Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 749 Crazy Gallium Nitride, a new breakthrough in shipborne active phased array radar

Chapter 749 Crazy Gallium Nitride, a new breakthrough in shipborne active phased array radar
In 2012, due to the conflict with the Japanese islands, more people turned their attention to the ocean.

All along, the strength of China's various ships has been relatively weak.

I have been working hard to catch up in the past few years.

Just when Cao Yang was discussing some business expansion with people from various business departments, Wu Feng from the Electronic Technology Group was overjoyed and invited Cao Yang to participate in an event.

Since the event was held in Magic City, and considering that he also needed to go to Magic City to inspect the business of various companies, Cao Yang agreed without much hesitation.

"Mr. Cao, this time you Nanshan Semiconductor has made a great contribution."

On the day of the event, Wu Feng came to the hotel where Cao Yang was staying in person and prepared to set off with him.

Originally, he chose to cooperate with Nanshan Semiconductor without much expectation. He just tried it with the idea of ​​using a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

I didn't expect the surprises to start so soon.

"Which model of your radar has made a major breakthrough?"

Wu Feng was very excited and introduced to Cao Yang the major contributors to the keel laying of the new ship today.

"All the technical indicators set previously have been exceeded."

Wu Feng is obviously much more familiar with the warship production process than Cao Yang.

It can be said that although they are all products of the same model, the performance of ships built in different years is different.

"We have now developed a carrier-based version, and an airborne version will be launched next year."

Cao Yang is not the protagonist today, so he doesn't want to get close to anyone, and others don't come around.

"By the way, speaking of which, in addition to the fact that this radar has something to do with you, the latest deck steel and other materials used on this destroyer seem to have been jointly developed by Nanshan Special Steel and Anshan Iron and Steel."

After some confirmations, Cao Yang followed Wu Feng to the keel laying site.

"Isn't it necessary to lay the keel? Why are they all on flat ground?"

He has personally visited several major domestic shipyards.

During the exchange with Wu Feng, Cao Yang came to the Hudong Shipyard.

The intersection between Dianke Group and Daystar Group is in radar.

Cao Yang can probably guess what product the guided missile destroyer laying the keel this time is.

If the radar had not been completed ahead of schedule unexpectedly, it would have taken another two years to wait for new breakthroughs from the Electronic Technology Group before it could be launched.

Along the way, Wu Feng enthusiastically introduced what he learned to Cao Yang.

"The initial modules were all built separately on land."

"Yes, this time a certain model of guided missile destroyer has finally been finalized, and the keel is officially laid today."

"Even before 2025, there may not be a product comparable to this guided missile destroyer."

"Now our ship-borne active phased array radar is the ship-borne phased array radar with the largest array and the longest detection range in the world."

"Strictly speaking, we don't even have to lay the entire keel of the ship, because each section is built separately, and only a certain section of the keel is laid."

After all, everyone is a person of status.

Their prototype has been moved to this shipyard for testing, and in the future the shipyard will take into account the performance of this prototype to re-adjust some designs of the guided missile destroyer.

"We have such a long coastline, and we really need a powerful fleet to protect national security."

Of course, it was inevitable to exchange pleasantries with people from relevant departments and shipyards.

"It is estimated that construction will begin this year and it will be officially completed in the first half of 15. Within the next five years, it will have no rivals in the world."

However, Cao Yang discovered that the place where everyone was was not next to the dock.

"Although the performance of our fighter jets will not be comparable to the F22 or F35 by then, as long as the airborne radar and air-to-air missiles are good enough, it is not without hope to win air supremacy."

"The design drawings of this guided missile destroyer have been completed long ago, but the shipboard radar has never been finalized, which makes the shipyard dare not start construction easily."

"The performance of your gallium nitride power components is really crazy."

"If you consider that other parts such as bearings and gears are also purchased from Nanshan Auto Parts, you have made a significant contribution to this warship."

As the activities started, the host was speaking with a script.

However, Cao Yang was relatively familiar with Wu Feng, so he had no intention of chatting with people from the shipyard and related departments.

"Mr. Cao, the more advanced shipyards are now using the flat land segmented construction method to produce ships. This way the construction speed will be much faster."

"I am very happy to be able to make a small contribution to this warship."

After all, the international environment in the future will be very different every year.

In two or three years, the world may be different.

"After our cooperation today, we used gallium nitride power components produced by Nanshan Semiconductor to produce active phased array radars. We have achieved a significant reduction in radar volume and a significant increase in detection power and detection range."

Even though the difference is only two or three years, this is definitely very precious.

So Cao Yang could generally guess what Wu Feng was trying to pull him to do this time.

As China's new generation flagship product, it is an important support for catching up with or even surpassing the U.S. Navy. Its design requirements are very high.

Even when the radar of important warships is installed and debugged, he needs to be present.

Unlike Cao Yang, today is the first time he has entered the shipyard area so far.

"According to your statement, wouldn't the production of these warships in the future be like making dumplings?"

"After all, the early construction does not occupy the dock. Only in the later stages will the final assembly be carried out in the dock."

Although Cao Yang has never been to the shipyard, he knows that the shipyard is an important resource for the shipyard.

Even a large shipyard cannot have countless shipyards.

It takes several years to produce a ship. If a shipyard is occupied from the beginning of construction, it means that it takes several years for the shipyard to produce a ship.

However, according to the segmented construction method on flat land mentioned by Wu Feng, not only can different sections be constructed at the same time, but the early construction will not occupy the dock. By then, the utilization efficiency of the dock will more than double.

"Yes, warship construction is a very complicated process. The block construction method is the most mature construction method. Just like Lego bricks, you lay the keel and then 'add bricks and tiles' to it, but it takes up valuable shipyards. The ship's docking cycle is very long, which delays the final assembly node of the next ship."

"The segmented construction method divides the ship into several large modules. The large modules are first built outside the dock or other indoor workshops, and then quickly assembled. The current destroyer production line is a typical flat-land segmented construction method."

"So your comment of 'It's like making dumplings' is really very appropriate."

Wu Feng and Cao Yang were communicating at the side until the ceremony was over. The people at the Hudong Shipyard finally couldn't wait to come over and communicate with Cao Yang.

"Mr. Cao, I heard that you are cooperating with Wenchong Shipyard to develop LNG carriers. Our Hudong Shipyard is currently the only company in China that can produce LNG carriers."

"If Nanshan Special Steel can really develop Yinwa steel, we would be very interested in cooperating with your company."

On an LNG ship, the purchase amount of Invar Steel alone reached more than 1000 million US dollars.

And that's just the cost of materials.

To process Yinwa steel into a huge storage tank, the processing fee required is also very huge.

Most of the money was earned by French GTT.

This is certainly not a situation that Hudong Shipyard wants to see.

"Our Yinwa Steel is expected to officially enter mass production next year. By then, Hudong will have no problem buying as much as it wants from the shipyard."

“We are also studying even Yinwa Steel’s automatic welding equipment.”

"Once successfully developed, the processing efficiency of Invar Steel can be increased several times, the production cycle of gas storage tanks can be greatly shortened, and the overall ship construction speed can also be shortened by several months."

Cao Yang is naturally interested in cooperating with Hudong Shipyard.

After all, the amount of Yinwa steel consumed by the Wenchong Shipyard must be very limited.

At that time, the production line will be shut down within a few days of operation, which is completely uneconomical.

"Can it be developed next year?"

Zhao Linyuan looked at Cao Yang in surprise.

Although through online news, he already knew that Nanshan Special Steel was making rapid progress.

But he thought that these were all propaganda content on the Internet, and the actual situation was probably not that ideal.

Who knew that the actual situation would be so much faster than I imagined.

"For many steel manufacturers, the processing difficulty of Yinwa steel is indeed relatively high, and the demand is also relatively small, which has resulted in a monopoly situation of GTT."

"We have previously set up some groups to study Yinwa steel, so now that we have to conduct formal research and production, the efficiency will naturally be much higher."

Cao Yang didn't care whether Zhao Linyuan understood it or not, as long as he gave a reason.

When the finished product is produced and the test report is produced, it will be more convincing than anything else.

"Mr. Cao's Nanshan Group can not only produce Yinwa Steel, but also produce many important parts and components on ships."

"They can even produce some components or assemblies of large diesel engines or gas turbines."

"If Mr. Zhao is interested, you can go to their company to investigate."

Wu Feng was standing by to say good things to Cao Yang.

It's all a piece of cake anyway, and he will definitely not miss this opportunity to be a good person.

"This time, the construction of the new guided missile destroyer can be started ahead of schedule, thanks to the advancement of radar research and development, for which Nanshan Semiconductor is indispensable."

"When the time comes, I will definitely go to various companies of Nanshan Group to visit and study."

Although Nanshan Group has been split up, many people are still accustomed to using Nanshan Group to replace the five major groups. Cao Yang didn't bother to explain more.

"Our Venus Technology Group is also researching some products that can be used both for military and civilian purposes. The future cooperation space is really worth looking forward to."

Cao Yang will definitely not be modest at this time.

He has arranged for Daystar to research various missiles, rockets and other products, some of which will eventually be used in the military industry.

By then, some missiles may even be directly on board.


After participating in the keel laying ceremony of the warship, Cao Yang did not stay for dinner, but followed Zhang Jing to the Magic City Factory of Nanshan Semiconductor.

A brand-new gallium nitride power component production line here has been put into production, and the output has been increasing rapidly.

Today, Wu Feng opened up gallium nitride to the sky, which naturally made Cao Yang pay more attention to this new type of semiconductor component.

"Mr. Cao, judging from the current situation, gallium nitride has excellent electrical and optical properties."

"In addition to its huge advantages in phased array radar, it also has a wide range of application scenarios in light-emitting diodes, lasers, solar cells, etc."

"I think we can officially sell gallium nitride to the outside world, so that our production can be used as soon as possible."

"As long as the gallium nitride production line continues to be invested, the cost of related power components can fall rapidly."

"It will have a huge impact on a range of products."

Zhang Jing is obviously very optimistic about the new semiconductor material gallium nitride.

Now its advantages have been fully utilized on radar.

Obviously the size has become much smaller, but the performance of the radar has been greatly improved.

This is absolutely important for ships and aircraft.

Otherwise, it is like some old-fashioned phased array radar, which is huge and does not have the conditions to be installed on a warship.

"Military radars have just begun to use a large amount of gallium nitride power components. If we start selling them to external parties, we probably won't get approval, right?"

All materials or parts supplied to relevant military products need to be reported if they are to continue to be sold.

The material gallium nitride was synthesized in 1928.

However, it was only this year that large-scale mass production of high-performance power components began at Nanshan Semiconductor.

This speed is also faster than that in the United States.

"Even if we sell them to foreign countries, companies such as the United States will not use our products to produce military radars."

"On the contrary, if we don't sell to the outside world, then the United States will definitely eat up this part of the market."

"According to the information we learned during our investigation, the commercial production of gallium nitride power components in the United States is also under preparation."

"Next year at the latest, some gallium nitride production lines will enter mass production."

"There is not much time left for us to seize the market."

When Zhang Jing said this, Cao Yang's thoughts immediately changed.

The products produced by Nanshan Semiconductor are all civilian products, so there is no problem in selling them externally.

Whether gallium nitride power components are used in radar, LED light-emitting tubes, or solar cells, it is the customer's choice.

Nanshan Semiconductor only needs to sell its power components.

This is just like steel. It can be used to produce weapons such as swords, and it can also be used to produce various useful products.

How to use it is the customer's choice. Steel mills will not stop selling steel just because customers may use their products to produce dangerous goods.

"Okay, then let's just hold a formal recommendation meeting for gallium nitride power components and display a few special samples to let everyone know the beauty of gallium nitride power components."

If you want to do it, then do it in a big way.

That way, we can attract all kinds of potential customers to the greatest extent, and there is no need for Nanshan Semiconductor to promote it itself.

With the announcement of the invitation letter for Nanshan Semiconductor's recommendation meeting, it immediately caused quite a shock in the industry.

Especially Northrop Grumman, they have also invested a lot of money in researching gallium nitride.

It looked like it was almost ready, but it turned out that Nanshan Semiconductor had already produced the product and was recommending it to customers.

The impact of this matter is absolutely huge.

"John, I think the Pentagon needs to pay attention to Nanshan Semiconductor's production of gallium nitride. We have been studying it for decades, but they produced it earlier than us."

"The impact is very bad."

Kefla was in a very bad mood.

He had the feeling that the peaches grown on the peach tree he planted had been picked away.

For gallium nitride power components, this new technology semiconductor material, shouldn't the United States be the first to make a breakthrough, and then be copied by other countries?
Why is China actually ahead of the United States now?
“Is the impact of this gallium nitride power component really that big?”

Although John also knows some technology, he is not a professional technician after all.

So when he saw Kefla looking so nervous, he still didn't understand.

"Big! Very big!"

"John, let me give you an example."

Kevlar quickly reviewed the relevant information in his mind.

"There is an 11-story radar located at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. It is the world's first large phased array radar AN/FPS-85."

"This radar is like a huge house, consuming more than a thousand tons of steel and a lot of concrete."

"There are also three 500-ton chillers and two cooling towers as auxiliary devices to exert the greatest power."

"But if the power components of this phased array radar are replaced with silicon nitride power components, the volume will only need one-tenth of the original size to achieve the same effect."

After hearing what Kevlar said, John immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

The impact of gallium nitride components on radar is so great, which means that China's phased array radar technology will achieve earth-shaking changes.

This change in radar technology will have an impact on various equipment on land, sea and air.

Some of the advantageous equipment originally built by the United States may soon become less advantageous.

No wonder Kevlar wanted to remind John to let the higher ups pay attention to this news.

"That is to say, if China uses gallium nitride power components as the T/R component of the phased array radar, the size and weight of the radar can be greatly reduced, directly enabling their shipborne and airborne radar technology to be implemented Big changes?”

"It's not if, but it will definitely be like this!" Kevlar gave his reply with certainty, "And not only will the volume and weight change significantly, the most important thing is that the performance will be greatly improved. Moreover, the failure rate will be greatly reduced, and the cost will be plummeted."

Hearing what Kefla said, John's expression changed drastically.

Volume decreases!

Weight dropped!

Performance improvements!

Failure rate decreases!
Costs have plummeted!
In this way, wouldn't it mean that China's phased array radar technology would instantly surpass the various radars currently used in the United States?
You know, since the emergence of radar during World War II, this electronic device has been the best tool for tracking various aircraft, missiles, and ships.

Whether it is the United States, Polar Bears, or China, they have built a large number of large radar bases.

The locations of these bases are relatively fixed, because in order to achieve high-power, long-distance monitoring, the size of the radar must be very large.

However, the emergence of gallium nitride power components has greatly changed this situation.

In the future, China's phased array radar will probably be able to be driven everywhere by a truck.

This impact is definitely huge.

The most critical thing is that after China's airborne radar and shipborne radar were upgraded, the technical advantages of American F22 and F35 fighter jets have been greatly weakened.

China's radar technology first followed the rhythm of polar bears.

However, after the polar bear's radar technology has developed to a certain level, there is no way to get rid of the big problem, and the performance is really not that good.

Of course, if the radar on the roadbed can be built large enough, it won't be a big problem.

Shipborne and airborne are different.

"According to the way Chinese people did things in the past, their things must have been used on a large scale internally before they were officially displayed."

"But I haven't received much information about technological breakthroughs in gallium nitride power components from China before."

John is obviously worried about Nanshan Semiconductor’s gallium nitride power component recommendation meeting.

When did Chinese people act in such a high-profile manner?
"John, you have heard a lot about the news about companies related to Nanshan Group in recent years."

"This company is very different from many companies in China."

"Whether it's chip production equipment, high-end carbon fiber, or special steel, they have mastered very advanced technological levels."

"China's semiconductor industry, under the influence of Nanshan Semiconductor, has begun to impact the international advanced level."

"Currently, it is only a technology leader in gallium nitride power components. In the future, Nanshan Semiconductor may become an internationally leading presence in more chips and semiconductor components."

"This is why companies such as Intel and TI previously hoped that the Ministry of Commerce would impose stricter sanctions on companies such as Nanshan Semiconductor."

Kevlar feels that it is necessary to further promote restrictions on Nanshan Group-related companies, otherwise there will be more uncomfortable things for him in the future.

John obviously agreed with this.

(End of this chapter)

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