Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 890: Morning Star’s new move, the pressure from America’s eldest son

Chapter 890: Morning Star’s new move, the pressure from America’s eldest son

The establishment of Modu Commercial Aircraft Co., Ltd. was quite troubled, but its shareholders are still very impressive.

The overall development situation in the past few years has been quite passable.

Of course, it can only be described as passable.

As for how good the development is, it is obviously out of the question.

After all, it would take a long time to dig out the information from the 919s and s and combine it with the latest conditions to design and develop the C. The initial work alone would take a long time.

As the general manager of COMAC, He Guoqing is also under a lot of pressure.

After all, the company has been established for six years, but it still has not achieved any decent results.

Although it is not necessary to lose the position below the buttocks for this reason, it is inevitable that the face will be dull during various meetings.

"Mr. He, has the design of your C919's engine, avionics and other parts been finalized?"

Although the importance of avionics systems is slightly weaker than that of aircraft engines, it is only weaker.

Especially when the supplier of C919 has been determined, if it needs to be replaced now, the design work of the entire aircraft may need to be restarted.

Although Zhao Tianling does not interfere with the daily operations of Modu Commercial Aircraft, it is natural to understand the relevant situation.

Unless absolutely necessary, generally no aircraft will change its engine midway through the design process.

"Mr. He, I also know that this thing sounds a bit weird."

For an aircraft, these factors are all things that will have a significant impact on the design and layout of the aircraft.

If it weren't for Zhao Tianling who called to tell him about this, He Guoqing would probably have hung up the phone right away.

Let’s take a look at the situation first.

"As for the avionics system, we are also in contact with mainstream international suppliers, but nothing has been finalized yet."

Too much talk leads to mistakes.

"Mr. Zhao, are you serious?"

Zhao Tianling naturally knows these truths.

In the field of private passenger aircraft, avionics systems are often involved in airworthiness certificates.

For an aircraft, changing engine suppliers is definitely a big deal.

If you develop an avionics system on your own, there is a high probability that someone will set a threshold for you when obtaining an airworthiness certificate.

"We will prepare to conduct on-board testing in the second half of this year. If there are no problems, it will be confirmed that it will be equipped with this engine."

It is relatively common for some companies to want to be both athletes and referees.

"Mr. Cao thinks that for our C919 project, we can consider using aero engines and related parts produced by Nanshan Engine."

He Guoqing couldn't figure out the specific purpose of Zhao Tianling asking him this question, so he briefly explained it and didn't say much more.

In fact, it is a particularly important part of an aircraft.

At the same time, AVIC is also one of the shareholders of Modu Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, and Zhao Tianling is also a director of Modu Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China.

Although AVIC has not developed any decent passenger aircraft, it has accumulated relatively rich experience in the research and development of various military aircraft.

Zhao Tianling did not show off and directly stated what he wanted to communicate.

'In recent years, Nanshan Group companies have brought many surprises to everyone. '

The two of them are at about the same level, but AVIC's status is obviously higher.

"The engine project has basically been determined to use the LEAPX engine produced by the joint venture between Snecma, a subsidiary of the French Safran Group, and General Dynamics of the United States."

"Mr. Zhao, this joint venture factory is led by AVIC."

"Nanshan Engine is researching aero engines, and Daystar Technology is also preparing to enter the large passenger aircraft business and prepare to develop a mainline passenger aircraft similar to the Boeing 777."

"If other companies told me that they could handle key components such as the C919's aero engines and avionics systems, I wouldn't even listen."

"Mr. Cao invited us to inspect the site. I think we can consider going there."

"At the same time, related avionics systems and other parts are independently developed by Daystar Technology."

"But companies in the Nanshan system are in a special situation."

How could he propose such an unreliable thing to himself?
Do you really think that civilian airliners are children's toys, and you can do whatever you want with them?
Then Modu Shangfei has been struggling for 6 years and still hasn't come up with the results. Isn't it very shameful?
If someone else had said this, He Guoqing would have been offended directly.

He knew that He Guoqing would definitely need time to digest such heavy news.

"I just had a phone call with Cao Yang, and he put forward a very constructive plan."

After being silent for a while, He Guoqing asked quietly.

"But you should also have heard about the situation at Daystar Technology and Nanshan Engine. They are always good at creating miracles."

"Even in the factory of Shanghai Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, some of the equipment is produced by Nanshan Equipment."

Therefore, He Guoqing was not surprised by Zhao Tianling's question.

After all, different engines have different weights and performances.

After Zhao Tianling finished the call with Cao Yang, he straightened out his thoughts and called He Guoqing.

"Anyway, it's just for a look. If it's not suitable, you don't have to consider it."

Zhao Tianling can naturally understand He Guoqing's mood at this time.

After he ended the call with Cao Yang, he spent a lot of time calming down.

"Is there already a prototype at Nanshan Engine that you can take a look at?"

He Guoqing asked with surprise on his face.

Nanshan Engine is very powerful, he has heard about this.

After all, his current car uses an engine powered by Nanshan Engine.

But automobile engines and aerospace engines are two completely different fields.

Nanshan Engine is doing very well in the automotive industry, but it does not mean that it is also doing well in the aviation field.

Even if Nanshan Engine has developed drone engines and helicopter engines before, it does not mean that they can do a good job in aviation engines on civil passenger aircraft.

There are experts in the art industry.

"From Mr. Cao's tone, it should be like this."

"That's what I think. There's no harm in taking a look anyway. Knowing more about it will give you one more choice."

"If relevant products can be purchased from Nanshan Engine, the cost will definitely be reduced significantly, which will be very beneficial to our promotion of C919 in the future."

"In addition, the engine is produced by a domestic manufacturer, which has a completely different symbolic meaning for the C919."

"Otherwise, even if the C919 makes its first flight in the future, many people will definitely attack that its engine was not produced by us."

Zhao Tianling naturally knew how to persuade He Guoqing.

After all, everyone sits in the same position and faces many similar problems.

Sure enough, after listening to Zhao Tianling's words, He Guoqing did not hesitate anymore and directly stated that he would personally lead the team to take a look at the Nanshan engine.

Nanshan-based companies are the only ones in China, but except for Nanshan Carbon Fiber, I have never visited any other companies during the National Day celebrations.

It doesn't seem like a bad thing to take this opportunity to go to Yangcheng for a good visit and exchange.

However, there is no airtight wall in the world.

The personnel from Modu Commercial Aircraft have not yet officially gone to Nanshan Engine. News that they want to consider using aero engines produced by Nanshan Engine has spread in the industry.

As an engine supplier, General Electric obtained the relevant news as soon as possible.

After all, they have been dealing with Modu Commercial Aircraft Co., Ltd. for so many years, so naturally they have some familiar people.

ModocAC produces civilian passenger aircraft, not military fighter jets. They are not so sensitive and require much lower confidentiality.

In addition, some people did not think that it was really possible for Nanshan Engine to produce a qualified aero engine, so they told General Electric about this as if it were a joke.

Even Modu Commercial Aircraft's procurement department is wondering whether they can use this news to lower GE's prices.

It's just that although the people at Modu Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China don't pay much attention to it, the people at GE do.

In recent years, competitors of companies that did not pay attention to the Nanshan system basically suffered big losses in the end.

Nanshan Engine has made breakthroughs in marine gas turbines before, which has had a certain impact on General Electric.

Now there is news that the other party is going to enter the aviation engine industry, and General Electric immediately attaches great importance to it.

As a company founded by the well-known scientist Edison, its products cover military radars, navigation systems, rockets, home appliances, aircraft engines, nuclear power equipment, renewable energy, oil and natural gas, medical equipment and other fields.

GE's achievements are particularly significant in the fields of aerospace engines, power generation equipment, CT, magnetic resonance and other medical equipment.

General Electric's commercial aerospace engines account for two-thirds of the global market and are considered a very core business of the company.

Generally speaking, few companies have the strength to challenge General Electric.

But this time when it comes to companies in the Nanshan Group, General Electric's attitude is different.

"Xiang, Nanshan Engine is preparing to produce aero engines and supply them to the C919 project of Modu Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China. Is this news reliable?"

As the global president of General Electric, Immelt generally does not directly intervene in small matters.

But this time, he obviously felt that it was no small matter.

Otherwise, I would not have called Xiang Weimin, the general manager of the Huaxia branch, to confirm before the matter was finalized.

Although General Electric and General Motors have nothing to do with each other, Immelt has special knowledge of the conflict between General Motors and Nanshan Automobile Group.

This matter has even been analyzed as the latest MBA case in some American universities.

Immelt is worried that the emergence of Nanshan engines will have a huge impact on General Electric's aero-engine business, and it is not impossible to even lose the Chinese market directly in the future.

After all, the companies in the Nanshan Group are so evil that anything can happen.

"Imelt, this news is reliable, but whether Nanshan Engine really has the production capacity for commercial aviation engines needs further confirmation."

"AVIC and COMAC plan to arrange special crews to inspect Nanshan Engine next week to confirm the design and production capabilities of each other's aero engines." "By then, we should know the authenticity of Nanshan Engine."

Xiang Weimin originally didn't want to report the news to the headquarters in such a hurry.

However, Immelt had previously specifically warned him about some information related to the C919, and that any new situation should be reported to him as soon as possible. Therefore, when he learned that Nanshan Engine was going to supply engines to the C919 that day, regardless of the truth of the news No matter how high the level is, we will report it first.

Otherwise, if things really get serious by then, he will be responsible.

After all, he has also seen the evil ways of Nanshan Group Enterprises.

"China's commercial aviation engines have been struggling for decades but have not come up with anything."

"Now Nanshan Engine suddenly appears and says that it can supply aero engines for the C919. This is full of weirdness."

"You must find a way to figure out the situation."

Immelt does not want General Electric to completely lose the Chinese market like General Motors.

If Nanshan Engine really masters commercial aviation engine technology, then General Electric must take action immediately and cannot allow the situation to worsen.

Immelt sees this very clearly.

"If China really masters this technology, it will be a big event for them, and they will probably report it in a big way."

"Modu Shangfei will definitely make various moves here."

"There is a high probability that this incident is a false alarm."

Xiang Weimin felt that he still needed to cool down the matter, otherwise he would be under great pressure in the next few days.

Although he brought the matter to the headquarters, the purpose was to avoid taking the blame in the future, not to find a lot of trouble for himself.

Of course, his assumption soon became more and more doubtful.

Because at this time, Venus Technology officially announced that it was going to build a large aircraft.

[The twin-engine mid-range and long-range wide-body passenger aircraft Venus 777 has been officially approved! 】

A simple official announcement caused an uproar in the aviation field.

In particular, Venus Technology has specially named it "Venus 777", which is obviously aimed at the Boeing 777.

To put it mildly, this is disgusting Boeing.

As the general manager of Boeing China, Ma Allen reported to David immediately.

“Daystar Technology is actually going to enter the field of twin-engine mid-range and long-range wide-body passenger aircraft?”

"Are they going to compete with our 777?"

David was very surprised by the news reported by Ma Allen.

He already regarded Daystar Technology as an important competitor of Boeing, but he only imagined the other party's competition in Kunpeng heavy-lift transport helicopters, missiles, and satellites.

Regarding commercial airliners, although he had occasionally been a little worried before, he didn't really take it to heart.

Only Airbus in the world has the qualifications to worry him.

But now that Daystar Technology doesn't play according to the routine, the pressure on him suddenly increased.

It is not that there are no companies in China that are engaged in commercial aircraft. For example, the Modu Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China has a strong momentum.

But David wasn't too worried.

After all, China has been clamoring for a passenger plane for more than a day or two, but it is obviously not that easy to do so.

This time, Daystar Technology suddenly appeared and said that it wanted to engage in technology, and David became nervous.

Because this opponent is really evil.

None of the goals set by enterprises in the Nanshan Group have been unrealized in recent years.

Even some things that seemed very unreliable were eventually succeeded by others.

David is a little worried that the same will happen with the Daystar 777 this time.

“I think Daystar Technology’s official announcement this time is aimed at us.”

"After the 777 crashed on Malaysia Airlines, many public opinions wanted to attribute the cause of the accident to the 777's failure. This is completely slander."

"Venue Technology now says that it will produce the Venus 777 large passenger aircraft. This is obviously to guide everyone to compare it with our 777."

"Even they are deliberately disgusting us."

Allen Ma knew that Boeing was involved in pushing the relevant U.S. authorities to impose a sky-high $30 billion fine on Daystar Technology.

So this time, Venus Technology's revenge felt a little surprising, but also a little natural.

Boeing is the largest export company in the United States, and its status is the same as the eldest son of the United States.

Among their export businesses, in addition to various arms, the most important one is Boeing passenger aircraft.

If this part of the business is taken down, the loss will definitely be huge, something that Boeing and even relevant departments in the United States cannot accept.

"There was no news about Daystar 777 before, and now it is suddenly officially announced that the project will be launched, but it does not say when it will be mass-produced."

"Will Daystar Technology fake a shot this time to scare us on purpose?"

It is not unreasonable for David to have such a guess.

Even though Venus Technology has great technical capabilities, it has never produced a large passenger aircraft.

For example, the Boeing 777 has 300 million parts and components on the entire aircraft. More than 17 suppliers from 900 countries around the world provide the front cabin, wings, tail fins, engine fairings, wing leading edge components, and wing activities. Surfaces, landing gear, ceiling supports, nose wheels, doors, fins and antennas, etc.

An aircraft of this level cannot be produced by a single company alone.

Even in David's opinion, there are no suppliers in China that can produce some of the parts.

However, Venus Technology has officially announced that it will enter this level of passenger aircraft.

It has to be said that this new move by Venus Technology has put pressure on Boeing.

If you don't understand the situation, the pressure will be even greater.

"Although this possibility cannot be completely ruled out, I think Daystar Technology has made an official announcement, unless they announce again in a few days that this content is a joke."

"Otherwise, we are really planning to build the Daystar 777."

"I think the relevant departments in China should be very supportive of Daystar Technology in developing such a passenger aircraft. After all, the current C919 at Modou Commercial Aircraft Co., Ltd. is positioned as a regional passenger aircraft, and there is still a big gap between it and the 777."

What Allen Ma said made David's mind even more confused.

He was a little confused about what the truth was.

But if you don’t understand the situation, the pressure will increase.

This is inevitable.

When David is under great pressure, he will naturally find ways to pass the pressure on to his subordinates.

In the end, Ma Ailun, the general manager of the China branch, became the unlucky guy.

Of course, Airbus China General Manager Chen Jumin is also a bit unlucky.

The establishment of the Daystar 777 project will not only threaten the interests of Boeing, but also threaten the interests of Airbus.

The current Chinese passenger aircraft market is basically divided between Boeing and Airbus.

The price is not cheap anyway. When China wants to have a better relationship with someone, it will tilt the order towards that person.

Airbus and Boeing have finally figured out this situation in recent years.

"Chen, why hasn't the Huaxia Branch made any report on Venus Technology's passenger aircraft project before?"

"Now it is suddenly officially announced that the Venus 777 project will be launched, which shows that the other party has been discussing it internally for a long time."

Fabrice asked Chen Jumin angrily.

Over the years, Airbus has never competed with Boeing.

But as an aerospace company that carries the hopes of so many European countries, Fabrice hopes that Airbus will surpass Boeing and become the world's largest commercial passenger aircraft company.

This goal has not been achieved yet, but now a new opponent suddenly appears.

And the emergence of this opponent is likely to affect orders in the Chinese market.

So Fabrice was a little nervous.

"Fabrice, our Huaxia branch has just learned about this information. There have been no reports on this in the relevant media before."

"Venus Technology's senior executives did not reveal this news in any interviews."

Chen Jumin must explain to himself at this time.

It's not impossible to take the blame, but you can't take the blame for such a worthless thing.

Anyway, what he said was true, and he was not afraid of losing his position because of the rebuttal of the CEO.

"The impact and changes that Venus Technology has brought to the global aerospace industry are getting bigger and bigger. The Huaxia Branch must make collecting and confirming information about Venus Technology a top priority."

"Don't let it be that the Daystar 777 is about to take off for the first time, and we still don't understand anything."

Fabrice criticized Chen Jumin's work in a not very good tone.

Although the latter felt that he was a little unjust, part of his high salary was originally used to receive scolding.

"I will arrange dedicated personnel to follow up and investigate this matter. Once there is new information, I will report it to the headquarters immediately."

At this time, there is no special meaning in explaining more.

It's better to just accept the instructions from the headquarters honestly and carry out the work step by step.

Anyway, Airbus China cannot go bankrupt so soon, and I can still work here well for many years.

As for what will happen many years from now, few people can imagine the arrangements many years from now.

The same is naturally true for Ma Allen.

Fortunately, although Fabrice's tone was very bad, he was still sensible and did not push Chen Jumin too far for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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