Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 773: The huge influence of the Nanshan System, a bunch of people lined up to send money

Chapter 773 The huge influence of the Nanshan System, a bunch of people lined up to send money
Venus Technology officially announced that it will use the previous Venus 2 for its second launch in February!

This topic has attracted some attention.

However, compared with Daystar Technology and Nanshan Film and Television's official announcement that they would invest 3 million yuan to shoot the science fiction movie "The Wandering Earth," the level of attention is completely different.

It can be said that ten minutes after they released this information on their official Weibo account, the words "The Wandering Earth" became a hot search topic.

sci-fi movie!
3 million investment!

Female director!
Photographed jointly by Daystar Technology!

Planetary engine!

Various hot-spot elements immediately pushed the popularity of this topic very high.

In the entertainment industry, this matter has even greater influence.

"Mi Lai, the company is going to invest 3 million yuan to film "The Wandering Earth". Do you know any inside information?"

When Nanshan Film and Television invests in filming movies and TV series, although it likes to use its own artists, it often uses artists from other companies.

"It probably hasn't been decided yet, but there aren't many female characters in this movie. I guess the competition will be very fierce by then."

"But she probably didn't expect that the company's support would be so strong, so some preparations haven't been completed yet."

With an investment of 3 million, this is basically China’s largest investment in a movie in the past.

However, the investment this time is too large, and it is a science fiction blockbuster that has never been successful in China, so Zhang Songwen is also very concerned about this matter.

Unlike some companies, even with an investment of tens of millions, they can boast of becoming a billion-dollar investment blockbuster.

People like Mi Lai and Charlene who didn't have many opportunities in "The Wandering Earth" are scrambling for roles. Others who have the opportunity to become the male protagonist are naturally even more busy.

"Zhang Xin, Mr. Cao hopes that "The Wandering Earth" can be released as soon as possible, and our casting work must start as soon as possible."

After all, for Nanshan Film and Television, expanding its influence in the entertainment industry is more important than making a few artists famous.

"So the casting for this movie hasn't been decided yet?"

It’s no wonder that many people are interested in it.

After all, Zhang Songwen knows better than anyone what Zhang Xin's background is.

After all, the two of them have very different personalities, so there isn't much competition.

"I called Zhang Xin yesterday. This project should be confirmed, and various actions will be taken soon."

Charlene's face suddenly became full of expectations.

"I heard that the company only agreed to shoot this project after Zhang Xin specifically communicated with Cao Yang."

Millay himself must have wanted a role in the movie.

Regardless of the final box office performance of such a large-investment film, as long as you can play a role in it, the popularity will be very high.

In a coffee shop next to Nanshan Film and Television, Charlene and Mi Lai exchanged recent news in the entertainment industry in the corner.

"You are right. I estimate that those who will be enabled by then will probably be top-tier movie stars. Our competitive advantage is not that obvious."

Besides, Cao Yang also called him personally and mentioned this topic.

Movies produced by Nanshan Film and Television have always been what everyone is chasing.

Although she knew that her chances of getting it were very low, she would really be sorry for herself if she didn't work hard.

Mi Lai and Zhang Xin have a very good relationship, so naturally they know a lot more information.

Information in the entertainment industry is constantly circulating through various channels, and sometimes Mi Lai needs to find Charlene to find out some information.

At most, he will play some guest roles when the time comes.

Nowadays, science fiction blockbusters are being shot on a large scale, which naturally attracts more attention from everyone.

In the past two days, various companies and big names have been approaching Zhang Songwen, so he couldn't help but mention the topic of casting to Zhang Xin.

Normally, Zhang Songwen rarely interferes in the casting of movie projects that Zhang Xin is responsible for.


Therefore, as long as it is not particularly critical information, she is willing to share it with Charlene.

"At the same time, related special effects preparations are already being planned, and this part is the most expensive."

If there were two celebrities with the same personality, let alone exchanging information, it would be good if they didn't get into fights when they met.

But after talking to Zhang Xin, she knew it was very difficult.

And everyone in the industry knows that the amount of investment mentioned by Nanshan Film and Television is basically the amount that it really needs to invest.

This is also closely related to the purpose of its establishment.

In this case, Zhang Songwen will definitely have to follow up on the situation of "The Wandering Earth".

"The most important thing is the selection of the male protagonist. Do you have any ideas?"

Xia Lin also has a relatively clear understanding of her own situation. She doesn't think that since she signed a contract with Nanshan Film and Television, she will definitely have some important role left for her in this movie.

And he also knew that Cao Yang sent Zhang Xin some of his understanding of the movie.

"I've been busy these days to figure out how to revise the script, and then look at how to cast the characters."

"I think the company can expand its capabilities in this area, take this opportunity to train our own special effects personnel, and leave the special effects of this movie to internal personnel as much as possible."

"This is also preparation for our other subsequent science fiction films."

Zhang Xin wanted to make "The Wandering Earth" into a series of movies, so some things naturally required long-term planning.

Otherwise, if the first part is successful and the investment in the second part skyrockets, it will be a bit troublesome.

This is definitely not what Nanshan Film and Television wants to see.

"I have assigned special personnel to take charge of the special effects."

"The entire Nanshan Group has many programmers with very good skills. When the time comes, we will recruit some people from within to join the special effects team."

"At the same time, we are also considering poaching some special effects technicians from Hollywood."

“We are even planning to acquire a special effects company there to train our own personnel.”

Zhang Songwen naturally knows the importance of special effects.

Many movies require some special effects to give people a stronger visual impact.

In the past two years, several Hollywood blockbusters have occupied the top spots on China's box office charts with their exquisite special effects.

He has already begun to train Nanshan Film and Television's own special effects personnel.

It's just that China has never been particularly strong in this area, and it is still difficult to achieve some results.

Now that there is a good opportunity to spend money on training, he will naturally not miss it.

"As long as the special effects and production speed can keep up with our pace, I think it won't be a big problem to get the movie out by the end of next year."

Zhang Xin is also considered an old man in the film industry.

Throughout Nanshan Film and Television, everyone is willing to teach her their skills.

After all, she still carries the name of vice president, so she has no direct competitive relationship with others.

Because everyone is not on the same level.

"As for the male protagonist, someone recommended Zhang Yi and Wu Jin to me. I think they are both quite suitable. Will you consider it when the time comes?"

Although Zhang Xin did not discuss the casting of the male lead with Zhang Songwen.

But Zhang Songwen still took the initiative to put forward his idea again.

It's not that he gained any benefit from this matter, but that he really felt that these two people were quite suitable.

Coupled with some favors from other companies, some things had to be done.

Of course, if he recommended it but Zhang Xin didn't adopt it, others can't blame him.

After all, everyone knows that in Nanshan Film and Television, although Zhang Songwen is the general manager, he cannot decide everything by himself.

"I'll do an audition later."

"If they're a good fit, I'd definitely give them a priority."

This is the film with the largest investment that he has ever made, and Zhang Xin is also very cautious.

So before the final effect is determined, she will definitely not let go easily.

Zhang Songwen also understood this.


Although Nanshan Media Group is a brother company of Nanshan Automobile Group and Honor Technology Group.

However, since Nanshan Film and Television does not have much interaction with everyone, companies did not have much dealings with it before.

However, this time "The Wandering Earth" shot by Nanshan Film and Television will incorporate many things from Venus Technology, making it a project closely related to Venus Technology.

So everyone’s attention immediately changed.

In addition, cars, mobile phones, computers and other products will be embedded in the movie, so after the general direction is determined, the official accounts of various companies have announced that their products will cooperate with the crew of "The Wandering Earth".

In this way, the influence will be different immediately.

Although the official WeChat accounts of these companies do not have as many fans as Cao Yang, the total number of followers for each company is exaggerated.

In just one morning, these news dominated the hot searches again.

"Mr. Zou, I think we can also consider advertising placement in "The Wandering Earth"."

"For example, space suits and other daily clothing can consider advertising placement."

As the head of the sales department of Heilan House, Zhou Liqiang naturally pays attention to various developments on the Internet.

Heilan House is enjoying the dividends of rocket advertising during this period. Now it is definitely very enthusiastic about some special advertising placement projects.

"I see that the advertisements placed in "The Wandering Earth" are all related products of Nanshan Group. Will they agree to let us also insert them?"

Zou Jianping was not so convinced.

Moreover, Heilan House has never engaged in movie advertising placement before, so he is still a little confused whether to take the risk or not.

After all, movie advertising placement is not an innovative topic, and other brands have already appeared in many movies.

Therefore, even if Heilan House implants advertisements, it will be difficult to achieve the same effect as Daystar No. 9. "The investment amount of "The Wandering Earth" is as high as 3 million yuan. Although Nanshan Film and Television has a lot of money, it is not short of money."

"But I believe they still hope internally that the film will be profitable."

"Starting from the aspect of advertising placement and reducing the actual investment amount of Nanshan Film and Television is a very good plan to increase profitability."

"We support 1000 million for one brand and obtain a certain amount of advertising placement."

"Then some other brands will definitely take the initiative to contact them. By then, they may be able to raise hundreds of millions of dollars by relying on advertising placement."

"If Nanshan Group's own advertising placement is also converted into funds, it may be able to solve half of the 3 million yuan."

"This way, the chances of the movie eventually turning a profit are very high."

Zhou Liqiang naturally did some thinking before making suggestions to his boss.

Otherwise, the 1000 million yuan advertising implantation fee would definitely not be approved easily.

"Although I rarely watch movies, the movies and TV series produced by China's own film and television companies are basically based on youth and emotional themes, right?"

"I've rarely heard of any famous domestic science fiction films."

Obviously, Zou Jianping is a little worried that "The Wandering Earth" will fail miserably.

Then the effect of advertising placement will definitely be greatly reduced.

If it is a Hollywood science fiction blockbuster, let alone 1000 million yuan in advertising costs, even if it is doubled, he can make a decision immediately.

"Mr. Zou, you are right. There were not many science fiction blockbusters that China could produce in the past."

"But it doesn't mean that the blockbuster film invested by Nanshan Film and Television will fail this time."

"Judging from the current situation, Nanshan Group has very high expectations for this movie."

"Daystar Technology even directly participated in the preparation and filming of this movie as a partner of the movie."

"So the situation this time is very different from before."

"I think maybe it can bring a big surprise to everyone."

Zhou Liqiang gave his own judgment with certainty.

Nanshan Group has never failed in anything it wants to do.

He doesn't think that making a science fiction movie this time will fail.

Even recyclable rockets and Starlink systems are already being developed. Isn’t it a trivial matter to cooperate in filming a movie?
"Since you are so confident, then go and contact Nanshan Film and Television to see what their attitude is."

Zou Jianping hesitated for a while, but finally agreed to Zhou Liqiang's proposal.

And there are companies that have similar ideas to Zhou Liqiang, but no less.

Soon, Zhang Xin found that there were a lot of people giving money to herself.

Not only do various companies want to implement advertising placement, but the key is that other film companies also want to invest a certain amount of money to associate their companies with this blockbuster.

"Zhang Xin, now many film and television companies in the industry are interested in investing 20 to 30 million in the "Wandering Earth" project."

"I think we can consider accepting cooperation from one or two companies?"

Zhang Songwen has been in pain and happiness these past few days.

The bosses of several major film and television companies in the entertainment industry took the initiative to call him and expressed their willingness to invest.

According to normal logic, it is more appropriate to accept part of the investment in this case.

Most movies, especially those with large investments, have many institutions and individuals involved in investment.

Zhang Songwen feels that the same can be said for "The Wandering Earth".

That's why he discussed this topic with Zhang Xin.

However, Zhang Xin's mentality has begun to change after studying Cao Yang's suggestions for herself in the past two days and combining them with advertising placements from various companies.

Originally, she was worried that this big-investment movie would lose money, and the reputation she had finally accumulated would immediately fall away.

There are many cases in the entertainment industry where actors or directors' reputation plummeted after filming a movie that suffered huge losses.

Zhang Xin was somewhat worried.

But now she is very confident about the prospects of "The Wandering Earth".

"Advertising placements from various companies can already contribute almost 1 million to us."

"Then XCMG contacted us yesterday and expressed their willingness to sponsor the engineering equipment and prop trucks we need for film shooting free of charge."

"This prop car is produced entirely according to the actual size, which can save us a lot of money on the props and scenery."

"Then there are also architectural firms who want to cooperate with us in terms of the scenery of our dungeon."

"At that time, the company may only need to invest more than 3 million yuan out of the originally planned investment of million yuan."

“In this case, I don’t think you need to worry too much about losing money!”

Zhang Xin doesn’t want too many disturbing factors when filming.

Nanshan Film and Television has the strength to invest on its own, and she will have the final say at that time.

If you accept investment from other companies, you will be more or less disturbed.

Some bosses even hope to add some actors to the crew.

This is definitely a scene Zhang Xin doesn't want to see.

"Although we have a certain degree of certainty that the movie will be profitable, shooting a blockbuster film is still full of uncertainties."

“Spreading risk is a common practice in the industry.”

Zhang Songwen still wanted to continue to persuade Zhang Xin, but after having an idea in his mind, Zhang Xin had no intention of changing his mind at all.

Of course, her attitude is not that tough, "Forget it about investment, but we can still talk to some actors about cooperation."

"Whether it's the male lead or the male supporting actor, we can use actors from other companies as long as they are suitable."

After hearing what Zhang Xin said, Zhang Songwen didn't insist anymore.

He knew there was no point in continuing.

Fortunately, Zhang Xin also made some compromises in the selection of actors, otherwise he would not know how to communicate with the bosses of other companies.


"Mr. Cao, why are you so serious about filming a science fiction film this time?"

The movie "The Wandering Earth" has completely occupied various hot searches during this period. Even the aerospace technology, which has nothing to do with the film industry, is also discussing this topic.

Some people from relevant departments even asked Qian Junfeng directly, asking why Aerospace Science and Technology did not support some film and television companies in filming some inspirational science fiction films.

From the perspective of relevant departments, the science fiction blockbuster planned to be shot by Nanshan Film and Television and Daystar Technology is actually another kind of theme film.

In the past, China's main theme films often did not do very well at the box office.

Relevant departments are now reviewing how to make some improvements.

Sci-fi blockbusters, which are relatively special movies that are compatible with commercial and theme themes, have actually appeared in some people's vision.

But no one was optimistic about it before, so no one took the initiative to bring up this topic.

But now Nanshan Film and Television has invested 3 million in one go, setting a historical investment record for Chinese films.

The purpose was to shoot a shocking science fiction movie, so the attitude of the relevant people immediately changed.

However, Qian Junfeng felt a little depressed after being questioned like this.

It’s not that they don’t support it, it’s that no one needs their support.

Aerospace Science and Technology has various types of rockets, is also responsible for the development of various spacecrafts, and even various missiles.

Many of these things can be implanted in science fiction movies.

But in the past, due to confidentiality considerations, no one planned to make any achievements in this area.

Now that Venus Technology has opened a new horizon, everyone's attitude has changed immediately.

Qian Junfeng was conflicted, so he had to call Cao Yang to communicate first.

"I think the theme they chose is very good. It can inspire people and has the hope of making money. By the way, it can also improve the special effects production level of Nanshan Film and Television."

"With so many benefits, do we have no reason to object?"

"Some people think that only Hollywood can produce science fiction blockbusters. I think as China's comprehensive national strength continues to improve, this concept must be slowly reversed."

"Otherwise, there will always be people who like to belittle themselves and set the pace on the Internet, which is not conducive to us enhancing our cultural confidence."

Qian Junfeng called specifically to discuss this topic with him, so Cao Yang naturally wanted to come up with some useful information.

Otherwise, how can we get relevant departments to actively support us when the time comes?

In the future, we will definitely need your help in promoting the movie after the filming is completed.

"It's hard to refute your reason."

"We in China really need a few sci-fi blockbusters of our own, otherwise the public opinion position will be seized by Hollywood."

"Everyone who saves the earth seems to be American."

"This is completely cultural export."

Qian Junfeng also has a good eye, so he can naturally see the influence behind some movies.

Now that Cao Yang has taken the initiative to mention this topic, his interest in "The Wandering Earth" has become even greater.

"Mr. Qian, by then our movie should have something involving spaceships and other content. Are you interested in participating in the aerospace technology?"

"When the time comes, in the special credits at the end of the film, we will definitely express our gratitude to Aerospace Technology for its help."

Cao Yang could sense Qian Junfeng's interest in "The Wandering Earth", so he took the initiative to give him a step down.

Qian Junfeng naturally would not refuse this.

Soon, the news that Aerospace Science and Technology officially announced that it would assist Nanshan Film and Television in filming the science fiction blockbuster "The Wandering Earth" also appeared on the Internet, making the movie completely popular before filming even started.

At this time, the Space Exploration Technology Company in the United States also made big moves.

(End of this chapter)

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