Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 934: Two Heavens of Ice and Fire, reap the consequences

Chapter 934 The two worlds of ice and fire, reap the consequences
"Mr. Cao, Xifeng Automobile Group should be more experienced in missile launch vehicles. Can we also consider cooperating with them?"

Although Zhao Siyu is also very confident in Nanshan Automobile Group, after all, it is something that has not been produced before, so it is normal to find an experienced manufacturer to cooperate.

Anyway, they are all developed for use by relevant domestic departments. Some things do not necessarily require you to do them all yourself.

"We don't need it for the time being. We already make hard-core off-road vehicles. We already have the technology for all kinds of parts. Now we just need to integrate them into the missile launch vehicle."

"Especially high-power diesel engines, this is our advantage project."

"Maybe the aerospace science and technology company will also purchase missile launch vehicles from us in the future."

Although the sales volume of special vehicles such as missile launch vehicles will not be very high, it is still very meaningful for improving the technological content and brand image of Nanshan Automobile Group.

It's not a loss-making business anyway, so Cao Yang thinks it can still be done well.

Seeing that Cao Yang had already made a decision, Zhao Siyu did not dwell on the issue anymore.

After everyone discussed other arrangements, the project named "Red Flag-20" air defense missile system by Cao Yang was officially launched within Venus Technology.

The time set by Cao Yang for everyone is very tight, requiring the first test launch to be completed before the end of next year, and the installation of relevant departments to begin the year after that.

This speed is definitely very challenging.

Of course, as long as the money is in place, engineers can be very productive.

Working day and night, the workload in a week is equivalent to that of an American engineer in a month, which is normal.

After thinking about it this way, this development time does not seem so unreasonable.


Cao Yang has been busy at Daystar Technology during this time.

However, there are so many companies in the Nanshan Group, so it is naturally impossible to really ignore the affairs of other companies.

Zeng Tingting seized the opportunity and reported to Cao Yang the latest situation of the automobile market.

"Mr. Cao, in the past August, the share of independent brands has declined for three consecutive months."

"Except for a few companies such as Nanshan Hongqi whose market share is increasing, the sales of Chery, Great Wall and BYD are all declining."

"On the contrary, the sales of Spring City Volkswagen, Modou Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz and BMW are increasing, and even the sales of Shenlong Automobile are also increasing."

Obviously, the information reported by Zeng Tingting was not normal in her opinion.

Due to the frequent use of various means to suppress joint venture car companies, the share of joint venture car companies has continued to decline in recent years.

Not to mention the abandoned GM and Changan Ford, the sales of Hyundai and Yueda Kia have continued to be sluggish, and the sales of several Japanese car companies have also not increased.

Under such circumstances, the market share of several independent brands actually declined.

Although this may be because the previous base was relatively high, so the decline occurred, Zeng Tingting still felt that it was a bit abnormal.

In particular, she knew very well that Cao Yang attached great importance to the development of his own brand.

So even though Cao Yang was busy, she asked Mi Ying to make an appointment for an hour to report on the changes in the automobile market.

"To what extent have Nanshan Hongqi's sales reached now?"

No matter how close relatives are, they will definitely not be close to one's own children.

Nanshan Hongqi owns 40% of the shares of Nanshan Automobile Group, so Cao Yang is naturally very concerned.

"Sales in August have exceeded 8 vehicles and have been growing steadily."

"This performance means that Changan Automobile can compare with it. Even if other independent brands have higher sales than it, the trend is incomparable."

Zeng Tingting was naturally very concerned about Nanshan Hongqi.

She knew that Cao Yang hoped to build Nanshan Hongqi into the highest-selling car company in China in the future.

If we simply rely on Spring City Automobile Group, this matter will definitely be futile.

But if Nanshan Automobile Group is willing to give full support, the situation will be difficult to say.

"Things must go to extremes. Independent brands have developed rapidly in recent years, but this has also enriched the ideas of some car companies."

"No one wants to see a situation where most of the profits are taken away by Nanshan Engine, Nanshan Transmission and Nanshan Auto Parts Group."

"But even after so many years, the engine technology they produce is still not very good."

"The reputation among consumers that we have finally managed to operate has declined sharply in the past two years."

Cao Yang was not surprised by what Zeng Tingting reported.

After all, many independent brands now have very radical ideas. They have launched many models at once, and then they want to break away from the influence of Nanshan Automobile Group and start to use more and more parts from their own or other suppliers.

This will definitely affect the quality.

Ultimately, it will affect consumers’ reputation.

Although Chinese consumers have always had a relatively poor understanding of automobile knowledge, information about poor quality is exposed every now and then.

This may be fueled by international automobile giants such as Volkswagen and Toyota, but most of them are still unsatisfied.

"Yes, I also think this should be the main reason."

"But there is another reason that cannot be ignored, and that is the reform of official vehicles."

Zeng Tingting came up with a new point of view.

"Official car reform?"

"Yes, in July this year, relevant departments announced a reform plan for official vehicles. In the future, many official vehicles will be canceled and replaced by subsidies and other methods."

After Zeng Tingting said this, she immediately added: "After this reform, there will be many more people in relevant departments who buy cars by themselves, but when these people choose between independent brands and joint venture brands, they will often consider buying joint venture brand models. "

"Especially the models of Modu Volkswagen and Spring City Volkswagen are very popular among these people."

"After all, the influence of Santana, Jetta and Audi A6 in the system in the early years was really too great."

"Now it's their turn to buy a car, and many people choose Volkswagen."

"So the sales growth of Volkswagen in the north and south was the fastest in August."

I have to say that Zeng Tingting's explanation still makes sense.

Volkswagen still has a very high status in the hearts of many people in relevant departments.

This concept cannot be changed in a day or two.

Even if independent brands have performed well in the official vehicle market in recent years, there is no way to change some deep-rooted ideas in a short time.

"The sales of most joint venture car companies are declining, but Volkswagen is rising against the trend. We cannot let them make a bad start and ruin the entire situation."

Although Volkswagen has also been easing relations with Nanshan Automobile Group in the past year, the two parties have begun to carry out more in-depth cooperation on electric vehicles.

But this does not mean that Cao Yang hopes that Volkswagen's sales in China will continue to increase.

It would be good if they can maintain their existing market share.

Want to keep rising?
Then something is definitely going to happen.

Unless you have no problems at all, it's not difficult at all to get into trouble.

After knowing what Cao Yang meant, Zeng Tingting would naturally take action immediately.

And just after Zeng Tingting reported the changes in the Chinese automobile market to Cao Yang, Nanshan Hongqi, which benefited the most, Zhu Zhengfeng also personally called Cao Yang.

"Mr. Cao, the situation in the domestic automobile market this year is quite interesting."

"The sales of several independent brands have actually begun to decline."

"Obviously, these car companies have launched some new models this year, but their sales have not increased, but have declined. This situation is worthy of our deep thought."

Zhu Zhengfeng can definitely stand and talk without back pain.

On the one hand, the performance of Nanshan Hongqi, which he attaches most importance to, is very impressive, and it is completely prosperous.

On the other hand, the sales of Spring City Volkswagen, the profit pillar of Spring City Motor, are also recovering rapidly.

It can be said that Spring City Automobile Group, China's first automobile company, is now beginning to live a relatively prosperous life.

The simultaneous development of joint ventures and independent development is relatively rare among major automobile groups.

It's no wonder that Zhu Zhengfeng called Cao Yang to communicate with Cao Yang about the sales changes in August.

Normally, both of them are busy people, and they would not call to communicate just because of last month's sales.

"As long as our sales of Nanshan Hongqi are still growing, then the decline in sales of other independent brands is not a bad thing."

“Perhaps even to a certain extent, we have seized other people’s market share.”

Naturally, Cao Yang would not be disappointed at this time, so he actively exchanged relevant views with Zhu Zhengfeng.

After China's automobile industry has continued to develop at a high speed for more than ten years, the situation has begun to become more and more complicated.

However, Nanshan Automobile Group has a large number of core technologies, and it is not afraid that this change will have any negative impact on itself.

Regardless of the increasing sales of Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi, in fact, the sales of Xingchen Motors, Jaguar Land Rover and Future Cars are also increasing.

It can be said that Nanshan Automobile Group is the biggest winner in China's automobile industry.

"This is true. Some consumers originally wanted to buy models from Great Wall, BYD and other car companies, but there are many bad reviews online about some models of these companies, especially products using their own engines. The reputation is not good. Descending step by step.”

"Even if these car companies are already adopting some plans, there is no way to completely change this situation."

"Unless they are like Nanshan Hongqi, all engines are purchased from Nanshan Engine."

Before that, Zhu Zhengfeng actually had some objections to the fact that all engines of Nanshan Hongqi were purchased from Nanshan Engine.

He also thought about discussing with Cao Yang when Nanshan Hongqi's sales exceeded 100 million to see if he could purchase part of the engine from Spring City Automobile Group.

This can also quickly promote the development of Spring City Automobile Group's independent engine technology.

However, after seeing that other independent brands frequently experienced various quality problems and even some recalls due to the use of engines developed by themselves, Zhu Zhengfeng's thoughts on this aspect slowly faded away.

It’s better to forget about thankless things and not do them anymore.

Otherwise, it would be a pity if the sales of Nanshan Hongqi will decline due to this problem and the relationship with Nanshan Automobile Group will become tense.

Anyway, Nanshan Automobile Group is also a Chinese company, so there is no problem in purchasing more parts from them. This can also save Spring City Automobile Group's R&D investment.

"This time's official vehicle reform should have some negative impact on Nanshan Hongqi's official vehicle market, right?"

I just heard Zeng Tingting say that the official car reform has contributed to the sales increase of Nanshan Volkswagen. Cao Yang naturally wanted to be concerned about whether it would affect the sales of Nanshan Hongqi.

After all, Nanshan Hongqi's official sales last year contributed almost 100,000 units.

This is not a small amount.

"When it comes to impressions, there must be some impressions."

"However, although the official vehicle reform system has been announced, not every place has implemented it."

"Besides, although official vehicles have been reformed, they do not abolish official vehicles. Various institutions still have some related needs."

"And a large part of our official vehicles are actually sold to central and state-owned enterprises. They are actually not affected by this official vehicle reform."

When Zhu Zhengfeng said this, Cao Yang felt relieved.

After all, he doesn't want to see Nanshan Hongqi's sales decline.

As an important part of Nanshan Automobile Group's layout in the automobile industry, Nanshan Hongqi will be responsible for hitting high target sales in the future.

"The quality of our Nanshan Hongqi products is no worse than that of joint venture car companies. While the price is still advantageous, it is worth advocating to vigorously promote central enterprises and state-owned enterprises to purchase our models."

"We can even further cooperate with these central enterprises to engage in group purchasing business, so that their employees will also actively purchase Nanshan Hongqi models."

"During this process, it would be better if some companies could be persuaded to link their car purchase subsidies or fuel subsidies to the models used."

"For example, if employees buy Nanshan Hongqi models, they can get more car purchase subsidies or transportation subsidies. I think it is worth pursuing."

Cao Yang knows that these things are definitely what Zhu Zhengfeng is good at, and they are also the most suitable place for Spring City Automobile Group to exert their special influence.

Everyone wants to buy a car anyway, so it’s up to anyone to buy a car. Why not buy a Nanshan Hongqi?

This can be considered a contribution to China.

After all, all parts of Nanshan Hongqi's cars are purchased domestically.

This product has a huge role in driving the industrial chain.

To put it bluntly, a car costing 10 yuan can drive an industrial chain with an output value of more than 30 yuan, or even 50 yuan.

Otherwise, how could the automobile industry become the pillar industry of China's economy?
"Boss Cao, you've got to say it, this matter can really be handled properly."

"At that time, we will provide some special discounts appropriately, such as three years of free maintenance, plus additional subsidies from these units, which may make a very large contribution to our sales."

After hearing what Cao Yang said, Zhu Zhengfeng immediately became interested.

If ordinary car companies want to do this, they can only work hard in a small circle.

For example, companies located in local cities and counties will sell you face.

If you leave this circle, it probably won’t work.

But Spring City Automobile Group is different. It is the first automobile company in China and has produced many important figures in the past decades.

The potential impact in all aspects is huge.

Besides, if various units subsidize their employees to buy Nanshan Hongqi cars, they don’t have to worry about being criticized.

So there is definitely something going on with this.

"This part of the market is actually very huge. As long as we can buy a part of it, it is estimated that it can contribute 20 to 300,000 units to Nanshan Hongqi's sales a year."

Cao Yang continued to stimulate Zhu Zhengfeng there.

If he doesn't make the cake bigger, Zhu Zhengfeng may not go all out.

After all, doing this would definitely require some favors. The boss, Zhu Zhengfeng, would have to go to various places in person to achieve greater results.

Otherwise, why would people sell your face?

Even behind this matter, some special benefits need to be exchanged with others.

Of course, Cao Yang didn't bother to care about these things.

Zhu Zhengfeng is a very experienced person and he can handle it himself.

Sure enough, Zhu Zhengfeng immediately said that he would go all out to do this in the next few months.

As long as it gets off to a good start, it will become a regular event every year.

For example, after Sinopec has a policy to support Nanshan Hongqi's preferential car purchases, it is definitely not a one-time thing.

If this continues every year, more and more companies will be affected.

By then, maybe half of Nanshan Hongqi's sales can be contributed through such special channels.

Like Spring City Automobile Group, Volkswagen is in a very good mood.

"Strauss, our sales have been recovering rapidly in the past few months. I think it is partly due to the improved relationship between us and Nanshan Automobile Group."

Vondel is now happily looking at the various data of Volkswagen China in the past few months.

Now they have got rid of the impact of the 3.15 report, and their sales continue to increase.

Although there are definitely various reasons for this, what he is most concerned about is improving the relationship with Nanshan Automobile Group.

In his opinion, this should be the most important.

"It must be related to this matter. There have been a lot less negative news about us on Autohome these days."

"Of course, our efforts in other aspects must have played a big role."

Strauss was relieved now.

Audi was originally the leader in China's luxury car market.

But now it is surpassed by Xingchen Motors and Jaguar Land Rover, and also surpassed by BMW.

Even Mercedes-Benz wants to surpass them in sales.

The pressure on Strauss must have been great.

Now that Audi's sales are recovering quickly, his pressure is naturally much less.

After all, trends are very interesting.

Once formed, it is often difficult to change in a short period of time.

In Strauss' view, there is no need to worry about Audi's sales in the next year.

Your performance will definitely be outstanding.

"The Chinese market is indeed the most special market in the world. No wonder the headquarters has not easily touched our management team here for so many years."

"If someone completely unfamiliar were to manage the market here, it would probably be a mess."

Vondel has no intention of returning to work at Volkswagen headquarters.

He just wants to work in China until he retires.

The status of a feudal official is definitely not comparable to that of a minister from the headquarters.

Even the position of vice president of Volkswagen is not as popular as the general manager of China Branch.

On this point, Vondel definitely has a say.

"Yes, if we don't deal with China's special situation, many things will not be solved in China."

"From this perspective, it is actually quite necessary for international automobile companies to enter the Chinese market and find a joint venture partner to cooperate with."

Strauss can be regarded as a foreigner who already knows China's national conditions very well.

He is even waiting to write a related book in the future.

"The headquarters side is now competing with General Motors and Toyota Motor for the world's number one position. The Chinese market is beginning to resume growth, and the contribution it can make in the future will be even greater."

"In the future, our status in the headquarters should also improve."

Vondel and Strauss looked happily to the future.

Unfortunately, not every company in the automotive industry can be as happy as Volkswagen.

The entire industry can be said to be in a state of ice and fire right now, with people being very happy and very uncomfortable.

For example, Chery Automobile, which was once the sales champion among independent brand car companies, is under great pressure this year.

"Mr. Yin, I think the company is developing too many models at the same time, which takes up too many R&D resources."

"And the differences between different models are not so obvious, and it becomes a situation where you compete with yourself."

As the head of Chery Automobile's R&D, Zhang Wuchao naturally wanted to express his opinions on R&D when discussing the current predicament at an internal meeting of the company.

Of course, at this time, there will inevitably be conflicts and arguments.

"I think the product planning issue is just a minor problem. The biggest trouble is that the quality of the engines we develop and produce ourselves is not as good as the Nanshan engine, which leads to relatively large complaints in the market."

"This has had a very bad impact and caused our reputation to drop a lot."

As the head of the sales department, Wang Ze must not admit that his sales ability is not good at this time.

The car is not easy to sell because either R&D has not developed the car well or procurement has not reduced the cost to a low enough level.

Anyway, it’s not the fault of sales that doesn’t know how to sell cars.

This can be regarded as something that every car company's sales insist on.

When it comes to talking heads, sales are definitely the most talkative.

Therefore, among various domestic automobile companies, the sales department really has the greatest say.

It feels like other departments have to take the blame.

(End of this chapter)

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