Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 735: 1 A big scandal hits, the once sacred seal falls from the altar

Chapter 735: A wave of scandals hit, and the former myth fell from the altar.

It is better to chase the poor bandits with courage, not to be a famous scholar!

Zhu Zhengfeng had already tasted the benefits, so naturally he didn't want to give up easily.

If it can further seize market share from Japanese car companies, then Nanshan Hongqi's sales will definitely reach a higher level.

This is a situation he very much hopes to see.

"Mr. Zhu, don't tell me, I do have some materials on hand, but if these materials are simply promoted in our country, they may not have the greatest effect."

"We need to mobilize the power of Japan and the United States to jointly increase the influence of this matter."

"At that time, Japanese car companies will have to shed their skin even if they are not dead, and their reputation will definitely be affected a lot."

"Coupled with the island disputes during this period, it is inevitable that sales in China will plummet."

Nanshan Automobile Group has so many R&D personnel, and they must conduct various competitive product analyzes on the models on the market.

Moreover, Autohome also has various testing and dismantling businesses, and the two are complementary to a certain extent.

If necessary at a critical moment, you can take it out and put it to good use.

Compared to other editors, his job is easier and does not require burning so many brain cells.

These scandals or scandals are often quite explosive, and as soon as they are thrown out, they easily become hot searches and arouse heated discussions among everyone.

And if you see a newly graduated college student, whether he graduated from Waseda University or an unknown university, in most cases the difference in salary and income is very small.

Soon, following the exchange between Cao Yang and Zhu Zhengfeng, some people began to take action.

As long as you have the materials, as for whether it’s a bit troublesome to use, that’s not a problem at all.

"If I can't handle it, I will find someone who can."

Isn't it normal for such a big thing to be a little troublesome?

These pieces of dirty information will not be thrown out immediately as soon as they are grasped. That would be too wasteful.

Today, Inoue Tenfuku came to the office as usual, and then went to make a cup of Nestlé instant coffee.

Just like some advertising companies and entertainment companies, there are a lot of black materials about celebrities.

These important pieces of evidence are very useful whether used to attack opponents, threaten opponents, or be used to attract firepower in special scenarios.

"As long as I can handle it, I will do my best to do it."

Sometimes I work overtime and drink more than two cups of coffee a day.

"This matter is a bit big. Mr. Zhu, please arrange for someone to deal with us specifically."

As long as everyone pays a little attention, once there is any hot news and you want to suppress the popularity, some celebrity scandals or black materials will definitely be revealed on the Internet.

A dozen or so emails in a row all had similar titles.

Although Autohome and Nanshan Automobile Group do these things without fear of being exposed, they can easily arouse the fear of some businessmen.

However, when work becomes easier, it becomes more difficult to achieve results.

Instead, it will be used at critical moments to attack opponents or attract everyone's attention.

When Zhu Zhengfeng heard Cao Yang's words, he immediately became energetic.

In the early years, Cao Yang had successively arranged relevant technical personnel from Autohome and Nanshan Automobile Group to collect and measure data from some Japanese companies in a targeted manner so that it could be used at critical moments. .

"Mr. Cao, if you need my cooperation, just tell me. You don't need to be polite to me."

Inoue Tenfuku opened his mailbox and began to confirm the various manuscripts.

Autohome and Nanshan Automobile Group also have a lot of dirty stuff from their competitors.

Japanese car companies and parts companies are what Cao Yang focuses on.


Therefore, there are some things that you don’t need to do personally, so try to avoid contact with them.

Otherwise, what are you doing with so many employees?

"We two don't need to worry about this directly."

However, as soon as he opened the mailbox, his eyes were immediately attracted.

Even for car companies such as Volkswagen and General Motors, Cao Yang has made two preparations.

Fortunately, in Japanese companies, personal achievements are often not the most important. Things like seniority and working years sometimes have a greater impact on wages.

This situation is quite different from that in China.

After taking a sip of coffee, I felt full of energy again.

Although Japan is an Asian country, the culture of drinking coffee is quite popular.

[Kobe Steel falsifies data on strength, dimensions, etc. of aluminum and copper products]

Therefore, it is very effective in diverting everyone's attention.

So as long as you see an old man in his fifties in a large Japanese company, no matter what position he holds, his salary will not be low.

Inoue Tenfuku must have a drink basically every morning and afternoon.

Tenfuku Inoue is an editor at Yahoo Japan, mainly responsible for reviewing submissions from the public.

[Hitachi Metals falsified strength data of aluminum products]

[Equipment performance data in Mitsubishi Electric tamper detection report]

[Toray tampered with the strength data of tire cord and other products]

[More than 114000 quality inspection data of brakes and parts produced by Shuguang Brake Industry Co., Ltd. are false]

[Mitsubishi Motors’ fuel economy data is fraudulent]

[Nissan fakes fuel economy data for automatic vehicles]

[Fake test data of Takata airbags and seat belts]

[Kawasaki Heavy Industries cut corners and falsified steel data]

[Toyota cars use shoddy steel and aluminum]

At first, Inoue Tenfuku thought this might be someone playing a prank, so he opened the attachment of one of the emails out of curiosity.

When I opened it, I found that there were all kinds of data and information inside, and they didn't look fake at all.

For example, Nissan-related documents record in detail the differences between the emission and fuel consumption test data of multiple new cars and the actual published data.

Inoue Tenfuku casually searched on Yahoo and found that at least the actual published data was completely consistent with the documents.

In other words, the statement in this document that Nissan has tampered with data is probably true.

After all, no one would be so bored as to write a bunch of fake information.

The information about the manufacturers and attachments involved in these emails cannot be compiled casually by one or two people.

As a graduate of journalism-related majors, Inoue Tenfuku also has some ambitions.

He also hopes that one day he can become a well-known figure in the media circle.

However, after entering Yahoo! Japan, he slowly discovered that he was still too idealistic.

The actual work is very different from what I once imagined.

Gradually, he got used to this job with a decent salary, a decent social status, and not particularly high work intensity.

Now a new opportunity is in front of him. If he is not interested at all, it is definitely a lie.

Inoue Tenfuku quickly browsed through every email, then took a deep breath and headed towards the office of the vice president in charge, Kentaro Ben, with the computer in hand.

In Japan, cross-level reporting is often taboo.

Most things are reported to the top one level at a time.

The responsible person reports to the department head, the department head reports to the section chief, the section chief reports to the director, the director reports to the director, and then the director further reports to the company leaders.

Anyone who easily skips the reporting level will definitely make you cry once your immediate superiors become more serious.

However, although Yahoo! Japan is not a subsidiary of Yahoo! America, it still owns part of Yahoo! America.

The atmosphere of the entire company is still different from that of traditional Japanese companies, so Inoue Tianfuku dared to report beyond the level.

Of course, he wanted to take this risk, mainly because he knew that if he reported it step by step, there would be a high probability that these contents would not be allowed to be released.

And it may also take a lot of time.

Reports to leaders at each level may not reach the vice president after a week.

And news is the most timely, especially this kind of explosive news.

Inoue Tenfuku doesn’t think that the people or institutions that contribute to him will only contribute to him and not other people.

"President, this is the big news I just discovered. If it is announced, our website will basically cover all the hot news in Japan in the next month."

"Those big companies will have a completely different attitude towards us in the future."

Inoue Tianfuku came to Ben Kentaro's office quite smoothly.

They had dealt with each other before, so Ben Kentaro wouldn't miss him.

After simply listening to Inoue Tenfuku's words, Ben Kentaro was also a little moved.

This information is so detailed!

It’s so exciting!

Japan has always flaunted its manufacturing industry with "craftsman spirit" and has shaped "Made in Japan" into a myth. "As long as it is made in Japan, it represents quality assurance." Similar slogans abound.

If the information in these emails is true, it is definitely a big scandal.

What was once a myth will immediately fall from the altar.

This impact may be very far-reaching.

So after listening to the report, he really hesitated for a while.

"If this news is false and we expose it without confirmation, it will probably cause a huge backlash, right?"

"After all, none of these exposed companies are fuel efficient."

Ben Kentaro is now the vice president, and he has always coveted the position of president.

However, to become a president, in addition to the support of the board of directors, you must also have certain achievements. Otherwise, life would be difficult if there was no way to convince the public.

So deep down in his heart, he wanted to make something, but he was afraid that if he acted too hard, it would have bad results.

"This is actually very simple. We can add some plausible words such as 'according to insiders' in the text of the news report. If we don't directly say that we think they are making false claims."

"As the largest Internet company in Japan, we report some news that we have learned about ourselves. This is our freedom."

"Even after we publish the article, we can share the relevant information with Yahoo America and let them report it on the English website."

Inoue Tenfuku knows that what Japanese companies fear most is going against American companies.

If Yahoo America also has relevant reports, then the pressure on Yahoo Japan will be much less.

"Your method is feasible."

"I will now forward the relevant content to Yahoo America and ask them to arrange simultaneous reporting as soon as possible."

Kentaro Ben really didn't want to give up such a good opportunity.

So after Inoue Tianfuku found a solution, he was ready to get started regardless of whether it was effective or not.

Soon, the front page of Japan Yahoo was occupied by these ten breaking news.

Every morning is the peak time for people from various companies to access the Internet.

Japanese Yahoo is a must-see website for most Japanese professionals, so the news naturally spread quickly.

At this time, many companies immediately panicked.

"President, something happened."

Kobayashi Tetsuaki didn't care whether he had made an appointment with Watanabe Katsaki's secretary or not, and came directly to his office with his computer and notebook in his arms.

As Toyota's head of design, he knows the meaning behind the news.

Although judging from the content of these news, Toyota is actually a victim.

But he knew that companies such as Akebono Brake, Kobe Steel, and Mitsubishi Electric were all suppliers of Toyota Motors.

When there is a problem with these suppliers, it is the OEMs such as Toyota, Honda, and Nissan that ultimately attract everyone's attention.

Because the OEM's reputation is high, the media's publicity has greater influence.

"what happened?"

Watanabe Yoshiaki continued to sign and approve the documents quite calmly.

Toyota Motor Corporation has a big business, and various things happen every day.

In the past few years, Toyota has experienced various ups and downs.

Therefore, Watanabe Yoshiaki's mentality has always been very stable.

It is difficult for people with poor psychological quality to sit in this position for a long time.

"A series of corporate frauds were exposed on Yahoo Japan. I called the presidents of Akebono Brake and Kobe Steel, but the other party hesitated and did not directly admit it, saying that they would investigate."

"This means that what is exposed in the news is probably true."

"This will definitely have a huge impact on us at Toyota."

"Especially at this critical moment when we want to regain the number one spot in the world this year, the impact of this incident is really bad."

As Kobayashi Tetsuaki spoke, he placed the computer in front of Watanabe Katsuaki and quickly browsed the relevant news for him.

At this time, Watanabe Jisaki couldn't calm down anymore.

The fraud of just one company can cause everyone to suffer, not to mention the fraud of so many companies.

The most important thing is that so much news was exposed at the same time, which means that there must be someone behind this matter who has made a lot of preparations in advance.

If you don't care about anything here, then there must be some tricks waiting for you later.

Toyota really can't stand these troubles now.

"Immediately ask people from the quality department and purchasing department to come over, let them all take action, and arrange for people to go directly to the supplier's site to confirm the authenticity of the relevant information."

"At the same time, the company immediately started discussing how to deal with this matter."

Watanabe Ketsaki knew that there was no point in escaping at this time, so he had no choice but to deal with it.

So even if he felt very aggrieved, he could only calm down and make various arrangements.

At the same time, Cao Yang personally called the CEOs of General Motors and Ford Motor Company.

Communicates news exposed on Yahoo in Japan and the United States.

"Whittaker, a Japanese car company led by Toyota Motor, has been invincible in the American car market in recent years."

"Even if they have encountered various incidents such as 'brake door' and 'antitrust investigation', they have not affected the sales of Japanese car companies such as Toyota, Honda, Nissan and Mazda in the United States."

"Although last year, General Motors once again became the world's largest automobile company after three years, suppressing Toyota's momentum."

"But Toyota has always wanted to regain its No. 1 position in the world."

"I just saw the news about various Japanese companies' fraud exposed on the Internet. Several suppliers and affiliated companies of Toyota Motor are implicated in this matter."

"I think this is a good opportunity to suppress Japanese car companies."

Although Cao Yang and Whitaker were not particularly familiar, they had interacted with each other many times.

He knew that when communicating with Whittaker, there was no need to beat around the bush, he could just state his purpose directly.

As long as this matter is in the interests of General Motors, the other party will actively do it.

On the other hand, even if Cao Yang runs out of saliva, it will be useless.

"I have also noticed relevant reports. I never expected that Japanese companies, which have always been characterized by high quality, can actually commit so many frauds."

"The key is that some companies are still our suppliers to General Motors. It's really abominable."

Whittaker was surprised and delighted now.

On the one hand, he did not expect that General Motors' suppliers would also be involved in counterfeiting, which meant that some models produced by General Motors in the past were problematic.

Although it may not necessarily affect the safety of the vehicle, it is still problematic.

On the other hand, he naturally realizes that this is a good opportunity to suppress Japanese car companies.

Over in China, the recent sales of Japanese car companies have been greatly affected due to the island incident, and Whittaker has also heard about it.

If the United States makes good use of these scandals to suppress Japanese car companies, then Toyota Motor and other Japanese car companies will be severely hit in the world's first and second largest markets.

This is very critical for General Motors to continue to be the world's number one.

At least this year, there is no need to worry about Toyota taking away the world's number one position from itself.

"Yes, some companies' fraud is not a recent thing, but has been for decades."

"If we look into this matter in depth, the impact will be huge."

"Perhaps many car accidents in the past are related to these fake things."

Cao Yang felt the other party's positive response from Whitaker's words, and there was a smile on his face.

To suppress Japanese car companies, it will definitely not be enough if we simply start from the Chinese market.

By then, the sales volume of Japanese car companies will be very good around the world, but the sales volume in China will not be good, and people will say that this is China's problem.

It is China that is deliberately targeting Japanese companies.

Now if the United States starts to take synchronous actions, the situation will be different.

You must know that when General Motors went bankrupt and reorganized, the United States came to save its life.

It can be said that it is also a state-owned enterprise in the United States.

Under such circumstances, it would not be easy for Whittaker to find resources to suppress Japanese car companies.

In the past, because there were no powerful weapons, the United States needed the help of Japan, its little brother, to do some things.

Therefore, except for the original "pedal door", General Motors did not deliberately engage in Japanese car companies such as Toyota Motor.

The situation is different now. Such a big wave of tricks have been caught. If Whittaker doesn't know how to make good use of it, then he, the CEO of General Motors, is too unqualified.

"I am going to have a good communication with the people in the relevant departments and ask them to thoroughly investigate the fraud by Japanese car companies and related suppliers."

Whittaker gave his opinion very directly.

At this time, it is indeed necessary to join forces with Nanshan Automobile Group to attack Japanese car companies from both markets.

After all, General Motors is not only the largest car company in the United States, but its joint venture GM is also the sales champion in the Chinese auto market.

Therefore, suppressing Japanese car companies in the United States and China at the same time is a good thing for General Motors.

Whittaker had no reason to say no.

"I will also make a call to Mulally from Ford Motor Company later. It is best if everyone can act together. This way the effect will be better."

Since I made this call to Whittaker, the other party must have guessed that this incident was closely related to Nanshan Automobile Group.

If that's the case, then just tell the other party openly that you're going to take the Ford car with you.

Whittaker is naturally happy to see this happen.

After finishing the call with Whittaker, Cao Yang continued to communicate with Mulally without any entanglement.

Similarly, when Cao Yang communicated with Mulally of Ford Motor Company, the other party's reaction was similar.

Everyone is not stupid and knows that this is a good time to attack the opponent.

The share of the world automobile market is relatively fixed, and Japanese automobile companies have eaten up a large part of the market.

If they can be made to spit out some of it, American car companies will definitely benefit.

Ford Motor is also in a critical period of transformation, and we very much hope that Changan Ford in China can make more contributions to the company.

In Mulally's view, Ford's biggest competitors in China are General Motors, Volkswagen, Toyota, Honda and Nissan.

If the Japanese car companies can be brought down, or the development momentum of the Japanese car companies can be suppressed, Ford Motor will be able to enjoy considerable dividends.

This kind of contribution is small, but the harvest is huge. Mulally has no reason to refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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