Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 894 The more powerful you are, the more friends you will have

Chapter 894 The more powerful you are, the more friends you will have

"You're right, we can ultimately make more money. This is our goal."

"Chen, on behalf of Boeing, you can also contact Daystar Technology and discuss the possibility of supplying parts to Airbus."

"We will take this opportunity to take a good look at the level of Venus Technology to see if their Venus 777 can really be developed in the next few years."

"Let's also see if the C919's sudden adjustment of so many suppliers will promote the rapid mass production of the C919, or will it cause the project to eventually die."

Fabrice's suggestion made Chen Jumin feel happy.

It seems that the attitude of the headquarters is indeed changing.

"Fabrice, I think the company can consider cooperating with Boeing to see if some of the methods used to deal with the Japanese MRJ project can also be used to deal with the C919 and Daystar 777. Then it may be an unexpected surprise."

When Chen Jumin said this, Fabrice also became interested.

Regarding Japan’s MRJ project, he contacted Boeing and took many actions himself.

“But when it comes to Daystar Technology, it’s a different story.”

Don’t look at the fact that MRJ has already received hundreds of domestic orders.
According to Mitsubishi Heavy Industries' plan, the MRJ passenger aircraft is divided into two sub-series, MRJ-70 and MRJ-90. The following numbers correspond to the number of seats, which are 70 and 90 seats.

"Although we are competitors, we all have the same interests in suppressing new forces."

As for AVIC, they now feel various changes immediately.

Due to the iteration of the project, the entire aircraft fuselage had to be demolished and redesigned.

"If an ordinary company says that it has mastered advanced aero-engine technology and will quickly launch passenger aircraft in the future, then Airbus and Boeing must have various methods to prevent your passenger aircraft from entering mass production."

In March 2008, the same year that China's C3 project started, Japan also started its own MRJ aircraft project.

"This means that China will soon have its own passenger aircraft in the next few years."

However, the final situation will definitely not be as beautiful as they thought.

In September 2009, a series of insurmountable problems appeared in the wing design of the MRJ aircraft, and the composite material design had to be abandoned and metal materials reused.

"People from Boeing and Airbus are naturally paying attention to this information."

According to Mitsubishi Heavy Industries' original plan, the MRJ passenger aircraft should make its first flight around 2012 and enter commercial operation before 2015. The result is that the ideal is very plump and the reality is very skinny.

Later, I found that I couldn't play it anymore.

Japan's MRJ passenger aircraft adopts a low-mounted tail and wing-mounted engine layout, and is a twin-engine jet regional passenger aircraft.

In 2008, when Japan began to develop the MRJ project, like the C919 project, a large number of advanced composite materials were used to enhance the strength of the aircraft body and reduce its own weight.

After Wan Jinniu finished the meeting with Zhao Tianling, he couldn't help but mention various recent big moves in the aerospace industry.

"For them, this news is absolutely bad news and a situation they don't want to see."

These two were the giants of regional airliners at the time and monopolized most of the global regional airliner market.

This change is obviously a bit abnormal.

After all, no one knows the final situation of C919 and Daystar 777.

"I'll try my best to communicate with Boeing to see if we can discuss cooperation again."

"Mr. Zhao, in the past few days, both Boeing and Airbus have stated that they will launch the expansion proposal for the Jincheng factory."

Of course, these are definitely things for later.

After Fabrice finished communicating with Chen Jumin, he actually made contact with Boeing.

So let alone the various problems now, even if all these problems are solved, MRJ is destined to have no future.

Now the two companies have proposed to expand the factory in China at about the same time, and put more passenger aircraft assembly business in the Huaxia factory, and even put some of the seat assembly and other business of passenger aircraft sold overseas in the factory. China is coming.

This involves various parts and overall positioning of the aircraft. The specifications and sizes of the parts have changed and require redesign and manufacturing. All aspects such as airborne equipment and flight control system design need to be repeatedly redesigned.

The production efficiency of the final assembly factory previously invested in China was actually very low, and its symbolic significance was stronger.

Then the second prototype has been delayed until now and has not been produced.

Most of their aircraft assembly is arranged in their own country.

Therefore, it was not until 2013 that the MRJ aircraft was assembled, and it was still a static test aircraft without flight capabilities.

Airbus and Boeing have actually already thought about what issues they will face when the MRJ passenger aircraft undergoes airworthiness certification in the United States and Europe in the future.

At first, Japan claimed that "there will be no market for C919."

As the world's two largest commercial airliner companies, Boeing and Airbus have almost monopolized the world's major passenger aircraft market.

Although Toray has strong technical strength in carbon fiber, it is no match for American Hexcel in the application of aerospace composite materials.

However, considering the developments in China’s aviation industry, Zhao Tianling didn’t find it strange at all.

It's a pity that Japan has never recognized this problem.

It carries 70-90 passengers and mainly performs short- and medium-distance passenger transport tasks. In fact, it is more similar to China's ARJ21 passenger aircraft and is not in the same category as the C919.

"Nanshan Engine officially announced that it has mastered the technology of two aviation engines, NS44 and NS22, and these two products are used on the C919 and Venus 777 respectively."

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries' ultimate goal is to enter the global regional jet aircraft market through the MRJ project, especially in developed countries, and strive to compete with Brazilian aircraft industry company and Bombardier.

"This action is very interesting."

"In order to suppress Daystar Technology, the United States has used every conceivable method, but Daystar Technology is getting stronger day by day."

"In this case, in order to deal with future threats, Boeing and Airbus need to consider more appropriate solutions to deal with them."

When Zhao Tianling said this, Wan Jinniu couldn't help but said: "In other words, this time Airbus and Boeing are expanding the production capacity of the Huaxia factory at the same time. In fact, they are showing goodwill to us and hope to continue to cooperate with us?"

Wan Jinniu also personally witnessed the various twists and turns of Boeing's Jincheng factory and Airbus's Jincheng factory from negotiation to production.

It can be said that the establishment of these two factories is more a result of China's use of the huge market, and it is not that the other party is really so active in wanting to invest on its own.

The market is replacing technology, which has a similar purpose to the opening up of the automobile market.

But whether it’s a car or an airplane, the final result tells everyone that the market cannot buy technology.

At most, there is some management experience that can be learned.

"Of course, after all, it is not certain when the aircraft from COMAC and Daystar Technology will be put into use again, so we definitely still need to continue to purchase passenger aircraft from Airbus and Boeing."

"The other party is relatively clear about this."

"Even if the C919 and Venus 777 are mass-produced in the future, they will definitely not be able to 100% meet our market demand. Even because of airworthiness certificates, many flights to foreign countries need to continue to use Boeing and Airbus. airplane."

"So Boeing and Airbus are expanding the scale of their factories in China. On the one hand, they are showing goodwill, and on the other hand, they are reluctant to give up the Chinese market."

As the general manager of AVIC, Zhao Tianling sees these things quite clearly.

After all, AVIC has so many companies, among which there are many cases of dealing with foreign countries.

The experiences and lessons learned over the years have been learned.

"Although their starting point is for orders, for us, it is actually a good thing to expand the production capacity of the joint venture factory and put more parts or assembly business in the Huaxia factory."

"After all, we don't know whether the products of Daystar Technology and Mordu Commercial Aircraft are really reliable in the end."

Wan Jinniu's point of view should still be very popular.

After all, many things are full of uncertainty now.

"Yes, invisibly, Daystar Technology has done us a favor and given Boeing and Airbus a relatively big stimulus."

"Otherwise, we may not know what price we need to pay to complete the capacity expansion of the joint venture factory."

Zhao Tianling is quite satisfied with the current situation, and everything is developing in a good direction.

No matter which company invests, as long as China's aviation industry as a whole is developing and growing, it will be a good thing for AVIC.

Considering that the benefits this time were indirectly brought about by Daystar Technology, Zhao Tianling couldn't help but call Cao Yang.

"Mr. Cao, both Boeing and Airbus are preparing to expand their joint venture factories in China. You may want to be careful that they will make some new moves."

When Zhao Tianling called Cao Yang, he must have wanted to give some reminders from the other party's perspective. This way, it would be easier to draw the relationship between the two parties closer.

After all, AVIC has actually enjoyed the benefits of industry competition, so it is natural for them to express their attitude at this time.

"We will still need to continue to use Boeing and Airbus aircraft in the short term. It is also a good thing for China that they expand the scale of their joint venture factories in China."

Cao Yang is naturally very aware of the overall situation in China's current civil aviation field.

It is simply unrealistic to immediately abandon the two giants Airbus and Boeing.

Just like no matter how much you have an opinion about the United States, you can't immediately say that from now on I will never use the U.S. dollar again.

Therefore, it is necessary to recognize the current situation clearly and start from the facts.

"I think you may need to consider whether Boeing and Airbus will take some measures to deal with the Daystar 777 and C919 in areas such as airworthiness certificates in the future."

"With the way those guys do things, it's totally possible."

Zhao Tianling's words were a reminder to Cao Yang.

After all, faced with this situation, Zhao Tianling himself couldn't think of any particularly good way to solve it.

Boeing and Airbus, especially Boeing, often do things in disgusting ways.

They do this not only to China’s civil aviation aircraft, but also to any passenger aircraft that threatens their interests.

For example, Japan's MRJ project has historically not allowed the first flight test to be held in Japan, but in the United States.

All airline flights in Japan need to be confirmed by the relevant American departments in Japan before taking off.

They will not give you permission to take off on the grounds that the routes are too dense and there is no way to conduct tests. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries has no way to do it. In the end, I could only listen to my father obediently.

Then there is no more.

MRJ encountered some problems during its first flight in the United States. After continuous improvements, various problems appeared during the subsequent approval of the airworthiness certificate.

In the end, various R&D expenses in Japan were increasing, but the MRJ project had no hope of mass production and had no choice but to end the project.

Boeing has achieved its goal perfectly.

Although Zhao Tianling didn't know about this, he could predict some of the possible methods Boeing would use.

This is a company that combines referees and athletes. It is the largest export company in the United States. It is definitely like an eldest son.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhao, for reminding us that the most effective way to deal with giants like Boeing and Airbus is to make yourself stronger."

"Only when you become stronger will you have more friends, and they will be willing to sit down and negotiate terms with you honestly."

"Otherwise, they will always try to oppress you through various means."

"Leaving aside other fields, in the field of civil aviation, the days when Boeing and Airbus stood on China's head every day to shit and piss are destined to be gone forever."

What Cao Yang said made Zhao Tianling feel a little angry.

As the general manager of AVIC, he has suffered too much.

When he first discussed cooperation with Boeing and Airbus about the joint venture factory, he still remembered the arrogant attitude of the other parties.

Unfortunately, apart from the market card in his hand, he doesn't have many means to use.

As for the market, although it is something that people want very much, the strong market demand also forces you to ask others to supply you with aircraft.

This is a double-edged sword.

"Mr. Cao, we at AVIC will definitely support all aspects of COMAC's C919 project and Venus 777 project."

"If you need any assistance from us, please mention it as soon as possible."

“I hope to be able to personally experience flights operated by these two aircraft in three years’ time.”

Zhao Tianling's statement was not a deliberate show of kindness, but an attitude from the bottom of his heart.

COMAC and Daystar Technology now have their own passenger aircraft, and the layout of China Aviation Industry is much more complete.

Regardless of whether we continue to purchase aircraft from Boeing and Airbus in the future, the initiative lies in China's hands.

Those international giants have completely different attitudes when China has similar products to choose from and when there is no choice.

Take a look at the case of how Bosch's ESP was supplied to BYD, and you will know the attitude of those giants.

When you can't produce, I will set the price casually. You have to buy it no matter how much it is anyway, and there is no way to guarantee production capacity.

Once you are able to produce, even if the quality is not very good at the beginning, people's attitudes will immediately change.

Not only do you not need to worry about production capacity, but the price will immediately become very beautiful, so that you will not give up on continuing to improve the quality and technical level of the corresponding products.

In terms of civil aviation aircraft, Boeing and Airbus will most likely adopt similar plans.

Once the C919 and Daystar 777 really start to be put into commercial operation in China, the prices of similar products from Boeing and Airbus will definitely start to drop.

And the scale of their joint venture factories in China will continue to expand.

Normally, these combination punches are almost always effective.

But this time against Venus Technology, the situation is hard to say.

At least Zhao Tianling is not sure who will win now.

For Cao Yang, there is no question of who will win, but he must be the final winner.

In China's civil aviation passenger aircraft market, Nanshan-based companies must take the biggest piece of the cake.

When everyone talks about China's pillar industries, they will no longer focus on the real estate and automobile industries every day, but can add an aerospace industry.

After ending the call with Zhao Tianling, Cao Yang also held a meeting within the company.

The heads of relevant companies such as Nanshan Engine and Venus Technology all attended this meeting.

"Now it seems that both Boeing and Airbus have taken similar measures to expand their influence in China."

"Our Venus 777 and C919 related businesses need to be accelerated."

“The less they want us to get these projects done, the more we have to get them done.”

"When the time comes, let these so-called international giants also take a look at the results of suppressing us."

Cao Yang feels that the civil aviation passenger aircraft project will definitely be one of the most important projects among Nanshan Group enterprises in the next few years.

This is a large project that can drive the development of the entire industrial chain, and it is also a large project with a bright future.

The most important thing is that if this project is completed, it can promote the rapid development of other aviation projects.

For example, the large transport aircraft project being studied, as well as the large stealth bomber project that is being studied with AVIC to benchmark the B-2, can all benefit from it.

Many parts, such as the electric drive system and landing gear, can be used universally in many projects.

"Mr. Cao, I think the company may need to strengthen confidentiality education for relevant personnel during this period. Whether it is Boeing, Airbus, or some other people, they are definitely trying their best to inquire about information about our project."

"I even want to use this information to cause some damage."

Zhao Siyu first stood up and expressed his opinion.

He used to work in aerospace technology and was familiar with various confidential actions.

Objectively speaking, the confidentiality arrangements at Venus Technology are definitely not as good as those at Aerospace Technology.

Of course, confidentiality has its advantages and disadvantages. If you impose too many restrictions in this regard, it will also affect the progress of the project to a certain extent.

But what everyone agrees is that confidentiality is very important. It depends on how to control it.

"Indeed, I think Boeing will not just watch us launch the two major projects of Venus 777 and C919."

"Now that they have not found a good way to suppress these two projects, it does not mean that they have given up their intention to kill these two projects."

As the general manager of Nanshan Engine, Cheng Tao has gained even more profound experience during this period.

Many people are trying their best to find out about NS44 and NS22, and even some other undisclosed projects.

"In this regard, I will talk to Representative Pan after the meeting and ask him to ask some personnel from relevant departments to assist."

Leave professional matters to professionals.

This has always been a point of view that Cao Yang insists on.

In terms of confidentiality, the personnel in the relevant departments behind Pan Jun must be the most professional.

So you can definitely make use of this power.

Anyway, many projects of companies such as Daystar Technology are closely related to relevant departments.

They definitely don't want any leaks.

"This is a good idea. In addition to keeping it secret, I think we may also need to take the initiative to cause them some trouble so that they don't have to spend so much time on dealing with us."

As the general manager of Venus Technology Group, Pan Jinxing naturally considers issues from a higher perspective.

In his opinion, blindly passive defense is not the best way.

Taking the initiative to attack appropriately may make the situation more favorable to you.

"We really need to find some trouble for Boeing. Do you have any suggestions?"

Cao Yang has always been very active in Boeing.

Although no matter what you do, it is impossible to kill the other party, just like Boeing cannot kill Venus Technology.

But if you can cause huge losses to the other party and make their life difficult, that is something worth doing.

"Mr. Cao, Polar Bear has actually been thinking of ways to develop its own civil aviation industry."

"Their Il series and Tu series passenger aircraft were once considered world-famous."

"In recent years, they have always wanted to restore their past glory. They are not only re-developing the PD-14 aero engine, but also preparing a brand-new passenger aircraft."

“I think some of the company’s parts could be sold to polar bears.”

Dai Hanbiao proposed a very bold plan.

In his view, even if the C919 and Daystar 777 enter mass production in the future, there is a high probability that Polar Bear will not purchase passenger aircraft from China.

In this case, we need to think of other ways to make some money from the polar bear passenger aircraft industry.

By the way, I'm disgusted with Boeing and Airbus, and find some more rivals for them.

In terms of some modern electronic equipment, polar bears' technological accumulation is obviously relatively weak.

These problems cannot be solved by resting on our laurels alone.

Therefore, it is really feasible for enterprises in the Nanshan system to cooperate with polar bears.

"You can consider giving this a try and get in touch with the other party."

"After all, our parts also need to find more customers for application."

Cao Yang agreed to Dai Hanbiao's proposal without hesitation. Then he continued to ask: "Are there any other plans?"

(End of this chapter)

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