Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 905: Unexpected confrontation, "Sea Street Slut" makes meritorious service

Chapter 905: Unexpected confrontation, "Sea Street Slut" makes meritorious service

"Mr. Xiang, you are really honest."

Realizing that he might have misunderstood Xiang Jianghui just now, Zhao Linyuan also felt a little speechless.

But in this way, it actually corroborates some of the data I heard, which is probably true.

Then the performance of the 915 electronic reconnaissance ship is more advanced than those produced by Hudong in the past and currently. This is most likely a fact.

As a result, the situation is really a bit embarrassing.

Although the electronic reconnaissance ships produced by Hudong Shipyard still have a certain significance, it is estimated that there will be no orders in this area in the future.

The technical differences between everyone are a bit big. Even the new generation products being developed by Hudong are not as good as the 915 that has been mass-produced.

For relevant departments, it is enough to directly expand the production of 915.

"There is nothing to be ashamed of in cooperating with companies from the Nanshan Group."

After all, the 915 is not a stealth warship. Although the 6000-ton displacement is not large, it is not the kind of small ship that can be produced by cats and dogs.

In their opinion, this is the best way to understand the technological changes related to China.

"Their technology is indeed very outstanding in many fields. The core components of several of our products are provided by the other party."

Therefore, Nanshan Semiconductor will cooperate with Wenchong Shipbuilding.

"Confirm the other party's information as soon as possible."

Once some things are revealed, everything becomes easier to say.

After all, China's technological progress in electronic warfare has been very rapid in recent years. The United States knows that the other side will definitely not ignore their exercises completely.

My various new products are indeed developed in cooperation with Nanshan-based companies, so what?
Ultimately these vessels are launched and delivered by our shipyard.

"Attention everyone, a Chinese electronic reconnaissance ship was spotted approaching the exercise area at the ten o'clock direction."

Otherwise it will be embarrassing when the time comes.

Since it is necessary to take care of it, electronic reconnaissance ships and other ships will definitely be arranged to monitor the exercise.

Regarding the electronic reconnaissance ship, Wenchong Shipyard has already communicated with Nanshan Semiconductor and other companies before.

As this important exercise between the United States and Luzon, the United States also takes it very seriously.

As long as the Wenchong Shipyard can produce products, Nanshan Group companies will choose to cooperate with them.

Anyway, Nanshan Semiconductor and Nanshan Equipment sell their own technical solutions and related equipment and parts, so they will not make any money.

The American and Luzon exercise teams themselves expected that relevant Chinese ships would appear nearby, and it would be normal for them to be discovered quickly.

However, for the new electronic reconnaissance ship project, the Nanshan Department will definitely continue to cooperate with Wenchong Shipyard.

At this moment, relevant personnel are busy on the American electronic reconnaissance ship.

"The radar on a certain type of guided missile destroyer of yours is provided by Venus Technology, which can be regarded as relevant cooperation."

There is no problem if Hudong Shipyard wants to contact companies such as Nanshan Semiconductor.

If we hide it, we don't know how to communicate.

This is not surprising.

Since the demand for this kind of ships will not be particularly large, it will basically be enough to build ten or eight ships one after another in the future.

Therefore, regarding Zhao Linyuan's problem, he was extremely "generous".

Even in the field of electronic reconnaissance ships, there is not no room for cooperation.

Of course, people in the industry naturally know who the most critical technology comes from.

Xiang Jianghui is very confident about this.

As the initiator, the 915 electronic reconnaissance ship has now started its own legendary "ship life" in a certain southern sea area.

Zhao Linyuan knew that there was no way to completely avoid Wenchong Shipyard, so he simply talked about it.

I took most of the honors, and the companies in the Nanshan Group got actual benefits.

These things are the result of recent exchanges between several parties.

"Mr. Xiang, would you mind if we in Hudong also cooperate with companies from the Nanshan Group?"

"So as long as they don't have any objections, I naturally have no objections either."

For example, it is entirely possible to make some modifications and upgrades to the previous 815.

Therefore, in fact, companies in the Nanshan Group have received many invisible honors.

Not only did the relevant teams stationed in Luzon dispatch thousands of people, but an electronic reconnaissance ship was also transferred from other places to assist in the exercise.

By analyzing various electromagnetic signals and sound signals, a lot of information about the opponent's warships can be accurately determined.

Therefore, the 915 electronic reconnaissance ship was already discovered as soon as it appeared near the exercise area.

"Captain, the other party's various electronic signals are very unfamiliar. It seems to be a brand new warship, not any ship we have contacted before."


This is what Wenchong Shipyard is like now.

However, the results they confirmed were a bit beyond everyone's expectations.

"A new electronic reconnaissance ship?"

After Captain Maxwell heard the following report, he immediately became interested.

According to his understanding of relevant departments in China, new products such as electronic reconnaissance ships basically mean that they are China's most advanced products at present.

After all, the United States has more or less mastered the information about the previous old models.

To collect various electromagnetic signals, electronic reconnaissance ships need to appear in different sea areas, and even go deep into the opponent's coastal waters to collect information.

Therefore, some of your own electromagnetic signals will inevitably be known to the other party.

Of course, as an auxiliary warship, the electromagnetic signals symbolizing its own identity are collected, but it does not have much impact.

"China has sent its latest electronic reconnaissance ship over, obviously hoping to challenge us."

"Then we let them know what global leadership means and what technological generation gap means."

"Everyone, cheer up and destroy the opponent's electronic reconnaissance ships to see if they dare to appear near our exercise area in the future."

A cruel smile appeared on Maxwell's face.

Anyway, the struggle between electronic reconnaissance ships does not involve thermal weapons such as missiles, bombs, and torpedoes. There are no traces visible to the naked eye.

By then, even if the equipment on China's electronic reconnaissance ship is destroyed, the other party will have to endure it silently.

After all, in this case, you don’t even have evidence that the other party damaged your equipment, so where can you reason?

"No problem. Our ships not only have electronic reconnaissance capabilities, but the performance of electronic jamming equipment is also very good. We have never encountered an opponent in these years."

As the technical leader, Wells is also full of confidence at this time.

In recent years, the American electronic reconnaissance ships have indeed been the most advanced in the world and are in an invincible state.

It has always been their part to bully others, and no one else to hurt them.

This time, he felt there would be no exception.

"The commander in Luzon is also very concerned about our confrontation this time. You must show your strongest ability."

"The rest is up to you."

After Maxwell said this, he looked like he was ready to watch a good show.

In his opinion, this is simply like a cat and mouse game. How could the cat lose?

Soon, the relevant personnel took action.

Various actions on the American side must have been discovered by the 915 electronic reconnaissance ship.

"This time, the United States has unprecedentedly arranged for an electronic reconnaissance ship to participate in the exercise, which further illustrates the importance of this exercise."

"If we want to collect relevant electromagnetic signals properly, we must first suppress the opponent's electronic reconnaissance ship."

The people on the Chinese side are obviously very clear about the tasks they are about to complete.

This silent confrontation is definitely a major test for 915.

As long as it passes the test, 915 will become famous in the world from now on.

"We use a lot of new equipment on this ship, and the power components of many of them are made of gallium nitride power components. The signals and power that can be emitted are much greater than before."

"I think we can first collect various electromagnetic signals from the opponent's electronic reconnaissance ship. After this task is completed, we can fully activate the electronic interference equipment capabilities and directly burn some of the electronic equipment on the opponent's ship."

Regarding how to deal with the current situation, 915 had discussed many plans along the way.

Now facing this situation, everyone is not panicked at all.

Soon, the contest between the two sides officially began.

Although it appeared from the sky that the two ships were cruising several nautical miles away, the actual confrontation had already occurred.

"Maxwell, the performance of the other party's reconnaissance ship seems to be much stronger than we imagined."

"At present, their signals in various frequency bands are very strong. We estimate that it will take some effort to interfere with their operation."

On the American side, Wells, the technical director of the electronic reconnaissance ship, had sweat on his forehead, and he was no longer as relaxed and comfortable as he was at the beginning.

This kind of scene has never been encountered before.

When did the American electronic reconnaissance ships become unable to gain the upper hand in electronic countermeasures?
This is unreasonable.

"Is China's new electronic reconnaissance ship so technologically advanced?"

Maxwell also felt that the coffee in his hand was no longer fragrant.

I originally thought about enjoying my coffee while watching my men torture China's electronic reconnaissance ship.

Now the style of painting has completely changed.

Deep in his heart, he couldn't help but feel worried.

It would be funny if something unexpected happened.

"We have almost figured out the situation of their 815 electronic reconnaissance ship before."

"There is no way to compare it with the current one."

"According to our previous information, China's new generation of electronic reconnaissance ships are being produced at the Hudong Shipyard. They will not be launched until the second half of this year at the earliest, and will not enter service until next year or the year after that." "This is in front of me. One ship, I don’t know where it came from, we have no relevant information at all.”

Wells continued to direct the technicians to continuously operate various equipment while explaining the situation to Captain Maxwell.

All of a sudden, the screen of a device in front of a technician goes black and then becomes unresponsive.

This seemed to be a very bad start, and soon more equipment began to operate unstable, and the picture continued to fluctuate, and even directly turned into a snowflake shape.

"Captain, the interference capability of the other party's electronic reconnaissance ship is much stronger than we imagined."

"Their various devices are much more powerful than we thought."

"A lot of our equipment is already straining."

With this report, the situation on the entire ship began to change dramatically.

Some equipment continues to be overloaded and then initiate automatic protection procedures to shut down, or directly burn out a certain circuit.

Or some other situations.

The situation fell into chaos in a short period of time.

This ship has been in service in the United States for seven or eight years. Although it is not the most advanced electronic reconnaissance ship in the United States, it was far ahead of all competitors before.

This time, we unexpectedly missed the mark and had such a major problem.

It can be said that this situation was something that no one on the ship had ever thought of, and they had never even practiced like this during the drill.

But now it is not an exercise, but a real confrontation with China's electronic reconnaissance ship.

The situation immediately became serious.

Maxwell did not dare to delay any longer and reported directly to his superiors.

A few nautical miles away, there was cheering on board 915.

Although they could not see the specific images from the American electronic reconnaissance ship, based on the changes in various electromagnetic signals, they could clearly feel that some of the opponent's equipment had been shut down during this round of confrontation.

Whether it is directly scrapped or shut down, it means that their side has won this confrontation.

"Report all relevant information immediately."

"Then arrange specialized personnel to sort out every aspect of today's electronic countermeasures and the situations that occurred in it, and form a separate report to submit."

"The performance of this 915 electronic reconnaissance ship is much stronger than when we tested it before."

"We recommend that all new electronic reconnaissance ships with new equipment in the future be produced on the basis of this ship."

The captain of 915 is no rookie.

More than ten years ago, when domestic electronic reconnaissance ship technology was still relatively backward, he worked on it.

Step by step, I have risen from the position of technician to the current position of captain. My overall personal quality is definitely very good.

Because of this, he is very clear about the importance of the 915 electronic reconnaissance ship to China.

With its existence, China will have an extra weapon in future battles at sea.

Even in normal times, 915 can be released to detect various intelligence on opponents in various sea areas.

By then, whether it is the opponent's aircraft, ships, or submarines under the sea, if all kinds of information have been collected by China, it can monitor the movements of these devices through various means.

You can even make a very clear layout map, clearly marking the layout of the opponents' various equipment.

It can definitely play a very big role when simulating offense and defense or doing some sand table deductions.


"Our electronic reconnaissance ship has been disabled?"

"Are you sure it was the electronic reconnaissance ship from China that caused this?"

Gibson, the commander stationed in Luzon, also has a very good understanding of China's maritime strength.

This is not the first time that they have conducted exercises in nearby waters in the past few years, and it is not the first time that Chinese ships have appeared nearby to observe exercises.

Most of the time in the past, electronic reconnaissance ships were not arranged to participate in exercises. After all, the scale of the exercises was not very large.

This time it was because of the special situation in the southern seas and in response to Luzon's needs, the United States made a big move.

Not only the relevant US departments stationed in Luzon and Luzon's maritime forces participated, but also several ships from Australia came to participate in the exercise.

It can be said that today's exercise is the largest in the nearby waters in the past two years.

The original purpose was to show off his muscles and let China know how powerful he was.

But I didn't expect that something like this would happen just after the exercise started.

"Although there is no special evidence, there is only one nearby ship that is not part of our exercise team."

"The various damaged equipment on our ship are obviously caused by the electronic jamming equipment being turned on at full power."

"It's just a little strange. The opponent's tonnage seems to be only 6000 tons, which is much smaller than ours."

''Normally speaking, even if they install electronic jamming equipment, they cannot be more powerful than us.

Maxwell's question was really to shirk responsibility, but he really didn't understand.

Generally speaking, the larger the size of the electronic jamming device, the greater the power and the better the jamming effect.

Small devices may only be able to interfere with signals in a few specific bands, but large devices can interfere with the entire frequency band unscrupulously.

No matter what frequency band you use for communication, I can turn you blind.

Fortunately, the American electronic reconnaissance ship also has some satellite communication equipment, which can communicate normally with the command ship even if other equipment on the ship is affected.

"The information I got is similar to what you said. This is just an electronic reconnaissance ship with a displacement of about 6000 tons."

"Compared with the ships we had twenty years ago, performance in all aspects is not necessarily superior."

"This situation is completely abnormal."

Gibson is also a little troubled now.

The plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and now he was a little confused about what to do next.

Should it be postponed or continue as usual?

If it is postponed, there will definitely be many media chasing to confirm the reason for the delay.

After all, we have already reached this point, and if we suddenly say postponement, everyone knows that something big must be happening behind the scenes.

But if it is not postponed, the electronic reconnaissance ship from China will be hanging around nearby, and the drills on our side can be said to be completely exposed to others' supervision.

This is certainly not a situation Gibson wants to see.

Originally, he thought that by arranging his own electronic reconnaissance ship to go out, he could easily drive away the Chinese ships.

Unexpectedly, the result was completely different from what I imagined.

"The situation is indeed a bit abnormal. I suggest that the relevant departments immediately arrange personnel to investigate and see which shipyard produced this ship, what are its specific performance parameters, and how many ships are equipped with it."

"If the situation is not clarified, when the time comes and people are dispatched in various places in the east and north, our forces in various places will be passive."

"Although we are not afraid of them collecting various electromagnetic signals, it is still annoying to people."

Maxwell now really wants to know what happened to the opponent who destroyed the electronic reconnaissance ship he led.

Such an unscientific matter, if he didn't figure out the situation, he might not be able to sleep well.

"I have already reported the situation to the authorities, and the relevant departments should take action soon."

"It's impossible for such a big ship to have no information at all."

"Even if we directly ask the reconnaissance satellite to find various pictures of the nearby sea area in the past month and study them, we can find a lot of clues."

"Although our electronic reconnaissance ships are temporarily unable to continue participating in exercises, our exercises will continue."

"For now, just pretend that nothing happened and continue to stay in the exercise area."

Gibson ultimately decided to continue the drill as normal.

Otherwise, he would not be able to explain to all parties.

As for the Chinese reconnaissance ship, just pretend it doesn't exist and don't worry about it so much.


"Mr. Cao, the 915 electronic reconnaissance ship has made a great contribution. They disabled an American electronic reconnaissance ship in the southern waters."

"As long as 915 is there, the other party's electronic reconnaissance ship will have no way to continue operating."

Pan Jun happily came to Cao Yang's office and shared the latest situation of 915 with him.

Although the United States' exercises are still continuing, 915 has reported back the relevant situation.

At the same time, relevant departments also need the help of Wenchong Shipyard, Nanshan Equipment, Nanshan Semiconductor and other companies to analyze some data to see if the situation they have grasped is correct.

After all, this is the first time 915 has gone to sea. Even though the technicians above have been testing it on the ship for a long time, their familiarity with the equipment is definitely not that of the company that designed and produced it.

So even if Pan Jun didn't tell Cao Yang this information, Cao Yang would know it soon.

"An American electronic reconnaissance ship was defeated as soon as it went to sea?"

"Are the American reconnaissance ships so weak?"

Cao Yang looked at Pan Jun in surprise.

Although he knows that the electronic reconnaissance ships that use many gallium nitride power components have much higher performance in all aspects than the ships currently in service.

But being able to knock down American ships directly was a bit beyond his expectation.

"Mr. Cao, this should have something to do with the distance between the two parties."

"In order to expel our ships, the American electronic reconnaissance ships were only a few nautical miles away from our 915."

"In this case, the power of the electronic jamming device can be reached to its limit."

"The other party was not prepared for this. It is not surprising that they were suddenly attacked and many equipment were destroyed."

"If it were a normal confrontation at a distance of tens of nautical miles, or even hundreds of nautical miles, it probably wouldn't be that effective."

Pan Jun briefly explained the situation and found a fairly convincing reason.

However, even so, it fully illustrates the advanced nature of 915.

The name of "Seaside Street Liuzi" will officially start from today.

(End of this chapter)

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