Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 770: No. 1 in the world, Venus 9 was successfully launched

Chapter 770: First in the world, Venus 9 was successfully launched

"Before a rocket launch mission, we often see the words 'opportunity launch' in media reports, which actually refers to the minimum launch conditions that meet the launch window."

Today, many senior executives from the Nanshan System came to the Northwest Launch Site.

As the person in charge of Venus 9, Zhao Siyu is personally responsible for explaining matters related to the rocket launch.

Because it is now close to the rocket launch, it is time to wait for the best launch window.

Taking advantage of this waiting time, Zhao Siyu felt that it was necessary for the group executives to have a good understanding of rocket launch-related knowledge.

This should be very beneficial for arranging some affairs of Daystar.

"The minimum launch conditions stipulate that the rocket can meet the mission requirements and at least some necessary conditions must be met, which are mainly divided into the rocket's own conditions and external conditions."

"The rocket must undergo various physical examinations before leaving the factory, and when it arrives at the launch site, its status must be confirmed again, just like athletes must do some warm-up exercises before a game to make them meet the conditions for playing."

"This is the first factor in choosing an opportunity. The rocket's own indicators meet the launch conditions."

"The natural environment is changeable and uncontrollable. Once these factors exceed the expected standards for launch, they may cause damage to the rocket body and affect the success or failure of the rocket mission."

"Probes that need to rendezvous with extraterrestrial objects such as planets, asteroids, and comets have a yearly window, which means they only have a launch opportunity once a year or even several years."

"The external conditions for rocket launch are more complicated."

A few big cases can be cited casually.

When Zhao Siyu saw that Cao Yang was listening carefully, he became even more enthusiastic about the introduction.

So there seems to be no harm in doing some psychological construction for everyone.

"Generally speaking, the recent launch missions of our Venus 9 are determined around the development of the Starlink satellite system. These satellites are all low-Earth orbit satellites. In theory, there are suitable opportunities every day."

"These are all issues that need to be considered comprehensively."

"Of course, there are actually many conditions that affect rocket launch, such as when to launch to facilitate ground observation, when to launch to facilitate ground monitoring and control, when to launch to facilitate the landing and recovery of the spacecraft, etc."

This is a level that no other company can achieve.

Cao Yang asked a question that many people were curious about.

Zhao Siyu is well aware of some important events in the history of rocket launches.

"There are painful lessons in history about aerospace accidents caused by weather."

Xia Qingqing also came to Cao Yang at this time.

Thinking of this, Zhao Siyu continued: "On January 1986, 1, the Space Shuttle Challenger was launched despite the severe cold weather and the warnings of rocket engineers. The rubber ring on the booster was hardened and damaged by cold, resulting in propellant leakage, The space shuttle exploded, killing seven astronauts."

So he gave the answer without any thinking.

Zhao Siyu then added an explanation.

After all, when we talk about launching at the right time every day, most people don’t know exactly what factors should be combined to launch at the right time.

"Before each launch, the high-altitude wind on the launch day is measured and forecasted, and the rocket's flight trajectory is optimized and adjusted based on the measured wind field data to avoid the rocket's load exceeding the allowable range of the rocket when flying at high speed in the wind field."

After all, Honor Technology contributed more than 200 billion in profits to the group last year.

"Our Venus 9 has completed all relevant confirmations and is ready for launch."

"On March 1987, 3, when the United States launched a high-value military communications satellite using a Centaur launch vehicle, it encountered a thunderstorm and lightning struck the rocket, causing the launch to fail."

Even except for Xingchen Automobile, the turnover of other companies has not reached more than 200 billion yuan.

When Zhao Siyu said this, he hesitated for a moment, wondering whether talking about those bad cases would give everyone an unlucky impression.

This is obviously not good for the continued development of Venus 9 in the future.

"Rocket launch is a high-risk and complex system engineering."

"Mr. Zhao, can you have a more accurate answer to this launch window? How long does it usually take to find this window?"

"Our Venus 9 is undoubtedly very good in this aspect."

"The impact of meteorological factors on rocket launch cannot be ignored, but as long as complete plan preparations are made before launch, meteorological observations are made in advance, and the final launch window is determined based on weather conditions, we can effectively avoid adverse weather effects on the launch mission. Impact."

"Among many factors, high-altitude wind has a more prominent impact on launch."

"At the beginning of the design, our designers will design the rocket itself to be rain-proof, anti-electromagnetic interference, and anti-strong wind to reduce the impact of environmental factors on the rocket."

"The value of each type of rocket that can resist environmental factors matches the magnitude of the rocket's resistance during the design process."

As a star figure among various companies in the Nanshan Group, Xia Qingqing is currently very popular.

For Zhao Siyu, this question is obviously a scoring question.

"Among various environmental factors, what has the greatest impact on the rocket's launch mission?"

"The width of this launch window varies greatly depending on the type of satellite. Low-Earth orbit satellites generally have a 'daily window' and will have the opportunity to launch every day."

Now that we have arrived at the launch site today, let’s get to know it better.

So as not to give everyone the impression that rocket launches are too troublesome.

However, he is not sure whether this launch will be successful.

"The lunar probe has a 'lunar window' and has the opportunity to launch every month, but there are only a few suitable days."

Even if today's launch is successful, every launch in the future may not be successful.

"It's just that this is the first launch. We are more cautious and fully consider various conditions such as wind speed, cloud cover, temperature, etc., and choose the most suitable launch window as much as possible."

Zhao Siyu explained this, and the people present had a better understanding of the rocket launch situation.

At least not to the point where his eyes darken when he mentions rocket launches, and he has no idea what to focus on.

"Mr. Cao, the best launch window will be in ten minutes. We can go to the console to watch. The effect will be better."

Zhao Siyu is a frequent visitor to the Northwest Launch Site.

Even before, this launch site was under their jurisdiction to a certain extent.

So when he gets here it's like he's back home.

"Come on, let's go to the console."

Cao Yang knew that there were many people from other units coming to participate in the launch event today.

I almost want to go over and chat with everyone, and then watch the official launch of Venus 9 together.


"Mr. Cao, your Daystar No. 9 is quite spectacular."

“The design is very unique.”

When Cao Yang came to the console, he immediately met Qian Junfeng from Aerospace Technology and Wu Feng from Electronic Technology Group.

We are all old acquaintances, so we naturally want to have a good chat.

"Venus 9 is still a little too small, only more than three meters in diameter."

"The Venus 9 MAX we are studying has a diameter of 5 meters."

"The starship series to be launched in the future will have a diameter of 9 meters. By then, this big fat man will be really spectacular."

Be humble when you should be humble, and there is no need to be humble when you don't want to be humble.

Otherwise, everyone will underestimate Daystar Technology.

"Big fat guy?"

"Are you starting to study heavy rockets now?"

Although Qian Junfeng had heard some rumors about this before, even within the aerospace technology industry, preparations were being made for the development of Long March 9.

But there is still a long way to go before the actual launch.

But now, listening to Cao Yang's words, it seems that Daystar Technology will launch Big Fat Man into space in a few years.

This situation is completely different.

"The reserve generation, the research and development generation, and the application generation, aren't I learning from you?"

Cao Yang casually found a reason.

Anyway, now everyone is just talking about it.

They are all Chinese companies. If Venus can quickly complete the research and development of heavy rockets, the significance will be extraordinary.

Even some of China's launch missions in the future may be handed over to Venus.

"I heard that you are burning money like crazy, hoping to shorten the rocket development time through large-scale investment in manpower and material resources."

"However, there is no way to skip some tests and verifications. Doing it too fast may not be a good thing."

Qian Junfeng's reminder didn't mean anything malicious.

He simply felt that the state of Daystar had subverted his understanding.

So I want to remind Cao Yang, lest he, a "layman", be fooled by the people below.

"What Mr. Qian said makes sense. Every step in rocket research is important, and we attach great importance to it internally."

Cao Yang didn't want to have an in-depth discussion with Qian Junfeng on this topic.

He couldn't tell Qian Junfeng that he had a cheat, right?

Then they are not allowed to be captured and sliced ​​for study?

While everyone was chatting, the launch window for Venus 9 slowly arrived.

The atmosphere of the entire scene slowly became solemn.

After all, the rocket has not been officially launched yet, and no one knows whether anything special will happen in the meantime.

As the controllers made confirmations one after another, Venus 9 finally ushered in its launch moment!


It ignited not only the power fuel of Venus 9, but also the passionate hearts of more people.

00:00——After everything is OK, Venus 9 officially ignites and takes off.

01:10 - Reaching twice the speed of sound, the first-stage rocket can provide a maximum thrust of more than 80 tons.

01:16 – Maximum aerodynamic load point reached, all normal.

02:33 - 9 engines shut down, with a total burning time of 152 seconds.

02:36 - The first-stage rocket and the second-stage rocket separate operation.

02:38 - The second-stage rocket ignites, providing a maximum thrust of more than 100 tons and a continuous burning time of 6 minutes.

03:40——The fairing with a diameter of 5.2 meters is separated and discarded.

06:22 - Part of the engine of the first-stage rocket is working, decelerating with the help of thrust, and preparing for landing.

At this time, it is the time when everyone is most concerned.

The previous process basically means that Venus 9 is used as a rocket to launch satellites. This mission has been % successful. It depends on whether the satellite can be successfully sent to the designated orbit.

But at this point, the problem is actually not that big.

Instead, use the first-stage rocket, which is the recyclable core part, to see if it can land smoothly.

"Mr. Cao, according to our simulation, in about two minutes and ten seconds, the first-stage rocket will land at the temporary landing site built three kilometers next to the northwest launch site."

"The entire process is fully automated and coordinated and controlled by the flight computer, engine controller, precision guidance system, etc." Zhao Siyu is also feeling quite nervous now.

Although even the first-stage rocket did not land successfully, it was actually considered a success.

After all, the first rocket launch sent a satellite into the sky, which is already better than many companies.

Most countries do not have such strength.

"Why did the first-stage rocket need to be ignited again in the air just now?"

Mi Ying next to her couldn't help but ask a not-so-high-end question.

From her understanding, it is normal for the recyclable part of the rocket to be ignited when it is about to land, right?

"The thing is, after the first-stage rocket starts the recovery process, it must be ignited again."

"Because it is flying very fast in the air at this time. If the speed is not slowed down, it will be burned when it enters the atmosphere."

"The rocket will then become a meteor and there will be no way to recover it."

Zhao Siyu glanced at Cao Yang and patiently explained to Mi Ying next to him.

Just talking can relieve the current tension.

06:42: The first-stage rocket shuts down its engine again and falls rapidly toward Earth.

08:04: The first stage rocket ignites again.

This time, without waiting for Cao Yang or Mi Ying to ask questions, Zhao Siyu quickly explained from the side.

"This is the third time that the recovery procedure has been started, and the first-stage rocket has ignited again. This is also its last ignition, and it is a landing ignition."

"The purpose is to further reduce the speed of the rocket so that it can land smoothly."

"This time the duration is 31 seconds, after which the rocket will land at the landing site."

Just as Zhao Siyu was explaining, everyone was attracted by the images on the screen in the control room.

You can already see the movement of the Venus 9 first-stage rocket above.

31 seconds actually passed very quickly under that kind of nervous emotion.

When Venus 9 accurately landed at the landing site and the sound of successful landing came from the scene, a boiling sound echoed through the sky.

The first recyclable rocket independently developed by China has been officially recycled successfully.

This is of great significance to the entire rocket launch industry.

"Mr. Cao, congratulations. Daystar 9 will definitely go down in history and become an indelible product in the development history of China Airlines."

Although Qian Junfeng's mood was a bit complicated, his joy at this time was not fake.

Although the products are from Daystar Technology, we are all Chinese companies.

This is definitely a good thing for China as a whole.

"The products produced by Nanshan must be high-quality."

"I never miss the comments from netizens."

Wu Feng also praised next to him.

"The second-stage rocket is still flying in the air. It will take some time to know whether all the launches this time are really successful."

Cao Yang's words almost caused Qian Junfeng next to him to suffer internal injuries.

Isn’t this considered a success?

The two-stage rocket has entered the low-altitude orbit, turned off the ignition, and waited for it to ignite again after reaching a certain position to send the satellite to the designated location.

The likelihood of something going wrong in this case is very low.

It can be said that Venus 9 has completed 99% of its launch mission.

Just short of the last 1%.

"The complex problems of recycling the first-stage rocket have been solved. The later control of the second-stage rocket is obviously not a big problem for Venus Technology."

Although Cao Yang had pretended to be so, Qian Junfeng certainly couldn't stop talking as if he was really mute at this time.

In that case, others thought he had a problem with the success of Daystar No. 9.

After all, everyone is facing many cameras at this time.


The launch of Venus 9 was broadcast live on the website of Nanshan Film and Television.

Many Chinese netizens watched the launch.

When the commentator heard the news that the first-stage rocket was successfully recovered, public opinion immediately erupted.

"It was the first time I watched a live broadcast of a rocket launch. It was so spectacular. I could feel the majestic momentum through the screen."

"It actually succeeded. All the boasts that Mr. Cao boasted came true."

"I didn't expect that China also has such high-tech enterprises. It's very surprising."

"When is the next launch? I really want to go nearby and watch it."

"The Starlink system has started launching its first batch of satellites without realizing it. Look forward to it!"

"Recyclable rockets, I never thought they could actually be made!"

"It feels like Venus 9 will be launched every three to five from now on."

"It turns out there are so many things to pay attention to when launching a rocket."

"Mr. Cao, when will we land on the moon?"

"It feels like the Nanshan Group's current goal is no longer on the earth, but in the sea of ​​stars."

"No, haven't you noticed? This rocket is actually named after Heilan House!"

"The advertising has hit the Rockets, and Heilan House is also great."

"Venixing really doesn't take the usual path."


Various comments quickly put Daystar No. 9 and Heilan House on the hot searches.

"Mr. Zou, the company is on trending searches!"

Heilan Home's general manager Zou Jianping and sales director Zhou Liqiang were also invited to watch the launch of Venus 9 on site.

However, their position is still a bit far away from Cao Yang, so they are mainly paying attention to external changes internally.

“How was everyone’s response?”

Zou Jianping has now begun to make arrangements for the company's listing next year.

This time he advertised on Daystar No. 9, and he had very high expectations.

This decision was not made by patting oneself on the head.

If the advertising fee of 6000 million yuan is put on other platforms, it can come up with many tricks.

But nowhere is the effect as obvious as that of Daystar 9.

"It's very good. Everyone thinks we are very discerning, and it has also made many people get to know Heilan House again."

"The advertising company we arranged before will also let the relevant accounts conduct some public opinion guidance to make it develop in a direction that is beneficial to us."

Zhou Liqiang is also in a very good mood now.

After the launch of Venus 9, the first stage of the rocket was successfully recovered.

The popularity of this matter will definitely not dissipate in a day or two.

Even for many years to come, Daystar No. 9 will be the darling of the media.

Because Venus Technology still has tens of thousands of Starlink satellites waiting for it to be launched.

Therefore, it can basically be predicted that there will be scenes of Venus 9 being launched every month in the future.

The effect of this advertisement is absolutely outstanding.

"It seems we made the right bet this time."

"As long as Mr. Cao wants to do something, he will be able to do it successfully in the end."

Zou Jianping was very happy that he chose to advertise on Daystar 9, and he was also very happy that Cao Yang finally agreed that Daystar 9 would cooperate with Heilan House.

Otherwise, it might not be that easy for Heilan House to become famous.

While Zou Jianping and Zhou Liqiang were communicating about Venus 9, everyone in the control room who came over excitedly began to slowly continue to pay attention to the operation of the second-stage rocket.

After all, the Starlink satellite is still waiting for it to be delivered to the designated orbit.

26:45 - The second-stage rocket ignites again, restarts the vacuum engine, and advances to high-altitude orbit.

27:52 - The vacuum engine is shut down, accurately sending the Starlink satellite to a high-altitude geostationary orbit of 35000 kilometers.

35:38 - The second-stage rocket separates from the satellite, and the entire space express service ends successfully!
"The launch of Venus 9 was successfully completed!"

As these words rang out from the console, everyone clapped excitedly once again.

This time, Venus 9 has completely completed its launch mission.

The first launch was successful, which is very rare.

All the preparations done before the launch were obviously not in vain.

"Mr. Cao, the construction of our Starlink satellite system has started well, and the future is promising."

Zhao Siyu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it was winter, his forehead was covered with sweat.

Even feeling a little sweaty.

In the past half hour or so, he was definitely in a very nervous mood.

He was even the most nervous person among everyone present.

"Thank you for your hard work. Today's successful launch of Venus 9 is the result of everyone's hard work in the past."

Cao Yang also breathed a sigh of relief.

I basically put all my energy last year on Daystar, and it seems that my efforts were not in vain.

"The only regret is that the second-stage rocket is currently unable to land and recover as perfectly as the first-stage rocket."

"However, we have been working hard and are constantly developing new technologies and seeking breakthroughs."

"Once successful, it will be the biggest benefit to the space industry."

"From now on, humans can reduce space debris to the greatest extent, at least the second- and third-stage rocket parts."

Zhao Siyu's ideas are now starting to become richer and bolder.

Since it is a recyclable rocket, it is natural to hope that both the first-stage rocket and the second-stage rocket can be recycled.

(End of this chapter)

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