Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 792: Space race, things are getting more and more lively

Chapter 792: Space race, things are getting more and more lively

Tesla's Model S has performed very well since it began mass production and delivery last year.

Time magazine named the Model S the "Best Invention of 2012."

Automobile Magazine named the Model S Car of the Year.

The American "Consumer Reports" Model S received the highest score ever for an automotive product.

Judging from the comments from many media, the Model S has achieved its design purpose.

It has smooth and graceful lines, so distinctive that it is unforgettable for passers-by when driving on the street.

It accelerates from zero to 3.4 kilometers in just seconds.

In the United States, George Gruney, Larry Page and many other celebrities are Model S owners.

In the first two months of this year, its sales exceeded those of the Mercedes-Benz S-Class, BMW 7 Series, and Audi A8.

Masco’s net worth is also constantly increasing.

Diels must have also done some research on Daystar's "Starlink" plan, so when Musko asked, he could immediately give his opinion.

Therefore, even if Venus Technology successfully launched the Venus 9 recyclable rocket before, Masco could still hold on.

"Of course, the premise is that they can really launch tens of thousands of satellites, which involves tens of billions of dollars, or even hundreds of billions of dollars in huge investment."

At most, it's just asking someone to launch the improved Falcon 9 ahead of schedule.

Musko was quickly calculating the launch situation at Venus Technology.

In this case, he couldn't wait to do it.

"Now Venus 9 has been launched twice, sending 120 Starlink satellites into space."

Masco didn't beat around the bush and got straight to the point.

"So in the end, Venus' Starlink plan is likely to be realized."

"Do you think Venus 9 can successfully complete these tasks?"

But if Venus uses recyclable rockets for launch, it will definitely not take that long.

"Yes, although space is infinite, the area suitable for launching satellites is actually relatively limited."

"Even if they are short of money, Yangcheng Bank will provide them with loans."

When Diels said this, Musko felt even more necessary to develop the Starlink satellite system.

"Do you think Venus Technology's Starlink satellite system can be successfully implemented?"

At least looking at this issue from the current point of time, this is indeed the case.

Diers gave a result that no one wanted to see.

He established the Space Exploration Technology Company not just to develop rockets, but to lead humans to Mars.

"Judging from the current Starlink operation logic announced by Venus Technology, there seems to be no problem."

For the future development rhythm, he still hopes to develop in the direction he planned as much as possible.

"And Daystar is backed by Nanshan Automobile Group and Honor Technology Group, so it should not be short of money in recent years."

"Providing high-speed Internet services through low-orbit communication satellites, if all goes well, it can provide low-cost Internet connectivity services around the world."

This is already a very ideal situation.

If we launch 70 times a year, it will take ten years.

So when he heard about Daystar's Starlink satellite system, he wanted to build a similar Starlink.

There is no need to disrupt your own research and development steps because of the emergence of Venus 9.

When news came to him from China that Venus Technology was going to work with several major operators to promote 5G communication standards based on the Starlink satellite system, he immediately realized that this was different.

"It's not too early to draw a conclusion now, but since the other party has already received more than 10 billion in financing, it will be enough for at least these two years."

"So, we really need to take this matter seriously?"

So this time he took the initiative to call Diers to his office.

And things like the Starlink system are naturally also a very important link for entering space.

"According to this pace, to send tens of thousands of satellites into the sky, it would take about 700 launches."

"Venixing plans to launch 40,000 to 50,000 satellites, which will be ten times the number of satellites in the past."

But plans often fail to keep up with changes.

"As a result, space resources will immediately become tense."

But now the importance of Starlink has been further elevated, and it is linked to the 5G communication standard, which has further increased the price of Starlink.

Masco is a very thoughtful person.

As a result, Tesla's stock will naturally show a rapid upward trend.

It’s just that the recyclable version of Falcon 9 has not been developed, so he did not officially propose Starlink.

According to the normal speed, seven hundred rocket launches would definitely take more than ten years, or even decades, to complete.

He wanted to conquer the stars and the sea, but it would definitely be unacceptable if someone blocked his development path before he even set sail.

Thinking of this, Masco had an idea in mind.

"If we launch a similar Starlink project now, will there be any difficulties?"

Although he himself also has a technical background, he is certainly not as powerful as professionals like Diels.

Therefore, before officially launching the Starlink satellite system, Musko is still prepared to listen to Diels' opinions.

"There is no difficulty in launching satellites. Our Falcon 9 has provided satellite launch missions to many customers since its launch in 2010."

"It's just that before the recyclable Falcon 9 is developed, our launch costs will be relatively high."

"Of course, we can use the existing Falcon 9 to launch Starlink satellites in the early stage to open up the situation first."

"The recyclable version will be replaced later after it is developed. At that time, the cost of launch will drop significantly, and the frequency of launch can be increased."

Diels also knows Masco relatively well.

From the other party's expression and words, he already knew that Musko was preparing to launch the Starlink satellite system belonging to the Space Exploration Technology Company.

Diels naturally supports this project.

No one will support the company in engaging in more big projects, so that it can better reflect the value of Diers.

This will also give space exploration technology companies more topics to talk about among investment institutions and raise more funds.

The most important thing is that Venus Technology in China has already made Starlink popular.

After being connected with 5G, Starlink quickly emerged from the circle.

Companies such as Qualcomm and Motorola in the United States must also be very concerned about this matter.

In this context, the Space Exploration Technology Company officially announced that it will build its own Starlink satellite system, which will definitely gain the support of many people.

"Then follow your plan and officially start the design of Starlink satellites and future launch plans as soon as possible."

"I want to let everyone know right away that Starlink does not only belong to China, but American companies can also build it."

Following the conversation between Musko and Diels, he immediately officially announced the Space Exploration Technology Company's "Starlink" plan on Twitter.

According to its plan, within this year the first batch of satellites for their Starlink will be officially designed and then launched into space.

Starting next year, the launch frequency will gradually increase. It is expected that recyclable Falcon 9 will be used for launches later.

After this tweet was posted, it was immediately forwarded and read by many Americans.

Before the news reached China, related companies in the United States began to discuss the impact of this matter.

"Paul, our company has demonstrated internally that it is feasible to use Starlink to build a 5G network."

"Even if it cannot be used in the 5G era, it can still be used in the 6G era."

"Now China's Venus Technology has taken the lead in building a Starlink system, and our Space Exploration Technology Company has also officially announced that it will build a Starlink system."

"I think everyone can sit down and communicate and support the Space Exploration Technology Company to build the Starlink system as soon as possible?"

Although the relationship between Apple and Qualcomm is relatively complicated, they have been involved in countless lawsuits.

But when it comes to dealing with Chinese companies, their two positions are absolutely consistent.

Because of Honor Technology, Apple phones are now unable to be sold in China.

Of course, Honor phones cannot be sold in the United States.

Also because of Nanshan Semiconductor, Qualcomm's share of the smartphone chip market has declined.

Therefore, both Qualcomm and Apple have relatively deep ties with Nanshan-based companies.

In this case, everyone definitely does not want Starlink to be exclusively controlled by Daystar Technology.

"Masco has many ideas, and we are willing to sit down and discuss together to invest in space exploration technology companies."

"But he may not be willing to ask for our investment."

No matter where you are, the high-end circle is very small.

The United States is certainly no exception.

Paul, Kuka, Masco and others naturally knew each other.

We even have a relatively deep understanding of each other.

“Without Daystar Technology, Musko may indeed not accept our investment.”

"But now Space Exploration Technology Company has lagged behind Daystar Technology. If they don't want to continue to lag behind, they need to accept our investment."

"Otherwise, the current Falcon 9 does not have the performance of recyclable launch, and the cost of each launch will be much higher than that of Venus."

"The competitiveness of the Starlink system built by then will be greatly reduced."

Paul felt that Musko would still accept his investment.

Under normal circumstances, Qualcomm is not interested in investing in any company. But when it comes to something as important as 5G communication standards, the situation is naturally a little different.

"What you said makes sense. It would be better if we all have a preliminary communication first."

"The Starlink satellite system is so important. We really need to consider preliminary construction of it within the next five years and officially put it into use within the next eight years."

Kuka said decisively.

Soon, they each communicated with the heads of other related companies, and then they all made an appointment with Musko to hold an industry meeting.

Musko, who has never wanted to let go of his shares in Space Exploration Technology Company, has officially let go.

Although it will take some time to figure out how to invest and how to hold shares in the end.

However, it has been confirmed that various companies will jointly support the Starlink satellite project of Space Exploration Technology Company.

With such a huge commotion coming from the United States, Daystar Technology would naturally not receive any news at all.

"Mr. Cao, Space Exploration Technology Company's first Starlink satellite is scheduled to be launched within this year."

"I think this plan can still be implemented."

“In particular, companies such as Qualcomm are very interested in Musk’s Starlink plan and even want to build it before our Starlink is officially put into use.”

"I think the company's launch missions this year can be appropriately improved, and next year we can directly hit the high frequency of 100 launches per year."

Zhao Siyu naturally knows the importance of Starlink to Venus and China.

Seeing that the United States is about to join in and everyone is about to engage in the space race, Daystar must not be able to remain silent.

"The recyclable version of Falcon 9 has just failed to launch. It is estimated that it will definitely not succeed until next year."

"Under such circumstances, Musko was so anxious to announce that he would follow suit and develop Starlink. It seems that he was stimulated by our 5G plan."

Cao Yang could think of the reason for this.

Daystar Technology’s Starlink project was not announced just now, and there was no movement in space exploration technology before.

Now that Daystar’s Starlink has received investment from price-increasing institutions such as China Mobile, it is preparing to do something on 5G, and Masco immediately took action.

Then companies such as Qualcomm and Apple also got involved in the Space Exploration Technology Corporation project, and the reasons behind it became clear.

"Yes, the United States has always mastered the most cutting-edge technology in the communications industry, and relevant standards are completed under their leadership."

"The situation may be changing now, and those people will naturally not be able to accept it."

"But the more this happens, the more we need to complete the formation of Starlink as soon as possible."

"Even if 5G is not used so quickly, the limited space resources must be occupied first."

"I guess the Space Exploration Technology Company has similar ideas."

Zhao Siyu is now very concerned about the Starlink satellite system.

He has a feeling that this will be the most influential project in Daystar Technology in the future.

The industries extending behind this project will also be very exaggerated.

For example, the terminal receivers of Starlink satellites are not just mobile phones and computers.

By then, there will actually still be a market for receivers similar to base stations.

For example, using such a receiver to provide WIFI signals to surrounding mobile phones, computers, etc. is definitely very marketable.

After all, as long as there is WIFI, mobile phones and computers are all active.

Especially with WeChat, the need for making phone calls and sending text messages has been greatly reduced.

"It seems that our launch plan needs to be modified appropriately, and we will strive to launch all of Starlink's more than 40,000 satellites in the next few years."

"Venus 9 is already preparing for large-scale production and strives to produce 20 by the end of this year."

"The plan for 100 launches next year can also be formally arranged and implemented."

"Even if the follow-up progress goes smoothly, we can directly increase the launch plan to 200 times and strive to complete the Starlink system within three to five years."

In the space race, who is afraid of whom?

Daystar Technology already has a leading position, and there is no need to worry about competition from space exploration technology companies.

Of course, don't worry, don't worry, you still need to pay attention to what should be paid attention to.

Otherwise, if the United States really builds Starlink regardless of the cost, it is possible that they will be counterattacked.

After all, their Falcon 9 is already relatively mature.

It’s just that the current version does not have recyclability.

But compared with traditional rockets of the same type, the cost of Falcon 9 has actually dropped by more than half.

"No problem, I'll go make detailed arrangements now."

"By then our sea launch ship will be almost completed, and we can launch from the northwest launch site and the sea launch ship together."

"Even Aerospace Science and Technology's new launch site in Qiongzhou is about to be built and will soon provide us with launch assistance."

Zhao Siyu felt that his whole body was full of energy.

Competing with American companies has set off a new space race.

Just thinking about this makes me excited.

Soon, the second Venus 9 mass-produced by Venus Technology was also launched from the northwest launch site.

At the same time, Venus Technology’s official WeChat account further promoted its Starlink plan and revealed part of its future plans.

As a result, the topic of Starlink will naturally become more popular.

Even the word space race has become a hot search topic.


"Grogin, the Chinese and the Americans are about to engage in a space race. Should we also consider building our own Starlink system?"

Dmitry came to Grotin worriedly.

As the only three companies in the world that are researching recyclable rockets, United Airlines is also paying a lot of attention to United Airlines.

Polar Bear is even planning to reacquire part of the private shares in United Airlines and turn it into a complete Polar Bear state-owned enterprise.

These actions are all to enable the polar bear's aerospace industry to continue to develop and grow and keep up with world trends.

In this context, Dmitri is naturally paying attention to the developments in the United States and China at all times.

Worldwide, what deserves his attention is mainly the aerospace industry of these two countries.

Especially the Chinese side, which was originally their younger brother, now seems to be showing signs of surpassing them in the aerospace industry, which makes Demetri very anxious.

"Our reusable rockets will not be developed that quickly, and the production cost may not be low by then."

"The Starlink satellite system requires tens of thousands of satellites to be completely built."

"In this case, the scale of the relevant funds involved is very huge, and it is impossible for the relevant departments to provide us with that much funding."

Grogin naturally hopes that the company can launch its own Starlink project.

But he knew that this plan required huge financial support to be realized, and there was no way to make a profit in the early stages.

The current economic situation of Polar Bear is obviously not enough to support the development of this plan.

"Funding is indeed an issue, but I don't think the company necessarily needs to build a Starlink system as large as Space Exploration Technology Company and Venus Technology."

"We just have to meet the communications needs above our homeland."

"In this way, the number of satellites needed will be greatly reduced. It is estimated that a few thousand satellites can almost meet the requirements."

Demetri knew that he couldn't compete with the United States and China to toss Starlink, otherwise it would definitely not work.

There was even no plan for this plan to be approved at all.

"Even a few thousand satellites is a very stressful thing for us."

“In the past few decades, the number of satellites launched worldwide has only been a few thousand.”

"Now we have a plan to launch thousands of satellites. The relevant departments will probably reject it immediately after hearing about this plan."

"Unless we can find the funding ourselves."

Grotin was not very optimistic about Dmitri's proposal.

As the company president, he will consider issues from a more realistic perspective.

If it is too idealistic, it can easily bring the company into dire straits.

"It will definitely be difficult for us to rely entirely on ourselves, but I think it is still possible to separate the Starlink project and establish a company, and then attract funds from all parties to support it."

"And we don't need to prepare all the funds at once. We only need to launch a few batches of satellites to open up the situation. Financing should be much easier by then."

“After the relevant departments see the feasibility of this plan, they are expected to provide part of the funds.”

"We can even absorb some overseas funds in the future."

Demetri especially hopes that the company can set up a Starlink project team to formally build its own Starlink system like the United States and China.

To this end, he thought of all the methods he could think of.

Grogin is not opposed to the Starlink system, but he is worried that the company does not have the strength to continue it.

Now that Demetri has mentioned such a flexible plan that can make good use of funds from all parties, he is naturally very interested.

Soon, the two of them communicated this idea with relevant departments.

Then it was officially announced that it would participate in the "space race" and launch tens of thousands of satellites to form the Polar Bear Starlink satellite system.

And the news quickly spread around the world.

This situation suddenly became more and more interesting.

The space race has really begun.

All players who were eligible to enter have already left.

(End of this chapter)

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