company in collecting information about China.

Therefore, instead of arranging company employees to confirm and investigate, it is better to confirm with Toray directly.

"Although I don't want to admit it, Nanshan Carbon Fiber should have really developed the T1200."

"I just don't know when they can industrially produce this kind of carbon fiber on a large scale, and I'm not sure whether composite materials based on T1200 have been developed yet."

"If these can be mass-produced soon, it will be very bad news for the carbon fiber industry around the world."

Saganu naturally knows that some things cannot be solved without the support of the United States.

Especially when it comes to dealing with Nanshan Carbon Fiber, Toray's response is definitely not as effective as Hexcel's response.

As a supplier to major arms companies in the United States, Thomas can leverage many times more resources than Saga Slave.

"High-end carbon fiber is mainly used in satellites, rockets, missiles and aircraft. This technological breakthrough of Nanshan Carbon Fiber means that China will also have further technological breakthroughs in related military products."

"This situation is completely intolerable. We must find a way to further promote comprehensive sanctions against Nanshan Carbon Fiber."

"Otherwise, its development will become faster and faster, seriously threatening our interests and destroying the existing carbon fiber supply pattern."

The only idea Thomas can think of now is to persuade the Pentagon to tighten sanctions on Nanshan Carbon Fiber.

As long as products using Nanshan carbon fiber are sold in the United States and Japan, they are not allowed to be sold.

This makes it impossible for Nanshan Carbon Fiber to sell a large number of products and obtain sufficient funds, and ultimately the speed of technological progress will be affected.

Naturally, Saganu strongly agreed with Thomas's idea.

The one that suffered the most from the emergence of Nanshan Carbon Fiber was Toray.

"Thomas, if there is anything you need help from Dongli, just ask."

"I fully support your proposal."

Dad America is willing to take action against Nanshan Carbon Fiber, and Toray is naturally happy to see the results.

However, it is hard to say whether the situation this time will be the same as before.

(End of this chapter)

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