Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 884: Unprecedented appearance, Daystar Technology once again becomes the focus

Chapter 884: Unprecedented appearance, Daystar Technology once again becomes the focus

"What makes you so confident?"

Cao Yang looked at Zeng Tingting expectantly.

In recent years, Nanshan Automobile Group has used various methods to compete with various international automobile giants.

Whether it is actively looking for trouble or taking advantage of the other party's loopholes to cause trouble, it can be said that it has refreshed many people's understanding.

It can be said that the development history of Nanshan Automobile Group is a history of the struggle of the Chinese automobile industry.

International automobile giants will not give up their market, nor do they want to see the rise of a potential competitor.

In this case, Nanshan Automobile Group must have basically used all the tricks it can use.

Now that Zeng Tingting can actually think of a good idea, Cao Yang is naturally looking forward to it.

"During this period, the United States has targeted automobiles and auto parts in response to the trade deficit between Japan and Korea."

"Of course, this matter must also involve Chery, Geely and other car companies to act together."

There is no way, who knows that the engines and gearboxes of Japanese car companies are not supplied by Nanshan Automobile Group.

After making some preparations, she continued: "When the United States suppressed Japanese and Korean car companies, it fully mobilized the power of relevant departments."

"As long as public opinion slowly turns against the existence of Japanese car companies, the sales of Toyota Motor and other car companies will naturally decline."

"In this case, let's learn from what the United States did and take advantage of the latest situation in China's Anti-Monopoly Law to make Japanese parts companies and car companies the victims of this action."

"I am going to cooperate with Autohome and the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine to sort out all the issues that have caused many complaints in the Japanese car market in the past."

"We definitely can't let them get what they want. I believe people from other independent brand car companies have the same idea."

Even the products of most Japanese car companies basically do not have parts from Nanshan Automobile Group.

Complete vehicles have been developed, and the development of parts and components has also been put on the agenda in the past two years, and all parties are working hard.

Even taking this opportunity to disrupt the supply chain of Japanese car companies in China may yield unexpected gains.

"Of course, simply relying on this kind of public opinion offensive is definitely not enough."

Cao Yang would definitely not object to such a good move.

In this regard, Cao Yang is still very confident.

Under such circumstances, suppressing the sales of Japanese car companies is a good thing for Nanshan Automobile Group.

"By then, the reputation will be bad, and sales will naturally not be able to improve."

"Then in addition to publicizing these poor quality situations online, we also mobilized the corresponding car owners to cause trouble."

"You can basically find similar products of Japanese car companies in China."

For the same part, in order to obtain higher profits, Japanese parts companies often form some agreements.

"That's why they hope that there will be some changes in the situation in China, the world's largest auto market."

At the same time, we will also take this opportunity to let those car companies that are still using Japanese auto parts companies understand that they have been cheated in the past few years.

When Zeng Tingting said this, many people present couldn't help but nodded.

"Let's work together to find a way to completely ruin the reputation of Japanese car companies."

The relevant departments in China have just revised and promulgated the Anti-Monopoly Law, and they certainly hope to catch a few examples.

Taking this opportunity to suppress Japanese auto parts companies and provide domestic parts manufacturers with a broader market space is obviously not a bad thing.

Although this plan is not particularly new, the timing is very good.

For example, a certain project of a certain car company belongs to me, and you all quote a higher price.

"They have also used other means such as the Anti-Monopoly Law to deal with Japanese car companies before."

Nowadays, China's independent brand car companies have grown and become less dependent on international auto giants.

“It happened that some amendments were made to the domestic Anti-Monopoly Law some time ago, but the impact of this amendment has not yet been felt by everyone.”

Or for a certain type of parts, everyone has a tacit understanding that the lowest price cannot exceed 100 yuan.

Zeng Tingting did not directly talk about her plan, but briefly introduced the current environment.

With all these things, there are definitely no shortage of violations of the Anti-Monopoly Law.

Nanshan Automobile Group's influence on public opinion in the industry is very huge. When the time comes, it will be well publicized to further reduce the reputation of Japanese automobile companies and Japanese parts companies. That is something that can be done.

When the time comes, just let Zeng Tingting and the others do it boldly.

"If this becomes a matter of greater impact, it will become easier to implement some policies."

"It can be said that Japanese car companies and Korean car companies are facing new challenges in their global development."

As for whether the freed-up market share will be taken up by independent brands such as Nanshan Hongqi, Chery and Geely, it is not the point.

Zeng Tingting has obviously prepared a series of plans to deal with Japanese car companies.

"The Anti-Monopoly Law can indeed be put to good use, but this method is mainly effective in cracking down on Japanese parts companies. When it comes to dealing with Toyota, Nissan and other vehicle companies, the impact should be relatively limited. Yes."

Even if many Japanese parts companies were fined in the United States because of this incident, similar incidents would not disappear.

Considering the status of Nanshan Automobile Group in the country, and the fact that this matter itself can indeed withstand scrutiny, the relevant departments will definitely not reject it.

The difference is nothing more than whether the cake eaten is bigger or smaller.

"Some time ago, the China Insurance Research Institute lost the CRV crash test data, and the matter later fell into place."

"I think we can also publicize similar things and hype them up."

"In addition, the previous cases of fraud by Japanese companies can also be expanded and continued to be properly reported."

Rao Yongxiang also added his own suggestions.

Other participants also put forward suggestions one after another in order to reduce the sales of Japanese car companies in China.

Of course, the final implementation of these plans will definitely take some time.

For Cao Yang, the upcoming Lion City Air Show is the most important thing these days.

So after finishing the meeting with Zeng Tingting and others, he immediately went to Daystar Technology to hear Zhao Siyu's arrangements for the Lion City Air Show.

"Mr. Cao, the models we are displaying this time are mainly models of the Kunpeng heavy transport helicopter and the Golden Eagle heavy transport helicopter."

"In addition, Scorpion drones and unmanned helicopters will continue to be brought there for display."

"As for the Skyhawk UAV, the relevant departments have no intention of agreeing to export, so it will not appear in this air show. Unless our upgraded version of the Skyhawk starts mass production of equipment, we will consider domestic aviation. Displayed in the exhibition.”

Zhao Siyu first reported on the display arrangements for aviation-related products.

The Lion City Air Show is the most important air show in Asia, and many countries in Southeast Asia and the Middle East will participate.

Any exhibition is actually a product promotion meeting to a certain extent.

The Lion City Airshow is naturally no exception.

Daystar Technology has already experienced success at the Lion City Air Show before, and now it is natural to find ways to maintain its advantageous position.

Although Kunpeng has begun to equip relevant Chinese departments on a large scale, and relevant information has also appeared on the Internet, it is no longer so mysterious.

But there are still very few people who have actually seen this helicopter up close.

The large-scale equipment from China has also given some potential customers some confidence.

After all, everyone likes cheap and easy-to-use heavy transport helicopters.

"When are our business jets going to be launched?"

As an important product of Daystar Technology in commercial aircraft, the development of small business jets has been going on for a relatively long time.

Cao Yang was naturally looking forward to it.

"We are planning to save this business jet for the next Zhucheng Air Show for its debut. After all, at the beginning, the main consideration was the needs of domestic customers."

"It is estimated that things related to global airworthiness certificates will not be completed so quickly."

After Zhao Siyu explained this, Cao Yang didn't insist on anything.

However, Venus Technology’s next display of aerospace products is very exciting.

"Does the Lion City allow our Venus 9 to be recovered and landed at their airport?"

After Cao Yang listened to Zhao Siyu's report, his first reaction was that the Lion City would not allow Daystar 9 to land at their airport.

After all, although Venus 9 has been successfully recycled many times, no one can guarantee that every recycling will be successful.

If an accident occurs during landing, this air show may be directly affected.

"Changi Airport was a bit tricky at first, but as long as our Venus 9 lands there smoothly, it will be very effective in improving the reputation of this Lion City Air Show."

"So in the end they agreed to our request."

"Venus 9, which will be launched from the Qiongzhou launch site the day after tomorrow, will land at Changi Airport."

“The day after landing is the opening ceremony of the Lion City Air Show.”

When Zhao Siyu said this, he became a little excited.

The appearance of Daystar 9 is definitely the most impressive in the entire Lion City Air Show.

At that time, it will definitely be very beneficial for Venus Technology to undertake more commercial aviation launch missions.

There are some things that you haven't personally experienced, so it's useless no matter how you explain them.

But once you feel how powerful it is on site, your attitude will change dramatically.

"Mr. Cao, many of the people participating in the air show are professionals. If our Venus 9 is shown to us, many people will probably gather around to learn the details."

"This could lead to some of our secrets being leaked."

Mi Ying warned from the side.

Every company has some concerns about leaks.

As a high-tech company, there are definitely many people who want to know the secrets of Daystar Technology.

But Cao Yang's idea is a little different. "Except for the technical uniqueness of the recovery system, Venus 9 is not very special in other aspects."

"The rocket engines produced by Polar Bear and the United States decades ago will not have worse performance than those used on Daystar."

"Our advantage is to integrate the most suitable solutions and ultimately become the world's most economical and reliable recyclable rocket."

"At that time, even though visitors will take photos on Daystar 9, they will not be afraid of technical leaks."

Cao Yang said so, so Mi Ying naturally wouldn't worry about anything anymore.

The knowledgeable Zhao Siyu also understood what Cao Yang said and knew that it was indeed the case.

Institutions that can produce similar products can also produce them without visiting Venus 9 up close.

Without that powerful organization, you would just send the drawings to others, and they would not be able to produce them.

Just like an aircraft carrier, all the drawings and data are published online, and few countries have the strength to produce it.

Some things have thresholds.

Even the more high-tech something is, the higher the threshold is.

It’s simply not something you can transcend if you want to.

"I have already communicated with China Television. Their team will leave for the Lion City tomorrow. The scene of the Venus 9 landing at Changi Airport will be filmed and broadcast on the news broadcast. ”

"I have also communicated with the Aerospace Science and Technology side, and there will be no problems with the launch at that time."

With the reports from Zhao Siyu and Cao Yang, the most influential Lion Air Show in Asia is about to kick off.

Due to the participation of domestic companies such as Daystar Technology and AVIC, the influence of the Lion City Airshow in China is also increasing day by day.

After all, if companies from your own country participate in the exhibition and perform well at the exhibition, it will definitely be much more attractive to netizens.

Some people even flew to the Lion City to visit the air show.

No wonder some cities particularly like to host various international events, because these events can directly stimulate a series of industries such as hotels, catering, and transportation.

Engaging in activities is also developing the economy.


"Mr. Cao, the way your Daystar No. 9 appears is too bold, isn't it?"

"Although its launch and recovery are very mature, you have never implemented recovery in the Lion City after all."

As the general manager of Aerospace Technology, Qian Junfeng naturally knew some of the arrangements at Venus Technology.

After all, the rocket launch this time was at the Qiongzhou Launch Site, a subsidiary of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation.

When he first heard about the arrangements from Daystar Technology, he thought the people below had made a mistake.

After confirming again and again, he found out that it was really such an exaggerated way to appear. He immediately couldn't help but call Cao Yang.

If you regret it now, it's still too late.

It's better than being embarrassed if something unexpected happens, right?
"Daystar Technology never takes the usual path."

"When we launched recyclable rockets, not many people were optimistic about it."

"But ultimately it turns out that reusable rockets are the future of commercial aviation launches."

"90% of space launch missions in the future will be performed by recyclable rockets."

"The various launch missions of Daystar Technology are on the right track and are fully capable of undertaking international commercial aviation launch missions."

"Through this air show, our main purpose is to further build the reputation of Venus 9."

Cao Yang will definitely not stop Daystar Technology’s special appearance at this time.

Otherwise it would be too demoralizing for the people below.

Although there is a certain risk, compared with the expected returns, this risk is completely acceptable.

Sensing Cao Yang's determination, Qian Junfeng did not continue to persuade, but changed the subject and said: "In the previous Lion City Air Show, you were the focus of the audience, and this time will definitely be no exception."

"At that time, which product are you planning to focus on for external sales?"

Aerospace Technology has no competition with Daystar Technology in terms of aircraft and drones.

So Qian Junfeng directly asked for the information he wanted to know.

"Whether it's a twin-tailed Scorpion, an unmanned helicopter, or a Kunpeng heavy-lift transport helicopter, these are the products we hope to focus on."

"But it depends on whether the customer gives you face or not."

Cao Yang's words were not meant to deal with Qian Junfeng.

After all, no one knows what the final result will be until the air show is over.

If you are unlucky, it is not impossible to call him duck egg.

Soon, all parties participating in the Lion City Airshow were flying to this city with a very unique geographical location.

Venus 9 also took off smoothly from the Qiongzhou launch site as planned. While delivering a batch of Starlink satellites to the designated location, the first-stage rocket began to head towards the Singapore Changi Airport.

Since we had already communicated with the airport in advance, the technical staff of Daystar Technology had also arrived at the airport in advance.

So there were no surprises in the rocket recovery this time.

If we have to say it was a surprise, it would be that the people in the Lion City who had not received the news were shocked by the sudden rocket.

As for the media who were invited to witness this moment live, their mood was completely different.

The official opening is only tomorrow, and there is such explosive news this year.

This is the kind of thing they like to see the most.

"The Lion City Airshow is about to open, and Venus 9 will be stationed at the exhibition site in an unprecedented way."

"Venus 9 landed abroad for the first time, achieving another recyclability."

"It's really spectacular. I didn't expect to see rocket recovery scenes in the Lion City."

"Watching rocket recovery live and watching videos on the Internet have completely different feelings."

"Venus Technology really brings some surprises to everyone every time it participates in an air show."

"You are really awesome. You can imagine such a way to appear. You are very courageous."


With various comments, the news that Venus 9 was recyclable at the Lion City Air Show spread all over the country and abroad.

Although the launch and recovery of Venus 9 is no longer news in China.

After all, the reason why news is called news is because it is unique.

Nowadays, Venus Technology arranges the launch of Venus 9 almost every week, and all of them are broadcast live online.

In this case, everyone's sense of freshness will naturally change greatly.

But this time, Daystar 9 went directly to the Lion City Air Show, and it appeared in such a unique way.

It must have attracted a lot of people's attention.

This made people from companies such as Boeing and Northrop Grumman, who also participated in the Lion City Air Show, very unhappy.

"Kevlar, Daystar Technology is becoming more and more arrogant. I think this is completely intolerable."

David thought about the recent export orders for his CH-47, and also thought that Boeing's Starlink project had been completely abandoned, and instead supported the Space Exploration Technology Company to develop recyclable rocket technology.

His resentment towards Daystar Technology has increased even more.

This is really a company that affects Boeing's money making, damn it!

"We have implemented a very comprehensive suppression plan. If we continue to deal with Daystar Technology now, it is likely to cause a complete rift in our relationship with China."

Kevlar naturally supports continuing to suppress Daystar Technology, but he feels that there don't seem to be many tricks available now.

The United States and China are currently highly dependent on each other economically.

Neither side is ready for a complete break.

In this case, Kevlar is naturally not suitable for throwing out some more extreme countermeasures.

"We originally broke up more than ten years ago, but something unexpected happened in 2001."

"The result is that China has been given ten years of additional development time."

"We can't wait any longer now, we have to take tougher measures."

David's point of view still has a certain market in the United States.

To a certain extent, this is true.

After all, if the United States had really started to fully deal with China ten years ago, then many things would have completely changed.

Even Cao Yang couldn't imagine what China's economy would become.

"Then let's discuss it later and see if there are any other ways to really suppress the development of Daystar Technology."

"If you don't take action, that's enough. If you want to take action, you must come up with an effective plan."

"Otherwise, the back and forth will ultimately affect our prestige."

The military industry is one of the most important industries in the United States.

Kevlar naturally does not want related business to be taken away by Daystar Technology.

Today they steal Boeing's business, tomorrow they steal Sikorsky's business, and the day after tomorrow they might steal Northrop Grumman's business.

This situation is definitely not what Kevlar wants to see.

So now that Boeing is so active in suppressing Daystar Technology, Kevlar has absolutely no reason to oppose it.

He was even willing to help and implement this matter thoroughly as soon as possible.

Even if Daystar Technology has no business in the United States, they can still think of ways to get rid of him.

(End of this chapter)

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