Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 775 The greatest affirmation, winning the prize is easy

Chapter 775 The greatest affirmation, winning the prize is easy

Unlike the Polar Bears, who can come up with many useful technologies through "archaeology", the Space Exploration Technology Company's recyclable rocket technology is a real independent innovation.

However, if the technology is tested in advance before the technology is successfully developed, failure is almost inevitable.

In this regard, Musko is more open-minded.

"Diles, you don't need to be burdened. Our launch didn't explode until the last thirty seconds. This is already a very good result."

"It's even better than I expected."

"At least it shows that our improved version of Falcon 9 has no problems with the launch system, even when igniting in the middle of the first-stage rocket."

"It's just that something unexpected happened at the end."

Although the launch of the improved Falcon 9 failed, the subsequent research and development work cannot be stopped.

Masco is also worried that the people below will have too much burden, which will make them timid and unsightly.

Venus announced that it will use Venus 9 to launch its second Starlink satellite next month.

If it doesn’t explode a few times, how can it appear that the threshold for rocket launch is high?

"Some of our employees have switched jobs to Daystar Technology in China. The HR department is trying to see if we can recruit some people back, which should speed up our research and development progress."

There are some things that can be done, but he still feels a little uncomfortable when they are discussed in a high-sounding way.

Especially heavy-duty recyclable rockets. If that thing can be produced, the cost savings will be even greater.

If it doesn't explode a few times, how can it afford the high research and development expenses?

Polar bears’ aerospace technology is still very powerful.

Leaders are more concerned about any action in aerospace technology and understand the difficulty of recyclable rockets.

Qian Junfeng is actually more concerned about the polar bear's movements than those in the United States.

"Previous first-stage rockets did not need to go through the next two ignition procedures, so the durability performance of some parts was different from current requirements."

"It's just that although they can be produced, it's hard to say what their performance, stability, and cost will be."

"People had successfully tested a similar recyclable rocket thirty years ago, so polar bears can definitely do it."

So not only did he not lose his temper, he instead posted on Twitter to celebrate the revolutionary progress in the development of the improved Falcon 9.

The Polar Bears have announced that they are going to build a different kind of recyclable rocket, and they are going to build large rockets right from the start.

Tesla has announced that it will launch another improved Falcon 9 this year.

After all, much of China's aerospace industry comes from polar bears.


"You can just take care of this yourself. I won't interfere in specific matters."

"Maybe the single launch cost of their recyclable rockets is higher than that of ordinary rockets."

Within this year, they will conduct a second test launch.

He felt that this satellite system seemed promising.

From the launch failure to now, he has almost never closed his eyes, and has been leading engineers to eliminate various causes of failures.

Masco waved his hand, not wanting to discuss this topic with Diers.

At this point, Cao Yang didn't look at them.

Don't think that Americans must abide by the rules and regulations when doing things. That is completely nonsense.

These actions have had a huge impact on the global aviation industry.

"We initially checked the problem. During the last ignition process, there was a problem with a pipe connection on our engine."

As the general manager of Aerospace Technology, Qian Junfeng has received a lot of calls these days.

If Polar Bear can come up with a different kind of recyclable rocket, maybe Aerospace Technology can do the same.

"There is a high probability that there is cracking or the installation is not firm."

"So the fuel leaked out and caused the explosion."

"Taking this opportunity, we can consider raising the durability requirements for the parts around the engine to see if there are any other parts that have problems."

Feeling the pressure, Qian Junfeng couldn't help but call Cao Yang to communicate.

"It's not a problem to be afraid of. Just find the cause and solve it."

"Mr. Cao, do you think it's possible to build a polar bear recyclable rocket?"

When there is a loophole to exploit, no one wants to let it go.

If the cause of the problem is found so quickly, the improved Falcon 9 will be one step closer to success.

And these efforts are naturally fruitful.

Diers also moved very quickly.

At that time, he also thinks that he can consider developing the Starlink system from Venus Technology.

Diels' answer satisfied Masco.

The legacy left by the predecessors of the Polar Bears back then was too deep.

Even if you have been building on your legacy for more than 20 years, you still have a very deep foundation and you can continue to build on it.

This advantage is not available to other countries.

Of course, I am afraid that few countries would want to experience this kind of advantage.

"That's true, United Rocketry and Aerospace Corporation includes almost all of Polar Bear's rocket and satellite-related research institutes, designers and factories.

"There are some old designers who personally participated in the rocket project back then."

"Now look for the sealed information in the warehouse. It's not surprising that there will be unexpected surprises for everyone."

Qian Junfeng would never dare to compare with a polar bear in terms of who has a deeper foundation.

That was a freak who was still full of blood after bleeding for a long time.

"Mr. Qian, is it possible that Aerospace Technology is also preparing to enter the field of recyclable rockets?"

Cao Yang heard a lot from Qian Junfeng's words, so he asked directly without beating around the bush.

"The projects we have decided on now are definitely all traditional rocket projects."

"Whether it is Long March 9 or Long March 5, there is still a lot of work to be done."

"So we will definitely not directly develop recyclable rockets in the short term."

"But considering that the Long March 5 will be our main launch platform in the future, it is something that relevant departments are looking forward to now starting to consider the recyclable version of the Long March 5."

Qian Junfeng did not hide it, but directly shared the situation of aerospace technology with Cao Yang.

Before the established project is completed, he will not dare to easily divert R&D personnel and funds to other projects.

"The prospects of Long March 5 are indeed worth looking forward to. Its performance in all aspects is relatively balanced, and it is a very good launch platform."

Cao Yang still knows some information about the Long March 5.

Even when he was working on Daystar 9, he considered whether to release Long March 5 first.

But thinking that if many things are difficult to explain by then, I will be passive.

After all, Aerospace Science and Technology has been working on the Long March 5 for many years.

If Venus Technology comes up with a similar product, many things will be unclear.

But there is no pressure in this regard when comparing it to the Falcon 9.

After all, the Space Exploration Technology Company has not yet developed a recyclable Falcon 9. At this time, the Venus 9 launched by Venus Technology Achievements is very similar to the Falcon 9 even in all aspects of parameters and performance. , it’s hard to say that someone copied it.

Even Venus 9 will be able to criticize it in the future, saying that Space Exploration Technology Company has plagiarized its own technology.

Cao Yang is relatively familiar with this situation.

"Mr. Cao, although our aerospace science and technology does not currently develop recyclable rockets, the relevant departments still hope that our Chinese technology can continue to lead in this area."

"So if there is anything in the process that requires aerospace technology's help, just ask."

“Apart from the lack of financial support, there are no problems with other human resources and policies.”

Although Qian Junfeng was a little reluctant to say such words, considering the attitude of the relevant departments, he finally told the situation.

After all, the rocket launch circle is too small.

Many things are not what he wants.

Otherwise, the position under his butt may not be stable by then.

"Thank you, Mr. Qian. I will ask Zhao Siyu to communicate with your staff at that time to see if anyone is willing to assist in the development of the MAX version of Daystar No. 9."

Cao Yang had no intention of being polite to Qian Junfeng at all.

Sometimes, being polite means giving up.

Daystar Technology still needs many professional technical personnel.

These talents cannot be cultivated by themselves in a short period of time.

So now that Qian Junfeng has finally let go and can provide help in terms of talents, Cao Yang will naturally not be polite.

It is inevitable to even take this opportunity to attract more people to Venus Technology.

Anyway, there are so many research institutes in aerospace science and technology, so there is actually no shortage of engineers.

Many excellent engineers even have no stage to display their talents, leading to a waste of talent.

"You are coming to the Imperial Capital tomorrow, right?"

"I heard that your Nanshan Group will gain a lot from this National Science and Technology Progress Award."

As the person in charge of one of the few central enterprises in China that has mastered core technologies, Qian Junfeng still has a lot of information to learn.

For example, the National Science and Technology Progress Award, although most people do not know the relevant news before the official award is announced, there is always a small number of people involved.

So no matter what the news is, it is definitely possible that some news will leak out.

Being in the imperial capital, the advantages in this aspect are also relatively obvious. "Well, I will go to Nanshan Film and Television to take a look at the preparations for the filming of "The Wandering Earth"."

"Taking advantage of the fact that many people in China are interested in the aerospace industry and rocket launches, we will produce "The Wandering Earth" as soon as possible, and the box office will be better."

Qian Junfeng could understand what Cao Yang said.

After all, using science fiction movies to promote the aerospace industry is definitely more effective than doing their own propaganda.

Maybe more funding for aerospace science and technology will be allocated next year.

This was a scene he was very happy to see.

"I heard that Nanshan Film and Television has equipped "The Wandering Earth" with a luxurious team of academicians as technical guidance experts."

"When the academicians in our company are free, they can also provide guidance on the work."

Qian Junfeng took the initiative to offer some help.

Anyway, this help is a piece of cake for him and will not cost anything extra.

As the leader of China's aerospace industry, their company also has more than one academician.

"that would be great."

"Don't think it's just a movie. In fact, there are quite a lot of things that need to be considered."

Cao Yang didn't expect Qian Junfeng to be so interested in "The Wandering Earth".

This kind of help is nothing to aerospace technology, but it is still very valuable to Nanshan Film and Television.

After all, he is an academician in a professional field, and casual guidance can raise the technological content of the film to a higher level.

You can even use this as a gimmick to explain later in the promotion.

Which company invests in a film that can hire a team of academicians to serve as consultants?


China's National Science and Technology Progress Award is held most of the time in January every year.

This time, Cao Yang brought a relatively large team to participate in the ceremony.

More than a dozen people entered the great hall together in a mighty manner. The momentum was really not comparable to that of ordinary companies.

Especially in this team, in addition to Cao Yang, the world's richest man, there are four academicians.

"Mr. Cao, I heard that your Nanshan Group is the biggest winner of this grand prize again."

Although the official awards have not yet been announced, the awards must have been determined.

As the general manager of Electronic Technology Group, Wu Feng has naturally obtained a lot of relevant information.

"Mr. Wu, our Electronic Technology Group is not bad today. Not only is Academician Wang among the '2012 National Top Science and Technology Award Winners', he is from your company."

"The first prize also includes your company's projects."

Wu Feng can know some information, and Cao Yang is naturally no exception.

Although it is not yet certain what the status of all the awards will be this time, it is very certain that some projects will win.

"Your Nanshan equipment is not bad either. Academician Pan is another winner of the 2012 National Highest Science and Technology Award."

"Among the first prizes, there are several projects that belong to you."

"This time your Nanshan Group is going to set a new record for awards."

Wu Feng was really not being polite when he said this. He really knew that Nanshan Group had many award-winning projects.

So far, no company has won more first prizes than Nanshan Group.

Whether it is a single award-winning record or cumulative award-winning projects, Nanshan Group is the well-deserved number one.

No one can admire this kind of achievement even if they want to.

"Before the official announcement, everything is subject to change. We won't know the final situation until later."

Naturally, you need to be appropriately humble at this time. The awards will be awarded soon. Why are you so proud?

Making people jealous for no reason.

There were many participants in the conference hall, and the level of those present was also very high.

So Qian Junfeng and Wu Feng had a little exchange, and then they each found their own seats and sat down.

This kind of meeting is often carried out strictly according to the process.

So after everyone took their seats, the award ceremony officially began without waiting too long.

Soon, the awards were announced one by one.

Academician Wang of Electronic Technology Group, without any surprise, became the “winner of the 2012 National Highest Science and Technology Award.”

"Academician Wang was the first person in China to conduct preliminary research on light early warning aircraft, and presided over the formulation of technical plans, creating conditions for the national decision-making to develop light early warning aircraft."

Zhao Siyu knew the situation of Electronic Technology Group relatively well, so after listening to the award information above, he explained the relevant situation to Cao Yang from the side.

"He also proposed the idea of ​​using domestically produced aircraft to realize the export of early warning aircraft, and served as the chief designer of the prototype. He presided over the completion of the design and manufacturing of the prototype and promoted the export of my country's early warning aircraft equipment."

"At the same time, as the project leader, he presided over the completion of technical research on the ground prototype of the digital array radar early warning aircraft, laying the foundation for the development of a new type of early warning aircraft."

"This award is well deserved given to him."

There are several awards in the National Science and Technology Awards every year, and some of them may be somewhat controversial.

But for those top awards, everyone is still convinced.

"Early warning aircraft are the core equipment of information warfare. We can consider cooperating with the Electronic Technology Group in this regard in the future."

"Gallium nitride power components should still play a big role in this aspect, and some other products of Nanshan Semiconductor can also find room for application in early warning aircraft."

Cao Yang felt that since he had already stepped into the military industry, he shouldn't be too polite.

In addition to not admitting that he is engaged in military industry in publicity, there is no need to have any worries in actual work.

Everyone who should participate should participate.

"Well, we can indeed consider cooperating in this regard."

When Zhao Siyu just finished these words, Pan Jinxing was officially announced as the second "winner of the 2012 National Highest Science and Technology Award."

There are only two people receiving this award this year.

Of course, there is no doubt about Academician Wang.

Academician Pan Jinxing led his team to develop complete sets of chip equipment such as photolithography machines required for the production of 14-nanometer chips. This achievement is also very impressive.

Although some staff were a little envious, they did not dare to be unconvinced.

Pan Jinxing's award can be regarded as the climax of Nanshan Group's awards.

Soon, the first prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award was announced.

The first one announced was "UHV AC transmission key technologies, complete sets of equipment and engineering applications", and the winners were a series of companies and research institutes such as the power grid.

Naturally, there is no controversy about this award.

Immediately afterwards, Venus Technology’s “Recyclable Rocket Technology” and Nanshan Chemical’s “Research and Application of Key Semiconductor Processing Photoresist Technologies” were announced, Venus Technology’s “Advanced Unmanned Helicopter Project”, Nanshan Semiconductor’s “Nitridation "Research and Application of Gallium Power Components and Advanced Chip Processing Technology" was the first prize.

Among a total of 13 first prizes, Nanshan Group won 4.

Others are "key technologies and industrialization of independent design and manufacturing of shield equipment", which can be regarded as an important achievement in breaking foreign monopoly.

This was followed by "innovation of prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment system and application of key technologies", which can be regarded as a good achievement of Huaxia in the medical field.

The "safe and efficient development technology and industrial application of ultra-large, ultra-deep and high-sulfur gas fields" solves key problems for the development of some special oil and gas resources in China.

The following are "Research and Application of Key Technologies for the Prevention and Control of Important Animal Virus Diseases", "Research and Industrial Application of Key TD-SCDMA Engineering Technologies", "Selection and Application of a New Widely Suitable High-yielding and High-Quality Soybean Variety Zhonghuang 13", "Huaxia Projects such as "Construction and Application of Comprehensive Control Technology System for Wheat Stripe Rust Source Base" and "Tumor Angiogenesis Mechanism and Its Application in Anti-angiogenesis Treatment" are not simple either.

After the first prize was awarded, Nanshan Group’s award-winning did not end there.

Nanshan Special Steel’s Yinwa Steel Project, Nanshan Equipment’s “CNC seven-axis five-linked propeller processing heavy-duty turning and milling compound machine tool”, and Nanshan Auto Parts’ “Large Area Array Digital Aerial Image Acquisition Key Technology and Equipment” all won second prizes prize.

So far, Nanshan Group has won 8 awards.

None of these awards are simple.

Such a soft result in winning an award naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Fortunately, this is not the first time that Nanshan Group has enjoyed such attention, so Cao Yang can deal with it calmly.

"Mr. Cao, our group's ability to win so many awards is the greatest recognition of our achievements from above."

Zhao Siyu is very excited now.

He did not expect that he would win the first prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award so soon after coming to Daystar Technology.

Although this award is not awarded to him personally, as the person in charge of Daystar Technology, he has definitely enjoyed the most benefits.

He had participated in academician selection several times before, but in the end he failed.

Now that he has this award, his confidence is now much stronger.

Even if it continues to fail this time, there are still various rockets in the Venus 9MAX and Starship series waiting for him to develop.

He didn't believe that these projects were more powerful than Venus 9, and there was no way for him to obtain the title of academician of the Academy of Engineering.

"The contribution our group has made to China is obvious to all, and I think it is well-deserved."

Although Academician Zeng Jianying won the award today, he was not disappointed at all.

Nanshan Carbon Fiber already won a first prize last year, and needless to say about the earlier awards.

It can be said that as long as Nanshan Carbon Fiber can produce some new products in carbon fiber or composite materials, it will have a chance to win the National Science and Technology Progress Award.

The difference is nothing more than a matter of first prize or second prize.

"I hope we can have a bumper harvest like this year every year in the future."

Cao Yang is in a very good mood now.

So much manpower and material resources are invested every year, and the results are obvious.

(End of this chapter)

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