Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 931: At a historic moment, China officially enters the era of manned space stations

Chapter 931: At a historic moment, China officially enters the era of manned space stations

It’s extremely hot in Yangcheng in August.

Even if you are not standing under the sun, you still feel hot.

I feel like I can't live without air conditioning.

This is completely different from the situation in the Imperial Capital.

Qian Junfeng should be very vocal about this.

But even though the weather in Yangcheng was very hot, Qian Junfeng flew over with a team to discuss with Daystar Technology the next step for astronauts to enter the Chang'e space station.

After a month of operation, all operating parameters of the Chang'e space station have reached the design values, and it is ready to accept astronauts.

The aerospace science and technology side is naturally eager to arrange for astronauts to enter the space station, so that China can officially start space station experiments.

"Mr. Cao, our China's manned aviation project has already identified three development steps in 92."

"The first step is to launch a manned spacecraft, build a preliminary supporting experimental manned spacecraft project, and carry out space application experiments."

“The second step is to break through the rendezvous and docking technology of manned spacecraft and space vehicles after the first manned spacecraft is successfully launched, and use manned spacecraft technology to modify and launch a space laboratory to solve the problem of short-term manned problems of a certain scale. Spatial application issues in care.”

"The third step is to build a manned space station to solve the problem of large-scale, long-term manned space applications."

“On September 2010, 9, the relevant department meeting approved the Manned Space Station Project Implementation Plan, and the manned space station project was officially launched.”

"According to our plan, the construction of the space station will not be completed until at least 2020."

"I didn't expect that Venus Technology would advance this time by at least six years."

Qian Junfeng never expected that he would be able to witness the successful use of the manned space station during his tenure.

This is absolutely beyond imagination.

Fortunately, China has had experience in manned spaceflight since 2003.

So far, Shenzhou 5, Shenzhou 6, Shenzhou 7 and other spacecraft have sent more than a dozen Chinese astronauts into space, and have accumulated rich relevant experience.

Therefore, the use of the manned space station this time is not particularly difficult for aerospace technology.

Even Venus Technology has selected ten engineers with relatively good physical fitness to start relevant training at Aerospace Technology to prepare for the next step into the Chang'e space station.

As for the astronauts entering the Chang'e space station for the first time, they can only rely on aerospace technology support first.

This kind of investment can provide you with the opportunity to enter the space station with very little investment. Naturally, the aerospace science and technology side will fully cooperate.

It can be said that the aerospace technology for this manned spacecraft launch is much higher and more active than Venus Technology.

"We in China have accumulated a lot of experience and worked hard for so many years. It is natural for us to catch up with the pace of the world."

"You can't just let others take the lead in everything, right?"

Cao Yang naturally attached great importance to the launch of this manned spacecraft.

After all, the Chang'e space station will require astronauts to live there for a long time.

Otherwise, so much money will be wasted and the best experimental results will not be achieved.

Even in order to cooperate with some experiments on the Chang'e space station, Nanshan Chemical has set up a project team responsible for biological experiments.

At that time, research on various seeds and various biological experiments can be carried out on the space station.

This advantage alone can attract many talents to join Nanshan-based companies.

After all, for some scientific researchers, if you want to achieve results, you must have some basic experimental conditions, otherwise it is impossible to rely entirely on imagination.

As for the experimental conditions in outer space, not just any institution can provide them.

To put it bluntly, as long as I join the biological laboratory team of Nanshan Chemical, take advantage of the experimental opportunities of the Chang'e space station, and write several papers in "Nature" and "Science" every year in the future, there will be no pressure at all.

This team is even capable of preparing an academician in the future.

"Over the past 20 years, we have conquered and mastered a large number of cutting-edge core technologies, built a basically complete and supporting R&D test system, and accumulated valuable experience in the organization and management of large-scale system engineering."

"Relevant projects have driven innovative development and industrial upgrading in many fields and industries, forming a huge pull and radiation effect; condensing, cultivating and creating a new generation of aerospace high-tech talent teams."

"The various achievements I'm starting to get now are indeed a matter of course."

Qian Junfeng felt Cao Yang's confidence and vigor, and couldn't help but adjust his mentality.

There is no reason why China cannot do what polar bears and the United States can do.

"Exploring the unknown world is the eternal driving force of human civilization and progress, and is the inevitable choice for mankind to expand its living space."

“Throughout the history of the development of human society, every expansion of its activity territory and living space has greatly enhanced mankind’s ability to understand and transform nature, and promoted the leap-forward development of productivity.”

“Just as human beings enter the ocean from land and fly into the sky, entering outer space and heading into deep space to understand, develop and utilize space resources is an unavoidable historical mission for mankind. The unremitting exploration of the vast universe will always accompany mankind in its journey forward. Moving forward to a higher level of civilization in the future.”

"Venus Technology once said that our goal is the sea of ​​stars, the moon, Mars, the solar system, and the Milky Way."

"However, all this must start with the normal operation of the Chang'e space station."

Cao Yang and Qian Junfeng chatted for a long time, and then went to listen to the technical team to introduce the specific launch plan.

This manned spacecraft is the first time to use the Venus 9 MAX for launch, and the venue is located at the Qiongzhou launch site.

To be on the safe side, only three astronauts were arranged to enter the Chang'e space station for the first time.

After everything is confirmed, the next batch of astronauts will be arranged to enter the space station to conduct experiments.

Not to mention, some work in this area does require cooperation with aerospace science and technology to achieve better results.

For example, during the process of manned space launch, how to ensure that astronauts can eat, drink and relax in space is actually a very important issue.

In the special environment of outer space, any small detail that is not carefully considered may have very bad effects.

It might lead to a life-threatening situation.

"As long as our astronauts successfully enter the Chang'e space station, there will definitely be a place for it in this year's National Science and Technology Award."

In Qian Junfeng’s view, the National Science and Technology Progress Award is still a very important award.

Unlike Nanshan-based companies, which win some awards every year, everyone already takes it for granted.

"Now that all preparations are complete, we will launch as soon as possible as planned."

For Venus Technology, rocket launches are really a daily occurrence.

Now there is at least one launch mission every week, and even more exaggeratedly, it is two or three days in a row, and a rocket is launched every day.

This frequency has definitely refreshed many people’s perceptions.

The recyclability performance of Venus 9 has been fully utilized.

Venus 9, the rocket with the most launches, has been used more than ten times.

At this pace, the exaggerated threshold of twenty repeated launches will be exceeded this year.

"No problem. It is expected that there will be a suitable window period next week. At that time, we will directly let everyone witness the scene of Chinese astronauts entering and working on the space station."

Qian Junfeng is naturally as excited about the next launch mission as Cao Yang.

Although Chinese astronauts entered space eleven years ago, the situation was completely different from now.

Putting aside the various situations that occurred in 2003, just astronauts spinning a few times in space and living in space for ten and a half days is not a concept at all.

According to the current plan, the first batch of astronauts will stay in the Chang'e space station for a month.

The astronauts at the back will stay inside longer.


The development of various projects of Daystar Technology has always followed a publicity-first strategy.

This method, which is very different from traditional Chinese enterprises, has achieved very good results so far.

Many people are full of expectations for the development of Daystar Technology.

Even Venus Technology is already a representative of high-tech enterprises in China.

As long as Venus Technology is mentioned, what everyone thinks of is that it is a high-tech company.

To put it a bit exaggeratedly, even if Venus Technology now produces a bottle of mineral water, everyone will think that this mineral water must be very different from those produced by other companies, with a lot of science and technology in it.

This can also be regarded as the effect of publicity to a certain extent.

Of course, if it is strong enough, it will not disappoint everyone every time, and it will be able to achieve whatever it boasts about. This is also an important reason why Daystar Technology has the prestige it has today.

Otherwise, if you brag every day, everyone's feelings will be completely different.

“I’m really looking forward to the moment when the astronauts enter the Chang’e space station!”

"Our astronauts have launched so many times, and this time they can finally live in space for a month."

"Hello! Space! We're coming!"

"Daystar Technology is really awesome. It has ushered in the era of manned space stations so quickly."

"I went to see "The Wandering Earth" last week and thought it was very good. At that time, I said that the film's expert advisory team included many experts from Daystar Technology. Now it seems that it is for this reason that "The Wandering Earth" can be filmed. Okay then."

"Our aerospace industry has entered a historic new stage. Is Ah San going to feel sour?"


As Venus Technology and Aerospace Science and Technology jointly announced that they would launch a manned spacecraft next week to send astronauts to the Chang'e space station, this news became a hot topic.

Although there are many netizens on the Internet who scold this and that.

But most netizens are actually patriotic.

There are few people who do not want their country to become stronger.

The manned space station is undoubtedly an important symbol of national strength.

As this news became a hot search topic, various comments naturally flooded the Internet.

There is such a big commotion here in China, and naturally all countries in the world will have more or less reactions.

In particular, the aerospace agencies of various countries have even more complicated feelings. "Dmitri, do you think China can successfully allow astronauts to enter the Chang'e space station this time?"

Grogin had also visited Daystar Technology before and discussed some cooperation projects with the other party.

Now Polar Bear United Rocket and Aerospace Company purchases many of its high-end carbon fiber materials from Nanshan Carbon Fiber.

Some gallium nitride power components are purchased from Nanshan Semiconductor.

The two sides have even cooperated on high-thrust aerospace engines.

Therefore, Grogin's attention to Daystar Technology has not diminished at all over the years.

"The Chang'e space station has been operating in space for a month. Venus Technology is probably familiar with various conditions inside."

"Manned aviation is not a particularly big problem for aerospace technology. They are quite experienced."

"In this case, the biggest problem may be the moment when astronauts enter the Chang'e space station from the spacecraft."

"Especially because these manned spacecraft are currently in charge of Aerospace Science and Technology, not Venus Technology itself."

Dmitri caught the point immediately.
As Polar Bear's top rocket expert, Demetri is very familiar with every aspect of the space launch mission.

He knows when problems are most likely to occur and what the causes of each problem are.

For astronauts entering the space station, entry and exit is undoubtedly the most dangerous.

After all, as long as there is an accident at this time, the astronauts' lives will probably be in danger.

"When the Chang'e space station was established before, the United States should have made some small moves."

"The other party definitely doesn't want to see China have its own manned space station."

"Do you think NASA will make any small moves this time?"

Grotin is very familiar with America's little thoughts.

Polar bears have been competing with the United States in the aerospace field for sixty years.

They have a relatively deep understanding of each other.

Although the strength of polar bears is no longer what it used to be, it is still one of the best in the world.

"It's a little hard to say. Normally, NASA shouldn't be that crazy and make any small moves at this time."

"Especially when NASA made small moves before, Daystar Technology immediately carried out retaliatory actions and disabled all the GPS satellites."

"Until the United States finds a better response plan, I don't think they will be so stubborn as to provoke Daystar Technology."

Demetri's judgment is obviously very logical.

We are all people who wear shoes. We must be logical when doing things, not just do it on the head.

"You are right. There is a high probability that the United States can only watch China's aerospace industry develop step by step."

"If we really do something unfavorable at this time, Venus Technology probably has precautions in place, so it may not have any effect."

"On the contrary, it will completely ruin your reputation."

In Grogin's view, although Americans are very shameless in doing things, some basic face is still needed.

At least in 2014, the situation was still like this.

Demetri naturally agreed with this.


While Dmitri and Grotin were speculating on NASA's reaction, as the director of NASA, Griffin was not idle either.

He is discussing with Robert, the president of Lockheed Martin, about building a new generation space station belonging to the United States.

"Robert, the current International Space Station is already a little overwhelmed. The original plan was to scrap it next year, but now the result of discussions between all parties is to delay it for five years."

"According to the current situation, the space station consumes 7.5 tons of fuel alone every year. The cost of asking the polar bears to replenish this fuel is US$2 million."

"Coupled with other costs, the total cost of the International Space Station exceeds US$10 billion every year, and this does not include amortization of the overall construction cost."

"Otherwise it would be far more than this number."

Griffin originally didn't have much opinion on the current operating conditions of the International Space Station, but without comparison there would be no harm.

The construction cost of Venus Technology’s Chang’e space station is less than US$100 billion, which is much lower than that of the International Space Station.

The annual maintenance cost is only a fraction of that of the International Space Station.

In this case, the International Space Station seems useless.

That's why he wanted to have a good communication with Lockheed Martin to see if they would consider a new space station plan.

Lockheed Martin is very professional in the construction of space stations.

They also participated in the design and production of many components of the previous International Space Station.

"There is nothing we can do about it. After all, the International Space Station was designed and launched in the 1990s, and many situations back then were completely different from today."

"For example, if you take solar panels, the current market price is not even one-tenth of what they were back then."

“The price difference for high-end carbon fiber is even more exaggerated.”

"So it is normal that the various maintenance costs and launch costs of the International Space Station are relatively high."

Robert felt that he still needed to explain.

After all, the construction of the International Space Station cost nearly US$1000 billion.

A lot of money is spent on Lockheed Martin.

If it were not explained clearly, Griffin would have thought that Lockheed Martin made an exaggerated amount of money.

Even if Lockheed Martin does actually earn a lot of money, at least it is not as exaggerated as Griffin imagined.

"I naturally know this situation, so China's Chang'e space station can improve its performance in all aspects, but its construction cost has been greatly reduced."

"Instead of spending a lot of money on the International Space Station every year, it would be better to restart a new space station construction plan."

"Based on the current situation, I think with US$200 billion, we can almost complete the construction of the new space station."

Griffin directly expressed his thoughts.

The use of the International Space Station has been extended for several years, and it is within these few years that the United States' own space station will be built.

Then there will be no need to waste money on the International Space Station.

In particular, the leading countries of the International Space Station are the United States and the Polar Bears. The relationship between the two parties is becoming increasingly stiff, and there are also various voices within the United States.

Griffin didn't want to be the target of public criticism either.

"If US$200 billion is not enough, isn't it?"

Robert naturally hopes to increase the budget at this time, so that when they build it, the pressure on all aspects will be much less.

Spend your money however you want.

Is there anything more exciting than this?
"Robert, the situation is completely different now."

"Not to mention the significant price drop in the prices of solar panels and high-end carbon fiber materials that I just mentioned. The situation in terms of rocket launch costs alone is completely different."

"With SpaceX's Falcon 9 reusable rocket, our launch costs have also dropped significantly."

"The budget of 200 billion US dollars is actually not low. It is two or three times that of Daystar Technology."

Griffin's face looked a little ugly.

He felt Lockheed Martin's appetite was a bit too much.

Even with a budget of US$200 billion, he has no confidence in persuading relevant domestic departments to approve this budget.

If you want to improve now, it will be even more difficult.

Although there are a lot of related expenses in the United States every year, there are also a lot of places to spend money.

"Gryffin, we have always cooperated with Hexcel in terms of high-end carbon fiber materials, but when it comes to the latest solar sail panels, do you have any companies to promote them?"

Robert did not argue with Griffin, but asked a question in a meaningful way.

Gryffin isn't stupid either.

What the other party meant by asking this question was to ask him to find a company to sell solar panels to Lockheed Martin.

It doesn't matter even if the company just sells the product second-hand.

The huge profits in the middle are the benefits paid to Griffin.

There are many similar things in the use of funds in the United States.

Griffin has been the administrator of NASA for many years, and he must also consider his life after leaving office.

In order to maintain a high quality of life, money is definitely an indispensable thing.

Now that Lockheed Martin has given him the opportunity, he must cherish it.

"I'm going to try my best to see if I can increase the budget by 20%, but it's certainly not easy. I hope you can help."

"Especially, let some people stop staring at the situation at Daystar Technology all day long and compare our two companies together."

"Otherwise it would be difficult to explain the huge differences in funding."

When Griffin said this, a smile that everyone understood appeared on Robert's face.

Sure enough, there is nothing that money cannot solve.

If so, add more money!

"No problem. If anyone has any opinions, let me handle it!"

(End of this chapter)

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